How and What to Feed Your Betta Fish

So you got a betta and ask your self WHAT DO I FEED THIS THING? Here is your answer in black and white (also more colors).Do not forget to sub. and request.Also super happy about the bubble nest

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Betta 14 years ago 26,613 views

So you got a betta and ask your self WHAT DO I FEED THIS THING? Here is your answer in black and white (also more colors).Do not forget to sub. and request.Also super happy about the bubble nest

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Most popular comments
for How and What to Feed Your Betta Fish

Awesome Betta Fish
Awesome Betta Fish - 8 years ago
Make your voice louder because I cant hear !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
king Reyes
king Reyes - 9 years ago
If you are going to get a Betta, change 25 percent of the water 1 to 2 weeks and use Betta Water Conditioner, i recommend 1 to 5 gallons tanks, if you can put some life plants, Anubias plants are the easiest to care, feed 1 to 2 pellets a day, and if you put white gravel you can see the poop and pick them up with a small fish net, and you will get less ammonia and the water will last cleaner longer, Good Luck, Love and Blessings ☆☆☆☆☆
king Reyes
king Reyes - 9 years ago
I feed my bettas Bettas Pellets, Turtle Treats, ReptoMin Calcium Vitamin C Floating Food in tiny pieces, Hatching Folmula Protein 1/16 Size Pellets, Salmon, Shrimps, Blodworms, about everything , i talk to them every day, projecting positive energy by talking to them with passion and good loving intentions,they all are in a 3 to 5 gallons tanks with life plants and rocks, i have #6 Twin Tail Halfmoon, Dumbo Bettas, i have Blue, White, Peach/Blue, multi color Crown Tail, Black and a Redone, i wish i can put some pictures now :/ i realy Love Bettas, they are awesome......
Nati Curvez
Nati Curvez - 11 years ago
Why are you whispering? I really couldn't hear nothing you said.
mersf559 - 11 years ago
why whisper?
zul105 - 11 years ago
y r u so quiet lol its hard for me to understand what ur saying but anw nice video :)
Eddie mendes
Eddie mendes - 12 years ago
Nice vid and where do u get thermometers at?
KITTYkat101739 - 12 years ago
Thank you sooo much i was getting a little worried that i was starving him lol oh and great video
AnimalLoveBug101 - 12 years ago
Betta's can attuatly last months without food (don't push it though) a few days won't hurt. But he might just be taking bites. I would put 3-4 in the tank and check back later to see were they are. If all fails I recomend topfin cause I haven't met a betta that hates it.

10. comment for How and What to Feed Your Betta Fish

KITTYkat101739 - 12 years ago
I live out of the city in the country and i cant go to the city till sunday and blue fire(my betta) will not eat his food like he will put it in his mouth and chew it but then spits it out what do i do
American.Tradgedy - 12 years ago
Move the food around with a net or something they like too eat moving food
Brit Chitman
Brit Chitman - 12 years ago
you've got a cute voice :)
passwordNerd - 12 years ago
i got the betta food from petco
AnimalLoveBug101 - 12 years ago
@shadowmere16 frozen ones you by at petstores yes
Saddam Silverio
Saddam Silverio - 12 years ago
@destineekr13 your betta its probly dead by now.. anyways you are supposed to feed them once a day.. everyday..
Saddam Silverio
Saddam Silverio - 12 years ago
@AnimalLoveBug101 what did they say?
sweetReaper - 13 years ago
@mderavil18 Some bettas are picky. Try him on both flakes and pellets as some bettas have been spoiled into eating one type and not the other. Most of my bettas have preferred pellets but some will only eat flakes. Sometimes you just need to experiment a bit :)
Meme D
Meme D - 13 years ago
3 weeks ago I bought a Betta. And since I bought it, it has not eaten ANYTHING AT ALL!! I feed it BettaMin. What should I do????? NEED HELP!!
RamJim9697 - 13 years ago
@SanFranciscan415 probably, but males will sometimes fight with females if they are not in the reproducing stage..? lol i didnt know what else to call it.. but they are best left alone. how big is the tank? and is there any other big fish in their because betta's tend to get picked on by bigger fish.

20. comment for How and What to Feed Your Betta Fish

RamJim9697 - 13 years ago
how long have you had this fish and is he still alive and well?
Carlos Sullivan
Carlos Sullivan - 13 years ago
Is it possible to put 1 male with 2 or more females if the tank is big enough?
AnimalLoveBug101 - 13 years ago
@venomDgamer got mine from petsmart
Orange Monkey Eagle
Orange Monkey Eagle - 13 years ago
@XxLetMeBeMexX the bubble nest i kind of like bird nests but made by bettas. the male makes the nest and the female lays eggs in it.
OreoxLovee - 14 years ago
please reply (: can yo feed the betta or any type of fish rice or bread sometimes ? im going to petco later hopefully and it depends what fishes are on sale, but just in general can you? maybe like once a week or twice ?
AnimalLoveBug101 - 14 years ago
@shorteeayy well i know you can find them but they are hard to find or cost a lot
shorteeayy - 14 years ago
hey hey i got 2 new crown tail bettas, in 1.6 gallon tanks with a heater, it wont eat anything, it wont eat pellets normal not even when crushed and wont even eat dried blood worms!! i have them for 5 days so far..
AnimalLoveBug101 - 14 years ago
sorry for the people who read the comment on this that had very bad words on it. I blocked the user and removed the question as soon as i saw it. I am sorry for any one who read it and for the person who posted it. PLEASE THINK OF OTHER WHEN YOU ARE ABOUT TO SAY SOMETHING VERY VERY VERY BAD.
AnimalLoveBug101 - 14 years ago
@destineekr13 feed it 6 days a week on one day skip the food.
AnimalLoveBug101 - 14 years ago
@TheRebby9 i am gald you have a betta. try feeding dry blood worms i have never done it but they are very good for them. plus i would not say kill betta torchourers. some have no idea what to do. i say teach betta torchourers

30. comment for How and What to Feed Your Betta Fish

Becca Hahn
Becca Hahn - 14 years ago
your betta is gorgeous. It looks very heathy. I hate those little containers they keep them in. it is the reason i got a betta, to get him out of that little container. he is now in a 5 gallon tank. all the plants are safe for betta and most ment for bettas. I have been feeding him the pellets, but he is spiting it out, becasue he doesnt like it. we are gonna try some shirp fish food, that it said they will eat online. hopley he will like this food. Kill betta torchourers!!!!
AnimalLoveBug101 - 14 years ago
But because it is a newer betta i could be sick look for signs of things like tail rot or more fish illness. But i really do not think your betta is sick.
AnimalLoveBug101 - 14 years ago
Plus my mom and dad would not let me get a 10 gallon (battas are happiest at a 5 gallon or more tank) i think you shouldsave mony and by a large tank (5-10 gallons) and put your betta in there with a few gost shrimp (or other cleaning aqatic life i say gost shrimp because they are pretty cheap petsmat sells them at 0.33 per shrimp) and some other tropical fish that are not nippy to the betta fins.
AnimalLoveBug101 - 14 years ago
As far as tanks go i know wal-mart and other stores like it sell good tanks (never get a betta starter kit they are to small) also petco has some good ones.If you do not have any of those places thry a local pet store. You should get at the min of 2.5 gallons but i think you need to start small befor you get big.
AnimalLoveBug101 - 14 years ago
But because it is a newer betta i could be sick look for signs of things like tail rot or more fish illness. But i really do not think your betta is sick.
AnimalLoveBug101 - 14 years ago
Do not worrie i am not getting mad about all your betta questions.I really love to answer things like this.OK with feeding you betta problem try a diffrent kind a pellets ify ou want pellets.I as you saw use top fin (i think).If that one will not work try blood worms you can get them at wal-mart for about a few dollars and most bettas love them.I really think that it is your betta is a picky eater (most are i just got lucky with my food).
nicogreen7 - 14 years ago
Sorry I'm bugging you, but you seem fairy knowlegable about this stuff. Do you use a fiter or heater? Or when should you use one- like at what size tank do you think you should use these?
nicogreen7 - 14 years ago
really? It's only 1.7? It looks fairly big...I'm looking for a biger tank for my Betta cause right now he's only in a bowl... not much of a life I'm afraid. Yours looks to be a good size, but we don't have a petsmart here...
AnimalLoveBug101 - 14 years ago
@nicogreen7 it is a 1.7 gallon at petsmart (goldfish starter kit.but i will be updateing to a 10 gallon with my new frogs
nicogreen7 - 14 years ago
Also, where did you get your tank? It's really nice. Is it a 10 gallon tank?
nicogreen7 - 14 years ago
I bought a Betta 3 days ago and he still won't eat. At first I has goldfish flakes, but then I went back and bought him Betta pellets, but he still wont eat. I don't know if he just doesn't see me putting them in or if he's sick or if he's a very picky eater. Any ideas? I'm starting to get worried.

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