How to Keep a Male and Female Betta Together in the SAME Tank!

Keeping two Bettas of opposite genders CAN be risky, so here are my tips on keeping a male and female in the same tank! Remember that the agressiveness of your Bettas also play an important role in wether this works or not. *A key factor is also providing you Bettas with an adequate amount of space, i suggest at least 15 gallons.* If you found the video entertaining , please subscribe by clicking the link below! I upload videos weekly! Questions? Email me or comment down below! Thank you for viewing/reading!

How to Keep a Male and Female Betta Together in the SAME Tank! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 113

Betta 8 years ago 101,076 views

Keeping two Bettas of opposite genders CAN be risky, so here are my tips on keeping a male and female in the same tank! Remember that the agressiveness of your Bettas also play an important role in wether this works or not. *A key factor is also providing you Bettas with an adequate amount of space, i suggest at least 15 gallons.* If you found the video entertaining , please subscribe by clicking the link below! I upload videos weekly! Questions? Email me or comment down below! Thank you for viewing/reading!

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Most popular comments
for How to Keep a Male and Female Betta Together in the SAME Tank!

princetigern117 - 7 years ago
Ur male betta look alike my 2 week old betts
Art & Creativity
Art & Creativity - 7 years ago
gold bette
gold bette - 7 years ago
I try it but it's fail be cos they breed help what should I do to there not ga na breed
DaWhiteWolffie - 7 years ago
That's a CALM male betta? They must have energy out the wazoo and all be ADHD. lol
Joseph Crandall
Joseph Crandall - 7 years ago
will they breed?
Turtle Lover
Turtle Lover - 7 years ago
Turtle Lover
Turtle Lover - 7 years ago
lol #i named him after someone from Psych!
Turtle Lover
Turtle Lover - 7 years ago
I had a male beta fish, His name was Clizbe. He died in January and he was 2-3. I wish I could've seen this vid and gotten him a bud before he died. R.I.P Clizbe!
Btw im still so shocked its been almost a year since he died!`
Bryan Gonzalez
Bryan Gonzalez - 7 years ago
I had a female betta with male trust me it did not go well

10. comment for How to Keep a Male and Female Betta Together in the SAME Tank!

Sexy Tae tae
Sexy Tae tae - 7 years ago
I putted a divider between my female and male then after i looked away to call someone, the female somehow went to the male's side and they lived in peace •__•
Irfan Mushairi
Irfan Mushairi - 7 years ago
i have question about betta fish???

1.what fish can live with betta fish
2.what to do if betta fish is dying to make betta fish happy betta fish lonely???

pls reply fast as you can..
Patchwork The Dragon
Patchwork The Dragon - 7 years ago
The male betta throughout the video
jose jose
jose jose - 7 years ago
That stupid music is annoying serious
Toonio2000 - 7 years ago
The thing is i got some fish for my betta not so long ago

I told the man isn't it dangerous to put a male and female together

He said no its just ok males wil look more pretty when a female is present they are mostly agressive to other males

I said but the internet said this
His response was "i have 30 years experience"
Princess_Elizabeth - 7 years ago
Are the plants in your tank real (this question was before the video) and if they are where did you git them?
SUBIE4estr XT - 7 years ago
You should have a few females with the male soo he doesn't just pick on her only. If hes too agressive you shouldn't have any females with him.
ashley - 7 years ago
For everyone saying this is wrong, this is how bettas live in the wild. Yes they bump into each other and flare but they usually swim away from each other
Sun Mugam
Sun Mugam - 7 years ago
the middle man
the middle man - 7 years ago
Blix Wolf
Blix Wolf - 7 years ago
My female is super fast so I'm not worried I think I'm going to put her in today

20. comment for How to Keep a Male and Female Betta Together in the SAME Tank!

Alittle _Different
Alittle _Different - 7 years ago
I found my fish dead on the ground today.
Nick Au
Nick Au - 7 years ago
Wow you know NOTHING about fish keeping and Bettas, First the current is too strong and the poor male is struggling, Male and female Bettas will fight. Next you have Tetras and Guppies, Tetras prefer soft water while Guppies need hard water, shall I go on?

My advice to anybody watching this video is to ignore everything this clip tells you.
Tyler Burnette
Tyler Burnette - 7 years ago
Nick Au aren't they both hardy fish though? And doesn't every "beginner" video you find on YouTube about smaller tanks say these fish go well together/ with a betta? I'm new to this as well and I have no problem with my guppies/tetras/ white clouds and my male betta.
Nature Warrior
Nature Warrior - 7 years ago
This wouldn't work with me cause my betta fish are in separate 1 gallon tanks, and my female has a BAD TEMPER, AND KILLED TWO SNAILS THAT I GAVE TO HER AS FRIENDS EACH TIME! My male is quite nicer though
Mei Silja
Mei Silja - 7 years ago
You shouldn't house males and females together. The male will chase the female constantly. The female will be unable to eat or rest. Also, guppies are a big no no with a male betta! Their tails mimic another male to well and they will also nip at your male Betta's tail as male guppies do this to each other for dominance. Not good advice.
Gecko Master
Gecko Master - 7 years ago
In the wild they live where there is little to no current your Bettas are most likely stressed
Gecko Master
Gecko Master - 7 years ago
The current in the aquarium is to fast slow it down
Haodijam Romila
Haodijam Romila - 7 years ago
I don't see your female betta!!!
Casey Godwin
Casey Godwin - 7 years ago
My male and female bettas not only live together, but hang out together. They swim all over the tank together like a couple of slow moving goldfish. At night we've caught them hunkering down under the same plant, so I think they share the same corner of the tank. They've never mated, and I think at this point they are too old to, so I know it has nothing to do with that. They've been together for over two years now and neither have ever been aggressive to the other. However, my male is aggressive toward the food I feed him, which is hilarious.
Troy and tiny And Jones
Troy and tiny And Jones - 7 years ago
My beta is friendly I put him with 2 goldfish 5 minnows and a turtle and they never fight and ima bout to put in tetras and a guppy whit it
Jenni __
Jenni __ - 7 years ago
That's a terrible combination of fish in that tank. First of all goldfish are cold water fish and bettas are warm water fish they Need separate tanks. And the turtle Also need a separate tank, he'll probably end up trying toeat the fish
SektundSchnee - 7 years ago
The tetras and guppies are schooling fish and need to be in groups of at least six for each species. You're right that dither fish are helpful in some community tanks to draw out timid fish but this Betta (pronounced bet-ta, not bay-ta) splendins may be better without company at all, including the female.

30. comment for How to Keep a Male and Female Betta Together in the SAME Tank!

The Budget Aquarist
The Budget Aquarist - 7 years ago
checkout my video on 4 bettas...2 males and 2 females... living happily in a 15 gallon tank.
Tahmeed Mazumder
Tahmeed Mazumder - 7 years ago
the Bettas are happy but try to tone the flow rate of your filter down. Bettas are fish of stagnant water. they can do with a bit of flow but not too much. you can just see the Betta beating with it's might here against the current. so think on that
Abigail Gagea
Abigail Gagea - 7 years ago
Now i feel bad. I have a 1 gallon tank (TRUST ME IT'S BIGGER THAN IT SOUNDS) with male and female. They get along well and the male has made nests.
Abigail Gagea
Abigail Gagea - 7 years ago
Do not worry! They have a 7 gallon to themselves now
Jenni __
Jenni __ - 7 years ago
That's horrible
Eagle Nation Percussion
Eagle Nation Percussion - 7 years ago
I have a 10 gal. Tank. Is it alright to keep a male and female betta together in my tank? There's lots of places for them to hide including real and fake plants.
Jenni __
Jenni __ - 7 years ago
No, they should never be kept together. Only females can be kept together but there needs to be at least 5 of them and need a 20 gallon
MacIsNotCool - 7 years ago
Won't they breed though and then you'll get baby betas and you'll have got separate them all
AquariumCop - 7 years ago
Ty for sharing
Kyo Jane
Kyo Jane - 7 years ago
Unrelated cause i'm not touching the betta part cause theres no way to mention anything on that topic without a comment war hahaha. Just a side note to tell you that little tetra needs friends, they dont do well alone and should never be sold in amounts under 5, but i'm not surprised as i see the damn horror stories about american pet stores, that they would sell a single little tetra.
Miguel Borbon
Miguel Borbon - 7 years ago
Hey guys i just started a sorority tank and they get along pretty well. :)
Amy K
Amy K - 7 years ago
are gouramis slow?
YAHYA ABDI - 7 years ago
I hope this is legit my male killed about five bettas .-.
Mr.Hmong Culture
Mr.Hmong Culture - 7 years ago
All male bettas can live with females,Put together and they dont fight...Idk whats the video for
bboy billo
bboy billo - 7 years ago
can i put some guppies with a betta
Hands on S.A
Hands on S.A - 7 years ago
do they mate
Ruby Church
Ruby Church - 7 years ago
The Animal Report
The Animal Report - 7 years ago
cool video, although this is very risky. I can't even put an apple snail on my female betta's side of the tank without her trying to kill him.
Jack Marriott
Jack Marriott - 7 years ago
Honestly all you people hating on her, She isn't stupid and knows that if the bettas start to fight that she has to separate them. I'm sure that all you people know what ur talking about and that's why ur so against this, but it's obviously working so back off...
Jenny_ - 7 years ago
Great video! But the bright light of a flash is both very stressing and blinding/ potentially harmful to small animals! (especially fish) so be careful and next time don't do that
Lizzy Busch
Lizzy Busch - 7 years ago
You should never attempt this, unless you are a breeder actively trying for fry. Unless that is the case, go with a couple of 2.5s, or a 20 long sorority.
Tommy Black
Tommy Black - 7 years ago
It is pronounced better. It has two ts.

Do not put a male betta in with guppies. Guppies flutter their tails, and the betta will attack.
Jamie Owens
Jamie Owens - 7 years ago

50. comment for How to Keep a Male and Female Betta Together in the SAME Tank!

KaijuCinema - 7 years ago
Only one neon tetra? That's depressing
m.t - 7 years ago
I kept female and male betta together and he ate her fins I think : ( I woke up and she have no fins
XXxX_Jackson 300201
XXxX_Jackson 300201 - 7 years ago
this is the second video I found that proves bettahs can live in the same tank
XXxX_Jackson 300201
XXxX_Jackson 300201 - 7 years ago
and she refuses to look at what I'm showing her
Allison Pets
Allison Pets - 8 years ago
I think it's important to mention, it's easier to introduce a female & male that are young + juvenile & slowly grow up together. Also, most importantly, have a PLAN B! Whenever attempting a community betta tank, have a second plan in case things become too agressive! :)
AlienNerd Bae
AlienNerd Bae - 8 years ago
I like the way you decorated the tank. Looks like a real home for them.
TheOpelkoenjas - 8 years ago
Can I give you one good advice? Lower the current. Betta fish don't handle strong currents to well at all (stress).
Aqua Akita
Aqua Akita - 8 years ago
Ha it's a joke... right?
happytroll 247
happytroll 247 - 8 years ago
really i heard that you can keep goramie and betta together it only matters what kind they are is this true because ive been wanting to get my betta out of his 2.5 gallon and put him in my 20 gallon with molly,gouramie,goldfish,femail betta and my corries but i dont want to cause any harm to any of my fish and i also want to do this to avoid so much water change can someone plz tell me so i know and can attempt to give my betta a better home thanks
Nice :)
TheSealGirl Gamer
TheSealGirl Gamer - 8 years ago
the red fish is like hello everyone c:
Mrs. Angel Tong
Mrs. Angel Tong - 8 years ago
the fish look happy but maybe try turning the water flow down a bit betas don't like heavy flows it make it harder for them to swim because their fins aren't as string but other then that its a new ecosystem for them
Coby Williams
Coby Williams - 8 years ago
lol those poor things are too worried about trying to swim right with that water flow to flare or nip at eachother. You should tone the filter down with a filter sponge. Then you'll see that they'll have disagreements.
Pranking Vs. Scaring
Pranking Vs. Scaring - 8 years ago
Alex Gomez
Alex Gomez - 8 years ago
Don't do this unless you want to be a breeder
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 8 years ago
good luck getting Betta fry with tetra and guppy in there rip
royster rbie
royster rbie - 8 years ago
the music is louder than your voice
Sabrina - 8 years ago
"My bettas are usually calm"..... ummmmm your betta looks stressed up the ass. It's not good to keep a territorial fish like betta with sooooo many fish
Sherrie Teller
Sherrie Teller - 7 years ago
Sabrina... Why? My betta-boys do! Both live in 2 sep. tanks - "Rocket" babysits a bunch of young guppy 4-6wk. olds and 2 corycats in a 10gal. nursery tank (he's the ultimate doting stepdad - even lets them eat first!!) and "Rusty" lives in a 20gal. with adult guppies and 2 corycats!
Zeke Roger
Zeke Roger - 8 years ago
Well this is such a dud because when I was 7 that's rights 7 I put a male and female together with no help or methods lol
livelifewithsparkles - 7 years ago
Zeke Roger no one cares
Bella Dwyer
Bella Dwyer - 8 years ago
Thir buitful
karl 246
karl 246 - 8 years ago
they have a hatd time swimming because of the filter
N Fader
N Fader - 8 years ago
Hey - what are those awesome plants floating at the top with the roots in the water like flowers?!
Jellybot19 Vlogs
Jellybot19 Vlogs - 8 years ago
Colorado Rose
Colorado Rose - 8 years ago
I know it's not such a good idea to do this but you're bettas don't seem to mind. No ripped fins, loss of colors, or horizontal stripes. they seem happy to me.
Malin Algehov
Malin Algehov - 8 years ago
They are not happy. the male is to pale to show real stripes on the body, but you can se that there is a line over his eye, that is probably the only type of tresstripe that you will ever see on him, but it is showing that he is stressed. Either because of the current and the fact that it is hard to swim, or because of the other fishes.
Vine Ball-er
Vine Ball-er - 8 years ago
Americans always say that they love animals, actually they know nothing, this video proved it, betta shouldn't be kept in big Tank with strong water stream like that, they need peace. And in nature, both male and female can live together because they live in big river with weak stream,they always have food when they need. When you keep it Tank like that, they Will be stress
Stacey - 7 years ago
Don't bring America into this .Your country isn't perfect.
Jonathon Lastname
Jonathon Lastname - 7 years ago
Gold Fish VietNam K those are natural betta fish. Not betta splendins. Betta splendins were bread specifically for aquariums and HOB filters.
xEndiePearlx - 7 years ago
Gold Fish VietNam really you're judging all of America? Ugh
Cosplay Guru
Cosplay Guru - 7 years ago
Gold Fish VietNam go to the other side of trumps wall then
My Serendipitous Mind
My Serendipitous Mind - 8 years ago
Oh, yeah, just Americans. Also, it's ALL Americans; an entire country of millions of perfectly like-minded individuals! "Americans ALWAYS." Yes, all of us, all the time! The only country in the world where that occurs apparently. Any moderately-viewed video seems to have at least one "Americans are dumb" comment. It's so popular and fun to bash a country you don't understand. On average the animal care in this country rivals most others. Fish don't commonly have the same intelligence of other animals, so I wouldn't necessarily think this is abuse. Some scientists believe fish don't even feel pain as humans do, but we have more to learn
BeardiesAndBettas - 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure Us Americans are well aware of Betta fish care and where they come from, and yes we do love animals, because the average American owns at least two animals in their household now don't be targeting an entire population based on one video
TheCakeIsAWolf - 8 years ago
Way to generalise an entire population of people with individual ideas and views into one box.
Renigade16 - 8 years ago
Wow, 1st way to judge a country by one video. 2nd good job degrading a young woman who's clearly trying to learn this and help others. You're waste of human life.
Foxgirlgamer - 8 years ago
They are in a big tank so that they won't attack each other so they have their own territory like they do in rice paddies.
FintasticFish - 8 years ago
Neon tetras are schooling fish.
Amir Ayala
Amir Ayala - 7 years ago
FintasticFish yeah they should be with other neon tetras.
RM Aquatics
RM Aquatics - 8 years ago
this is the worst advice ever. you're preying on ignorant people who don't know better. keeping them in the same tank is a hell of a lot more complicated than just them fighting or not. you're going to kill your female. so stupid you should be ashamed. do a quick Google search and see what you're putting that poor fish through before you give people horrid advice
Nadia Johst
Nadia Johst - 7 years ago
in some cases your statement is correct, however I have seen some ppl get their bettas to get along. however I don think that it is worth the risk tbh.
TheAilaS - 7 years ago
Once I put a male and a female betta together in the tank and first looked like they were doing good when I put them together but the next day when I woke up in the morning the male betta was dead She killed him and he was bitten to death. Never again. Now I have a dumbo betta with 2 ghost shrimps. I will never put my betta with any other fishes. He has beautiful healthy fins. He is so happy to have the tank just for himself.
Tommy Black
Tommy Black - 7 years ago
To RM Aquatics: The poster is a bird brain.
AlienNerd Bae
AlienNerd Bae - 8 years ago
RM Aquatics they all lived in opened water TOGETHER before getting captured. So what's the problem?? Smh
Renigade16 - 8 years ago
Wow, way to be a dick. You know you could simply message her some advice if you wanted to help. But you don't, you act like your defending the people, but you don't give a fuck. You just get off ridiculing people to feel better about yourself.
Tropical Tanker
Tropical Tanker - 8 years ago
RM Aquatics How rude! I've kept bettas in the same tank with other fish for well over a year with no fights and not a single death brought on by the betta! You should be ashamed of posting your comment! If you want to say something say it personally and not so the whole world can see it!!!
EmberInWonderland - 8 years ago
Also never had a fish death
EmberInWonderland - 8 years ago
RM Aquatics this is beyond false. I've paired many many fish together for years without fights. All temperament is different.
Opalite Bettas
Opalite Bettas - 8 years ago
Thank you so much for making this video you did such a good job and now I know what I will need for my bettas when I get them
UnicornFarts - 8 years ago
spell correction: recovery
UnicornFarts - 8 years ago
My betta is just recivering from breeding. He is recovering in aggresiveness and fin tail damage. My female beat the crap out of my mald cause of how sweet mine is. But my female is nasty and hers beat the crap out of mine and hd is doing well now. He fears fingers though. He did not even get a tiny nip on female betta!
Fish4Ever - 8 years ago
Bettas do well with neon tetras because tetras can easily swim away if they need to quickly!
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
How do you keep your anubias free from brown algae. Mine after vacation they are covered with reddish/ brown algae. I clean it and it's still coming back. Ty
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
Like Cory? I have only 3 or 4 in my 32g. Ty
Fish4Ever - 8 years ago
If you want an easy way to keep your plants algae free, I'd recommend a pleco! But be aware some species do get big. So another option would be the otocinclus catfish.
Hunter Lengrand
Hunter Lengrand - 8 years ago
That male betta and female betta will one day break into a fight. That is because you need at least 5 female bettas to that male so they don't fight. Nice video, though! :)
Patchwork The Dragon
Patchwork The Dragon - 7 years ago
Umm, that's with mollies...
Shekina Shalom
Shekina Shalom - 7 years ago
the male is going to kill those guppies for sure
XXxX_Jackson 300201
XXxX_Jackson 300201 - 7 years ago
Hunter Lengrand the more females, the more of a chance the sorority attacks the male [balanced aggression ≠ more of one gender] that would stress the male out completely
Andrew Quincy
Andrew Quincy - 8 years ago
we arent talking about gupies here lol jk
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
Hunter Lengrand
Hunter Lengrand - 8 years ago
Yeah they will be fine.
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
I have 32g planted with 10 female and tetra, Cory and 3 guppies can I put 1 male? Ty
peppa pig
peppa pig - 8 years ago
hey! if i give my baby betta fish egg yolk (fry food) until they grow up, will they eat or they will not eat and die?
Fish4Ever - 8 years ago
Sorry about that, too many comments to manage at points hehe
peppa pig
peppa pig - 8 years ago
dude i ask u 3 weeks ago and now u give me the answer? my fry already dead friend
Fish4Ever - 8 years ago
They will probably die because egg yolk is too nutritional in some components, and should only be fed to developing fry.
Allie Fettig
Allie Fettig - 8 years ago
My dumbo betta still beats the crap out of my female betta.
donna Jeter
donna Jeter - 7 years ago
remove her then so you don't end up lossing one of them or both
Mary Morin
Mary Morin - 7 years ago
Allie your tanks two small for 2 betta's you should have 10 gallons and lots of plants.
Kamal AL-Hinai
Kamal AL-Hinai - 8 years ago
Oh! I thought you meant that in a sarcastic way. You probably should separate them.
Allie Fettig
Allie Fettig - 8 years ago
+Fish4Ever 5 gallons.
Fish4Ever - 8 years ago
Allie Fettig Maybe add some more plants , how big is your tank ?
Kamal AL-Hinai
Kamal AL-Hinai - 8 years ago
Allie Fettig lol
Davids aquatics
Davids aquatics - 8 years ago
what editor do you use???
Fish4Ever - 8 years ago
Sometimes Wondershare video editor !
Fish4Ever - 8 years ago
Davids aquatics I use windows movie maker .
jjddjfkf skekdek
jjddjfkf skekdek - 8 years ago
can anyone subscribe to me pls new video coming up today
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
I did
Tiger Yang
Tiger Yang - 8 years ago
they aren't different species btw just different tail variations
MyView 10.75.69
MyView 10.75.69 - 8 years ago
thats pretty cool i didtnt know they could co-exist
BumbleBettas - 8 years ago
Please please tell me this is a joke.
Jamune - 8 years ago
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
it's not
Weirdo Wolf
Weirdo Wolf - 8 years ago
Is this a joke!?
Kamal AL-Hinai
Kamal AL-Hinai - 8 years ago
ShyWolfie101 no this isn't, you really should be careful on how you make others feel.
InfinityPets - 8 years ago
Your tank is #GOALS
Fish4Ever - 8 years ago
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Your tank is absolutely beautiful and your male Betta has a gorgeous coloring. Your female looked like she had stress strips and ripped fins? I think the fact you added the warnings is good as this is definitely the exception to the rule and should not be encouraged. You did a great job on this video.
zioro1235 - 8 years ago
do they mate or no plz tell me i want to do the same
My Life
My Life - 8 years ago
Lifewithpets i
Fish4Ever - 8 years ago
She may have been nipped by my guppies in the past but there is no major fin damage, she's a crown tail species . Thanks !
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
tetras are schooling fish. you need at least three
Foxgirlgamer - 7 years ago
+Caitlin Langohr She might not have been able to. Plus, she had other schooling fish with it. It'd be ok.
Caitlin Langohr
Caitlin Langohr - 7 years ago
Fish4Ever well u should of rehomed ur surviving tetra
Caitlin Langohr
Caitlin Langohr - 7 years ago
Alexis Wilson actually u need at least 6
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
Foxgirlgamer it's ok :-)
Foxgirlgamer - 8 years ago
Oh sorry. I didn't look at the time. Lol
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
Foxgirlgamer yep. I made this comment 5 months ago
Foxgirlgamer - 8 years ago
Plus she has other schooling fish with that neon tetra so it's probably not too stressed.
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
+Fish4Ever oh I see.I can completely relate. I had some black hi fin tetras and only one lived. I got two hi fin blushing tetras that live with him now
Fish4Ever - 8 years ago
I am aware. I used to have seven but they got sick and died, so I decided to stop getting them.
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
do they breed
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
+Fish4Ever nice
Fish4Ever - 8 years ago
Stella Films
Stella Films - 8 years ago
Wow I didn't even know this was possible!
Zachary Friend
Zachary Friend - 8 years ago
Do they breed in the tank?
Kristen S.
Kristen S. - 8 years ago
Fish4Ever - 8 years ago
I haven't seen any, I don't think they will breed in a community tank.
BumbleBettas - 8 years ago
Are you effing kidding me?
maxxxbensleyyy - 7 years ago
+BumbleBettas u mad cuz she isn’t following the rules but it’s working?
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 8 years ago
Did they ever breed?
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 8 years ago
Fish4Ever wow that's amazing
Fish4Ever - 8 years ago
Blazing Bettas Not so far and they've been in the tank for about a month .
worthless - 8 years ago
+fish4ever plz make more videos!
worthless - 8 years ago
and love u
worthless - 8 years ago
ok thanks
Fish4Ever - 8 years ago
anthonythehoe #boss Trying my best!
Laser Light cannon
Laser Light cannon - 8 years ago
worthless - 8 years ago

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Pets & Animals

TLkmDN Transferring Green Arowana from TANK!...

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Hey guys finally transferred my last arowana from the tank! yippy!!! now only 2 pleuro snakeheads remain there....if...



7,142 likes 2,397,132 views 13 years ago


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About How to Keep a Male and Female Betta Together in the SAME Tank!

The "How to Keep a Male and Female Betta Together in the SAME Tank!" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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