How To Set Up A Fish Tank (Aqueon bettabow 2.5)
Betta 10 years ago 135,379 views
In this video I show you the basics of setting up a fish tank. Here I used the Aqueon bettabow 2.5. Dont forget to cycle your tank :) Hello and welcome to PlayfulPiggies. You have come to the right place for everything Pet. I have guinea pigs, fish, and cats. I do mostly guinea pig videos but I still do a lot of fish and cat videos. There will be a video at least every week. Thank You for watching this video. I love comments and I read every one of them. If you like my channel, please subscribe. If you like this video please like it, and don’t forget to comment. My channel: My Instagram: Thank you to everyone.
But I got to say I really do like your tank is it made of glass or plastic?
right now I have a plastic tank it's a nano tank and it's got an LED light it's actually very comfortable my fish seems to really enjoy it I've tried using glass tanks in the past when I had Turtles but just the slightest hit and the tank breaks very easily so it is difficult to really scrub out the tank by hand just the slightest hittin the stank shatters this is why I switched to a nano tank because I like taking out the plastic part and really cleaning everything and then adding 10% of the old water and 90% new water with water conditioner this really seems to keep my fish from having any problems. Because his tank is so small but it's a lot larger than the cup he was living in I find that changing the water every 2 days really helps and he seems much happier living in Taiwan there's a lot of high humidity so the water temperatures always suitable for him but next month I'm hoping to get a thermometer and heater that I can attach yeah.
10. comment for How To Set Up A Fish Tank (Aqueon bettabow 2.5)
20. comment for How To Set Up A Fish Tank (Aqueon bettabow 2.5)
An average of 10 people die every year form pink gravel poisoning.
30. comment for How To Set Up A Fish Tank (Aqueon bettabow 2.5)
The sizing is okay, it's just that after a few years of this tank, I've come to a conclusion that the filter cartridges and quality isn't very good. The current is also a tad bit strong, I remember my betta struggling to swim with it.
Just a heads-up, I know you moved to a different tank!
50. comment for How To Set Up A Fish Tank (Aqueon bettabow 2.5)
DO NOT wait until it gets big enough to upgrade. That causes growth stunting, which makes a very painful death for the poor thing.
my rule is this-
fancy goldfish, or any of the round, slow moving goldfish
other goldfish. In a 60gal, I would only stick with one
trust me, my friend has one that's about 1 foot 4 inches long and and about 6+ inches tall
bettabow:136 euros mini bow : 30euros (+heater40) why would you do this??
can someone please tell me ?
betta fish!
But THANKYOU to do the correct things, and THANKYOU giving him a 2.5, but one thing next time do not fit the water from the cup into the tank there could be a disease
Featuring , "Ornge" the Crowntail Betta
Performing to "The Witch of Ontario"
A. They only want a fish only tank or
B. They just don't want to care for plants.
It can mean that they are healthy. Healthy betta=happy betta. Another way that you can tell is if your betta is active and interacting with you.
Long story short, I think it's 1) not just an American thing, but more a--do I have money and time thing and 2) a none-of-your-business thing because people's personal preferences have nothing to do with you and fail to infringe on your rights. If the individual cares about their fish and takes into account the effect of their decorations on their pet choosing the option that is safe for their animal and easier on themselves, then does it even matter? If the fish displays good coloring, behavior, eating habits, and is healthy, does it matter?
Just because I can't handle a live plant doesn't mean I care for my fish any less--a variation on an argument my parents have thrown at me for denying me bougie (short for Bourgeoisie) living conditions all my life.
so how does he express his joy? xD
It's not the right animal welfare!
Americans are wierd that way
hi thanks for your time and for writing that comment. The plant didn't stay in his tank for very long (i threw it away) and now he has soft silk plants, and the gravel I threw away and got a very mellow dark blue gravel. The heater I have now stopped working and I will be buying a new one next weekend. My room is already pretty warm and the water never gets to cold. As for the tank he is still currently in the 2.5 gallon but I bought him a 5 gallon tank. I will set it up as soon as I figure out space and weight of the tank issues. I know a lot about bettas and I hate hearing "bettas like small habitats" to. As a human I'm not perfect and I'm trying to figure some things out for space issues. thanks for watching.
There is a 5 gallon version now ;)
100. comment for How To Set Up A Fish Tank (Aqueon bettabow 2.5)
Great video :)