How to clean a betta bowl

Cleaning instructions for a betta bowl. Step by step. Enjoy.

How to clean a betta bowl sentiment_very_dissatisfied 524

Betta 13 years ago 226,603 views

Cleaning instructions for a betta bowl. Step by step. Enjoy.

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Most popular comments
for How to clean a betta bowl

Mickey - 6 years ago
Is that toothbrush new and do you use it???
Archana Reji
Archana Reji - 6 years ago
One question. Is that betta still alive ???
Collect It all Exotic Pets
Collect It all Exotic Pets - 7 years ago
thats too small for betta
Layla Fulton
Layla Fulton - 7 years ago
Betta fish at least need a 2.5 or 5 gallon tank.The 5 gallon tanks are only $5 at petco til November 18th.Also this is a horrible way to clean the tank your not suppose to do 100% water changes a lot!):
Daphine Hanna
Daphine Hanna - 7 years ago
USE YOUR GLUTES - 7 years ago
I use that exact strainer :) I clean tank same way.
Hannah J
Hannah J - 7 years ago
Where did you get the bowl? it looks perfect to use it as a decorative vase to put my origami stars in it :)
Tara Dylan
Tara Dylan - 7 years ago
she is trying her best
kattnis Grace
kattnis Grace - 7 years ago
Betta fish need a 2.7 gallon to 20 gallon tank you should only do a 20% water change every 1to 2 weeks you should only do 100% water change every 3 to 4 months and you should let the water set for a hour and you need to let the fish get used to the water bye keeping him in his cup for 15 min or more folting

10. comment for How to clean a betta bowl

TheCROOKED BeaST - 7 years ago
Betta fish ARE NOT AT ALL HAPPY IN A 1 GALLON BOWL seriously you need a minimum of 2.5 gallon tank with a heater and filter and decorations to hide in and rest on. I am an adamant lover of animals and only want the best for them, so unless you want your animals to suffer I suggest researching before you get any type of animals
Julia Minaca
Julia Minaca - 7 years ago
I can tell that your Betta fish is going to die soon
Give it to me so I can take PROPER care of it not like your shit Betta fish HATE living in 1 gallon tanks.
SweetDaydreams - 7 years ago
My cockatoo can breath and too! Does that mean I can put him in a parakeet cage? Why would I need to provide more than he absolutely needs? He can move a good two years in a tiny cage, so he must be happy there
CactiCostumes - 7 years ago
First of all your water is not the same temp by dipping your fingers in i suggest a thermometer like i have with my puffer fish as i empty their whole tank and i use a bit of warmer water in the process and then i check the temperature compared to their holding container. Also the tank is a tad bit small from on video and you should put it in the description the amount of gallons it holds other wise we assume its less than 1 gallon for the fish but i pretty sure its bigger.
Cichlids 5 Aquatics
Cichlids 5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
Just use a syphon so he doesnt get stress out
Frenchie Nintendogs
Frenchie Nintendogs - 7 years ago
Please know you can scrub but not all of the tank stuff because you will get rid of beneficial bacteria
Frenchie Nintendogs
Frenchie Nintendogs - 7 years ago
By scrubbing you get rid of the beneficial bacteria :(
Jenna Nguyen
Jenna Nguyen - 7 years ago
They're are TOTALLY happy in one gallon. Before getting a fish do your research
Blue Tail Bettas
Blue Tail Bettas - 8 years ago
1.that tank is to small
2.don't use a net it hurts there fins
3.get a heater
4.don't drain all the water
5.i wouldn't rise the rocks if you got rid of all the water
6. Poop will not kill them!
7.get proper decor
8.don't use tap water to clean your tank it has chemicals in it(CHLORINE)
9 bettas need 2.5
10. PLEASE do your research before telling people how to do stuff!
Frenchie Nintendogs
Frenchie Nintendogs - 7 years ago
Artist Beginner amen my friend, amen
Shekina Shalom
Shekina Shalom - 8 years ago
"How to kill your beta: Step by step"

20. comment for How to clean a betta bowl

Esperanza Dominguez
Esperanza Dominguez - 8 years ago
Rip to the 600+ that died because of this video
Reginald Jeffries
Reginald Jeffries - 8 years ago
I normally don't leave comments but, my God, this is a child! She has to learn. You people may have way more experience than she does. Instead of telling her everything she did wrong, comment her for what she did right and gently help her correct the things she did wrong. Bashing her doesn't help. I have daughters and wouldn't appreciate some of the comment's I've read here. She is a child!!!!
CJ Doppler
CJ Doppler - 8 years ago
Very helpful. thank you
Jayrome Martinez
Jayrome Martinez - 8 years ago
hahaha she test the temp in her finger...
MLP Dark Sapphire
MLP Dark Sapphire - 8 years ago
That tanks is too small. Also you put the cup in the tank to get water when you can easily scoop the fish in at the same time but instead you chase it around with a net that just takes time for nothing. Also it's quite silly and waste of time to dry the insides of a fish tank when it's just going to be filled with water inside anyways. Also you dump the fish back into a net to put it back. You know it's more logical to just pour it straight from the cup to the tank rather than wasting your own time on an extra step.
Stacey R
Stacey R - 8 years ago
consider getting a 5 gallon fish tank before you kill it.......
Alicia Raymond
Alicia Raymond - 8 years ago
T Bissonnette
T Bissonnette - 8 years ago
I know this is an old video, but goes to show not to take everything on youtube as correct. Terrible way to keep a betta! People need to do more research before they adopt a pet.
Shekina Shalom
Shekina Shalom - 8 years ago
what a stupid girl poor fish
SnakeAholic - 8 years ago
I have that same toothbrush!

30. comment for How to clean a betta bowl

Brooklin Mercedes
Brooklin Mercedes - 8 years ago
the title of this video should be called " how to abuse and/or kill a betta fish!" instead of "how to clean a betta bowl"
Its Dezlah
Its Dezlah - 6 years ago
people think its ok to abuse/kill fish because its not against the law or anything
Sophia southforce
Sophia southforce - 8 years ago
Small Tank,No Plants,No were to hide?! OMG!! I can't believe
TwofacedDemon - 8 years ago
betas need a 10 gallon tank !
Sophia .J
Sophia .J - 8 years ago
TheMewMix I know but lest 2.5 or bigger
Neko girl
Neko girl - 8 years ago
+TheMewMix The bigger the better is ture, but Bettas are just as happy in 2.5 as 10.
TwofacedDemon - 8 years ago
+Sophia .J the bigger tank for your fish the better. this is NOT 2.5 gallons. your fish would be much much happier in a 10 gal than 2 or 5:
Sophia .J
Sophia .J - 8 years ago
TheMewMix no stupid 2.5 for a good life for your fish
Neko girl
Neko girl - 8 years ago
2.5 Gallon minimum
Carlos mojia
Carlos mojia - 8 years ago
+iTech exactly 5 is also fine
Carlos mojia
Carlos mojia - 8 years ago
+TheMewMix but less oxygen can come in
TwofacedDemon - 8 years ago
+Diana Mejia a bowl would have been bigger! also, yeah, you're a human, but still an animal. fish have feelings too.
TwofacedDemon - 8 years ago
+Diana Mejia how would you like to live in a tiny tank for the rest of your life?
iTech - 8 years ago
5 is also fine
Carlos mojia
Carlos mojia - 8 years ago
no there not
Ivan V.
Ivan V. - 8 years ago
how to kill a betta...
Maheen Khan
Maheen Khan - 7 years ago
Ivan V. how to kill u
Alex Moon
Alex Moon - 8 years ago
bettas aren't happy in a one gallon. they will be more happy In a 5 to 10 gallons. they will be even more happy in a bigger tank
Andrew Yong
Andrew Yong - 8 years ago
(you could split the tank in two with a black divider and have two betta, 10 gallons is tons for a betta!)
DrawnByChloe - 8 years ago
Alex Gomez thanks for the amazing advice I've been thinking about getting a Fish and just brought a tank and really love Betta so I think I might get one
Alex Moon
Alex Moon - 8 years ago
and if you do your research more and you have a back up plan you can have a sorority tank with that 20 gal. a sorority tank is a tank with 4 female betta fish ina heavily planted tank
Alex Moon
Alex Moon - 8 years ago
yes! he or she will be sooooo happy with that tank.
DrawnByChloe - 8 years ago
Alex Gomez will a 20 gallon tank be ok
Jay Paul
Jay Paul - 8 years ago
Very informative! Thanks :)
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
How did u get used to the feeling of ur fish
Ubercorn - 8 years ago
worst way to clean a betta fish bowl
first off catch it IN THE CUP
then leave some of the old water
Sophia .J
Sophia .J - 8 years ago
Ubercorn it's good to put some old water so the fish still has that old water and new water
LPS Dany
LPS Dany - 8 years ago
U barely scrub the rocks
romymunis - 8 years ago
This cleaning method is extremly wrong. Hope betta fish people already coment but 1st you never use those use stones on a betta cuase the fins may be damage instead should be substitute by gravel. Seccond there is no backpack external filter or heater for the tank. 3 people can say that small tans are not suitable wich has very mixted opinions starting with icbc oficial mag where they recomend by the breeding in tanks like this to clean water each 2 days. Despite the size of the tank PEOPLE NEVER CLEAN THE 100% of the water of the tank EVER cause first all the good bacteria for the betta are gone, seccond every time they had a 100% water change the cycle of the tank starts over (means the nityphing bateria is gone and the 30 day cicle starts aggain, damaging the defense of the bettas body) also washing the stones wich are saving the nitryphying bacteria kills aggain all the good for the enviroment of the fish). This is not a suitable way to change the water wich has to be 30% of the water change of the tank or 25% not the whole thing wich can cause the fish to get sick and die for the complete water change with no good bateria on it
little bird
little bird - 8 years ago
I wouldn't recommend any thing past a 5 gallon, if you actually want to see your fish and nothing smaller than a 2.5, my opinion, also, you Need a filter that doesn't agitates the water surface because, you see, betta is a species that don't like to swim much, I know they will, but, (my betta in a 3 gal) doesn't swim much and seems to be healthy. Also, you need a heater because they are from tropical climates like thailand, and you can also feed them a variety of live things, they are carnivorous, such as wingless fruitless and daphnja! these fish are living, breathing art, that are things too, so please take care of them..

Nooyli Mango
Nooyli Mango - 8 years ago
where did you get that tank? I'd love to get one and put a heater in it! :)
Nooyli Mango
Nooyli Mango - 8 years ago
+Salem Ross oh, it looks alot larger in the video. thanks for telling me! :D
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
You shouldn't get it. The "tank" is way too small. The minimum tank size for a betta is 2.5 gallons. The tank in the video isn't even one gallon.
toucan doit
toucan doit - 8 years ago
step one throw tank away
step two buy a real fucking tank
Marg simpson
Marg simpson - 8 years ago
REWIND. Did she just say bettas are happiest in one gallon tanks?????
Sophia .J
Sophia .J - 8 years ago
Marg simpson ya she said bettas are the HAPPIST IN one gallon tanks
That One Equestrian
That One Equestrian - 8 years ago
Andrew Yong minnows can be in cold and hot water. I have a heater and filter and they are fine. When I had a betta in there, I made sure it was warm enough for bettas.
Andrew Yong
Andrew Yong - 8 years ago
+Kayla Rae okay, since you have a good sized tank, what you gotta do now is make sure you're choosing a relatively docile betta, and if you can pick one up that's more inquisitive than he is aggressive, even better!
I'm guessing since you have minnows it's a cold water tank?
That One Equestrian
That One Equestrian - 8 years ago
+Andrew Yong I have a 10 gallon. I just need the fish! I only have minnows in it at the moment
Andrew Yong
Andrew Yong - 8 years ago
2.5 gal minimum, 5 gallon good, 10 gallon better! anything that can fit filtration, air pump and heater is good.
AllyPlayzRoblox! - 8 years ago
Yeah.. it needs like 7-10 gallon tank for a betta fish. Don't ever keep the betta in a small tank because it needs space or it will die :l
That One Equestrian
That One Equestrian - 8 years ago
she did!
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
all the people saying wild betta live in a puddle..first they dont live in puddle and stop bringing wild betta in this beacuse wild betta are not even close from what you see in petshop just do your research before you post a comments in youtube
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
+star and fox ikr betta actullay live in huge shallow pond I have my in 55 gallon (female) havly planted tank with neon tetra and gost srimp
star and fox
star and fox - 8 years ago
I don't even know how people believe such obvious lie.cause if you have common sense and really think about the puddle thing it makes no sense.
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
my suggestion get a filter so you dont have to do 100 percent water change every week (I own female betta she is in 5 gallon with filter heater and live plant
symmetrical_A1 - 8 years ago
At least it isn't a small cup which these betta fishes came from. You guys need to chill out and stop over-exaggerating.
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
+symmetrical_A1 exactly
symmetrical_A1 - 8 years ago
+star and fox actually how about this, if you cant afford a tank thats appropriate for any type of fish. then don't buy it.
L. M'cGamer
L. M'cGamer - 8 years ago
+star and fox thank you. finally some one who knows what there talking about
star and fox
star and fox - 8 years ago
so we are over exaggerating by saying put fish in something bigger then the smallest barely survivable you can find.

we aren't saying put bettas in a 60 gallon we are saying put them in something like 2.5 to 5 gallon tank and actually treat them like they are animal instead of a pretty decoration.
symmetrical_A1 - 8 years ago
+L. M'cGamer oh yeah sure everyone knows they need at least 60 gallons. just stop.
L. M'cGamer
L. M'cGamer - 8 years ago
actually no thats like putting a dog in a small room for his whole life and saying "well atleast its not a cage". they need atleast 2.5 gallons
Catsandfish6 AJ
Catsandfish6 AJ - 9 years ago
I would just care for betta fish like i do normaly with platties and swordfish.
Grant Nelson
Grant Nelson - 9 years ago
Bruh it's not that helpful and a harsh torture for the betta fish with a half gallon tank with no plants
O. N.
O. N. - 9 years ago

50. comment for How to clean a betta bowl

Tasha - 9 years ago
I just got a betta fish too.. I wish i would have done my research before i got him. Bettas don't like to be in tiny containers they come from rice paddies and small streams. If there's too much sun the water dries up and they get trapped in puddles.. that does not mean they like being trapped in the puddles they will try to jump into a bigger puddle. I put my betta fish in a 10 gallon tank by himself with a heater and filter. I think at least a 5 gallon is good for a betta fish.
Random Taco
Random Taco - 7 years ago
Andrew Yong 7 hundred and fifty gallons? They would be so stressed, lol xD.
Andrew Yong
Andrew Yong - 8 years ago
2.5 min, 5 good, 10 better, 750 best (4 is fine, just make sure it's filtered and heated, they are tropical fish after all)
Marlyna Rose
Marlyna Rose - 9 years ago
I put my betta in 4 gallons tank is it ok ? and the water is 24 'c
Carly Fisher
Carly Fisher - 9 years ago
Please don't do that to your betta get a 2.5 gallon tank with plants to hide in. I understand you're younger than me and all, so no hate. But just please don't dump him in a net- it could shock him and tear his fins. Hoped this helped!
Tell Me And I Forget
Tell Me And I Forget - 9 years ago
I just wanted to kindly point a few things out. Not hating I understand you're young and don't fully understand. I just want to tell people finding these "care" videos that just because you find a video stating that it is proper care it may not be. I always recommend forums he uses they tell you the best a Betta can have Instead of the worst. Ok let me just explain a few things, bettas are tropical fish, so unless your house stays at 78 degrees, every day all day then a heater is necessary. Also in the Wild bettas live in large rice patties, so instead of buying a bowl you should buy a long tank that's 2.5 gallons or larger. A filter isnt really a necessity but it helps to clean the tank so that's less work for you right! Not saying that's a replacement for water changes, definitely not! Wa'll I'm on the topic of water changes, you shouldn't ever do 100% water changes because they kill all the beneficial bacteria in the tank. And beneficial bacteria is what keeps the ammonia and nitrit
Tell Me And I Forget
Tell Me And I Forget - 9 years ago
Nitrite levels at bay. Therefore I would do 25-30% water changes 1-2 times a week depending on the size of your tank. (Which is hopefully nothing less then 2.5 gallons) This also means don't scrub the decorations or take out the gravel because it removes beneficial bacteria also. What I like to use for water changes is a siphon because it takes the poop out of the gravel as well as removing water. If your not willing to purchase a siphon you could use a large turkey baster, but that would take an enormous amount of time. And a siphon is only 5-10 dollars. The statement I'm trying to make with these huge paragraphs is that if you cannot afford or give proper care please don't purchase a Betta or any living thing. No hate Intended just trying to educate the world. Who considers this proper care :)
Krystal - 9 years ago
ok i dont mean to be rude or anything like that but that is kinda small for a betta fish dont you think, i think that they should have a tank thats bigger then thar so theg have more space. im sorry if you think that im being rude but im not im just trying to help you out a little.
Myat SawLin
Myat SawLin - 9 years ago
David Beck
David Beck - 9 years ago
One Bettas can jump so put a lid. Two don't use a net because it can Wrip the Bettas tail.
thecloud moon
thecloud moon - 9 years ago
Where'd ye get that tank? Its lovely but could be a bit larger for a betta fish!
Ava and Maddie !
Ava and Maddie ! - 8 years ago
George Ye
George Ye - 9 years ago
You should have did a 20 percent water change
George Ye
George Ye - 9 years ago
Bettas should be in a 2.5 gallon tank minimun
Tara King
Tara King - 9 years ago
Cool video,well I clean mine the way I always have my whole life ,logically, without internet, as o I guess just follow basic instructions and love for your fish,you will know what your fish likes ,as unique as they are, so is their personality (or Betanality) lol....
Kadence.basically - 9 years ago
i was wondering the fish you showed in the begining it looked like a gold fish but it was pink and black what kind of fish is that ? i have one but its orange and black
thediamondbetta - 9 years ago
emily - 9 years ago
this video really helped, but I recommend a mini heater if it's chilly. ;)
Archit - 9 years ago
.. Bettas Need At Least 2.5 Gallons, With a Heater And A filter.. But i suggest a 5 gallon tank.. Pls.. Pls.. Get a new tank because everything u r doing is wrong.. Bettas r not happiest in a 1 gallon tank.. They are originated in the rice paddies which extend upto 4 -5 miles.. They need room to swim.. They ARE NOT found in small puddles for gods sake.. U r abusing ur fish.. Get a better tank with a filter, heater, some silk plants, and a cave or a hideout .. PLEASE UPGRADE YOUR TANK!
Cinde Larson
Cinde Larson - 9 years ago
no no no. They dont need an AIR PUMP they need a filter to stuck the crap out.
emily - 9 years ago
+Neon Pets  yes they do. on google search: "betta fish labyrinth lung"
layniemadisenm - 9 years ago
No they don't they breath from the surface
BLOODY LEGEND - 9 years ago
Snigdha - 9 years ago
I know she is a kid, and I shouldn't scold her. I never did, though. But if you're gonna own a specific fish, you need the right stuff for it.
BLOODY LEGEND - 9 years ago
And that goes for all animals!!
BLOODY LEGEND - 9 years ago
I'm not the shelfish BASTARD yall think I am I love animals more than any one I know.
BLOODY LEGEND - 9 years ago
Compared to other people out there! She's not doing that bad
BLOODY LEGEND - 9 years ago
Besides maybe not keeping any animal is good...but for a kid her age she is doing a good job.
BLOODY LEGEND - 9 years ago
Come on people!!
I dont want to hurt her feelings!!!
BLOODY LEGEND - 9 years ago
+Fegit I'm on your side!!
BLOODY LEGEND - 9 years ago
+Fegit hey! What the hell!!
Snigdha - 9 years ago
Are you an imbecile? Betta fish live in rice paddies in the wild, which are shallow but very vast. Shopkeepers may say that they do not need much room, but they only say so because they care about business. The minimum they need is a 2.5 gallon tank and as they say, the bigger the better. Bettas are curious fish, so they need space to thrive. Stop feeding people the wrong information. If you do so, they'll tell other people the same thing. And also, do you have any idea how big goldfish grow up to? The smallest goldfish wouldn't even fit in a 1 gallon tank. If they are in a school, they need up to 70 gallons. Betta fish and goldfish need a different amount of space to thrive in. You obviously don't know anything about bettas. I really feel sorry for the betta you own.. if you even have one.
Medek - 9 years ago
+Timothy Robinson You selfish f*ck.Torturing any living creature is a fucking cruel no matter what creature is it.The fish has got feelings.It doesn't want to live in a tiny box for the rest of your life.
Medek - 9 years ago
+Timothy Robinson So i can murder you and say,that you aren't me?Ok.
Cinde Larson
Cinde Larson - 9 years ago
+Timothy Robinson But they breethe, eat, feel pain... so what if they aren't human? Does animal abuse make you happy? ugh. While you're at it, dont feed it, after all, it cant scream in pain. Of hunger. Its not you, so you dont care.
BLOODY LEGEND - 9 years ago
They are not YOU
Medek - 9 years ago
+Timothy Robinson Would you like to live in a small room?
Dima B
Dima B - 9 years ago
That is abuse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Andrew Yong
Andrew Yong - 8 years ago
emily - 9 years ago
+Dima Borisov  and you're abusing the internet
Dima B
Dima B - 9 years ago
If your tank is less than 5 gallons it is too small for betta fish + they need a heater.
Andrew Yong
Andrew Yong - 8 years ago
+Emily Currey a 1.5 gallon is barely enough space to move twice, three times its body distance before turning. just imagine being in a cell that has just enough space for you to pace a little, and then you hit a wall. that's what it's like in a smaller tank. 2.5 minimum, but 5-10 gallons is best, especially since you need a filtration system set up + heater.
Lacie _ Vlog's
Lacie _ Vlog's - 8 years ago
+Emily Currey Trust me its 2.5 or bigger ... Bigger is always better
emily - 9 years ago
+George Ye 1.5
George Ye
George Ye - 9 years ago
+Emily Currey minimun is 2.5 gallon
emily - 9 years ago
+Dima Borisov  1.5 minimum and heater is only necessary when its cold
Dima B
Dima B - 9 years ago
anti gay flag
Cinde Larson
Cinde Larson - 9 years ago
What is your profile picture?
Shireen Doyle
Shireen Doyle - 9 years ago
I love ur tank
Shanay Michelle King
Shanay Michelle King - 8 years ago
+Salem Ross Lmao....
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
It's not a tank. It's a prison
Ashley Snell
Ashley Snell - 9 years ago
Good lord people- calm your bells. This isn't a snuff film. Its a teenager cleaning a fish bowl.
Mr. Thiccums
Mr. Thiccums - 9 years ago
wow I learned so much about bettas time for you to learn. A betta fish must have at least 2.5 5 if you want it to live properly. You NEED a heater led light a filter is reccomended but not excruciatingly important I have one. also you put too much conditioner. Please learn how to take care of animal before making it suffer in a one gallon. For the animals
Mr. Thiccums
Mr. Thiccums - 9 years ago
also don't do one hundred percent changes because u wash away the bacteria that actually helps the betta search up how to do things before you give advice
Mr. Thiccums
Mr. Thiccums - 9 years ago
scrubbing da rocks rlly
Mr. Thiccums
Mr. Thiccums - 9 years ago
A CUBE WHAT no just no not even a filter or a heater not even a LIGHT!!?? BRUH
Ugo Foscolo
Ugo Foscolo - 9 years ago
ma che cazzo combini
JoshIsBoss972 - 9 years ago
Guys don't pick on this girl and say Ng what she's doing is wrong. That's cyber bullying!!! What she's doing is right, the only thing missing is a heater for the tank. But leave her alone!!
O. N.
O. N. - 9 years ago
I am afraid you're wrong the tank needs
A filter a place for the betta to hide in
And last but not least it needs benefitial
PS the tank is way to small
3 1
3 1 - 9 years ago
You're killing the bacteria that's good for your tank, and how your killing them
1. scrubbing off bacteria form the rocks

2. scrubbing da gl*ass
Vivian Foster
Vivian Foster - 9 years ago
So many things wrong with this, I really am disturbed. 
Bettas are not happy in a 1 gallon, they need 5.  
Tank is not heated or filtered.
You are not suppose to do 100% water changes.  That maybe too big of a ph change.
Catching a fish with a net hurts their fins and stresses it out - you chasing it like a lunatic.    I leave mine in the tank because it's at 5.5 gallon.
You used too much conditioner with Spring Water (WTH?)
Scrubbing the substrate with a toothbrush is a NO.  And 'cleaning' the tank with hot water - you've just killed off al the good bacteria.  You tank has never cycled properly.
Putting your substrate in the sink, where you wash dishes is another No.  Sink has sink detergent residue which now you've transferred on to your substrate.   
Bettas also need plants to hide behind and sometimes just rest on for a snooze.  
God help us.
Onix Reyes Alvarado
Onix Reyes Alvarado - 7 years ago
First of........ one gallon tank is like sticking a 6 year old in a cabinet. Second.......... Ur so retarded to conpare a whale with a betta

Random Taco
Random Taco - 7 years ago
Vivian Foster dude I’m pretty sure she was being sarcastic.
Madisyn Brooke
Madisyn Brooke - 7 years ago
Matthew why is the toothbrush bad?
Matthew - 8 years ago
let this girl live in a broom closet she might get the hint.
StephieAck - 8 years ago
+Emily Currey The thing is, we know enough about animal welfare these days to know that just giving the bare minimum to exist isn't good enough. We should give them extra to help them thrive. I sure wouldn't choose to live in the equivalent of a one room shack as opposed to my three bed house, so why should a fish that I force to live with me have to do the same thing?!It is about caring and providing the best instead of just the bare minimum.Shame, because the girl in the video clearly cares about her fish and was probably just misinformed on care.
Vivian Foster
Vivian Foster - 9 years ago
+Emily Currey Bettas and whales have what in common again?  Size of ocean is relative to a 1 gallon jar, exactly how?  No logic whatsoever.  Go back to school little girl.
emily - 9 years ago
+Vivian Foster it's not stupid logic. if you were smarter you would get it
Vivian Foster
Vivian Foster - 9 years ago
+Emily Currey What kind of stupid logic are you trying to demonstrate?  Just because a whale doesn't need an ocean, it's okay for a betta to be in a 1 gallon unfiltered unheated tank?  Nothing to do with each other.  If you be a fish keeper, do it respectfully. 
Matthew - 9 years ago
emily - 9 years ago
+Vivian Foster does a whale need a whole OCEAN to live? no. so 1 gallon is FINE
Matthew - 9 years ago
+Vivian Foster This severely pained me to watch this.
Vivian Foster
Vivian Foster - 9 years ago
I wish idiots who know nothing about proper fish care stop posting videos 'teaching' other idiots how to care for fish.  All you are teaching is how to kill fish.  No wonder yours is dead now.
Juan Smit
Juan Smit - 7 years ago
Vivian Foster like I said keep with make-up tutorials sounds like you need them more than her ! Proper lady ?????
tiffany - 7 years ago
Vivian, you will never stop but i just have to put it out there. If you're referring to her parents as idiots then one day you'll be that "idiot" parent too because your child will do SOMETHING that other people disagree on and they will think exactly the same way as you.
Andrew Yong
Andrew Yong - 8 years ago
+Gαlαχу Typical modern use? If you use it in medical context, sure, but there is more than one meaning to a word. You're still in school, I would've thought you would've known that the English language is diverse like that.

You are lying about your disease, and if you aren't, good luck not dying while you're still in school.

Fuck religion. If you're in America, I'm allowed to bring it into the conversation. If you're in Europe, Oceania, large parts of Africa, Asia, or South America, ie free countries, I'm allowed to bring it into the conversation. If you live in a country that isn't yet free, sorry, you'll probably die of your cancer soon anyway so fuck you.

Keep yapping on and CAPITALIZING words like this is tumblr, you're my younger sister's age and you're both as stupid as each other. Get cancer, you fuck.
Andrew Yong
Andrew Yong - 8 years ago
CANCER [kan-ser]
2. any evil condition or thing that spreads destructively; blight.

can be applied to bad ideas that spreads quickly, reminiscent of an actual cancer of the human body. of course cancer cannot spread from human to human, but there are other meanings to the word. religion is a cancer, for example.
Andrew Yong
Andrew Yong - 8 years ago
I've read of people's betta living 12, 15 years, and I've personally seen bettas living 7, 8 years.

cancer does spread, and from someone claiming to have it I'm surprised you didn't know.
Andrew Yong
Andrew Yong - 8 years ago
+Emily Currey you're spreading cancer everywhere. FF have been known to live for 5-10 years, some for even 15, given the right care during its later years.
Neko girl
Neko girl - 8 years ago
I normally don't get into arguments, but did yous eriously just pick the "Your a misogynist for disagreeing with a girl" card?
David Beck
David Beck - 9 years ago
True it probably jumped out of the container she put it in
emily - 9 years ago
+kb.trekkie yes I do, thank you :) 
Vivian Foster
Vivian Foster - 9 years ago
+Emily Currey Remember - get some supermarket salmon, it's on sale and cheaper than poor bettas!
emily - 9 years ago
+Vivian Foster have a good life.
Vivian Foster
Vivian Foster - 9 years ago
+Emily Currey How about you stop being an idiot and start being smart.  Stop torturing fish and be kind and responsible.  If you keep fish this way, I'm never gonna be nice.  
emily - 9 years ago
+Vivian Foster I'm not on meds, and like what +kb.trekkie  said, your actions scream childish. so stop being mean and start being nice.
Vivian Foster
Vivian Foster - 9 years ago
+kb.trekkie You're in high school.  Hahahaha.  Go apply some acne treatment and go to bed kid.  
Vivian Foster
Vivian Foster - 9 years ago
+kb.trekkie Your come back to me is, 'you're a 10 year old. That's showing really high mental aptitude.  Maybe if you get off the floor, you can get more oxygen into that walnut sized brain and think clearer and come up with a real insult.  But hey, who am I to ask you to get off the floor.  Stay there by all means.  You are only practicing for a future life of homelessness and tent living.     
Vivian Foster
Vivian Foster - 9 years ago
+kb.trekkie Try another pic, maybe this time chose one where you're wearing a mask.  Also, get off the floor.  Are you homeless?  Do you have a sofa?  Sit like a proper lady instead of a bum. 
Vivian Foster
Vivian Foster - 9 years ago
+Emily Currey Off your meds again?  The only fish you should get are the ones in the supermarket.  They are already dead, saves you the trouble of killing them.  
Vivian Foster
Vivian Foster - 9 years ago
+kb.trekkie When you put a fish in a small tank like that, it's torture.  Bad water quality, no filter, no heat.  I'd like to confine you to a small space and give you foul poisonous air and turn the temp to 35 permanently with no coat.  See how you like it.  You would know that if you knew anything about fish.  I guess I should share a little secret with you idiots - there's a thing called the internet.  You don't have to rely on pet store clerks for fish advice.  You can look them up ONLINE YOURSELF.  They know how to film a video and upload it on Youtube but didn't bother to check if this is proper fish care.  Lazy + Stupid.  Worst is they thought they had a thing or two to teach people.  Lazy + Stupid + Arrogant.  And, seriously, you really wanna dish out shit and call me a 'jerk' and 'scum'.  Let me tell you something.........nah, forget it.  Your mother giving you that face is pretty much all the insult a person should take in one's life.  Go search for the next comment to rant against and die of loneliness.  
emily - 9 years ago
+Vivian Foster wow.. nice comeback to someone who is probably older than you.
Vivian Foster
Vivian Foster - 9 years ago
+Emily Currey Said the person who still needs a babysitter. 
emily - 9 years ago
+Vivian Foster  I think you're the one who needs to get a life.
Jessica Albarran
Jessica Albarran - 9 years ago
+Vivian Foster if you cant be nice at least dont be that rude insulting a kid and her parents...if you are not agree with the vid neither help her just stay away and dont post anything...look for a vid that you like
Vivian Foster
Vivian Foster - 9 years ago
+Emily Currey I'm not nice to people who torture betta fish.  Nope.  Figure out how to care for them properly.  Thanks. 
emily - 9 years ago
and apparently, you can't be nice
Vivian Foster
Vivian Foster - 9 years ago
+Jun Lorena Fish can't talk. 
Vivian Foster
Vivian Foster - 9 years ago
+Jessica Albarran "Kids".  Is this kid living alone?  No.  She supposedly has parents.  They obviously are idiots who let her abuse animals.  
Vivian Foster
Vivian Foster - 9 years ago
+Emily Currey I doubt that completely.  Surprised it survived 3 months, forget 3 years. 
emily - 9 years ago
+Vivian Foster that fish lived 3 years. they normally live for 4. you're the idiot
Jun Lorena
Jun Lorena - 9 years ago
+Jessica Albarran right I have three goldfish and they are happy with me
Jessica Albarran
Jessica Albarran - 9 years ago
thats so rude of u...she is just a kid...please be an adult and try to help kids that think they ar doing the correct way...there are better ways to let them know thats nor the proper way to do it...all of us started with some mistakes and through this videos we can help them but not that rude
Peculiar Marie
Peculiar Marie - 9 years ago
Umm mm don't use spring water use still water. It has all the minerals u need to keep a betta healthy and the betta could live for up to 10 years
Cory M
Cory M - 9 years ago
you can scrub my rocks
SoulOfAReptile - 9 years ago
Everyone knows that a Betta needs at least a 60 gallon tank complete with an LED TV and a cell phone so they can order Domino's and Chinese food. Duh. If it isn't enough space for an iguana, then it's clearly too small for a Betta. Don't forget, they're tropical fish, so they also require flip flops and a mai tai to enjoy the warm water with
Nathan Woof!
Nathan Woof! - 7 years ago
SoulOfAReptile XD
tiffany - 7 years ago
2.5 or 5 or 10 gallon with filter/heater/decoration for one betta is never enough. Might as well as just leave them in wild habitat, they''ll be even more happy ;p
Justus Tan
Justus Tan - 8 years ago
SoulOfAReptile You are so unfisheducated, LEARN PROPER FOSH CARE, they need to be kept in a 300 gallon tank with 50 tonnes of marine salt inside as they are clearly saltwater fish. They also need to be fed human flesh. Dont worry its ez to get from those murdered humans by PETA for only giving a betta a 50 gallon. Those guys are such animal abusers. Lern from me. Even 300 gallons is such abuse.
Dima B
Dima B - 8 years ago
Gengar94 - 8 years ago
no that's still to small I'd say they need at least 85 gallons if I'm correct
Dima B
Dima B - 8 years ago
it was a joke
Kacey Tristelle
Kacey Tristelle - 8 years ago
60 gallon tank for just 1 fish?????
pets4 life
pets4 life - 9 years ago
Yea . You are a good person .
pets4 life
pets4 life - 9 years ago
That's not funny that could cut its insides . Your betta could get hurt 
emily - 9 years ago
NO YOUR WRONG!!!! Betta also needs a futon and a foosball table DUH
pets4 life
pets4 life - 9 years ago
made my day
Justin Remington
Justin Remington - 9 years ago
+Otto Christianson they don't live in puddles they live in rice fields with water bettas need at least 2.5 gallons or 5 gallons I have over 12 bettas and tons of different types of fish I have had bettas for over a 5 years
layniemadisenm - 9 years ago
+Dima Borisov haha lol
Dima B
Dima B - 9 years ago
yes. At first i thought you were serious my bad
layniemadisenm - 9 years ago
+Otto Christianson don't you understand this is a joke???
Dima B
Dima B - 9 years ago
dose not mean we should treat them badly.
layniemadisenm - 9 years ago
+Otto Christianson that is completely wrong, bettas live in rice patties that are a foot deep and go on for miles
BLOODY LEGEND - 9 years ago
your jk!
Dima B
Dima B - 9 years ago
+Otto Christianson He was making a jooooooooke.
Aly Homewood
Aly Homewood - 9 years ago
+SoulOfAReptile Really? I get that some people can be a bit over zealous about betta care, but bettas still do have certain needs including a properly sized tank and a heater.
SoulOfAReptile - 9 years ago
+Mikaela Winkleblack XD
Mikaela Winkleblack
Mikaela Winkleblack - 9 years ago
+Otto Christianson I don't think you understand that he was joking.
jjchase - 9 years ago
and extra dank
SoulOfAReptile - 9 years ago
+jjchase and ILLOMINATI!!
SoulOfAReptile - 9 years ago
+Otto Christianson no im betta pro trust me m8
jjchase - 9 years ago
+SoulOfAReptile and they need mtn dew and doritos
Otto Christianson
Otto Christianson - 9 years ago
+SoulOfAReptile That is absolutley wrong. bettas can live in puddles an long as they have food.
flo green
flo green - 9 years ago
That is a small tank! But its better than the tiny plastic bowls Walmart keeps them in!
Cosmin Hauser
Cosmin Hauser - 9 years ago
this is not how to clean lol
Maple Leaf Breyers
Maple Leaf Breyers - 9 years ago
oh btw u should only change half the water not all of it soo its used to its water so it will be happy just a tip :)
cousin throckmorton
cousin throckmorton - 9 years ago
1) tank is WAY too small
2) too much conditioner
3) you need plants
4) you shouldn't use a net
5) this isn't really an important thing, but you didn't need to dry the inside. I found that funny
Aline Milani
Aline Milani - 9 years ago
Actually, drying the imside will cause microfibers to get stuck in it, then float in the water. The fish could ingest them when gulping for air.
Fauzi Atan
Fauzi Atan - 9 years ago
and kill the old bacteria...

100. comment for How to clean a betta bowl

John Clary
John Clary - 9 years ago
How often?
Ella Grace
Ella Grace - 9 years ago
This tank is way too small, a minimum tank I would keep my betta in is a 5 gallon. My betta is in a 10 gal community tank. I would highly suggest getting a bigger tank, it will give your betta a longer , healthier, happier life.
Julian Lorenz
Julian Lorenz - 9 years ago
You did everything wrong. Your Betta is definitely not happy.
Alex Jonsson
Alex Jonsson - 10 years ago
Small tank
Kaidence Nicole
Kaidence Nicole - 10 years ago
also you want to leave a bigger gap then that so he can't jump out and DO NOT USE A NET ON BETTA FISH they have very sensitive fins and could tear very easily
Kaidence Nicole
Kaidence Nicole - 10 years ago
i'm kind of a betta expert and the LEAST size tank is 2.5 i have two bettas and a 10 gallon tank with a divider so each of them get 5 gallons i promise i'm not trying to be mean it's a great video i'm just recomending a bigger tank for your next fish
Michael Page
Michael Page - 10 years ago
I hope this is a joke. The poor betta
Uday Mohan
Uday Mohan - 10 years ago
not bad
Professional Fish and Herps
Professional Fish and Herps - 10 years ago
Spring water can contain minerals that will kill your fish.
Professional Fish and Herps
Professional Fish and Herps - 10 years ago
That tank is WAY too small for a betta.
Kathalla MacRae
Kathalla MacRae - 10 years ago
Betta's are happiest in a 1 gallon tank? WOW, I guess my Betta is an odd ball what with loving his 10 gallon tank that will be getting a lot bigger soon so I can add a snail or two. This is why you need to learn about the fish before hand. You do not need to dump out all the water weekly nor should you use that much conditioner for a small tank like yours is and you should be waiting the 15 mins. Plus they don't just get air form the top and you have no filtration at all and your acting like you know it all also you don't use a fish net on bettas you can harm their fins! I feel bad for your betta as he most likely will not live a looong and happy life!
peidl86 - 10 years ago
No filter , no heater , small tank....
No plant , when you bought this fish few days ? Thats why look healthy . Few same water change and Ciao nice Beta
Ian Objio
Ian Objio - 10 years ago
NOOO!!! You really aren't supposed to use a net to capture bettas. They have EXTREMELY delicate fins and you could damage them. Better to just scoop them up with a cup.
nozii06 - 9 years ago
that's even better ! :)
nozii06 - 10 years ago
depend on the kind of net you're using, i'm using one that is very soft to the touch, it don't hurt them
Breezy Nyan
Breezy Nyan - 10 years ago
they need plants to hide in and your tank is too small my betta moonshine has a 3 gallon tank i am getting him a 10 or 20 gallon one in a month also you should try tanks with filters 
Molly-Rose Laffey
Molly-Rose Laffey - 10 years ago
First, you used way to much conditioner for a gallon tank and second of you changing all the water every week then you risking your fish life. The maximum amount of water you can change is 50%
Yeli Martinez
Yeli Martinez - 10 years ago
karen a
karen a - 10 years ago
well, i have a lot of fishes.. i have 3 bettas and lots of mollies and santa claus fishes. 1 of my betta is in a fish bowl.. but a bit bigger than yours.. it is blue and his name is Sapphire..
karen a
karen a - 10 years ago
your tank is literally way too small.. it is sad to see your betta living in that really small tank.. and you should have a filter or a pipe to put inside the tank instead of removing all water. putting lots of water conditioner is not good.. it will kill your fish..
Liz Michaelson
Liz Michaelson - 10 years ago
Liked the vid-however, you need to have something for your fish to hide in, as this can make your betta stressed. Also, put the old water in with the new water, as the shock can kill your fish. Yes, the tank is a little small, but betas can adapt:)
Catherine Gigante
Catherine Gigante - 10 years ago
Dont do full water canges
casandra cornelio
casandra cornelio - 10 years ago
Way too small that's cruelty
dang pet loss? my cat went missing a month ago 
Mermaid Ariel 23
Mermaid Ariel 23 - 10 years ago
What's the name of the song? I like it. :)
Nayeli Jimenez
Nayeli Jimenez - 9 years ago
I wanna go by Brittany spears
Peachprincezz - 10 years ago
that betta at the very begging  is soooooooooo cute!!!
Olivia Ramos
Olivia Ramos - 10 years ago
Your stupid you can't touch there fins dumb ass
FNMasterChannel - 10 years ago
Cleaning the tank with chlorine tap water?
Snigdha - 9 years ago
+kb.trekkie Yes, indeed you should. I do, but some people only use spring water. So, they should use a dechlorinator or conditioner.
Snigdha - 9 years ago
+kb.trekkie  I am aware of that. I was just stating that if people who don't have a conditioner of dechlorinator, they should use spring water or the above I mentioned.
Kadence.basically - 9 years ago
we do mister know it all...  im not stupid your stupid for hating on me when you dont even know if i have spring water or not so stfu 
Urbntess - 9 years ago
+George Ye yes cuz I didn't know that already. 
George Ye
George Ye - 9 years ago
+Star50168 AJ that's not possible unless you use a built in filter anthem it would be purified water
George Ye
George Ye - 9 years ago
+Urbntess no you are stupid you use water conditioner after so you are stupid
Snigdha - 9 years ago
+Star50168 AJ Good, then.
Kadence.basically - 9 years ago
well our water is spring water 
Snigdha - 9 years ago
+Star50168 AJ But just in case, add a dechlorinator or conditioner to the water, or use spring water.
Kadence.basically - 9 years ago
+FNMasterChannel my tap water has no chlorine 
in it o,o
emily - 9 years ago
well DUH. of course chlorine is bad for fish, I'm not an idiot. when you condition the water after the tank is pretty much set up, it basically conditions the whole thing by the time it cycles for 24 hours (without the fish)
Urbntess - 9 years ago
+Emily Currey ffs. chlorine is bad for fish. they can die from it. stupid kid.
Snigdha - 9 years ago
+Emily Currey You do not use tap water for a betta's tank. You either use bottled water or drinking water. Or even the water you use for cleaning fruits or veggies.
emily - 9 years ago
+FNMasterChannel  if you use old water then doesn't that just make it dirtier?
FNMasterChannel - 9 years ago
+Emily Currey The old water or dechlorinated water by using a conditioner
emily - 9 years ago
+FNMasterChannel  then what do you clean it with idiot?
FNMasterChannel - 10 years ago
+Hayleigh Spurlock I'm sorry I double checked and she uses spring water but anyways. cleaning her substrate with chlorine water will kill good bacteria, it's a betta fish so it's not so important but it's still bad and should be cleaned with the old water.
Hayleigh Spurlock
Hayleigh Spurlock - 10 years ago
What else would you clean it with?!?!
Randall Heng
Randall Heng - 10 years ago
I think that you don't have to put so much water
Mia Luna
Mia Luna - 10 years ago
Just to let u know, having a betta in a small tank like that is really sad. They like big tanks. Not too big but not too small. My mom has an LED tank that's 2.5 gallons. She has 2 bettas. Ones a Double Half moon Dumbo Betta and his name is Marley, and he's like a reddish pinkish color with white tips and a bit like a butterfly betta. We got another yesterday and he's a Delta Tail and his names Ziggy and he's red and black with speckles in the middle of his tail to the bottom and he has zebra stripes on the top of his tail. Anyways I would recommend a bigger tank.
AbstractXD - 10 years ago
+Julie Ha No it doesn't depend on the chemistry of the fish. Males and females should never ever be kept together unless they're breeding and even then only for a short period of time. The male will endlessly pursue the female in order to get her to release eggs which he will protect from his bubble nest. Females can be kept together in groups of 5+ to reduce aggression. They will develope a hierarchy.
savannah montano
savannah montano - 10 years ago
If I got 2 female bettas in a 2.5 Gallon tank would they fight? Because I am thinking to start with two fish that are beautiful. Also I know how to look after them as I have looked after 6 of my friends fish when she went on holiday.
sebastian salazar
sebastian salazar - 10 years ago
Ur not supposed to keep 2 males or 2 females together either. If anything its 5+ females
Julie Ha
Julie Ha - 10 years ago
+Sincerely Rhea depends rly. the male and female would have to really adjust to each other and learn each other n like each other or else they will. some people put the female in a section so they will get used to each other first until they put them together. rly depends. no males shld be togther.

although this one guy at petsmart has like fricking 6 together. he somehow was able to pick all the nice ones and have them living together in a tank. crazy
rhea and rhea
rhea and rhea - 10 years ago
You're not supposed to keep 2 bettas together, won't they fight?
Kailey c
Kailey c - 10 years ago
Why did you use a net to put the betta back in??
Kakarot20007 - 10 years ago
Actually the water isn't 'dirty' & doing a complete 100% water change is a terrible idea in a fish tank.
Rc Addicted
Rc Addicted - 10 years ago
The reason why u put it back in with the net is because when you get the fish out u scoop up water from the dirty tank and when your dine cleaning it you do not want the dirty water going back in the clean tank therefore you use the net.
Kakarot20007 - 10 years ago
Just empty the cup back in
karen a
karen a - 10 years ago
ok.. so what do we have to put the fish back in with?? i have 3 bettas.. i also used a net.. pls tell me wht to use .. thanks :)
Russia CCCP
Russia CCCP - 10 years ago
This is horrible. Get a bigger tank.
George Rodríguez
George Rodríguez - 10 years ago
Desperdiciando agua a lo pendejo
Mo Olvey
Mo Olvey - 10 years ago
You should never catch a betta fish with a net. It will damage their fins and increases stress.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
bettas are 2.5 inches so they need a tank 2.5 gallons or bigger because anything less would need 4 water changes daily and your betta can swim properly.bettas are tropical fish from thai land and vietnam where it never gets cold and there water should be kept at a stable 75 degrees and become lethargic without a heater even though they are suppose to be a active need a filter to remove waste and help keep the beneficial bacteria alive and should only do 100% water changes once month and every week a 20% water change.also betta fish need a tank with lid cause they can jump.also don't use the net to pin the fish to the side of the tank and slowly let the fish swim into it rather then risking hurting the fish.
Giani - 10 years ago
Love the tank!  Searched everywhere and it has been discontinued but have a feeler out.  BTW: Use Seachem Prime between water changes, it locks of the ammonia for 48 hrs.
Feroza Farook
Feroza Farook - 10 years ago
You do not gets put the fish in it will kill it
Michelle Rosale
Michelle Rosale - 10 years ago
You say racks sted of rocks lol but that's ok
Tracy O'Connor
Tracy O'Connor - 10 years ago
Lily Ellis
Lily Ellis - 10 years ago
the reason the fish isnt going to the net is because you have to go slow he has to get used to the net
Miguel. 1903
Miguel. 1903 - 10 years ago
Bowls harder to maintain then fish tanks.The price of a bowl is almost the same as a price of a fish tank
Lily Ellis
Lily Ellis - 10 years ago
really the fish will die if you leave him in a bowl  cause he has nothing to do in the bowl
Miguel. 1903
Miguel. 1903 - 10 years ago
What's the whole point of drying it if you're going to put water in it.
John Chase
John Chase - 10 years ago
I was surprised you used the net to put your friend back instead of pouring off most of the water, submerging the rim of the cup and releasing him back into the habitat.
With a proper setup, there should be no need to remove fish except for deaths or long term tank maint.
With a gravel bottom, you can "vacuum" the solid waste out of the habitat with a siphon and attached lift tube.
This is a great way to clean the tank, and remove roughly 1/3 of the water for changing out once a week or so.
If you prepare the water the day before by putting it in a bucket, the chlorine and much other solved junk will offgass overnight, so you can skip adding more chemicals to the water... Unless the pH needs adjusting.
Make sure the temp is the same using an accurate thermometer, your finger will only tell you cold/hot and can't sense accurately enough for those tiny little bodies.
A few degrees difference would be like placing a huge block of ice in your bath water.
Not a very pleasant experience!
You make the very important point about not using soap or chemicals to clean the tank, however the rocks are in your sink... Where I will hazard a guess you use soap and chemicals ;-)
So many things to consider, and I may well stand corrected on some of my thoughts by others more knowledgeable.
Keeping the info coming is how we all learn, and thank you for the video!
Kaveen Patel
Kaveen Patel - 10 years ago
make sure to get a plant (or a place for the fish to hide) so the fish feels at home
LoveforAG neverending
LoveforAG neverending - 10 years ago
u should probably use a cup to take ur fish out rather than a net... it stresses it. n u take the water out with a cup but not the fish... thats fair enough! :P btw good instructions. :D
Mr_Baller2 - 10 years ago
Put a plant in There
TimmyME - 10 years ago
Traci Llewellyn
Traci Llewellyn - 10 years ago
Ok thx I will
TimmyME - 10 years ago
Google a water change guide for fish.
Traci Llewellyn
Traci Llewellyn - 10 years ago
Y I am just curious tho because I do the exact same thing so I can fix what im doing
TimmyME - 10 years ago
Why do people think it is ok to put an animal in such a small tank? and this is NOT a good way to to clean a tank. This video get a thumbs down from me.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
misinformation and myths like bettas live in mud puddles in the wild no bigger the boot print and get stressed in large tanks.which is half true because they can live in that amount of water during drought season which is one of the most stressful time for fish.while most of the year and people should try to mimic the rainy season because it's the least stressful and better time of the year for fish and bettas would live at the max nee high water but they like shin high water the best.but just because a fish can survive these conditions they think it's ok and that their bettas are happy because they've never seen a truly happy betta.
Briannagaona09 - 10 years ago
u can't put 10 drops of water conditioner in that tiny 1 gallon tank that causes stress to the fish and makes it die faster
David Rose
David Rose - 10 years ago
Traci Llewellyn
Traci Llewellyn - 10 years ago
My gosh thank you ^^
rhea and rhea
rhea and rhea - 10 years ago
It was 5 drops, calm down.
Lindz Da FinS
Lindz Da FinS - 10 years ago
+Briannagaona09 are you the one who made the video? I wasn't sure if you were referencing 7 drops per gallon for the conditioner she's using or all conditioners. If you were referencing all water conditioners, it depends on how strong each one is.
Briannagaona09 - 10 years ago
its 7 drops in a one gallon tank
Lindz Da FinS
Lindz Da FinS - 10 years ago
Not true. Some conditioners aren't super strong, so they need more drops. I've seen conditioners that need 5 ml per gallon! What's going to shock the fish is not saving any old water, as shown in the video.
Traci Llewellyn
Traci Llewellyn - 10 years ago
But thats what they ask for
Briannagaona09 - 10 years ago
that is a small bowl for ur betta
Maxime L
Maxime L - 10 years ago
"make sure water is the same temp. and room temperature"
With your fingers it's impossible !
Maria Hafeez
Maria Hafeez - 10 years ago
Some ugly tank
Matt Ostrowski
Matt Ostrowski - 10 years ago
I don't wish your pet to die on you but if you keep cleaning the tank like that it probably will die first off you never take out all the water the fish need some of the good bacteria in the water and rocks if you don't like seeing the poop in the rocks trust me no one does instea of rinsing all of the benifisul bacteria off take a turkey Baster and suck out the poop till the water is about half way gone wipe down the tank with a aquarium safe scrubber and refill the best part is you don't have to take the fish out so less stress on the fish. And don't listen to the people saying u need a bigger tank u don't as long as ur doing frequent water changes hope you take this a constructive criticism and not badly but I've had bettas and all kinds of fish for at least 15 years
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ - 10 years ago
Doing full water change, kills good bacteria which helps cover toxic waste to less toxic. Also full water changes stress out fish which makes them prone to diseases and bacteria infections. As for the betta fish they are tropical fish they need to have a stable temperature which means they need heater, sudden temperature changes can stress out fish. With a proper care betta is capable of living more than five years and its a myth that they came from tinny paddies in thailand.
Random Taco
Random Taco - 7 years ago
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ it’s not a myth, they do actually come from rice patties.
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ - 10 years ago
or try to do small regular water changes using air line tubing rather removing all water from container ..
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
You are a terrible person! First of all, that "tank" is way too small for a betta, and you can't just change the entire water cos it will stress the fish out, and kill all the good bacteria that cleans the water! Just get a tank that's big enough for the betta and put in some real substrate, get live plants, and a light
Lindsey M
Lindsey M - 10 years ago
Actually most of the nitrifying bacteria that break down fish waste don't live in the water at all. nitrifying bacteria need two things beside food, a place to stick and oxygen. The only bacteria that will be in the water column are just swimming around looking for a place to stick. With that being said the dangers of loosing bacteria have to do with washing your tank in unconditioned tap water, and worse yet brushing the rock to make sure those colonies are good and destroyed, as well as wiping the sides of the tank, can't have any biofilm from that good bacteria, nope, nope, nope. lol okay but seriously your dangers of doing 100% water changes have to do with sudden changes in temperature, ph, and large change in concentrations of nitrates, and dissolved minnerals like phosphates.

If frequent 100% water changes are done frequently, like everyday, and the ph and temperatures always match then the concentrations of disoved minerals and nitrates will not change enough to stress the fish in any part except the netting and removal of fish from it's home. This could be avoided simply by doing frequent 90% changes. 90% water changes daily should not be needed for any reason but if they are, a slow build-up to the tolerance of them over several days-weeks can prevent the stress the fish would suffer from them.
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+Betta Everything That's stupid, your just stressing your fishes out by emptying the whole thing
Betta Everything
Betta Everything - 10 years ago
I clean it a lot.
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
Then get one and stop torturing your fish for gods sake
Betta Everything
Betta Everything - 10 years ago
I don't have a filter... And I USED to have live plants.
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+Betta Everything It has nothing to do with tank size, just stop cleaning the whole thing and stressing them out. It's not necessary especially since u already have a filter and live plants.
Betta Everything
Betta Everything - 10 years ago
I'm giving them 5 gallons for christmas.
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+Betta Everything Then stop doing 100 percent water changes!! it isn't needed and you are only stressing out the fish!
Betta Everything
Betta Everything - 10 years ago
Yes I do...
1. Get a 2.5 gallon or up tank. (Long term 5 gallons +) Im getting a divided 33 gallon for christmas, and I have a 20 gallon now.
*I do use live plants.
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+Betta Everything If u had a filter or live plants u won't have to do that. You clearly know nothing about the basics of having a stable and long term established aquarium
Betta Everything
Betta Everything - 10 years ago
Its better if you change the water full in a small tank. Clearly you know nothing about bettas. Yes, the tank is a little small but he is changing it a lot.
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
Not just that, it's so stressful for the fish whenever she cleans it when she doesn't even have to if she set it up properly :)
Pamela Sanchez
Pamela Sanchez - 11 years ago
Stephanie Martinez you can use a cup to get him
Stephanie Martinez
Stephanie Martinez - 11 years ago
What if we dont have that thing to capture the fish??
ryan seel
ryan seel - 11 years ago
Bettas need more space, at LEAST 3.5 gallons, but five, and even ten gallons, is ideal. You also need a filter and silk/soft plants! Your betta may have looked good in that tank, but he was probably not at all happy. I know he's dead now, but if you ever get other bettas please research and make them happy :)
Betta Everything
Betta Everything - 10 years ago
Actually, a 2.5 is fine. Its best 5 gallons and up. But, if you have more than 3 bettas, get 2.5 gallons. Are you going to get 3+ 10 gallons? NO!
Victoria Beasley
Victoria Beasley - 10 years ago
+mikedoles I'm not saying how breeders keep them. I'm saying that in order to make sure that the betta is happy and healthy AT LEAST 2.5 gallons is what you should do. Smaller is not better for these guys. They build up ammonia pretty quick. In a tank like the video, you would need to be doing daily water changes to keep the ammonia down. In a 2.5 or larger tank, you can create a cycle in the filter and cut back on water changes. Bigger setups are easier to take care of. Just by doing proper research and talking to a few breeders, you will learn that what I have said is truth. Why would I make something up about fish I love?
mikedoles - 10 years ago
+Victoria Beasley haha have you seen how breeders keep them? you just made that up. what you said about heating a small tank is correct though.
Victoria Beasley
Victoria Beasley - 10 years ago
+Mario Santos Actually bettas need 2.5 gallons or more Not less. You need to be able to properly heat the water to 76-80 degrees, and filter it. Petco/Petsmart is a store not an expert. They just want to make the sale, not care about the health of the animal. You can easily find betta breeders who will back up my information.
Mario  Santos
Mario Santos - 10 years ago
+mikedoles no just the tank i had to buy the rest like the heater and stuff
mikedoles - 10 years ago
+Mario Santos is that the one that comes with a little sponge filter?
Mario  Santos
Mario Santos - 10 years ago
+mikedoles i just see the info about the betta but yeah they are expensive so i just bought the 2.5 gallon for $15 and it works just fine
mikedoles - 10 years ago
+Mario Santos that nat geo stuff is really nice but its soooo expensive huh
Mario  Santos
Mario Santos - 10 years ago
+Wilfred Marshall if you go to the petsmart national geography section and you click on the betta section it will say to get a 5 gallon and smaller so yeah they actually work with actual experts and scientists so dont go to conclusions
Victoria Beasley
Victoria Beasley - 10 years ago
+minecrafter242 females can be aggressive too. It depends on the personality of the individual fish. And yes, fish have personalities. Shrimp and corydoras are the best tank mates for bettas.
JackoC - 10 years ago
You can have bettas in big tanks with community fish that aren't bright, colorful an have long flowing ins like guppies. Bettas want to be the prettiest fish in the tank so they will fight other fish as an example guppies. Females need a sorority and are good for community tanks as Rey don't fight it's just the males.
Dipurr Fur
Dipurr Fur - 10 years ago
+Wilfred Marshall And what makes you the Siamese Fighting Fish professional? 
mikedoles - 10 years ago
+Stacia Hill note to self, do not take pet to wilfreds moms vet clinic
melancholy.rationalism - 11 years ago
+Yadira Rodriguez  my mom works as a vet....
Yadira Rodriguez
Yadira Rodriguez - 11 years ago
How are you so fucking, sure she didn't change his tank? Seriously what the hell
melancholy.rationalism - 11 years ago
they need space like 20 GALLON tank not 10. 10 is still small.
ryan seel
ryan seel - 11 years ago
I forgot a heater. It is recommended that you get a heater, but it's fine as long as the water temp stayse between 72 degrees and 82 degrees. :)
Madi P
Madi P - 11 years ago
I use vinegar instead of soap and use toothbrush on inside of tank.
AngelFTW - 11 years ago
cant u use the tooth brush to clean the inside?
Trines Nails
Trines Nails - 11 years ago
No fish should live I'm a bowl!! Get it right,,
Terri Gordon
Terri Gordon - 11 years ago
Does anyone know the brand or name of that aquarium is? I'm interested in knowing if there are larger sizes available with this type of top and base.
Terri Gordon
Terri Gordon - 10 years ago
+Terri Gordon found it. Look under the Seven Seas Quarium site. Unfortunately there isn't a larger version. Was hoping for a 3 gallon minimum.
Terri Gordon
Terri Gordon - 10 years ago
+candini Thanks for the info. Do you know the manufacturer?
Giani - 10 years ago
Its a Bettacube and has been discontinued. Still looking though.
Mr. Midnight
Mr. Midnight - 11 years ago
What's the point of the stainer
Dipurr Fur
Dipurr Fur - 10 years ago
Maybe, to keep them from scratching up the bottom of the sink? My parents are picky on things like that.
Jero Digaoan
Jero Digaoan - 11 years ago
ya..if those rocks are that big. maybe for gravel I would understand the use of trainer.
geminipinay - 11 years ago
Curious, you put the cup in the bowl to get water but not to scoop the fish in but you put the fish in a net (and more work) which causes stress and might get his fins to get tangled. I learned a long time ago bettas are not your typical fish, you should take better care of them.
Vanessa R
Vanessa R - 10 years ago
I was telling myself the exact same put it back in the tank too..wouldn't it be alot more logic to just pour him in directly from the the cup in the tank...
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
So true
Yadira Rodriguez
Yadira Rodriguez - 11 years ago
Jeffrey Paul Bobrick
Jeffrey Paul Bobrick - 11 years ago
Obviously you loved Delmar very much. <3 I'm sure he was very happy with you. You gave him a wonderful home. Maybe it wasn't 100% perfect, but it was definitely good enough. :) You did a great job! Wow, he lived a good life span, a happy life, and he was loved and treasured. Thank you for this video and for sharing your lovely fish Delmar and your love of Bettas! xo By the way, I love my Betta too. His name is Rufus. :)
Betta Lover
Betta Lover - 11 years ago
You should keep a plastic plant in there and use gravel instead of rocks
HorseGirl256 - 11 years ago
I use my fingers to check the temperature too!
Andrea Rodriguez
Andrea Rodriguez - 10 years ago
Me 2
Vortex Oblivion
Vortex Oblivion - 11 years ago
You're just a bad person. It's bad enough that you don't know anything about keeping fish but you have to share it. 
Heather - 11 years ago
Because they have a different gill structure! Oh god no! It's because they have an organ which means they can have oxygen as well
Michalis .Michael
Michalis .Michael - 11 years ago
bettas can live in bowls, exactly but they dont have to, humans can live in a prison cell but its not the best place to be its actually the worst same with fish, they have no space to swim in bowls, so its like you are torturing them...
Michalis .Michael
Michalis .Michael - 11 years ago
1) Never keep bettas in bowls 2) dont scrab the pebbles some bacteria may be formed, may be few but still, it is better. 3) use water conditioner
MMODoubter - 11 years ago
The smaller the water volume, the more you need proper filtration. No one keeps their house at 80 degrees. Even if they did, a draft could chill the tank. All tropicals need a heater.
MMODoubter - 11 years ago
This is not right. I know you mean well, but this is wrong, and people should not copy what you do here.
emily lynn
emily lynn - 11 years ago
No offence but your tank is a lil boring btw I didn't mean not affected
emily lynn
emily lynn - 11 years ago
No affected
R3M0RS3.V2 - 11 years ago
tap water is better for the fish because the spring water absorbs to much important stuff in the water
Isaac Devathala
Isaac Devathala - 11 years ago
I have a betta fish but when I was cleaning the tank to fish jumped and fell on the flor and my dad picked it and put it back in its tank
Horseluver 0123
Horseluver 0123 - 11 years ago
I agree we are not perfect!
Zombie Kittie
Zombie Kittie - 11 years ago
You should get smaller rocks like the rainbow kind like if the beta is itchy it can go under the rocks to help him scratch but with your rocks there to smooth other than that good video
ratty potter
ratty potter - 11 years ago
I want one of those thermometers that look like fingers...they are so a curated
sharetta falcon
sharetta falcon - 11 years ago
gud job lil mamma!
meredith’s corner
meredith’s corner - 11 years ago
Umm... What do u do if u have small rocks???
Zombiedeth163 - 11 years ago
Spank you and no that is not a spelling error
Jack Bowes
Jack Bowes - 11 years ago
Thank you it helped me a lot
Nathan Boctor
Nathan Boctor - 11 years ago
Not big enough
krissy bear
krissy bear - 11 years ago
I just cleaned my tank and it didn't take me that long and waste water ...
raees shaikh
raees shaikh - 11 years ago
u dont have 2 clean that much it waste of time & u loss the good things that u r water tank get
Erick af
Erick af - 11 years ago
Wow you waste a lot of water!
Indynika J
Indynika J - 11 years ago
It's very good to use a catappa leaf for bettas, especially for non-cycled tank.
The code of our matrix
The code of our matrix - 11 years ago
Olivia VD
Olivia VD - 11 years ago
Rookiesteam - 11 years ago
well nice job over there !! but.... don´t clean your tank with paper towel if it´s made out of acrilic, for sure you´ll scratch it.. in fact, use micro fiber towels, even for glass tanks, they work better... I´m telling you this because it happens to me....... nice video tutorial.
Erick af
Erick af - 11 years ago
Betta fish live longer and grow slower without a heater. With a heater they grow fast and have a short life idiot.
MrUlug89 - 11 years ago
you didn't wash the fish
ald0339 - 11 years ago
Sorry but Jesus, what kind of tank is that? Get an aqaurium you stupid cow
Ramla Hussein
Ramla Hussein - 11 years ago
I really love your tank, do you know where I can get one from??
Ethan Cappasola
Ethan Cappasola - 11 years ago
I really like the tank and the wood rims. Great vid!
ChefRollout - 11 years ago
R.I.P Delmar :(
Rebekah Gibbs
Rebekah Gibbs - 11 years ago
You are right what a responsible young lady!!
Sophie Gibson
Sophie Gibson - 11 years ago
Great video and I love ur fish
Grant l
Grant l - 11 years ago
why are these ppl talking shit?? she did nothing bad
Franmomm Momm
Franmomm Momm - 11 years ago
I have filters in all my Betta tanks, they are 2 to 3 gallons each. It keeps it much cleaner.
Franmomm Momm
Franmomm Momm - 11 years ago
I don't use large stones because the fish can get wedged in them, small gravel is better.
Trustthapo - 11 years ago
You can keep a dog alive in a crate for years, can you not? I mean, hey, as long as it isn't filled with waste and the thing gets food and water!
Trustthapo - 11 years ago
Yes, she can do a full water change, but it isn't necessary on a large aquarium and can actually be counter productive to keeping the tank clean and healthy. Wasn't trying to come off as rude. If she doesn't want a reply, don't post stuff on what is essentially a public forum :3
Peggy Tan
Peggy Tan - 11 years ago
not at the expense of another life... :( It's better to keep some of the old water to build good bacteria that balance the water for the fish.
Lincoln Kush
Lincoln Kush - 11 years ago
this fish still alive? if so, then nuff said
Desaint Yvon
Desaint Yvon - 11 years ago
you did great and i learned alot, thanx.
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
you said clean it not steralize it
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
you said clean it not steralize it
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
they dont need a filter u dont know anything about bettas
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
they dont need a filter u dont know anything about bettas
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
they dont need a filter u dont know anything about bettas
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
hey u didnt say we were going to need a sink
connolan1 - 11 years ago
also your fingers aren't a good thermometer
connolan1 - 11 years ago
they still need a filter and how big is that tank
Jorge _ gecko
Jorge _ gecko - 11 years ago
You don't have a heater , me neither so you use room temp water ?
Stormrage123 - 11 years ago
lol what kind of tank is that? looks like something you would drink lemonade out of. those rocks are also huge!!
TheRetiredtrucker - 11 years ago
Thats normal... look into getting some real plants tho, not expensive . Java fern, hornwort or a few other floating plants. Makes the tank look better and adsorbs ammonia, nitrites and nitrates (the bad chemical wastes in the water)
Fleefles - 11 years ago
I don't see anyone having a fit. If they are, they're probably just fed up with people who have no clue what they're doing putting up instructional videos. Imagine if this was a video of someone showing you how to feed your dog, and they were giving it chocolate. It's obvious neither the parent nor child care about promoting practices that will kill fish, as they have not taken the video down.
Ilayda Demirtas
Ilayda Demirtas - 11 years ago
The tank wasnt even that dirty.and btw u shouldnt cleand the tank every 1 week.its needs the bacteria to live...
Katie Beuning
Katie Beuning - 11 years ago
If she wants to do a full water change she can do a full water change. leave her alone!
8happybunny - 11 years ago
Betta's like some of their old water in the bowl, empty about 50% of the old water and add the new water.
alozoya2010 - 11 years ago
You did good but you should put some decorations a least a plant
Izzie Wilkinson
Izzie Wilkinson - 11 years ago
I would reccomend a silk plant in that tank it would look awesome and it would give the betta something to do
Minyu Chai
Minyu Chai - 11 years ago
Use a cup to catch bettas. They will get velvet from being netted too much.
Casey A.
Casey A. - 11 years ago
leave the girl alone i want to see you post a video about fish and do everything right you sir are an ass
Casey A.
Casey A. - 11 years ago
but i liked the video
Casey A.
Casey A. - 11 years ago
you should leave some water in the tank so you dont get cloudy water for a week
fishcareforfish - 11 years ago
You are a very rude person. All you probably do all day is sit here and watch fish care videos!
yumyum215 - 11 years ago
For all you people having a fit .. you do realize she is a child.... it doesn't make you seem any smarter by being mean about how she is cleaning the tank. If you have information about cleaning a tank properly share it but don't try to make her feel bad in the process.. jerks.
Trustthapo - 11 years ago
Haha, I hope she wasn't, because THAT would be a pain. I honestly don't get why people never read about taking care of an aquarium before they actually get one. Life would be so much easier.
NiGhTmaReoFanGels12 - 11 years ago
bubbles appear after you first time put fresh tap water into the new bowl and fish tank. it should go away in few days the warmer water temperature will make bubbles to go away faster. there is some bubbles in my 5 gallon new betta tank too because i only set the new tank for fish less cycle yesterday.
trubeayouty - 11 years ago
Omg... u didn't save the old water???!!!! U only take out half the water and put half fresh in to do a water change... seriously, u suck at fish!! We are all dumber for having watched this!!!
trubeayouty - 11 years ago
Omg... u are removing the entire eco system of the fish!!! What are you doing?? The tank needs to cycle to get the nitrates and ammonia levels to become livable conditions and not stress the fish!!! ... u never want to fully remove anything and scrub it, Di your homework first!!!
Quinn Kennon
Quinn Kennon - 11 years ago
Hey! I recently got a betta fish and after putting him in his bowl at first (I used conditioner with filtered water) I noticed various smal bubbles forming on the walls and on his fake plant. Is this ok?
Convantol - 11 years ago
Change titel too: How NOT to clean a betta tank.
king kobra
king kobra - 11 years ago
hey can you plz tell me where did you get that kind of tank at or under what name can i look it up thank you
RisaTheeLizardGirl - 11 years ago
Doing full water changes isn't good for them. They need some of the bacteria. They can live for 4 years or more if taken care of right. I have two now and have had them all my life. My oldest was almost 10 when he passed. Even when using spring water you should use a water treatment. To limit stress they should also have a plant to hide behind or in. Also watch the small little rocks in the new betta kits/tanks some are so small fish can swallow them well picking at the bottom. Hope this helps:)
AWompnAndAWoopn - 11 years ago
The more you chase that betta and touch it the more of its slime coat you take off, leading to infections and whatnot. cleaning the inside and rinsing it out and cleaning the rocks is wrong. there are good things that grow in them that the betta needs and produces itself. Its a whole small eco system you dont understand or you wouldnt be killing it. Ppl are fussing because stupid people think they know what they are doing. It takes 10 minutes to look up how to care for a betta online. Get smart?
Elizabeth Grace
Elizabeth Grace - 11 years ago
True, but perhaps she was doing a full water change?
Trustthapo - 11 years ago
OP isn't doing this correctly... at all. You should never have to remove the fish to clean the tank. For an aquarium, just siphon about 1/4 of the water into a bucket with a gravel siphon, dump it out, fill the bucket with fresh water, add dechlorinator, and add it to the tank. Fish also need plants and decor to feel secure. Buy an aquarium scrubber and scrub off the algae before you change the water.
Jenn Lyn
Jenn Lyn - 11 years ago
that seemed.... way easier than how i clean my tank. >_> it's because my parents were like, 'let's get the fancy one with all the led lights and bubbles and crap!' and i'm like, 'that is going to be a pain to clean.' and it is. -_- i shall try persuading them to take out all the crap in there. you don't use a filter?
Eternal Skyy Costumes
Eternal Skyy Costumes - 11 years ago
Upgrade your tank and get a heater. Bettafish (dot) com will help you
Eternal Skyy Costumes
Eternal Skyy Costumes - 11 years ago
Please research betta care on google...
Eternal Skyy Costumes
Eternal Skyy Costumes - 11 years ago
just dont use a bowl. research betta fish needs on google before deciding on a bowl without a filter and heater :)
Eternal Skyy Costumes
Eternal Skyy Costumes - 11 years ago
What's wrong with a bowl?.... Betta fish are tropical fish, much like the other tropical fish at the store which require heaters. Also betta require 2.5+ gallons of water, preferably 5-10 gallons because their living environment isn't small puddies, they're 120-1,000 gallons of water. In dry season they jump puddy to puddy in search of larger bodies of water, that's not how they should live. Betta live up to 7 years on larger tanks with filters and heaters and only 1-4 years in a bowl unhappily.
DnileCosplayer - 11 years ago
This is really late, but Bettas have different personalities and temperaments. Some will be fine with lots of fish, some will kill everything in sight. You just have to watch your fish and be prepared if you have to separate them.
beth marshall
beth marshall - 11 years ago
whats wrong with the bowl
medvezonjak - 11 years ago
Never use rocks in a bowl or Aqs. without filters. Fish food will fall between/under rocks and make your water dirty fast.
Saba Ahmad
Saba Ahmad - 11 years ago
were did your get spring water
Jebaited - 12 years ago
es mejor asi ya que aveses estas plantas son lugares para hongos saludos es solo una opinion ok
abraham diaz rodriguez
abraham diaz rodriguez - 12 years ago
que orror ni plantas tiene pobre pez
Sabrina PiemontLovesHorses
Sabrina PiemontLovesHorses - 12 years ago
Best cleaning video ive seen yet! :) great job don't listen to the rude comments u did just fine this is how i do mine now thanks!
3ggt3 - 12 years ago
I use another method. I pour hot (not boiling) tap water mixed really well with regular table salt into my tank and leave the rocks inside. After scrubbing around the tank with the hot salt water I empty out the water and the rocks. I leave the salty rocks to dry (this kills all the bacteria) as I rinse the salt water out of the tank. I rinse the rocks one final time and put them in and add clean drinking water.
Shannon Doherty
Shannon Doherty - 12 years ago
you can boil them too ^-^ it much easier it cleans all bacteria off
Alxyandell - 12 years ago
you did a great job cleaning the tank however i would have to disagree with your statement that bettas are happiest in a 1 gallon, i thin a 5 is much better for them but thats my opinion however that being said your betta looks great! maybe think about getting a plant (live or fake your choice) so your handsome man has a place to hide and sleep.
Curley Cues
Curley Cues - 12 years ago
what was that drip thing you put into the water?
Curley Cues
Curley Cues - 12 years ago
its to get all of the dirt out of it that the water did not pick up. :)
Death Grips
Death Grips - 12 years ago
he was joking
Death Grips
Death Grips - 12 years ago
;_; So stressfull for betta and so retarded
Death Grips
Death Grips - 12 years ago
how to clean a betta bowl, step one, don't have a bowl!
Joyce Seifert
Joyce Seifert - 12 years ago
betta's cant have gravel
Sergio Flores  Gargoles
Sergio Flores Gargoles - 12 years ago
Exacto . Yo mantengo el agua vieja en mi pecera y mi betta tiene ya bastante tiempo conmigo , y ademas este hace nidos de burbujas en la superficie :)
susan stambaugh
susan stambaugh - 12 years ago
Did you test the pH and hardness of the water? You should also get a bigger tank.
susan stambaugh
susan stambaugh - 12 years ago
No no no little girl, you obviously haven't done your homework. I have killed so many bettas doing exactly what you're doing. You have to save the old water. It has important biological properties in it because otherwise, the betta will go into shock and eventually wither away and die. You have to save 3/4 of the old water, retreat it (i.e., Correct pH, water conditioner you should not completely clean the rocks or decorations and use a vacuum filter to rid the old water of wastes and food.
Interesting Television
Interesting Television - 12 years ago
no, its a dog.
Ashley - 12 years ago
Why do we dry our glasses if we put liquid in it?
Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat - 12 years ago
I like to float the small cup in that larger bowl for an hour just in case there are any differences in temperature, it acclimates the betta a little safer, but great video!
Jazz Tropiques
Jazz Tropiques - 12 years ago
i have gravel instead of big rocks do i still scrub it .
mzdream11 - 12 years ago
Where did you get your little tank? I love it, but can't find one like it online.
Blaize LeMay
Blaize LeMay - 12 years ago
stupid video idiot
Astrid Gootner
Astrid Gootner - 12 years ago
I love your tank, the rocks really complement the tank.
EVERYTHINGIRL88 - 12 years ago
This is great!
hailey parrott
hailey parrott - 12 years ago
i think your fish is healthy and u should make more vids on how to ste up a betta tank or stuff like im requesting it
j e s s i c a
j e s s i c a - 12 years ago
if i have a 2 gallon tank should i empty half the water? cuz thats what ive been hearing and if i have gravel do i need to use those pumps or do i just let them sit in hot water???
fishcareforfish - 12 years ago
I just made a channel and it has to do with fish care! Can you please give me a hand to help me get this noticed? Please like this so people can see it. Also check out my channel=)! Thanks!
mstenorsaxplayer - 12 years ago
Awesome. I started letting the water age a bit. The water looks a lot better haha. Thanks. I love my betta. His name is Lil Sano. :)
Aaron Lewis
Aaron Lewis - 12 years ago
Good vid!! :d
idk no
idk no - 12 years ago
How to kill a betta fish. Everything you do you say its because i heard well news flash, dont believe everything you hear, cuz u dont know one thing about them. And yes i did learn something. You shouldnt be a betta owner.
aaron charles
aaron charles - 12 years ago
thats a nice tank.
daleandstephanie - 12 years ago
I brought the gallon jug. It's spring water also. When you refill the jugs then you add water conditioner you will start to notice little bubbles around the sides. I usually let it sit out to get room temperature and so the bubbles go away. Also I think that it's good that you rescued your betta! Good luck
mstenorsaxplayer - 12 years ago
Well, your betta looks healthy. I don't see why everyone else is fussing. I noticed you had a gallon jug of water. Did you buy that or do just fill up the same jug? I am asking because I heard that you have to let the water set (something about a nitrite cycle) for like a day or the gas bubbles will start to form and could hurt the fish. I am a new betta owner so I am not so sure about how well my betta is. I rescued him about 5 months ago. He looks better than he did with his previous owner.
Joaquin Arango
Joaquin Arango - 12 years ago
Joaquin Arango
Joaquin Arango - 12 years ago
Ian Anderson
Ian Anderson - 12 years ago
Nice video, but you should but him in a bigger tank.
Thor - 12 years ago
When you fill the tank back up you can simply put the cup (with the fish in it) in to the bowl and leave it floating for 15 minutes, you then don’t need to drop the water from the cup in the sink, just empty the cup in the tank after 15 minutes.
Thor - 12 years ago
I see that you dip your finger in the tank and the other finger in the cup and say “Yepp, that’s the same temperature” it would be the same as I was watching TV form another country and by touching the screen I could guess what temperature they have there , you see what I mean ?
Thor - 12 years ago
That’s why you should just put the cup with the fish in it floating in the tank for 15 minutes, the water in the cup will be the same as in the tank Please don’t take this the wrong way, this is just a helpful tip and you should try to learn from others.
DerivedVertebrate - 12 years ago
if you can't afford an animal's housing, don't buy the animal. that is all. It's not stupid, in maintains the cycled nature of the tank, this is important because it converts ammonia into nitrate. ammonia is much more toxic and will stress the fish much more quickly. It takes no extra money to do several small changes instead of one big one.
DerivedVertebrate - 12 years ago
bettas take in air and generally some airspace is left for them in the tank so they can breathe properly. They are one kind of fish that can actually drown without the air. It's one of the reasons that they are so hardy, because they can get air even when the tank is starting to fill with ammonia/nitrite/nitrate that can inhibit normal respiration.
DerivedVertebrate - 12 years ago
I give grown men fish advice most days of the week. I agree there shouldn't be shouting, but assuming she doesn't want to learn and be better is wrong. I think it would be more troubling for her if she didn't know why her likes/dislikes are almost equal.
DerivedVertebrate - 12 years ago
glad that made you feel better.
DerivedVertebrate - 12 years ago
should still be able to get enough bacteria to change the ammonia into, less toxic, nitrate. 5gal is preferable really.
DerivedVertebrate - 12 years ago
a ten gallon should be good for a goldfish, and good for a beginning aquarist. I understand that you want to rescue one, but please think about buying a healthy one from a local fish store that treats them well. when you buy from a bad place, they are encouraged to order more fish and to treat them just as bad. i know you want to save them, but in the long-run, more lives will be saved if you boycott the bad places and they stop carrying fish. feel free to ask more Qs
DerivedVertebrate - 12 years ago
are you trying to insult people for knowing more about fish care? lols. We're watching it like one would watch a train-wreck, it's awful but you can't look away. And you can't help but try to help afterwards... maybe this can be avoided again... maybe just maybe there's hope in humanity... but I won't hold my breath for you.
DerivedVertebrate - 12 years ago
they will only live 1-2 years in a bowl. They tend to live longer in actual aquariums. mollies are not good tank mates for bettas, anything with bright finnage will end up in a fight. this is the norm, i'm not saying they can't live longer in a bowl, and many people are trying to justify poor care with how long it lives, but in general, better care, more room, happier fish, longer lifespan.
DerivedVertebrate - 12 years ago
If you clean it more frequently, it won't be dirty. And new water is very harsh to the betta (liken it to trying to take a deep breath in really cold air), percentage changes drastically reduce the stress to the fish. When you overclean and overchange water, the beneficial bacteria cannot establish: your fish gets to sit in ammonia instead of nitrate, which is very much more toxic.
DerivedVertebrate - 12 years ago
too much current can be unhealthy. That said, they still benefit greatly from filters, it is VERY healthy to have a a biological filter going. For bettas, I recommend plain simple sponge filters. it is impossible for them to get sucked up by them. Also, how on earth do you think fishtanks survive if you think fish get sucked up all the time? o___O
DerivedVertebrate - 12 years ago
yeah, so.. you really should never be rinsing anything in tap water for your aquarium, especially you should never be scrubbing substrate to that degree. You're destroying all the beneficial bacteria and effectively condemning your fish to live in an uncycled tank his whole life long. Just because he's alive doesn't mean he is well, bettas are crazy-hardy. He should also, at the very least, have a heater and an airstone. Please research the nitrogen cycle. Bettas are hardy, but not invincible.
Jessica Powell
Jessica Powell - 12 years ago
you should empty out only a little bit less hen half of the water, not all of it. also you should get a sword plant or a betta bed leaf for him an a small heater an a temp stick, bettas are tropical fish and they should have there water around 80deg.
Matt .B
Matt .B - 12 years ago
Where did you get you get your betta bowl/tank?
may2001gitls - 12 years ago
DollyDisaster124 - 12 years ago
Well thats not really a bowl its more like a tank
DollyDisaster124 - 12 years ago
How this is how i do mine how would you do it then?
SUNITA NAIR - 12 years ago
thank you!
ReviewCam - 12 years ago
I've seen countless videos like this, people saying they gotten larger tanks and heaters but few ever post videos of the new and improved tanks (no offense and my apology if you have). It's not about the cost of the fish but its quality of life, and a glass tank is as easy to clean as a 1/2 gallon. Remove a couple of cups of water, carry it to the sink and viola--cleaning a 2.5 is just as easy. This isn't directed at you, but others who feel a 1/2 g should be a perm tank/hospital tank
ZazuLover zazu
ZazuLover zazu - 12 years ago
Its unhelthy for a betta fish to have a filter I forget why but I know that if they get sucked in it would kill them because any fish would do the same.
ZazuLover zazu
ZazuLover zazu - 12 years ago
I have a 5 gallon tank so its going to take a while to clean mine but im not going to use this methode because this is how you kill a betta fish with water tempature change. I bet hers already died by now.
ZazuLover zazu
ZazuLover zazu - 12 years ago
so your just basicaly putting the fish in its durty water and then cleaning it and then pouring the dirty water back in the clean water! No no no im not doing that im getting CLEAN water and pouring it back in clean water.
Nicholas Loehr
Nicholas Loehr - 12 years ago
This was a great video, it was a huge help, I think my poor fish was on the verge of dieing
Noemi Guerrero
Noemi Guerrero - 12 years ago
Bettas are not happy with 1 gallons, they need a tank at least 5 gallons.
TheBlackLotusKing - 12 years ago
I am trying not to be rude like everyone else. But bettas deserve to be in a tank of at least 5 gallons with a filter and heater (depending on your local climate). Also the tank needs to be cycled (I'm assuming you know about cycling by now). It also doesn't matter if the fish is 10 cents or 10 dollars give it the proper care it deserves and please be an educated and responsible pet owner before buying any kind of pet.
wingedproportion555 - 12 years ago
I have had my betta in a 10 gallon tank for two and a half years now. In this tank, there are four ghost shrimp, and three oto catfish. Putting a betta in any tank smaller then 5 gallons is cruel, they can do it in the wild because nature has prepared them this way. But many bettas you buy now do not come from the wild, they come from breeders, so all of these genes are lost a long time ago. Bettas do great with a lot of fish. Who told you they were good with mollys? Thats terrible!
Grayson Pratt
Grayson Pratt - 12 years ago
Why are u drying the inside if it just gonna get wet again?!
Chomies - 12 years ago
u need a plant
kari S
kari S - 12 years ago
ya i researched cuz im going to get betta fish and it said they cant live with other fishes but you could have women betta fishes leaving together that's what im going to do
musketerr12 - 12 years ago
get a 10 gallon tank at walmart they cost bout 30bucks :)
musketerr12 - 12 years ago
oh and almost forgot you can aslo get a pump type thing that will help you replace your water and clean gravel
musketerr12 - 12 years ago
get a 10 gallon kit at walmart they only cost 30bucks. petsmart has live plants for about1-3 can get treats and other food at petsmart also :] hope it helped
Linda Ben
Linda Ben - 12 years ago
Linda Ben
Linda Ben - 12 years ago
daleandstephanie - 12 years ago
For all of you commenting or watching this video I want you to know that I'm going to be buying an iMac 27 inch soon! I will hopefully be making more videos! Thanks
daleandstephanie - 12 years ago
Thanks!Does your have filters and all that good stuff?If not thats ok I won't get on your butt and tell you that your abusing it:)
Michael Vo-Chau
Michael Vo-Chau - 12 years ago
hey, i just wanna tell you i think you're doing fine. i mean my fish is in a 1/2 gallon tank, so i think you're a better owner and mines just for decor, so yea. good job:)
daleandstephanie - 12 years ago
Ok.I'll think about spending 100 bucks on a 3 or 4 dollar fish when they are just as healthy as being in a 2.5 gallon with a filter! All of my other betas like um maybe 6 all have 2.5 gallon aquariums with filters and heaters! The title of this is How to clean a betta bowl not I'm stupid and don't know how to care for bettas so I'm cheap and by a bowl no it not so stop giving me advice I already know!
Jazmin Cano
Jazmin Cano - 12 years ago
This is so sad. 1. Your tank is so small. 2. You need to give it a heater. 3. You need a filter or moss ball. 4.The poor fish should never be removed from the home. (If you insist on doing so, then at least hold the cup in the water for the betta to swim in it by itself. Imagine getting netted out of your home every other day. It's so stressful for them.
barbie94baby - 12 years ago
This is for everyone, who doesn't want to be stupid, and kill their fish slowly: Change 1/3 of the water, each week. DO NOT use napkins to clean, like the youtuber did. Do not wash in sink. Its filled with germs. Use a sponge that hasnt ever had chemicals on it. Bettas need about 25 degrees celsius to live happy. They need plants, a small circulation, and a heater. They need atleast a 21 liter tank, to be happy, and not die from stress because its too big for that kind of tank.
American.Tradgedy - 12 years ago
Theres not enuf space for him to go crazy
American.Tradgedy - 12 years ago
ur betta diserves better
Orangematz - 12 years ago
It seems as if you might still need help. I'm a Goldfish and Betta expert and enthusiast. If you have any questions and don't know where to go, just email me at Don't rescue a fish, you're paying them to torture more fish. And 10 Gallons is still too small. It'll be good to keep them temporarily, though. FOr more information, email me.
Orangematz - 12 years ago
You're basically saying "You are doing a good job killing your fish, don't listen to the people who actually know what is better for your fish."
Drew Sizemore
Drew Sizemore - 12 years ago
Why are people watching this video if the don't want to learn how to clean a betta bowl??!! LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! QUIT HATING!!! FISH NERDS
Drew Sizemore
Drew Sizemore - 12 years ago
nice lol
Bella - 12 years ago
every1 calm down nd shush she is trying her best with this video jesus!!!!
MrBettafishy - 12 years ago
who cares, spring water is free
dbissanthe - 12 years ago
yea a gallon of water is a waste especially if you have the water conditioner which basically makes tap water about the same as the spring water for the fish maybe even better since some helps the coat etc.
thetreepuncher - 12 years ago
Good job don't listen to these people
darmstrong - 12 years ago
On ur battle... x)
Sheep Cow
Sheep Cow - 12 years ago
Good thing she put paper towel down first so the sink doesn't get wet.
Emma novisybjs
Emma novisybjs - 12 years ago
i think betta are happiest in 1 gal. bowls or tanks cuz' they hate to much space
eiuray - 12 years ago
Technically, with such a small bowl, a 100% water change is probably needed, even with a beta. Its not good for the fish, but neither is high ammonia levels.
idk no
idk no - 12 years ago
oh good! i wanna own a goldfish, but i need info on how. any advice? i dont know what kind. i wanna rescue one from walmart. im going to pick the sickest one and nurse it back to health :) if it dies, it will die happy. is a 10 gallon tank big enough for it?? ( i saw a couple vids that had a goldfish in a 10 gallon.) or should i get the birob? any info would help. should i get one or two? i saw a vid that had only one goldfish. i know they cant live in bowls bc they grow. thx!
Renee Nielson
Renee Nielson - 12 years ago
dont u drain the water but not all of it so your fish can still swim and then add new water? and clean the plants and rocks? i had gold fish.
Emma novisybjs
Emma novisybjs - 12 years ago
why are you cleaning a fish bowl like that? #1 you should get a bigger bowl #2 Dont squish the fish when you put it in the net #3 NO HOT WATER
Fernando Hernandez
Fernando Hernandez - 12 years ago
That's not how you clean it your supposed to change the water every week with spring water
joe jiang
joe jiang - 12 years ago
that is not at all how you clean your tank or care for your betta. your supposed to only change 10 or 20 percent of water a week!!!!! and why do you keep your betta in such a small tank? they need at least a 5 gallon tank. but hey, at least it's not living in that small cup.
Emily - 12 years ago
alrighty thanks
idk no
idk no - 12 years ago
yea thats correct [ i dont know who would use a used toothbrush for a betta tank cleaning] but yea u clean your tank correctly
Emily - 12 years ago
oh ok i let mine sit overnight so.. im good some people were sayin the toothbrush was bad but i use a toothbrush that is only used for that purpose-to clean my betta tank
idk no
idk no - 12 years ago
well it seems shes doing it correctly but ppl just dont like he rtank bc it has no filter and its too small and she should of let the tank adjust to room tempurture and let the water condition sit
Emma novisybjs
Emma novisybjs - 12 years ago
what is so bad of how she clean or what she do i dont understand why no one like this
Jessica C
Jessica C - 12 years ago
mine to! lol cool
Emma novisybjs
Emma novisybjs - 12 years ago
Soory for everything i said before, anyways YOU PEOPLES ARE SO STUIPID GET A CLUE, SHE IS DOING THIS JUST FOR US SO Be HAppy:0
Emma novisybjs
Emma novisybjs - 12 years ago
Sorry it is NOT GOOD
Emma novisybjs
Emma novisybjs - 12 years ago
its now good cuz' she dosent have a good bowl it needs decor and dont use a tooth brush it usually has chemicals
Emily - 12 years ago
can somebody tell me why this is a bad way to clean the tank because i do something like this and i care about my betta and dont want him to be harmed or possibly killed i have a 1.5 gal tank and he seems happy and healthy
pepsiismyme - 12 years ago
My fish lives in a bowl, is very active, and is perfectly healthy. She likes to play with the little statues.
idk no
idk no - 12 years ago
your not cool
Emma novisybjs
Emma novisybjs - 12 years ago
No offence but you could be a fish killer PEOPLE DONT DO THIS BECAUSE THIS IS NOT HOW TO CLEAN YOUR TANK 3 reasons why: 1:Way too small of a bowl 2:dont clean like that 3:and also have de'cor cuz it needs to play with something
Jessica C
Jessica C - 12 years ago
i was talking to the girl who is in the video
idk no
idk no - 12 years ago
And lastly, i had my fish in a tiny bowl for a week as a temporary home and then upgraded. i hope she does the same.
idk no
idk no - 12 years ago
dont assume ppl dont love their pets. i love my fish. although ppl say its silly, iam attached to him. thats love. i think they are more mad about how the tank has not decor. the fish can die bc of that. no where to hide it can become depressed. what is that poor fish supposed to do all day?! we are not mad about how she cleans the tank< just the tank itself. and gusse what? my fish isnt spoiled rotten.
idk no
idk no - 12 years ago
no, we dont spoil our fishes rotten. we just give them the best life they can have. no i dont have a 50 gallon tank. i have a 2 gallon, which is fine for bettas. i give my betta alot of love. he is also happy. u dont get a right to assume. haters just want whats best for the fish. of course u argree with her bc thats how u clean the tank. i agree thats how clean my bettas tank[except it looks wayyy different and i have grael]
typalexandra - 12 years ago
nice video!
Coco Sara
Coco Sara - 12 years ago
This is also how I clean my tank and I had a betta that lived for three years he died recently :(
Jessica C
Jessica C - 12 years ago
This is exactly how i clean my betta's tank! :) don't listen to all those haters your fish is just fine and happy i bet your betta is happy to live in a 1 gallon tank and have lots of love and care! I bet all those haters have giant 50 gallon tanks for there betta's and spoil them rotten and don't get them alot love! Your doing a good job with your betta! He seems to be very healthy and happy thats all that matters! :D
glitsy mitsy
glitsy mitsy - 12 years ago
hey nice vid i dont wanna be mean but i slightly larger like 3 gallon is better
raymond chew
raymond chew - 12 years ago
eeeee like that also need dry later also getting wet
raymond chew
raymond chew - 12 years ago
yea she is a water waster......
raymond chew
raymond chew - 12 years ago
waste water.........
ryan henderson
ryan henderson - 12 years ago
You just change 10-15% of the water with a cup, bucket, etc. Gravel vacuums work great as well. I have 1 for my 2 10 gallon tanks with sand on the bottom. Only do 25%-like 30% every month. If they are halfmoon bettas you need to change some water daily.
ryan henderson
ryan henderson - 12 years ago
Hey. Don't listen to ppl leaving bad comments. Bettas can live in 1 gallon and be happy, but some may not. That's a great way to clean the bowl. That's what I did, until I felt that my bettas don't like the small bowls so they will soon be in 10 gallon tanks.
missalz786 - 12 years ago
I love your tank! Where did u get it? X
BACA - 12 years ago
All you stupid people on here leaving this young girl BAD comments should get a life!!! She is taking care of the fish the best she knows, and so far although maybe not "perfect" but the fish looks healthy and happy. All you people should be ashamed, bunch of bullies. Bet you wouldnt mess with a grown man in person, but a little girl on youtube is fair game. COWARDS
American.Tradgedy - 12 years ago
rhy64 - 12 years ago
that was way too much conditioner for the tank size, even if you used tap water, but good video glad you posted it up, thats why i pressed the like button ;)
rhy64 - 12 years ago
note if your using spring or distilled water then you only have to put a little less than half the recommended dose of water conditioner, water cond. is there to take away the chlorine and spring water doesnt have nearly as much chlorine and flourite as tap water, and its there to give the fish its natural slime, so i say a little less than half water conditioner is fine for your betta if you're to use the bottled water.
Amy Lea
Amy Lea - 12 years ago
Shes trying her best, may not of done everything perfect, but she means well.
Jake Gerardy
Jake Gerardy - 12 years ago
bottled water and spring water are oftenly heavily filtered. It will actually filter out the nutrients that the fish needs
Kaitlyn McKenzie
Kaitlyn McKenzie - 12 years ago
9:22 You can't just pour the water out like that. You need to pour the old water in with the new water so it can get used to the new water alot faster. :)
Chan Para Chibi
Chan Para Chibi - 12 years ago
whay did you dried ínide the bowl?? for what??
TheChefZack - 12 years ago
biology doctorate is needed to own fish? if you want to own a pet, know how to care for it. i have a culinary degree and know more about keeping fish than this girl. and, yes the finding nemo comment was clever. also, inability to spell infers ignorance, as does your post.
TheChefZack - 12 years ago
how to clean your way too small betta tank with no filtration or plants. step 1) scoop out and discard 16 oz water. step 2) refill cu[p and treat with dechlor or water conditioner. add to tank. step 3) get a bigger tank and stop torturing your fish.
jahz doit
jahz doit - 12 years ago
Read more about nitrogen cycle and remove this video dont follow this vid..
TE S - 12 years ago
She did fine, obviously her tank isn't cycled so it is in fact ok to do a 100%. If she didn't get rid of all that bacteria she could start a cycle without wanting to.
hunter mihailoff
hunter mihailoff - 12 years ago
Ohh, I wasnt aware it was hate on a person day. You guys must all have doctoretts in Biology. You guys are cool. Yes though, I did like the Finding Nemo one. It was very clever.
jj kn
jj kn - 12 years ago
u should just take a littel bit of water out evry outher day not take out the fish and clean out the whole tank first it stresses out the fish and secound it takes out all the good bacteria in ur tank
josh channel
josh channel - 12 years ago
Are u stupid u never pour away all the water because that has good bacteria in it and the same with the rocks wash them in aquarium water!!!!
StringOgre - 12 years ago
When you clean the tank do you remove the plants too ? Its very important :D
StringOgre - 12 years ago
StringOgre - 12 years ago
Is the fish dead yet ? :D
Aron Snaer
Aron Snaer - 12 years ago
never remove all off the old water
Erin Jones
Erin Jones - 12 years ago
for a tank this small u have to do a 100 percent water change at least twice a week. But u don't have to scrub of the rocks u can just empty the old water so that way some of the bacteria is still there. And you need a bigger tank at least 2.5 gallons
coolenaam - 12 years ago
i'm sorry kid, but you just haven't got a clue, have you? the only reason your fish is still alive is because bettas are strong fish.....poor little guy. this vid was ridiculous...for anyone watching: this is NOT how you keep a betta or clean it's tank!!!!
will deak
will deak - 12 years ago
Never have i seen such stupidity when it comes to cleaning, to stress a fish by netting him out is bad enough. Then to use a toothbrush put the icing on the cake. 10/10 for making me laugh. At your stupidity that is.
gwinnypiggylove - 12 years ago
so long good bacteria...
max andrade
max andrade - 12 years ago
this is the evil child of Finding Nemo
TheHARO801 - 12 years ago
ReviewCam - 12 years ago
If you completely change the water and clean all of the rocks etc. aren't you also killing off all of the beneficial bacteria? That would cause the ammonia is the tank to really go up.
fuzzypyro58 - 12 years ago
that is not how you change the water. or even move the betta in and out . im suprised its not dead.
SergioHimself 1
SergioHimself 1 - 12 years ago
Your Betta hates you...
Cobalt - 12 years ago
she used conditioner
daleandstephanie - 12 years ago
@Therizinosaurus123 I have added some plants:)
Herbivore King Therizinosaurus
Herbivore King Therizinosaurus - 12 years ago
think ya can add some small greenary
will deak
will deak - 12 years ago
And a stupid muppet betta owner.
Cobalt - 12 years ago
Why is there no lid?? It'll jump out and kill itself I guarantee it.
TheHaloChief117 - 12 years ago
Cool tank what was the name of it and how much did it cost?
ReviewCam - 12 years ago
Thank you for the advice:) I will do that, I wouldn't want to stress out the fish. I don't have a betta yet and have no clue on how to operate an aquarium, so I'm buying all of my supplies and doing research before I get the fish. Another question: I've noticed a lot of people don't fill the tank water to the brim of the tank. Is there a reason for this?
ThisIsMikesLife - 12 years ago
you could do that, however i choose to not add the extra stress of netting my bettas. I generally syphon the gravel in my tank, by the time i'm done, about 25-50 percent of the water is gone, i then fill up a bucket with clean water, add conditioner, and put it back onto the tank.
ReviewCam - 12 years ago
does that mean to only remove 20-50 percent of the water? can you just take the fish out, removed part of the tank water, clean it, add the conditioner and put the beta back in?
MrEmilsson - 12 years ago
Guys really this is way to small tank for this kind of fish. The siamese fighting fish aka Betta needs at least 30l tank, so ether get a bigger tank or smaller fish if you cant afford it you cant afford having the fish. Do not! change all the water( i noticed the small cup of water but this is still way to much) you should change from 25-50% weekly and not scrub the rocks. By cleaning to much you take away good bacteria to who helps in the fight against the bad bacteria. Those are facts!
joel carotto
joel carotto - 12 years ago
and a alge eater
joel carotto
joel carotto - 12 years ago
get a big air filter and some corrys
MegaTimebomb098 - 12 years ago
cool story bro.
ThisIsMikesLife - 12 years ago
Did i ever say that he needed a bigger tank? all that i said was that it is stressful to fish to completely cycle their water. and thats not an opinion thats a fact. i never said that he should go out and buy a bigger tank. did you even read my comment?
cupcakesrule22 - 12 years ago
honestly when u have a gallon of water or less its stupid to do a "20 to 50%" water change thts for larger tank n i get its beeeeettteeeeerrrrrrrrrrr for the fish but its really annoying when people say things like get a bigger tank or u need this this n this when mayb people dont have a couple hundred dollars laying around for a tank n u dont need a big tank for a new fish there not adults u usually buy them when there a few moths old so quit saying it
Super Mario
Super Mario - 12 years ago
Yup. I have the same ones, except mine are a bit smaller. Or maybe the rocks in the video just look bigger, I don't know lol. I used to have marbles in my tank and the rocks look so much better.
Super Mario
Super Mario - 12 years ago
You don't need a filter for small fish tanks where you can simply empty the tank once a week.
TheBettagurl - 12 years ago
Where did you get the rocks from? PEtsmart? I have a betta I wanna get rocks like that for...
ThisIsMikesLife - 12 years ago
you should only change 25-50% of the water per week, anymore than this is extremely stressful to your betta
Abigail McKee
Abigail McKee - 12 years ago
you need a bigger tank....he barely has room to swim =(
Denis Voltmann
Denis Voltmann - 12 years ago
OK. When you kill fish tell me OK? I have aqarium about 750 litres... but i started with betta fish. A filter? where is it?
Olga Amador
Olga Amador - 13 years ago
beautiful tank, I do the same, I also added a live plant, they seem to like it.
musicalpenguin39 - 13 years ago
How many gallons does your tank/bowl have? It's awesome!!! and what type of rocks are those? Those look like nice rocks to put in my tank, and last but not least, where did you get the bowl? Luv ur video by the way <3
Jordan Thomson
Jordan Thomson - 13 years ago
sadly my first betta i forgot the water conditioner R.I.P milo but now i remembered it and zues is a very happy betta!!!!!!!! the are brothers from the same breeder!!
daleandstephanie - 13 years ago
@122daddysbaby You have to get a strainer and rinse them out in warm water.No soap or detergent!
daleandstephanie - 13 years ago
@bittertongue96 It is really made of glass.=]
bittertongue96 - 13 years ago
judging by the that tank made of plastic?
John Declaro
John Declaro - 13 years ago
@EmM524 Nice name for the fish
Denis Voltmann
Denis Voltmann - 13 years ago
no scrub!!! Are you crazy?! it is all bad... or you are wanna kill your fish? 1.replace the little rocks 2. Replace 20% of water every week 3. Only one time in month replace 50% OR buy filter... 4.
Emma Rose
Emma Rose - 13 years ago
I Have Little Gravel Rocks How do i scrub them
playman22 - 13 years ago
are you crazy??? it's all bad!!!
Kyla R.
Kyla R. - 13 years ago
@Pop12646Okami I should, add, if the tank is not cycled, there is no beneficial bacteria in the rocks or the water. The bacteria is the cycle. Since small 1-2g tanks don't usually cycle, this method is better...ammonia is not good, as I would assume you know, it is poisonous to fish. So if small uncycled tanks are ammonia traps and you don't take all of the ammonia water out your fish will not be happy, and will likely be sick and stressed. See what I am saying?
Kyla R.
Kyla R. - 13 years ago
@Pop12646Okami What I am saying is, unless you cycle the tank you MUST do 100% water changes, and wash the entire tank. You are right, and 20% water changes are the way to go if your tank is cycled. Your tanks sound like they are. But if the tank is not cycled, a 20% water change isn’t going to remove the extreme ammonia that is produced, right?. You must cycle the tank, or change all of the water. I hope you don’t take this the wrong way (I am not trying to be mean), and this makes sense. -K
a - 13 years ago
btw there is no point in drying the have to put water in there anyway :)
Kyla R.
Kyla R. - 13 years ago
@Pop12646Okami Not with a smaller tank - in small tanks there is no proper cycle, the ammonia builds up to unsafe amounts if only 20% is done. With tanks less than 5 gallons this is the proper way to clean them. The reason you do 20% water changes is to maintain the cycle. There is no beneficial bacteria on the rocks. So since small tanks don't cycle, this method is actually better for the fish in small tanks - it keeps the tank clean and the fish happy if the water changes are done enough.
daleandstephanie - 13 years ago
I got my tank at PetSmart:)
TheiMotta - 13 years ago
I love your video, can u please tell me where did you get ur fish tank?:)
Kawaii Alpaca
Kawaii Alpaca - 13 years ago
Are you kidding me you did not even scrub all of the rock. reasons... 1.) you want to make the video shorter/ hurry 2.) you don't care if the rocks are clean 3.) you don't care if you washed them or not,you just want to make a video. 4.) you didn't want to waste lots of water.
Daniel Ponce Jimenez
Daniel Ponce Jimenez - 13 years ago
Hello from Spain !! I like a lot your fish tank ! thanks for you magnific video :)
Dark Angel
Dark Angel - 13 years ago
My Betta's are spoiled, I have 3 in a 10 gallon tank. (Don't worry there are tank dividers seperating them)
Math Can BE EASY
Math Can BE EASY - 13 years ago
i get scared to take my fish out because one time he fell :(
daleandstephanie - 13 years ago
What do you need to know?=]
oliversghost - 13 years ago
need some advice, okay i used to have a male betta, had him for two years. i also had a female still have her. i am fixing to get another male, i want some advice on this. i do have other fish, so i have experience. just need some help, thnks.
Xenoxander - 13 years ago
Do enough water changes and you will even be able to tell the ph lol. Its wierd but some people can do it.
blaineem - 13 years ago
wow, i wish i could tell water temperature by just sticking my finger in it :)
daleandstephanie - 13 years ago
Well,I would say maybe every week and a half or two weeks.
Anna Zabolotny
Anna Zabolotny - 13 years ago
I know it says the same on my bottle ;)
Rusbalt75 - 13 years ago
i love your tank!!!! :)
daleandstephanie - 13 years ago
I know it says that on my bottle=]Lol:)
fishcareforfish - 13 years ago
I think Delmar is a cute and funny name=]
daleandstephanie - 13 years ago
It depends on your type of water conditioner you have.Mine I have to use 10 drops a gallon.
daleandstephanie - 13 years ago
Spring water is very clean water.You can buy it.
yuansong999 - 13 years ago
What is spring water?
daleandstephanie - 13 years ago
If you have a betta bowl you should clean it out every half week or every week.

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