How to Introduce Tank Mates to a Betta Aquarium

Original music: Perfume - Love the World This week we cover how to successfully introduce other fish to your betta tank. Don't forget to like our FB page! Tank Specs: Size: 10 Gallon Plants: Willow hygrophilia, java moss, java fern, anubias nana, some sort of vallisneria... and a bunch of others that I can't remember... sorry! Filter: Azoo Mignon 360 Substrate: Seachem Fluorite Black + CaribSea Tahitian Moon Sand Lighting: Finnex FugeRay (16") Additives: Seachem Prime, Seachem Flourish, Seachem Flourish Excel, Seachem Flourish Iron Filming & Editing by Corado Burcus

How to Introduce Tank Mates to a Betta Aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 61

Betta 10 years ago 186,075 views

Original music: Perfume - Love the World This week we cover how to successfully introduce other fish to your betta tank. Don't forget to like our FB page! Tank Specs: Size: 10 Gallon Plants: Willow hygrophilia, java moss, java fern, anubias nana, some sort of vallisneria... and a bunch of others that I can't remember... sorry! Filter: Azoo Mignon 360 Substrate: Seachem Fluorite Black + CaribSea Tahitian Moon Sand Lighting: Finnex FugeRay (16") Additives: Seachem Prime, Seachem Flourish, Seachem Flourish Excel, Seachem Flourish Iron Filming & Editing by Corado Burcus

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Most popular comments
for How to Introduce Tank Mates to a Betta Aquarium

Kourtney M
Kourtney M - 7 years ago
i have 6 julii cory catfish
1 male betta fish
4 african dwarf frogs
and 1 ghost shrimp in a 10 gallon tank. is this okay?
Malobika Mukherjee
Malobika Mukherjee - 7 years ago
what is the name of your beeta fish
dha didisin
dha didisin - 7 years ago
how I introduce my betta to other fish? just put them together and let them do their own business haha
Penguin Dude
Penguin Dude - 7 years ago
My betta doesn't flare at all unless I put a mirror to the glass (which is normal) and he doesn't even care when the platys are near him they just chill together and he doesn't care about the frogs or Cory catfish wither
Buttermybutt - 7 years ago
Wh...wh...wh...whats in your nose?
Jason  Hare
Jason Hare - 7 years ago
Where did you get the Tardis ...
I haven't been able to find one that's aquarium safe ....
GyomiTV - 7 years ago
It was from Penn Plax
Sheena Bailey
Sheena Bailey - 7 years ago
New subbie! You’re beautiful informative and your tank looks beautiful!
Vishakha Bellizia-Lyons
Vishakha Bellizia-Lyons - 7 years ago
Wow. Hes beautiful!
Mark Cena
Mark Cena - 7 years ago
Can I keep a betta and some pygmy corys in a 5 gallon?

10. comment for How to Introduce Tank Mates to a Betta Aquarium

AXL ThreeNineEight
AXL ThreeNineEight - 7 years ago
Hello there! I have a 20 litter tank, which I believe is a tiny bit over than 5 gallons. I really want to introduce more fish to my tank. I've been told that besides Corys, Platys are also good tank mates. Which do you reccomend and how many do I put in the tank?
2roly2 - 7 years ago
I can't find any type of fish to share the tank with my Betta . My betta likes to kill anything I add . I got all different types of fish that the stores recommend . He will attack and eat them .
Emiivii - 7 years ago
my betta tried to bite one of my adf, so I quickly separated the tank. should I try again?
Slay_GAMER73 - 7 years ago
It is always nice to have a extra tank for cleaning or if you have any problems and I have a family owned pet store up the road that take fantastic care of there fish and sell the cheaper than the other pet stores
Cassie Winchester
Cassie Winchester - 7 years ago
haha, the police box
Kristoffer rotmg
Kristoffer rotmg - 7 years ago
Heh this video is 3 years old and it's awesome. I agree with everything
Da Frontyardigans
Da Frontyardigans - 7 years ago
I actually bought a betta that was in a community tank so I'm pretty sure I can have him in a community tank
Monica Kuzmicki
Monica Kuzmicki - 7 years ago
Although you say snails can be with bettas, I just wanted to share my experience. I had assassin snails and I decided to do a sorority female betta tank. Everyone is getting along great, except the bettas brutally killed all of the snails :O
So if snails are added they should be fairy big so you don't end up with a bunch of dead snails like I did. :(
Morgan Franks
Morgan Franks - 7 years ago
Is that substrate regular black sand?
Cole Carter
Cole Carter - 7 years ago
amazing betta ad good advice once again that is a amazing betta.

20. comment for How to Introduce Tank Mates to a Betta Aquarium

SmallWhispers - 7 years ago
I just got a betta fish and also named him Jackson before before seeing this video omg (they also look alike!!)

I have mine in a 3 gallon but might move him to my 10 gallon eventually when I have the time to set it all up again. If I do I might get some tank mates for him so thank you for this video!
Bruno Yamazaky
Bruno Yamazaky - 7 years ago
where did u get that sick tardis?
kayxx - 7 years ago
Can I still add suitable fish like those tiny ones who do not need much space with my male betta who sometimes flares at his reflection
Betta Josh
Betta Josh - 7 years ago
Great video! Very helpful. I subscribed! Do you mind checking my channel out? I make videos on animals, fish and Bettas! It would be very appreciated!
Wendy Gonzalez
Wendy Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Is it normal is he flares?
mlp universe
mlp universe - 7 years ago
i have a male crowntail orchid hes soooooo agressive i keep him with my small chicleds and gouramis hes the boss of the tank its a 36 gallonshe owns the entire tank
Lukas - 7 years ago
I bought an albino cory to test if my betta would tolerate him. My betta chased and pecked at him whenever he got close. Sometimes he ignored him if hes moving around the bottom. I returned him so I can get smaller pygmys from elsewhere, and I've got a newer, larger tank to set up. Do you think that behavior is acceptable for tank mates?
Channidae - 7 years ago
Oh god for the love of god remove that fake decoration! Your tank looks gorgious and natural
Debi Agrue
Debi Agrue - 7 years ago
I can't hear you you talk to low and YES I turned up the volume
Colin - 7 years ago
2:23 lul means dick in Dutch haha

30. comment for How to Introduce Tank Mates to a Betta Aquarium

Killer Shark
Killer Shark - 7 years ago
best quality
Mobi2525 - 8 years ago
Is it just me or does it look like that tank is leaning?
Javier Gomez
Javier Gomez - 8 years ago
my beta's first 2 tank mates were 2 male mickey mouse sword tail platies. The beta was on his own for about a 2 weeks then the platies were introduced. on occasion he would chase them but do no real harm to them as they out swam him. they were in a 29 gallon which eventually got stocked with 6 panda cories that my beta constantly interacted with intrigue towards them.
TheChakwow - 8 years ago
It's awful
TheKnightWolf2 - 8 years ago
Aww Jackson, I keep thinking about Jackson from Got7
Mark Quadrozzi
Mark Quadrozzi - 8 years ago
That was a very helpful info, and a realyl
beautiful tank!
Killer Shark
Killer Shark - 8 years ago
those fish look amazing nice vid
Tiger Boss11
Tiger Boss11 - 8 years ago
I put mine with live bears a a peacock eel lul (before I get hate it is a 40 gallon tank)
Flynn Mercer Aquatics
Flynn Mercer Aquatics - 8 years ago
I live in New Zealand. A short tail betta cost around $15(NZD)How much do betta cost in the USA??
_ayee.jen_ lit_
_ayee.jen_ lit_ - 8 years ago
Flynn Mercer $2 or$3 Up to $100
nickaaa - 8 years ago
Where did you get that TARDIS??? <3
KoMar551 - 8 years ago
i have 7 neon tetras with male betta in a 5g tank - no issues, everyone's getting along
Kim H
Kim H - 8 years ago
You're fucking annoying
Redgirlgaming games
Redgirlgaming games - 8 years ago
U can put females together
Manfred Malotze
Manfred Malotze - 8 years ago
how sweet you are,
HustleHabit - 8 years ago
Such a beautiful Crowntail. Well designed tank as well.
Tommy Black
Tommy Black - 7 years ago
But not guppies. Guppies flutter their tails and a male betta will attack.
bAd MON - 8 years ago
neon tetras and zebra danios do very well with bettas and can easliy out swim bettas if anything happend
Anejs Key
Anejs Key - 8 years ago
how is jakson old
Walter Shipley
Walter Shipley - 8 years ago
Your betta tank is tilted and it could lead to the tank breaking.
manachi koo koo
manachi koo koo - 8 years ago
You Can check out my vid of my 10 gallon red and blue betta tank on my channel!
Slivex - 8 years ago
subscribe and i will subscribe back my channel is about gaming!!!i will sub fast i am very active!!!
jason - 8 years ago
I put my betta with my guppies and it was attacking the guppies I finally decided it was not suitable for my betta to live with other fish when he had one of the guppies in its mouth, it had the guppies tail in its mouth but not the body. Anyone know ways I can get my betta to live peacefully with other fish
Timothy Paskal
Timothy Paskal - 7 years ago
jason o
Chairobird - 7 years ago
I have 2 Cory catfish with my Betta. Cory catfish has little barbs with venom to ward off other fish but not deadly enough to harm your fish. My Betta was curious about them and left them alone. He is a very aggressive type but because the Cory catfish has the barbs, he was smart enough to leave them alone.. So I got my two Cory adjust to the water for 20 min and adding some of my tank water in the bag. I then put my Betta in a separate container so I can acclimate my Cory catfish to the tank. I set the Betta container by the tank to let him watch the catfish for about 4 hours (maybe a 12 hours if your Betta keeps flaring the whole time). I then re-introduce my Betta back into the tank. This greatly helped the Cory to get familiarize to the tank and know exactly where to hide if provoked. I monitored them closely and they all seemed settled in. Hope this helps. Ps: the bigger the tank, the easier to introduce tank mates for your Betta. I have a 5 gallon tank with lots of plants and hiding places.
Lawrence Toush
Lawrence Toush - 7 years ago
I had a betta that killed my snail over night
Axel Monroy
Axel Monroy - 7 years ago
First I introduced an apple snail and it seemed that he was cool with it and then I added 5 tetras and no problem
jason - 8 years ago
my betta flares way too much it will even flare at me. It probably spends half of the day flaring at its own reflection
Allison Pets
Allison Pets - 8 years ago
It's good to observe the bettas in the store and how they react to one another when placed near other bettas. Get one that looks shy, submissive and not flare-y and dominant.
Andyhaucqog1 - 8 years ago
nice lol they are great tank mates im not an expert but usually those seem like one of the best to keep with bettas good luck with them
jason - 8 years ago
+Andyhaucqog1 I got some white cloud and their living perfectly with my betta
jason - 8 years ago
+Andyhaucqog1 thank you. I was so scared when the fight happened. I though I was gonna lose another fish
Andyhaucqog1 - 8 years ago
well guppies sorta do look like bettas? so i would say maybe get fish that are less colorful or less likely to be confused for bettas and that live on the bottom or middle of your tank so less likely to be encountered by betta and lots of hiding places
jason - 8 years ago

50. comment for How to Introduce Tank Mates to a Betta Aquarium

Sleepy Dumpling
Sleepy Dumpling - 8 years ago
Can you house Ghost/Algae Shrimp with a Betta in a 4 or 5 gallon tank?
Sleepy Dumpling
Sleepy Dumpling - 8 years ago
Mikie Yoo
Mikie Yoo - 8 years ago
I did it successfully in 3 gallons tank. A Betta and 2 Amano shrimp got along just fine. But just to warn you, some Betta may kill your shrimp so check keep an eye on them for a bit and 82 degree tends to be too hot for the shrimp so I knocked it down to 78 and both live peacefully together. Also do make sure your tank is cycled, Betta is a lot more hardy than a shrimp so don't be surprised if your shrimp dies the next day in uncycled tank.
Memewhore - 8 years ago
i need Some advice if anyone is willing to give:
i got a pair of guppies and a skirt tetra to add o my tank with my betta and he keeps flaring and chasing them.. will he stop soon? ive had the new fish for about an hour
Andyhaucqog1 - 8 years ago
to me i dont think he will stop but maybe you could try rearranging your tank to make it look like new so he will be less territorial? or maybe he is not compatible at all and you need another plan
Anaconda Squezze
Anaconda Squezze - 8 years ago
that's a gorgeous Beta
Jackalope 212
Jackalope 212 - 8 years ago
I did a similar method when I introduced my sister's neon tetra Delta to my male dragonscale betta Draco (removed betta, get tetra used to the water, wait a few hours, move betta back in, wait and enjoy). I monitored them for a few minutes and Draco did chase Delta around the tank a bit but he hasn't done it again for nearly a half hour. Hope everything goes good for them.

Also your betta is so pretty! I saw some similar bettas (halfmoons) when I was picking out my betta but Draco was the only dragonscale male they had and he was so pretty that I got him instead.
Rye Bread
Rye Bread - 8 years ago
Your betta and your tank is so pretty! Wow I hope one day I'll have a tank like yours
optimusjoel - 8 years ago
you don't no how to say bets
Eduardo Wronscki
Eduardo Wronscki - 8 years ago
I have a betta and the next step is to introduce some tank mates. Your video helped a lot... Thanks
Monica R
Monica R - 8 years ago
Where are the rocks from?
Akeema Goody
Akeema Goody - 8 years ago
I love you betta he is truely beautiful
nichso /
nichso / - 8 years ago
got exact the same community in my tank. works good
Falcon Lover
Falcon Lover - 8 years ago
Question what type of food do pigmy cory require? Also if I do have to separate them can I put the cory in a 1.5 gallon fish bowl?
Jack Bello
Jack Bello - 8 years ago
Your betta is bloated. Overfeeding?
Fish Trump
Fish Trump - 7 years ago
Jack Bello he doesnt look bloated, he seems healthy to me
susanht67 - 8 years ago
I wonder if this causes stress to the fish.
WordsWordsWords - 8 years ago
Where did you get the police box decoration?
Wheezer's World
Wheezer's World - 8 years ago
Two nukes wasn't enough
Jackson Stewart
Jackson Stewart - 8 years ago
I'm a good boy xD. and can i do gold fish with a betta in a 10 gall
Brittney Bastedo
Brittney Bastedo - 8 years ago
No, Bettas and Gold fish have opposite needs. Gold fish need cold water and Bettas need warm tropical water. Probably not the best tank-mates situation...,
Rowena Topsell
Rowena Topsell - 8 years ago
Is it ok to keep xipho fish with a male betta? I have already a male and a female xipho in my tank and they are very peaceful.
SeahawksFan - 8 years ago
I'm sorry about your Betta, to me he looks like a crowntail/halfmoon
Meli Lokita
Meli Lokita - 8 years ago
OMG Jackson is adorable awww!
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 8 years ago
I would love to see you stick your head in the tank and have the Betta crap in your mouth.
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 8 years ago
God you sound stupid,
DutchReptiles - 8 years ago
"lul" means dick in dutch :p
Fish Trump
Fish Trump - 7 years ago
DutchReptiles oh shit
Brian Anderson
Brian Anderson - 8 years ago
4:08 That flair, though!
Majestic Wolf Girls
Majestic Wolf Girls - 8 years ago
What's the best fish to keep a betta with?
Majestic Wolf Girls
Majestic Wolf Girls - 8 years ago
Thx for your replies guys! Concidering my betta doesn't seem to flare much, maybe I'll get him a fish friend
XxSxrxhxX - 8 years ago
Majestic wolf Girls dwarf guramis guppies are a Nono as they will think that there a young male
Oscar Rodriguez
Oscar Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Majestic wolf Girls
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 8 years ago
tetras, and corries are great but it all depends on the bettas personality
veiltailed - 8 years ago
i got lucky with abino cories and tetras! but its all about temperament
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 8 years ago
You need some snails in there btw.
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 8 years ago
GalaxyCat 799
GalaxyCat 799 - 8 years ago
So my female betta is nice and that's what I think.anytime I come close to the tank she comes to see me lol.also I have fake fish and stuff animals around so she can be used to them.she's never angry but only scared of a lps fish I have lol.and I think she became friends with my mermaid statue will she be ok if a fish is with her?
rodgify - 8 years ago
Beautiful tank + pretty white betta!. I like the set up!
HighRollahz808 - 8 years ago
I have Pygmy Corys with my koi betta! Due to their active nature, they steal the show! I love them!
j.r.d.l - 8 years ago
i want to keep cory but im afraid about the pictus catfish
j.r.d.l - 8 years ago
i want to keep cory but im afraid about the pictus catfish
j.r.d.l - 8 years ago
i want correys
Voeris - 8 years ago
Lol all the time I was thinking: "they look cute AF!" And then at the end you said it yourself. XD
Zack The Muay thai boxing man
Zack The Muay thai boxing man - 8 years ago
Pretty betta fish
Caren Hall
Caren Hall - 8 years ago
It's seriously hard to find an all white betta!
Krista Spencer
Krista Spencer - 7 years ago
there's also the fact that it's hard to tell whether there are any skin diseases given they turn white when sick
Nikki Tedesco
Nikki Tedesco - 8 years ago
Caren Hall you can go to specialty stores to find them
Caren Hall
Caren Hall - 8 years ago
I think not. The shark will grow, as well as they need space to roam and hide.
They will however pretty much ignore each other because they're so different. Corydoras work well, loaches are great if you have a snail problem.
James Cotton
James Cotton - 8 years ago
We have tons of white bettas here in all our stores, from a pet store all the way to Walmart. No one really goes after the white ones and that's just about all you find here.
Tiger Boss11
Tiger Boss11 - 8 years ago
Betta Aesthetics can I put a rainbow shark with a betta in a 40 gallon tank
Betta Aesthetics
Betta Aesthetics - 8 years ago
in pet stores it is but online you can find a lot. Even perfect white bettas with 0 black or red on them (those ones cost a bit more)
FishMasters - 8 years ago
+Caren Hall go to ebay their are tons
Michelle Brink
Michelle Brink - 8 years ago
Caren Hall I had a all white betta but he turned to the color blue after a year of having him
Caren Hall
Caren Hall - 8 years ago
I'm looking for a white girl to cross with my boy...he's got light blue fins, so he's not perfect, but he's close enough to breed perfection from!
keone kaheaku
keone kaheaku - 8 years ago
I have a all white Berta female
Ren Su
Ren Su - 8 years ago
I did add at least 12 neons in with a betta, slowly introducing it and after 5 days I receive 2 casualties. luckily I manage to control the situation before any further damage was done. the 1st neon tetra completely loss its tail while the other is suffering from stress and does not recover and died 1 day after.
so I thought why betta would do this? I caught him in action as he nip and twist the tail of a neon tetra off.

so currently the betta is being house in its permanent prison box inside the aquarium until it ages or gets old (old fish means less aggresive right?)
and since being a ghetto aquarium I pretty much cant purchase a big and heavy planted aquarium so its pretty much confinement for the betta now on.
so this is my first experience of housing a quote on quote peaceful fish >:T
Ren Su
Ren Su - 8 years ago
yeah it did some number on the tetra, did exchange the betta for 2 platies everything is going fine and dandy (sad about the total loss of 6 tetras though)
MarkSamurai5 - 8 years ago
How big is your aquarium? If it's too small, then that could be the reason why.
Tyler Murray
Tyler Murray - 8 years ago
I have neon tetras with my betta and there was a bit of chasing but now they're very peaceful and don't really bother each other
lumpy1space2princess - 8 years ago
I have a 1 gallon tank, is it okay if I put an African Dwarf Frog or Snail in there? its planted.
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 8 years ago
A frog is fine but snails are extremely messy and will create to much ammonia in the tank
DutchReptiles - 8 years ago
i find 1 gallon a bit small for a betta i keep a minimum of 5 gal this is not hate but tips :)
Rainbow Finch
Rainbow Finch - 8 years ago
I put 2 African dwarf frogs in my 2.5 gallon tank and they have been fine.
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
My male Betta is sleeping side by side with my Cory.
casey childs
casey childs - 8 years ago
Jackson's tail doesn't look like my new crow tail Betta! I just rescued mines from a Walmart so I expected it to be in poor health- I'm wondering if it has tail rot? I prob should nurse him back to health
Samantha Stark
Samantha Stark - 8 years ago
can I put other fish with my Betta in a 10 gallon tank if he has tail rotting?
Betta fish 300
Betta fish 300 - 8 years ago
Beautiful tank ! Awesome fish i am a wanna B now :_(
BreadForceGaming - 8 years ago
What about shrimp in a smaller tank
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 8 years ago
bettas sometimes enjoy shrimp as a treat so it's not recommended
ozza lowes
ozza lowes - 8 years ago
you can but if you have an aggressive betta he might eat one or two of them lol
Jimelda5342 - 8 years ago
This video was super helpful! Thanks!
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
Hey! So tomorrow I am going to petco and getting a few guppies. I'm scared because I don't have a separate tank and my tank is 10 gallon. My betta isn't really aggressive- he just flares at himself. Do you have any tips or advice? What type of fish would do good with my betta?
Lorraine A
Lorraine A - 8 years ago
They are living in harmony lol. The betta actually thinks shes one of the guppies. Its hilarious.
Christina Diaz
Christina Diaz - 8 years ago
How did it work out with your guppies and betta! :)
Lorraine A
Lorraine A - 8 years ago
+catnip885 I have 3 guppies and neon tetras in my tank. My betta doesnt bother them at all.
catnip885 - 8 years ago
+Elle Stadler I disagree with guppies they are usually bright colored and have long fins. they look too similar to bettas and most bettas would go after them.
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 8 years ago
jackson is a male betta, right? mine is male also and petsmart acted like i was crazy when i asked about tank mates for male betta. but to be honest petsmart marketed their dalmation mollies as males so i bought 3. the next morning i went to see how they were adjusting and one of them was giving birth!!!!! luckily i decided to use a divider.

but i feel like i need to wait a lot longer to introduce them now. i caught 5 babies but only 1 survived the night. baby is in a 1 gallon 78-80 degree bowl. but i think mommy fish needs to de-stress. i mean she was in labor when i purchased her, poor fishy. anyways, thanks for the video! very informative :(
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 8 years ago
that was supposed to be a smiley not a frowny face
Danna Cavell
Danna Cavell - 8 years ago
I have 2 bettas in a 5 gallon one of them is with some shrimp and the other one are with some Pygmy corys and I swear the shrimp and the corys run the tank lol. And it really just depends on your betta.
Weirdo Wolf
Weirdo Wolf - 8 years ago
How about tetras and guppies with a betta???
ren curry
ren curry - 8 years ago
nice asian love it..
MultiTictock - 8 years ago
What filter are you using?

100. comment for How to Introduce Tank Mates to a Betta Aquarium

Scarlett Selva
Scarlett Selva - 8 years ago
Is an algae eater fish okay with a betta in a 2.5 gallon tank? (My betta is a big scaredy fish)
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 8 years ago
you could try 1 mystery snail
BlueDwarfMC - 8 years ago
And Otto's should be in at least a ten gallon planted tank
BlueDwarfMC - 8 years ago
I wouldn't put any other fish in a 2.5 gallon
Scarlett Selva
Scarlett Selva - 8 years ago
thats the one i want thanks
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
An Otto cat would work well with a Betta.
AnimalLists - 8 years ago
My Female betta has an interesting personality
She is perfectly happy with tank mates, but if one fish stays still for too long, she will give a quick nip to their find and swim away
Lawren Jam
Lawren Jam - 8 years ago
I named my fish Marty
Juliana And Whatnot
Juliana And Whatnot - 9 years ago
Jackson is beautiful!!
Vweebs - 9 years ago
Hi are your plants plastic or real? Plastic seems easier to maintain
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+Vweebs They're all real. I only do planted tanks :)
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 9 years ago
Well done video, very helpful.And Jackson is one handsome betta. You're right about them: some are perfectly chill with tank mates, others become little serial killers, and there's no way to tell at the beforehand.
Arnav Sinha
Arnav Sinha - 9 years ago
Your Betta is so beautiful!
Andrew Ament
Andrew Ament - 9 years ago
only a hand full of days passed since i got my 5 gallon tank for my betta. i would love to have one or two more tank mates for him but not entirely knowing how he would react... im hesitant to say the least... he's an energetic little buddy and loves to hide and say hello from a long day of no interaction, i feel almost like im neglecting him! im on the line of getting a loach since i had them before and never bothered my previous community tank with my older betta and vise versa. this video is cute and crazy how my betta does the exact same as yours! this helped me out. for the most part adding plants may help a lot with the bareness.
Mama Mao The Mienshao
Mama Mao The Mienshao - 8 years ago
+Andrew Ament The Black Light fish that glow in the dark do well, but... Not the Yellow ones. Never the Yellow ones... It intimidates them. NEVER big fish. The red fish are good.
Joseph Borges
Joseph Borges - 9 years ago
Thank I just bought a 20 gallon tank so I can put my betta, 2 black molys, and 6 Pygmy
Joseph Borges
Joseph Borges - 8 years ago
+21 RB so now you are being nice and calm

nikko baron
nikko baron - 8 years ago
+Joseph Borges well usually that's what happens, it's not recommended.
Joseph Borges
Joseph Borges - 8 years ago
+21 RB Ok then why are they always out and about minding their own business and never fight
Truong Nguyen
Truong Nguyen - 8 years ago
+Joseph Borges I wouldnt really recommend fish like guppies, or mollies. Pygmy, definitely.
nikko baron
nikko baron - 8 years ago
Bruh you're dumb af, mollies nip on the betta fins
The Outcaster
The Outcaster - 9 years ago
Lance Harington
Lance Harington - 8 years ago
agreed! haha
James Bennett
James Bennett - 9 years ago
Mosquitofish are really good companions also
Makenna's Pets
Makenna's Pets - 9 years ago
Ok so I have a 20 gallon tank and in it I have neon tetras Cory catfish and I already introduced a betta with them and they all got along, but now I added 2 more and the one I already had in the tank is being VERY territorial. Luckily there has been no nipping, but she has been flaring at the new bettas and also chasing them while flaring. How can I help her get used to the new bettas?
Trent Deckard
Trent Deckard - 8 years ago
Generally, you can never have more than one male Betta in a single inclosure.
Olivia M
Olivia M - 9 years ago
so i have a 50 gallon that is being sett up and i want to but my better in with my platys but i also have 3 neon tetras
should i put the better in with the tetras or no
Alan Estrada
Alan Estrada - 9 years ago
Where did you get your corys from?
Kaitlyn Maddux
Kaitlyn Maddux - 9 years ago
oh OK thank u
Kaitlyn Maddux
Kaitlyn Maddux - 9 years ago
BTW ur fish are beautiful!
Kaitlyn Maddux
Kaitlyn Maddux - 9 years ago
I have the beginers tank it's like 1 gallon? is it OK to put 2 bettas in there or is it too small?
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+Kaitlyn Maddux you shouldn't keep a female and a male together either. You can keep bettas with other fish but keeping bettas together is not for any beginner fish keeper.
Kaitlyn Maddux
Kaitlyn Maddux - 9 years ago
What is good for like 2 bettas like male and female is 2 or 3 good?
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
It is absolutely too small and male bettas do not get along with other males. Females just be kept in trios or more. 1 gallon isn't enough for even one fish.
jerson222 - 9 years ago
update on this tank setup?
crazy goldfish
crazy goldfish - 9 years ago
Your betta is cool
theGouramist !
theGouramist ! - 9 years ago
that is one beutifull fish
Nathan McNelis
Nathan McNelis - 9 years ago
your betta is GORGEOUS... I'm jealous!
Melvin Lim Animations
Melvin Lim Animations - 7 years ago
im pretty sure it stands for Swim.In.Peace
Charlie Glass
Charlie Glass - 8 years ago
GyomiTV you mean rip
Simply Sharon
Simply Sharon - 8 years ago
Biff Danielson
Biff Danielson - 8 years ago
+GyomiTV You are gorgeous.
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 8 years ago
+TheEmeraldMurderer i buried my mom's fish in a little sour cream container full of water in the back yard. it was a make shift coffin lol.
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+Nathan McNelis Don't be too jealous! Unfortunately he passed away :( He was my most favorite betta. SIP Jackson Pollock :(
Cheyann Eder
Cheyann Eder - 9 years ago
Could you do a video of how you planted your plants and how you clean it? I want to do something simular with my 10 gallon. Thanks!
Cheyann Eder
Cheyann Eder - 9 years ago
Thank you so much!
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+Cheyann Eder Sure! I'm breaking down this 10 gallon actually to switch to a bigger 15 gallon tank so I will film it and show you guys how I do it :)
soft flooffypuppy
soft flooffypuppy - 9 years ago
are black or Dalmatian mollies OK with bettas?
XxSxrxhxX - 8 years ago
selena mcintyre mollies are a nono
Pepe Silvia
Pepe Silvia - 8 years ago
+Jacob Cudmore that seems like a little too much, you don't want your betta to feel crowded. try about six, so your betta won't bully them, but the tank won't be too crowded.
Jacob Cudmore
Jacob Cudmore - 8 years ago
+GyomiTV could I put 10 neon tetras with a betta inn a 10 gallon?
soft flooffypuppy
soft flooffypuppy - 8 years ago
+little tin goddess good luck and I hope all goes well for them :)
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 8 years ago
i bought 3 dalmation mollies for my 10 gallon betta tank. i also bought and set up a separator just in case. while the mollies acclimated, the betta flared a few times but then kept swimming around. i decided to let the new fish settle in before introducing them and im glad i did because the male mollies are actually female!!! one of them gave birth hours after being in the tank. i caught 5 but only 1 survived the night. soooooo introducing them is post-poned even longer now. they can see each other thru the divider. its only been 2 days and there is no aggression of flaring. they do seem curious tho, the 3 mollies will hang out next to the divider and then the betta will come up too and they just kind of look at each other.

i chose dalmation mollies because they arent colorful and dont have long fins like bettas. i hope to sucessfully introduce them in a few weeks!!
soft flooffypuppy
soft flooffypuppy - 9 years ago
+GyomiTV thank you !
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+selena mcintyre (bambina) Corydoras are always great with Bettas :) Those are my personal favorites!
soft flooffypuppy
soft flooffypuppy - 9 years ago
+GyomiTV Ok thank you ! I'd rather my betta be safe . got any suggestions for fish that will be ok with bettas ?
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
Unfortunately Mollies are notorious for nipping fins so I wouldn't suggest it!
Brian Magallones
Brian Magallones - 9 years ago
I have a 10 gallon planted tank cycling right now and would like to keep a Betta and some Cory's. Should I start with the Betta first and then add the Cory's, or vice versa? Also, if I'm going to have 5 or 6 Cory's, is it ok to add them all at once, or will that mess up my cycle?
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
I've added 6-8 ember tetras at once without it affecting my tank so as long as the tank is well established I don't see why not!
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
I think starting off with a betta would definitely be better for your cycle. As for when you add the cories, I think it shouldn't be an issue if your tank is heavily planted and if you test the water once or twice a day.
B Hockey
B Hockey - 9 years ago
what if I had the corys already in my tank but wanted to add a beta would that be ok? or does it have to be in the order from the video you posted
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+B Hockey That's just fine -- the order I put the fish in is Cories first and then Bettas second!
RPG nukes you
RPG nukes you - 9 years ago
Your tank is amazing
Randumbstuff Randumbstuff
Randumbstuff Randumbstuff - 9 years ago
I have a 20 gallon with 2 mollies a weather loach a Toyota loach a fire gourami and a knight goby probably can't add a betta lol
Aman Chase
Aman Chase - 9 years ago
wow ok thats kind of cool to me and im getting me a 20 gallon tank
Martinka Obtulovic
Martinka Obtulovic - 9 years ago
Do Bettas eat other fish.. I added White Cloud Mountain minnows to my tank with my Betta and I noticed this morning that one was missing :/
Noly Orozco
Noly Orozco - 9 years ago
no they do not eat other fish they just chase them
LaxAllstar - 9 years ago
What kind of substrate are you using?
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+LaxAllstar It is a mixture of CaribSea Tahitian Moon Sand and Fluorite Black
obscur - 9 years ago
Supprisingly, I've had a feeder guppy with a betta in a half gallon for nearly a year. Just don't say "WHY A HALF GALLON TANK, YOU MONSTER?!?!!". I will get one soon.
Shin Hye Koo
Shin Hye Koo - 9 years ago
+Elan Kipervarg Well you really shouldn't have that many fish. At half gallon you would have to be doing at least daily water changes to keep the water parameters safe...
Shin Hye Koo
Shin Hye Koo - 9 years ago
+TheAirsoft Legionaire Half gallon is NOT enough space for another fish! It's not even enough space for a betta unless you are doing daily water changes :(
obscur - 9 years ago
+TheAirsoft Legionaire I suggest a dully colored fish that is smaller than the betta, and make sure it is not a "fin nipper"
DankGrandpa - 9 years ago
I have a half gallon with one betta and want to get him a tank mate, do you know what I should get?
Gordon Qi
Gordon Qi - 9 years ago
why don't you but mote fish?your tank look amazing!!!
Gordon Qi
Gordon Qi - 9 years ago
put* thanks,love that video!!!
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+Gordon Qi I prefer to keep my tanks understocked to ensure superior water quality! A lot has changed since this video though! Now my 10 gallon houses 6 Pygmy Cories, a colony of Red Cherry Shrimp, 3 Otocinclus, 4 Ember Tetras and 3 Phoenix Rasboras!
Mackenzie Gail
Mackenzie Gail - 9 years ago
Jackson is so STUNNING!
David S
David S - 9 years ago
This video was helpful I've had a betta since August and he lives in a 1.5 gal tank it's relatively big for him so I decided to get 4 Neon tetras to add to the tank and I waited an hour so they could adjust before I put him back in luckily I was cleaning the tank today too so he was already out. I have a log in there and added some small plants and all seems well right now when ever he gets close the little pack of Tetras just swim away hopefully this works out
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+David S 1.5 gallons is not enough space for that many fish! I strongly recommend that you get a larger tank. You will very quickly get ammonia/nitrite build up that will end up making your fish sick!
mustafa muskic
mustafa muskic - 9 years ago
hi I just bought a common pelco and the guy said that they grown depending on the tank I said what the betta follows the tank mate but I see low aggression signs most of the time and low aggression..should I be worried...
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+mustafa muskic Hi there. Some pleco species stay relatively small, but most plecos will get very large! They do not grow to the size of the tank! I would recommend rehoming your pleco unless you would like to invest in a large enough tank for him!
Cheryl Dahl
Cheryl Dahl - 9 years ago
Most people don't understand cycling a tank... lol

You can't cycle a tank without fish in it. The cycle is naturally created by the waste of the fish. You have to put fish into the tank to start the cycle. During the early days of this "Cycle" your only part is to do water changes once or twice a day to help reduce the ammonia.... you need some of it to start the cycle though.

You don't' need fancy water conditioners or anything either. Although, it's easier (but more expensive) than water changes.
Cheryl Dahl
Cheryl Dahl - 9 years ago
+GyomiTV ya, that is when it is most fun hehe
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+Cheryl Dahl Well most viewers of this video are not going to be novice fish keepers :) I haven't needed to do a fish-in cycle for the longest time though since I already have established filter media and most of my tanks have so many plants that it's a silent cycle!
Cheryl Dahl
Cheryl Dahl - 9 years ago
+GyomiTV I have a lot of experience cycling tanks with fish, so I can add any fish any time and they will be fine. but I did start with the easier type fish which helped me learn how to do it safely :)
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+Cheryl Dahl Also just wanted to add that with sensitive fish like pygmy cories, it's also not advised. A betta probably would do just fine w/ fish-in cycling but tiny fish like pygmy cories are very sensitive to water parameter changes :)
Cheryl Dahl
Cheryl Dahl - 9 years ago
+GyomiTV I suppose you can do a fishless cycle: I never tried it that way. :)
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+Cheryl Dahl Yes you can? If you are using fishless cycling w/ ammonia or frozen shrimp you can cycle your tank. The bacteria just needs a source of food.

And yes, you need some ammonia but if you are doing a fish-in cycle you must check your water parameters at least twice a day to make sure your fish is not in danger because of the possible ammonia or nitrite spike.

Water conditioners are necessary if you are not going to air out the water -- at least here anyway, as we have chlorine in the water :)

Anyway, the point of the video was not about cycling. There are plenty of well explained videos out there on Youtube about cycling. I'm sure if someone was smart enough to search this they're capable of doing that ;)
Ines Strehwitzer
Ines Strehwitzer - 9 years ago
wow! very nice arranged tank :D
Mackenzie Griffin
Mackenzie Griffin - 9 years ago
Great video!!
And omg where in the world did you get the TARDIS decoration!?? I need it so badly!!
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+Mackenzie Griffin It is by Penn Plax :) You should be able to find it at most pet stores!
DrippingPlacebo - 9 years ago
bait-ah. Not Bet-ta
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+PerfectNyx It's actually not. It's pronounced bet-uh (that's why there are two Ts).

You're thinking of the Greek alphabet, beta, which is pronounced bait-ah :)
NickTheBoss Gaming
NickTheBoss Gaming - 9 years ago
is that the tardis
Mike Rolli
Mike Rolli - 7 years ago
Since the tardis is there, you have enough room for more fish. Remember it's bigger on the inside.
NickTheBoss Gaming
NickTheBoss Gaming - 9 years ago
Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons
Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons - 9 years ago
lucky!!!!!! hope the doctor visits soon!!!
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+Betta Pet Sure is!
Zippy Shack
Zippy Shack - 9 years ago
I have had my betta since Christmas 2014 and I do not do to much inter acting like following my finger, but he lays in my hand. is this good?
Zippy Shack
Zippy Shack - 9 years ago
he has two but ok. its because I spoil him
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+Zippy Shack I don't really suggest handling your fish often because it can affect their slime coat, but I would imagine he does this because it's a nice place to rest :) Maybe try providing him a leaf hammock or some plants that he can rest on :)
Warren Chan
Warren Chan - 9 years ago
Found ur video to be super helpful and i enjoy the information you provide. Love bettas , they're so pretty. Anyway hope u make more videos fish or your pet related :D
Lucy Cunnold
Lucy Cunnold - 9 years ago
This video is so helpful! Thanks!
I have a 12 gallon tank, and have a betta and 7 small 'feeder fish' that live happily together. Do you see any problem adding a few ghost shrimp?
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+Lucy Cunnold If you mean goldfish (those are mostly sold as feeders), they require vastly different water parameters, so I strongly encourage separating them! Feeder goldfish are often comet goldfish, which require large bodies of water (min. for a fancy goldfish is 20 gallons per fish, and for pond goldfish such as comets, more!).

In a 12 gallon ghost shrimp shouldn't be an issue, but those feeder fish are definitely a problem!
Wolf18889 - 9 years ago
Your betta is magnificent! Also, great vid ^.^
Jo Jo Wyllie
Jo Jo Wyllie - 9 years ago
DarkFalcon130 - 9 years ago
So I was thinking about buying a 5 gallon tank... Will the tiny catfish or ghost shrimp be okay in the tank with the betta?
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+DarkFalcon130 Sorry for the late reply! I think a five gallon take is a little small for pygmy cories. A ghost shrimp might be OK though.
SUPER MAN SANCHEZ - 9 years ago
can you put bettas together
Cheryl Dahl
Cheryl Dahl - 9 years ago
+Noah Sanchez It depends on the size of your tank
Blue Euphony
Blue Euphony - 9 years ago
Just remember you need at least 3 in order for it to work. One will become "alpha". If you only have two the alpha will most likely kill the other betta.
SUPER MAN SANCHEZ - 9 years ago
Ok im geting a nother fish female betta check out my chanell im geting a nother betta female
Blue Euphony
Blue Euphony - 9 years ago
Only females.. Research "betta sorority tank" before you even think about it though
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
Awesome video! Glad to see more people keeping bettas in community tanks ^_^. It is indeed very true that bettas all have different personalities. I have a male in a tank with not only guppies but MALE guppies and he does not even bother to chase them. The friendliest guy Ive ever had.
Saif khan
Saif khan - 9 years ago
What tank mates can live with bettas in a 5.5 gallon tank????
xAngelsRevengex - 9 years ago
neon tetra are great! I have them in with my betta as well as a ivory mystery snail. cherry or ghost shrimp are okay, but shrimp don't last super long
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+Saif khan Snails are pretty much your only choice in a tank that small!
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 9 years ago
My betta is completely calm. I had 4 guppies with him and he didnt flare once! He doesn't even flare at his reflection. He is calmest betta i've seen. Hes in a 10 gallon, but dont worry, I moved the guppies in a 45 gallon, anyways, i wanted to get a nerite or mystery snail! Maybe some Ghost Shrimpys! I think that my tank would not be overstocked, please correct me if im wrong;) Thx
Nice vid btw! Your tank is beautiful and so is your betta!<33
Em Pieper
Em Pieper - 9 years ago
Kent Han
Kent Han - 9 years ago
whats the back ground music at 0:56 ?
Oh, and awesome tank!
Panasonic Ht75
Panasonic Ht75 - 9 years ago
Hi I just setup a new tank two days ago and added some tetras and guppies. Today I introduced my beta into the community tank. My beta is a male with very beautiful tail but completely non hostile. He won't even flare at his own reflection but would just swim away. I've been wondering about his sexuality but I'm very sure he's a male. Everything seems fine in the community tank. No fish is chasing any others and my beta is usually hiding or playing dead at the bottom.
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+No1likeSharon Each individual betta is different, but in my experience if a betta sits at the bottom then it's usually a sign that something is wrong. If your water parameters are good, and the temperature is good, then I wouldn't worry too much :) It might be the personality then!
No1likeSharon - 9 years ago
+Panasonic Ht75 I also have a 5.5 gallon tank and have had my betta for 2 years alone in the tank. He's also very very docile. I don't really see him swimming a lot at the top, He likes to sit at the bottom and I'm positive he's completely healthy.
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+Panasonic Ht75 What temperature is your tank set up at? Sitting at the bottom of the tank is sign of an unhealthy betta. It's pretty easy to tell the difference between a male and a female (females do not ever have big/long tails). If he's hiding then I do not think a community tank is working out for him (stress!).
Gavin Falcon
Gavin Falcon - 9 years ago
I'm new to fish keeping so I'm considering doing this and you said you need quarantine the new fish but i don't know how to do that. Any advice?
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+Gavin Falcon Simply set up a temporary tank, cycle it as you normally would, and acclimate and add your new fish into the tank. Wait 2-3 weeks and watch for any signs of illnesses, and treat accordingly if there are any illnesses. Once they pass the 2-3 week mark you can go ahead and add the new fish into your original tank :)
roughredneck 22 44 45
roughredneck 22 44 45 - 9 years ago
I have a 5.0 gallon tank and the lady at petsmart said it would be fine to have 2 dalmatian mollies 2 fancy tailed guppies 1( red wag I think they are called) and an African dwarf frog. They all seem very happy and not cramped. I would like to add a ghost shrimp and a black racer snail. Would it be OK to do so ? I have the water filter and all that.
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
Usually big chain employees have very limited knowledge, and it's often incorrect (just think of all the info. about bettas that they get wrong!). It's better to do independent research online before going to a store :) Good luck on your guys!
roughredneck 22 44 45
roughredneck 22 44 45 - 9 years ago
Hmm the lady at petsmart said you could put 5 mollies in a 5 gallon tank. Woops.
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+roughredneck 22 44 45 I personally think that mollies should be in 10+ gallons sheerly due to size (they grow up at 3" -- that's already 1/3 of the tank length of a 5 gallon which is not enough swimming space). In a 5 gallon, 2-3 guppies, a Nerite snail (which is what I assume you are referring to), and an ADF would be fine. You could try ghost shrimp but it's really a crapshoot with shrimp when it comes to other fish/ADFs (since they're carnivores/omnivores and shrimp are at the bottom of the food chain).
lil boo
lil boo - 9 years ago
Hello I really enjoy your video, I have a similar one. I was hoping you could take a look at my video and give me some tips beta breeding.
Nick Tedjokoesoemo
Nick Tedjokoesoemo - 9 years ago
Any other fish that can be as tankmate for betta? My betta is super red giant.
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
You could give ghost shrimp a try since they're larger, but he might get eaten! The cories are perfect tankmates for a betta :)
Nick Tedjokoesoemo
Nick Tedjokoesoemo - 9 years ago
My shrimp is ghost shrimp, i also put 5 albino corydoras. Is it okay?
Nick Tedjokoesoemo
Nick Tedjokoesoemo - 9 years ago
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+Nick Tedjokoesoemo Yay thanks for taking such great care of your betta ^_^ I'm sure he loves the extra space! I normally do not recommend freshwater shrimp with bettas just because bettas are predatory, and shrimp are prey. Unless you have a good colony going, chances are most of your shrimp will get eaten. It's a highly stressful environment for the shrimp too, which means you will rarely see them out and about. They also require very particular water parameters depending on the species, and are extremely sensitive to water quality. With a giant betta, they are more likely to get eaten since most shrimp species available are dwarf varieties. If you really want to give it a try, I would start with the easiest and cheapest shrimp: Red Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina Heteropoda), but make sure your tank is extremely heavily planted and they have places they can escape to that the betta cannot reach.
Nick Tedjokoesoemo
Nick Tedjokoesoemo - 9 years ago
Now, my betta is on the 12 gallons aquarium. Is fresh water shrimp is a good choice? I've got them when i search for wild betta in ricefield
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
As I stated in my video, 3 gallons is unfortunately not big enough for most types of fish -- especially for a giant betta. Giant bettas, imo, do better with more space (because they are naturally bigger). I would suggest a 5 gallon for him if he were living alone, and at least a 10 gallon if you want to add other fish :)
Nick Tedjokoesoemo
Nick Tedjokoesoemo - 9 years ago
3 gallons
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+Nick Tedjokoesoemo How big is your tank? That will be the biggest consideration when it comes to adding tank mates!
pokémon master
pokémon master - 9 years ago
i have 10 mollies and 1 guppy and a female betta is it okay?
pokémon master
pokémon master - 9 years ago
tnx! you too! god bless!
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
Great! I'm sure your fish will be very happy living in there ^_^
pokémon master
pokémon master - 9 years ago
i have a 40 gallon :)
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+pokémon master Yes they're all very compatible, but like I said, you will definitely need a larger tank (min. 20 gallons) for that many fish! Good luck :)
pokémon master
pokémon master - 9 years ago
+GyomiTV my mollies think that my guppy too is a molly because when my 1st molly had fry i put the guppy there and they swim together with the betta and play together and my betta is a helpful fish when my zebra danios who died last year because his left fin where nipped my betta helps him swimand i added last night in my other tank with 5 guppies with a female betta too and the ones with the mollies added their too and the gupppy breeded too with a molly so their are alot of fry their.
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+pokémon master In terms of water parameters all three species live in similar conditions (76-82F, pH ~7.0), but this is not the only thing to consider.
1) How big is your tank? Mollies need a min. of 20 gallons, and with 10 you should really get at least 30 gallons.
2) What kind of a personality does your betta have? (Some can stress from being around too many fish -- with a female betta you should have an easier time though)
3) Guppies are happier in bigger groups -- consider getting more than just one.
4) Guppies and Mollies breed like crazy -- be careful of adding females with males!
5) Make sure to plant or decorate heavily to give your betta some privacy :)
Ethan Vue
Ethan Vue - 9 years ago
Dam your cute
Sinnipop Lolligag
Sinnipop Lolligag - 9 years ago
So funny, what a little bully.
Robert S
Robert S - 9 years ago
I have a 2.5 gallon with my really peaceful betta (he will swim from his reflection
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+WNY fish tanks 4u I'm sure the hasbrosus will love that 29 gallon! Lucky fish :)
Robert S
Robert S - 9 years ago
I am going to set up a 29 in the very near future and the cories might go in there cause i know i am getting habrosus cories for that tank. Btw The conment did sound offensive at all
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+WNY fish tanks 4u I'm sorry if this comes off as intentionally offensive (because it's not meant to be that way!), but 2.5 gallons is not enough space for those hasbrosus cories! They are schooling fish, and are happiest in big groups, and despite their small size, require quite a bit of space. 2.5 gallons is the absolute minimum for a single betta. With three other fish in there you risk a huge amount of ammonia and nitrite buildup, even with a filter. I would highly suggest investing in a larger tank (min. 10 gallons). You'll see your cories will be much happier with all that extra space ^_^
bammagurl1 - 9 years ago
In a smaller tank, or any tank really, an African Dwarf Frog works really well with a betta! And ADF are really cute!
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
That's great that it's working out for you! These are just my personal recommendations from my experience keeping bettas and other aquatic pets :)
bammagurl1 - 9 years ago
+GyomiTV I have the 5 gallon Fluval Spec V with a beta and an ADF, and they are doing really well
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+bammagurl1 I would not recommend anything smaller even with an ADF but they are definitely great tankmates to bettas!
Vicky Li
Vicky Li - 10 years ago
Hi! I just got a new Betta. He's a Melano male and he is GORGOUS. I love him! One problem- I'm 12. My dad believed that for beginners, Bettas die easily. I actually agree- most of my friends Bettas died in the first month. My dad said that if my Betta does well for one month, we can move him into a five gallon tank. Right now he's in a 1 gallon with lots of decor. Any tips for the first month?
GyomiTV - 9 years ago
+Vicky Li Lucky betta! No problem. I'm glad I was of help!
Vicky Li
Vicky Li - 9 years ago
Haha, thanks again. I just got him into a five gallon! Tysm, it's an amazing feeling!!
GyomiTV - 10 years ago
No problem! Please try to change the water more often! Every two days is not enough and your betta will eventually get fin rot or ammonia poisoning.
Vicky Li
Vicky Li - 10 years ago
Thanks! This will help a lot. I'm changing my Bettas water every two days and occasionally every day. I'm going out to buy more varieties of food and decor. Thanks again for the reply! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed, hoping he does good
GyomiTV - 10 years ago
Oh and congratulations on your new betta!
GyomiTV - 10 years ago
Hi Vicky,

You should let your dad know that it's easier to keep a betta healthy and happy in a bigger tank. By keeping him in your 1 gallon, you will have to do more frequent water changes and it'll be harder to maintain a stable temperature. This puts your betta more at risk of getting ill or stressed, therefore making it more likely for him to die.

Generally if you do frequent enough water changes and you keep the temperature at a stable 76-80F, your fish will do great. Remember to dechlorinate your water during water changes!

In a 1 gallon you should really be doing water changes every single day. If you skip even one day your fish can get ammonia poisoning and get sick and die.

I hope that helped!
Emilio Garcia
Emilio Garcia - 10 years ago
where do you buy your betta at?
Emilio Garcia
Emilio Garcia - 10 years ago
+GyomiTV thanks :*
GyomiTV - 10 years ago
I have a local breeder/importer who I visit. Sometimes I purchase them from local fish stores as well :) If you check out my other videos, I have one where I go pick up two bettas from him!
Jessica Mendes
Jessica Mendes - 10 years ago

Sarah Williams
Sarah Williams - 10 years ago
Oh my god that TARDIS
Sarah Williams
Sarah Williams - 9 years ago
+Noly Orozco Time And Relative Dimension In Space. Its the blue english police box that the Doctor in Doctor Who travels the universe/time with :)
Noly Orozco
Noly Orozco - 9 years ago
what is tardis
Gavin Falcon
Gavin Falcon - 9 years ago
I know I freaked out when I saw it! I need it!
Ashley Jimenez
Ashley Jimenez - 10 years ago
Lovely TARDIS.
Remina Leighton
Remina Leighton - 10 years ago
Your betta is absolutely adorable!
AntTheArtist - 10 years ago
nice vid !!!
Betta Buddy
Betta Buddy - 10 years ago
Thanks for the great info.
Oswin Oswald
Oswin Oswald - 10 years ago
And beautiful tardis ^^
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Very well done. I will have to check out more of your channel. Jackson is a gorgeous Betta btw
794MULTI - 10 years ago
A random question: does this apply to any breed of fish or just certain breed of fish? Just wondering.
794MULTI - 10 years ago
+GyomiTV Sounds interesting :) I didn't know the Betta species were from Southeast Asia.
GyomiTV - 10 years ago
From what I understand they are pretty mucha ll over Southeast Asia :) Lots of different species under "betta". The pet variety (not wild type) is known as Betta Splendens though.
794MULTI - 10 years ago
+GyomiTV Makes sense :) I am curious to know where Betta fish are from e.g. which part of the world they are from.
GyomiTV - 10 years ago
+794MULTI Well I would say bettas are pretty much the easiest, and least demanding in terms of water parameters, tank size, etc. :) I love them. They're my favorite fish!
794MULTI - 10 years ago
+GyomiTV Which species are easier/more difficult to take care of?

Sorry, my knowledge on fish is still limited but am still trying to understand.
GyomiTV - 10 years ago
+794MULTI Bettas often start tail biting if they're bored/stressed.

I wouldn't necessarily say the bigger the fish, the more care they need. It really depends on what species :) I find that nano fish are actually more difficult to care for as they tend to be more sensitive to fluctuations in water parameters.
794MULTI - 10 years ago
+GyomiTV That's one way of putting it. What would the fish do if they were bored?

I imagine the bigger the fish is, the more care they will need (such as pond fish) :)
GyomiTV - 10 years ago
+794MULTI Pretty much! I mean, imagine living in a room with absolutely nothing to furnish it -- wouldn't be much fun or comfort, would it? I think of it the same way for my pets :)

Yes the betta is the bigger white fish in the video :) They were originally bred as fighting fish but many can successfully coexist with other fish given enough space, hiding places, and with the proper tank mates ^_^
794MULTI - 10 years ago
+GyomiTV So by having rocks and plants, it acts like the natural habitat (the outside world) which makes them feel a bit more safe?

It's good that they're trying to socialize together :) It shows that they're willing to make a bond with the Betta (despite the size and appearance - assuming the Betta is the slightly bigger fish?).
GyomiTV - 10 years ago
+794MULTI A bubbler just agitates the surface of the water to make sure that oxygenation occurs :) And plants, rocks, etc. are all just ways of enriching your fish's life and making it feel safe.

Yes it's very interesting! As of last night the cories actually even try to school with my betta!
794MULTI - 10 years ago
+GyomiTV And what about things like rocks, tall grass etc? I understand they're for the fish to hide if they feel harrassed or want to hide from other fish but what else would they need besides some rocks and tall grass? And I'm guessing a bubbler is something that helps clean the water or helps with the Oxygen levels?

It's interesting to see how fish adapt to life in the tank (or pond) and how they socialize with other fish (if there are sharing the same tank with other fish).
GyomiTV - 10 years ago
+794MULTI Yes you would have to animal-proof your pond if you have wildlife passing through your yard.

Most people have filtration systems in their pond to keep the water parameters ideal. Oxygenation occurs when the water is moving, so having a filtration system as well as a bubbler, water fall, or some sort of a fountain is ideal :)
794MULTI - 10 years ago
+GyomiTV If you did have a pond with fish in it, you have to be careful that other animals don't try and scare them (such as Foxes, wild cats etc) so that's another thing is making sure they're safe and are protected from possible danger.

What about making sure that the tank (or pond) is clean? How would one make sure that the water and the tank is clean enough and is suitable for the fish? Is there a way to make sure that the water is suitable and has enough Oxygen for them to live in?
GyomiTV - 10 years ago
+794MULTI No problem! I'll try my best to help. I do not have any info. on how to properly acclimate fish to a pond as I have never done it myself, but I would imagine acclimation is still very important. Generally people keep more hardy fish in ponds so you probably do not have to be as careful. With nano fish (such as pygmy cories) you have to be more careful as they tend to be more sensitive to stress and changes in water quality, temperature, etc.
794MULTI - 10 years ago
+GyomiTV Interesting. I understand. Would this also apply to outside fish i.e. fish that live in a pond or a small lake? or would that require a different method of introducing a new fish (or a group of fish) to the lake or pond?

Sorry if these questions are random and not so organised. I hope it's OK for me to take an interest in fish life and for me to ask random questions about them.
GyomiTV - 10 years ago
+794MULTI And yes, dimming the lights is just to not stress out the new fish :)
GyomiTV - 10 years ago
+794MULTI Generally goldfish do not do well with other tankmates, but the the tips given for quarantining, acclimating, etc. (including dimming the lights) can definitely be applied to other fish and their introduction to a new tank!
794MULTI - 10 years ago
+GyomiTV I was wondering if it applied to common fish like Goldfish. I was curious to know whether this applied to certain fish or all fish. I'm guessing by dimming the lights, this means it won't scare the fish you're adding to the tank? or am I confused?

Thank you, it was helpful :)
GyomiTV - 10 years ago
Which species of fish are you talking about? And in what context?

If you are adding new tankmates to your tank that DOESN'T have any territorial/aggressive fish (such as a betta) then you probably will not to be as careful. Acclimating, making sure your tank is cycled, keeping the lights dim, etc. are all things you should do when adding any new fish to a tank :)

I hope that was helpful!

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