How to feed BABY BETTA FISH | Fish Fan Friday VLOG

In this Fish Fan Friday VLOG I am going to show you how I feed Baby Brine Shrimp aka BBS to my koi betta fry. Do you want me to make a video about hatting BBS? If you notice some ...extra... secret fish in the video then you can see more of them here: (affiliate links) This is the Brine Shrimp Hatchery I got Fry Food that I feed my shrimp AND baby bettas: Small Animal Medicine Syringe Sponge Filter Whisper Air Pump -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: INSTAGRAM: Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt

How to feed BABY BETTA FISH | Fish Fan Friday VLOG sentiment_very_dissatisfied 25

Betta 8 years ago 50,348 views

In this Fish Fan Friday VLOG I am going to show you how I feed Baby Brine Shrimp aka BBS to my koi betta fry. Do you want me to make a video about hatting BBS? If you notice some ...extra... secret fish in the video then you can see more of them here: (affiliate links) This is the Brine Shrimp Hatchery I got Fry Food that I feed my shrimp AND baby bettas: Small Animal Medicine Syringe Sponge Filter Whisper Air Pump -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: INSTAGRAM: Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt

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Most popular comments
for How to feed BABY BETTA FISH | Fish Fan Friday VLOG

Sabbles Seashell
Sabbles Seashell - 7 years ago
its brine shrimp not brime shrimp
Bettas Dominates
Bettas Dominates - 7 years ago
Please help!!!! How do I do a proper water change 50% or lower without sucking up the fry? ( betta )
Jian Lin
Jian Lin - 7 years ago
I guess that nobody commented on how many fry there are so I say about 154
Adlerauge Wissenschaft
Adlerauge Wissenschaft - 7 years ago
90% off youre Video time is wasted. 10% time for infos. Bad! Quantity but no quality, sucks.
Fawwaz hakimi
Fawwaz hakimi - 7 years ago
How many time you feed your betta fry in weeks
Omar Mohammad Al Janaideh
Omar Mohammad Al Janaideh - 7 years ago
How many fish can you put in a 5.5 gallon l have 4 fish ?
Raul Aranda
Raul Aranda - 7 years ago
Hi, where can I get the gel food? Do you know anywhere in the Chicagoland area to buy it?
LMNews 1.1
LMNews 1.1 - 7 years ago
Where can I get brine shrimp eggs
Kendall's Critters! Official stop copying
Kendall's Critters! Official stop copying - 7 years ago
How can you do a water change on a fry tank without sucking up the fry?

10. comment for How to feed BABY BETTA FISH | Fish Fan Friday VLOG

Dary Moncayo
Dary Moncayo - 7 years ago
hi, thank you for the tip of feeding the brine Shrimp too, mine are two weeks old, growing nice and cute, but I have a question, until how old do you feed them brine shrimp and then what do you feef them after that?
bryson zheng
bryson zheng - 7 years ago
Dary Moncayo yeah no problem I was confused for my first spawn as well. Good luck:)
Dary Moncayo
Dary Moncayo - 7 years ago
Hey, thank you, it is my first spawn, so I am having all kind of troubles, swim bladder disorder kicks in already,and i had no idea util I face it, well, it is a learning process, although I am not breeding them for bussiness, I just like bettas a lot :)
bryson zheng
bryson zheng - 7 years ago
I have a spawn that's a month old and I still feed them brine shrimp and I'm getting to the point where I'm starting to vary their diet with grindal worms. You'll need a lot of live food to raise the fry so I advise getting a culture of grindal worms soon. Have fun raising your fry!
bettafisharecool - 7 years ago
so... what else can I feed my baby betta named Bubble?
Polly Dang
Polly Dang - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
Some gentle movement is ok ^_^
kou yang
kou yang - 8 years ago
So, i have baby betta fry about 4 days old, when should i start feeding them, also I have lives plants can they eat those too, i forgot the name of the lives plants but it those floats and have tons of small leaves coming out of them from the sides?
Fins and fur Bettas and bunnies
Fins and fur Bettas and bunnies - 8 years ago
Fins and fur Bettas and bunnies
Fins and fur Bettas and bunnies - 8 years ago
How many times do you feed the baby's brim shrimp a day
Aaron Yong
Aaron Yong - 8 years ago
looks like you lost a whole bunch of them
Tanner Moore
Tanner Moore - 8 years ago
can anyone tell me what the tall plants is in the baby Betta tanks please?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
jungle val ^_^
Yiz Da Great
Yiz Da Great - 8 years ago
Did your koi male change colors? I thought it was just white,red
Spidy Job
Spidy Job - 8 years ago
do you use filter or just a pump?

20. comment for How to feed BABY BETTA FISH | Fish Fan Friday VLOG

Niklas Vesterlund
Niklas Vesterlund - 8 years ago
this look cool :D great video!
Rain Beau
Rain Beau - 8 years ago
Are you going to sell the babies?
Jesper Hudson
Jesper Hudson - 8 years ago
nice and great aqua studio .. I think I should have fry too hahaha
Anthony Nguyen
Anthony Nguyen - 8 years ago
i want one of those baby T^T
TheFabulousTaterTot - 8 years ago
Oh my goodness these guys are adorable. They seem to be growing up well too nice work!
Abby c
Abby c - 8 years ago
Is the baby betta's tank a 10 gallon tall?
Flare Gaming
Flare Gaming - 8 years ago
Wow they grow SO fast! I can't wait to see them as adults!!!!
abraham kleiner
abraham kleiner - 8 years ago
I think you should lower the speed of the air in your baby tank the water pressure is so high
Nicole Hitt
Nicole Hitt - 8 years ago
Wow you've been real busy
MandaBear1147 - 8 years ago
it's brine shrimp not brimbe shrimp haha

30. comment for How to feed BABY BETTA FISH | Fish Fan Friday VLOG

Real Game
Real Game - 8 years ago
very very nice.
Stephanie Lacey
Stephanie Lacey - 8 years ago
The Brian shrimp look gross
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
hehe I'm sure one of them might be Brian :P
GalaxyWolfGaming 22
GalaxyWolfGaming 22 - 8 years ago
Your baby bettas are sooooooo cute!!!! I'm getting a betta fish today for my birthday and I'm super excited!
AJustlikethat - 8 years ago
I love how it sounds like you're saying brimbe shrimp instead of brine
Lawrn West
Lawrn West - 8 years ago
They are really growing fast and seem to enjoy the meal, wow they all came out to eat!
Johnny - 8 years ago
Do you have any more guppies?
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium - 8 years ago
Joy Barton
Joy Barton - 8 years ago
Wow lots of babies! they are doing so well. what a great job! just adorable to see them growing
Stef Styl
Stef Styl - 8 years ago
You have Koi???
Khaleesi Katara
Khaleesi Katara - 8 years ago
How many betta fry would you estimate you have? It's hard to tell
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Wow, I'm amazed how quickly they're growing. I didn't realize you had so many! You're doing a great job with them!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
So the funny thing is after they are free-swimming they all hide (especially if you have a lot of places to hide like I did).. at one point I thought they all died.. I could not find any..then I would see one or two from time to time... more and more... they are getting more confident. Today when I filmed was the first day ALL of them came out to eat and I was like O_O soo many! haha
Annisa Karim
Annisa Karim - 8 years ago
There so cool love them!
Jack smith
Jack smith - 8 years ago
They grow so fast. My platys take much longer to grow up.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Its so interesting how different species of fish have different growth rates for fry
Lucaa - 8 years ago
What was the fish underneath the babies
Mya8D - 8 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping cichlid?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Mystery fish...bwahahahaha :P I explain who they are in my vlog (link in the bio)
Doodle Donkey
Doodle Donkey - 8 years ago
Luca Den Boer I know!!!!! I thought it was a goldfish, but I think everything is a goldfish.
algerome28 - 8 years ago
can i have one of the koi bettas when they grow? or a breeding pair? hehe lo e your videos and great job on raising them!
ShadeofDeath - 8 years ago
I love watching these, it feels awesome watching them grow up!
Ella and pink Minecraft Gaming
Ella and pink Minecraft Gaming - 8 years ago
my laberdoodle has 6 months to live he's 8 years old and has lung cacner...
Ella and pink Minecraft Gaming
Ella and pink Minecraft Gaming - 8 years ago
Me too! i'm so sad
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that!
Ella and pink Minecraft Gaming
Ella and pink Minecraft Gaming - 8 years ago
oh my gosh
Siena Ramirez
Siena Ramirez - 8 years ago
Omg u can't even say beta fish it's not betta
LegallyBrunette and Beautiful
LegallyBrunette and Beautiful - 8 years ago
Skittles1514 Siena It's the correct pronunciation, actually. Most people say, betta like "Bayta," but that's not correct.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Thats how everyone says it in Chicago :)
JaggedArt - 8 years ago
Skittles1514 Siena she's knows but she's used to saying it the other way so she does
Lucas Vlogs
Lucas Vlogs - 8 years ago
Hi, may I just know whether the brine shrimp are fresh or saltwater?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Brine Shrimp are saltwater but they survive in the freshwater tank for a few hours. The first 3 or so days the baby bettas are too small to eat they need to eat smaller food like infusoria or vinegar eels
Lucas Vlogs
Lucas Vlogs - 8 years ago
And can we also feed them Brine shrimp when they are newborn?

50. comment for How to feed BABY BETTA FISH | Fish Fan Friday VLOG

Haley Dimmitt
Haley Dimmitt - 8 years ago
The male koi is getting way more black/blue! The excitement of having a marble betta... haha.
Haley Dimmitt
Haley Dimmitt - 8 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping please do! I got my first marble a month ago and he has hardly changed. I had no idea it's what they usually do!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Yup, surprisingly the female koi has not changed all. On the other hand Demon betta has changed the most. I need to make a video about that soon... talking about marbles and show some pictures of how mine changed. Its fascinating.
Talon Fox
Talon Fox - 8 years ago
Super adorable! I cant wait to see how the color up it's always so exciting wondering what you'll get.
Blossom Buddies
Blossom Buddies - 8 years ago
How would you say the bins you use would work as a full time tank? I have those exact same ones even though I would be getting bigger. Also how long does it take for the fry to look more "beta fish" like
Blossom Buddies
Blossom Buddies - 8 years ago
This is a pretty boring thing but I have a syringe that looks just like that for my bunnies anti inflammatory
Summer Martens
Summer Martens - 8 years ago
How many bettas do you think you got from breeding? I'd like to breed my bettas but if there's too many I don't think I know what to do with them :/
Summer Martens
Summer Martens - 8 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping ok that's not too bad haha, thanks
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I'm guessing I have about 20-30 babies.. but I'm can have as much as 300 babies from one breeding!
JaggedArt - 8 years ago
Summer Martens sometimes you can get as many as 100 babies in one spawn I've heard. Of course there's always a bit that die but if your not ready for a possible spawn of 20-100 babies I wouldn't. It really seems to just depend on the breeding pair and how long you let them breed
missykim - 8 years ago
Oh, look how big they're getting! So cute <3
Ella Tam
Ella Tam - 8 years ago
Are you planning on keeping all the baby bettas?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I would like to keep a few and sell the rest :D
E Reynolds
E Reynolds - 8 years ago
I'm hoping they all turn out healthy and happy! It looks like they are already doing great due to your care so I have no doubts they will turn into wonderful adults!
Daher Drawshe
Daher Drawshe - 8 years ago
i dont comment often on YouTube videos but i i really enjoy this betta-baby updates please keep them coming
Ben Palli
Ben Palli - 8 years ago
I heard if you come early the great creative pet keeper will respond
TheJibootyinfiresme - 8 years ago
your fry are much larger than mine
Ella and pink Minecraft Gaming
Ella and pink Minecraft Gaming - 8 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Hey #NotificationSquad :D Thanks for linking, commenting, sharing my videos!!!
Your actions make a HUGE IMPACT on this channel ~ you are the best!
HustleHabit - 8 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping Thanks for the informative updates. It's inspiriting.
Mia Elizabeth
Mia Elizabeth - 8 years ago
omg, I love them!!!!! and wow you've got a lot of tanks
Alisson's FurryFriends
Alisson's FurryFriends - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping lol
Mia Elizabeth
Mia Elizabeth - 8 years ago
oh, haha I myself have 4 fish tanks with all bettas in but mum won't let me get more :(
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I foresee more tanks in my future hahaha :P
Dorsa Behnami
Dorsa Behnami - 8 years ago
Notifications squad
Aline Greeley
Aline Greeley - 8 years ago
yay baby Bettas!!! can't wait until they are adults!
PetzoticsExtreme - 7 years ago
Aline Greeley I
Micha Cross
Micha Cross - 8 years ago
I blame you entirely for my latest purchase. I saw your beauties and cracked down and ordered my first Koi Betta. Cost me a ton of money but it's worth it, he will arrive tomorrow 3/2/2017
Aline Greeley
Aline Greeley - 8 years ago
FB peytonp2003 e?
Aline Greeley
Aline Greeley - 8 years ago
FB peytonp2003 ?
FB peytonp2003
FB peytonp2003 - 8 years ago
Gaming & Bettas e
Aline Greeley
Aline Greeley - 8 years ago
Fenu S me too!
Fenu S
Fenu S - 8 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping and am excited if you sell them
Aline Greeley
Aline Greeley - 8 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping I know! can't wait!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I'm excited to see how they turn out
Aline Greeley
Aline Greeley - 8 years ago
Emily Payne i know!!
Emily Payne
Emily Payne - 8 years ago
me tooo!!!<3
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 8 years ago
2nd like and comment
5th view
Aline Greeley
Aline Greeley - 8 years ago

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