How to move a betta fish into a new tank!

It finally time for my little Betta boy to move into a brand new tank, and in the same time I will explain to you how to move a Betta fish to a new tank as safe as possible! My Betta called "Grimm" will be moving from his Aqueon Mini bow 2.5 gallon to a Deco O Mini aquarium 2.5 gallon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What you need: * A hoop- net * A little bowl * A cup Follow these steps to make sure your fish will be moved as safe as possible without any risks for chocks: 1. Start up the new tank and let i run for about 3-4 days if you got water conditioners in it, or let it run for 1-2 weeks if you havent got any conditioners in it. 2. Take the cup and scoop in some water from the old tank to the little bowl. 3. Now scoop some water from the new tank into the little bowl so the diferent waters and temperatures gets well mixed. 4. Move you Betta fish with the hoop- net from the old tank into the little bowl. 5. Let the Betta fish be in the little bowl for a couple of minutes so it gets used to the new water and bakterias. 6. Turn off the lights in the new tank so the fish will get less stressful while in it. 7. Simply move the Betta fish from the little bowl into the new tank with help of the hoop- net. 8. Keep the lights off and leave the fish alone for an hour while the fish gets comfortable in the new tank. 9. Enjoy your Betta fishs new life in its brand new home! Good luck everyone!

How to move a betta fish into a new tank! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 22

Betta 10 years ago 28,583 views

It finally time for my little Betta boy to move into a brand new tank, and in the same time I will explain to you how to move a Betta fish to a new tank as safe as possible! My Betta called "Grimm" will be moving from his Aqueon Mini bow 2.5 gallon to a Deco O Mini aquarium 2.5 gallon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What you need: * A hoop- net * A little bowl * A cup Follow these steps to make sure your fish will be moved as safe as possible without any risks for chocks: 1. Start up the new tank and let i run for about 3-4 days if you got water conditioners in it, or let it run for 1-2 weeks if you havent got any conditioners in it. 2. Take the cup and scoop in some water from the old tank to the little bowl. 3. Now scoop some water from the new tank into the little bowl so the diferent waters and temperatures gets well mixed. 4. Move you Betta fish with the hoop- net from the old tank into the little bowl. 5. Let the Betta fish be in the little bowl for a couple of minutes so it gets used to the new water and bakterias. 6. Turn off the lights in the new tank so the fish will get less stressful while in it. 7. Simply move the Betta fish from the little bowl into the new tank with help of the hoop- net. 8. Keep the lights off and leave the fish alone for an hour while the fish gets comfortable in the new tank. 9. Enjoy your Betta fishs new life in its brand new home! Good luck everyone!

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Most popular comments
for How to move a betta fish into a new tank!

ᏟᎪᏞᏆ ᏴᎾY - 7 years ago
3:15 a lil bitch? Or a lil bit
Cutex19 AJ
Cutex19 AJ - 7 years ago
ᏟᎪᏞᏆ ᏴᎾY omg I'm crying
CreeperCrafter745 - 7 years ago
Thanks! I just wanted to know how to move it out of my tank to clean it. last time we tried to, my brothers fish ended up on the floor! this is just what I needed
enterprise59 - 8 years ago
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Betta's prefer quiet calm water more than loud, bubbly moving water no?
Nicole Almanza
Nicole Almanza - 8 years ago
what is the name of this tank :)
Betta Bet
Betta Bet - 9 years ago
I like the first fish tank! How much was the bridge and ect and was it at pet co or another place :T?
mhtoth97 - 9 years ago
The first fish tank
mhtoth97 - 9 years ago
I have that fish tank!
Excuse Me?
Excuse Me? - 9 years ago
Don't you need to put 1/3 of his old water, otherwise he will freak out with the completely new environment.
Alexandras Pets
Alexandras Pets - 9 years ago
of course ive already poured some of the old tanks water into the new tank! :) you can see that the waterlevel in the old tank is pretty low and that is because ive poured some of its water into the new tank :)
vaehs life
vaehs life - 9 years ago
where did you get your 2 tank.

10. comment for How to move a betta fish into a new tank!

nicki u.
nicki u. - 9 years ago
Honestly, I think the first tank is better than the second tank. I guess the first one is more spacious than the second one. Not to hate, just stating my opinion!
pertty betta
pertty betta - 9 years ago
Your betta has the same color of mine but diffrent tail type your betta is very pretty :)
True Story Morning Glory
True Story Morning Glory - 9 years ago
Where are you from? You have an awesome accent.
InfinityPets - 10 years ago
He looks like my betta cotton candy but cotton candy is a veil tail
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
hey, my crowntails name is CottonCandy!
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Aaaw, ive seen one of you vides and your fish is stunning! :)
Werner John
Werner John - 10 years ago
Suggestion: it is better to use cups than nets. It is less stressful to the fish. Never use a net unless you have to: like if your fish got poisoned by something in the water.
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Thanks! Yeah i know cups are better, but they are not easier to use. And i rather use the net to scoop up the fish fast and easy instead of chasing around the fish in the tank for several minutes with a cup. I believe that is more stressful. The hoop-nets are made for being hard to see for a fish, just to make the moving as calm as possible. The only bad thing with nets is that the fish fins may get stuck in the threads, and thats why you should use the side with the stitches on the outside. :)
SasuNaru and other junk Dogs anime animal crossing
SasuNaru and other junk Dogs anime animal crossing - 10 years ago
I never liked those big nets i have a smaller one much easier to handle fish with

Very neat tank by the way
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
+Bettafishaddictlover Fishlover nice! I will check it out! :D
SasuNaru and other junk Dogs anime animal crossing
SasuNaru and other junk Dogs anime animal crossing - 10 years ago
I am uploading a video right now!
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
+Bettafishaddictlover Fishlover just do videos after your way to care for a betta? :) tips for feeding it, waterchanges, decoration tips, diseases, facts and stuff like that? :)
SasuNaru and other junk Dogs anime animal crossing
SasuNaru and other junk Dogs anime animal crossing - 10 years ago
Yea i am running out of ideas lol what to video
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
+Bettafishaddictlover Fishlover i understand that XD
SasuNaru and other junk Dogs anime animal crossing
SasuNaru and other junk Dogs anime animal crossing - 10 years ago
No i have not :O

My problem is making a video changing my fishes water on my i pad kinda hard to do
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
Thanks!! Hahah yeah, actually, we betta owners should have those gummy-nets wich looks like a gummy sheet with small holes in it instead of a net. Those are better for Bettas since they cant rip their fins! I havent found any of those here in Sweden though. Have you seen a gummy-net like that anywhere? I would really like to buy one ^^ 

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