How to breed Betta fish, in two minutes

This is how i bred my betta splendens. Due to all the questions I cant answer them anymore so my tip is to visit it´s a great site with a ton of info.

How to breed Betta fish, in two minutes sentiment_very_dissatisfied 140

Betta 13 years ago 649,578 views

This is how i bred my betta splendens. Due to all the questions I cant answer them anymore so my tip is to visit it´s a great site with a ton of info.

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Most popular comments
for How to breed Betta fish, in two minutes

Ty.Da.Gamer - 7 years ago
I made the mistake of putting the females with the eggs. BITCH ate them all
Ella Staffier
Ella Staffier - 7 years ago
So does the female already had eggs in her
Charlotte is my daddy
Charlotte is my daddy - 7 years ago
Bahaha idk if this is possible bc I'm a noob at bettas but I think my betta wants babies bc he keeps making bubbles
Luis Camus
Luis Camus - 7 years ago
If the fry starts to swim remove the male because the male will start eating the fry
Manoj Kumar
Manoj Kumar - 7 years ago
When it will stop building the nest
unconcious FTW
unconcious FTW - 7 years ago
at least give them some privacy XD
It's Riva!
It's Riva! - 7 years ago
What can i do?? My male betta fights my female betta when i put them together?
chastity cogar
chastity cogar - 7 years ago
If you do not want too many baby bettas can you take the female out after the first or second mating occurences? or is it unhealthy and they must continue untilshe can not produce anymore?
Vinay Munagapati
Vinay Munagapati - 7 years ago
I have a veiltail female beta fish and a half moon beta fish. Can they still breed together?

10. comment for How to breed Betta fish, in two minutes

Kanha Dubey
Kanha Dubey - 7 years ago
Hey what do you think about conditioning ??
2 week is compulsory or it is okay with 1 week only because I spawned my female all the times after 1 week of conditioning..
Unfortunately in the latest spawn the male ate all the eggs again (he was a new one !!) whatsoever I think so that the lack of conditioning period might be a problem that the eggs are not developed properly but I have no idea scientifically.
BTW what do you think ??? Is that possible ??
Nasty Boy
Nasty Boy - 7 years ago
The dick so good it literally paralyzed her damn
Brianna Underwood
Brianna Underwood - 7 years ago
That female looks TERRIBLE. Most likely from fighting with the male. Her fins are all torn, and her stress stripes on her body are showing LOTS. This is abuse. The female is not ready to breed. There are physical signs. She's not in the right condition either. This is really depressing. Not trying to be rude, but you need to stop and do your research.
RcAntax - 7 years ago
She was in great condition. The clips in the beginning of the video was AFTER she spawned. Her colors/stripes also showed she was ready. The breeding was very succesfull so I´m not really sure what you´re talking about.
sheik salmaan
sheik salmaan - 7 years ago
hi my female bets laying eggs but male cannot catch and release into his bubble
he only make bubble on him self say what happened is the eggs are hatch or not
Lucrecia Roberts
Lucrecia Roberts - 7 years ago
Good video. I study something more difficult on totally different video everyday. Its going to at all times be stimulating to read content material from other writers and apply a bit one thing from their store. I’d want to make use of some with the content material on my web video whether or not you don’t mind. Natually I’ll give you a link in your internet video. Thanks for sharing.
Zedlika Yato
Zedlika Yato - 7 years ago
mom is this porn
Hippie - Aquatics
Hippie - Aquatics - 7 years ago
How long does it take the male to stop making the bubble nest?
miriam weissman
miriam weissman - 7 years ago
My Betta is pregnant but the male hasn't blown any bubbles yet for her what shall I do
MightyStinky Llama
MightyStinky Llama - 7 years ago
I just love the music in the background
bella bates
bella bates - 7 years ago
Do both fish need to be the same species of beta in order for the breeding process to work?

20. comment for How to breed Betta fish, in two minutes

Brylee Huntoon
Brylee Huntoon - 7 years ago
Are we watching freaking devils spawning here? I thought this was how to breed betas. The music is confusing...
Lolong Mediano
Lolong Mediano - 7 years ago
How to make breeding trap
Mrx Famous
Mrx Famous - 7 years ago
if the bettas are breeding . did you feed them??
Josh Heiser
Josh Heiser - 7 years ago
SpongeBob SquarePants watches this late at night
Alice's Keeper
Alice's Keeper - 7 years ago
why my male betta keep attacking my female betta,,my female has many scratch on her fins and body? What should i do? please answer my question please!
Alice's Keeper
Alice's Keeper - 7 years ago
I'm afraid with my female betta,
Anxious - 7 years ago
So.. I bought a 2 right, one is a baby the other is a grown male the baby girl is growing a bit but I don't know what to do,
Anxious - 7 years ago
And they did it,
Michelle Vallerie
Michelle Vallerie - 7 years ago
once the fry grow, when do we need to seperate them? at how many weeks/months old? will they fight?
HYPESQUAD 03 - 7 years ago
this is pretty much what I did took me 2 days from when my male met my friends female and they bred within 15 minutes of being in the same tank
Alice's Keeper
Alice's Keeper - 7 years ago
HYPESQUAD 03 They bred?
Hanna Philp
Hanna Philp - 7 years ago
thx I'm trying to convince my parents to let me breed my fish. will show them this vid.
Naw2day Shawny
Naw2day Shawny - 7 years ago
thx 4 da help

30. comment for How to breed Betta fish, in two minutes

Emily Castaneda
Emily Castaneda - 7 years ago
what do you do with the male when the fry have emerged
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 7 years ago
Song ?
Vian Truong
Vian Truong - 7 years ago
what do I do if the male doesn't make a bubble nest
Anime Gods
Anime Gods - 7 years ago
i actually like this tutorial I has a lotz of infow
Blazing Gamer
Blazing Gamer - 8 years ago
My female fish died
Blazing Gamer
Blazing Gamer - 8 years ago
They had a really bad fight
Jackson K
Jackson K - 8 years ago
you can go to pet smart and get a male and female than sellq 100-200-300 and then give them probl like 50 or 100 or 200 and at the most get 150$ at the least probably 50$ and do it all over agen and get mode money
troybrown54321 - 8 years ago
dam that's how hard she came?
Kelvin Lea
Kelvin Lea - 8 years ago
Do they need a heater to breed or will they be ok a room temperature
Flying frog
Flying frog - 8 years ago
Nice editing skill bro
Andriod Boy
Andriod Boy - 8 years ago
how long should I keep them seeing each other ?
Skyyy100oo Animations
Skyyy100oo Animations - 8 years ago
I searched this cause I want two half moon Bettas thank you so much!
Reggie yang
Reggie yang - 8 years ago
my male makes a lot of bubbles but female keep running is that mean the female isnt ready to breed yet ,?
TC Films
TC Films - 8 years ago
That male, no kidding is exactly the same fish as mine!
melynda S
melynda S - 8 years ago
that was awesome hahaha . the music was intense haha !!
fariz ghazali
fariz ghazali - 8 years ago
hi. I've a question. how long from bubble nest to fry? great video btw.
Tony Potts
Tony Potts - 8 years ago
How do you get the female out without disturbing the bubble nest?
Bunnu Bunn
Bunnu Bunn - 8 years ago
can I give fry frozen blood worms
Bagul Aquatics
Bagul Aquatics - 8 years ago
I need some help, I was wondering if anyone can give me some ideas on what I could be doing wrong with the Bettas I bre about six months ago. I have eleven of them from my first attempt in breading Siamese fighting fish. I feed them regularly and my water temperature is at a constant 82 degrees to help with digestion. I also do regular water changes to remove any waste and hormones that may be affecting their growth. I think they look really healthy since they are in a sense perfect without missing scales or ripped fins. I hope that in time they develop their pelvic fins. I uploaded some videos so you can see what I'm talking about, please help.
Syahirul 'Alim
Syahirul 'Alim - 8 years ago
They not fight but playing tag
Aussie Reptiles and Aquarium Fish
Aussie Reptiles and Aquarium Fish - 8 years ago
Do the bettas eat there own fry?

50. comment for How to breed Betta fish, in two minutes

Dakota FarmGirls
Dakota FarmGirls - 8 years ago
someone Pleas answer i am thiking of breading me an my frends Betta how long dos this take? we do you release the female betta? is it right after the mail is done with the bubble nest? or do you have to float the jar for a little while longer? when the babies hatch do you take the mail out right away? when do you need to separate the males from each other? how old do the male and female have to be to breed?
Vinay J
Vinay J - 8 years ago
short! and simple! cool video
Ted Liman
Ted Liman - 8 years ago
beautifully made video
堕落 - 8 years ago
more comments than subs....
King King
King King - 8 years ago
Did you still keep on feeding the male betta after they mated and while he ws busy with his eggs? needing an asap reply :(
The Animal Report
The Animal Report - 8 years ago
What size tank did you use for the breeding tank?
Lauren Tuveson
Lauren Tuveson - 8 years ago
About how long does the male have to stay in the tank after the eggs hatch? Does he need to be removed immediately?
Luis Camus
Luis Camus - 7 years ago
Until the fry starts to swim
L3GENDS 0F B0SS - 8 years ago
steven hansen that's a good size so yes
Falcon Lover
Falcon Lover - 8 years ago
Can I breed them in a 10 gallon tank?
Maddie Reviews
Maddie Reviews - 8 years ago
Lauren Tuveson once the frys starts to swim around the tank its best to remove them male
TechSprint - 8 years ago
This is the best breeding video ive ever seen
Hannah's Hollands
Hannah's Hollands - 8 years ago
How long does it take for the eggs to hatch?
Keira Huynh
Keira Huynh - 8 years ago
cutebunnys143 ! I'm not sure exactly but I believe it can take 32-48 hours. It may be different depending in the size of the fish.
Benji Dinero
Benji Dinero - 8 years ago
What side does the baby go on
angelo Mercado 146
angelo Mercado 146 - 8 years ago
I thot it was dead
Joey Tabuno
Joey Tabuno - 8 years ago
Do you add anything in the water to protect the fry?
raniku rai
raniku rai - 8 years ago
while those two are together do we feed them or not
Jason Cheng
Jason Cheng - 8 years ago
No your suppose to feed them and make them healthy for at least 2 weeks with different types of food like Blood worms and flakes and Brine shrimp
Charles Gabriel Soriano
Charles Gabriel Soriano - 8 years ago
Thanks... RcAntax!! It Really Works!! But, when the egg hatches, what should I do? Thanks!
janijay love
janijay love - 8 years ago
i had brought a female n male i put them both together in a tank and some how the female die i dont know know what happen to her she was young not fully grown yet did the male kill her ??
Cameron Coughlin
Cameron Coughlin - 8 years ago
Probably. They don't go good togethor but you can put two females in the same tank
CLASSIFIED GAMER - 8 years ago
Can you help me breed
CLASSIFIED GAMER - 8 years ago
Can you help me breed my batts fish
Jacob the great
Jacob the great - 8 years ago
dude your video is beast "
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 8 years ago
My fry got caught in the tank heater! They are all dead!!! OH GOD!!!
wild ratty girl/Naia smith
wild ratty girl/Naia smith - 7 years ago
im sorry for your horrifing lose D:
Michelle Vallerie
Michelle Vallerie - 7 years ago
skydragon gamer Yeah, coz their dead.
muted - kun
muted - kun - 8 years ago
Ship Train I don't think that's good for them
YUNUS MAJGAONKAR - 8 years ago
why the video is not getting offline
Brandon - 8 years ago
Great video! Thanks!
Candy The Fox
Candy The Fox - 8 years ago
My female beta fish just jumped into the males tank and mated.the babies where born today
DragonWizard Gaming
DragonWizard Gaming - 8 years ago
how many baby bettas on average are preduced from this you know as a science question
Luis Camus
Luis Camus - 7 years ago
Autumn Mia
Autumn Mia - 8 years ago
I know the female lays 100-300-400 eggs
Peter Zhong
Peter Zhong - 8 years ago
Hi buddy, great video!!!
wondering how long I should keep the male and female in the same tank with divider?

It has been 2 days since they were divided in the same tank, the female shows a bit vertical strip but not much, and the male are keep building the nest.

wondering how long I should keep the male and female in the same tank with divider? how could I know they both ready?

thank you very much!!
xXMcGamerBeastXx YT
xXMcGamerBeastXx YT - 8 years ago
camron biddle
camron biddle - 8 years ago
How to make the male blow bubbles
xXMcGamerBeastXx YT
xXMcGamerBeastXx YT - 8 years ago
S A D F A C E - 8 years ago
I've had my Betta male for 3 days and already he's made a bubble nest.
I think it's all to do with how happy the Betta is in his environment.
In my 20 liter tank I keep my temp at 26-28c, I have drift wood with java moss and floating Anacharis and sand substrate.
My tank was cycling for 2 months before I added my 3 Assassin snails then my Betta 2 days later.
I think my Betta is a few months old he's not as big as other Bettas I've seen I don't know if that helps but again I think Betta making bubble nests is down to how happy they are and luck really.
I'm still a newbie so I'm not sure, good luck with your Betta(s) :)
Alissa Michaela
Alissa Michaela - 8 years ago
Give them a 2-5 gallon tank, lots of places to hide, interact with him, keep a clean tank. Usually this helps but its no guarantee
Divina Bug
Divina Bug - 8 years ago
they do it naturally there is no way to "make" them blow bubbles
Das Boo
Das Boo - 8 years ago
Where did u get that breeding trap???
Mary Levina
Mary Levina - 8 years ago
where can I get a fish breeding trap?
Alissa Michaela
Alissa Michaela - 8 years ago
Petsmart :)
Prestin Crawford
Prestin Crawford - 8 years ago
Great video! I will try it. :P
Andy Hernandez
Andy Hernandez - 8 years ago
how do i know he is finished?
Kira Black
Kira Black - 8 years ago
well he stops I guess
Jackthegamer 3D
Jackthegamer 3D - 8 years ago
never mine
Jackthegamer 3D
Jackthegamer 3D - 8 years ago
what do u do with the male beta fish when baby's hatched
Divina Bug
Divina Bug - 8 years ago
you want to keep the Male in the tank for a bit because he will take care of the fry ((babies)) and once they start looking like actual tiny TINY fish that is a good time to take the male Betta into another tank and let the fry grow
QueenToasty - 8 years ago
This is the most action packed breeding video i have ever seen. thank you for this experience.
Scott Conway
Scott Conway - 8 years ago
That was cool
Sydney Ckemons
Sydney Ckemons - 8 years ago
thank you so much for making this video now I can breed them
Michael Luong
Michael Luong - 8 years ago
The male fish gave it to the female so good that she past out lol
Gee Nice
Gee Nice - 8 years ago
Michael Luong roflmbo!!!
Afnan Hamada
Afnan Hamada - 8 years ago
the backgroud music...ohhh myyy...
QQ33 - 8 years ago
The male is huge and the female is tiny... About 3x bigger. Will this work?
Gregory Gray
Gregory Gray - 8 years ago
I wouldn't suggest breeding those two fish then, because the males only usually have to be a little bigger
Cyber Kartoshka
Cyber Kartoshka - 8 years ago
Is she of age?
Bella Shark Art
Bella Shark Art - 8 years ago
Manusia Manusia
Manusia Manusia - 8 years ago
why my male is eating the egg.a lot of eggs
Ine Vanolst
Ine Vanolst - 8 years ago
in my tank, I have one betta male and 3 females
( with some other calm fish : neon tetra, corridora) will they start breeding or do I still need to set up a seperate tank?
weo1weo1weo1 - 8 years ago
id get a different tank if you actually plan on attempting to make a successful breeding tank becasuse the other fish will eat the babies and eggs, if you don't plan on it then it should be fine but might stress out the fish.
SonicLion Gaming and vlogs
SonicLion Gaming and vlogs - 8 years ago
Omg it worked thx so much I'm subscribing
Wolfz Dragonz
Wolfz Dragonz - 8 years ago
Sir..after all eggs are flush out from female body,did the "dot"/small white ball at female stomach also gone?Sorry for my bad english but i hope u get my point..
Batter up
Batter up - 8 years ago
What should I do?
I was trying to breed my betta fish. my female was carrying eggs in her belly but then the male died. about a month later, eggs just started to fall out of her! she then started to eat them. this happened a couple more times after that.
Master AKC
Master AKC - 8 years ago
how long should I wait to let him build his bubbles
All Sports
All Sports - 8 years ago
what if you put a male and female next two each other than they get separated and the male makes the bubbles will she breed again
brandon mason
brandon mason - 8 years ago
how big of a tank do you need to breed
Chantelle Tran
Chantelle Tran - 8 years ago
do i put my female with the male now pls chevk my video she flares at hime from the other tank but im so scared because her tail might get bitten by my aggresive male idk what to do pls help me
ghost rider
ghost rider - 8 years ago
but the babies are dying
ghost rider
ghost rider - 8 years ago
ghost rider
ghost rider - 8 years ago
my female fighter has loss one eye because of the male fighter
Ann'sMusic - 9 years ago
So the male ends up the guardian of the eggs ? What happens after the eggs hatch and how long does that take ?
X X - 9 years ago
About 2 days for the eggs to hatch. The male must be removed to prevent him from eating the eggs.

100. comment for How to breed Betta fish, in two minutes

Ann'sMusic - 9 years ago
Brilliant . thank you.
Beekeeper - 9 years ago
Animalkisser - 9 years ago
In how long do they hatch???
RTo4131 - 9 years ago
+Animalkisser They will hatch in approximately 2 days depending on the heat. Remember to leave the male in the tank until the fry are free swimming. It may look like he is going to eat the fry, but if you keep things just right, that won't happen. Good luck!
Sei Touthang
Sei Touthang - 9 years ago
BLU3_ EYEZ - 9 years ago
logic bith
BLU3_ EYEZ - 9 years ago
wat the male kills the gurl
February Suger
February Suger - 8 years ago
+ghost rider But she came back to life
ghost rider
ghost rider - 8 years ago
February Suger
February Suger - 9 years ago
FrosteeAJ - 9 years ago
your not susposte to leave gravel in they could loose the eggs
niki freeman
niki freeman - 9 years ago
+True Grit Well this guy has seen that they have been able to catch all the eggs because in their regular habitat that everyone is so concerned about they dont have the clean ground. So they can get it if they need to i am sure he would have got all the eggs
Josephdavid Ruizmendoza
Josephdavid Ruizmendoza - 9 years ago
Diamond Heart™
Diamond Heart™ - 9 years ago
can someone explain what i should do with the frys next? And how big must the tank be to breed the fish
Diamond Heart™
Diamond Heart™ - 9 years ago
+Jose Duran thx :3 but i wont add a filter just to ensure their safety
Jose Duran
Jose Duran - 9 years ago
you can add a filter but on the suction part add a sponge so water will go thru but not fry you can also buy a sponge filter and connect a pump and done or remove the sponge from the sponge filter and add it to the suction part of the filter it might work a little slower but thats even better because the fry still aren't good swimmers and you dont want a lot of movement just enough to clean and aerate the tank or buy a 5 or 10 gallon air pump with an airstone and check valve and especially a air valve so you can control how much air is pumped into the tank
Jose Duran
Jose Duran - 9 years ago
leave the fry in the tank and remove both parents and feed them micro worms twice a day but not to much or the water will get poluted and you really dont want to be doing water changes while theres fry inside because you might throw out water with fry in it since there so small one they get older like a month and a half or a little bigger or if you notice them fighting then thats when you'll have to put them in different containers you can buy a bulk of plastic containers where they usually put potato salad macaroni ect and you can put there and poke holes on the lid and if they dont come with lids cover it with serane wrap (the clear paper) and also poke holes also try adding a cardboard in between each container so the fish wont try to fight each other and get stressed
Raymond Cendana
Raymond Cendana - 9 years ago
they just fight each other the female dont wants to breed with my male betta fish even my male betta fish finished making the bubble nest
Mlp1125 - 9 years ago
Hi thank you so much my Betta fishes really breed!!!
esther tuke
esther tuke - 9 years ago
My male did the flaring then stopped after 4mins he won't build the bubble nest why?
CHRiSTiAN MAYNARD - 9 years ago
+MAGH MO Lolololol
MAGH MO - 9 years ago
because your fish is Gay lol
H G - 9 years ago
does it matter what speices?
Ozrealix - 9 years ago
+Hopie Gandee yes, if you want to breed one variety, then get the same variety for the male and female. If you want to cross 2 varieties, then go ahead and see what they become (not sure if it will work out tho).

But since you say species, well this method is only for betta species. Not sure about other species lol :V
Jayda Lefebvre-Heron
Jayda Lefebvre-Heron - 9 years ago
can you breed them over again.
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 8 years ago
It will stress them too much they would get stressed to death
Lamar Morrison
Lamar Morrison - 9 years ago
I have 2 beta fish but they are male and male so next I should buy a female so they can mate
Divina Bug
Divina Bug - 8 years ago
you should not have two males in one tank they will fight each other and when you introduce the female a lot of fighting will happen
Sen Hoang
Sen Hoang - 9 years ago
very nice video.
Gaby M
Gaby M - 9 years ago
wow that video was so intense. the music and everything XD
destiny downey
destiny downey - 9 years ago
I recon the babies would look so cute.
Mady And family
Mady And family - 9 years ago
So the female dies or comes back to life like a zombie fish
Luis Camus
Luis Camus - 7 years ago
The female did nit die
limon leme
limon leme - 7 years ago
When a lesson saying a fish is a zombie insults people for stating their opinion lmao
Mady And family
Mady And family - 8 years ago
+Lucille Pionan I'm not immature I'm more mature than you
Mady And family
Mady And family - 8 years ago
+Lucille Pionan I wasn't joking a around and I wasn't saying its funny so go get a reality check bitch
Lucille Pionan
Lucille Pionan - 8 years ago
She's not dying she's just resting... Dont think so immature.. Its not funny.. Some ppl take this seriously.. And if your here to joke around better not comment..
Jessy Dee
Jessy Dee - 9 years ago
+Fuk Boi Yea. A fish without human sexual organs is having an orgasm. Well fucking done mate.
Fuk Boi
Fuk Boi - 9 years ago
+GamerRecruitHarry why? Is it having an orgasm or something?
GamerRecruitHarry - 9 years ago
It's alive, just in shock.
King Cobra Reptiles
King Cobra Reptiles - 9 years ago
Don't get me wrong I do love the idea of betta fish breeding but I think I will stick with betta fish rescues.
MoPro Uploads
MoPro Uploads - 9 years ago
How many baby's do they have? Depending on how many just might be a deal nreaker
Tommy Rabun
Tommy Rabun - 9 years ago
DeveenaPlays - 9 years ago
My male sneaked to my female part of tank lol
DeveenaPlays - 9 years ago
Thanks for this helped me
Miss Seaweed
Miss Seaweed - 9 years ago
How do I breed a frisky and scared-out-of-his-mind male with a passive-ish female?

When they're in separate containers, the male flares at her and the female either ignores him or flares back. When in the same one, she flares at him but he frantically swims away as if his life's on the line...
Miss Seaweed
Miss Seaweed - 9 years ago
I've put them in one container thrice now, just to observe what would happen. The first time nothing really happened. The second time, the male tore one of the female's fins, and the third time, the female got back at the male by tearing a chunk of his tailfin off of him...

Strange because once I saw, in the female's bubble nest when she was in her own container, what I thought to be eggs. I became sad because I knew they probably weren't ferilized. Some time later I saw little splotches of white on the bottom of the male's container so... Silently cries
plagued_sticks 26
plagued_sticks 26 - 9 years ago
Wait so how do i prevent them from fighting eachother?
Electricmarblez - 9 years ago
+Mr.knifingcobble 26 You can't
iris iris
iris iris - 9 years ago
hi, my male betta started making bubbles 3 months ago but it's hard to find a female in our town. Now that I got a female when i put them together my male always hides from the female(although the male is 2x bigger than the female), he always stays at the bottom while the females keeps swimming around the tank. after a few minutes the female approaches the male and will start flaring its fins at the male while the male only stays calm and let the female keeps distracting him then after a few seconds of being ignored by the male, the female will start attacking the male so i'll separate them immediately because i'm afraid of the male making a counter attack 'cuz my female is smaller.. It's as though the male is not interested in the female when they are together in a tank but he stays near the female when they are seeing each other thru different tanks. what does this situation means? haha XD i hope you guys gets what I'm talking about and give me good advice ^_^
Al Capone
Al Capone - 9 years ago
+Tommy Hoang betta fish gains
Tommy Hoang
Tommy Hoang - 9 years ago
+sirjj9050 making all kinds of gains!
sirjj9050 - 9 years ago
+iris iris He needs more testosterone, once he gets supplemental testosterone he will make a lot of gains then he will become the alpha male and babies will proceed.
Trung N Le
Trung N Le - 9 years ago
how long does it take the male to start bubbling? a day or so? does he start doing it immediately?
Justin Lambert outdoors
Justin Lambert outdoors - 9 years ago
Can u please respond what do u feed them I'm thinking bout breeding and I don't know what to feed them
Hieu Phan
Hieu Phan - 9 years ago
Don't feed them while breeding
MarioKart Master Krrish Ganesh
MarioKart Master Krrish Ganesh - 9 years ago
Good video!
SCPS-BUS 7 - 9 years ago
That seems like a pretty neat way, Idk where to find a female BC all Walmart sells is male
The Betta Bowl
The Betta Bowl - 9 years ago
+Damian Gillespie order offline.
betta lover
betta lover - 9 years ago
my Walmart sells girl betta
SCPS-BUS 7 - 9 years ago
Well there is another little petstore around here where they sell things but not as big as pet smart, but from here, petsmart is far from here
BabyDolphin - 9 years ago
pet smart
SCPS-BUS 7 - 9 years ago
Too far
Linckyin Playz
Linckyin Playz - 9 years ago
+Damian Gillespie go to petsmart or petco
Glory Lamb Christ
Glory Lamb Christ - 9 years ago
Hi, can I have this video for educational purpose?
RcAntax - 9 years ago
+Glory Lamb Christ Yeah Sure!
Deon Brown
Deon Brown - 9 years ago
I have the same male betta he is a crown tail it is the same color
Athena Yao
Athena Yao - 9 years ago
My betta male started making bubbles on the surface of the tank and I thought there was something wrong so I just poured it I saw this and I got a female betta but when I put them together, he didn't make any more bubbles...he just started flaring and chasing her around while she was frantically swimming away. They fought and beat each other up so I separated them. What do I do now?
High on Pixie Stix
High on Pixie Stix - 9 years ago
From what I have seen other people, you should keep them separate for a while and restart the process. Do exactly what you did before but don't remove the bubbles. Once you reintroduce them everything should proceed as normal. If that doesn't happen, you might need to try the male with another female or vice versa.
Lamar Davis
Lamar Davis - 9 years ago
brewerdrummer - 9 years ago
this fucking music
Chouyee Xiong
Chouyee Xiong - 9 years ago
What if the batta go not get along
Asif Ahmed
Asif Ahmed - 9 years ago
what will i do,,my betta are not breeding
Jayar Talusan
Jayar Talusan - 10 years ago
My male betta is afraid to my female betta.. my female betta is much bigger than the male.. what should i do?
Kev Feng
Kev Feng - 10 years ago
Keep introducing them to each other every other day. it won't always happen right away, I say keep trying.
Nancy Sanchez
Nancy Sanchez - 10 years ago
Can you bred any male betta with any type of female betta or jas to be same breed
IxChel Loves Rainbows
IxChel Loves Rainbows - 10 years ago
there are some types that shouldn't mix together
Sakura Channel
Sakura Channel - 10 years ago
W.o.w. That is fast
I'm sure u did something before that , I hav a female and a male betta , they just fight so I separated them.......
Devin Vega
Devin Vega - 10 years ago
How many fish will I end up having? And what do I do with all of them
LPS Ashlyn
LPS Ashlyn - 9 years ago
Umm OK ☺
Odayaka - 9 years ago
+LPS Ashlyn Based on my experience, a first spawning will result in 50-100 fry, as the pair get more experience breeding, expect more fry to survive.
LPS Ashlyn
LPS Ashlyn - 9 years ago
You would end up having about 300 I suggest you keep how many you want and give someone the others
jullian jacobs
jullian jacobs - 10 years ago
When would you seperate the baby betta fish so they dont kill eachother
The Inflatable Sea Lion
The Inflatable Sea Lion - 9 years ago
The Inflatable Sea Lion
The Inflatable Sea Lion - 9 years ago
As soon as you see aggression. Females won't need to be separated if in a late enough tank :)
Randomyou101 - 10 years ago
Would a fighter betta that was trained to kill kill the female?
Leandrea Hutter
Leandrea Hutter - 10 years ago
and betta's are pretty much just a fish ... 
Leandrea Hutter
Leandrea Hutter - 10 years ago
if you know this than you would also know that betta's do not  learn to fight this is an instinct not a thing you can teach . they are name
 ' Siamese fighting fish ' because their ' instinct' to fight .... and you can breed all betta's . what makes your betta different than his ?  but thank you for education about something know more than you about .. 
Randomyou101 - 10 years ago
yes you can. also bettas aren't just a fish. they're called Siamese fighting fish for a reason.
Leandrea Hutter
Leandrea Hutter - 10 years ago
silly people ? you cant train fish , 'silly person' ...
Randomyou101 - 10 years ago
i meant train to kill/fight silly people.
Leandrea Hutter
Leandrea Hutter - 10 years ago
i should have guessed , do you know where i can get mine trained ?  oh and buy a leash as well 
Adam Lacey
Adam Lacey - 10 years ago
+LeAndrea H. Bettas are the new guard dogs... didnt you know
SuperSonicMaster007 - 10 years ago
+LeAndrea H. Lol
Leandrea Hutter
Leandrea Hutter - 10 years ago
you cant really train a betta ....
ACS Media Group
ACS Media Group - 10 years ago
If you have questions, Google Play Store has an App that shows you exactly how to breed Bettas.  It's called FUN WITH BETTAS.  Works on Android, iPhone, Blackberry and Windows Phone. eBay has a DVD with the same name.
MrBooboonator - 10 years ago
Felt like i was about to watch an action movie! 
Kayla Denault
Kayla Denault - 10 years ago
Just another weird thought I randomly felt the need to google and add to my collection of weird browsing history on my laptop -_-
Victoria Marie
Victoria Marie - 8 years ago
lmao same here
MoPro Uploads
MoPro Uploads - 9 years ago
3greatgreyhounds3 - 10 years ago
Nice job on this video, glad I picked yours to watch. I've always liked Bettas ;)
Karen Conlan
Karen Conlan - 10 years ago
heron augustus s. flores
heron augustus s. flores - 10 years ago
quick question. what is betta?
DrawDragons - 9 years ago
Lazy Frost
Lazy Frost - 10 years ago
Those fish are beautiful!
Teagon Wetzel
Teagon Wetzel - 10 years ago
My male betta is not making a nest, can i please get some help?
Leandrea Hutter
Leandrea Hutter - 10 years ago
he is probably young , give him time 
Chloe 15
Chloe 15 - 10 years ago
They make a nest when they feel comfortable with their environment
Gina Jenkins
Gina Jenkins - 10 years ago
Hi could u tell me everything u have for your breeding set up as I'm new and wanting to start up you could message me on kik ginalove321 or something like that as I really want to start breeding
banana show!
banana show! - 10 years ago
Crap! No! I didn't know that was why he made bubbles.. I feel guilty my male and beta female lived it the same big tank and they did the same thing I found it strange because they usually stayed away from each other anyways i let the bubbles there for a while but then it started to stink so I changed there water...I flushed there baby's down a toilet x'c I was like 6 though I didn't even now XC
shut up he was like six and he admitted he/she felt guilty!!
Narscilla - 9 years ago
+banana show! Don't buy fish anymore.
Julius Phillip Rentuza
Julius Phillip Rentuza - 9 years ago
Hahaha that was funny but sad though
Madasi - 9 years ago
Please don't buy fish anymore, that is just sad
Adam Lacey
Adam Lacey - 10 years ago
you are a horrible person...
Blairsy - 10 years ago
what are the chances of getting a half-moon when breed crown tail male and female spade tail (veil tail)
April Eastwood
April Eastwood - 10 years ago
You don't need the same breed of betta, half moon and Spade tail can breed and it doesn't matter as long as you have the right setup and two healthy betta to breed. Right now I'm going to breed a butterfly male and a veiltail female. If your'e meaning cross-breed a betta with another fish, I'm doubtful it would work, I'm not saying its impossible but there is a slight chance it may work, if you found a fish with similar DNA to the betta
Nathanael Yasuo
Nathanael Yasuo - 10 years ago
that's goldfish not betta fish.
Guinea frog
Guinea frog - 10 years ago
Thx I have some fry now, very helpful :D.
Juan Ortega
Juan Ortega - 10 years ago
does it work or not bc i only have one male fish
Al Capone
Al Capone - 9 years ago
+Zack rock it would have the exact same genetics, that happens in plants
snatched - 9 years ago
+Juan Ortega it will change it gender to female so it can reproduce it self
Adam Lacey
Adam Lacey - 10 years ago
then no It wont work retard.
Joseph Hunter
Joseph Hunter - 10 years ago
Do the fish have to be the same breed as the other?
Luis Camus
Luis Camus - 7 years ago
Try breeding goldfish and betta fish to got gold betta fish
Just Chloe
Just Chloe - 7 years ago
Joseph Hunter No. That's how halfsuns are. They are halfmoons and ctowntails together.
Leandrea Hutter
Leandrea Hutter - 10 years ago
if you mean the betta family no but if you are talking about other fish sorta flowerhorns are a man made fish and they contain lots of other fish from a family group . so basically a fish with a family group 
Fishhunter2014 - 10 years ago
as long as they are both B. splendens then there shouldn't be any problems.
Joseph Hunter
Joseph Hunter - 10 years ago
I mean the same breed as the other betta
GottaLoveBreyerHorsies - 10 years ago
This way will only work for Betta fish, other species have other ways, and live bearers don't require much special treatment, but these do.
You need a male and a female Betta fish, just follow he instructions and hopefully you will have fry!! :D
R C - 10 years ago
I only have one male beta and he is blowing bubbles like that and he never has been with a female. This is why I watched it and it did help so thanks, but can someone please explain?
Leandrea Hutter
Leandrea Hutter - 10 years ago
mine did the same , dont think much of it 
Juan Ortega
Juan Ortega - 10 years ago
+timothy vongsiharath is tht why my betta fish keeps on blowin bubbles thoe
Juan Ortega
Juan Ortega - 10 years ago
me too i only have one betta and like sometimes theres a shit load like 15 and like idk what it means thoe
Joeby Whler
Joeby Whler - 10 years ago
I can explain why he just blows bubblenests!
The betta is just getting ready for a female to just swim by and if she does he'll just make it even bigger and breed :/
That's how I see it anyway...
Queen Fatimah
Queen Fatimah - 10 years ago
How long does it take to make bubble nest .....
breathingthroughgills - 10 years ago
Usually 1-2 days, but it depends on the male. :)
1lapmagic - 10 years ago
The hardcore techno definitely made this better

I was like YEAH!!!!!! BREED!!!!
Juan Ortega
Juan Ortega - 10 years ago
did it actually work thoe
candylover3394 - 10 years ago
I put my baby girl in a jar and its been over a hr the boy is still not making bubbles what dose that mean ???
minersteve522 - 10 years ago
I may be late but are they young bettas or old bettas how long have u had them?
Arrekkusa - 10 years ago
Click on my name it's ally kat
Arrekkusa - 10 years ago
Thanks I am breeding my bettas and u can see how it's going on my channel:)
Juan Ortega
Juan Ortega - 10 years ago
+Ally Kat there are 5 episode thingis!!!right
Arrekkusa - 10 years ago
basically click ally kat
Arrekkusa - 10 years ago
+Johnny Limon
 its ally kat but click on the blue name ally kat on this comment to go to my channel
Kinjue - 10 years ago
To make his bubble nest
Kinjue - 10 years ago
When the male is making his bubble nest and it says wait until he stops about how long does it take?-thanks!
justin moon
justin moon - 10 years ago
Not very long usually can take up to 5 minutes
samljer - 10 years ago
wow... way too small to be birthing fry in, but a perfect example of what to do.
darkangel damn
darkangel damn - 10 years ago
the pebbles were a very bad idea...
darkangel damn
darkangel damn - 10 years ago
+FishAndAquatics I got angry and yelled?????? You took it the wrong way.  I wish I could yell at someone in here.  I would do everyday.  
darkangel damn
darkangel damn - 10 years ago
+FishAndAquatics Maybe I didn't make my point clear.  The pebbles are a bad idea especially WHEN THE FEMALE IS LAYING HER EGGS.  Any egg that is trapped will not be picked up (or even seen) by the male.  There.
Calvin Moua
Calvin Moua - 10 years ago
So during the breeding does the female lays her eggs already? or u have to wait for it to give birth?
Jenny G.
Jenny G. - 10 years ago
i believe it is at least 2 hours+
Will G
Will G - 11 years ago
How big is the tank with all the fry?
Will G
Will G - 10 years ago
+Grace Muffley I ment how big is the one he's using
breathingthroughgills - 10 years ago
Depends, but usually a bare bottom around 10 gallons.
Will G
Will G - 11 years ago
Is there a heater or a filter in that tank?
Leandrea Hutter
Leandrea Hutter - 10 years ago
but you are supposed to have one try Google-ing it for more advice
Jenny G.
Jenny G. - 10 years ago
or 77F 
RcAntax - 11 years ago
no but the temp in the room was 25-26C
trimal accra
trimal accra - 11 years ago
Smh the female looked dead pretty awesome video
Minecraft fish
Minecraft fish - 11 years ago
Did it work for you other people
Johnny roger
Johnny roger - 11 years ago
what happens if the babies hatcch? will the malee eat them?
Jenny G.
Jenny G. - 10 years ago
that is why you are supposed to remove him when they hatch 
Hayley grassi
Hayley grassi - 11 years ago
yes he will :P
Sanfoor zaki
Sanfoor zaki - 11 years ago
With this music i felt like I'm breeding Godzilla! thanks 
Ella Staffier
Ella Staffier - 7 years ago
Could you hand breed a betta
Yusuf Akbari
Yusuf Akbari - 7 years ago
Sanfoor zaki looool man ur comment was right on spot I had the same vibe
Sanfoor zaki lol
felicia rany
felicia rany - 7 years ago
Sanfoor zaki HAHAHAHA
Azmeer Muhd
Azmeer Muhd - 8 years ago
Sanfoor zaki yeah the background music lmaoo
MissTrixy29 - 8 years ago
OMG seriously. I can't stop laughing .
lutfi yusmin hafidz
lutfi yusmin hafidz - 8 years ago
me too
Afnan Hamada
Afnan Hamada - 8 years ago
seriously... lol
rave master
rave master - 10 years ago
RcAntax - 11 years ago
+Janet Lizzin The song is from celldweller, can´t remember the title though :(
Janet Lizzin
Janet Lizzin - 11 years ago
Definitely, I too felt the same way.
By the way - do anyone know what this song is? 
KingsGraphics - 11 years ago
That is helpful
Raw-uncut Paranormal
Raw-uncut Paranormal - 11 years ago
nice easy break down video fingers crossed mine breed i've released my female as we speak.
Joel Tan
Joel Tan - 11 years ago
They are so tough that it might break a dick
seth goldenburg
seth goldenburg - 11 years ago
how big dose the bubble nest to be
Lina Merican
Lina Merican - 11 years ago
if fighting fish how? fighting fish can lay eggs with what fish?
78greeneye78 - 11 years ago
Can this be acomplished ina tank with other fish/filter?
ShortShit - 11 years ago
The male has big fins and is sometimes more bright, while the female has shorter fins and tends to be duller. If you have any questions on betta fish go on betta fish dot com and ask they always help as much as they can :)
shahkjsn - 11 years ago
How do you tell the difference between a female and a male betta fish
Borhom - 11 years ago
Wow, I am really dumb. When I got home I noticed bubbles in the tank and thought they were something poisonous or dirty so I cleaned the tank and I just realized I killed hundreds of baby fish. That's why they were fighting more vigorously over the last two days...
wolf123rt - 11 years ago
I just got a betta fish and i researched evrything about breeding but im not sure if i should
Aunesty Reyes
Aunesty Reyes - 11 years ago
The male's have more color than the females to attract them :-D
staainton - 11 years ago
how long does it take for the male to make the bubble nest ??
Amy Dong
Amy Dong - 11 years ago
yea that just means hes happy and want a mate
RcAntax - 11 years ago
arielwill1000 - 11 years ago
it worked but why did I wish for more fish ughh
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
i wonder how they do all this is the wild.....
HentaiHiro - 11 years ago
Yes it is normal, it means he's very healthy...and mature.
SuccMyEgg - 11 years ago
you just threw her in the other tank without acclimating? It may not be that important but it relieves stress that the female gets from breeding to make her live longer
Epixelle - 11 years ago
Epic music!!! Thanks for the vid.
stephanie delatorre
stephanie delatorre - 11 years ago
i tried this my male betta seems to want to spwn but the female just kepps swimming away from him everytime he gent close to her this been going on for about 6 days wath should i do
John Sean Buttigieg
John Sean Buttigieg - 11 years ago
I am going to try it hope it works
Stormrage123 - 11 years ago
They beat the crap out of each other, then they have sex.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 11 years ago
I let her go and they are actually getting along. What's going on here? They aren't going anything...
skye nelson
skye nelson - 11 years ago
Does IG have to make a bubble nest
skye nelson
skye nelson - 11 years ago
Mine rent doing anything to each other what should I do
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 11 years ago
The male is the one that has fancy colors and fancy fins, so he can attract a female. The female is the plane looking one, usually has short fins.
sangonaomi - 11 years ago
It's normal. Generally, it means he is happy with his living conditions.
techstyle123 - 11 years ago
Cool video
Maria V P
Maria V P - 11 years ago
I just got a betta fish and I'm going to take it to the pet store so I can know for sure if its male or female but today I wake up and it's make a bubble nest in the corner but when I look up the difference in both mine looks more like a female but maybe it's young still I'm really falling in love with this fish and I want more so I want to start breeding it can you help
Yc Lee
Yc Lee - 11 years ago
ahhahah the music makes it SOooo intense... :)
Ayesha Chowdhury
Ayesha Chowdhury - 11 years ago
How do you know which is male and female
Elite Mczin
Elite Mczin - 11 years ago
It hard to take the female out because when I take the female the bubble nest is break
jamie Russell
jamie Russell - 11 years ago
Im going to try this out and I will respond back if it works or not!!!! Im going to sell the babies!!!!
drakeforever14 - 11 years ago
Fish porn
BioHazard - 11 years ago
ya its normal mine did that too i didnt know what that was at first but is totally normal :)
zaki jamal
zaki jamal - 11 years ago
How often i can bread the same female
Alec Grogan
Alec Grogan - 11 years ago
This is to intense music for me
yiyi mua
yiyi mua - 11 years ago
my betta fish is a male...and today in the morning i noticed him building bubles at the top of the tank O.o he doesnt have a female, is that normal for him to do that?
Mark Menezes
Mark Menezes - 11 years ago
This is a great video the easiest most practical way without having to do any extra work. Looks beautiful, easy and enjoyable thanks a lot gonna start breeding bettas now.
owen lance
owen lance - 11 years ago
I'm gona breed my beta now
Filming_with Repti_herpz
Filming_with Repti_herpz - 11 years ago
@Dog52844 they will make a bubble nest
Amirul Razeen
Amirul Razeen - 11 years ago
I have two similar colour male and female betta.But i dont know how to breed them . Can you help me with this?
Amadeus6571 - 11 years ago
I don't fukin care of the description
RcAntax - 11 years ago
Please take a look at the description :)
jesse lee
jesse lee - 11 years ago
So do u need a heater??
rpblcan - 11 years ago
RcAntax - 11 years ago
Hi! Please take a look at the description!
High AF
High AF - 11 years ago
Umm please help and response, please anyone ! Do the fish have to have same colours? or not? and the male isn't making a bubble nest, I don't have a breed trap please help, may god bless his soul for replying to me :')
sabbodude - 11 years ago
This is such an epic video xD
juchipila323 - 11 years ago
how big is your tank
Xiovanny Comfort
Xiovanny Comfort - 11 years ago
I'm gonna breed mine now
Reptilekid151 - 11 years ago
do you use a sponge filter?
Blake Driesen
Blake Driesen - 11 years ago
how old dose the the bettas have too be to breed
FaZe_2GuD - 11 years ago
So the much eggs the more babies
Define x Toxic
Define x Toxic - 11 years ago
thx soo much now i have baby betas
RcAntax - 11 years ago
Glad to help!
yogendra mandavkar
yogendra mandavkar - 11 years ago
Thank you sir...
Jc Harris
Jc Harris - 11 years ago
How long does it take for the eggs to hatch?
Glass Beach
Glass Beach - 11 years ago
I just like the music and think you should go into filming!
eddy dc
eddy dc - 11 years ago
ok so a couple day ago a started breeding my bettas and the first 2 days were fine i was able to see the fry falling and the male picking them up but today being the 3rd day i can see any fry at all the bobble nest is basically gone and my male betta look like his gotten his ass beat... can the fry have die ? what should i do n when can i try to breed the male n female again ?
kennyb0y1597 - 11 years ago
My betta just keep showing their gills the male wont make bubbles
A Niche Journey
A Niche Journey - 11 years ago
My girl fish didn't make it. :/ But I was able to try again by helping my friends fish and now they're like 200 babies :D so thanks for the tips.
Tyler Lopes
Tyler Lopes - 11 years ago
Omg the femal scared the CRAP out of me when he died for 3 seconds
CanadianErin - 11 years ago
Bettas will not make bubble nests if they are in any way distressed. Put your fish into a decent-sized tank, for starters (they should NOT be in cups, they need space!) I have a 10-gallon tank, and mine have always been happy in that size. Make sure you are doing weekly water changes -- get dirty water out from the bottom witha proper water-changing tube. Also no filter or aerator-- they dissolve the bubble nests. Bettas are pond-dwellers & air breathers
Zong lor
Zong lor - 11 years ago
Maybe ur.bettas.isint ready or he the male.try a diffrent female thay actually flare.back. right now im trying a iron man with a female.ct
A Niche Journey
A Niche Journey - 12 years ago
My betta fish won't make a bubble nest. I've done the feeding and everything but he won't nest for some reason.
Douche Lee
Douche Lee - 12 years ago
This is the most epic sounding video of fish having sex I've ever heard.
S1L3NTN1NJ4B0B - 12 years ago
RcAntax - 12 years ago
please check description
yogendra mandavkar
yogendra mandavkar - 12 years ago
I have 3 Betta fish measuring 2 inches including fins. All of them are seen forming bubble nest every alternate days. I inquired at local fish shops for breeding ways and information. But no luck I am interested in doing one, do we have any authetic site or books giving knowhow about betta... Regards Yogen
RcAntax - 12 years ago
female has shorter fins
yogendra mandavkar
yogendra mandavkar - 12 years ago
hi The video is nice. How to identify a male and Female betta? How to know they are ready for mating or breeding? Please guide...
Pete Maslin
Pete Maslin - 12 years ago
Awesome!!! Thanks a lot.... btw ignore "thailandbetta17" one likes a know it all
1hotsnack - 12 years ago
Jessica Nicole Tesar
Jessica Nicole Tesar - 12 years ago
I have a question , so when I first put the female in the tank with the male how long do I have to keep her in their because my male betta didn't make a bubble nest so should I take her out until the male makes a bubble nest???
BigJOE3547 - 12 years ago
Eddison Jeritzh
Eddison Jeritzh - 12 years ago
this video really helped me much..
Vivek Mali
Vivek Mali - 12 years ago
thank u very much for this was very helpful to me!
coolguywithagirl - 12 years ago
How long do the eggs take to hatch and what to feed them?
cookiekrazy22 - 12 years ago
thx I'm gonna breed a betta!
Rafael Tavarez
Rafael Tavarez - 12 years ago
No the female is already carrying toe eggs. When they squeeze the male is trying to help her squeeze the eggs out so that he can fertilize them.
Rafael Tavarez
Rafael Tavarez - 12 years ago
I read everywhere that you need to wait for the babies to learn to free swim first? because when they fall the first day he will pick them up. should I really take him out right after they hatch? my bettas just finished putting the eggs on the bubbles
Jesse Rhee
Jesse Rhee - 12 years ago
wait it dont get it. once they start squeezing the eggs form that fast! oh and btw you can breed bettas that are diferent types right?
The Fish Closet
The Fish Closet - 12 years ago
feed opposite the nest, have handy eggcrate cut to size to place between him and his young. never having breed betta's, just suggesting.
RcAntax - 12 years ago
I like your assumptions, and the fact that they were all wrong.. Have a nice day!
Nerdybudy19 - 12 years ago
JT - 12 years ago
how do you get the adults out of the tank without destroying the bubble nest and the tank?
Ihsan Robby
Ihsan Robby - 12 years ago
how long the male caring for his son, and when male fish are separated from their children?
Ihsan Robby
Ihsan Robby - 12 years ago
how much time it takes for betta fish eggs to hatch?
Sarai Lockett
Sarai Lockett - 12 years ago
Great video!!!!
Zia Haq
Zia Haq - 12 years ago
superb and thanks..
Goofy Emoji
Goofy Emoji - 12 years ago
My male betta came on too strong that his female had to play dead. It was too intense that I had to remove her. Should I just leave her in there? My female is much smaller...maybe she's too young?
Erin Iryani
Erin Iryani - 12 years ago
Cool. I have a betta male, but i never find a female betta. Maybe its because female betta is not that preety
ladym973 - 12 years ago
Okay thanks :)
clay lindsey
clay lindsey - 12 years ago
i got black female with red tail and blue ish red ish male will they breed
Ceezamuth khin
Ceezamuth khin - 12 years ago
What would klaus say?
Kūrushi - 12 years ago
I can't believe that I just technically watched fish porn. What am I doing with my life?!
Glacidon - 12 years ago
I tried this and they killed eachother :)
saw wellingtonboy
saw wellingtonboy - 12 years ago
A big LIKE . Thanks a lot.
cancerbero8 - 12 years ago
Mute button, we meet again!
Random2184 - 12 years ago
can you make a video of the fry when they are older?
raven villacorta
raven villacorta - 12 years ago
does the male betta fish Eat the fry when its hatch??
kimchichoco - 12 years ago
epic music made it so much more awesome. thanks!!
boston6781 - 12 years ago
You need a culture of micro worms, viniger eels, bannana worms, or baby brine shrimp. Feed them as much as they can consume in a minute to three minute. If you can't afford those culture as food try powder betta flakes. To maximias the number of surviving fry feed live food. Forget blood worms and other types of foods. And don't remove the male until the fry are free swimming which usly takes around 2 days. Start to do water changes once they are 2 weeks old.
boston6781 - 12 years ago
If a female has eggs she will become bolted without eating.
boston6781 - 12 years ago
You don't clean the tank until the fry are 2 weeks old. So you need to have exellent water quality from the beggining.
Yelloyoyo - 12 years ago
@Nun Capali you must remove the female after the spawn
Sam Carter
Sam Carter - 12 years ago
good work champ! Thanks!
RcAntax - 12 years ago
of course the only thing that differ are the fins, they are still betta splendens
Simply Bionic
Simply Bionic - 12 years ago
loved this video it was short and informative and very useful. I too have a pair of betta fish and was wondering of they would mate ( female is a regular betta while the male is a crown tail).
Nun Caplai
Nun Caplai - 12 years ago
how long doest it take to take off the female ?? pliss reply it..
Robert H
Robert H - 12 years ago
How many babies can a first time male and female have, and if u only want a few would it be healthy to take the female out after several eggs are in the nest, or would that not be a good idea
RcAntax - 12 years ago
You "betta" do you homework first son! ;)
why am i watching this when I have papers to write and exams to prepare for...
ladym973 - 12 years ago
how do you clean the tank do they hatch fast?
Vanessa Dennis
Vanessa Dennis - 12 years ago
ty u so much now i might confince my mom to by me a female and let them mate!
Abnormalityable1 - 12 years ago
how long does it take for him to stop flaring and start making a bubble nest?
dalton boyer
dalton boyer - 12 years ago
How can u tell the female has eggs?
dalton boyer
dalton boyer - 12 years ago
How can u tell if the female has the eggs?
Paulo Kyo Hyun
Paulo Kyo Hyun - 12 years ago
I meant is if the Male Betta Makes Bubbles and when i put the Female one they would automatically mate? or they will mate after weeks or soo? Just a question hope to have a reply coz im planning to buy a pair in the next few days :)
prop34 - 12 years ago
OMFG I put my two betas in the same tank and he built a bubble nest but I took dkuejdkajxjvjxjj I feel stupid but at least I was close to breeding them. How many betas come out of one litter?
Charlie7229 - 12 years ago
So you did ALL of that in two minutes? lol jk
touyang55 - 12 years ago
well the female attack the bubble nest when u release it
veki6i - 12 years ago
RcAntax - 12 years ago
No it may take several days
Paulo Kyo Hyun
Paulo Kyo Hyun - 12 years ago
EPIC SOUND EFFECTS AND EDITING.. But Is That How Fast they Interact in Real Life.?
D - 12 years ago
do you need to add plants to the breeding tank ?
nicoskie - 12 years ago
how long does the whole process takes? from the point you put the bettas in the same tank up to the point the male guards the bubble nest..
jimmy bob
jimmy bob - 12 years ago
I mean she had a head before i put her in there and now she doesn't. No i'm joking it's hyperbole but he did kill her....
Kelly Hill
Kelly Hill - 12 years ago
my daughter's male fish made his bubble nest and my female and my daughter's male flared at each other but the female wants to mate with the boy but the boy keeps attacking my fish...what should i do??
RcAntax - 12 years ago
Those meds should work fine! :)
TMBmain - 12 years ago
Kien Low
Kien Low - 12 years ago
you must feed them bloodworm and good food to let them to breed or your bettas are not ready
Marius Swart
Marius Swart - 12 years ago
by a few u mean? leave the female with the male?
Luch - 12 years ago
they have to be of breeding age
Wendy W
Wendy W - 12 years ago
For those who wants to know, the song is called Ursa Minor (remix) by Celldweller
p - 12 years ago
kong lee
kong lee - 12 years ago
sweet....time to test it out, :D
levi rider
levi rider - 12 years ago
great job doing this viedo man its awesome
Adrian Anthony
Adrian Anthony - 12 years ago
this is cool i got so much fishee now lool
Christi Angel
Christi Angel - 12 years ago
That's how I bred mine!
daniel rodriguez
daniel rodriguez - 12 years ago
how long do you have to leave the betta with the male
RcAntax - 12 years ago
Glad to help!
outlander271 - 12 years ago
Great vid!
Tori Vega
Tori Vega - 12 years ago
Zaharanski Andreea
Zaharanski Andreea - 12 years ago
I have a male betta that I think is in heat makes bubbles, a foam, should I buy a female? Please answer me quickly!
Zaharanski Andreea
Zaharanski Andreea - 12 years ago
And when they appear for betta fishes?
calven xiong
calven xiong - 12 years ago
will if the bettas dont pick up the eggs when it fals down to the ground for a little while or if the bettas dont pick up when on the grond the baby or shloud I say fry is probly dead becaues my bettas did'nt pick liike 10-15 eggs.
calven xiong
calven xiong - 12 years ago
Oh and I got lucky with the two breeds.
calven xiong
calven xiong - 12 years ago
I just got some eggs from two pairs one was today and the other was yesterday,8/3/2012 and 8/4/2012 the frist pair will hatch tomrrow then the second pair will hatch the next day.It only takes two days for the eggs to hatch.
lexcouple82 - 12 years ago
My fish diee cus.of u
dbissanthe - 12 years ago
that's where he went wrong the bottom of the tank should be clear. The tank should have at least one plant, a heater or lamp, and a big enough leaf or a styrofoam cup cut in half where he can do the bubbles it helps keep them stables and less likely to pop
xRioGrande - 12 years ago
RcAntax - 12 years ago
I knowz
Nimbus Yosh
Nimbus Yosh - 12 years ago
So, these must be super action betas, cause that epic rambo music is AMAZINGZ
KingdomHeartsVentus1 - 12 years ago
how long did your betta fish fight for before they started dancing?
roberto Thegreat
roberto Thegreat - 12 years ago
do i need to turn off my air pump or filter so the eggs dont be sucked inside ?
Cade Rocco
Cade Rocco - 12 years ago
I am doing what you are doing but she ALWAYS destroys the nest she sows signs that she is ready and he shows signs that hees intrested so what do i do
adam yang
adam yang - 12 years ago
lol the music made it more epic
MultiNacho8 - 12 years ago
@Hannah Fountain If you want.
Hannah Fountain
Hannah Fountain - 12 years ago
.. What do you do with the babies after? Sell them?
Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny - 12 years ago
The music is very innapropriate
AcidicAngel666 - 12 years ago
I condition the female in the main tank with the rest of my fish and the male in the spawning tank :) I then add the female in a Jar in the spawning tank and release her next day.
Shadic3200 - 12 years ago
do they have to like never have seen there mates
AcidicAngel666 - 12 years ago
Heater is a must as they are tropical fish. While the male is building his nest it is best not to have the filter on as it will disturb the water too much for him to build :) Do daily water changes until you remove the male and then ad a Sponge Filter to the tank as these are fry friendly so won't suck up your babies :) Hope this helps.
AcidicAngel666 - 12 years ago
No as this could cause her to become egg bound and die...
Chipmunkband24 - 12 years ago
can i pull the girl out if i only want a few eggs instead 10000
AcidicAngel666 - 12 years ago
Erm... What do you mean 'Ripped her head off'....
jimmy bob
jimmy bob - 12 years ago
my male ripped her freaking head off!
pedro penaloza
pedro penaloza - 12 years ago
mah male betta look almost exactly the same but with a lil more red on his stomach!
AcidicAngel666 - 12 years ago
Google image search Plakat Betta as these have short fins and are often mistaken for females :) I know because I have one which I originally bought as a female till it became very aggressive and bred with one of my females(unintentionally). I was feeding frozen bloodworm to my kribs to help them along with the breeding and betta's got it too...
AcidicAngel666 - 12 years ago
It doesn't matter on the size, as long as it's strong enough to withstand a slight about of water surface movement it's good for breeding :)
AcidicAngel666 - 12 years ago
Sounds good, I'll be breeding mine again in 2-3 weeks. Hope all goes well!
AcidicAngel666 - 12 years ago
Look at my other comment. Did you condition them for 2 weeks on live/frozen foods? Have you added the female in a jar? If he is not building a nest then he is not ready...
AcidicAngel666 - 12 years ago
Firstly, you didn't mention that you have to condition both male and female on live or frozen foods for 2 weeks before they even see each other. Secondly, they shouldn't fight at all if the procedure is done correctly. They're not as tough as they seem just because they can take a few nips off each other. Thirdly, the female must have breeding stripes before she is bred as if she doesn't it means she is not ready. I have bred betta's loads of times, no damage to either fish in any of the spawns.
Conor Dunne
Conor Dunne - 12 years ago
Wow . Thanks alot for posting this video dude/ dudess .. Other people just blab on about shit you did this properly thank you .
RcAntax - 12 years ago
it may take a few
RcAntax - 12 years ago
Google bettysplendens
RcAntax - 12 years ago
try anyway
RcAntax - 12 years ago
the band is celldweller but i dont remember what song
RcAntax - 12 years ago
Runiel Quinones
Runiel Quinones - 12 years ago
can you breed two different types of bettas? like a super delta male with a half moon female?
RcAntax - 12 years ago
don´t know
RcAntax - 12 years ago
if it hasnt started in a week it´s wierd
RcAntax - 12 years ago
filmy worldindia
filmy worldindia - 12 years ago
thanks for your video. this helps me to breed my first betta frys in my home. I successfully breed my bettas, now my frys are start to swim and take their food own. my mail id:
dante Is awesome
dante Is awesome - 12 years ago
im gonna try this on my bettas
redrumrabbit - 12 years ago
Nice ! thank you
RcAntax - 12 years ago
RcAntax - 12 years ago
uhm no... why would she?
cherryblossem231 - 12 years ago
same here ) :
2kewl4u26 - 12 years ago
no, u said that u can do this in 2 min. (thats wut i thought)
RcAntax - 12 years ago
yeah that´s the point
2kewl4u26 - 12 years ago
u know when u said two minutes? Well, that's how long that took to finish this video. lol
Ricky Cortes
Ricky Cortes - 12 years ago
thank you so much but about the male how long does it take for him to make a bubble nest
RcAntax - 12 years ago
Glad to help! ;)
cleapatra l
cleapatra l - 12 years ago
brilliance video thank you strait to the point
cleapatra l
cleapatra l - 12 years ago
thank you that is great my females are building nests so im not sure if there female they look female anyway why do the females do that
Sakirtus - 12 years ago
Yes, before the female and male start to spawn, the male makes a bubble nest that he will eventually put the eggs in. Its ok if they pop sometimes, thats going to happen. So dont worrie about it to much since the male will go after the eggs that drop and put them back into the bubble nest.
JETSTA916 - 13 years ago
maybe the water is to new, let is age then it seems the bubbles pop less
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@Applefur1 hard to tell but you should not have water circulation in the tank if you do
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@Pokemonfeverforever keep them like that until he finished buidling his bubble nest
Moua Thao
Moua Thao - 13 years ago
yeah man i was hella piss off but now she is fine ima wait until next next wweek or a month
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@TheMoua07 ouch not good
Moua Thao
Moua Thao - 13 years ago
really but my male stoped makeing his buble nest and i let her out when he jsut made it and like he tore her up like his food
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@TheMoua07 thats normal
Moua Thao
Moua Thao - 13 years ago
im starting today and my male istoo beast he is like freaken biteing her...
KinXBinX - 13 years ago
Fish breeding never looked so epic...
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@iSam306 yes but put her in a jar or something, when he sees her he will start building
urbanangelsince87 - 13 years ago
Should make the video a bit longer..I have no idea what to do after I take my boy out.. =S
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@missrocknrolljazz Nah just keep an eye on them and they will be fine! ;)
Keagan Whitelaw
Keagan Whitelaw - 13 years ago
@RcAntax Do you need real plants?
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@prokiller351 yes but you have to watch them so that wont happen
Keagan Whitelaw
Keagan Whitelaw - 13 years ago
now when you say they fight, would it be possible for the female or male to end up so injured that they die??
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@missrocknrolljazz for you yes for fish no
Marco Adriano
Marco Adriano - 13 years ago
how long does the girl take to get pregnant???? a month??
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@aljondavid Should be fine
Gold & Pearls
Gold & Pearls - 13 years ago
@auomauom Yeah, bettas are sexually mature at about 3.5 months and ready to breed. Generally speaking the best time to breed them is around 5 months of age, and not after they are a year or so old, as spawning takes a lot out of them and they can become sick and die easily if spawned when older.
Eric Jalandoon
Eric Jalandoon - 13 years ago
a big will add an idea to me..:))
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@auomauom I don´t know, but I´d say atleast 6 months, I might be wrong so you better ask someone else
Alexander Favela
Alexander Favela - 13 years ago
@RcAntax Thank you so much:) That really did help alot.
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@AbominableIndie Glad you like the video, the eggs should hatch somewhere between 24 and 48 hours. I it doesn´t they are probably unfertilized. I would not recomend moving the eggs to another tank just try to change the water carefully. Hope that helped!
Alexander Favela
Alexander Favela - 13 years ago
Hi,i like your video very much and im wondering how long should it take till the eggs will hatch?? and when the eggs are in the tank not born yet what do you do if your tank gets dirty and you need to clean it??should i let the eggs stay in place or should i safley transfer them into a clean tank?? I hope you get a chance to read this becuse i need help thank you RcAntax:))
colton310 - 13 years ago
Aquariums4Life - 13 years ago
@rainbow9971 because he will try to eat the babies!
MrTONYBEAST - 13 years ago
It cool I want to breed mine but I still don't know what they eat or how to get it the the way it was funny how the female betta just stays sideways
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@ProWilsonTan Thank you I´m glad to hear!
Wilson Tan
Wilson Tan - 13 years ago
i was exspecting ur video to have mroe views. I watched it 100 times and out of all of youtube your one is more likeley the best
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@705momo0 Maybe one day ore two, not more
Zero Zero
Zero Zero - 13 years ago
@RcAntax bro... normally how long they will fight before mating?? mine two plakat keep fighting and chasing after i release the female... its that normal?? thnx
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@BETTANEWB Thank you I´m glad you like it! Well egg yolk mixed with water will also work!
BETTANEWB - 13 years ago
Thank you so much for this great video and for making the process easy to understand in just 2 minutes! One question please...what do you feed you Betta Fry? I have read that I need to feed them newly hatched brine shrimp...but I have also read that feeding them frozen or jarred brine shrimp is just as nutritious.
Jack Smith
Jack Smith - 13 years ago
can saimese and short female breed. Im uploading video should be done in 4 hours
Jackie Lor
Jackie Lor - 13 years ago
good vid how many fry was there
SpiraLynn - 13 years ago
I plan on breeding my Bettas soon, But I only have a male, I still need a female, And I don't have a tank ideal for breeding yet, and not enough places for the female to hide, Thanks for the video! it might be able to help me with breeding my Bettas :)
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@Elboricuakool leave him for two days
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@MrDEW06 Maybe she is stressed out or too young
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@junelsh That´s great!
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@junelsh 24-48 hrs
junelsh - 13 years ago
how long toes the baby hatch?
junelsh - 13 years ago
Thanks For Ur Video My Betta Got Eggs :)
XiN Tan
XiN Tan - 13 years ago
if the eggs are not put on the bubble nest will it hatch?
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@xin137 yes
XiN Tan
XiN Tan - 13 years ago
if the male fish is guarding its nest can we feed it?
XiN Tan
XiN Tan - 13 years ago
can humans make bubble nest?
waffleman95 - 13 years ago
So epic dude!!!
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@cherryblossem231 Oh yeah she was fully recovered in two days!
cherryblossem231 - 13 years ago
@RcAntax I hope shes ok
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@cherryblossem231 No just some ripped fins
cherryblossem231 - 13 years ago
Did your female get severely damaged after the spawn?
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@cherryblossem231 You will see if he is not working on it, and if it does not become bigger for a couple of hours :)
cherryblossem231 - 13 years ago
How do you tell if the male has finish making his bubblenest
Paul dan
Paul dan - 13 years ago
i successfully breed my betta fishh i dont know.what will i do.when the egh hatch huhu how sad
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@Twenty414 Yeah try that, and also does he have a good place to built the nest?
Hitachi T.Y.B. Yang
Hitachi T.Y.B. Yang - 13 years ago
i try using this method, i use a 10 gallon tank and i put the female in a jar and the male in the tank, they seems to be flaring their gills to each other but seems like the male is not making any bubble nest at all...i waited for almost 2 days and seems like nuthing is happening, im thinkin about moving them into a smaller container
googleplussucks - 13 years ago
Fish porn 1:08
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@ProWilsonTan It won´t become bigger :)
Wilson Tan
Wilson Tan - 13 years ago
0:46 how u know when he stops building nest khaz
RcAntax - 13 years ago
@lilwezzie555 In 24 hours yes but that is pretty rare
Malik Robinson
Malik Robinson - 13 years ago
did everything happen in one day?????/
Jeremy Caudil
Jeremy Caudil - 13 years ago
lol epic music please :)

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