How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank

Hi I hope my video helps! :)

How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 45

Betta 11 years ago 5,793 views

Hi I hope my video helps! :)

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Most popular comments
for How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank

Motchi and Stella
Motchi and Stella - 6 years ago
I got a 2.5 gallon tank not a bowl
Megan Oakley
Megan Oakley - 6 years ago
Umm are u stunned u need at least a 2.5 gallon tank minimum and for two fish no thank u if ur not gonna take care of them then don't buy that u idiot
Krystal Perron
Krystal Perron - 7 years ago
Krystal Perron
Krystal Perron - 7 years ago
dont take out the divider because the betta fish could get in a fight !!!! did anyone see how closenthey were to fighting !!!!
XxxArticDragon andWolfxxX
XxxArticDragon andWolfxxX - 7 years ago
Worst tank ever. Why do they even sell those freaking little tanks? Its not good for any type of fish.
Anya Schmidt
Anya Schmidt - 7 years ago
Your tank is way to small
Neil Maharaj
Neil Maharaj - 7 years ago
Never keep your Betta fish tank in the BATHROOM, only clean the tank in the bathroom and then put the tank back maybe in your living room or something, that's what I do, and that way the room temperature will never change
Neil Maharaj
Neil Maharaj - 7 years ago
Actually you're smart to put them in with a divider because this tank isn't even 1 gallon!!! so they would fight anyways.
This tank is actually not to small for them because clearly it has a picture on the box with 2 male Betta's on it. (35 secs)
Neil Maharaj
Neil Maharaj - 7 years ago
Why didn't you put water conditioner... Did you want your fish to have a massive heart attack

10. comment for How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank

bettafriends254 - 7 years ago
plzz dont take the divider out like that one of these times they are going to fight
bettafriends254 - 7 years ago
just cause there females dosent mean they wont fight you have to have up to six i think in a sority to spread the agreshon
Animal life
Animal life - 7 years ago
bettafriends254 they r females they aren't going to fight
GalaxyCat 799
GalaxyCat 799 - 7 years ago
what do you mean that they don't need hot water?yes they still need heat.thats why you get a magical box named a HEATER.
Mak Ale
Mak Ale - 7 years ago
The tank is way too small and ur lucky they didn't fight
Love for Animals
Love for Animals - 7 years ago
6:15 "they don't need too hot water because...... Because, um, they're not tropical fish."

Love for Animals
Love for Animals - 7 years ago
Yes they are........
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 7 years ago
This did not help me
Motchi and Stella
Motchi and Stella - 8 years ago
Are they blue or black Bettas
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
u are lucky they did not kill each other
Stella Films
Stella Films - 8 years ago
That tank isn't even big enough for 1 fish.
bettafriends254 - 7 years ago
ikr it dosent even look like a gallon one betta needs a min of 2.5 gallons each and thats the smallest you should go
Branyealspincer Vlogs
Branyealspincer Vlogs - 8 years ago
i have the same fish tank!
Riehle Ferguson
Riehle Ferguson - 8 years ago
Like Maryam Hewlett said there is many things wrong with this

20. comment for How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank

Riehle Ferguson
Riehle Ferguson - 8 years ago
I know this video was made 3 years ago but I'm still going to comment. There is a reason you have a divider it's because bettas will attack each other. You also shouldn't be taking them out with a net it can hurt their fins, and the reason the betta was swimming away from the net is because it was afraid, but the other one was safely scooped in a cup and probably wasn't as scared.
YasiPlays - 8 years ago
Ok. There is so many things wrong with thus video. You need conditioner,bigger tank,and don't take the divider out while both of the fish are in there. Don't teach people the wrong thing. I hate these fucken people they don't even know how to clean a motherfucken tank. WTH.
Anya Schmidt
Anya Schmidt - 7 years ago
Maryam Hewlett omg she's didn't put conditioner that is so sad
Scott - 8 years ago
I like you're betta and you're tank and I have a blue betta
Harley Allen
Harley Allen - 8 years ago
why do u have a divider if ur fish get along ?!
Aly Homewood
Aly Homewood - 8 years ago
+Harley Allen You should definitely do research before getting any pet, there is no sucht thing as too much info. Most bettas would fight in that situations, her particular bettas might have been under so much stress from tempurature and ammonia that they were too busy attempting to survive to fight.
Harley Allen
Harley Allen - 8 years ago
+Aly Homewood ok well what ever I know that tank is small and she needs to get another one really bad but I'm sure her poor bettas already died by now. but I did a lot of research before I got them (probably to much info) I just ment by my comment that might as well have them in the same tank cuz the tank is so tiny
Aly Homewood
Aly Homewood - 8 years ago
+Harley Allen i'm not stupid either, i've had many betta fish, as well as doing some betta breeding. This particular myth stems from the fact that female bettas can , sometimes, get along under very specific circumstances, in something called a sorority, a sorority is multiple female bettas in the same tank, there must be at least 4-5 bettas in a sorority, the reason for this is that in a sorority, the bettas will establish a social pecking order,  if there are too few bettas, the "leader" will bully the lowest ranking fish to death, after the lowest fish is dead, if there are more than 2 fish in the tank, she will continue bullying each fish to death until she is the only one in the tank, a sorority must be at least 10-20 gallons and the water chemistry must be absolutely perfect (which is difficult, especially in smaller tanks, because ammonia builds up very fast with that many bettas.) I'm not going to go into all of the technical details right now, but it is extremely difficult and complicated to have a successful sorority and even if everything is done right, only about 50% of sororitys make it even a year and only about 25% make it 2 years, and that is out of sororitys that are done correctly. If you just toss two female bettas in a small tank (the tank she is using is not even ok for one betta, let alone two)  they will fight. Having a betta doesn't mean you know everything ( or anything, actually) about them.
Harley Allen
Harley Allen - 8 years ago
+Aly Homewood I know what I'm doing I'm not stupid I have betta fish of my own
Harley Allen
Harley Allen - 8 years ago
+Bethany D. yes females do get along I have betta fish
Aly Homewood
Aly Homewood - 8 years ago
+Harley Allen Betta fish should never be put in the same tank, they do NOT get along, they are called siamese fighting fish for a reason!
Carsyn - 8 years ago
Yeah you need to put conditioner it the water because you fish are more likely to die.Bu everything else you did was great!
differentvlog01 - 9 years ago
Firstly the tank is not the biggest but my tank isn't massive as long as the fish got a good home and is being fed what's it to worry about
differentvlog01 - 9 years ago
Anyone know what temperature the water got to be for a betta
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 9 years ago
+differentvlog01 78-80
Zoey Berrier
Zoey Berrier - 9 years ago
The temp should be 73-80 degrees f. But instead of asking on YouTube do your actual research before ever getting a betta fish -_-
Whanatae Dunn Briend
Whanatae Dunn Briend - 9 years ago
i loved your video i have a betta named bubbels he is so cute and your betta's are so cute too
Mireille Bayes
Mireille Bayes - 9 years ago
you are torchering them you need a biger tank i would hate to be in that!!!!!
Voltron fan ʕ •ᴥ• ʔ
Voltron fan ʕ •ᴥ• ʔ - 6 years ago
Better than being in a cup now leave her alone geez
Anya Schmidt
Anya Schmidt - 7 years ago
Mireille Bayes same
pinkseashell09 - 9 years ago
It's sad how as soon as you took off the divider they both quickly swam to the other side of the " tank" proving that they would def like more space to swim. That container is too small for them ):
YasiPlays - 8 years ago
I know right!

30. comment for How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank

Donna McDonell
Donna McDonell - 9 years ago
Pretty good, but I recommend water conditioner. And those divider tanks are to small. I recommend a five gallon but the minimum is 2.5. That tank all together is to small for two bettas. And also, the night before you clean the tank, get a bucket and and fill it with tap water and add water conditioner and let it sit in the room your betta's tank is in. Before you add your fish in let the container float in the water for 10- 15 minutes. Then let your fish into their little world. To make it easier, but pre- conditioned betta water. You also might want to let your parents handle netting the fish. And both bettas need plants.
Yeli Martinez
Yeli Martinez - 9 years ago
Alexia Gloger
Alexia Gloger - 9 years ago
This is a great video and awsome tips but please get a 2.5 gallon tank or over , but other than that great cleaning! :)
BrettS02 - 9 years ago
you have to use water condishinor or botteld water because that water from a faucet is tap water and tap water has chemicals and that can kill fish
Rebecca Louise
Rebecca Louise - 9 years ago
Rebecca Louise
Rebecca Louise - 8 years ago
+Betta Tastic
omg i never knew someone wrote that comment from my account ill delete it asap i hope the girl didn't see it :-(
Fluffy& Carmel
Fluffy& Carmel - 8 years ago
+Betta Tastic if shes a kid tell me why she cant get a bigger tank and cant make it healtnhy for them,her parents need to buy her a bigger tank at least a 2.5 gallon tank for both bettas she can use money that she gets on Christmas and for her birthday im 10 years old and I have two bettas a male and female and one is in a ten gallon and other is in 20 gallon at least shes better than other but they live in bad conditions and will die
Betta Tastic
Betta Tastic - 8 years ago
You really didn't have to curse, she's a kid! Leave her alone we know that there were some mistakes she made but everyone makes mistakes . Like the comment you made you really didn't have to say that word: |.
Shayla Rogalski
Shayla Rogalski - 9 years ago
Get a bigger tank don't put a divider with that small tank. U r torching them!
SpelarFlicka - 9 years ago
Oh my god I almost had a heart attack when she took that divider up!!!!!!!!!! Those fish are FIGHTERS little lady.!
O.N.E - 10 years ago
Btw they dont need much space because if you put both together they may fight till the death
O.N.E - 10 years ago
my fish is fighter fish they cant be together nor need lots of space because they barley move anywhere so i scooop them out
Nevaeh Haynes
Nevaeh Haynes - 10 years ago
You put the dirty water in the clean water why? :-[
gordon lewis
gordon lewis - 10 years ago
Guys not all water is toxic for your fish I had a betta for 4 years with out using water conditioner so stop saying that that water is bad for our fish
Paul Martinez
Paul Martinez - 10 years ago
Conditioner? U need it duh!!!?
david caballero
david caballero - 10 years ago
You suck at cleaning your fish are living in hell
Nathaniel Davila
Nathaniel Davila - 10 years ago
No conditioner wow the water is toxic for the bettas and will burn there gills
Steven Maldonado
Steven Maldonado - 10 years ago
Ur fish are dead
Lillian Devitt
Lillian Devitt - 10 years ago
You need a bigger tank and water conditioner
notused - 10 years ago
Your water is currently toxic with no conditioner
Ilayda Demirtas
Ilayda Demirtas - 10 years ago
The water was crystal clear. No need for cleaning.
AngelFTW - 10 years ago
Flora & Fauna
Flora & Fauna - 10 years ago
Poor bettas

50. comment for How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank

tochiandcoral - 11 years ago
Terrible! U can't chase them with a net and they need wayyyy more space!
Antonio Ayala
Antonio Ayala - 11 years ago
You need a bigger tank & water conditioner. Great video bad home. Not trying to be mean :).
Steve Stall
Steve Stall - 11 years ago
Abbywitheverything - 11 years ago
thanks so much :) I love your fish tank videos! The fish are beautiful! Keep posting them! :)

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