How to Set Up a New Betta Fish Tank (Episode 3)
Betta 7 years ago 12,916 views
Setting up a Betta fish tank. For this Betta fish tank we chose the 5.5 gallon tank from the thrift store. We've added Fluval stratum as substrate and some basic live plants. These live plants need low light for them to thrive. NEW Merchandise Want to support us? LIVE PLANTS use our coupon code to get 15% off aquarium plants when you order with H2oplants... use code LWP15 Tank dividers. Sponge filters Air Pump Kit Bridge Decorations Root Tabs Water Conditioner. Fluval Stratum Betta heater Betta Pellets Master Test Kit. Stability. Gravel Vacuum Thermometer Led light LETS CONNECT! Instagram ~ Facebook ~ website ~ Business inquiries only. *Disclaimer ~ This video is sponsored. All opinions are our own. The above links are Amazon Affiliate links. We'll receive a small commission if you use these links, thank you for supporting our channel. This video content is the property of Lifewithpets72 and may not be used or reproduced without written permission.
10. comment for How to Set Up a New Betta Fish Tank (Episode 3)
Thanks again for this awesome series. I wish I'd seen it before buying my betta and tank but I make sure to link it to any of my friends that are thinkin of starting a betta tank (which I may have nudged them in the direction of doing haha).
Edit: I should probably specify that I have a lightly planted 2.5 gallon tank and he's the only fish in there.
WOW! I bought the Nicrew LED Aquarium light you have here in this video for my 20 gallon planted tank. I have to say it is so much better than the Aqueon florescent light I originally bought for the tank. This LED is at least 30% brighter. My tank now has a white look to it, a natural look. The Aqueon gave my tank a yellowish tint to the water. So happy with this LED light!
I also must say that the price is very cheap in my opinion compare to others I saw on Amazon. I highly recommend this LED light.
So when are you guys going to sell aquarium lids for standard 2.5 gallon rectangular tanks?
Most standard 2.5 gallon tanks just come with one solid piece of glass with a handle, no hinge.
Unless you know how to cut glass or pay someone to cut it for you, The glass top really doesn't sit right on the tank. Especially if you have a heater and/or HOB filter.
20. comment for How to Set Up a New Betta Fish Tank (Episode 3)
I am planning on buying a filter later and I found the series and got confused if I should just choose a sponge filter and an air pump instead. Any advise is very much appreciated. Thanks!
Thanks Sheila/Lifewithpets! More power to you guys.
30. comment for How to Set Up a New Betta Fish Tank (Episode 3)
I know you wouldn't reply this also,What use of neither Commenting and So talking about your sense,Bit you wouldn't see My Worried Comment of you not Replying me
Also, you can get super glue in a gel formula. Much easier for using with plants than the liquid formula.
50. comment for How to Set Up a New Betta Fish Tank (Episode 3)
I've read that putting a male and female in the same tank despite being devided will put the female in a constant of having eggs which isn't healthy for her. And for the male, the hormones from being in close proximity with a female will stress him out.