How to Keep a Male and Female Betta Together in the SAME Tank!
Betta 8 years ago 101,076 views
Keeping two Bettas of opposite genders CAN be risky, so here are my tips on keeping a male and female in the same tank! Remember that the agressiveness of your Bettas also play an important role in wether this works or not. *A key factor is also providing you Bettas with an adequate amount of space, i suggest at least 15 gallons.* If you found the video entertaining , please subscribe by clicking the link below! I upload videos weekly! Questions? Email me or comment down below! Thank you for viewing/reading!
Btw im still so shocked its been almost a year since he died!`
10. comment for How to Keep a Male and Female Betta Together in the SAME Tank!
1.what fish can live with betta fish
2.what to do if betta fish is dying to make betta fish happy betta fish lonely???
pls reply fast as you can..
I told the man isn't it dangerous to put a male and female together
He said no its just ok males wil look more pretty when a female is present they are mostly agressive to other males
I said but the internet said this
His response was "i have 30 years experience"
20. comment for How to Keep a Male and Female Betta Together in the SAME Tank!
My advice to anybody watching this video is to ignore everything this clip tells you.
30. comment for How to Keep a Male and Female Betta Together in the SAME Tank!
Do not put a male betta in with guppies. Guppies flutter their tails, and the betta will attack.
50. comment for How to Keep a Male and Female Betta Together in the SAME Tank!