How to Set Up A Basic Betta Tank

HOW TO SET UP A BASIC BETTA TANK. This tank setup can be used for many other fish, not only bettas. I used a 30 litre tank, and the water has already been conditioned. Gmail -

How to Set Up A Basic Betta Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 64

Betta 11 years ago 138,515 views

HOW TO SET UP A BASIC BETTA TANK. This tank setup can be used for many other fish, not only bettas. I used a 30 litre tank, and the water has already been conditioned. Gmail -

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Most popular comments
for How to Set Up A Basic Betta Tank

Animallover. Bettafishcare
Animallover. Bettafishcare - 7 years ago
This look like a great tank but just some friendly suggestions please add real plants that your Betta can rest on and add more decorations that match their wild habitat. But again this is a great tank!
Aquarium Azores
Aquarium Azores - 7 years ago
Watch my aquarium videos and subcribe
Aquarium Azores
Aquarium Azores - 7 years ago
Rebecca Zimmerman
Rebecca Zimmerman - 7 years ago
wow I like how people think there fish know it all's! my betta is in a one gallon and his been in there 4 years and his healthy
Courtney Collins
Courtney Collins - 7 years ago
Do you need an airstone for a Betta fish
Cassidy Gillett
Cassidy Gillett - 7 years ago
Sad music though...
kumaran subramaniam
kumaran subramaniam - 8 years ago
good job
BestBetta USA
BestBetta USA - 8 years ago
Domácí mazlíčci-DIY, vlogy, zajímavosti
Domácí mazlíčci-DIY, vlogy, zajímavosti - 8 years ago
Honey give the fish more plants in the aquarium :)

10. comment for How to Set Up A Basic Betta Tank

Aline Greeley
Aline Greeley - 8 years ago
how big is your tank?
MoreMike - 8 years ago
Nice I have a six gallion fish tank
Laurent Lieser
Laurent Lieser - 8 years ago
Plastic plant! Beurk!!!
Moises Miranda
Moises Miranda - 8 years ago
I mean u don't really need heater depends were u have have it.I have it upstairs with its right temperature and its filter.
eydeas - 8 years ago
You don't need a heater if you constantly keeps water and air temperature inside the tank at 25-28c, If the water is 23c and air 19c you will end up giving the betta colds.
Also the temp shouldn't sway to much. Which is common without a fixed heater.
Just claryfiyng for the people that don't understand your comment.
Aashish Agnani
Aashish Agnani - 8 years ago
I had one when I was child, I kept one in a bowl ND he lived for 2 months, now I realize how cruel I was
TyrannosaurusWrecks - 8 years ago
how do you cycle the tank? , Just let it run for a while?
TyrannosaurusWrecks - 8 years ago
ok thx
StarsomeGirl - 8 years ago
Yes, let the filter run for a few days.
Chino Nadal
Chino Nadal - 8 years ago
How did you condition your water
peech - 8 years ago
With water conditioner duh
Gustavo Gamino
Gustavo Gamino - 8 years ago
your fish is sick
Bella Dwyer
Bella Dwyer - 8 years ago
Yes good job
rockstar Vishnu
rockstar Vishnu - 8 years ago
this is not the way .. u should not add a filter... there is too much water flow
SkitZow Beats
SkitZow Beats - 8 years ago
If you want to be a betta owner just do water changes every 3-5 days (Depends on how much you feed you betta and what kind of plant you have in your tank.) Oxygen plant like "combi bushes" create a natural enviroment for the betta :) 
HighRollahz808 - 8 years ago
That's not a filter, that's a power head. But yeah, if you do put a filter, just easily make a current/flow diverted with a water bottle. YouTube it, it works wonders in containing the strength of the current from the waterfall of the filter.
SkitZow Beats
SkitZow Beats - 8 years ago
Best for the guy would be to have no current at all and do every 3 days 3/4 water change. Let him build his bubblenest and let him be happy :)

20. comment for How to Set Up A Basic Betta Tank

Bjoern Hallandsen
Bjoern Hallandsen - 8 years ago
poor fish
Jonas Broch
Jonas Broch - 8 years ago
i dont know how your tank looks now put i would add a lot more plants
Betta Bet
Betta Bet - 8 years ago
How? Ugh
S Jay
S Jay - 9 years ago
This is very much misinformed in terms of cycling. To cycle a tank it takes up to 4 weeks not a few days. Look up fishless cycling if you are interested.
Unicorn Nerd
Unicorn Nerd - 7 years ago
I did it for 1 day and it's a bigger tank it's been a week the fish love it and they haven't died
Killer Shark
Killer Shark - 7 years ago
S Jay could add bacteria
Asdfghjkl;' 123456789
Asdfghjkl;' 123456789 - 8 years ago
Yup. And cycling does NOT mean to just turn on the filter and let it run. When fishless cyling, you also need to add a source of ammonia, such as fish food or pure ammonia, and a water testing kit.
Jr Maldonado
Jr Maldonado - 9 years ago
I do 90% water changes every 3 weeks .. as long as the test strips pass and water temperature is correct & got a filter/oxygen bubbles then it's safe to add your fish in!
kpy yoga
kpy yoga - 9 years ago
OverlordSheepie - 9 years ago
You forgot to add that you conditioned the water before adding to the tank! :P
StarsomeGirl - 8 years ago
She said she already conditioned the water
Ashley Evans
Ashley Evans - 9 years ago
big Question!! what do u mean by conditioned water?
Coldgear - 9 years ago
Dechlorinated water (water with anti chlorine conditioner or aged water)
jcnba28 - 9 years ago
baby Mr thùy
baby Mr thùy - 9 years ago
hay good
BorrisDaBlade25 - 9 years ago
Cycle tank for at least 2 weeks OR use mature filter media and cycle for a few days.
NessaYo - 9 years ago
what kind of filters that, we're can I get it and how much?
reptileboy10 - 9 years ago
don't get one honestly they have big fins and they're not good swimmers filters just add a current that wears them out easy

30. comment for How to Set Up A Basic Betta Tank

Joanna Mcnichol
Joanna Mcnichol - 9 years ago
Why does my Betta flare his gills?
Also, several times I saw him open his mouth into this ( seems like a huge circle )really wide? I am really at to her (him )he's just too pretty to call her a him. .. and I swear she responds to my voice! Than someone said, ' you know, they don't have ears '
Hailey - 8 years ago
+Joanna Mcnichol boys can be beautiful.
Joanna Mcnichol
Joanna Mcnichol - 8 years ago
...your response has been hanging around for a while now I know. Unfortunately this is the first time I'm seeing it ( long story )
If you remember. ..just tell me what you think I wasn't expecting to hear? The fact that watdaNOSTRIL said about my love for my BEAUTIFUL BETTA me deciding to call him a girl?
THAN HOW CAN "HE " KNOW THAT I AM CALLING " HIM "A HER? ! and her name is DORI GIRL! ! and she is my ❤ forgive me for loving my fish, who can't hear.
wow -
wow - - 8 years ago
+watdaNOSTRIL haha... strangely i found your response funny. I don't think Joanna was expecting to hear that.
PuRqL3Haz3 - 9 years ago
A Betta that flares is a healthy happy Betta, they also flare and spread their fins at other Betta and 'he' can feel the vibration in your voice.
stopfollowingme - 9 years ago
no HE does not have ears. it's flaring at you because he sees you as a threat and want you to leave HIM alone because you're calling HIM a girl
Amanda - 9 years ago
Too strong of a filter. I recommend a lower power filter, or use of filter sponges! You should never see bettas caught in the turbulence! 
Wonderful tank!
HighRollahz808 - 8 years ago
+Firn Kahn no it wasn't
Rananjaya Bandara
Rananjaya Bandara - 9 years ago
Your tank and setup is good but this filter is not good for betta fish.
Tacoma FAN
Tacoma FAN - 9 years ago
It is ok if I just used a 1/2 gallon fish globe tank type thing with filtered water but no filter or heater?
Ryan Riley
Ryan Riley - 9 years ago
+MyBettasAndMe Small correction, I wouldnt put anything in and unfilted/heated bowl except milk and ceral :|
MyGoldiesAndMe - 9 years ago
+Mike Will That's absolutely way to small! The water will contaminate quickly with a fish in that tiny amount of water and without a filter. The only thing you can put in a 1/2 gallon "fish globe" are tiny fish like tetras or tiny shrimp. But even they get big. Those type of  fish tanks are marketed for decoration and not for the actual comfort or survival of the fish.
Surewin1 - 9 years ago
Can the betta just be in tap water
Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons
Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons - 9 years ago
+Surewin1 no, they can't just be in tap water. there are chemicals in that water like chlorine, i believe chloramine and heavy metals. those stuff aren't good for your fish.
tom ly
tom ly - 9 years ago
Your fish dosent look so good
amanda rhodus
amanda rhodus - 10 years ago
i have 1 reddish burgundy betta fish he is a male i brought him from petsmart and took him home with me on tuesday novemember 26,2013 i put him in my 10 gallon fish tank aquarium he is the only fish in there i named him plymouth .  after plymouth rock  he turned 2 years old in 2014 he will be 3 years old this 2015 :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) <3 <3 <3
Georgia Kontominas
Georgia Kontominas - 10 years ago
awesome tank! Great size and ornaments! May i ask where you got the tank from?
Reborn Baby’s
Reborn Baby’s - 10 years ago
Just wanted to say good that's gotta be one happy Beta
Angel Flores
Angel Flores - 10 years ago
That filter current looks too strong unless the video was speed
daniele mallari
daniele mallari - 10 years ago
it stins pppppplllllllllllllllllll
MR SQUIDI - 10 years ago
Tank size?
Diego Rabachini
Diego Rabachini - 10 years ago
muita água beta gosta de ph acido seria bom por folha de amendoeira
Ariels Critters
Ariels Critters - 10 years ago
I subbed you
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
+Elder Quinones no it's fake
Yungdager Dick
Yungdager Dick - 8 years ago
+OffishialFish did you use live plants
Ariels Critters
Ariels Critters - 10 years ago
your welcome
OffishialFish - 10 years ago
Thankyou!! :)
Lovely Bettas
Lovely Bettas - 10 years ago
is it bad if the gills are going back and forth really fast?
because that happened to my dads sturgeon and then the sturgeon ended up dying
Johann du Preez
Johann du Preez - 10 years ago
What should I do with my betta whilst the water in the tank is cycling for a few days? Is this something I should do every time a clean the tank?
Nick Weeks
Nick Weeks - 10 years ago
When you cycle the tank, that's when you first get it. It doesn't need to happen every time you clean the tank. Don't buy fish until tank is cycled
Caroline Firkins
Caroline Firkins - 10 years ago
Where did you buy this tank?
Ally H
Ally H - 10 years ago
It takes 2-3 weeks for a tank to cycle, not a few days
Alexander Rogers
Alexander Rogers - 9 years ago
+Ally H There is no set amount of time that it takes to cycle a tank. A tank can cycle in less than a week, or it could take a year. Each tank is different.
Sans Vertigo
Sans Vertigo - 10 years ago
Ally is right about cycling. Cycling a tank is a process of good bacteria colonizing the filter media, this good bacteria converts toxins (ammonia and nitrite from fish waste) into less toxic chemicals that can be removed via water changes weekly. A tank cannot cycle without a source of ammonia, so ammonia must be dosed if there are no fish. If you cycle a tank with a fish as the ammonia source, they are subject to high levels of ammonia and nitrite which often attributes to why so many fish die in new tanks. 

Good bacteria just simply cannot appear in a few days in water without ammonia to feed them, this fish will encounter dangerous levels of ammonia and nitrite even with weekly water changes. In a 5 gallon tank, cycling with a betta is expected to have at least 2 50% water changes a day when nitrites begin appearing rapidly. 

This process can take a few weeks to a couple months, but it is one of the most important processes fish keepers need to understand (and also why all fish keepers need liquid test kits, otherwise you're shooting in the dark). Knowing these processes and having a test kit also helps to understand why a fish got sick and effectively prevents fish from being exposed to conditions that would make them sick. For more information about cycling, one should search "aquarium nitrogen cycle".
Angel Flores
Angel Flores - 10 years ago
Over night why days and weeks
Andrew Anderson
Andrew Anderson - 10 years ago
ally shut your fucking mouth i've seen you put a rude comment on a video with a little 7 year old cleaning a betta fish aquarium.
greedymuppet - 10 years ago
You could also add bacteria to the tank to speed up the cycle. :)
OffishialFish - 10 years ago
Yes, but since my water was already conditioned (for a few weeks) I didn't have to cycle it for as long :)
Nathan Boctor
Nathan Boctor - 10 years ago
Where do i get that tank???
OffishialFish - 10 years ago
I don't really remember where I got it, because I've had it for a while, but you can get very similar ones at any pet store :)
nicholas woudstra
nicholas woudstra - 10 years ago
you did this properly you dont really have to leave it out for a couple days but u have to put it out for atleast 24 hours ''great job setting it up''
Lindsey M
Lindsey M - 10 years ago
+Shortstakes Tran
 Proper cycling of a tank actually takes anywhere from 4-12 weeks. It depends on what level of ammonia you cycled at and what kind of surface area you have.
Shortstakes Tran
Shortstakes Tran - 10 years ago
Yes to condition the water without using water conditioner you can just let sit for 24 hours, but to cycle a tank it is absolutely necessary to let it sit with a filter for a few days a week at the very least.

50. comment for How to Set Up A Basic Betta Tank

aidan2110 - 10 years ago
Sorry about the noobie question, but  what does cycling for two days mean? Just leave the tank running? 
Britney222 - 10 years ago
THANK YOU! I was watching videos of peoples bettas and oh my so many people have them in bowls/no filters/no heaters its horrible poor bettas like when I was really little sure I did that to but I didn't know and no one ever told me BUT these people are older and stuff and they have people telling them they should have them in tanks with filters and heaters or if no filter should be doing water changes more often :)  I have tanks and fishes :) I love fish and its annoys me when people own a fish and doesn't give them the proper needs even when there told to by the way nice video I enjoyed it :) 
OffishialFish - 10 years ago
Aww thanks for the sweet comment :) I totally agree, people often tell you that bettas don't need filters, heaters, large tanks etc. to trick you into buying them because they seem cheaper! It so wrong! Hope you fishies are going great, and thanks for watching!
Buzzin Bunny
Buzzin Bunny - 10 years ago
Cool video! Your betta fish is so lucky!
Mercy Ditmeyer
Mercy Ditmeyer - 10 years ago
Someone who takes care of there fish yay
OffishialFish - 10 years ago
Thankyou +Mercy Ditmeyer for your comment! We aim to take care of fish, we don't like to see people keeping betta's in bowls or jars. :)
sharugan's fish
sharugan's fish - 10 years ago
Great video , and good job  :)  ^u^
sharugan's fish
sharugan's fish - 10 years ago
OffishialFish - 10 years ago
+sharugan's fish  Thank you! We like your videos as well! :D
mandyajel - 10 years ago
so lovely. id love to have a betta fish but I cant have one with my platys and guppies =[ maybe one day i'll buy a tank and have some neons and a betta together.
but was great to watch x
mandyajel - 10 years ago
Yeah see I like the male bettas. :) one day I would love to have ago at breeding them. :D
OffishialFish - 10 years ago
I keep a female betta with guppies, neon tetras, and a bristlenose catfish. Im not sure about the males, but if it worked for +TheKeelster Hehe im sure its quite possible!
Me Keely
Me Keely - 10 years ago
you actually could, bettas arent that aggressive twards them :) I had a veiltail live with my guppies and platies for years :D
FishTalons - 10 years ago
Just out of curiousity, does any1 know if I can keep a guppy in a take like the one in the video?
FishTalons - 10 years ago
Thanks for answering so quickly!
OffishialFish - 10 years ago
+FishTalons You can keep guppies in a tank like that, however it is a bit small to risk breeding. Females are almost always pregnant, so it would be best if you put males in there. You can even keep guppies with betta fish! :D
Stephanie Nelson
Stephanie Nelson - 10 years ago
Finally, somebody knows how to take care of a betta! Good job :) 
Killer Shark
Killer Shark - 7 years ago
Stephanie Nelson lol yeah
StarsomeGirl - 8 years ago
+HighRollahz808 how will the rocks rip the fins? I use rocks in my betta tank, and neither one of my bettas fins have gotten ripped. I never thought the rocks would be a problem...they aren't for mine, so far.
HighRollahz808 - 8 years ago
+KC Callicott yup, you're right! First off, those rocks that she placed in the tank will eventually shred that poor betta's fins. Second, I don't think you're supposed to add a power head because the betta doesn't like current in the water. And third, where's the plans with leaves that the betta can rest on? Like a betta hammock.
SkitZow Beats
SkitZow Beats - 8 years ago
Yes she did :) Bettas dont like current.
KC Callicott
KC Callicott - 9 years ago
she actully did it wrong
OffishialFish - 10 years ago
Thanks +Taylor Harris !! :)
Taylor Harris
Taylor Harris - 10 years ago
No joke I was about to comment this
Stephanie Nelson
Stephanie Nelson - 10 years ago
You're so welcome! That fish is very lucky.
OffishialFish - 10 years ago
Thank you so much!! :)
Aus_Trips_Gaming - 10 years ago
How do I get conditioned water we recently bought a bottle of stuff that gets rid if the chlorine in the waters is that the same as conditioned water
Aus_Trips_Gaming - 10 years ago
Thank you for you help
OffishialFish - 10 years ago
It all depends on your tank and the temperature. Do you have a cold water or tropical tank? If you are a beginner, guppies, mollies, or swordtails are all hardy and colourful fish for a tropical tank! You can also add some catfish like corydoras or bristlenose catfish. If you have a slightly smaller tank, you can always get a betta. Bettas are colourful, and dont usually require as much maintenance as other fish :) So its completely your choice, there are many beautiful fish to choose from!
Aus_Trips_Gaming - 10 years ago
I haven't really decided what fish I'm getting do you have any suggestions
OffishialFish - 10 years ago
Well, it is best to put the fish in after a few weeks, unless you get something called 'quick start'. If you have quick start you can put them in instantly. Otherwise you would have to wait a couple of weeks to let the right bacterias settle in your tank. What fish are you getting? It all depends on how hardy the fish are. :)
Aus_Trips_Gaming - 10 years ago
Do you have to wait a couple of weeks to put fish in or can u put them in straight away
OffishialFish - 10 years ago
Yes, the bottle that gets rid of chlorine is what i did :) Conditioned water is simply water with no chlorine, or any other harmful chemicals in it that will harm your fish. There are many other ways to condition your water, but i used the liquid that gets rid of chlorine.  
Obi1Goosie2043 - 10 years ago
Very nice video! I love Bettas fish! I have about 18 Betta fish tanks :)
OffishialFish - 10 years ago
Thank you! Same, the are definitely one of my favourites ;)
Wow, thats heaps! I have 6 at the moment :) Hoping to get more!!

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