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The "How To Introduce Your Betta Fish to Other Fish / Tank Mates" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
Is it ok to put these fish in the tank?
4 Neon Tetra
1 Betta Fish
3 Ghost Shrimps
2 Zebra Snails
4 Rasboras
3 Cory Catfish
Also I would lower your number of fish.
10. comment for How To Introduce Your Betta Fish to Other Fish / Tank Mates
I have some people being rude about it and just to let you know this is a Family Channel so no Bad words allowed on here or it will be removed.
1 Male Betta
1 Albino Tetra
3 pairs of Neon Tetras
4 pairs of zebras
recently Zebras start dying. 2 have already died in 2 weeks. One found dead close to the intake of the filter with tails and fins bitten. Other one found close to the filter but only part of the body was found. and I kept it for couple of hours to see what happens and that was vanished.
So my question is, Does any of the fish in my tank are killing them and eating or are they dying due to some disease and eaten by all of them when they are dead?
also some other zebras in the tank with small parts of it's tails are bitten. (earlier I had two tiny gold fish with these and I removed them thinking they are the ones after the zebras. But even after removing one zebra dead. Please help me.
It could also be the plants. If you use real plants in your tank this doesn't apply, but if you are using plastic plants they can sometimes create tears along a betta's fin. If you are using plastic plants I would recommend switching to silk plants if you don't want live ones.
It also may very well be the neon tetras. In that case, one way to possibly help could be adding more hiding places in your tank for the betta fish to get away from them as they are fast swimmers. Other than that, you may just have to move the neon tetras or the betta to a different tank.
I hope this helped a bit. I hope you figure out what the cause is!
20. comment for How To Introduce Your Betta Fish to Other Fish / Tank Mates
male + male
male + female (unless breeding)
female + female (unless neither are very aggressive)