How To Set Up A 5 Gallon Aquarium For A Betta
Betta 12 years ago 21,289 views
A step by step process on how to set up a great 5 gallon aquarium for a Betta fish. This video in particular shows the best way to use an Aqueon 5 gallon Bow front aquarium for a Betta. Simple and easy, anyone can make a beautiful Betta home. Featured in this video is Psych, a Halfmoon male Betta. More videos of him in his home are to come. The Nitrogen Cycle: OUR LINKS!
I wonder, though -- Where is the heater?? Did I miss that part? Even if the room temperature is in the 70's the water temperature is probably too cold for a betta. Betta's prefer 76 - 80F and while the temperature shouldn't fluctuate as much in a tank this large, a heater would provide a more stable and better temperature range for them to really flourish.
10. comment for How To Set Up A 5 Gallon Aquarium For A Betta
my fish will drown?
P.S no prob for the late response
In the meantime I've added two links into the description about the nitrogen cycle and how it works. Once is a diagram and the other is information. I've got another link to another site somewhere on my computer, however I'm not able to find it at the moment. These two however should help clarify things for you!
Good luck!
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