10,412 likes 6,002,798 views 12 years ago
During the "Aqua-Fisch" Kampffischfreunde.de presented the International Betta Competition. Kampffischfreunde.de is a...
40,028 likes 3,448,270 views 8 years ago
Love is beautiful. Betta fish love is uniquely beautiful. Watch their life evolve from courtship, eggs, fry to...
7,142 likes 2,397,132 views 13 years ago
5,848 likes 1,287,948 views 10 years ago
Aquatic expert Tom Sarac introduces different varieties of betta fish and offers helpful tips on caring for this...
17,930 likes 1,131,008 views 8 years ago
I recorded this a few days ago but finally got around to editing it! 5 common things you will hear or may have...
3,342 likes 1,081,447 views 12 years ago
http://www.thegrommet.com/noclean-aquariums The Grommet team discovers the self-cleaning aquarium from NoClean...
10,412 likes 6,002,798 views 12 years ago
During the "Aqua-Fisch" Kampffischfreunde.de presented the International Betta Competition. Kampffischfreunde.de is a...
40,028 likes 3,448,270 views 8 years ago
Love is beautiful. Betta fish love is uniquely beautiful. Watch their life evolve from courtship, eggs, fry to...
7,142 likes 2,397,132 views 13 years ago
5,848 likes 1,287,948 views 10 years ago
Aquatic expert Tom Sarac introduces different varieties of betta fish and offers helpful tips on caring for this...
17,930 likes 1,131,008 views 8 years ago
I recorded this a few days ago but finally got around to editing it! 5 common things you will hear or may have...
3,342 likes 1,081,447 views 12 years ago
http://www.thegrommet.com/noclean-aquariums The Grommet team discovers the self-cleaning aquarium from NoClean...
The "How to clean a betta bowl" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for How to clean a betta bowl
Give it to me so I can take PROPER care of it not like your shit Betta fish HATE living in 1 gallon tanks.
2.don't use a net it hurts there fins
3.get a heater
4.don't drain all the water
5.i wouldn't rise the rocks if you got rid of all the water
6. Poop will not kill them!
7.get proper decor
8.don't use tap water to clean your tank it has chemicals in it(CHLORINE)
9 bettas need 2.5
10. PLEASE do your research before telling people how to do stuff!
20. comment for How to clean a betta bowl
30. comment for How to clean a betta bowl
first off catch it IN THE CUP
then leave some of the old water
step two buy a real fucking tank
I'm guessing since you have minnows it's a cold water tank?
we aren't saying put bettas in a 60 gallon we are saying put them in something like 2.5 to 5 gallon tank and actually treat them like they are animal instead of a pretty decoration.
50. comment for How to clean a betta bowl
I dont want to hurt her feelings!!!
A filter a place for the betta to hide in
And last but not least it needs benefitial
PS the tank is way to small
1. scrubbing off bacteria form the rocks
2. scrubbing da gl*ass
Bettas are not happy in a 1 gallon, they need 5.
Tank is not heated or filtered.
You are not suppose to do 100% water changes. That maybe too big of a ph change.
Catching a fish with a net hurts their fins and stresses it out - you chasing it like a lunatic. I leave mine in the tank because it's at 5.5 gallon.
You used too much conditioner with Spring Water (WTH?)
Scrubbing the substrate with a toothbrush is a NO. And 'cleaning' the tank with hot water - you've just killed off al the good bacteria. You tank has never cycled properly.
Putting your substrate in the sink, where you wash dishes is another No. Sink has sink detergent residue which now you've transferred on to your substrate.
Bettas also need plants to hide behind and sometimes just rest on for a snooze.
God help us.
First of........ one gallon tank is like sticking a 6 year old in a cabinet. Second.......... Ur so retarded to conpare a whale with a betta
You are lying about your disease, and if you aren't, good luck not dying while you're still in school.
Fuck religion. If you're in America, I'm allowed to bring it into the conversation. If you're in Europe, Oceania, large parts of Africa, Asia, or South America, ie free countries, I'm allowed to bring it into the conversation. If you live in a country that isn't yet free, sorry, you'll probably die of your cancer soon anyway so fuck you.
Keep yapping on and CAPITALIZING words like this is tumblr, you're my younger sister's age and you're both as stupid as each other. Get cancer, you fuck.
CANCER [kan-ser]
2. any evil condition or thing that spreads destructively; blight.
can be applied to bad ideas that spreads quickly, reminiscent of an actual cancer of the human body. of course cancer cannot spread from human to human, but there are other meanings to the word. religion is a cancer, for example.
cancer does spread, and from someone claiming to have it I'm surprised you didn't know.
your jk!
2) too much conditioner
3) you need plants
4) you shouldn't use a net
5) this isn't really an important thing, but you didn't need to dry the inside. I found that funny
100. comment for How to clean a betta bowl
No plant , when you bought this fish few days ? Thats why look healthy . Few same water change and Ciao nice Beta
in it o,o
although this one guy at petsmart has like fricking 6 together. he somehow was able to pick all the nice ones and have them living together in a tank. crazy
I was surprised you used the net to put your friend back instead of pouring off most of the water, submerging the rim of the cup and releasing him back into the habitat.
With a proper setup, there should be no need to remove fish except for deaths or long term tank maint.
With a gravel bottom, you can "vacuum" the solid waste out of the habitat with a siphon and attached lift tube.
This is a great way to clean the tank, and remove roughly 1/3 of the water for changing out once a week or so.
If you prepare the water the day before by putting it in a bucket, the chlorine and much other solved junk will offgass overnight, so you can skip adding more chemicals to the water... Unless the pH needs adjusting.
Make sure the temp is the same using an accurate thermometer, your finger will only tell you cold/hot and can't sense accurately enough for those tiny little bodies.
A few degrees difference would be like placing a huge block of ice in your bath water.
Not a very pleasant experience!
You make the very important point about not using soap or chemicals to clean the tank, however the rocks are in your sink... Where I will hazard a guess you use soap and chemicals ;-)
So many things to consider, and I may well stand corrected on some of my thoughts by others more knowledgeable.
Keeping the info coming is how we all learn, and thank you for the video!
With your fingers it's impossible !
If frequent 100% water changes are done frequently, like everyday, and the ph and temperatures always match then the concentrations of disoved minerals and nitrates will not change enough to stress the fish in any part except the netting and removal of fish from it's home. This could be avoided simply by doing frequent 90% changes. 90% water changes daily should not be needed for any reason but if they are, a slow build-up to the tolerance of them over several days-weeks can prevent the stress the fish would suffer from them.
1. Get a 2.5 gallon or up tank. (Long term 5 gallons +) Im getting a divided 33 gallon for christmas, and I have a 20 gallon now.
*I do use live plants.