How to set up a Betta fish tank (Basic planted Betta tank)
Betta 8 years ago 334,980 views
How to set up a Betta fish tank. A basic planted Betta fish tank. I have kept the tank simple to allow for plenty of swim room for my Betta. The tank is a 2.5 gallon. The sand should be 1.5- 2.5 inches deep. The plants are Anubias, and Amazon sword. These plant do well in low light conditions. Amazon sword plants get large and grow quickly. The heater is a Marina Betta heater. (Link below) ** Tank update...this tank is now heavily planted. The Amazon sword grew very large and the anubias has also grown well. We also added Marimo moss balls. The tank also has filtration. Please see updated videos. We recommend all tanks should have a filtration system. A sponge filter is a good option for smaller tanks especially with Betta fish. You should always cycle your tank before adding a new fish. If you are not using a filter, you need to be able to commit to 80- 100% water changes every 2-3 days. Tanks without filtration require a lot of commitment and work. *Bowls, vases or glass ornaments are not suitable homes for Bettas. If you are looking into getting a Betta fish as a pet the widely accepted MINIMUM is a 2.5 gallon tank but bigger is always better. Website store Marina heater. Water safe. Sponge filter. Air pump. Jardin Corner Sponge filter Let's connect! * Disclaimer ~ This video is not sponsored in any way, all opinions are our own. The links above are affiliate links, if you use those links we will receive a small commission. Thank you for supporting the channel. This video content is the property of Lifewithpets72 and may not be used or reproduced without written permission.
10. comment for How to set up a Betta fish tank (Basic planted Betta tank)
20. comment for How to set up a Betta fish tank (Basic planted Betta tank)
30. comment for How to set up a Betta fish tank (Basic planted Betta tank)
Im trying to spawn my first ever time and my male was introduced to the female in a glass vase. She is ready to breed because her egg spot is promenant. ive been feeding her daphnia and bloodworms for a week. i have an indian almond leaf held up by a piece of bubble wrap for him to make his bubble nest on. ive introduced the pair now for 2 days through the vase. hes a first time dad and id rather not get another dad because i ordered him online for expensive. thanks for any help!
2 week is compulsory or it is okay with 1 week only because I spawned my female all the times after 1 week of conditioning..
Unfortunately in the latest spawn the male ate all the eggs again (he was a new one !!) whatsoever I think so that the lack of conditioning period might be a problem that the eggs are not developed properly but I have no idea scientifically.
BTW what do you think ??? Is that possible ??
50. comment for How to set up a Betta fish tank (Basic planted Betta tank)
100. comment for How to set up a Betta fish tank (Basic planted Betta tank)
But how did you put sand in there without making it muddy?
I love watching your videos! Thanks for all the help and wisdom you are passing on. I was wondering if you know how to deal with or prevent the white crusty ring from forming around your tank? Is this a common problem or is something wrong with my tank?
i want to ask you about the filter. i've got a small internal filter but it seems to create too much of a current, even on the lowest setting.
what filter should i use?
I'd save myself alot of sleepless nights if i'd just read things in their entirety.
Oh ya,
Can I turn on the light (LED) 24 hours non stop? Is it safe for betta fish?
Also, which do you recommend gravel or sand? I am still not sure which would be better for my new 10 gallon.
So i got the betta for like 2 weeks now,might be wrong,my sense of time is pretty bad.He was pretty much active but now since today he is only staying at the bottom or at the top next to the heater,which worries me.His fins are fine,and he would eat everything he gets.His color didn't change either.But now he isn't so active anymore he just stays at those places and sometimes hides
.Do you have any idea of what could be wrong?Thanks for your help
Do you have any more tips for me?It's my first aquarium ever,I had other animals Parrots Hamsters bunnies but never really fish,and if i did i treated them badly( i was like 4,i still feel bad xD).
My tank was: Tetra 3 Gallon Cube Aquarium Kit $37.91
My betta food: New Life Spectrum Betta Formula $6.09
My filter: AZOO Mignon Filter 60 $19.43 (used to be $12! So I suggest maybe waiting until the price goes down, unless you really want to get your fish soon.)
I went to a small fish store for my plants and gravel, but those all ranged from $3-4. I think Petco and Petsmart brand gravel and plants cost a lot more though.
My Water Conditioner: Seachem Prime $4.89
My Heater: Tetra HT Submersible Aquarium Heater $16.04 (Again, it was $8 at the time I got it. Sigh.)
ALL OF THESE PRODUCTS ARE ACCESSIBLE ON AMAZON. MOST OF THESE ITEMS ARE "ADD-ON" ITEMS, SO IF YOU GET THE TANK, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO GET THESE HIGH QUALITY ITEMS AT THEIR PRICE. Otherwise, this entire deal wouldn't work unless you're already planning to get something else for $25 already with your order.
I really hope this helps, and if something happens and you want to check your water parameters: API Ammonia 130 Test Kit $6.99
Good luck! I hope you and your betta live long, healthy, and happy!
If you have a 2 gallon tank just be sure you use a filter and a heater.
oh,but i see another video with 2 ballon tank
Oh that makes sense now. Thank you for your answer!
I only use Flourish root tabs. I water change 20-25% once a week. I rinse the sponge filter once a month.
I am having 2 goldfish in small rectangle tank . The issue is fish tank water get polluted very soon even I am using filter.
Please advise.
If you dont do this there is a high t´riskof your betta getting a osmote shock due to the different water parameters. Also never ever pour the old water into the tank. The tank ideally should be cycled before adding a fish to prevent it from getting poisoned by ammonia and/or nitrates.
This tank could be really nice if you added some more hiding places and plants more suitable for small tanks, amazone swords grow really huge.
Life plants are a great start though and way better than all this plastic stuff. :)
please dont spread something like this. It doesnt depend on how dirty his water is at all.
They use different water in the cup than you do in your tank. Their ph, gh and kh might be lower or higher than the one of their water.
Even if his cup is freshly cleaned you still have to acclimate fish the way I explained as the water parameters still are different. Even if the difference is too low for your test to measure, It is there and it can harm your fish if you just match the temperature and then pour the fish into the new water.
I keep Reading in a specific fb group about bettas that people just match the temperature and call it acclimating and then have to worry about their fish because they got shocked.
Fish keeping is a constant learning process, everyone has started at some point.
I hope you will enjoy doing the in depth Video and im sure it will help alot of people with their betta fish :)
* Since this video we have added sponge filters to all our 2.5 gallon tanks.
My amazon sword didnt grow much the first month i had it. Infact a few of the leaves died off. but after a month it started shooting up. Anyway i hope you sort out the problem before you have too many casualties. :)