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The "How to breed Betta fish, in two minutes" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for How to breed Betta fish, in two minutes
2 week is compulsory or it is okay with 1 week only because I spawned my female all the times after 1 week of conditioning..
Unfortunately in the latest spawn the male ate all the eggs again (he was a new one !!) whatsoever I think so that the lack of conditioning period might be a problem that the eggs are not developed properly but I have no idea scientifically.
BTW what do you think ??? Is that possible ??
he only make bubble on him self say what happened is the eggs are hatch or not
20. comment for How to breed Betta fish, in two minutes
30. comment for How to breed Betta fish, in two minutes
50. comment for How to breed Betta fish, in two minutes
wondering how long I should keep the male and female in the same tank with divider?
It has been 2 days since they were divided in the same tank, the female shows a bit vertical strip but not much, and the male are keep building the nest.
wondering how long I should keep the male and female in the same tank with divider? how could I know they both ready?
thank you very much!!
I think it's all to do with how happy the Betta is in his environment.
In my 20 liter tank I keep my temp at 26-28c, I have drift wood with java moss and floating Anacharis and sand substrate.
My tank was cycling for 2 months before I added my 3 Assassin snails then my Betta 2 days later.
I think my Betta is a few months old he's not as big as other Bettas I've seen I don't know if that helps but again I think Betta making bubble nests is down to how happy they are and luck really.
I'm still a newbie so I'm not sure, good luck with your Betta(s) :)
( with some other calm fish : neon tetra, corridora) will they start breeding or do I still need to set up a seperate tank?
I was trying to breed my betta fish. my female was carrying eggs in her belly but then the male died. about a month later, eggs just started to fall out of her! she then started to eat them. this happened a couple more times after that.
100. comment for How to breed Betta fish, in two minutes
But since you say species, well this method is only for betta species. Not sure about other species lol :V
When they're in separate containers, the male flares at her and the female either ignores him or flares back. When in the same one, she flares at him but he frantically swims away as if his life's on the line...
Strange because once I saw, in the female's bubble nest when she was in her own container, what I thought to be eggs. I became sad because I knew they probably weren't ferilized. Some time later I saw little splotches of white on the bottom of the male's container so... Silently cries
I'm sure u did something before that , I hav a female and a male betta , they just fight so I separated them.......
' Siamese fighting fish ' because their ' instinct' to fight .... and you can breed all betta's . what makes your betta different than his ? but thank you for education about something know more than you about ..
You need a male and a female Betta fish, just follow he instructions and hopefully you will have fry!! :D
The betta is just getting ready for a female to just swim by and if she does he'll just make it even bigger and breed :/
That's how I see it anyway...
I was like YEAH!!!!!! BREED!!!!
its ally kat but click on the blue name ally kat on this comment to go to my channel
By the way - do anyone know what this song is?