How To Set Up a Betta Tank - Timelapse

In this video I will go through the process of setting up a betta tank in a step to step fashion. There are detailed explanations and tips throughout the video. Hope you enjoy! PS: I've also been keeping various fish for 19 years and counting. You may want to think about this before posting your comments, but healthy discussions are encouraged! New Videos Every Week! ❖ SUBSCRIBE ➢ ❖ FACEBOOK ➢ ❖ INSTAGRAM ➢ ❖ GOOGLE+ ➢ ♪ Music ♪ ✦ Carefree - Kevin MacLeod ✦ Kokeshi Doll - Spazzkid

How To Set Up a Betta Tank - Timelapse sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Betta 8 years ago 2,402 views

In this video I will go through the process of setting up a betta tank in a step to step fashion. There are detailed explanations and tips throughout the video. Hope you enjoy! PS: I've also been keeping various fish for 19 years and counting. You may want to think about this before posting your comments, but healthy discussions are encouraged! New Videos Every Week! ❖ SUBSCRIBE ➢ ❖ FACEBOOK ➢ ❖ INSTAGRAM ➢ ❖ GOOGLE+ ➢ ♪ Music ♪ ✦ Carefree - Kevin MacLeod ✦ Kokeshi Doll - Spazzkid

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Most popular comments
for How To Set Up a Betta Tank - Timelapse

Aquarium Show
Aquarium Show - 7 years ago
Is he black and clear. His so beautiful.
tiffany - 7 years ago
I thought 2.5 gallon WAS the min. Now people are saying 5 gallon and others are saying 10 gallon. Whats next 20 gallon min for one betta? I'm sure he'll be super happy but really guys? I think as long as the fish keeper know what they're doing then it shouldn't matter compare to someone who has everything but can't keep the fish lasting long.
Love for Animals
Love for Animals - 7 years ago
tiffany 2.5 gallons is the minimum, but they truly thrive in 5+ gallons. I agree with you!
Zaffrin Ali
Zaffrin Ali - 7 years ago
Where's the filter? Where's the heater?
NintendoHac - 8 years ago
I would add a apple snail or a few more plants to keep the tank clean.
Marly Gould
Marly Gould - 8 years ago
Where did you get the 4 gallon bowl from?
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 8 years ago
Yeah, this is NOT how you set up a betta tank. You need a 5gal or bigger tank with a filter, heater, and airstone or bubbler. The decor is up to you, I would avoid some decor plants because they can tear up fins. I would use silk plants or real plants. Never use bowls or small tanks less than 5 gallon. Having a bowl has many cons than pros, and specially for bettas because they can be exposed to a lot of diseases and illnesses.
esoRdeR - 7 years ago
Kenneth Reyes Agreed! I always recommend a planted 10g tank for bettas. They do much better with more room to swim around in.
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 8 years ago
Hope this helped.
music is Life
music is Life - 8 years ago
pisses me off that people think they know more about keeping betta fishes, shut up enjoy the video, at least its not stuck in that cup
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
Can u subscribe to me pls
Ren Su
Ren Su - 8 years ago
some info to some betta friends and keepers~
-a lot of betta keepers and breeders due tend to keep betta without filters (some traditional breeders dont have electrical outlet)
due to the fact they can change their water often every 2-3 days depending on stocking levels and size of container
-tap water (De-clorinated) usually can come around 7.5 PH (in certain places) which make ammonia quite toxic, so water change happens way too often (usually everyday), lower PH means ammonia is less likely to harm bettas. this is achievable by breeders and keepers by adding plant matter. The best and cheapest kind are indian almond leaves which lowers PH by a significant amount (a.k.a poor man's water conditioner), driftwood and other filtration such as peat moss helps.
-filter with low flows are for those that want to keep betta but doesnt change their water as much often, if you are feeling lazy go look up some HoB filters they usually comes with some flow controls (looks like a plastic screw)
-betta can get along with other small fishes like neon tetras (they love still water), however bettas have different personality so be sure to monitor if anything happens. in planted tanks I neon and betta makes wonderful viewing experience.
-guppies dont work well, some males does represent flowy tails that makes betta thinks its another one of its kind.
-heater is either optional or necessity, depending on your household/place you live in. usually on warmer climates and room temp betta will do just fine indoors, but on cooler temps and winter season you may need to give the cute betta some a good heater. if temperature fluctuates way too often and difficult to control. go get a heater~
-betta is a fighting fish and bred to fight with each other (that's why they called it a fighting fish) but nowadays it becomes a beautiful display fish as it goes on (however ashamed that its living condition hasnt improve until now)
in the era of fighting fishes, cattapa or indian almond leaves are used to strengthen their scales and relieve stress after fighting as medication (extract works best). rumor has it also enhances color and brightens their color (achievable by good lighting and heavily planted tanks).
-betta like most prefer security, planted tanks in secluded places from loud noises with calm atmosphere can help them grow and live longer. (hiding places such as broad leaves on plants provide excellent place to sleep on, floating plants gives shelter for bettas)

sorry for the TL:DR comment~

10. comment for How To Set Up a Betta Tank - Timelapse

selty - 8 years ago
Are the thriving plants what keep the water free of ammonia/nitrite? You can achieve calm, stress-free water for a betta fish without going filter-free. I don't know the details of your set up but the betta breeders I know all keep filters (usually sponge)... I know you don't like being criticised, but it's going to happen when you have a filterless bowl with a betta in it... when you have are a pro goldfish keeper. This just surprises me. I am a fan of your channel, so don't take this as an attack.
Fannxeef - 8 years ago
How often do you do waterchanges for this tank? It is my first time i heard of not using a filter so i am curious to know how you keep this tank stable :) Thank you in advance!
Fannxeef - 8 years ago
Okay, thank you for answering!
Greenwater Fish
Greenwater Fish - 8 years ago
+Fannyxeef I do 50% water changes weekly
LovesSongz - 8 years ago
You shouldn't be using your hands to catch the betta, & don't use bowls, it isn't enough space for the betta…
Greenwater Fish
Greenwater Fish - 8 years ago
+LovesSongs Music thanks for your note but there are many reasons why using your hands for delicate fish is better than a net. Experienced fish keepers do it this way for certain fish because it gives you more control and also protects your fish from being damaged from fishnets. This bowl is 4G. Very comfortably recommended size for bettas are 3-5G min.
Bullhead007 - 8 years ago
Bettas do need filters. Look it up
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 8 years ago
Many good betta owners use filters, heaters, and airstones AND a bigger tank like 5 gallon and bigger.
selty - 8 years ago
+Greenwater Fish Pro betta keepers don't keep them in still water necessarily. I know of many breeders that have large sponge filter set ups for their adults, fry and breeding tanks...
Greenwater Fish
Greenwater Fish - 8 years ago
+Bullhead007 filters are for water quality control. Professional betta keepers actually keep bettas in still water. As long as water quality is in check, bettas will thrive.
TheJibootyinfiresme - 8 years ago
doesnt he get a heater ? :(
Greenwater Fish
Greenwater Fish - 8 years ago
+animeforlife12 he is fine actually. My room is 72F+ year round so no heater needed :)
Ashley 23
Ashley 23 - 8 years ago
Did you put water conditioner in the tank first?
Greenwater Fish
Greenwater Fish - 8 years ago
+rainbow 1 yes I did :) I do this so subconsciously that I didn't even record it. Glad you point it out so hopefully others will read your comment!!

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