How to Make an Mini Betta Aquarium at Home - Complete tutorial

Multiple Betta Aquarium V.2.0 Betta Tanks for Multiple Bettas 2 male betta fish in the Multiple tank More Videos: How to Make an Aquarium at Home Help Me +300.000 Subscribers: Please Like & Share this Video. Thank ------------------------------------------------------------

How to Make an Mini Betta Aquarium at Home - Complete tutorial sentiment_very_dissatisfied 272

Betta 7 years ago 329,731 views

Multiple Betta Aquarium V.2.0 Betta Tanks for Multiple Bettas 2 male betta fish in the Multiple tank More Videos: How to Make an Aquarium at Home Help Me +300.000 Subscribers: Please Like & Share this Video. Thank ------------------------------------------------------------

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Most popular comments
for How to Make an Mini Betta Aquarium at Home - Complete tutorial

Gecko Derp
Gecko Derp - 6 years ago
This man has made a lot of ideas saying a perfect place for a ______. He should do his research before making these tanks and cages because a lot of them or not a good home for a pet like that.
Silly _ Noodles
Silly _ Noodles - 6 years ago
While I am happy to see someone take the time out of their day to attempt in making something (I’m lazy and I’d rather lay around), I agree this is not proper care. But for gods sake don’t be a jerk about it! “Omg worst cage!” “What an improvement!” Thee is no need to make someone feel so crappy. They’re trying their best, even if it’s not what the poor fish need. It’s going to be their fault if they die, and she will realize we were right, but will be miserable because of all the rude comments.
Sudha Modak
Sudha Modak - 6 years ago
I try to made it
Danica Joseph
Danica Joseph - 6 years ago
Where did u get the glass and what type
Linta Tom
Linta Tom - 6 years ago
What is that name of that gum
richard mitchell
richard mitchell - 6 years ago
just put them in the same tank! >8-) lol
marcello junior
marcello junior - 6 years ago
abrahan Días
abrahan Días - 6 years ago
roberta lorenzelli
roberta lorenzelli - 6 years ago
Fai schifo

10. comment for How to Make an Mini Betta Aquarium at Home - Complete tutorial

SOBAN SINGH BISHT - 6 years ago
Aquarium glue name
Denro Chiong
Denro Chiong - 6 years ago
Orrrr...dont seperate the tank...just the whole tank for a betta...still small but less torturous...
Saara Khan
Saara Khan - 6 years ago
Nice tank
Aspire to inspire
Aspire to inspire - 6 years ago
fish costumes are great..are they participating any show
Betta Nationz
Betta Nationz - 6 years ago
Not to hate but first of all that tank is wayyyy too small the MINIMAL IS 2.5 gallons
Second putting to MALE Betta’s that close with no hiding place is a way to severely stress them out
Bettas are naturally curious and like to explore with no plants or hiding places they are bored out of there mind.
Pet stores who say bettas love small spaces are lying scums who just wanna sell you out.


No mean to hate just informing everyone on the facts
Eliza Harms
Eliza Harms - 6 years ago
I meant
Eliza Harms
Eliza Harms - 6 years ago
Dada Peer
Dada Peer - 6 years ago
wow super bro
Art House!
Art House! - 6 years ago
These Betta fishes might survive for only like about 3 weeks cuz that tank is small
General EMS Ger
General EMS Ger - 6 years ago
Poore bettas they going to die soon just because Techrider wants clicks...pls dont do something like this to your bettas people...the wont be Heater,no Plants....RIP Betta Splendens

20. comment for How to Make an Mini Betta Aquarium at Home - Complete tutorial

Emiliano .Gam4
Emiliano .Gam4 - 6 years ago
Half a gallon bigger and it would become a bit better but 2 gallons is the best of best
Pets 4ever1
Pets 4ever1 - 6 years ago

Bigger tank
Bigger tank and a bigger tank. 7 gallon at lest For. 1 betta 3.5 dubbed it. And you get what. ???? !!!!!!!!!!!bigger tank. And a filter and a heater tooooooooow
Jade Tomyn
Jade Tomyn - 6 years ago
Wow very small I hope you just kept them in there for the video
briana Wright
briana Wright - 6 years ago
This is torture! You might as well put them in a small bowl. Use a filter and have at least 2.5 gallons or more.
aiko kindangen
aiko kindangen - 6 years ago
bagus ya ikannya
MOBA GAMERS - 6 years ago
bro nice video bro
Angelina Hummel
Angelina Hummel - 6 years ago
Tierquäler bettas erst ab 25l mit beplanzung
sy vids
sy vids - 6 years ago
Way to small you need 2.5 gallon tank
Panji Tajali
Panji Tajali - 6 years ago
You keren
sam's world
sam's world - 6 years ago
nice but not having these things

30. comment for How to Make an Mini Betta Aquarium at Home - Complete tutorial

Hitesh Dora
Hitesh Dora - 6 years ago
Betta fish ko filter , oxygen ki need nhi hoti kya
RookieAquarist16 - 6 years ago
This is far too small for a betta let alone two. Tanks like these are SICKENING
Biedro - 6 years ago
torture fishes
Callie meeko
Callie meeko - 6 years ago
Really take this off this is really bad for a betta
THINKVOLG S - 6 years ago
Plz add the measurements of the glass
XxEmxlyxX - 6 years ago
This is way too small bruh
kamile valinciute
kamile valinciute - 6 years ago
Put some hide and plants
Make sure they cant see each other
It vill be okay
strawberry cherries
strawberry cherries - 6 years ago
kamile valinciute It still won't be okay, you'll need atleast 2.5 gallons per fish. Plus, in such small tanks ammoina levels build up very fast. This is nothing but an example on how to torture a betta.
lonely wolf
lonely wolf - 6 years ago
there are so many youtube viewers who know nothing about caring bettas and by posting such kind of videos you are misleading them.. dont be a part of betta torturer community just for the sake of few clicks as betta already tortured enough.. they are not supposed to be in such kind of environment and they are highly higly territorial towards other bettas and fight till death.. in your so called creative tank they will stressed out and will die soon due to stress and exhaustion...

try to live upto your name techrider not as deathrider
Charlie Burr
Charlie Burr - 6 years ago
Not a good home bettas require 2.5 gallons with a filter and places to hide
Detra Isham
Detra Isham - 6 years ago
A betta needs at least a 2.5 gallon tank with a filter and a heater and lots of places to hide. These bettas will become very stressed and tired from constantly flaring too. Please give these bettas a proper home. They may just be fish, but they feel pain like the rest of us.
Deepak Arya panchal
Deepak Arya panchal - 6 years ago
Can you tell me why betta fish are kept in small tanks
Lily Reef
Lily Reef - 6 years ago
Because people don’t research before buying fish, I recommend 5 gallons at max for a betta, this tank is just torture especially since there are both males that can see each other and they are called Siamese fighting fish for a reason if you are going to divide a tank for two male bettas put a wall they can’t see through in between and make sure it’s a ten gallon at most.
Dana Nováková
Dana Nováková - 6 years ago
rostlinky? a co topítko? takhle ti za chvíli vzdechne
Chicken Donut
Chicken Donut - 6 years ago
Für bettas sollte man dunklen untergrund nehmen
《Rafael Bearzi》
《Rafael Bearzi》 - 6 years ago
Real title of de video: "How to torture a betta fish!"
MUMBAI DARSHAN - 6 years ago
Without gloves fucking idiot
Md. Salim Pajnighar
Md. Salim Pajnighar - 6 years ago
How to make big turtle houes not aquarium
Amazing world
Amazing world - 6 years ago
Bhai tumne jo glue ka use kiya h uska nam kya h
Lily Reef
Lily Reef - 6 years ago
Alma Villalba who is this at?
Lily Reef
Lily Reef - 6 years ago
Pappu Sona tell me I’ve seen worse
Husain shaikh
Husain shaikh - 6 years ago
what is the name of that glue
Ray - 6 years ago
Meme Video - Tamil & English
Meme Video - Tamil & English - 6 years ago
Hot Glue

50. comment for How to Make an Mini Betta Aquarium at Home - Complete tutorial

love dogs
love dogs - 6 years ago
le- combattant
le- combattant - 6 years ago
is little
gottalovebettas - 6 years ago
I would recommend blocking the Betta's view of each other as they might stress out. 10 litre or 2.5 gallons is the widely accepted minimum for pet Bettas. But for example, if a breeder needs to jar a spawn, I would recommend ate least a o e gallon or 4 litre jar. But I do water changes once every 3 to 4 days and my fish are fine I'm more worried about the water quality in this case.
Basila Tharammal
Basila Tharammal - 6 years ago
Mmm polich
Yogesh kaushik Kaushik
Yogesh kaushik Kaushik - 6 years ago
Armeena Khan
Armeena Khan - 6 years ago
so beautiful
Théo Heinz
Théo Heinz - 6 years ago
Beauty Khan is not beautiful to small for a fish
Sophie Cairns
Sophie Cairns - 6 years ago
What's with the music. That does not look very strong at all. You don't have the write fish stuff I have fishes so I know what I'm talking about.
funny videp
funny videp - 6 years ago
Sir i made it but .cover for tank??
Zachary _86
Zachary _86 - 6 years ago
Betta. Fins
Betta. Fins - 6 years ago
I would never recommend any thing smaller than 1.5 gallon tanks and a heater if your temperature requires one.They will be really stressed by seeing another fish 24/7
Betta. Fins
Betta. Fins - 6 years ago
Do you say that minimum from people telling you that or did you learn from experience?some bettas will do fine in a 1.5 gallons and some wont wil and get stressed but most will be fine.It 100% depends on your betta not what other people say.Every one on the inter net now has to scream animal abuse if you don’t keep your bettas in a 2.5 gallons.My bettas are in 2.5-3.5 gallons
Allie Zech
Allie Zech - 6 years ago
the minuim is 2.5 but good try
Pixy's Life
Pixy's Life - 6 years ago
✔️Cute bettas
✖️Proper care
Proper care is 2.5 gallons or more, a heater, a filter, decor for entertainment, gravel, and a hide
Beebo - 6 years ago
Squishy Fishy They make 1 gallon tanks for bettas so they can make more money off of clueless people like you. You could get a bigger tank for much cheaper.
bestaande_ emo
bestaande_ emo - 6 years ago
Squishy Fishy bullshit my betta is in a 110 gallon and he is super happy
Squishy Fishy
Squishy Fishy - 6 years ago
Pixy's Life beta fish are designed to live in small spaces. That is why there is such a thing as a 1 gallon tank specifically for beta fish. I agree they need plants but they can live happily in a 1 gallon tank as they were bred to enjoy living in a small environment and they would freak out if they were in a giant space by themselves.
Jackson Rides
Jackson Rides - 6 years ago
Pixy's Life just because they can live in a 2.5 gallon doesn't mean there thriving. If you can always give them more.
Pixy's Life
Pixy's Life - 6 years ago
Surya Kant my mom secretly bought him from me! I disagree with buying fish from there!
That One Equestrian
That One Equestrian - 6 years ago
But yes, that tank is WAY too small. No heater or filter and no hides. Crappy place to live in
That One Equestrian
That One Equestrian - 6 years ago
Hayden Ho Doesn't matter. You need a constant temp so heaters are always needed
Pets 4ever1
Pets 4ever1 - 6 years ago
Pixy's Life 2018 3.5 now lol. Bigger still cute betta tho.
Hayden Ho
Hayden Ho - 6 years ago
Btw heater only depends on what country u live in...I live in Singapore and the temperature is just right for Betta as they are tropical fish
Hayden Ho
Hayden Ho - 6 years ago
Lmao u know where Betta came from rite
ATHARVAif PATIL - 6 years ago
Pixy's Life hiii
Montevsgaming Rs
Montevsgaming Rs - 6 years ago
Wow first off they do not always need a filter depending on you room temp. 2 bettas sometimes prefer not to have a filter as they are not strong swimmers 3. Thats probably just temporary
Surya Kant
Surya Kant - 6 years ago
You think you are Rescuing fish but in fact you are putting 10 more fishes in that misery
Surya Kant
Surya Kant - 6 years ago
Oh you are one of those who buy fish from Walmart so that they can buy more fishes with your money and keep them in hell like situations
For God Sake dont buy fishes from Walmart
Pixy's Life
Pixy's Life - 6 years ago
Surya Kant exactly. Some bettas thrive in smaller tanks then others.
Pixy's Life
Pixy's Life - 6 years ago
Surya Kant I have betta fish that love me and thrive in a 2.5 gallons or more. One of them is staying in a 1 gallon until his 10 gallon tank is cycled. I love them and they love me. Look at me Instagram. It's called
Surya Kant
Surya Kant - 6 years ago
Pixy's Life its just a rule to give them 2.5 gallons
3 years ago it was 1.5 gallons
But the truth is that it only depends on your fish
Surya Kant
Surya Kant - 6 years ago
Then dont keep them in tanks
If you love them;than go to thailand and watch them thrive in rice Patty's
You think 2.5 gallons is big enough for a fish for whole life then you are sick my friend
Pixy's Life
Pixy's Life - 6 years ago
Surya Kant their pets. And guess what it's animal abuse! They are alive and feel the pain and stress that comes with staying in a small "tank". They get ammonia burns and sometimes get stunned growth in small "tanks". Bettas deserve better than what you give them! They are alive. How would you like to live in a closet sitting in your waste and food. Then you get water but it's only changed once a week. And your constantly getting burned. I wouldn't call that being happy. Would you?
Pixy's Life
Pixy's Life - 6 years ago
the 8's no! I actually care about living animals that people just see as decor. Your stupid and can call me names all you want. I know I'm correct and I've had bettas in small "tanks" and big tanks. They are much happier and livelier in a big tank. So no! I'm not a noob for knowing that a animal isn't decor!
the 7's
the 7's - 6 years ago
You newbie
Surya Kant
Surya Kant - 6 years ago
Pixy's Life hahhahah
enbok dkhar
enbok dkhar - 6 years ago
What is that sticky things
Ray - 6 years ago
enbok dkhar silicon
Mango Milano
Mango Milano - 7 years ago
This small aquarium Is illegale mate. You know nothing about fishes.
Charisma Velazquez
Charisma Velazquez - 6 years ago
Mango Milano at Walmart they have them in smaller tanks than this but still it would be better if it we're bigger
Lani Bubbles
Lani Bubbles - 6 years ago
Mango Milano don’t be so rude. In your country it may be illegal, but in most countries including the one I am in and including the country that the man who made the video is in, its not illegal to have fish tanks at that size
Lani Bubbles
Lani Bubbles - 6 years ago
Mango Milano first off there isn’t a law about fish tanks at that size, HOWEVER I do agree that they are too small
Colin Halldorson
Colin Halldorson - 6 years ago
It’s not illegal just a lot f people do it
Jose Duran
Jose Duran - 6 years ago
I speak Spanish , English and a little french
Jose Duran
Jose Duran - 6 years ago
Mango Milano if its not illegal show me please
Mango Milano
Mango Milano - 6 years ago
Maybe learn TO digit not TO spell!! It's The phone itself changing The words. I speak 4 languages and you? In Italy however less than 30 lts aquariums are illegal. You know nothing about laws too then
Jose Duran
Jose Duran - 6 years ago
Mango Milano its not illegal but it is bad for the fish and please learn to spell
Dawn Ruhl
Dawn Ruhl - 7 years ago
What kind of tape did you use around the bottom?
Dawn Ruhl
Dawn Ruhl - 7 years ago
Would be safer for 1 Betta if it were twice the size
Lily Stone
Lily Stone - 6 years ago
as long as it fits at least 2 gallon for a female and 2.5 for a male you should be good, also make sure to add a heater :3
awaros86 - 7 years ago
Real title should be "making sure 2 male bettas have the worst life possible". The tank is tiny not even big enough before the divider the nutrient levels will rise to fast and then the fishes will die. No hidingspace so they have to see each other all the time causing a lot of stress and making them want to chase the other away, at least use a non see through divider, and always give hiding spaces even when they are alone.
Narcisa Pavon
Narcisa Pavon - 6 years ago
GamerKnight3000 - 6 years ago
awaros86 very very true
USVISuzyQ - 7 years ago
After u make the first pass smoothing out the sticky caulk with your finger, spray Windex glass cleaner over the caulk and run your finger over the caulk again. The result will be a beautiful clean caulk job. With no surface cleanup!
Yogesh kaushik Kaushik
Yogesh kaushik Kaushik - 7 years ago
How many hour to draiy and fix it selicone
Wet_Concrete - 6 years ago
Lily Stone don’t even put in feeders
Lily Stone
Lily Stone - 6 years ago
Please dont make this, its an example of a horrible tank as no fish deserves to live in a tank that small. Please stick to non-stressing tanks that hold up to 2.5 gallons please. also them seeing each other is a grave mistake one might jump the tank and enter the other side and fight with the other fish. I do not suggest this what so ever and I have owned bettas my whole life. Maybe you can put in feeder goldfish or minnows?
TechRiders - 7 years ago
24 hour
shruti Das
shruti Das - 7 years ago
Nice hai
Christopher Marin
Christopher Marin - 7 years ago
Hi I have a problem getting access to an micro sd that was formatted, so what happened was that I rested my phone without backing up the ad card and now it just says "unsupported sd card" plzzzzzzz help I have some pictures I want to cover plzzzzzzz help!!!!
uɐzɐɥS - 6 years ago
Christopher Marin try using pc
uɐzɐɥS - 7 years ago
What is with the music
uɐzɐɥS - 7 years ago
2:05 face revealed
Oniireku - 6 years ago
ʎuıɥs woah

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