How to: Open Bottom Fish Tank/ Betta Tower

This set up costs under $10 but if you already have the vase it is under $5. DO NOT EVER- use velcro, suction cups, or plastic I DO NOT RECOMEND building it yourself 1.Cutting glass is expensive 2. glue may not hold, I only recommend building it if you are an experienced aquarium builder I RECOMEND using a vase and metal rods covered in plastic tubing to hold it up, the tubing will make it so the metal does not rust and the vase does not get scratched. If you have any questions please ask, I have done a lot of research so I know what you can and cant do.

How to: Open Bottom Fish Tank/ Betta Tower sentiment_very_dissatisfied 23

Betta 11 years ago 28,140 views

This set up costs under $10 but if you already have the vase it is under $5. DO NOT EVER- use velcro, suction cups, or plastic I DO NOT RECOMEND building it yourself 1.Cutting glass is expensive 2. glue may not hold, I only recommend building it if you are an experienced aquarium builder I RECOMEND using a vase and metal rods covered in plastic tubing to hold it up, the tubing will make it so the metal does not rust and the vase does not get scratched. If you have any questions please ask, I have done a lot of research so I know what you can and cant do.

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Most popular comments
for How to: Open Bottom Fish Tank/ Betta Tower

BirdieBronze - 7 years ago
I like having fish that are happy and healthy. And then die of old age. Just knowing they had a greatest life a fish could have makes me feel better after they die.
Lisa Ramsey
Lisa Ramsey - 7 years ago
This is a super cool and easily accomplished diy. Thank you for sharing. Gonna give it a try.
Kono Baka
Kono Baka - 7 years ago
"It's mega expensive to cut glass" A glass cutting tool only costs like $10 dollars how is that expensive and also its silicone not "glue and stuff" but overall good video.
Jackson Harrison
Jackson Harrison - 7 years ago
why is no one mentioning this tank is way to small. people think bettas can live in tiny tanks, which they can but if you want an active betta or for it to have optimal fin-colorage/plumage you need 10 gall. its not that much more monry, they sell them for 15 at walmart.
Cristiano Ronaldo Fans
Cristiano Ronaldo Fans - 8 years ago
I used a plastic one now I'm in a vacation,god knows what's gonna happen,,,,,I'm goooooo worried
BirdieBronze - 7 years ago
Cristiano Ronaldo Fans aww. Are you back? Are your fishes ok? I sure hope so.
Stephanie Miller
Stephanie Miller - 9 years ago
where did you get the metal pieces? what are they?
Cristiano Ronaldo Fans
Cristiano Ronaldo Fans - 8 years ago
Stephanie Miller take a air pump tube keep one end in side the glass and with the other end suck the air out of it the water will go in it automatically
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
Here is a video that shows it, stat at 0:35
Stephanie Miller
Stephanie Miller - 9 years ago
+Got2LoveFish thanks, i think this is so neat!i have a 360 marina aquarium and i would love to do this.Did you ever do the video to show how you got the water inside the vase?
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
The metal pieces were just pieces of metal from the hardware store. They were rods of metal that I bent in order to fit the tank.
Simge d
Simge d - 9 years ago
What's the use of this ?
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Simge d Basically just to look cool, so that the fish can swim above the normal water level.
irrescene - 9 years ago
can you use a steal frame and  cover on silicon so the metal never makes contact with the water ???
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+irrescene That might work but I would be careful that the silicon does not rub off or anything and also make sure it is cured before using it.
Kaylee Watson
Kaylee Watson - 10 years ago
Have you done a video on how to fill it? I tried to look for one, but i couldn't find any. If you have not, can you PLEASE make a video? I would love to do this for my fish but i am confused on how to fill the vase up without the tank over-flowing. By the way i love your fish!
Kaylee Watson
Kaylee Watson - 10 years ago
That sounds great lol thanks for at least trying!
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
I tried to do one for this weeks water change but it did not come out good so I will try again next week!!!
Kaylee Watson
Kaylee Watson - 10 years ago
Okay! Thanks so much!
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Thanks, and I have done water change videos with me filling it in it but I will do a video just on it for you, here is the most recent water change video: Doing Water Changes on all my Fish Tanks this tank starts at 0:36, but I will make a video just on it

10. comment for How to: Open Bottom Fish Tank/ Betta Tower

Michael&Michael - 10 years ago
I was just wondering can you put a mystery snail with a male betta fish?
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
yeah, I have done that before, the snail has protection form the betta if he does want to attack but the betta should mostly just be fine with a snail
prithvi shetty
prithvi shetty - 10 years ago
U get a tank like that for 90 re or under 2 dollars
Odile Jean Pierre
Odile Jean Pierre - 10 years ago
DIY how to build the vase 
Odile Jean Pierre
Odile Jean Pierre - 10 years ago
How many gallon is your tank. Where did you get it. How much you paid for it 
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
The tank is 2.5 gallons from petsmart, many stores have them though, the brand is Great Value, and then the vase adds 1/2 gallon so it is 3 gallons all together. The tank cost $15 and the stuff for the tower was under $10
tye44 - 10 years ago
i love this set up and it seems your betta does too :)
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
He loves to sleep in the top of the tower! He is there pretty much every night.
Rene Strezenicky
Rene Strezenicky - 10 years ago
Is that a 5gal?
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
no its a 2.5 gallon but with the tower it makes it 3 gallons
Madi P
Madi P - 10 years ago
Thats awesome.
spacebug30 - 11 years ago
Maybe a little advice: Betta's (like any other fish) require a filter and (like any other tropical fish) a heater
idk if you have a heat since it could be an undertank one, but i don't see a filter....

But very fun idea though!! 
Madi P
Madi P - 9 years ago
I moved my betta to a ten gallon with a heater and filter, soon after this. But my cat ate him...
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
My bettas are doing perfectly fine because of the region I live in, the tank does not get too cold and I do do water changes every week and now all the tanks have live plants for natural filtration
Madi P
Madi P - 10 years ago
I have a successful Betta tank without a heater and a filter, I do water changes a lot and the tank stays the perfect temperature.
CheyPaws - 11 years ago
You are very creative
CheyPaws - 11 years ago
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
oh gosh, sorry  ):
CheyPaws - 11 years ago
No problem, TONS of fish died. I only have my frog and 2 goldfish
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
Ann Taylor
Ann Taylor - 11 years ago
Tip: Beta's are air breathers, which I'm sure you know, my tip would be to leave a little air at the top for your Beta once he gets up there. 
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
The oxygen is in the water as well as the air so the oxygen transfer between water and air should be enough for a week because oxygen is getting in the water from the surface of the tank. As long as you do water changes weekly it should be fine.
irrescene - 9 years ago
+Ann Taylor  wouldn't the oxygen run out of that little gap on the tower ??
i say its better to have the tower for display and stick to your betta breathing where he does regularly
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
ok cool, cant wait to see, I am glad I have inspired you!
Ann Taylor
Ann Taylor - 11 years ago
I went today and found, what I think is, the perfect vase. I'll send you a pic when I get it finished. Thanks for the inspiration!
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
a cylinder vase is perfect, with metal rods to hold it up
Ann Taylor
Ann Taylor - 11 years ago
Yeah I love the idea, although I can't seem to get anything to work up side down.
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
I know bettas are air breathers and have been doing that recently, even though it is not as astatically pleasing, and he has ben spending a whole lot more time up there

20. comment for How to: Open Bottom Fish Tank/ Betta Tower

Anita Lee-Yu
Anita Lee-Yu - 11 years ago
very creative and money saving..thnx for sharing!!!
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
It will work for the time being, I have thought about that, but it is not coverd in water it gets splashed every once in a great wile so it will hold for some time
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
Fish Tank Girl
Fish Tank Girl - 11 years ago
That is really cool!
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
thank you (: I like people like you
Yootoobstuff101 - 11 years ago
Zinger why do u criticize other people's vids All the free kin time she is better fish owner than ull ever be
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
I am not getting one, he is fine, I do a water change every week, I can care for him.
Blake Lemke
Blake Lemke - 11 years ago
You need a filter
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
bettas do fine with out filters if you clean the tank once a week to keep the amonia down and they dont need the surface movement either becouse they have an extra organ which makes it so they can breath air from the surface. If you know how to care for a betta with out a filter they will still live really long.
Damian Menchaca
Damian Menchaca - 11 years ago
wy don't have a filter ?

30. comment for How to: Open Bottom Fish Tank/ Betta Tower

Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
As along as you have the water level abouve the opening in the vase the water will stay in the vase because it cant get air in to fill the space the water is taking up, same as if you pull a cup out of a bucket of water upside down the water stays in until the opening of the cup comes above the surface of the water so that are can replace the water.
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
As along as you have the water level abouve the opening in the vase the water will stay in the vase because it cant get air in to fill the space the water is taking up, same as if you pull a cup out of a bucket of water upside down the water stays in until the opening of the cup comes above the surface of the water so that are can replace the water.
hermesbowser11 - 11 years ago
wpuldnt the water flood into the tank?
Bbosela - 11 years ago
you guys should have a look at my fish videos you may enjoy any advice or even comments of fish youd like to see in my tank is appreciated. nice tank btw I intend to get a couple bettas,
Chris Smith
Chris Smith - 11 years ago
Heey guys I got new vids of my bettas plzz watch and sub
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
I will do a video on it this weekend, but I put a syphen hose part up to the top of the vase and suck out the air while filling the tank up with water. again Video on this this weekent!
Vanessa Lopez
Vanessa Lopez - 11 years ago
how do you feel the vase up?
Crazyhermitcrab - 11 years ago
Need 80 F heat,80 % humidity. Tons of no painted shells. Fresh and salt water. 6 inh deep playsand tank. Etc in a 10 gallon you can have 2 crabs. They are fun and think you should have some watch my videos to learn about them. They live up to 70 years
Crazyhermitcrab - 11 years ago
Crabs need a 10 gallon tank and actually require a lot of care,they need 80 h
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
Lowes, really all of those kind of supplies stores should have tubing and metal rods, but you have to go some were else for the vase if you don't have one already, I think
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
all my tanks get cleaned once a week and no there are no filter in my betta tanks.
pets101pets - 11 years ago
By the way the tower is extremely cool! I love it so amazing
pets101pets - 11 years ago
Do you have a filter for your beta? How often do you clean his tank?
pets101pets - 11 years ago
You can use any size tank you want, the question is how many crabs you want. They can live as long as bettas with proper care
Astrid Gootner
Astrid Gootner - 11 years ago
Where did you get all of the supplies like lows or home depo?
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
ya that seems like a good decision
Tono M
Tono M - 11 years ago
Tono M
Tono M - 11 years ago
i got 2 platies and 4 neon tetras
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
how big of a tank do they need? and how long do they live?

50. comment for How to: Open Bottom Fish Tank/ Betta Tower

Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
like some sort of ring?
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
and what theturtleguy22 said is good to
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
sorry I did not reply, I was gone, I would probably recommend neon tetras or female guppies if you did not get anything yet.
sydneys dreamTV
sydneys dreamTV - 11 years ago
You should get a hermit crab their cute
Crazyhermitcrab - 11 years ago
Can you use shower curation things
Tono M
Tono M - 11 years ago
hey do you know any good fish that will get along with my red betta magma i am might go to petco and bye some stuff for my beta today and i am wanting to add some fish but dont know a lot that will get along. please reply soon i am bout to leave.

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