How To Pick A Betta Fish

Hey guys! This is a simple video on how to pick a betta fish. Please request a video down below ;)

How To Pick A Betta Fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 25

Betta 11 years ago 30,037 views

Hey guys! This is a simple video on how to pick a betta fish. Please request a video down below ;)

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Most popular comments
for How To Pick A Betta Fish

Betta Keeper
Betta Keeper - 7 years ago
Thanks both my male and female betas are healthy
TotallyMilla - 7 years ago
The end though
TrickyTheTurtle - 7 years ago
That end picture of the male ;-; scared me
Dragon Killer
Dragon Killer - 7 years ago
Instead of picking the good bettas and leaving the bad ones to die. Get the bad ones and try to recover them.
Hannah Williams
Hannah Williams - 7 years ago
spritsprite 14
spritsprite 14 - 7 years ago
Hey that's why we got our betta fish to help him with his slight fin rot and white spots on his face he's almost cured :-)
Lucy Lydia
Lucy Lydia - 7 years ago
No the betta picks you as it's owner. Beautiful doesn't matter. It's the act
Elena De Avalor 123
Elena De Avalor 123 - 7 years ago
the background music is my favorite song...
Just Joseph
Just Joseph - 7 years ago
Dark black??

10. comment for How To Pick A Betta Fish

Nick B
Nick B - 7 years ago
Keep in mind there are males that are short finned aswell just like the females. And make sure to be able to identify what is fin rot and what is fin growth. What was circled may not have been fin rot but fin growth but on the tail there definitely was fin rot
Talia's Animal Care
Talia's Animal Care - 7 years ago
I'm getting a betta fish soon... but if I find a sick one I can't leave it there.
Bethanie The Jammer
Bethanie The Jammer - 7 years ago
So if the betta is sick you leave it at the pet store? Hmm. I would think take the sick betta home and nurse it back to health.
spritsprite 14
spritsprite 14 - 7 years ago
Don't leave them to die(0 )<
spritsprite 14
spritsprite 14 - 7 years ago
Bethanie The Jammer
Bethanie The Jammer - 7 years ago
Talia Kitty xoxo aww that's sweet :3
Talia's Animal Care
Talia's Animal Care - 7 years ago
I SAW TWO SICK BETTAS ST THE PET STOES AND STARTED CRYING! I wanted to take them home and give it 2.5 will gallon tank with everything they need :(
Cat Valentine
Cat Valentine - 7 years ago
My betta has white tips of it's fun but I don't think it's fun rot because I've had him for a year now and they were there before hand it's just is pigment I'm sure
JellyMangos 4 Life
JellyMangos 4 Life - 7 years ago
So um I have a crowntail Betta named Spex
His body is a shiny white color, and it changes color according to the angle of light

But his fins have like a shiny white tip, is that just his coloring or what?
Jay H
Jay H - 7 years ago
JellyMangos 4 Life I think it's his color
Ernesto Estrada
Ernesto Estrada - 7 years ago
JellyMangos 4 Life I would have names him illusion
Nameru Upadhyay
Nameru Upadhyay - 7 years ago
nice song nice video mind bllowing
rainbow teeny dinos
rainbow teeny dinos - 7 years ago
I'll pick a sick one and take it to a vet and btw the end was creepy
Kitty Goddess
Kitty Goddess - 7 years ago
Love the song
CrazyHamsterLady - 7 years ago
I love bettas
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
females can have long fins

20. comment for How To Pick A Betta Fish

Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
females can have long fin
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
Thanks for showing this vid and I'm worried that my betta fin look like the one you said it shouldn't look like this
Reynad Mustafa
Reynad Mustafa - 7 years ago
Cows go moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Kambrey Pierce
Kambrey Pierce - 7 years ago
yes yes they dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
What's up guys? Scarce here! Roleplay
What's up guys? Scarce here! Roleplay - 7 years ago
OMG that pink betta in the thumbnail what is it called? I WANT IT IM OBSESSED
Roxidomus - 7 years ago
xEndiePearlx Roleplay I have a betta like that looks exactly like it
Alex DiedAgain
Alex DiedAgain - 7 years ago
i've kept a male betta woth another male betta. it is okay! aslong as both of them are not aggresive.
Alex DiedAgain
Alex DiedAgain - 7 years ago
can you remake or make another video like this explaining your opion. Iv'e had blind and unhealthy betas before and they did pretty well
TheAussies BeforeTime
TheAussies BeforeTime - 7 years ago
I have like the same BETTA at 0:27
donna H
donna H - 8 years ago
It is pronounced with a short e.... Betta.... So many people make this mistake
Just Joseph
Just Joseph - 7 years ago
donna H stfu
Tango Jett
Tango Jett - 8 years ago
Although this is a nice video, I'd like to say that you could've possibly credited the people who made the backgound song (the song is counting stars). (sry for sounding harsh)
Cute GPigs
Cute GPigs - 8 years ago
At pet o when I was getting my first betta there was a small on with the worst fin rot, it was so sad.

30. comment for How To Pick A Betta Fish

Oogieboogie Soap's
Oogieboogie Soap's - 8 years ago
I think my dish has a disease
Oogieboogie Soap's
Oogieboogie Soap's - 8 years ago
Lexi O .... But it lays down a lot it has fin rot and no cloudy eye it's a male and no white spots and I don't know the rest
Lexi O
Lexi O - 8 years ago
Hi, that sucks that your betta might have a disease. Does he/she seem fatter/bloated? Does he/she lay down often? Does he/she have swollen or cloudy eyes? Does he/she seem to have ripped fins and/or holes in their fins? Does he/she have white spots or white fuzzy patches? Also how old is he/she? Sorry, it's a lot of questions, but I hope I can help!
Oogieboogie Soap's
Oogieboogie Soap's - 8 years ago
Lauren Clayton
Lauren Clayton - 8 years ago
Thank you so much! I'm planning on getting a Betta fish very soon and I always like to research before I choose, this is really helpful and pretty much summed up what I should look out for! Keep up the great work, the ending cracked me up.
Monica - 8 years ago
Wow subed!
Cuddly Kitten
Cuddly Kitten - 8 years ago
I picked a betta that had a catarac in his eye because when the keeper put him in the bowl and scraped his eye on the side I named him max after one of my favorite caricter com a book and he lost his eye to. Lol : ) ;) \:)
maddi X
maddi X - 8 years ago
Great video, I plan on getting a betta fish soon. The end made me laugh
Mammal Channel
Mammal Channel - 8 years ago
I looked away from my tablet for a second then I hear that and look and aw I jumed
SimplyAbbey - 8 years ago
My male double tail had a tumor when we got him but it was only the size of a scale, so we didn't know it was a tumor, and the pet store told us that it was all fine, 2 years later he has a cancerous tumor taking up almost all of his body POOP YOU PETCO
Lauren Clayton
Lauren Clayton - 8 years ago
Aww, sorry to here is he still with you?
Paula Mendoza
Paula Mendoza - 8 years ago
im confused
Akame - 8 years ago
Seems like relevant information except with male Bettas you actually can keep them together it just depends on the tank size because the males attack each other over territories and if your keeping them in a small tank they are bound to kill eachother
Laio Kenny
Laio Kenny - 8 years ago
25 seconds - 27 seconds: Dark blue or dark black
dark black?
•Sherlin •
•Sherlin • - 8 years ago
i loved the end "im watching you"
Ferocis - 8 years ago
I just got my beta. He has like a triangle bottom fin/ beard thingy... And it looks like he has fin rot and he's always upset O.O IM SO SORRY FISHY!
Lauren Clayton
Lauren Clayton - 8 years ago
Oh no! I hope he's okay
Blue Fox Gamez
Blue Fox Gamez - 9 years ago
what if ur betta is a crown tale,how could u tell if it has fin rot when they have spiky looking fins
Blue Fox Gamez
Blue Fox Gamez - 9 years ago
thank u
That One Equestrian
That One Equestrian - 9 years ago
with crown tails you can tell because once you think about it, a crowntail lookes smooth and seems like it has spikes. Fin rot makes a bettas tail look jagged and seem like something was ripping out pieces of their tail.
SkylR - 9 years ago
LOL! when it send i'm watching you i jumped out of my skin! XD
allisonprince1999 - 9 years ago
XD "I'm watching you" XD I cracked up laughing
Cloudclaws AJ
Cloudclaws AJ - 9 years ago
But that ending though.


nearly gave me  heart attack
Barry P
Barry P - 7 years ago
I was enjoying the music and dat ending almost thew me off my chair
rainbow teeny dinos
rainbow teeny dinos - 7 years ago
Cloudclaws AJ ikr
Cloudclaws AJ
Cloudclaws AJ - 9 years ago
My betta fish has cloudy  eyes but he is perfectly healthy. I noticed this with other black bettas as well, their eyes are more cloudier than usual but not puffy.
Miss Annabell
Miss Annabell - 10 years ago
i think it was fine with out the voice if not its better
Jason Ritchey
Jason Ritchey - 10 years ago
wow I mean WOW shouldn't bettas be in 2.5 gallon tanks


Rhys Young
Rhys Young - 10 years ago
LOL at the end I'm watching you

50. comment for How To Pick A Betta Fish

Lily Harrington
Lily Harrington - 10 years ago
the im watching you freaked me out lol
jellybeanguitarist - 10 years ago
OMG the end killed me XDDD so funny XD
I'm getting a lil guy tommorow , so excited X3
fishcareforfish - 11 years ago
Yes, you can get medication for it a PetSmart! :) Also you could try aquarium salt, it might help!
pets101pets - 11 years ago
Cute video! helpful and will help many people!
BettaFishBoy - 11 years ago
great vid!
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
Really good vid, it should be males can not be kept with other bettas
Pink Daisy
Pink Daisy - 11 years ago
i picked my bettas because of fin rot to help them get back to heath but yea grate video :)
galaxy star
galaxy star - 8 years ago
Give them aquarium salt and give them atleast a 1 gallon so they can reach food better.

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