How to set up a dual 10 gallon Betta Fishtank

This is an instructional video on how to set up a 10 gallon fish tank as a dual betta tank. We take you from start to finish and give suggestions on how to create your own betta habitat. We show equipment needed, supplies, and the steps you take to make it your own.

How to set up a dual 10 gallon Betta Fishtank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 434

Betta 13 years ago 628,928 views

This is an instructional video on how to set up a 10 gallon fish tank as a dual betta tank. We take you from start to finish and give suggestions on how to create your own betta habitat. We show equipment needed, supplies, and the steps you take to make it your own.

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Most popular comments
for How to set up a dual 10 gallon Betta Fishtank

Miah Noullett
Miah Noullett - 7 years ago
We have a 5 gallon tank and it looks the exactly the same so she lied to us
Mason Waller
Mason Waller - 7 years ago
Oh my god, only one side has a filter, put the bridge on the other poor bettas side
nick and Anth
nick and Anth - 7 years ago
this is very helpful!! I love your channel and I hope u have an nice life!!!!love ya
Clément Mahé
Clément Mahé - 8 years ago
The most basic thing if you care about the fish is to put lives plants and to repect the 3 week ( at least ) tank cycling. Plastic plants don't do shit in the water cycle and can be harmfull for the fish, especially for bettas.
Steven Pham
Steven Pham - 8 years ago
Really u guys use gravel??? U guys sure just use a sand
Gavin  Reed
Gavin Reed - 8 years ago
The fish can't be able to see each other couse it courses stress
Michael Reynolds
Michael Reynolds - 8 years ago
under gravel filters are terrible... who on earth would get those??
tomas Martinez
tomas Martinez - 8 years ago
This is cringy asf
vignesh k
vignesh k - 8 years ago
everything is okay...... I love it..... but where is betta fishes........? I waiting for more than a 27 minutes......

10. comment for How to set up a dual 10 gallon Betta Fishtank

big j Aquatics&Vape
big j Aquatics&Vape - 8 years ago
just subbed keep it uo
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
I love this video and I did it
DrawnByChloe - 8 years ago
With the heater can I use a reptile heater that goes on the outside of the tank, on the side
Rosebulbs - 8 years ago
yeah you can
Matt Craft
Matt Craft - 8 years ago
How do underground filters work? I have seen others, including my brother use underground filters, but I don't see how they actually work.
Kurt Cuaresma
Kurt Cuaresma - 8 years ago
Why all people buy 10 gallon just for a little two beta fish
Zetta Takem
Zetta Takem - 8 years ago
The heater cant nothing be. around the heater or it want work it makes a poping sound
Freshwater tanks
Freshwater tanks - 8 years ago
It takes 2 to 6 weeks to A stab Lish no matter how chemical label say you should watch my video on my channel about how the making cycle works because you see you don't know how I've been for six years
Jess & Stuff
Jess & Stuff - 8 years ago
Establish ^*
Tirsa Perez
Tirsa Perez - 8 years ago
I had buy that heater but I don't think it worked cause the water still felt the same to me so I throw it away and didn't bother buying a other one I got mad that I waste that money that
Mark - 8 years ago
Tirsa Perez no your dumb that's why, you probably felt the tank only after 10 minutes.. it takes at least 30-1 hour.. Mine didn't feel like it was. Until a few hours
Tirsa Perez
Tirsa Perez - 8 years ago
+Brianna Harter (star and fox) cause of all this crazy thoughts that had went threw our mind that took us long to know nests that it just wasn't working it was our first time buying that n didn't know where the receipt was so we was like fuck it n throw it away
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
why didn't you return it to get your money back?
XxGamerProxX56 - 8 years ago
that's to big Bettas like smaller places go for like a one gallon like I have for my female Betta
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 8 years ago
dude im not mad at you but thats not ok thank you for bigger tank
Hayden Cooper V
Hayden Cooper V - 8 years ago
are you kidding? LOL
Andrew Yong
Andrew Yong - 8 years ago
you have to stop being defensive. betta don't like smaller containers. they can survive in it, and if you do water changes once a day/once every two days to keep the ammonia down, they can be happy. however, they do a lot better in bigger tanks, and I've seen the happiest betta in 10G planted tanks.
Haley Lampost
Haley Lampost - 8 years ago
XxGamerProxX56 Bertas DO not like small Tanks. Bigger THE better
scotty hood
scotty hood - 8 years ago
completely false. yes bettas originally come from small streams but they swim miles every day. they need swimming space so if your fish is even still alive get it a bigger tank
XxGamerProxX56 - 8 years ago
It's a 1/2 gallon tank and she's happy
XxGamerProxX56 - 8 years ago
Also your welcome for the 3 gallon thing
XxGamerProxX56 - 8 years ago
Don't tell me what to do she's happy in where she is for god's sake I'm tired of this crap just stop replying and a I will do what my betta likes and I know that just because it's a female it doesn't mean it needs a shorter space some other guy said my betta is a boy so for god's sake just STOP!!!
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
that's a myth!!! they live in rice patties miles long!!!!
Ana Puiu
Ana Puiu - 8 years ago
+XxGamerProxX56 just coz it's a female doesn't mean it needs a smaller space. But thank you for getting a 3 gallon. Your betta will be very happy with the extra space.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
the only thing they don't like about big tanks is when it's to deep or they aren't given enough cover.bettas like to have things to hide in since they come from warm shallow waters which normally has dense cover.
XxGamerProxX56 - 8 years ago
+Ana's Amazing Animals it is a FEMALE and I am getting a 3 gallon soon
Freshwater tanks
Freshwater tanks - 8 years ago
+Abe G. Oh i thought they you were talking to me
Thanos - 8 years ago
+Freshwater tanks hes keeping a poor betta in a 1 gallon there suppose to be in 2.5 and over but i lioe mkme in a 5
Freshwater tanks
Freshwater tanks - 8 years ago
+Abe G. How
Thanos - 8 years ago
ur mest up
Freshwater tanks
Freshwater tanks - 8 years ago
It kind of is but its fine I think 3 gallon for every betta
Ana Puiu
Ana Puiu - 8 years ago
+XxGamerProxX56 it is recommended to keep bettas in a 2.5 MINIMUM. 1 gal is good for temporary but you need to clean it every two days or it could become toxic. He might be SURVIVING but he is not THRIVING. In the wild they live in rice paddies and their territory is up to three feet square and pretty deep for a fish its size. I'm telling you this so your betta can live as long as possible and stay happy. I'm NOT blaming you, I've seen so many ppl do this because of pet store misinformation. Hope you and your betta have a happy time together!
XxGamerProxX56 - 8 years ago
+spaceboyxyz me no my fish likes it
spaceboyxyz - 8 years ago
u must be keeping a really unhappy fish then!!
Ouinn Ouinn
Ouinn Ouinn - 8 years ago
10 gallon = 37 L

20. comment for How to set up a dual 10 gallon Betta Fishtank

N. Calhoun
N. Calhoun - 8 years ago
WARNING TO ANYONE WATCHING THIS VIDEO. Do NOT buy any of the Tetra heaters, especially the HT10 as there have been multiple failures where it ended up cooking and killing peoples fish. The manufacturer even admitted the defect. They claimed its been fixed, but we have people as recently as 2015 still having the issue. You can find the complaints on Amazon, there are hundreds of people who had their fish killed by these heaters. There are other brands that are cheaper and more effective.
patrick nepton
patrick nepton - 8 years ago
happend to me but i always pay attention to my tank and was able to remove it fast enough
mocha the hybrid
mocha the hybrid - 8 years ago
I use a heater called Hydor Submersible Glass Aquarium Heater, you can find it on amazon
Joules the cat
Joules the cat - 8 years ago
what heater do you recommend!!??
JA COB - 8 years ago
Awesome video. Thank you
Willy Rosado
Willy Rosado - 9 years ago
looks nice. i like it!
Rachel La
Rachel La - 9 years ago
its BETTA not BETA
vignesh k
vignesh k - 8 years ago
Rachel La hahahaha........... crazy mighty
Gymnast Makylee
Gymnast Makylee - 8 years ago
Robert Hart
Robert Hart - 8 years ago
Actually the experts/scientists say BETTER not BAYTA.
Hotchner Pittman
Hotchner Pittman - 8 years ago
it's actually pronounced (bay-ta) like the Greek alphabet letter beta......
Luke - CSGO & More.
Luke - CSGO & More. - 9 years ago
+Real Name haha.
Some Eggs
Some Eggs - 9 years ago
Yeah but if you say betta you sound stupid
KatCoyote - 9 years ago
Great video! Thank you for sharing!
shubhajit chakraborty
shubhajit chakraborty - 9 years ago
How did I come here?!?! .who on earth use these days underground filtration?!?! taller plants behind, shorter plants in front because you want to enjoy your fish..Wow!

The height was, " the base is plastic so believe me it will float."
Some Eggs
Some Eggs - 9 years ago
What's wrong with putting the tall plants in the back and short ones in the front?
Luke - CSGO & More.
Luke - CSGO & More. - 9 years ago
Just Saying In My Experience Under Gravel Filters Arent Very Effective And Not Really Worth it
Luke - CSGO & More.
Luke - CSGO & More. - 8 years ago
+N. Johnson would you not choose a sponge filter instead?
N. Calhoun
N. Calhoun - 8 years ago
Its actually great for Bettas as they aren't as messy as say goldfish and they prefer a low current tank, those tubes keep the water fairly still.
MotoSteve - 9 years ago
Where do I get those screens?
Freshwater tanks
Freshwater tanks - 8 years ago
A fish store or Amazon
Josephdavid Ruizmendoza
Josephdavid Ruizmendoza - 9 years ago
Myat SawLin
Myat SawLin - 9 years ago

30. comment for How to set up a dual 10 gallon Betta Fishtank

Basel Melhem
Basel Melhem - 9 years ago
your r
taking career of the tank too much
emkivi82 - 9 years ago
next video please wear a bra
Mekhaeal George
Mekhaeal George - 8 years ago
+apikapis زظ
Ashleigh Mastilak
Ashleigh Mastilak - 9 years ago
+emkivi82 oh my gosh yes!!! It was bothering me the whole time!
apikapis - 9 years ago
Jennifers Dream3
Jennifers Dream3 - 9 years ago
Can't they see each other through the divider?
N. Calhoun
N. Calhoun - 8 years ago
You can also buy one of those backgrounds like what she has and cut it to fit the divider and then it just looks like a background :-).
Scott E Jackson
Scott E Jackson - 9 years ago
+Jennifers Dream3 The divider is pretty hard to see through. It is a screen and not very opaque.
Jack son
Jack son - 9 years ago
it looks amazing lady :) great job
Jack son
Jack son - 9 years ago
+sejackson45 aww :)
Scott E Jackson
Scott E Jackson - 9 years ago
Yes for 20 plus years.
Jack son
Jack son - 9 years ago
+sejackson45 she is welcome! Is she really your wife?
Scott E Jackson
Scott E Jackson - 9 years ago
+Jack son My wife thanks you!
justin johnson
justin johnson - 9 years ago
under gravel are not that good
Kwke Hssj
Kwke Hssj - 9 years ago
+justin johnson or bettas.
justin johnson
justin johnson - 9 years ago
+sejackson45 there bad for goldfisj
justin johnson
justin johnson - 9 years ago
im mean not for goldfish
Scott E Jackson
Scott E Jackson - 9 years ago
+justin johnson With proper tank cleaning the under gravel filters worked fine for this size of tank.
Jake Proulx
Jake Proulx - 9 years ago
Thanks you help me allot
Scott E Jackson
Scott E Jackson - 9 years ago
+Jake Proulx Glad we could help!
Sugar KittyCat
Sugar KittyCat - 9 years ago
This Is Maybe 2 dumb question but I am trying to learn. I just got my first 10g fish tank. Does all fish need a heater or specific fish need a heater ? How do you choose the right heater for your tank?
Kaelee McCoy
Kaelee McCoy - 8 years ago
Don't forget to cycle it
Scott E Jackson
Scott E Jackson - 9 years ago
+Sugar KittyCat Gold fish and other cold water fish don't need a heater. Bettas in this size of a tank would need a heater as most "Tropical" fish would.
FeatherBelly - 9 years ago
+Sugar KittyCat
depends on the fish.
do research on what type of fish you want.
just to name a few, bettas, guppies, mollies, angel fish, neon tetras and tiger barbs are all types of fish that need a heater.
gold fish however dont, but you could only house one goldfish in a 10 gallon. 20 gallons is recommended though.
Julie Williams
Julie Williams - 9 years ago
Pretty good
Scott E Jackson
Scott E Jackson - 9 years ago
+Julie Williams Thanks Julie!
CrestFallenMoon - 9 years ago
male betas can live together as long as the tank is large enough (55 gallon) in small tanks two male betas can't live because they don't have enough space for territories. Also try not to pick aggressive betas and use more peaceful ones (they might still fight but since they have their space, they can retreat and claim a territory
Scott E Jackson
Scott E Jackson - 9 years ago
+CrestFallenMoon Thanks for the information. I hope it helps someone. I personally have not had good luck with bettas in that large of a tank.
Miha Ledinsek
Miha Ledinsek - 9 years ago
Jeni Stefanova
Jeni Stefanova - 9 years ago
SUPERPWNR9000 - 9 years ago
16:25 i swear she just about said the f word
Steven Pham
Steven Pham - 8 years ago
Jess & Stuff
Jess & Stuff - 8 years ago
مريوم كشخه
مريوم كشخه - 9 years ago
Winterdock - 9 years ago
2.5 gallons is the minimum tank size  to keep a betta happy 
Pristene water conditions , 76 to 82 degree F temperature and a gentle flowing but effective filter . No tankmates in a tank that size!
But lots of human attention 
The betta will quickly learn to trust it's caretaker and provide hours of enjoyment for both pet and fishkeeper
Gilbert Vasquez
Gilbert Vasquez - 9 years ago
Fat ass bitch
Rufus English
Rufus English - 9 years ago
it's not over to the fat lady sings lol
TheGreatJunkHeapFlower - 9 years ago
+Gilbert Vasquez ~_~ Oh stop bragging about yourself you ignorant fat head!
Gavin Falcon
Gavin Falcon - 9 years ago
You seem like a great human being
Joanna Heydrych
Joanna Heydrych - 9 years ago
Joanna Heydrych
Joanna Heydrych - 9 years ago
how i can get gravel filter??im in
Joanna Heydrych
Joanna Heydrych - 9 years ago
That was joke xd
Jennifer Fernandez
Jennifer Fernandez - 9 years ago
In where?! Don't keep me in suspense!!
Joanna Heydrych
Joanna Heydrych - 9 years ago
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 9 years ago
undergravel filter ?   Not recommended anymore.    And cycling could take a month.
Bella York
Bella York - 10 years ago
That is one cool tank

50. comment for How to set up a dual 10 gallon Betta Fishtank

Jorge Cruz
Jorge Cruz - 10 years ago
10Pound per gallon,
Nikki Warframe
Nikki Warframe - 10 years ago
I put my betta in a 2.5 gallon tank that I bought from goodwill for $7. Not all tanks you'll buy from goodwill will be good, I was pretty lucky. I went to pet smart and bought gravel, 2 fake plants, water conditioner, food pellets and a moss ball. My fish couldn't be any happier. Should I buy some real plants?
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 9 years ago
Your welcome.
Nikki Warframe
Nikki Warframe - 9 years ago
+baieligh Keane I know you wrote that a while ago, but still, thank you! :)
Nikki Warframe
Nikki Warframe - 9 years ago
+marena cain thank you :)
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 9 years ago
As long as the plants don't rip his/her fins it should be fine.
Breane Whitney
Breane Whitney - 9 years ago
if u get real plants u don't have to clean tank as much
YungHo - 9 years ago
+Shiki Nozomu Dont fill up the tank full of decorations.. You also have gravel which also takes up swimming space. I personally would never put a fish in a tank smaller than 5 gallons but meh.
Live plants are better over all for the tank rather than fake ones, also the plastic ones might rip the bettas tails so..
مريوم كشخه
مريوم كشخه - 9 years ago
Me fatima love fihs
baieligh Keane
baieligh Keane - 9 years ago
And kitten she clearly cares about her fish since she's asking questions and got him a appropriate sized tank with plants etc. there is no reason to be mean to her.
baieligh Keane
baieligh Keane - 9 years ago
You're a good fish mom! A moss ball is great for betas, provides healthy bacteria for them, adds more air in the water, and also is a great snack! It's not necessary for anymore plants but would add more bacteria for them and more of a variety of snacks for your beta. If you do you should probably take out a plastic plant so it's not to crowded in your tank. Also to prevent infected fish bladder you should add a heater. Stay rad.
Allison - 9 years ago
+Kittenbumble I'd like to know what country you live in where people are arrested for fish abuse. Regardless, 2.5 is small but still appropriate.
Bruh chan
Bruh chan - 9 years ago
+Kittenbumble So why did my HM live for 7 1/2 years (had him since birth) in a 3 gallon...?
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+Shiki Nozomu He and or she is a pet fag. let the savages deal with it
Sarah's World
Sarah's World - 9 years ago
+Shiki Nozomu That Girl thats being Rude to you, The person named Kittenbumble Is a little Brat!
Don't you worry Im on ur side Shiki:)
egghead123 - 9 years ago
+Shiki Nozomu OOOOOHHHHH
Nikki Warframe
Nikki Warframe - 9 years ago
+Kittenbumble Being a bitch isn't funny either. You definitely need to work on your people skills.
Kittenbumble - 9 years ago
You mad? You should be. Animal abuse isn't funny.
Nikki Warframe
Nikki Warframe - 9 years ago
+Kittenbumble I'm just starting out and you're telling me I should be arrested? I understand my betta needs more space, but you don't have to be a complete bitch about it. Go fuck yourself.
Kittenbumble - 9 years ago
+Shiki Nozomu In my country you would be arrested. A fish needs to be able to swim ten times the length of it's adult body length as a minimum and the tank width shouldn't be less than half of the length. The minimum standard for welfare here is 54 liters for a Betta. And all tanks need a filter.
If you buy a fish to use as an ornament then shrug your shoulders when they die in under 2 years when it should live to 7 and go " oh well it's only a fish" you would be banned from owning any pet here. If you give a shit at all please buy a bigger tank and a filter, and google ammonia poisoning in fish while you are at it.
Nikki Warframe
Nikki Warframe - 10 years ago
+Jim Tee Thank you!
Jim Tee
Jim Tee - 10 years ago
Get some Java Fern easy to grow no special lights and you attach it to rocks, wood or decorations. Also fish don't like to eat it.
emilhoov06 aj
emilhoov06 aj - 10 years ago
Guys... The people saying that bettas don't need a lot of room... Lol. How would you like living in a bowl?? They should have 2.5 gallons... Not "20cm". If you think bettas want to live in a tiny space, your wrong. I bought a 2.5 gallon tank for $45 brand new, came with a filter, water conditioner, rocks and food. I also bought a heater separately, it was so inexpensive. You don't need to go buy a brand new 10 gallon. Also bettas don't need real plants, they actually don't even need any. I gave my betta a few decorations to hide in, but the people saying "get them real plants".... In real life bettas live in mud puddles. I'm not even joking. They do. And when the mud puddles dry up, so do they. It's the way it works. Also this person didn't even put a heater in.. These are tropical fish. Seriously. They need a heater especially if your house is cold.
Clinxeo - 7 years ago
Emily Derkatz Cool but i got mine for free
FishFish - 7 years ago
I got a used 10 gallon for $5 at a garage sale.. Bought a heater for $45 bucks, a bag of natural gravel for $20 and got some substrate from my uncle and some plants and a log from him, he then bought a nice L.E.D light for me from PetSmart, added it all with a thermometer that I got for $5, and then I bought a Fluval filter that was $25 bucks on sale.. Got some guppies (2 died, they were about 3 years old, I have 2 males left and 2 females) , a ghost shrimp and 2 snails (one is dead now, it was old..) from my school for free and bam.. Done.
Now that I realize how much I spent, I think it's crazy that I am not broke..
(if I added up all the things not including the fish/snails/shrimp and plants I got for free, I would have spent $175 Canadian.)
Clinxeo - 7 years ago
emilhoov06 aj I also found a ten gallon for free in front omg neighbors house
Clinxeo - 7 years ago
emilhoov06 aj why did u spent 45 for an 2.5 gallon
I got mine brand new for 14
Capital Gamer
Capital Gamer - 8 years ago
emilhoov06 aj I fond a 10 gallon tank for 17$
Im Darnelle
Im Darnelle - 10 years ago
Wait my I got 20g and I fill 3/4 ways up so I have a tank that ways 120 pounds :(
Jorge Cruz
Jorge Cruz - 10 years ago
No No
dennis jevahirian
dennis jevahirian - 10 years ago
+Jorge Cruz 8 pounds per gallon
Jorge Cruz
Jorge Cruz - 10 years ago
10Pound per gallon of water
Dezeray Westbrooks
Dezeray Westbrooks - 10 years ago
That a 5 gallon
Olivia Gray
Olivia Gray - 10 years ago
this looks like a 5 gallon, not a 10..
Dalton Gregory
Dalton Gregory - 7 years ago
the bare minimum for any type of betta is a 2.5 gallon tank, nothing smaller.
FishFish - 7 years ago
I'm not saying that they'll die in a 2.5/5 gallon, but its not fair, and not humane for them.. Especially without a filter and water conditioner and proper betta food.. Those betta cubes they sell aren't a good idea, since they usually don't have a filter or a heater.. Betta fish are tropical fish and need water around 75F..
FishFish - 7 years ago
Lmao bettas can't live in a 2.5 gallon, they need at least 5 gallons for one female or one male alone! Nothing can or should live in anything under 5 gallons! A 10 gallon should be the only "small" tank that exists.. Bettas need at least a 5 gallon alone with a heater, filter, gravel or sand, plants, and water conditioner! A thermomter too. I suggest watching Taylor Nicole Dean's videos about Betta care..
Olivia Gray
Olivia Gray - 8 years ago
+sejackson45 it just looks small in the video.
Scott E Jackson
Scott E Jackson - 8 years ago
+Olivia Gray It is a 10 gallon tank. I was the one who purchased it.
Olivia Gray
Olivia Gray - 9 years ago
+fishoasis i know betta care lmao, i was just saying that it looks smaller than 10 gallons.
LifeAsTaylor - 10 years ago
Even if it was a five and she divided it, they still have 2.5 gallons which is the minimum space for a betta and they are still happy.
ArtDigistique - 10 years ago
Um.... is it okay to keep my halfmoon male betta in the fishbowl? if not, how much gallon is recommended? (I want a PROPER information) 
TigerFang 111
TigerFang 111 - 9 years ago
+Pinkamena Diane technically, your betta live and be healthy in a fish bowl but from what I have read on bettas, 2.5-5 gallon tanks are ideal.
purple fish
purple fish - 10 years ago
omg when she turn on the light it amazed me wowo you did a great job
Sammy - 10 years ago
You are a professional mam.
Very informative !  
Maria Victoria Lopez - Vindas
Maria Victoria Lopez - Vindas - 10 years ago
Question is outside filter needed
Rod Hykes
Rod Hykes - 10 years ago
John Pounds
John Pounds - 10 years ago
Worst set up and vid I've ever seen. To many plants, and plastic ones will tear their fins. Also, they can see each other through that divider, which causes stress.
Dave OG Miles
Dave OG Miles - 10 years ago
why dident you use an internal filter
Dave OG Miles
Dave OG Miles - 10 years ago
God i hate thows filters
Prince Nightcore
Prince Nightcore - 9 years ago
+Austin Frey coincidence that your profil pic is wattpad
Dave OG Miles
Dave OG Miles - 10 years ago
tuff shit
Austin Frey
Austin Frey - 10 years ago
I hate people who don't have proper grammar. I also hate people who can't spell properly.
Tex-Dubbzy - 10 years ago
Phi Almighty
Phi Almighty - 10 years ago
so, are you happy with what you did?
barrowscasper12 - 10 years ago
this is possibly the worst betta set-up ive ever seen, A) coloured gravel is proven to be bad for fish and possibly water quality B) just give them real plants, theyre not exspensive and easy to care for. C) its a myth that betta's dont need allot of space, they accept it, but they need about a 60cm tank just for 1 betta.
Tiny budgie
Tiny budgie - 7 years ago
barrowscasper12 60cm not enough 500 gallons minimum for just 1 beta
Kittenbumble - 9 years ago
+barrowscasper12 Finally someone on YT who knows how to keep a fish in a decent minimum tank size ratio.
Kittenbumble - 9 years ago
+Hayden Hadford Anyone can edit a wiki page too, it doesn't make them correct. :P
Razgriz - Joshy
Razgriz - Joshy - 10 years ago
+barrowscasper12 lMAO hahahahahaha but yeah i agree with u
barrowscasper12 - 10 years ago
+Hayden Hadford you couldve said ANYTHING, and you said that.
i cant even describe the stupidity of your comment, any idiot can make a channel look at pewdiepie
Hayden Hadford
Hayden Hadford - 10 years ago
Yea cause you know more than someone with their own channel on it
Andreas Chryseliou
Andreas Chryseliou - 10 years ago
"..we like to let the tank cycle for a day or two..."

Oh for God's sake...
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
please dont use Gods name in vain
3 1
3 1 - 9 years ago
Stop at 22:27
Andreas Chryseliou
Andreas Chryseliou - 9 years ago
+live c Nah, you've been doing it wrong.
You're meant to put the fish in a glass box THEN set the tank up...
Flick - 10 years ago
I would recommend silicone sealing the divider to the glass . Enough to keep it from failing but also make it easy to remove incase you want something else later.

Bas Euser
Bas Euser - 10 years ago
Bad fish tank for Betta. It is a misunderstanding that Betta doesn't need a big aquarium., The minimum size is 70 cm!
Many plants no stupid ornaments
Satyawan Ithape
Satyawan Ithape - 10 years ago
nice tuto and nice idea i love this specially sand and trees awesoome now i decorate my fishtank like you i have 8 fish 2 kois 3 gfold fish & 2 mini
sharks and 1 shakkar
William Snyder
William Snyder - 10 years ago
First you need to learn how to pronounce Betta!
You are saying Beta.
Congiary - 9 years ago
She is pronouncing it right, with a Japanese style 'E'.
Raisin Robsi
Raisin Robsi - 10 years ago
what purpose does the lighting serve? please let me know. I know reptiles require special lighting, but am new to fish and bettas
Casey Savage
Casey Savage - 9 years ago
Uhh. So you can see the fish.
Redscarf54 - 10 years ago
To tell the fish when it's night and when it's day.
League of Elite Bettas
League of Elite Bettas - 10 years ago
Hey guys. Could everyone please check out my channel. I am still trying to find out the gender of my little baby betta. I post everyday about all stuff betta. Please go and check put my channel. Thanks a lot!
Abi Quigley
Abi Quigley - 10 years ago
I can't believe the fish shops in America keep bettas in cups I live in England and they keep them in actual tanks as that is just cruel they need space as there tank is there world!!
Cinde Larson
Cinde Larson - 9 years ago
+Puppy Luv
the petsmart i buy my bettas from are (usually) very clean. only saw 1 dead fish ever, and he was freshly dead. guess it sometimes just depends on the store.
Pol Marcellus
Pol Marcellus - 10 years ago
+Puppy Luv Wow, that is total crap. It is true that their decedents live ien rice paddies in Thailand, but the ones that were bred as aquarium fish hate it. Whoever said that is an idiot.
Puppy Luv
Puppy Luv - 10 years ago
I know right! I just went to petsmart and saw 2 dying in those cups and the rest had dirty water with poop I asked the people that work there why weren't they changing the water and the most dumbest answer I had ever heard It helps them feel safe and they like it like that
Pol Marcellus
Pol Marcellus - 10 years ago
shon jon
shon jon - 10 years ago
Beautiful !!
Michelle Rosale
Michelle Rosale - 10 years ago
Good tank setup
RRR - 10 years ago
my ass is better than this tank
Pol Marcellus
Pol Marcellus - 10 years ago
Then I would like to see it. :0
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 10 years ago
SWEET! Learning is fun! I love fish. I love plants. LOL
Duc Tran
Duc Tran - 10 years ago
Um that filter is a bubbling system
Sean Bean
Sean Bean - 10 years ago
5:57 saggy tits yay!
honeytantv - 10 years ago
Thinking about getting bettas. The tank turned out great. :D
Pol Marcellus
Pol Marcellus - 10 years ago
Not a daddy anymore. His midget daughter just passed away.
Pol Marcellus
Pol Marcellus - 10 years ago
I have one that is about 5. He's kind of slowing down now. He's a daddy, so his life had great meaning! ;)
spiritawakensx101 - 10 years ago
If u do get betta fish don't put em in the same tank
lilnetty2 - 10 years ago
That is surprising.Gotta love the interwebz,Im learning all the time...!
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
actually shes not bettas live longer healthier lives with heaters and filters then in bowls it's a few months to 2 years maybe 3 but with space,a heater and a filter they can live 4 to 9 years.I had a betta that lived in a 3.5 gallon with heater and filter and it lived to be 7 years old.
lilnetty2 - 10 years ago
For a small fish,they have a lot of personality.This lady is going beyond what the betta needs to survive,from my experience.Its nicer to look at than my crystal bowl set up,I have to admit.
honeytantv - 10 years ago
+lilnetty2 Wonderful. My mom was telling me the stories of the bettas she had over the years. She had one named Sasha Fierce that would get really excited when she played Beyonce's music,lol.
lilnetty2 - 10 years ago
I had one in a crystal bowl,no filtration system,and he lived for 2 years.I changed the water and rinsed the gravel once in a while,which I didnt know was possibly bad for the betta. Hearty and beautiful, it was a cool fish needing little effort.
Navjot Singh
Navjot Singh - 10 years ago
I was reading an article few days back which described filters are not suitable for betta fish. Regular water change is what is required. Betta  can easily be stressed out and eventually die if water has current, produced by the filter. Please suggest how far is this true. I have a 60 liters Marina tropical tank. The tank not being very big, I can not keep gold fish. I may keep a betta or fish which like to be in groups like guppies, tetra and mollies.. 
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
strong filters are bad it's best to use a above the gravel system that is low flow.every fish has a flow rate and filter system that works best for the that are found in rivers need a high flow (basically a gushing water)and fish that are found in pounds or streams need medium(regular) and fish that are found in pools like bettas need a low flow (trickling system).the filter does more then oxygenate it also keeps the beneficial bacteria that eat fish waste and keeps the water quietly.
Fandom Trash
Fandom Trash - 10 years ago
Pol Marcellus
Pol Marcellus - 10 years ago
Freedom of speech. And take a chill pill.
JERRYR708 - 10 years ago
10 gallon tank divided for 5 gallons each. Gravel and river rock drops it down to 4 1/2 gallons each. Bridge, trees, plastic plants, filter tubes, heater etc brings it to about 4 gallons each. Still better than living in a cup of water.
PurdyBear1 - 10 years ago
Thanks for this tutorial.  I was looking for a tank size that was a lot easier to keep then our current ones ( 2ft x 2ft x 3ft and a 5ft x 2ft x 2 ft (yep as big as a bath)).  At least now I know what size to get, I just need to decided on the fish.
Navneet Pathak
Navneet Pathak - 10 years ago
put some more plants in that huge tank
Joey meadows
Joey meadows - 10 years ago
ok im a fish nerd an i now for a fact bettas dont fight they mislead us
Ehsan Haque
Ehsan Haque - 10 years ago
That does not look like a 5 gallon 2 me
Girmies27 - 10 years ago
It's a 10 gallon split in two
Juliana Garber
Juliana Garber - 10 years ago
You have a nice set-up for your split tank, however note that plastic plants can snag and tear betta fish tails. I would suggest silk plants that are large so they have a hiding and sleeping place and won´t damage their delicate fins. Also for the right half i would add either a decor that has a hiding place or cluster more of the plants together to create one. Rather than that I betyour new bettas will be very happy :)
Shu - 10 years ago
Plastic plants bad bad bad yep yep very bad
FishFish - 7 years ago
Plastic plants should only be used in goldfish tanks, since goldfish eat live plants. For bettas, live plants are recommended since they don't usually eat them, and they won't tear their fins on plastic plants. Silk ones can be used I suppose. I have plastic plants in my goldfish aquarium only because live plants won't survive in there..
Emma Notman
Emma Notman - 9 years ago
+kieras&hannahsthingsx plastic plants are not ideal for bettas.
kieras&hannahsthingsx - 9 years ago
my fish have a selection of plastic plants they love them and love to go in and out of the plants take a look on any professional goldfish site and they will recommend plastic plants ;)
Amit A
Amit A - 10 years ago
Which filter did you use? I also want that kind of filter which does not create current coz bettas like still water.
CL0WN FAC3 - 10 years ago
Sponge filters.
FlamerzZz - 10 years ago
the divider is kinda place they sells those almost transparent ones.
Sinnipop Lolligag
Sinnipop Lolligag - 10 years ago
+audrey lee No. Regardless, to give your fish the best livelihood. Get a solid, non-see through divider. They could care less if they could see each other--  they're enemies. They probably flare up enough in their own reflections. Rather be safe than sorry, they say.
audrey lee
audrey lee - 10 years ago
You can use transparent dividers provided that your betta are not overly aggressive, or by planting close to the divider on both sides. If your betta are constantly flaring however, or become stressed then you probably need to consider a mesh option or carding them. I used clear perspex dividers (they had holes in them for water flow) which were good with my 4 males at the time. The mesh ones are fine but not as sturdy.
Ronilo Bermudo
Ronilo Bermudo - 10 years ago
Transparent dividers should not be used. They can still see each other through it. Or so my pet shop said.
Kianna Shaw
Kianna Shaw - 10 years ago
LadyJabberWocky - 10 years ago
Carbon filters are a waste of money they do nothing for the waste in your tank
Chad Fitzgerald
Chad Fitzgerald - 10 years ago
Not true. They provide chemical filtration as well as absorbing nitrogen based materials like waste. Although, low quality carbon media will go bad pretty quickly.. roughly 3-4 weeks. However other higher quality brands provide this benefit of filtration for up to 4 months!

Sponge filters/undergravel filters provide great aeration of the tank and biofiltration, however they don't do a really great job at removing waste particles or large debree of any kind. For a betta though, this is the best kind of filter.
janie mclin
janie mclin - 10 years ago
janie mclin
janie mclin - 10 years ago
I thought you said no bubble in this tank
janie mclin
janie mclin - 10 years ago
Think I talk to much well look at you just cruelty to animal.
janie mclin
janie mclin - 10 years ago
Who was holding the camera worst ever noise everywhere
janie mclin
janie mclin - 10 years ago
I also think that you put to much decor and gravel

100. comment for How to set up a dual 10 gallon Betta Fishtank

janie mclin
janie mclin - 10 years ago
You can kill the fish lady the fish will see each other and will want to fight then they will get stress and die and why the f*** did you call it woof and meow?the fish don't need heater?you don't need to explain about everything ?did you get the stuff from Walmart that is what I thought?I don't think you should take care of fish after I watched your videos.
janie mclin
janie mclin - 10 years ago
Why don't you put a hang on filter
Toadblue Merino
Toadblue Merino - 10 years ago
She seems nice
Maria Hafeez
Maria Hafeez - 10 years ago
Dylan-lel - 10 years ago
500$ for 2 fish, such a great idea
rrdwhat2002 - 10 years ago
Venga - 10 years ago
plastic plant not god,this aquarium not god
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
+Pol Marcellus  Totally.... Sorry For Late Reply I Was At A Invertibrate Expo :)
Pol Marcellus
Pol Marcellus - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles I know ;)
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
+Pol Marcellus  I Was Making A Joke ... I Really Wasnt Bothered About There Being Plastic Plants Or Not
Pol Marcellus
Pol Marcellus - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles Actually there is One, but it is not a plastic plant.
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
There Deffo Not God
Pol Marcellus
Pol Marcellus - 10 years ago
I don't think that a plastic plant is God either, nor an aquarium. :))
PurdyBear1 - 10 years ago
Well I've kept various fish for donkeys years and have never heard or experienced that with the fish.
Sharon Vegan Amram
Sharon Vegan Amram - 10 years ago
+PurdyBear1 the plastic can cut there fins
Dog - 10 years ago
Plastic plants are perfectly fine! but a real plant is better for the betta
Venga - 10 years ago
+PurdyBear1 Yes, but if the fish are all doing well in such an aquarium full of plastic do not think buddy, live plants produce oxygen and provide something plastic or doubt, besides living plants they look better than plastic. Sorry for my English but I use goggle translator.
PurdyBear1 - 10 years ago
Plastic plants are fine as long as they are specialised aquarium plants.  The only down side is that they have to be cleaned regularly or the algae etc turns the plants dark brown.  We've kept tropical fish for a good 10 years and found no problem with glass aquariums nor aquarium plastic plants.
Ronilo Bermudo
Ronilo Bermudo - 10 years ago
You are right that plastic plants and aquariums are not god.
Ronilo Bermudo
Ronilo Bermudo - 10 years ago
Plastic plants are GOOD as long as they are soft on the edges.
betty foreman
betty foreman - 11 years ago
Why does everyone say bets when referring ot these fish? The word is BETTA as in BETTER,BETTY BETTING! Not Beta as in Beta testing!!
Pol Marcellus
Pol Marcellus - 10 years ago
Ummm, actually, no. You are wrong.
Fierce Cats
Fierce Cats - 11 years ago
stop saying '' go ahead'' its so irritating
مقاطع ضحك
مقاطع ضحك - 11 years ago
بشتري زيه إن شاء الله
agustin cardenas
agustin cardenas - 11 years ago
Ha she said fuck
ben L
ben L - 11 years ago
You can't forget led
pokecards 97
pokecards 97 - 11 years ago
Your crowding the tank they have no room to swim
Heather - 11 years ago
The betta can see each other n will get stressed out basic betta care!
Heather - 10 years ago
bettas don't want to get away thought because they are trying to keep their territory
Heather - 10 years ago
But too much 'excitement' ie having to be territorial 24/7 is not good for it
Reinara - 11 years ago
Like Cassandra said, it's actually good for the Betta fish to have excitement. So long as the tank isn't so small that the Bettas cannot hide without seeing each other, there shouldn't be a problem. I had a Betta who wasn't very active and acted kind of...mopey. Once I got a larger tank, put a divider in and put another Betta on the other side, he was much more active. They live to "protect their territory". It's natural.
Cassandra Grace
Cassandra Grace - 11 years ago
They love to flare it makes them happy and excites them, the tank is big enough they can get away if they want. I have had two bettas in a tank just like that and they are the happiest fish I know. I do however have some plants between them so can have some privacy. They LIKE to see each other. 
Heather - 11 years ago
this very is true my betta gets angry and aggressive just looking at his own reflection then he gets tired and stressed even the ones in the shop get stressed and deseases because they are left flairing which takes a lot of effort.
Cassandra Grace
Cassandra Grace - 11 years ago
That isn't true. 
leonardo pakneleon
leonardo pakneleon - 11 years ago
Sparkle Girl
Sparkle Girl - 11 years ago
Very good video helped me SO much
84sblack - 11 years ago
Nice job, thank you.
7burnitdown - 11 years ago
its the crazy fish lady! 
Misscuteapple s
Misscuteapple s - 11 years ago
Josue Lopez
Josue Lopez - 11 years ago
nice vid but i would use fabric insted of plastic just because it rips the fishes fins and tails
Aelly Misconceptions
Aelly Misconceptions - 11 years ago
Thanks for the video grandma !
Emilia Kaniecka
Emilia Kaniecka - 11 years ago
no one asked your opinion you filthy little mudblood
UltraXD64 - 11 years ago
thast a pretty nice ten gallon
Gabriel Titus
Gabriel Titus - 11 years ago
Thanks :)
Better for Bettas
Better for Bettas - 11 years ago
It's not bay-tas it's bet-tahs
Nicole Cold
Nicole Cold - 11 years ago
what about the fish
konstantinos chionis
konstantinos chionis - 11 years ago
great video, great job.
mohammad Gappar
mohammad Gappar - 11 years ago
Thank you so much♥
Kevin Lokz
Kevin Lokz - 11 years ago
Did the tetra heater work??
Epixelle - 11 years ago
I'm sorry, but derp much? Thanks for the informative video.
Genesis Negron
Genesis Negron - 11 years ago
So cute
NUNYA BUIZNESS - 11 years ago
no matter how many times i change the water and clean the filter out the water wont stay clean AT ALL do i need to just completly change the water or a bigger fish tank filter
GreenMonkeyLover1 - 11 years ago
Tyler Poletti
Tyler Poletti - 11 years ago
Who cares what they look like?
jamaicanmecrazy - 11 years ago
Great job liked it alot
NICK'S SHOP. - 11 years ago
on the heater for the betta how hot do u do you need it like the temp
Enigma - 11 years ago
The real definition of ugly is people like you.
DragonWithaMonocle - 11 years ago
People, please, please, PLEASE don't use plastic plants in your betta tanks. I just do this as a warning. I had some in my tank and my betta ended up with a ripped tail fin! If you don't want to use real plants, use fabric based ones instead.
TheFuzzypelt - 11 years ago
One thing I noticed, is that she had some plastic plants. Plastic plants can rip a betta's tail and cause fin rot or other injury. Get silk plants for your betta
yazan hussain
yazan hussain - 11 years ago
uman965 - 11 years ago
Erick af
Erick af - 11 years ago
You don't need a air pump its not necessary & you don't need a heater your betta will grow faster and live less.
ShinyGoldBacon - 11 years ago
Based on your profile pic, you are into flowers, not aquariums. And I guess I am into pokemon, not aquariums...but I have four aquariums? Someone's profile pic isn't their only interest, you know. People have many interests. :)
ShinyGoldBacon - 11 years ago
If your house stays above 70 degrees F all the time, then you probably won't need a heater. Though I think keeping the tank between 75 and 80 degrees is the best for bettas.
FlashfireLyrics - 11 years ago
I've got a Siamese fighter, and it lives fine without a heater. Our house is kind of warm, but I'm wondering is this natural for it to live fine without the heater?
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
thanks, but i have them all separated now
Fox Ears Art
Fox Ears Art - 11 years ago
All bettas fight so to keep females from fighting, you'd have to get 5 or more females for what's called a sorority then the aggression would be evened out some. However, there is a change one could still pick on another or be bullied so to speak.
1NVABLU3 - 11 years ago
I have a 20 gallion tank
Brianna Granados
Brianna Granados - 11 years ago
Haha Kie Lighton
Kai Leighton
Kai Leighton - 11 years ago
Damn she's fat
BettaFishBoy - 11 years ago
oh yea haha SO SORRY!
daz whiteley
daz whiteley - 11 years ago
i love mincraft im geting fish tomorrow dont know what fish im geting yet
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
i have two females that fight like males :o
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
based on your profile pic, it looks like your into minecraft, not aquariums. since when are you an aquarium expert MR NEGATIVE
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
mr? how do you know im a dude? lol chill out. i have no problem being negative. im negative toward anything that deserves neativity, thank you very much
daz whiteley
daz whiteley - 11 years ago
its really true u have to seperat the boy's to the girl or else thay will attack each other and mite have babies
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
um you can take the divider out, and replace one of the males with a female and they wont fight and you will still have 1 tank housing 2 bettas
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
actually, it is because both the males in the tank will get stressed out from smelling and seeing the other male.
Sheree McGrath
Sheree McGrath - 11 years ago
really enjoyed the video
Alicia Hieb
Alicia Hieb - 11 years ago
I hope those are satin plants or get some live ones. betta's cant have plastic plants with anything that will snag their fins. it can rip their fins and make them look shredded and they will deteriorate. this happened to my betta
Gavin McGehee
Gavin McGehee - 11 years ago
all u people are idiots its separated slip 10 in half and what do u get 5 gallon 5 gallons for each betta not ten. ten is the tank separated its 5
grace lee
grace lee - 11 years ago
dumb butt she said that was a ten gallon and each betta fish gets their own five fgallon space!
Robert Georgian
Robert Georgian - 11 years ago
Very ugly....the aquarium and the women (wtf) are the same...bleaaahhhhh!
joseph marte
joseph marte - 11 years ago
it not a 5 gallon
mgg3d - 11 years ago
Great video!! I like the right side of the tank the best.. I love that tree along with the stone!
touchyfeely100 - 11 years ago
That's a woman :0 WTF
BettaFishBoy - 11 years ago
I think for a cool video you guys could post the two bettas swimming in their happy home
BettaFishBoy - 11 years ago
I think that 5 gallon is a little to small for two bettas because it cuts down to a 2.5 gallon
crazycatlady39 - 11 years ago
Cool video. What color bettas did you get? Do you think this could be done with a five gallon?
crazycatlady39 - 11 years ago
They make connectors for airline tubing. It's a little valve that has a stem like the airstone, but on each side. You just insert it into each of the airline tubing ends you're trying to connect-the air goes right through it. They usually come in a baggie of several and are cheap.
Rohit Singhee
Rohit Singhee - 11 years ago
love it. Thanks for sharing it
Jorge _ gecko
Jorge _ gecko - 11 years ago
How many pounds are your gravel ? For each bag ?
Randy Garcia
Randy Garcia - 11 years ago
hi i really really love your aquarium:) i have to reset mine just to avoid my 2 fighting fish:) thanks thanks,...! ooh sorry my bad English:) at least i try,. i just really want to thank you for this idea:) i hope to see more later:)
Ashley Jones
Ashley Jones - 11 years ago
I'm not sure if anyone answered your question nor if you are still wondering, but it is dangerous to have a male and female even when split because the female may become egg bound.
Ashley Jones
Ashley Jones - 11 years ago
I have always used prime and I have never had any problems. It keeps the water clean and it is super concentrated, so it lasts longer.
natalieoca - 11 years ago
i agree. platies and guppies would look beautiful in a tank like this. even if its divided. two different fish would look awesome
natalieoca - 11 years ago
I love seeing videos like this where people actually treat betta males with respect instead of using them to fight for "fun"
Captain Bird
Captain Bird - 11 years ago
you dont want to use plastic plants. use silk plants. plastic will damage the bettas fins if he/she swims by.
frank pisano
frank pisano - 11 years ago
i just bought prime i saw that it was in the video how is it
BettaFishBoy - 11 years ago
I think what you guys should do is show the two bettas after you put them in for another similar video if you do one
Ima OpGamer
Ima OpGamer - 11 years ago
show me the fish!!!!!!!!
Seven Reble
Seven Reble - 11 years ago
but do you really fave to put the screen
Seven Reble
Seven Reble - 11 years ago
so hard and expensive
RustyBull3tt - 11 years ago
She has very sexy hands
TheAnimeGuy - 11 years ago
Depends on what kind of screen u use
Casey A.
Casey A. - 11 years ago
when you cut the trim you put stress on the silcone and may leek over time
Ahbyss - 11 years ago
dttruon - 11 years ago
i've had 5 crowntail male bettas in a 55 gallon tank for 3 years. They flare at each other occasionally, but never really go at it. they swim past each other all the times, without fear. there were cardinal tetras, corydoras, and ram cichlids. there is a big piece of driftwood with lots of live plants and large stones. give them a community. better yet, give them an ecosystem. they'll be too happy to fight. just dont put them in a small tank with nothing in it. "idle mind breeds contempt."
Izzythaemogangsta - 11 years ago
Yes I'm sure that's true, unfortunately for your bettas it's not an ignorant or untrue statement. Please, do some research before you buy another betta...I hate to think of what those poor fish went through because of you.
Stephen Peters
Stephen Peters - 11 years ago
Thank you so much. This video really helped.
Team Impetuous Free Run
Team Impetuous Free Run - 11 years ago
well that was n ignorant and untrue statement. I've kept bettas literaly in the same tank for years without dieing.
Billy15801 - 11 years ago
Looks awesome thanks for the help!
koutoukimsn - 11 years ago
nc name for a pet store I really like it :))
Izzythaemogangsta - 11 years ago
Yes that's exactly right, they display them in the same manner here as well. Unfortunately keeping them in this manner is highly stressful, if not downright lethal. They almost always die in a few months or less when kept in aquaria where they can see each other, get ready for one of your bettas to die soon. Please, do some research on bettas, before you decide to torture any more fish to death.
ScoutTheWise - 11 years ago
Thank you!
jn ep
jn ep - 11 years ago
i have 2 male beta's and they don't fight , in a 180 L tank
Chris Ramsey
Chris Ramsey - 11 years ago
its just an example setup for artificial setup.
Haytrix - 11 years ago
why all the plastic crap ?
Chris Ramsey
Chris Ramsey - 11 years ago
Really helpful! thank you and great job with explanations
yoomang7 - 11 years ago
fish tank looks sick with that filter and decor. good job
Team Impetuous Free Run
Team Impetuous Free Run - 11 years ago
that's not quiet right, I don't know about in the US but here in Australia all of the pet shops put them in 1 litre tanks next to each other and they don't attack each other, I also have two males in one tank (20 litres (5 galons)) and they leave each other alone.
Martha G
Martha G - 11 years ago
i enjoyed this, it was very informative. Thank you very much!
Lily Addicott
Lily Addicott - 11 years ago
luis arias
luis arias - 11 years ago
hey does the under gravel fiter cleans good
SaravanaiPerumal Ramanathan
SaravanaiPerumal Ramanathan - 11 years ago
razzledazzleboomerz - 11 years ago
wait, but bettas cant be next to each other because they'll want to fight/kill one another. Is there a mirror? Or can the betta fish just not see the other?
legna fishbetta
legna fishbetta - 11 years ago
Thanks for the video, but as I have an underground filter I was told to put a sponge above the gravel so that good bacteria can grow.
Thais Vargas
Thais Vargas - 11 years ago
U should've put the divider first then the gravel
109367 - 11 years ago
Orly? I don't have gravel so I wouldn't know lol
Praktijk Optimal BeYoutiFul
Praktijk Optimal BeYoutiFul - 11 years ago
waarom die ding tusseb je aquarium???
Bre08 - 11 years ago
Pretty tank! Great video!
Ostrichluvrr :3
Ostrichluvrr :3 - 11 years ago
are your plants live ones or plastic ones?
Ostrichluvrr :3
Ostrichluvrr :3 - 11 years ago
i've heard that you are meant to slope the gravel to make all the fish waste accumulated at the front. If you want to know the exact measurements of the amount of gravel there should be 5cm at the back and 3 or 2 cm at the front. Hope this helps!!!
0wen - 11 years ago
A nice 1970's movie. Things have advanced so much since then. Thanks for the look back.
HamsterLuv7777 - 11 years ago
The air hose is needed to operate the undergravel filter.
Christopher Hale
Christopher Hale - 11 years ago
I think your fab!
HolyyMoleyy - 11 years ago
If that separation screen is in the least bit transparent those bettas will see each other and flare all day long. Try a moss covered divider, or a black divider so they can't even see the shadow of the other.
RYAN BLANEY - 11 years ago
Is acrylic paint safe or what
Donald Rosskopf
Donald Rosskopf - 12 years ago
So much miss information... underground filters r crappy filters. Cycling of the tank takes about a month... don't add anything too speed process up.. u can add fish after the first day then for the next 2 weeks after that the next 4 weeks don't... want the nitrate and nitrite cycle to drop down to 0.
Joseph Seaman
Joseph Seaman - 12 years ago
how would you know?
Jaay Extra
Jaay Extra - 12 years ago
that's a 10g? uuuggghhh ive seen other vids of 10g aquariums and they all are way bigger than that one...
109367 - 12 years ago
Yeah why did she install an air hose? weird maybe if the person wants to add a different fish . . . but yeah otherwise an air hose is superfluous if all you have is bettas.
charlie goldshire
charlie goldshire - 12 years ago
Great vid thanks for the info! Helped me alot as a starter
elizabethempathetic7 - 12 years ago
i think it was because the pic is male and she is obviously female
Chesty LaRue
Chesty LaRue - 12 years ago
you don't have autism.
tacomahnster - 12 years ago
She cycles the tank for only 2 days before adding fish? That is definitely not enough time... you need at least 2-4 weeks for a nitrogen complete cycle. Also, that filter looks like a cheap piece of crap. Power filters or internal filters are much better.
PunkyPug89 - 12 years ago
I actually would of put in the divider BEFORE the gravel. Makes it easier.
Million - 12 years ago
Bettas don't need air in the tank anyway they go to the top to breathe
enababy1000 - 12 years ago
Thank you so much for your video :) we loved it!
MrLogicTroll - 12 years ago
Learn English, then try to comment.
betafishsushi - 12 years ago
this setup is actually nice not like other vidoes ive seen
swillmon505 - 12 years ago
People have been cycling fish tanks with 2 to 3 fish for Longer than youve been alive.
Vortex Oblivion
Vortex Oblivion - 12 years ago
Plastic plants...
Vortex Oblivion
Vortex Oblivion - 12 years ago
Cycling a tank and growing the beneficial bacteria takes at least 2 weeks, I don't know where the fuck you got 1 or 2 days from.
Gabriel Perez
Gabriel Perez - 12 years ago
Tiffanyweygant77 once you put in the chlorine remover you would have to wait 24 hours for a 10 gallon tank.... I like the decorations in that tank
Melanie Aguilar
Melanie Aguilar - 12 years ago
stop talking like that!!!!!!!!!!
XGT59 - 12 years ago
How the hell is the name woof and meow related to fish?
maider nator
maider nator - 12 years ago
is that a girl or boy
Lagolas Vollner
Lagolas Vollner - 12 years ago
You are gay hahaha gjdrjruhdyskydydhdxjckxfjzitsksotatosotalgzylxjcjchldpydldhlzhldlhstlsshlsylskts
kat diaz
kat diaz - 12 years ago
The heater is necessary if you decide to buy a betta fish. Betta fishes are tropical fish and thrive in temperatures 75-84 degrees Fahrenheit.
Nicole - 12 years ago
2 questions Is the heater necessary? Did you use fake plants? Thank you!
Senji Grim
Senji Grim - 12 years ago
your fish must love you <3
109367 - 12 years ago
I have the same exact tank for my one male betta and yes it is def 10 gallons xD
Astrid Gootner
Astrid Gootner - 12 years ago
Looks pretty good!
tyranus16 - 12 years ago
Hope you don't eat these bettas.
Scott E Jackson
Scott E Jackson - 12 years ago
I can guarantee that it is a ten gallon tank.
Walter Avila
Walter Avila - 12 years ago
U serious?!
noah Duncan
noah Duncan - 12 years ago
That's a 5 gallon tank
explosionexplosion - 12 years ago
I have that same bridge in my 37 gallon tank!
Charles LeBlanc
Charles LeBlanc - 12 years ago
when are you going to put the fish in
Charles LeBlanc
Charles LeBlanc - 12 years ago
what is that
Charles LeBlanc
Charles LeBlanc - 12 years ago
i like this vido becuse i wust to have one but my goldfish got stuck and diad when it got stuck behind a shile but i giting a new one
Tiffani Davis
Tiffani Davis - 12 years ago
I love this video! Very informative and easy to understand. This is what I want to do for my two female betas. I really love this! Thank you so much.
HD Lion Videos
HD Lion Videos - 12 years ago
Nice tank
K Yang
K Yang - 12 years ago
you sound very tired just by setting up a tank?
PahnduhHD - 12 years ago
Check out my fishtank !!!
MrSNIPER KING - 12 years ago
phosphate - 12 years ago
you cant put two male bettas together lady they will kill each other
John Diaz
John Diaz - 12 years ago
Very nice and informative video! You have an eloquent way with words and descriptions.
Freshwatermadness - 12 years ago
most 10 gallon tanks are advertised at 38 litres cause they use the u.s. gallon which is 3.78 litres.
whiskandbowl - 12 years ago
They should be in tanks of at least 2 gallons. Anything smaller is hard to heat, and waste builds up very quickly, requiring a lot of water changes.
crystalinedragon - 12 years ago
Not to mention leaving a tank to cycle for only 1 day?? Should be 6 weeks with a full fishless cycle done with ammonia.
crystalinedragon - 12 years ago
5 gallons IS 25 Litres
musicman3005 - 12 years ago
ooo and to the need a filter also just wonderin again thanks
musicman3005 - 12 years ago
i got a ? for ya dose it matter the size of tank ypu put bettas in i always seen em in small tanks will thet get stressed out in larger tanks n soo much room just wondering thanks
Robohammies - 12 years ago
@msconmaiac doing that with clear glass will stress them
lefteris gk
lefteris gk - 12 years ago
5 gallons each is still too little space for them... i have a 70lt tank (i dont know how many gallons it is) and i have sperated it to 3 parts, one betta each, which gives them about 20-25 litres.
LLMyoutube - 12 years ago
Also plastic plants are known to rip fins so I advise silk plants because ripped fins encourage fin rot.
LLMyoutube - 12 years ago
It's a nice setup although the filter isn't that awesome and the heater could be a better model. I recommend a HOB (hang over back) filter or at least a sponge filter for your aquarium. The only thing an under gravel filter does is suck the excrement and detritus in the tank to the bottom and let it sit there. Also I've had that heater in the back before and mine really didn't work. :/ The temperature kept swinging. And adjustable heater is much better. I also recommend a digital thermometer.
autumn sanders
autumn sanders - 12 years ago
Ok, some of these comments are NOT right! That Is an amazing set up for a tank, the plants are amazing, the rocks are a beautiful shade of blue, and the filters and light are great!
Elpinacate - 12 years ago
nice set up . but i prefer natural plants cause are more benefitial to keep a good quality water , that filter i guess is Great cause doesn't create too much current , bettas comes froms quiet water likes small lakes , 5 gallons for each betta i thing is better than 2 galon bowl But , I prefer 10 gallons for one betta , you can put more plants , and the fish will be more happy , those fish likes to explore so 10 gallons are the minimun Required
1234567890nam - 12 years ago
The minimum gallons for a betta is 10 gallons. You're a monster. And a lot of plants is required. They are shy and aggressive creatures. -from a betta breeder
captmicha - 12 years ago
So they can keep fighting and stress out? GREAT advice given here.
TheTeamStarblasters - 12 years ago
__________________ Bowls are for soup not fish! 10 gallon 1 male Chocolate DT Betta Autistic and Proud! *Disclaimer* I'm not rude, I'm blunt because I care.
keith lagoe
keith lagoe - 12 years ago
Well done girl, nice one i can see you loving doing this well done..............
Tymira Smith
Tymira Smith - 12 years ago
yes. Right now I have a ten gallon divided. right now I'm running a single power filter and I hate it. I find it doesn't effectively filver the other side of the tank, and I use the same divider. I'm actually going to go and get the filter she's using. I wouldn't want anything more powerful because the fish could get stuck to the tube of a power filter. seen it happen. so, in short, yes, two low power filters with gentle currents are necessary in a divided tank.
emmatotomato - 12 years ago
are u a guy or girl...
jackie franco
jackie franco - 12 years ago
how much did you spend? on every thing
Megan Jo Underwood
Megan Jo Underwood - 12 years ago
Thanks for the video! I have two male bettas, and have been thinking of doing a divided tank, but I had no idea where to start. So this was very informative and helpful! :)
Linda Ben
Linda Ben - 12 years ago
I have that divider......the metal clips that you clip it onto the side rusted.............
oddguyluke - 12 years ago
Its actually pronounced bett-uhh not bate-ah. Just saying.
BunchofButt - 12 years ago
It sure ain't bad for them =_=
RustZero14 - 12 years ago
Nice video
alex cruz
alex cruz - 12 years ago
do u need to filters?
Eternal Skyy Costumes
Eternal Skyy Costumes - 12 years ago
I dont know if filtered water is good for bettas..... I use sink water with de chlorination because the minerals are needed for the fish, or at least what I read online. XD That's a good question to bring up!
ZazuLover zazu
ZazuLover zazu - 12 years ago
I had a bubbler and I had the exact same tank but it was fine I had it for about two years I liked it I just didnt have room for it anymore so I sold it to a girl who had been saving up for one and it had the bubbler and everything gravel a pump a thing for fish to hide in I mean EVERYTHING in it.
Hanamura Lyu
Hanamura Lyu - 12 years ago
How You Gunna Clean That Shit Yo???
Joaquin Arango
Joaquin Arango - 12 years ago
if your gonna b mean dont even get on youtube like robert bodrato i learnd some stuff too actually this video helped me set up my betta tank soo
lonewolf2545 - 12 years ago
I've always wondered if the two males would get over agitated by being able to see each other and get sick or too tired? Does anybody know the answer to this? Kinda like how a male will get too tired from looking at himself in a mirror.
Kiki70701 - 12 years ago
Great video!
Rado Lučenič
Rado Lučenič - 12 years ago
nice and informative
TheRealMrsMars - 12 years ago
i like fish and everything but betas r sorta like little brats. i would b like f this! im putting them together and if they dare fight, im feeding them to my turtle!
lpsFashionLover - 12 years ago
I have that same tank! But mine holds my hermies :-)
RC MAN 23 - 12 years ago
I hate 10 gallons because they cant hold the fish i like which is fish that can and will ate betas and gold fish
Skittlez - 12 years ago
I hope you rinsed the decor before you put it in! Doesnt look like it, the plant looked bone dry!
Fish and Fluff
Fish and Fluff - 12 years ago
sand it better for betta's and those marina lights r very bright but r really bad about going out not due to long life but short out on me oh and undergravel filters r not for new owners and I own 3 male bettas together
kingwithabrokencrown - 12 years ago
a buddy of mine works at a petstore and they sell those 2 bulb fluorescent light tank hoods and alot of ppl were complaining both bulbs being on were to bright and instead of haveing just one on,he told them as long as the bulbs stayd dry to go over the bulbs with a blue sharpie marker which added a slight blue dimmer light,everybody thats did that so far likes it.
Earthling1984 - 12 years ago
you should put on some other filter for mechanical filtration, but the under gravel filter is just great for bio-filtration.
Earthling1984 - 12 years ago
Very nice video! Great job! Thumbs Up -Tab (Earthling1984)
Eriberto deleon
Eriberto deleon - 12 years ago
tania chakraborty
tania chakraborty - 12 years ago
i agree with @bibilovesyew
Reptileman110 - 12 years ago
thank you it helped alot, it helped me because i'm going to get a betta fish soon, thanks. :).
John Vandeven
John Vandeven - 12 years ago
Very informative thank you
Tyler Davidson
Tyler Davidson - 12 years ago
she is a good instructer
FollowOtherness - 12 years ago
Bettas are actually pretty good fish for doing a fish in filter cycle! You definitely need to watch your parameters daily, and do regular water changes to keep the ammonia and nitrites controlled until your BB have the time to fully become established.
Elouise Hodge
Elouise Hodge - 12 years ago
no offense i thought she was a man
angelswave88 - 12 years ago
and what's wrong with plastic plants?
Sushi2460 - 12 years ago
plastic plants....omg :((((
Abnormalityable1 - 12 years ago
I officially LOVE this lady. She got one fact wrong. other than that she is very prepared and intelligent.
Abnormalityable1 - 12 years ago
You can't have 2 females. theyll kill each other you need a colony of 4-6 you idiot.
Abnormalityable1 - 12 years ago
I have mine with Blackskirt Tetras. :3
jess joseph de ocampo
jess joseph de ocampo - 12 years ago
can you please make a video for goldfish set up ?
Idonttrustthatshit - 12 years ago
uh you are so dumb. you are really dumb. for real.
Idonttrustthatshit - 12 years ago
Why don't you not comment on shit you don't know ANYTHING about and shut up and listen for a second.
Idonttrustthatshit - 12 years ago
Says SloberyRainbow...
Idonttrustthatshit - 12 years ago
Uhm... SHE needs a life? She's helping people learn how to set up a tank properly, she's teaching and doing something she loves... you're a little dickhead bitching about it on facebook. Do you even have fish? Why the fuck are you watching this video? Go get a fucking life.
Idonttrustthatshit - 12 years ago
Betta's can swallow air bubbles and hurt their stomachs. But most filters use small bubblers because it helps filter the water faster.
Idonttrustthatshit - 12 years ago
shut the fuck up and stop looking at her boobs, Denise.
Kim Jong-un
Kim Jong-un - 12 years ago
thanks for the video! helped me a lot, thank you!
Luch - 12 years ago
i have the same tank
mushu rules
mushu rules - 12 years ago
thanx 4 the video!!
TheHenke1982 - 12 years ago
you saved my day lady .. im going to buy a betta or two and wanted to be prepared . .your video was wonderful and i want to thank you for your help that your video was giving me today .. :)
dskmsj - 12 years ago
thank you sooo much for uploading this video!!! I had no idea I could make a dual betta tank. you are one awesome lady!!!!
nerfomatic18 - 12 years ago
its good to know that some people are looking after bettas propely! oh, and why are you people so fucking rude?
jake huber
jake huber - 12 years ago
well than u didnt have calm enough fish
Zaky Assyaddad
Zaky Assyaddad - 12 years ago
Is good . :) I like it .
Jim Pickens
Jim Pickens - 12 years ago
awesome vid
Denise Rice
Denise Rice - 12 years ago
geezzzeee lady buy a bra !
Bobby Shotz
Bobby Shotz - 12 years ago
Never really understand why people come on here to be dicks... If you don't like it, just leave.. Come on now..I learned some new stuff, so thumbs up! Thank you!!
WhyImAwsome - 12 years ago
Who the heck cares
Kevin Reyes
Kevin Reyes - 12 years ago
No :)
tracy o'connor
tracy o'connor - 12 years ago
thank you
Luke Hadley
Luke Hadley - 12 years ago
tracy o'connor
tracy o'connor - 12 years ago
so do you dude stop compaining
tracy o'connor
tracy o'connor - 12 years ago
shes a baby
tracy o'connor
tracy o'connor - 12 years ago
i love this video. i have one blue and green betta with 2 black stripes she only in a half gallon tank because i want a easy matanice tank but i figure anything is better then those little cups i got my fish from walmart in norwich none of you people have to listen to this but i found some special betta water i reccomend it its called BETTA PRO thanks for a great video
Sor Butt
Sor Butt - 12 years ago
i dont inderstand why you people cant stfu and enjoy the video its not that hard so sit down stfu and watch the video with out any drama its much better that way :)
Evelyn Diaz
Evelyn Diaz - 12 years ago
some of you people are assholes. If you don't like the video dislike it and leave, no need to insult the lady.
Emily - 12 years ago
you people are so rude!!!
Joris Vietrinas
Joris Vietrinas - 12 years ago
Great video, there is so mistakes done but i liked it :)
1997BLucy - 12 years ago
Jabba the hut with a wig... Just sayin'
ZappyPayload - 12 years ago
"let the tank cycle for 1 to 2 days" this thing has no idea, poor fish.
Tanvir Hussain
Tanvir Hussain - 12 years ago
Is that a man or a woman speaking :/
Fish and Fluff
Fish and Fluff - 12 years ago
Female betta can be keep together though but you must have a group of 3 or 5 cause you can get some that will spare with each other and with 4 you would have a 1 on 1 fight but they form group you will have the occasional chase but not often bettas also do well with neon tetra just get more than 3.
JETSTA916 - 12 years ago
shows how much life u have
Max Olson
Max Olson - 12 years ago
can get em at PetSmart
Jorge Martinez
Jorge Martinez - 12 years ago
Take a chill pill cry baby, I was trying to laugh at the matter that there's a bunch of idiots fighting over the name of a fucking fish.
Laura Palacios
Laura Palacios - 12 years ago
do you know how much you spend in everything in this video? please answer,,. thank you
Kennedy Electra
Kennedy Electra - 12 years ago
get a life
Jorge Martinez
Jorge Martinez - 12 years ago
It isn't Bett-ah, it's FUCK-U!
missmowl123 - 12 years ago
dude there are different pronunciations for different words jeez...
Xenya Vasquez
Xenya Vasquez - 12 years ago
dhi me again just wondering would it have been smarter to put the devider first other then the gravel or not?
Xenya Vasquez
Xenya Vasquez - 12 years ago
how do you clean the gravel and little toys and everything ?
cevencity - 12 years ago
i would get a walmart brand airpump and get rid of the tetra air pump. they haave never made a decent air pump or filter ever. other things tetra makes are better. trust me change the air pump and you will see what i am talking about.
VideoWatcher0010 - 12 years ago
Bettas really don't need a filter if you clean the tank.
BettaFishRUs - 12 years ago
It isn't BAY-TA. It's BETT-AH. Gosh.
Mady batey
Mady batey - 12 years ago
i ha three male bettas my fav dead he did tricks an kno i have two now
Ruslan Benov
Ruslan Benov - 12 years ago
redg1369 - 12 years ago
Your going to want an outlet with more outlets
AcidicAngel666 - 12 years ago
You need more than 2 females or they fight. You need a minimum group of 5 to spread the aggression. Also please learn to spell... I could hardly understand that :/
AcidicAngel666 - 12 years ago
No your very wrong there, you cycle the tank for 2-3 months, 10 gallon is fine for 2 male betta's, divided of course, so that's another point your wrong on. Undergravel filter work perfectly fine thank you, I've had one myself. You don't need an air stone, none of my fish tanks have Air Stones in them.
AcidicAngel666 - 12 years ago
I've got clear perspex in mine and I've had no problems with them smacking against it. They don't even bother each other even when they do see each other.
jake huber
jake huber - 12 years ago
you need to read up on beta fish you can put betta fish together. but you need at least a 20 gallon tank and their has to be lots and lots of plant decor
98CHICALINDA - 12 years ago
Thank you so much very helpful and where did you get the blue plant.
MrAceFab - 12 years ago
plants ? i only c PVC plastic .......
CatEyedFancy - 12 years ago
They actually don't have to be kept alone... you can put them in larger tanks with other fish. Just not other bettas, and no fish that are too bright and aggressive or fish that will nip at their long, beautiful fins. Mind you, each betta's temperament is slightly different. My betta is fine in a tank with some larger, passive tetras.
Jaymie Aguilera
Jaymie Aguilera - 12 years ago
Why are all the plants boys? lol Just kidding I am a you were lol
TrapGodMc - 12 years ago
you should set up a bigger tank
Abby Q
Abby Q - 12 years ago
yeah good info you really relly neen a cover one of mine jumped out of its tank and sadly died sorry delilah!
Michael Moon
Michael Moon - 12 years ago
00:19 shes gonna sneeze!!!
B0318 - 12 years ago
she is cute <3
Cassidy Carey
Cassidy Carey - 12 years ago
oh my. so many plants :)
Avalonian Principles
Avalonian Principles - 12 years ago
Nope, you said "2 betta fish in a tank/seperate".
PartAwesome - 12 years ago
sooo.... you just contradicted yourself. Way to go, grammarless idiot.
Avalonian Principles
Avalonian Principles - 12 years ago
No shit sherlock.
PartAwesome - 12 years ago
Congratulations. But if two male betta can see each other, they are going to stress themselves out trying to get to each other.
Avalonian Principles
Avalonian Principles - 12 years ago
Nope, I had so many fish and not even 1 did that.
PartAwesome - 12 years ago
actually, that's pretty accurate. But as the poster said, the screen isn't clear. However, your grammar is the stupidest I've ever seen.
Avalonian Principles
Avalonian Principles - 12 years ago
Lol, that's the most stupidest thing I ever heard about fish.
Barry Duke
Barry Duke - 12 years ago
don't nessasarly need a heater for all fish, nessasarryl,most fish like sool water i think she just wants money
NCQueen09 - 12 years ago
Silk plants are nice too :)
Ivette Sanchez de Talge
Ivette Sanchez de Talge - 12 years ago
The video helped me a lot to put my fish tank, thanks
Assault0137 - 12 years ago
i have that tea-maker in the background
Tran_MD410 - 12 years ago
you should try to use real plants next time, the plastic ones can cut your betta's tail or fins and it helps remove the waste that your betta's will be exchanging
spoonerdee - 12 years ago
JETSTA916 - 12 years ago
only ur son or daughter can be that dumb, and their not chinese u retard
JETSTA916 - 12 years ago
they will not smack it til there dead, are you really that dumb?
Karyn Wagner
Karyn Wagner - 12 years ago
i hear bettas are abused most of the stores like in small dirt cup and water
my.lean - 12 years ago
could you use sand instead of gravel?
Scott E Jackson
Scott E Jackson - 12 years ago
The screen is not clear plastic. It is translucent enough to let light through but that is it. I have had no problems with the screen and the fish are thriving in the tank. Thanks for bringing up the thought.
No. - 12 years ago
your not suppose to have a clear screen they will smack against the screen till they die
Scott E Jackson
Scott E Jackson - 12 years ago
Not a chance. The divider is very durable and the fish aren't that strong. So unless you are putting piranha or some other toothy fish - you don't have a worry.
Gambit58 - 12 years ago
Company name FAIL!
Olga Amador
Olga Amador - 13 years ago
It doesn't surprise me at all that people can be so pathetic, I enjoyed your video and found it very helpful, I have a male and a female in two separate bowls and want to buy them a larger tank, I didn't know about the underwater filter, love it. Thank you, I hope you are able to ignore the lesser beings.
TheCheese909 - 13 years ago
Nice video, though you do have to make sure the divider is in place- bettas if agressive enough can push past it.. Also, the tank isn't really planty enough, you should have silk plants, Bettas tails are very sensitive and can easily be ripped by plastic plants, they do much better with silk ones. I know all my boys (8 bettas all in separate tanks) have silk plants, they love to sit on them and in them, so it just makes it easier.. Or you can use all live plants if you know how to care for them.
Chris lsd
Chris lsd - 13 years ago
You could have set up two diffrent your just too lazy you.. you THING!
jose mendoza
jose mendoza - 13 years ago
alondra u.
alondra u. - 13 years ago
im going to do this for my betta elvis and the other im planning to get but im going to get to colors of gravel just so it complements my fishes color (':
blaineem - 13 years ago
am i the only one bothered by the crooked divider? damn OCD

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