How to Breed Betta Fish Easy Way

Hye guys,,, how are u today??. Title : How to Breed Betta Fish Easy Way subscribe my channel : How To Breed Betta Fish The Easy Way Step 1) Betta Breeding Equipment List Step 2) Choosing A Breeding Pair Step 3) Breeding Betta Fish Tank Setup Step 4) How To Condition Bettas For Breeding Step 5) Introduce The Breeding Pair Step 6) Removing The Divider Step 7) How To Mate Betta Fish Step 8) Removing The Female Betta Fish Step 9) Caring For The Betta Fry 10 Bonus Betta Breeding Tips 10 Bonus Betta Breeding Tips 1. Learn everything you can about Betta fish before breeding. 2. It is recommended you set up two tanks for breeding Betta fish. 3. It is best to obtain a breeding pair when they are young. 4. After buying your breeding pair, let them settle. They need to adapt to their environment for a few months before they start breeding. 5. Betta fish are carnivores. When you are ready to breed them, start feeding them with live food like, live brine shrimp, blood worms, crickets, roaches, and other parasites. 6. Always observe their behavior! You need to see if they are interested in one another or if they are fighting. 7. Some female betta fish will eat their eggs. You need to watch carefully and remove the female betta if it starts to eat the eggs. 8. Keep in mind that the male and female betta fish should be about the same size. 9. Betta fish tend to be aggressive. Some fighting is normal but if they are trying to attack one another, then separate them. 10. Enjoy yourself!

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Betta 7 years ago 29,095 views

Hye guys,,, how are u today??. Title : How to Breed Betta Fish Easy Way subscribe my channel : How To Breed Betta Fish The Easy Way Step 1) Betta Breeding Equipment List Step 2) Choosing A Breeding Pair Step 3) Breeding Betta Fish Tank Setup Step 4) How To Condition Bettas For Breeding Step 5) Introduce The Breeding Pair Step 6) Removing The Divider Step 7) How To Mate Betta Fish Step 8) Removing The Female Betta Fish Step 9) Caring For The Betta Fry 10 Bonus Betta Breeding Tips 10 Bonus Betta Breeding Tips 1. Learn everything you can about Betta fish before breeding. 2. It is recommended you set up two tanks for breeding Betta fish. 3. It is best to obtain a breeding pair when they are young. 4. After buying your breeding pair, let them settle. They need to adapt to their environment for a few months before they start breeding. 5. Betta fish are carnivores. When you are ready to breed them, start feeding them with live food like, live brine shrimp, blood worms, crickets, roaches, and other parasites. 6. Always observe their behavior! You need to see if they are interested in one another or if they are fighting. 7. Some female betta fish will eat their eggs. You need to watch carefully and remove the female betta if it starts to eat the eggs. 8. Keep in mind that the male and female betta fish should be about the same size. 9. Betta fish tend to be aggressive. Some fighting is normal but if they are trying to attack one another, then separate them. 10. Enjoy yourself!

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Most popular comments
for How to Breed Betta Fish Easy Way

Ty.Da.Gamer - 7 years ago
My female bred with the male then destroyed the nest and ate the eggs. #YOUPLAYEDYOURSELFBOI
Mr_Imbellis - 7 years ago
usually the eggs already "broken", so he will ate the eggs.. try again another betta... goodluck
Anif Shafiq
Anif Shafiq - 7 years ago
thank you..wonderful video!! my betta is have a egg...thank you again
Forever and ever I swear!
Forever and ever I swear! - 7 years ago
I see so many "how to breed" videos. But the thing is wat do u do with the fries after that. Online sales competition is getting so tight n most countries already have most breeds of fishes..
Mr_Imbellis - 7 years ago
+Forever and ever I swear! On progress.....
steve Lee
steve Lee - 7 years ago
I bought male betta a week ago and saw that he making bubble nest so I bought another female today. Then, I put them into a breed tank and put the female into a small bottle. The male keep building nest. After half an hours, I decided to let the female free and the male keep attack the female. So I put the female back into the bottle.

Question is should I wait about weeks to breed them or let them know each other first?
Jackie Girardot
Jackie Girardot - 7 years ago
I won't to know if the nest gets mest up will he make another one trying to raise some
Mr_Imbellis - 7 years ago
+steve Lee its normal.. u can let them for breeding process.. after u see their eggs, take the female.. her job done.. if more than 3 days still no eggs, try other pairs.. :)
Heng David
Heng David - 7 years ago
Merci pour cette video, j'ai beaucoup appris, c'etait tres bien, merci beaucoup.
Venomous Tiger Studios
Venomous Tiger Studios - 7 years ago
Thanks for making the video it was very much appreciated, it was also very good, thanks very much! (Probably not an excellent translation I just started learning French on my iPad I also guessed half the words)
Mr_Imbellis - 7 years ago
+Heng David sorry, cant understand u...
SouthernGirl In hijab
SouthernGirl In hijab - 7 years ago
Wonderful video! Thank you for posting.

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