How To Do a Water Change on a Betta Fish Tank (Episode 6)
Betta 7 years ago 9,310 views
How to do a water change a betta fish tank. Water changes ideally need to be done once a week. Filters should be cleaned every 4-6 weeks depending on the stocking level of the fish. When cleaning the filter it should be done in aquarium water otherwise the bacteria that lives in the sponge will be killed off. If you don't have a filter in the tank 80-100% water changes should be done every 2-3 days. Want to support us? LIVE PLANTS use our coupon code to get 15% off aquarium plants when you order with H2oplants... use code LWP15 Tank dividers. Sponge filters Air Pump Kit Bridge Decorations Root Tabs Water Conditioner. Fluval Stratum Betta heater Betta Pellets Master Test Kit. Stability. Gravel Vacuum Thermometer Led light LETS CONNECT! Instagram ~ Facebook ~ website ~ Business inquiries only. *Disclaimer ~ This video is sponsored. All opinions are our own. The above links are Amazon Affiliate links. We'll receive a small commission if you use these links, thank you for supporting our channel. This video content is the property of Lifewithpets72 and may not be used or reproduced without written permission.
10. comment for How To Do a Water Change on a Betta Fish Tank (Episode 6)
20. comment for How To Do a Water Change on a Betta Fish Tank (Episode 6)
Also... Soothing voice!
I have a quick question:
I'm using live plants and the fluval stratum, but I also have a thin layer of gravel over the stratum. Should I be pushing the siphon down into the gravel slightly or just glide over the top?
30. comment for How To Do a Water Change on a Betta Fish Tank (Episode 6)
I think that's kinda the hardest thing about getting into a hobby like this is that you can read up all you want, but when it comes down to it, you can only truly learn the ins and outs by experiencing things yourself.
Just watched that part of the video lol thanks for answering a question i had for a while.
1. Put fish in bucket with airstone -- I only do this because my waterpiglets try to eat any gunk that emerges and I don't want them to get sick
2. Remove 50-90% of the water
3. Clean filter and décor, stir up sand (the sand I use doesn't cloud) to remove any anaerobic pockets
4. Fill tank back up enough to cover filter output
5. Run filter for 30sec to get out any gunk, siphon out said gunk
6. Dose tank with conditioners for 100%
7. Re-fill properly
8. Put fish back in
Done. Never had any problems. Once a week I sponge clean the inside of the glass. I do my changes every 2-3 days, because it's a 30gal with two goldfish. There's nothing wrong with taking out a lot of water. The bacteria isn't in the water column and if you have high ammonia it helps.
I also get pretty bad ammonia spikes. I've tried a lot and this is the only method that seems to keep it down to 0-0.25. Just really frequent large water changes.
50. comment for How To Do a Water Change on a Betta Fish Tank (Episode 6)