How To Introduce Your Betta Fish to Other Fish / Tank Mates

In this video I'm going to give you tips on how to get your betta to live with other fish.

How To Introduce Your Betta Fish to Other Fish / Tank Mates sentiment_very_dissatisfied 35

Betta 8 years ago 35,177 views

In this video I'm going to give you tips on how to get your betta to live with other fish.

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Most popular comments
for How To Introduce Your Betta Fish to Other Fish / Tank Mates

Urmita Muhuri
Urmita Muhuri - 7 years ago
do Betta and guppies and mollies get along????
Kolton D
Kolton D - 7 years ago
My betta is with a few neon tetras and a couple harlequin rasboras and he chases after a Lot, but they end up out swimming him and they love together fine
t0peka - 7 years ago
I have a Betta that isn't to aggressive and I'm thinking of getting a bigger tank and putting him in with 2-3 Platties. I'm planning on putting them in the new tank for a few days before introducing the Betta. Do u have any recommendations on what I should do with the process or if Platties are even ok with Bettas (about 80% of the websites I was on said it was ok). Thankyou.
Vortex - 7 years ago
I'm planning to buy a 20 gallon tank.
Is it ok to put these fish in the tank?
4 Neon Tetra
1 Betta Fish
3 Ghost Shrimps
2 Zebra Snails
4 Rasboras
3 Cory Catfish
Nikos Ozmorio
Nikos Ozmorio - 7 years ago
With that many fish in a small space you would need a good filter. Get the aquaclear 50g one.
Also I would lower your number of fish.
Kolton D
Kolton D - 7 years ago
That should be absolutely fine.
Eric Morales
Eric Morales - 7 years ago
Vortex That seems like to much
Nikkita Maxwell
Nikkita Maxwell - 7 years ago
Soooo. I bought a betta. I have a community tank with 3 guppies, 6 neons and a gourami and a molly. Now the betta isnt the problem he is SUPER CHILL i put him in and he did not care. The gourami tho is being aggresive towards the betta. and the bettas not fighting back hes just scared.
I'm Watching You
I'm Watching You - 7 years ago
U can't have 2 Berta males together they would try to kill each other that's how they would behave naturally in the wild don't try this is not fair for the fish
Salvo Smith
Salvo Smith - 7 years ago
My female betta lives with female guppies , with a female Molly balloon , with harlequin rasbora , she is so calm and not aggressive .
spriken - 7 years ago
I do disagree a bit about ruling out tank mates.... I have mine in with three platys(10 galtank). At first he did flare at them a bit. They learned to stay out of his favorite spot and around the rest of the tank they are quite happy to swim and eat together. ..
JR - 7 years ago
My betta fish he too shy like I have some semi aggressive fish but he wont pick up a fight with none of them and he sometimes will swim with other fish like my tetras and hide

10. comment for How To Introduce Your Betta Fish to Other Fish / Tank Mates

mattRlive | Fish & Aquariums
mattRlive | Fish & Aquariums - 7 years ago
NOTE: for people that tell me how I say "Other" Will be blocked I was born with an overbite so some words are hard to say.
I have some people being rude about it and just to let you know this is a Family Channel so no Bad words allowed on here or it will be removed.
MisterMeanLose - 7 years ago
mattRlive | Fish & Aquariums fuck.. what utter fish can be kept with bettas
charlee charlee
charlee charlee - 7 years ago
A Skeptical Charmander
A Skeptical Charmander - 7 years ago
I was born with an overbite too and I speak normally. Just saying.
Scott Cash
Scott Cash - 7 years ago
Thanks for the informative video!
Miriam Ortega
Miriam Ortega - 7 years ago
i put some aquqtick crabs and they killed my blue betta
mattRlive | Fish & Aquariums
mattRlive | Fish & Aquariums - 7 years ago
I hope you're trolling.
K - 7 years ago
how is that shrimp still alive
mattRlive | Fish & Aquariums
mattRlive | Fish & Aquariums - 7 years ago
they are still alive and they ha babies
Katie Lara
Katie Lara - 7 years ago
I want to get four cory fish and one snail for my betta tank he next to my goldfish but doesn't flare up when he see the goldfish their in separated tanks
K is For Kenny
K is For Kenny - 7 years ago
Neon tetras should never go into a tank with a beta
JR - 7 years ago
They do fine it depents on a betta you get each betta is different some are more chill than others but never put 2 betta in the same tank they are ok even with mollies snails knife ghost and rainbow sharks guppies and tetras I had mine for about 3 months and no aggression just provide losts of plants and hiding spaces
Liam G
Liam G - 7 years ago
Kens Aquatic tanks why ?
Rimaz - 7 years ago
I have below fish in a community tank:
1 Male Betta
1 Albino Tetra
3 pairs of Neon Tetras
4 pairs of zebras

recently Zebras start dying. 2 have already died in 2 weeks. One found dead close to the intake of the filter with tails and fins bitten. Other one found close to the filter but only part of the body was found. and I kept it for couple of hours to see what happens and that was vanished.

So my question is, Does any of the fish in my tank are killing them and eating or are they dying due to some disease and eaten by all of them when they are dead?

also some other zebras in the tank with small parts of it's tails are bitten. (earlier I had two tiny gold fish with these and I removed them thinking they are the ones after the zebras. But even after removing one zebra dead. Please help me.
Dat 1 Giraffe
Dat 1 Giraffe - 7 years ago
If your Betta has big fins they may be annoyed by the zebras nipping at there fins
JR - 7 years ago
Rimaz Ahamed Abdul Azeez problably ich is a disease fish get if one of your fish has ich is going to contaminate all your other fish check your fish if they have white spots on them buy medication and do a 70 percent water change
Regal Royal
Regal Royal - 7 years ago
Rimaz Ahamed Abdul Azeez I think zebras are brackish water fish
J F - 7 years ago
Don't be fooled people, a 'Betta' fish is no Beta male, it is totally Alpha.
J F - 7 years ago
Lol! So when you introduce your pet fish to people you say, 'This is my betta, Alpha.' or something along those lines...
Finny Bean
Finny Bean - 7 years ago
LOL my betta fish is named Alpha.
Alida A FishAddict
Alida A FishAddict - 7 years ago
you can divide the 10 or 20 gallon,,,,,if you know what you are doing...
dexter - 7 years ago
I had a beeta and two neon tetra and soon I found my betta fin are little tearing up could it be neon nip em?
Katie Lara
Katie Lara - 7 years ago
dexter i read that neon terta can nip at betta i would go with the cory fish their bottom feeder i was going get the neon terta then i read about that
dexter - 7 years ago
Amber McPherson I got real plants only in tank and I removed the neons few days ago and nd feeding him live worms nd pellets hope his fins grow back.
Amber McPherson
Amber McPherson - 7 years ago
dexter that could mean multiple things. It could be the decorations that you're using having a sharp edge somewhere on them and your betta is running into them.

It could also be the plants. If you use real plants in your tank this doesn't apply, but if you are using plastic plants they can sometimes create tears along a betta's fin. If you are using plastic plants I would recommend switching to silk plants if you don't want live ones.

It also may very well be the neon tetras. In that case, one way to possibly help could be adding more hiding places in your tank for the betta fish to get away from them as they are fast swimmers. Other than that, you may just have to move the neon tetras or the betta to a different tank.

I hope this helped a bit. I hope you figure out what the cause is!
Emilio Rendon
Emilio Rendon - 7 years ago
What if I add the betta before the others
thepurespartanify - 7 years ago
Emilio Rendon then they won't be as receptive generally since they feel it's their territory

20. comment for How To Introduce Your Betta Fish to Other Fish / Tank Mates

Patricia Hamilton
Patricia Hamilton - 7 years ago
I have a male and female betta' I rescued in a ten gallon planted tank but they can see each other thru the plants and black plastic mesh divider I bought for it.I do have a couple of tetra's that I could put in there instead but I'd rather put them in my sorority tank with her along with 5 other females I bought(they're being shipped). I'll have to get a better divider before I put another male in the ten.
Erwin Shu
Erwin Shu - 7 years ago
When their fin show not opened well it,s mean they re neutral, but dun put betta fish with full open tail cause it,s mean teritorial fish
iggy the iguana
iggy the iguana - 7 years ago
okay question... will all of these fish be good with paradise fish?
Tye Mann
Tye Mann - 7 years ago
I have a gallon tank for my elephant ear Betta and I wanted to see if I can put a heater in there I don't know if it's to small for a heater I don't know
Victoria Gauthier
Victoria Gauthier - 7 years ago
1 gallon is too small even for your betta. I know they sell those tiny tanks as betta tanks, but they are really too small. The betta alone should have at least 3 gallon tank. If you want to heat the tank then you need a 5 gallon tank.
Danny Gunzuluz
Danny Gunzuluz - 7 years ago
It's not so much aggression that's displayed when he puffs up his face, it could also mean he's happy too. Most of the time, he's just showing dominance, especially if it's his territory. But you can still add the fish, even if he flares, just be ready to take them out, if he actually attacks. My betta flared at my pleco whenever they encountered, they lived a long time together just fine.
TheDarkWarLord 206
TheDarkWarLord 206 - 7 years ago
I'm about to get five Molly's in a 10 gallon tank and the tank is tall is it okay if I can put Molly's in there?
Saranya Siegel-Berger
Saranya Siegel-Berger - 7 years ago
I have an agressive betta fish (male) I found out by putting a mirror to his face, can I still try adding neon tetras?
Sheena Bailey
Sheena Bailey - 7 years ago
Saranya Siegel-Berger yeah they don’t normally go after fish of other species. Also no fancy tail guppies. There are other videos that give info on great tank mates for bettas
Maria Sanchez
Maria Sanchez - 7 years ago
Saranya Siegel-Berger i think he is showing agressiveness cus hes seen a male betta in the mirror
SneakyTree - 7 years ago
I have a betta in a 2 gall tank shaped like a hexagon, but it is not very wide, it is more tall. Is that okay.
MintChocolate - 7 years ago
I read above and good decision getting a 5-gallon instead. A word about hexagon tanks, I had a hexagon tank for my betta and it created one major problem. The light would cast a reflection on all sides of the tank somehow and it stressed my betta out to the point where I could hardly ever leave his tank light on. I really don't recommend a hexagon tank because basically it's like putting your Betta in a funhouse mirror when the light hits all sides the right way. It drives them crazy
aaron123456 - 7 years ago
YES they can mine can jump about 2" out of the water
SneakyTree - 7 years ago
youtube god Thank you, im ordering one now. Quick question, cant they jump out of the tank?
im bored
im bored - 7 years ago
you pripably need a bigger tank i would recommend at least five gallons
Jaguar Gamer
Jaguar Gamer - 7 years ago
I have to together
im bored
im bored - 7 years ago
Jaguar Gamer what genders because you should not have 2 together if

male + male

male + female (unless breeding)

female + female (unless neither are very aggressive)
xEndiePearlx - 7 years ago
My betta keeps attacking the nerite snail I put in there
xEndiePearlx - 7 years ago
olaPRASINAgiatre the betta lived in the tank for 3 months and then I put in the zebra
olaPRASINAgiatre - 7 years ago
xEndiePearlx which one you put first?
xEndiePearlx - 7 years ago
My Vuong yea I recently out a zebra Danio fish in there and their fine
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
xEndiePearlx that mean your betta fish don't like the snail not every betta could live with snail you know?

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