How To Set Up A 5 Gallon Aquarium For A Betta

A step by step process on how to set up a great 5 gallon aquarium for a Betta fish. This video in particular shows the best way to use an Aqueon 5 gallon Bow front aquarium for a Betta. Simple and easy, anyone can make a beautiful Betta home. Featured in this video is Psych, a Halfmoon male Betta. More videos of him in his home are to come. The Nitrogen Cycle: OUR LINKS!

How To Set Up A 5 Gallon Aquarium For A Betta sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11

Betta 12 years ago 21,289 views

A step by step process on how to set up a great 5 gallon aquarium for a Betta fish. This video in particular shows the best way to use an Aqueon 5 gallon Bow front aquarium for a Betta. Simple and easy, anyone can make a beautiful Betta home. Featured in this video is Psych, a Halfmoon male Betta. More videos of him in his home are to come. The Nitrogen Cycle: OUR LINKS!

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Most popular comments
for How To Set Up A 5 Gallon Aquarium For A Betta

J Garcia
J Garcia - 7 years ago
I save my betta fish from a pet store. The water of the cup he was in was yellow. Very nasty he is being treated for fin rot. And now he is enjoy life in my 5 gallon tank! I dont know why but ever since i got him he dosent flare.
Cranium Rex
Cranium Rex - 8 years ago
Thanks for a great video - nice to see a 5 gallon recommendation. Psych is beautiful!

I wonder, though -- Where is the heater?? Did I miss that part? Even if the room temperature is in the 70's the water temperature is probably too cold for a betta. Betta's prefer 76 - 80F and while the temperature shouldn't fluctuate as much in a tank this large, a heater would provide a more stable and better temperature range for them to really flourish.
disabled memes
disabled memes - 8 years ago
You forgot the most crucial step!!! To cycle the tank to grow beneficial bacteria to break down fish waste and ammonia if no bacteria is present your fish will die of ammonia burns
ThatRandomEv - 8 years ago
Ear is here I didn't cycle my betta's tank and he never got any ammonia burns... betta's don't really produce much waste so you don't really need to as long as you do 50 percent water changes weekly and have a filter. Once it's established though you can do a 25% weekly or a 50% every other week. Again, this is only if you have a filter though. If you don't have a filter you will need to do 50-100% weekly which will stress out the betta so it's better to just get a filter.
STPFT - 8 years ago
after using the chemicals once what do I do then
L W - 8 years ago
is there anyway to get me a link to find that arched Roman building I've looked everywhere for that exact one ???
L W - 8 years ago
thanks a lot
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
Petmart online has it
maurice tejada
maurice tejada - 8 years ago
the only difference with mine is that the top is different and is white
maurice tejada
maurice tejada - 8 years ago
i got the same aquarium and i used black sand and 2 silk plants plus a hiding spot
E Reynolds
E Reynolds - 8 years ago
Hello! If you don't want to spend that much money on a 5 gal or smaller tank, most Walmarts sell 10 gal tanks for 14$ or 15$ (US) Not including the lid. If you have more than 1 betta you can put a divider in to house two males. So there's a cheaper alternative for bigger space! Hope it helps anyone who has a budget. :)
Compos The Whippet
Compos The Whippet - 7 years ago
Sanjuana - 8 years ago
E Reynolds I have considered that but you need a lid for a betta fish tank otherwise it will try to jump out. The lid for that specific tank is about $20 which makes it more expensive.
Addicting Axolotls
Addicting Axolotls - 8 years ago
For every gallon your tank is you should a pound of gravel

10. comment for How To Set Up A 5 Gallon Aquarium For A Betta

savannah rose handel
savannah rose handel - 9 years ago
Hoi! Thanks for the video! I have a question though. I'm learning about bettas before I get one and people on aquarium forums make a very big importance of nitrogen cycles. Like I've heard people let their tanks cycle for months. You only had yours cycle for a day. Was it the quick start? How about the tetra safe start? I hear people talk about that too. Will the nitrogen cycle establish itself while your fish lives in the tank? Thanks!
Evan Asshole
Evan Asshole - 9 years ago
my fish will drown?
Natalee Larson
Natalee Larson - 9 years ago
Betta fish breathe from the surface. They can stay submerged completely for a while, but when the oxygen in the water is used up they die; more specifically drown. An airstone would fix this, but the current would be to strong for a betta.
0065pop AJ
0065pop AJ - 10 years ago
I have the same tank!!! It's five gallons and I did exactly what you did. I have 1 silk plant and one that's not sharp at all its attached to a rock. Is that fine? Please tell me if I'm fine!?! I'm getting my betta fish on Sunday so I have some time
Cheryl Dahl
Cheryl Dahl - 9 years ago
+0065pop AJ If you can get real plants they are best.... but you would need to research some that stay fairly small. They help the little ecosystem in an aquarium. But silk plants are maintenance free :)
0065pop AJ
0065pop AJ - 10 years ago
OK I'm having a garage sale on Saturday to get money for my betta fish. I'll be sure to get more silk plants
CheemoBettas - 10 years ago
Bettas love having lots of plants to hide and explore in. When you get the chance look for more silk plants, you should be able to fit 4 or more in there along with a nice decoration. 
3Revs - 11 years ago
Hi, do you have a video on how to do the nitrogen cycle with fish on it. I understand the whole principle 1.ammonia 2.nitrite 3.nitrate, the only thing i dont understand is if i need to do small water changes during the process because some people say dont do anything at all. Another question is if i just have my betta in the tank the whole 4-6 weeks the nitrogen cycle will take, with normal feeding and stuff. This video is one of my favorites, i subscribed  because it explains really well on how to set up the tank. I am buying my tank this Sunday and i dont know if i should but the betta right away with the api declorenator and the bacteria bottle thing, or if i should wait 24 h for my filter to get used to the tank, then put my betta in. Thank you
3Revs - 10 years ago
+CheemoBettas Awesome, thank you ill check them out
P.S no prob for the late response
CheemoBettas - 10 years ago
Thank you for subscribing, I'm sorry we are getting back to you so late! We have a video for how to test water parameters but currently not for how the nitrogen cycle works- it's on our list of informational videos to make however our camera we use to film is broken so we are looking into buying a better camera.

In the meantime I've added two links into the description about the nitrogen cycle and how it works. Once is a diagram and the other is information. I've got another link to another site somewhere on my computer, however I'm not able to find it at the moment. These two however should help clarify things for you!

Good luck!
CheemoBettas - 11 years ago
Yes, the longer you allow your aquarium to sit and cycle the healthier it will be for your fish However, if you're unable to accommodate your Betta in a 1 gallon heated tank during a week of waiting time it's more than okay to add your Betta the next day.
Quorstra Qq
Quorstra Qq - 11 years ago
You should really let the aquarium sit 5-7 days even with the quick start. But good video otherwise!
CheemoBettas - 11 years ago
No, neither do silk plants or electric heaters or electric filtration systems. However, this video is not about a natural tank, it's about the basic way to set up a Betta safe aquarium. It's quite simple to create a naturally planted tank, just replace the fake plants with 100% aquatic plants that are soft so your Betta will not get caught in them and replace the fake decor with some cleaned driftwood. You will still need a filtration system for beneficial bacteria to grow as well as a heater.
Miroslav Arsović
Miroslav Arsović - 11 years ago
Ceramic decorations,does that exist in nature?!
Noodles37UK - 11 years ago
But there aren't any elevators in a fishtank!
CheemoBettas - 11 years ago
Yes, we recommend that 2.5 gallons be the absolute minimum for a Betta, however you would want to use a different type of filter, something smaller like the Tetra Whisper In Tank Filter, which is for small tanks like that and doesn't take up much space and is not too windy for a Betta. If you don't want to replace the filter wrap a piece of undyed cheesecloth around the intake. We are working on a video to help show how to set up the BettaBow.

20. comment for How To Set Up A 5 Gallon Aquarium For A Betta

CheemoBettas - 11 years ago
Sorry for the late reply, in the coming month we are going to try to upload a video on how to use a gravel vacuum and how to use it with sand as well.
CheemoBettas - 11 years ago
You're welcome! We are planning on making more videos like this in the future, especially for the 2.5 gallon BettaBow since that is a highly controversial tank. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Bettas and Betta care you should check out our Facebook page, the link is in the description. :)
M.ROY - 11 years ago
Thank you so much for the video! It was extremely informative and it really helped in clearing up some things. :D
CheemoBettas - 11 years ago
Just be careful when purchasing any live or silk plants (&decor) that they are not sharp. Live plants like Hornwort and Christmas Moss aren't great because they can tear large finned Bettas up, or the fish can even get caught in them and die. Also remember to quarantine any live plants before adding them to an established tank as they may carry parasites. Keep them separate in untreated tap water for 1 week before adding them to any tank. This will kill off any diseases or snails hiding on them.
CheemoBettas - 11 years ago
Bettas love live plants. Our favorite plants to get for tanks are moss balls, anubias, anacharis and dwarf hairgrass. Sword type plants look great but become massive and require larger tanks. Anacharis is great because it can be planted or left to float, however it also grows rather fast but can be trimmed down easily. Silk plants are great too, Bettas are carnivores & don't try to eat decor or plants. They are curious and may nip at them but would never eat them.
natalieoca - 11 years ago
What kind of aquatic plants would be good for a 5gal betta tank (if bettas can have real plants at all) I'm just worried they might want to eat the silk plants... will they?
Christian Vargas
Christian Vargas - 11 years ago
dannystone98 - 11 years ago
Can I use a the 2.5 gallon mini bow?
Gotta Love Cichlids
Gotta Love Cichlids - 11 years ago
what if you want to add sand instead of gravel? how do you clean it?
curly mamacita
curly mamacita - 11 years ago
nevermind that quick start stuff is 20 or 25 bucks !lol

30. comment for How To Set Up A 5 Gallon Aquarium For A Betta

curly mamacita
curly mamacita - 11 years ago
so you don't have to cycle the tank ?
litelboyblu - 11 years ago
awesome info!
Grace Wolf
Grace Wolf - 12 years ago
So wait...using those two conditioners will allow you to skip cycling the tank for at least two weeks? all the research ive been doing says you have to cycle?
CheemoBettas - 12 years ago
Thank you :) Psych will have been with us for 2 years on Valentines day.
iJessie - 12 years ago
He's so pretty!
CheemoBettas - 12 years ago
Thank you! We tried to fit enough information into it without overwhelming people. We plan on making more videos later on for other sized tanks for Bettas as well and the best way to prep them. :)
Boywithafishtank - 12 years ago
Nice vid! Contains a lot of information and nice pictures! Got a betta too, and i'm probably soon gonna be moving him into a bigger tank :) Subbed! If you like, please check out my channel

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