How to Sex your Veiltail Betta - Male or Female?

Curious to know how to identify your veiltail betta's sex? Here are the most physical features used to identify the sex of your betta. Most of these tips apply to all betta fin types, but because not every single one applies, I'm covering my bases and basing these off veiltails only, as those are the only types of bettas I am using in my comparisons. If you are using this video to sex your fry, do remember that male fry may possess egg spots until around 6months of age. Young males also have very short fins too, which my trick you. It's best to give your betta a gender-neutral nickname until they can be sexed properly. Like, "Fishy" or something :) TLDR (or Watch) Males: Long, Flow-y Dorsal Long, Blade-Shaped Ventrals Peaked Head Large Gill Membrane No Egg Spot Long, Curved Caudal Long, Flow-y Anal Flat Stomach (unless, of course, when bloated) Female: Shorter, 'pointy', Dorsal Short, Skinny Ventrals Smooth Head Small, 'Covered', Gill Membrane Egg Spot Spade-Shaped (Pointed & Formed) Caudal Shorter, Angled Anal Protruding Stomach (Not caused by bloating) My goal was to make this video very informative or at least a little interesting! It took a lot of research, planning, time, and editing efforts to complete, and I hope that it shines through!

How to Sex your Veiltail Betta - Male or Female? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 16

Betta 8 years ago 50,374 views

Curious to know how to identify your veiltail betta's sex? Here are the most physical features used to identify the sex of your betta. Most of these tips apply to all betta fin types, but because not every single one applies, I'm covering my bases and basing these off veiltails only, as those are the only types of bettas I am using in my comparisons. If you are using this video to sex your fry, do remember that male fry may possess egg spots until around 6months of age. Young males also have very short fins too, which my trick you. It's best to give your betta a gender-neutral nickname until they can be sexed properly. Like, "Fishy" or something :) TLDR (or Watch) Males: Long, Flow-y Dorsal Long, Blade-Shaped Ventrals Peaked Head Large Gill Membrane No Egg Spot Long, Curved Caudal Long, Flow-y Anal Flat Stomach (unless, of course, when bloated) Female: Shorter, 'pointy', Dorsal Short, Skinny Ventrals Smooth Head Small, 'Covered', Gill Membrane Egg Spot Spade-Shaped (Pointed & Formed) Caudal Shorter, Angled Anal Protruding Stomach (Not caused by bloating) My goal was to make this video very informative or at least a little interesting! It took a lot of research, planning, time, and editing efforts to complete, and I hope that it shines through!

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Most popular comments
for How to Sex your Veiltail Betta - Male or Female?

Somanaboina Lokesh Kumar Yadav
Somanaboina Lokesh Kumar Yadav - 7 years ago
Thanks,the way u explained was very nice
Black Thunder
Black Thunder - 7 years ago
I have uploaded a video.
Can anyone tell me if my betta is male or female??
Kim Dorn
Kim Dorn - 7 years ago
Draco look like my fish but my fish is black and the fin is brown im french btw
Jared Wehmeyer
Jared Wehmeyer - 7 years ago
Thank you, this was a great video. I'm starting a sorority tank and I wanted more ways to tell because I don't want to buy a male that's labeled a female.
Beboping Bettas
Beboping Bettas - 7 years ago
That's amazing! I have never seen a female with long fins before like Journey.
Sophia Volpe
Sophia Volpe - 7 years ago
Thank you this helped a lot! My betta is a male
BetterBetta - 7 years ago
+Sophia Volpe I'm glad it helped you! :)
Jack Fogarty
Jack Fogarty - 7 years ago
Thank you this was very help ful because I named my fish terrance and hoped it was a boy and it was yay
Trish - 7 years ago
Lol it just ended. Thanks
eman mubark
eman mubark - 7 years ago
I have three dogs and one male betta fish veiltail

10. comment for How to Sex your Veiltail Betta - Male or Female?

JaayLikeTheLetter - 7 years ago
I have two bettas and my first betta was from the county fair, so when I got "her" I knew nothing about bettas and my boyfriend and I just came to the conclusion that "she" was a girl due to "her" size... After watching your video, I am now 99.9% sure that our "Leia" is a male LOL. So thank you for helping me discover that "Leia" was actually our big boy "Appa" hahah!
Haris Abdulla
Haris Abdulla - 7 years ago
awesome, very clear explanation, n video of best clarity
aaron123456 - 7 years ago
What tail variety is your female I like the long tail
Bettafish Aquariums
Bettafish Aquariums - 7 years ago
I'm a tiny new channel for bettafish and this was useful for me when I chose my Bettafish which his name is Sushi
roceratoman jura
roceratoman jura - 7 years ago
But does size not matter?
Linda Hill
Linda Hill - 7 years ago
What's that white spot on Journey's body?
1111aaa2222 - 7 years ago
i tell the sex of bettas by reading the cup they come in
omar serna garza
omar serna garza - 7 years ago
1111aaa2222 sometimes the pet shops can be wrong, female and male bettas are very alike c:
Chocotaw - 7 years ago
Ok well now im so confused as to what gender the betta i adopted is now, its cool, ill wait them out... got them sick so maybe when they get a little more healthy I can tell...
Kelli Dalton
Kelli Dalton - 7 years ago
This was very helpful. My gf and I rescued some Bettas from Walmart and were doubting the labeling that they were actually female because they are all long finned and most descriptions online are vague about the fin shape, so all we could rely on was the hope that the egg spots weren't ich spots considering how poor their water was.
BE A MAVRICK - 7 years ago
This is super helpful and the video quality was on piont i love your videos and i think you are going big places so keep making videos!!!

20. comment for How to Sex your Veiltail Betta - Male or Female?

Animal life
Animal life - 7 years ago
One of my males has a dog head, also my female is bright pink, she is female tho
whale lover
whale lover - 7 years ago
my male doesent have a beard but everthing else is true on my male
Zoe T
Zoe T - 7 years ago
I have a young Betta, my local pet shop had them labeled as females, i sent a photo to them on their facebook page just to confirm.... They told me male.... But looking at it, i still think female..... im not sure how old... 2 months maybe? can i email you photos to try and find out?
Crystal Rose AJ
Crystal Rose AJ - 7 years ago
I won a betta fish at the spring fling at my school, but I still cannot quite tell if it is male of female. All of it's fins all seem to be a bunch of tiny fins that seem to make one big fin, almost none of them connect until they're at the top. Please reply, I am finding your video very helpful, thank you.
kayxx - 7 years ago
Can I send you a picture of my betta on instagram cause I just can't figure it out
Takeaway Aquarium
Takeaway Aquarium - 7 years ago
Great video!
Alyssa The Alyssum Vlogs
Alyssa The Alyssum Vlogs - 7 years ago
my veiltail male betta has medium size fins
Sam - 7 years ago
which one is better to keep with others fishes male or female
Sarah Lavoie
Sarah Lavoie - 7 years ago
hi I have a question my betta fish's colours are fading what does that mean? and he also is a male but he used to flare but now he doesn't and he also used to look like a male but now he looks like a female do you know why
Sarah Lavoie
Sarah Lavoie - 7 years ago
oh okay I don't know how old he was when my resource teacher bought him
Lygoholic - 7 years ago
Also when they get old they don't flare as much as before
Lygoholic - 7 years ago
I think your betta is getting old, usually when their colors fade means they're getting old
Patrick Alesing
Patrick Alesing - 8 years ago

30. comment for How to Sex your Veiltail Betta - Male or Female?

Lexi Yost
Lexi Yost - 8 years ago
Plz say it right one
Olivia's Life
Olivia's Life - 8 years ago
thank you that helped a lot now I know what to name my fish
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Glad I could help! :)
Stephanie Wells
Stephanie Wells - 8 years ago
This was very very helpful, thank you! Brought home three female veil tail bettas but because they look a lot different than most of the other female bettas I've seen, I was worried I had males by mistake. But after watching your video and pausing after each aspect and checking my fish in between (including my male!) I feel pretty confident that they are in fact female.
Thong Yang
Thong Yang - 7 years ago
Stephanie Wells ohhhhhhhhhhh
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Stephanie Wells Thank you! I'm glad my female betta and I could clear things up! :)
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium - 8 years ago
Very informative! Lovely Bettats! I subbed!
Arun kumar
Arun kumar - 8 years ago
reply to my comment
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+dbachelor's Planted Aquarium Thank you so much! :)
Arun kumar
Arun kumar - 8 years ago
can you identify the sex of my bettas, if i send you pics of it?? i have four of them, one is the male alpha i'm sure, but the other three are quite difficult to guess. they are small too, they may be around 6 months of age and are about an inch in size.....
Ryan Cassarino
Ryan Cassarino - 8 years ago
stop justifying yourself because you know you're wrong
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Ryan Cassarino For someone who really seems to dislike my videos, you've stuck around for a long time. We are allowed to disagree, but perhaps in the future, take disagreement a little more lightly. The 'my way or the highway' attitude won't get you far in life. People don't like people like that.
Osvaldo Saurez
Osvaldo Saurez - 8 years ago
Draco is a different betta than Journey. Draco is a vailtail betta and Journey is spade tail betta that's why the caudal fins are different.
francis coronel
francis coronel - 8 years ago
how can you tell if your baby betta is male or female? because i have a baby betta!
francis coronel
francis coronel - 8 years ago
ok thanks
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
I've never dealt with baby bettas before, but I've heard it's extremely difficult- almost impossible- to determine a betta's sex before around 6 months, if I remember correctly.
Queen Viper
Queen Viper - 8 years ago
is there a diffrence between angle bettas and just plane betta
Es_Art-Heart - 8 years ago
It's funny cause when I got my male double tail Anubis he had absolutely no tail whatsoever bouyancy issues could swim to the bottom unles he really tried and would float back to top then to his side we saved him cause I think he was dying but how did they know what tail he had.......when he didn't have one
Mr. Guilty reads
Mr. Guilty reads - 8 years ago
I don't know if I have a male it has the 3 back fins but not the to belly fins that point it's very fin and small
eman mubark
eman mubark - 7 years ago
Mr. Guilty reads if it have long tail so it's a male if it have short tail it's a female
Mr. Guilty reads
Mr. Guilty reads - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta ok I'll go and look
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
It's hard to tell for sure without a picture, but the best one to look for is the egg spot, and also the gills. The egg spot is only ever present on a female, unless your betta is a baby :) Female bettas also lack a large 'beard-like" gill membrane, so you can watch for that too.
TheAnimalChannel - 8 years ago
Your bettas are so beautiful, I love them so much. Your such a great mother to them
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you so much!! :)
Puppypop 101
Puppypop 101 - 8 years ago
Amazing video! I've never seen a long send finned female before! She is beautiful!!! ( now I want a female like that
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks! Yep- long finned females are becoming more common however they still are kinda rare in the big picture. Look at this video (not mine) of another long finned female - she's gorgeous :) Oh, and this breeding pair - imagine how pretty the fry must be. I honestly thought Journey was male and that the pet store labeled her wrong when I first got her because of her fins - I did so much research on her and found out she was actually definitely female due to all the characteristics here - that's what inspired this video because I had done so much research on it! :)
Puppypop 101
Puppypop 101 - 8 years ago
Idk when auto correct put the word send
Lilieth Espinoza
Lilieth Espinoza - 8 years ago
Lol I herb gerhh mg gmrgjrnnh ffj ntsgnd fhhmt
JacobChunioo Jacob chunis
JacobChunioo Jacob chunis - 8 years ago
I have a Betta and I'm moving him to a 3 gallon . do you think he'll like it ? how often do I feed him ? is every 2 days ok ? what food do you use ? I remember the day you moved them in the bigger tanks first second looks like there thriving !
Es_Art-Heart - 8 years ago
JacobChunioo at PETSMART I believe it was or petco I got my 2.5 for 15 dollars but only tank and top
Es_Art-Heart - 8 years ago
JacobChunioo yeah please don't put a betta in there cause that is too small at least a 2.5
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Unfortunately a 1/2 is too small for a betta, or any fish. The likelihood of illness is much too high in a tank that small, and your betta will not be able to receive the exercise and mental stimulation it needs. The accepted minimum among most betta owners is 2.5, and although some may say a 1gallon is fine, as someone who has had my bettas in a 1 gallon before, I saw a noticeable difference in the health and happiness in my bettas when they received bigger tanks. I would never recommend using a 1/2 gallon, even though I hate to be 'that person' telling someone about too small a tank. Especially in one with most of the water being in height, it does not leave alot of room for plants and hideaways. Perhaps talking to your dad about the misconceptions in betta tank sizes may allow you to get the three gallon. May I ask what your betta is in now? Or do you not have your betta yet? Hope this answers your question, as disappointing as it is :(
JacobChunioo Jacob chunis
JacobChunioo Jacob chunis - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta how would a betta do in a 1\2 gallon ?my dad cut down on a smaller tank and bought me this Do you have any ideas ?
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
He should love his new tank :) Mine certainly do. I feed my betta every day, I use Omega One Micro color pellets. You only need to fast/feed every other day if using lower quality food (more meals and glutens than fish and proteins) so it depends what food you use. My bettas are happier than ever in their tanks - I hope yours is too! :)
Animals Are Awesome
Animals Are Awesome - 8 years ago
Hey love your videos there amazing there are great I use to make Betta videos but I don't know more but I will start soon again
Animals Are Awesome
Animals Are Awesome - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta yes I will
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you! Betta videos are certainly fun to make and will provide great memories- they can be stressful at times but overall fun to make! You definitely should start back up if it is something that interests you :)
Gold Chemical
Gold Chemical - 8 years ago
Journey is Gorgeous
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks :)
Gold Chemical
Gold Chemical - 8 years ago
Gold Chemical
Gold Chemical - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta np i LOVE YOUR CHANNEL
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you for your support! :)
lushy essentials
lushy essentials - 8 years ago
A subscribe from me
lushy essentials
lushy essentials - 8 years ago
Your bettas are amazing
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you so much! :)

50. comment for How to Sex your Veiltail Betta - Male or Female?

Mr.Rookie Aquarist
Mr.Rookie Aquarist - 8 years ago
nice video keep it up !!! ;)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 8 years ago
I'm doing a top 10 things for betta fish anything I should put in there. I got most of the things you need to have?
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta Okay thanks that's what I wrote down.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Filters and Heaters and places to hide, plus food and water conditioner for care and stuff are some of the most important things I can think of right now :)
lushy essentials
lushy essentials - 8 years ago
Would you like to collab
lushy essentials
lushy essentials - 8 years ago
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 8 years ago
Great Video! Can you tell how old they are?
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
You're welcome :)
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta Oh Okay Thanks. I was wondering what Milo age was. That would be great to know there real age. I will just keep up with I long I have him. Thanks for answering.
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta Oh Okay Thanks. I was wondering what Milo age was. That would be great to know there real age. I will just keep up with I long I have him. Thanks for answering.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Unfortunately it's near impossible to identify the exact age of a betta- even experts have extreme difficulty with that. The best way to determine the age is to get a betta from a breeder who knows their exact birthdate. I know that most adult bettas sold in stores are usually between 6 months and 1 year, and I've had my bettas between 7 and 14 months , depending which betta I'm referencing to. So I'd say mine are all around a year and a half - 2 years old, but that's just a educated guess.
Elsa Lepleux
Elsa Lepleux - 8 years ago
Amazing :)
But, I have one question : Can you make a vidéo about your fish food and feeding time ?
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Sure, I can make a video on that :)
Thank you!
Mark's Fish Keeping UK
Mark's Fish Keeping UK - 8 years ago
very good information :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you :)
SamsHappyMail - 8 years ago
Yay good job
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thanks :)
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
amazing video
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you :)
Hippie - Aquatics
Hippie - Aquatics - 8 years ago
I Still ❤ Your Vids
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Thank you! :)

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