How to Set Up a New Betta Fish Tank (Episode 3)

Setting up a Betta fish tank. For this Betta fish tank we chose the 5.5 gallon tank from the thrift store. We've added Fluval stratum as substrate and some basic live plants. These live plants need low light for them to thrive. NEW Merchandise Want to support us? LIVE PLANTS use our coupon code to get 15% off aquarium plants when you order with H2oplants... use code LWP15 Tank dividers. Sponge filters Air Pump Kit Bridge Decorations Root Tabs Water Conditioner. Fluval Stratum Betta heater Betta Pellets Master Test Kit. Stability. Gravel Vacuum Thermometer Led light LETS CONNECT! Instagram ~ Facebook ~ website ~ Business inquiries only. *Disclaimer ~ This video is sponsored. All opinions are our own. The above links are Amazon Affiliate links. We'll receive a small commission if you use these links, thank you for supporting our channel. This video content is the property of Lifewithpets72 and may not be used or reproduced without written permission.

How to Set Up a New Betta Fish Tank (Episode 3) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Betta 7 years ago 12,916 views

Setting up a Betta fish tank. For this Betta fish tank we chose the 5.5 gallon tank from the thrift store. We've added Fluval stratum as substrate and some basic live plants. These live plants need low light for them to thrive. NEW Merchandise Want to support us? LIVE PLANTS use our coupon code to get 15% off aquarium plants when you order with H2oplants... use code LWP15 Tank dividers. Sponge filters Air Pump Kit Bridge Decorations Root Tabs Water Conditioner. Fluval Stratum Betta heater Betta Pellets Master Test Kit. Stability. Gravel Vacuum Thermometer Led light LETS CONNECT! Instagram ~ Facebook ~ website ~ Business inquiries only. *Disclaimer ~ This video is sponsored. All opinions are our own. The above links are Amazon Affiliate links. We'll receive a small commission if you use these links, thank you for supporting our channel. This video content is the property of Lifewithpets72 and may not be used or reproduced without written permission.

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Most popular comments
for How to Set Up a New Betta Fish Tank (Episode 3)

Ericairline - 7 years ago
I’ve used Fluval Stratum for my tank also but I’m having a problem. Every time I move any of the substrate or squeeze out my sponge filter the tank fills up with black clouds from the fluval stratum. I rinsed it the same way as in this video.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
The filters shouldn't be squeezed out into the aquarium. Take a separate just to clean the filter. The stratum will cause cloudiness if moved but it usually settle quickly.
Dæmon Græyson
Dæmon Græyson - 7 years ago
Honestly love this series and re-watching this series over an over! You can never learn too much, and refreshing your knowledge is always more fun in the long run!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Kiki The hamster
Kiki The hamster - 7 years ago
Oh ye and do u need light ?
Kiki The hamster
Kiki The hamster - 7 years ago
Can u use fake plants ?
Kiki The hamster
Kiki The hamster - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets thank u !!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Autumn Swift
Autumn Swift - 7 years ago
Does it have to be a red check valve? I have one that says In;Out but not the red one. I also have NO clue how things connect and have no clue if I'm missing something. (I don't have the sponge filter yet but I tried to see if I could connect everything and I can't connect the airline tubing to the check valve I have nor the air pump.) The airline tubing could be too small but I got the small air pump and tubing. So shouldn't it fit?
Yannica Baggayan
Yannica Baggayan - 7 years ago
After adding the water in, how long did it take for it to clear up?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Not long, an hour maybe.
Karima Zetanski
Karima Zetanski - 7 years ago
Hi! I've come from watching your diy sponge filter and it didn't mention anything about a check valve. Does it not apply to the homemade one or is it something that the air pump comes with? It also didn't mention a flow valve
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank for watching! Yes, a check valve is needed so the water can't flow back into the air pump. The lever is only needed if you are adding two filters to an air pump or to adjust the flow if it's too strong.
Small Pond Fishing
Small Pond Fishing - 7 years ago
How can I get good plants for cheap. My local pets store sells small plants for like 12 bucks each
stinkeekitty - 7 years ago
Hi Sheila! Thank you so much for making this series. I've wanted to add a betta to my family, but wanted to make sure I knew exactly how to care for them optimally. For the plants, would you add a root tab when you're setting up the tank or would you do this once the tank was cycled? Thank you!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you. Yes you can add root tabs for the plants while it’s cycling.

10. comment for How to Set Up a New Betta Fish Tank (Episode 3)

Mark Cena
Mark Cena - 7 years ago
Do you know any place where I can get Anacharis for a really good price?
Mark Cena
Mark Cena - 7 years ago
What an amazing setup! This would be my dream setup for my Betta.
Ünal Royal
Ünal Royal - 7 years ago
nice video congratulations
georc16 - 7 years ago
I have pretty much the exact same filter kit you guys use (bought it from the life with pets website :D). So my questions are, is there such a thing as too low flow through the sponge filter (it does seem to make some weird gurgling sounds if I close the valve after a certain point)? If so, is there a way to know when I have "enough"? Should I be worried about it creating too much disturbance on the surface of water and stressin out my betta?

Thanks again for this awesome series. I wish I'd seen it before buying my betta and tank but I make sure to link it to any of my friends that are thinkin of starting a betta tank (which I may have nudged them in the direction of doing haha).

Edit: I should probably specify that I have a lightly planted 2.5 gallon tank and he's the only fish in there.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you! I don't think you can go too low but you do need to make sure it's filtering. I don't think the water movement stresses them as long as it's not too strong.
April M
April M - 7 years ago
Please read this! My betta's tail is black with fin rot. He barely has any tail left. He doesn't eat and hardly moves. He dwells in a 2.5 gallon tank, but I was gonna transfer him to a spare ten gallon until he got sick. It is cycled. His current tank is at 77 degrees. I feed him a variety of bloodworms, pellets, dalphina, and mysis shrimp. He has silk plants and a Filter run on an air pump. He has an Indian almond lead in there as well. I've treated him with aquarium salt, medicine all fish keepers swear it will help, and dipped his tail in hydrogen peroxide. He has not shown any sign of improvement! Please help!
April M
April M - 7 years ago
Thank you but he passed away a couple of days ago
Karima Zetanski
Karima Zetanski - 7 years ago
April M is he okay?
Joe Strickland
Joe Strickland - 7 years ago
Every order I have had from h2o plants has been awful and I have never once gotten one of those cards
H2O Plants
H2O Plants - 7 years ago
Joe Strickland Hey there I'm shocked to hear this. We do our best to take care of every customer that has any issues with their order. I looked up your name and I don't see an order under it so I'm assuming your YouTube username is not your real name. Please email me with your order number and what happened and we will look into what we can do for you. As far as the cards every order should have them unless you have ordered recently one of the newest plants we stock. Those cards haven't been made yet. Once again sorry for any issue you may have had but please email us at
Michael Agostino
Michael Agostino - 7 years ago
I saw this video and decided to try the LED light you show in it.

WOW! I bought the Nicrew LED Aquarium light you have here in this video for my 20 gallon planted tank. I have to say it is so much better than the Aqueon florescent light I originally bought for the tank. This LED is at least 30% brighter. My tank now has a white look to it, a natural look. The Aqueon gave my tank a yellowish tint to the water. So happy with this LED light!

I also must say that the price is very cheap in my opinion compare to others I saw on Amazon. I highly recommend this LED light.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
That's good to hear. I really like those lights too.
Small forest dweller
Small forest dweller - 7 years ago
Loving your videos! :)
ZoZo Asia
ZoZo Asia - 7 years ago
Useful, steps to build the castle under the water, very beautiful
Patricia Lopez
Patricia Lopez - 7 years ago
Awesome tutorial!

So when are you guys going to sell aquarium lids for standard 2.5 gallon rectangular tanks?

Most standard 2.5 gallon tanks just come with one solid piece of glass with a handle, no hinge.

Unless you know how to cut glass or pay someone to cut it for you, The glass top really doesn't sit right on the tank. Especially if you have a heater and/or HOB filter.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you. We have no plans at the moment but are looking into it for the future.

20. comment for How to Set Up a New Betta Fish Tank (Episode 3)

Miehos D. Silverwall
Miehos D. Silverwall - 7 years ago
Would a hang on back filter that filters 30 gallons of water per hour stress a betta fish in a 10 gallon tank?
I am planning on buying a filter later and I found the series and got confused if I should just choose a sponge filter and an air pump instead. Any advise is very much appreciated. Thanks!
Miehos D. Silverwall
Miehos D. Silverwall - 7 years ago
I see. I'll go with a sponge filter then.
Thanks Sheila/Lifewithpets! More power to you guys.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
A 30 gallon filter would be too strong for a betta fish. I would go with a small hob or preferably a sponge filter.
Fish For Thought
Fish For Thought - 7 years ago
Nice and thorough set up!
Gabby Wood
Gabby Wood - 7 years ago
You should start selling some of those lids on your website! I'd love to buy one from you
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thanks, we did look into it but it's really expensive to make and ship them.
Delanie W
Delanie W - 7 years ago
I could listen to you read the phone book.
Delanie W
Delanie W - 7 years ago
God, I love your accent!
Sheila - 7 years ago
Is a 60 litre tank not to small for 5 betta
Sheila - 7 years ago
O.k thanks
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
60 liters is 15 gallons. 15-20 gallons is a good size for 5 female bettas.
Hannah Claire
Hannah Claire - 7 years ago
lovely video! i have a question corresponding to your lid: i have a 5.5 planted betta tank that needs better lighting. i have one of those nicrew lights for my goldfish tank and love it, however, i've been struggling to find a nice glass or acrylic top that will allow me to use said light. do you have a tutorial? or would you ever sell them on your website? they're awesome! thank you!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
We do have a tutorial on making the lids in the "how to" playlist. We have no plans to sell them at the moment.
Jayla White
Jayla White - 7 years ago
Hello! I'm about to get a Betta for the first time and I have been doing tons of research about them (the water conditioner, food, tank, decor, etc) and I was wondering if the flake food is fine for them to eat along with some other varieties?
Jayla White
Jayla White - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets ok thank you! One last question, where should I get my Betta? Do you think I can get mine at petco/petsmart if I make sure they are healthy?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Yes, flake food is fine.
ReviewCam - 7 years ago
Always great to see bettas in 5 gallon tanks :)
Evan Roberts
Evan Roberts - 7 years ago
how long do you need to cycle your filter media for???
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
The video out tomorrow will show the cycling process. It took 3 weeks for it to fully cycle.

30. comment for How to Set Up a New Betta Fish Tank (Episode 3)

Atomic - 7 years ago
I have two guppys left I'm gonna buy a heater and I'm gonna stick to bettas
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 7 years ago
Great video and setup. That's cool you make your own lids too.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Haodijam Romila
Haodijam Romila - 7 years ago
When I want a reply from Lifewithpets Swelare,She didn't reply so ,I Bored Of commenting or Focus you do is busy, Ofcourse If you reach either encourage,And reply ,I will like your videos and comment good on your videos,But really appreciate your videos,More If you reply my comments.
I know you wouldn't reply this also,What use of neither Commenting and So talking about your sense,Bit you wouldn't see My Worried Comment of you not Replying me
Haodijam Romila
Haodijam Romila - 7 years ago
That's okay , Thanks for your Kindness ❤❤❤
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I'm not exactly sure what you're saying but I get 100's of comments every day and can't reply to every single one of them. Sorry your comment got missed.
Pork Ball
Pork Ball - 7 years ago
i set up a 30 gallon shrimp breeding tank with an aqua scape for about 80 dollars (not including the shrimp which cost me about 80 dollars) which would have cost me about 450 dollars if i got a new tank and went with the rocks not on sale and with the fluval stratum not on sale and i got the tank 40 dollars when a new one cost 384 dollars.
Sheila - 7 years ago
Hi my female betta as changed colour she was three shades of pink when i got her about 4 month ago now she is two shades of red. Is this normal she is lively eating well. Looks fit and well.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
60 liters is big enough however I'd recommend 5 females minimum. Less than 5 rarely get on. Make sure the tank is very heavily planted.
Sheila - 7 years ago
Thanks pixie is the first betta i have she follows my finger on the glass and eats out of my hand she is realy friendly. I have a empty 60 litre tank so i am thinking of getting 2 more female betta. But keep her tank . Is the tank big anoth for 3 female betta fish. She is in a 19 litre tank now. THANKS
ReviewCam - 7 years ago
Yes, and the healthier they get, the darker their colors get
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Yes, Bettas do often change color.
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 7 years ago
I'm enjoying this series, but I have a dickens of a time keeping anacharis, which is supposed to be such an easy plant. I bunch I bought about a month ago recently went translucent and died. Have you experienced this with yours?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
No, this plant is growing like a weed!
Haodijam Romila
Haodijam Romila - 7 years ago
Jessica Cook
Jessica Cook - 7 years ago
You don't have to rinse Stratum if you don't want to. It just makes the tank cloudy for a bit if you don't rinse it.
Also, you can get super glue in a gel formula. Much easier for using with plants than the liquid formula.
jazy 686
jazy 686 - 7 years ago
Hi i have a question im confused what is an air stone for? i thought you needed an air stone for diy filters
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Yes you do. We use one in our all diy filters.
Jena Tucker Aquariums
Jena Tucker Aquariums - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing
Jena Tucker Aquariums
Jena Tucker Aquariums - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets great! I will go there.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Hi Jena, no we don't sell the lids. They're easy to make if you or your hubby are handy. We have a video in our how to playlist.
Fluffy an Trapinch
Fluffy an Trapinch - 7 years ago
Episode 3 watched
Joy Barton
Joy Barton - 7 years ago
Love this series. Just wish I saw it when I first got my betta oh the mistakes I made! Great work and demonstrations too! And I've learned more in this thank you!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you. We all make mistakes, I've made many over the years and I'm sure I'll make many more!
Sierra Mitchell
Sierra Mitchell - 7 years ago
What material do you make your lids out of?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
It's acrylic.
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
Very nice series! I hope more beginner people watch your videos so they can learn how to properly take care of betta fish. I always see people throwing bettas into bowls and vases, so I'm hoping that trend will die down a bit. Thanks for the videos and good job :)
Kaala Red Panda
Kaala Red Panda - 7 years ago
How much substrate did u use?
Kaala Red Panda
Kaala Red Panda - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets thank you!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
The tank in the video is a 5.5 gallon.
Kaala Red Panda
Kaala Red Panda - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets what gallon tank are u using? I'm thinking of setting up a 5 gallon divided tank. Per inspiration of this series
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I think it was one and a half bags of fluval stratum.
MoonFeather - 7 years ago
Wow I have been keeping fish for a few years and have many Betta but even I am learning stuff for this video also great advice.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Brad Rawlings
Brad Rawlings - 7 years ago
What kind of lid is that? It looks very durable.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
It's made out of acrylic.
Mau Posada
Mau Posada - 7 years ago
Hola no sé si entiendas algo de español quiero felicitarte me gustan mucho tus videos saludos desde México soy nuevo suscriptor
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you! I had to put it in the translator to know what you said!
The fishy Rules!!
The fishy Rules!! - 7 years ago
That tank looks beautiful........ I found that Marimo Moss balls cause a lot of extra alage and mess so u may want to reconsider that.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you. We have them in all our tanks with no issues at all.
Arjy Bajy
Arjy Bajy - 7 years ago
Can I have some ideas for the stocking on a 10 gallon?
The fishy Rules!!
The fishy Rules!! - 7 years ago
Arjy Bajy thanks I will return!
Arjy Bajy
Arjy Bajy - 7 years ago
ZomaarJochem Oh thanks I subbed!
Arjy Bajy
Arjy Bajy - 7 years ago
T Buzz Thank you, I appreciate and I subbed!
Arjy Bajy
Arjy Bajy - 7 years ago
The fishy Rules!! Thanks man! I subbed to you!
Arjy Bajy
Arjy Bajy - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets Thanks! Your videos are so satisfying
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
Ottocinclus catfish, neon tetras, female betta fish, snails, guppies :)
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Tetras, a Betta, Guppies, platys not tiger barbs they get too big.
The fishy Rules!!
The fishy Rules!! - 7 years ago
Arjy Bajy tiger barbs, black skirt tetras, glo fish, hatchetfish, platies, mollies, Betta fish, guppies
ZomaarJochem - 7 years ago
Arjy Bajy 5 neon tetra

50. comment for How to Set Up a New Betta Fish Tank (Episode 3)

H2O Plants
H2O Plants - 7 years ago
Awesome video thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
No, thank you!!
Lora Mueller
Lora Mueller - 7 years ago
Love two of my favorite channels interacting!!
SubparPanda - 7 years ago
I have a question about the NICREW light. Do you think I'd be alright buying the 11-19 version of it for my 10gal? I know it wouldn't fit but I think I'd be able to sit it on the lid of the tank or even secure it in another way due to the shelving my tank is on. It's just that the next version up is 30 dollars and I'm on a tight budget so if I could save that money that for plants and stuff that would be nice.
SubparPanda - 7 years ago
You were right! Got my light today and it does indeed fit the 10gal, wish those sliders didn't just pop right out of the light. little bit of a scary fit, will just have to be careful lol
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Yes it does fit the 10 gallon.
Lacy Snow
Lacy Snow - 7 years ago
Thank you for showing each step in videos. I did not know a few things on my first try and this would have helped so much!
Shana Batt
Shana Batt - 7 years ago
Is hot glue safe for an aquarium? Great video ❤️
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
Super glue is best, just make sure its aquarium safe.
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
Use silicone or aquarium-safe super glue. Hot glue will not hold well underwater.
radblook - 7 years ago
I'd recommend using aquarium safe super glue (there are several brands you can choose, but it's probably best to look into it on forums). It also depends on what you're going to use the glue for. Using hot glue for plants isn't recommended because heating the roots can kill the plant, and with things like corals it would take time for the glue to dry before putting them back in the water.
TheGolemHunter - 7 years ago
Shana Batt Look at the package, if its non-toxic, it is safe. Just beware it does not hold well under water :)
Justin JLGReality Spall
Justin JLGReality Spall - 7 years ago
Great video awesome tank setup! Can't wait to see next week.
SooNny - 7 years ago
Is it ok to keep a female betta and a male betta in a divided tank? Which are the problems if not?
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
I would not keep them in a divided tank. The male and female both produce hormones that would drive each other crazy. Your female will eventually become egg bound and that could harm her health. Only keep males with males, or females with females. Never mix males and females :)
TheGolemHunter - 7 years ago
SooNny Well it is ok but if they see each other, they would want to breed and they cant so maybe can stress them out. Make sure they also have at least 2.5 gallons to each.
EstraV - 7 years ago
I've read that putting a male and female in the same tank despite being devided will put the female in a constant of having eggs which isn't healthy for her. And for the male, the hormones from being in close proximity with a female will stress him out.
TheGolemHunter - 7 years ago
Anyone know why you spray aquarium plants with hydrogen peroxide? I see people spraying them while preparing them. Anyone know if i should use it and where could i find it?
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
They use it to kill parasites or algae.
TheGolemHunter - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets Im pretty sure my source is very safe. One of the biggest aquarium supplier or market in Canada and i have bought from them before. Thanks for the reply. I think a good wash will do me fine.
cynthia dameron
cynthia dameron - 7 years ago
TheGolemHunter yes it's very inexpensive
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Some people will hydrogen peroxide their plants if they're coming from a source they're not sure of. It kills algae on the plants and any bugs/pest that may have hitchiked.
TheGolemHunter - 7 years ago
cynthia dameron Oh. Thanks :) so it cost just a few dollars? I live in Canada so i can only go to dollar tree or dollarama.
cynthia dameron
cynthia dameron - 7 years ago
TheGolemHunter you can get peroxide at a .99 store. I think they use it to make sure there isn't any bacteria on the plant.
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Those lids are great! I just have sheet plexiglass. Love the Nicrew lights, cheap and effective. The tank looks great!!! Quick tip, when gluing plants it can help to use a toothpick to push the roots into place. Loving this series, it's really well done!!!! You should be super proud. This will be helpful to so many people.
Haodijam Romila
Haodijam Romila - 7 years ago
My telescope Goldfishes I kept them in An indoor pond , They are not rough , That's your reaction, Thanks for your reply
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
Haodijam Romila That sounds lovely. I hand feed my fry but not my adults, they're way too rough.
Haodijam Romila
Haodijam Romila - 7 years ago
Yes,I do have the same lights for my Betta fish, Pretty sure,I am getting another tank for my Oranda ,Yes I do have Bettas and Goldfish in my home,The main focus of my channel is though Goldfish, Isn't hard to look after them,I mostly love ranchus and I upload Goldfish in my Balcony That's going to be sold or Sold Timings,Hough,Yeah I kept 5 rooms ,10 feet for all of my Goldfish,I have 45 tanks of Goldfish and More I am going to bought,I kept all types of Goldfish in my house building, Good,ZezA.... Basics routine,Basics Substrate ,Basics Plants or them all Basics of feeding , Handfeeding my GOLDFISHES,Have a Nice day..........
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Hi, no I'm sorry we don't sell the lids.
Jose Salazar
Jose Salazar - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets do you sell lids? I'm having a hard time finding a lid for a 20 gallon long tank
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you, and that's a great tip!
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium - 7 years ago
very nice!
Simon vlog
Simon vlog - 7 years ago
Is super glue ok for tank?
MELODY MUNRO - 7 years ago
They are safe as long as the main ingredient is cyanoacrylate.
Spoopy Space
Spoopy Space - 7 years ago
Simon vlog yes
Atomic - 7 years ago
Simon vlog yes
algerome28 - 7 years ago
@lifewithpets i agree with the light! its much cheaper and works the same as the famous brand lights. i have both the expensive brand, finnex fugeray and the cheap one like you have but longer the nicrew light. both are bright and good for planted tanks.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I haven't, I will have to take a look at it.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Petit Fish
Petit Fish - 7 years ago
algerome28 have you guys seen the long and thin Nicrew light? I bough it and my plants are growing amazing!
sammy taveras
sammy taveras - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets What is the name of the largest plant of this aquarium?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I have also found that to be true.
Carissa Rochelle
Carissa Rochelle - 7 years ago
Very much enjoying this series! It'll come in handy when I can finally set up my own tank in the future.
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
Good luck :)
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
Really enjoying this series. Keep up the amazing work! :D
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Atomic - 7 years ago
I love these vids hopefully I can find a dumbo betta fish and are plastic plants ok for bettas but my fav guppy died he was acting wierd then the next day I woke up to feed them and he was dead
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
Make sure the fake plants are soft so it won't hurt your betta fish.
SubparPanda - 7 years ago
just a little note but make sure to get silk plants instead of plastic especially if you want a long finned betta! They easily tear their fins on plastic plants, had my veiltail get some serious tears in his fins :(
Atomic - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets thx
Atomic - 7 years ago
Big City Bettas I know I might be a kid but I know a lot about fish I study and read about them all the time
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thanks! As long as the product is fish safe then yes. I'm sorry your guppy died.
Atomic - 7 years ago
Awesome series !!
Justin Rosales
Justin Rosales - 7 years ago
Sheila is the best!!!
ashley - 7 years ago
Love this series!
lex panganiban
lex panganiban - 7 years ago
nice series

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156 likes 23,348 views 6 years ago

KZ TANDINGAN, makakabalik sa SINGER 2018 para sa BREAKOUT ROUND (Episode 12) na mangyayari sa April 6. Malamang pa...


What Items are Needed for Setting Up a Betta...

542 likes 22,054 views 7 years ago

All the times needed for setting up a betta fish tank. Betta fish need a good sized tank, filter, heater, substrate,...

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About How to Set Up a New Betta Fish Tank (Episode 3)

The "How to Set Up a New Betta Fish Tank (Episode 3)" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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