How to take care of your Betta fish

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How to take care of your Betta fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 86

Betta 15 years ago 265,835 views

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Most popular comments
for How to take care of your Betta fish

Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 9 years ago
betta fish do not make bubble nest when they are happy
Bethany Cosgrove
Bethany Cosgrove - 8 years ago
+Jude Jacinto Yes they do. They also make it in breeding season.
Caroline Mounger
Caroline Mounger - 9 years ago
Thank you for the video!  Can you spell the brand of tank you have?
Artsy Animal Lover
Artsy Animal Lover - 9 years ago
Its probably just an aqueon ten gallon tank.
Sena Budimlic
Sena Budimlic - 9 years ago
Thats a really beautiful Betta fish! I have a pet bird and I'm hoping to get another fish, my goldfish just died... I have been looking into different types of breeds of fish, and this was really helpful! I'm really considering getting a Betta fish!
Ava Lynch
Ava Lynch - 10 years ago
i have a five gallon tank is that enough???
Artsy Animal Lover
Artsy Animal Lover - 9 years ago
Yes, definitely
Dogarmy1 - 10 years ago
Beemo Wafflestacks
Beemo Wafflestacks - 10 years ago
CAN live in a small jar or vase? They just CAN'T. It shouldn't be encouraged in the slightest.
Michael Bleu
Michael Bleu - 10 years ago
Why not lava rock?
rmmelofull - 10 years ago
buy castle?
Brunette1250 - 11 years ago
Hate fake plastic plants.

10. comment for How to take care of your Betta fish

mulmelon - 11 years ago
I have a 15 gallon tank and my Bettas like EXPLOREE!!
young savage
young savage - 11 years ago
Everybody come look at my new betta fish that were shipped to me today
マリーアMartoki - 11 years ago
Use real plants or go to pet smart also ask them for advice Thelovepoppy.
popupanimash - 11 years ago
how big is your tank? i have a 10 gallon for my betta and he loves it! but i was just at pet smart and they said he would die because he would not be about to get to the top of the tank.... but thats where he stays and he goes everywhere else in the tank as we'll.... idk all i know is that he started making a bubble nest this morning and that means hes healthy
nojustvideos - 11 years ago
I suggest like a 3 gallon or 5
clark778 - 11 years ago
will a 1/2 gallon tank be big enough for a betta fish?
r - 11 years ago
My Betta Grimm lives in a HUGE bowl and he loves it
princesscrystalluna - 11 years ago
Thank u I'm gonna do it
oliver leon
oliver leon - 11 years ago
thank you
amelia d
amelia d - 11 years ago
um that is not a bubble nest... thats ur fish being horney ...

20. comment for How to take care of your Betta fish

Thaddius Leiber
Thaddius Leiber - 11 years ago
Very nice Crowntail you have there, keep up the good work! Even though I knew pretty much everything in this video it was fun to watch another handsome fish.
Thaddius Leiber
Thaddius Leiber - 11 years ago
Bettas are labyrinth fish, meaning they can breathe water and also take gulps of air from the surface. In fact, it is well known that they enjoy a leaf or log near the surface of the water so they can be lazy and take the occasional gulp of air!
EpicMarchio - 11 years ago
I might get a fish soon :)
Jo zef
Jo zef - 11 years ago
dont use fake plants and plastic "bowl"
R L I F E - 11 years ago
maybe he mistake their reflections for a rival male fish
Pandora - 11 years ago
I just got a beta fish a couple days ago... This helped tons... Thank you!
nw_dressage - 11 years ago
PLEASE ANSWER ME! Hi! I got my self my third aquarium for not long ago and now I want to buy a beta fish. Ofcourse I want it to be really happy! :D But in my pet store we only have the real bade plastic plants. Can i use real plants? :)
Anzel - 11 years ago
I appreciate that unlike a lot of the betta fish care videos on youtube, you state things you've observed first-hand, and aren't saying people are being horrible to their fish. I work at a PetSmart, and there are a lot of videos out there saying we abuse or neglect the fish at the store, without knowing anything about it. Or another thing...saying betta fish can't be happy in smaller homes. If people did research, they'd know betta fish live in shallow water...
Anzel - 11 years ago
I have to agree with Taylor, if it's a hard plant it MAY have been possible, betta fish are pretty strong though, their disadvantage is the larger tails the captive-bred ones have. I'd suggest one that's softer, more malleable plastic. Or a grass plant like Mondo Grass, which my betta adores.
Taylor Johnson
Taylor Johnson - 11 years ago
I'm pretty sure your beta just died and then drifted into a plant. They hide in plants in the wild. Sorry about your beta though.

30. comment for How to take care of your Betta fish

TheHaterBroMO - 11 years ago
I have a crown tail and his name is blue moon, he really hates his reflection!!
John John
John John - 11 years ago
ive got a betta
Marco Rodriguez
Marco Rodriguez - 11 years ago
Your Betta looks exactly like mine :)
bettafish blue
bettafish blue - 11 years ago
Thanks your video inspired me to upgrade to a bigger tank and get the proper care for my Betta.
Taylor Johnson
Taylor Johnson - 11 years ago
You're awesome :)
Oakley Sunshine
Oakley Sunshine - 11 years ago
I always get the ugly fish, cause I know no one else will adopt them. They are so playful and nice, and after you get to know them, they are so cute and loveable!
Ross Tiffen
Ross Tiffen - 11 years ago
what's the plant he was sleeping in?
MLAudet - 11 years ago
It's "Things I Don't Understand"
MLAudet - 11 years ago
It's "Things I Don't Understand"
Max Quintas
Max Quintas - 11 years ago
What song is this. It sounds like coldplay but i could be wrong
Mica miczful
Mica miczful - 11 years ago
Can i put filter or oxygen in the aquarium ?
Sarah Shilling
Sarah Shilling - 11 years ago
What's this song ? I know it's from Coldplay but I can't think of it:(
Drood Lex
Drood Lex - 12 years ago
It's always great to adopt a betta fish with clamp fins, maybe a bit sick because you know why, a healthy betta will be adopted, but a betta that has been waiting for a second chance become rare, and carry the most amazing beauty you will seen, not only that your giving (s)he a second chance.
mikail yilmaz
mikail yilmaz - 12 years ago
That looks like my beta fish
Melinda Bradshaw
Melinda Bradshaw - 12 years ago
I believe bubble nests means babies....
Melinda Bradshaw
Melinda Bradshaw - 12 years ago
I am sure it is hurt as your eye would be if you lost it. Lay it to rest and put it out of its pain..........
jhon tisk
jhon tisk - 12 years ago
KMT Films
KMT Films - 12 years ago
nice, make a video? also, feel free to check out my videos of my bettas for ideas =)
andres pech
andres pech - 12 years ago
nice video=)im goin to buy one today!
jhon tisk
jhon tisk - 12 years ago
I cant imagine 2 betta fish in the same tank. seems... odd.

50. comment for How to take care of your Betta fish

-Amber- - 12 years ago
he looks like my betta. Same colors and evreything but mine has a little bit of red 2
Betta Savior
Betta Savior - 12 years ago
Hi if you love your betta fish and bought him from walmart check put where he/she came from. all you need to do is sign the petition. walmart abuses these defenseless creatures. please sign the petition we need a lot of singnatures type:stop the sale and abuse of betta fish @
FollowOtherness - 12 years ago
Bettas are not schooling fish, so they never need a "companion." a male and female together will fight, and likely kill each other.
lanalangundercover - 12 years ago
Great video! I saved my Betta fish from a 99 cents store ( slaughter house) So I am not really sure about what kind of Betta fish it is. Also, I would like to find him a female "companion" but I am not interested in breeding them. Hope you can respond and give me some info. Thanks!
The Cat Among Tacos
The Cat Among Tacos - 12 years ago
My sister and I both got one today. They share a tank,but it has dividers. Sorry about your loss.
The Cat Among Tacos
The Cat Among Tacos - 12 years ago
My sister and I both just got male crowntail betta fish. If possible I would like to know about betta health facts such as possible diseases they can get. I named my betta Dark-Tipped Rider. My sister's betta is named Strike. If someone's betta dies how do you know what it died from? What type of side effects other than dull scales show it is sick? My betta looks healthy,but I would like to know more about them. If possible can you make a video or comment telling me more if you know?
Nerdy Reptiles
Nerdy Reptiles - 12 years ago
Hey cool video.. Really explains alot, check out my animal vids :) @ Lizbokills . Thanks for the betta video
Cel B
Cel B - 12 years ago
How long are Beta fish supposed to live? I had mine for only a year and a half before it died :(
kidcudi cudi
kidcudi cudi - 12 years ago
Eminem - No Love ft. Lil Wayne
ninjakat606 - 12 years ago
I had a Betta that lived or 8 years, not even kidding lol :D he looked just like yours
Linda Ben
Linda Ben - 12 years ago
Awesome backround music. Coldplay xD never heard it before i know Chris Martins voice anywhere
Allister2016 - 12 years ago
Thanks for the info, I have put him into a 29gl tank now and hes in with an angelfish and they seam to be very happy together.
vroomy600 - 12 years ago
if he's not too agressive, then i suggest ghost shrimp or mystery snail. i don't suggest another fish, because the tank is so small, and i'm assuming there's no filter. there might be territory or, more likely, water quality issues.
Thexplodingunicorn Red
Thexplodingunicorn Red - 12 years ago
Can someone help me? My betta fish has a lost eye and I wanna see if I can do anything about it. Contact me if you need a picture.
thinkturtles - 12 years ago
lol this is so funny and helpful love this video keep them coming :D
SucukluMadCow - 12 years ago
Why do you think that?
Bas Goonie
Bas Goonie - 12 years ago
Well.. My Betta is happy even without all this fancy stuff, are you working for Petco or sm? LOL
gamerfanman - 12 years ago
i got the sme betta
MrRandomGuy1231 - 12 years ago
Things I dont understand- Coldplay
Allister2016 - 12 years ago
Grrrrrr lol I loved that part.. great video.. any suggestions for a tank mate.. ? I have mine in a 2.5 gl I know is still fairly small.. but thought he might like one friend...hes happy and making nests.
divine0g0d - 12 years ago
what's the song?
aaron charles
aaron charles - 12 years ago
thats a big tank i just have mine in squard tank.
tommy moon
tommy moon - 12 years ago
that sucks
zy0000yz - 12 years ago
Search the symptoms and diagnose betta care 101 is good
SucukluMadCow - 12 years ago
Thats not correct. They need air but not all the time. Once in 10mins they will go to the surface and get some air and go back like mine.
mgg3d - 12 years ago
Really pretty Betta, and tank!!! The only thing I have against having bettas in large tanks, is because they have to stay at the top all the time because they need air..
Ivan Corona
Ivan Corona - 12 years ago
I bought one today and it die the same freaking day
TheFirstWilly - 12 years ago
There r more types of bettas like half tail, and bettas can be with each other if each betta has 20 gallons to themselves, also the less current the better, and they love sleeping on plants...
Acelan W
Acelan W - 12 years ago
Thats a very pretty Betta, what kind is it?
Gianflavio - 12 years ago
ps. how do you know if your water is in a good temperature?
SilkShadow359 - 12 years ago
jefke8345 - 12 years ago
He never have to se itsel constanly or it wil die 1 yeae earlyer
SilkShadow359 - 12 years ago
umm ... ok thanks for a story -_-
ohmyhi - 12 years ago
Yeah I know seriously! I was just given a betta and an angel fish both in small bowls and the girl hadn't changed their water in a month. I am surprised they are both alive but the angel goes to his new home tomorrow and the betta will stay with me while he gets better :) if you check out my channel soon I'll have some videos up of the two :) But it is sad how people don't know and don't care enough about their betas!! Or even about animals in general!
ohmyhi - 12 years ago
Oh and also there are other fish with the ability to breath both, several species they are just not as known because they're not pets lol
ohmyhi - 12 years ago
They won't drown but they prefer to have a longer tank than a taller tank. I have no doubt that your betta is doing fine it's just a preference that is related to their natural habitat
TadaKiba - 12 years ago
Yeah, but I do like the community tanks too.
ohmyhi - 12 years ago
This is a marketing thing, people will buy smaller tanks so it cost the producers less. Not at all in the beta fish's best interest. One thing to note is that bettas would rather swim back and forth than up and down. Since they require air it's been to find long tanks that aren't too tall but obviously wide. And make sure to get a leaf hammock incase your plants don't reach the top.
SilkShadow359 - 12 years ago
Ok Thanks for the Info
TadaKiba - 12 years ago
a three to five gallon tank is most accepted to keep a betta solo. If you get something like a ten gallon or larger you might try to community it depending on how aggressive your betta is, just dont bring any long finned fish like guppies into the community.
SilkShadow359 - 12 years ago
Really?? Stupid Walmart Lady lieing to me ........ *and BTW, No need to "Eye Roll" me* -_-
hatpit - 12 years ago
I know this video was posted a long time ago but that beta has a beautiful aquarium. Mine is in 10 gallon aquarium now but doesn't have and decorations at all. I've just been lazy and bought gravel/plants/deco for the tank yet. He seems to pretty happy with all the space to swim though.
exxcel19 - 12 years ago
okay people.most bettas we get come from rice FIELDS that go for miles and can go up to your on youtube catching bettas in thialand.honestly your fucking research..this is why people think they can keep bettas in bowls and vases.that pisses me off.
exxcel19 - 12 years ago
who honesetly told you that?i have my female betta in a 20 gal planted tank and shes perfectly fine.I also my male in a 3.5 gal planted tank.yes both are heated with filters.and yes live no bigger is ALWAYS betterr.-eye roll-
SilkShadow359 - 12 years ago
Actually, Betta MUST Be in a smaller Tank, or they will drown themselves ...
musketerr12 - 12 years ago
dude.... they have much more activity in 5-10 gallons.
musketerr12 - 12 years ago
i like muffins to :D
lonewolf2545 - 12 years ago
I failed geography, but I know they live in rice patties so kill me if I got the continent wrong.
musketerr12 - 12 years ago
lol in thailand and in south america
lonewolf2545 - 12 years ago they come from rice patties in places like Asia.

100. comment for How to take care of your Betta fish

musketerr12 - 12 years ago
ummmm no they live in south america
musketerr12 - 12 years ago
they love huge spaces. but you also have to play wiht them
CountryB - 12 years ago
it is true ive had same things happen t e. not a fish expert but have raised bettas for bout 5 years agin ot a expert
jenna bobyk
jenna bobyk - 12 years ago
a fish expert told me that mine died cause it was in a 10 gallon tank and told me to put my new one in a half gallon tank or a 1 gallon tank!!!!!!!!! :)
FISHrOcker77 - 12 years ago
yes u should but dont have it too spachus cuz it will make him lonly
Abby Dabby
Abby Dabby - 12 years ago
my betta is currently in a 2 gallon tan and i think i need to get him a bigger tank. should I?
Hugo Schwarz
Hugo Schwarz - 12 years ago
Is there a need for a filter?
thecreeperkilla - 12 years ago
dont betta's like small places because they live in rice pattys in the wild?
EG0723 - 12 years ago
Do male or female make bubble nests ?
Abby Dabby
Abby Dabby - 12 years ago
i have a 5 gallon tank i got at walmart. it that sutibale? my betta jasper seemes very happy and he looks very healthy. i have one very leafy plant because i cant fit two but im thinking about getting a bigger tank.
Brennan Parks
Brennan Parks - 12 years ago
the music scared me!
Zach - 12 years ago
it hurts them i guess..
drawingdazer10 - 12 years ago
like for example (about Pet associates and how much SOME of them know): I went to pet Smart one week to get a betta my new betta fish (Mr.Peacock and I knew that neon tetras can go with betta's so I asked the lady If i could get neon tetras and she said I didn't do good reasearch and wouldn't let me buy them. while the next week a different associate said she personally keeps her betta with some neon tetras. Sooo.... yeah :) but I don't have a pet channel my channel is MAINLY for crafts
drawingdazer10 - 12 years ago
oh ok well thats understood... SOMETIMES but not all the time pet associates don't know everything just saying :3 and I can't wait to check out your videos my current betta is Mr.Peacock due to multi colour in his fins (when he passes which seems to be soon :( i will be getting a halfmoon.-you'll have a new subby ;)
theloneliestartist - 12 years ago
i forgive you :) i have 2 betta fish in a tank (has a sperator) i have a baby female named saphire, and a half moon male named pepper jack. :) i will post video's on them and my dog lola. im glad to have a nice freiend like you. (btw pet smart told me that they dont like huge tanks so....... yea)
drawingdazer10 - 12 years ago
oh I'm sorry i thought you were subcommenting other people so i thought i would defend them... I'm actually really sorry :( hopefully you don't think of me as a COMPLETELY bad person I mean sure I can be very rude (i.e my previous comment to you) but only when it comes to defending others... i also hope that maybe (if you accept my apology) we can kind of be like youtube friends :3
theloneliestartist - 12 years ago
you didnt have to be rude about it
Gigan - 12 years ago
Where do I put my Betta after it dies?
tracy o'connor
tracy o'connor - 12 years ago
thats a beautiful fish what kind? i have a female crowntail
drawingdazer10 - 12 years ago
sooo in the wild betta fish LOVE being in small spaces right... NO betta fish live in HUGE rice paddies and stake out big areas (usually around 10gallons or larger) of their own territory...
theloneliestartist - 12 years ago
betta fish like small tanks because they feel secure. in an huge like 5-10 gallon tank they'll get scared.
jamictil - 12 years ago
jamictil - 12 years ago
actually betas can't live in small places, if you put plants put live ones they also love indian almond leaves (it helps to condition the water and promote mating) feed them with bloodworms they love them ( they sell them frozen) if you dont do this your betta probably will die in between a day or a month
Claudia Ferrufino
Claudia Ferrufino - 12 years ago
Um thins video was very helpful! thanks but acutly they cant survive in bowls and vases its too small or at least that what the internet says :X
melody swofford
melody swofford - 12 years ago
im getting a feale betta tomorrow at walmart. i will nurse it back to health adn im getting a big tank for it and lots of toys and plants hopefully she will live for a long time! this video was very inforative for me! thxs!!
Nancy Benavides
Nancy Benavides - 12 years ago
My betta is hella hyper all the time. am I feeding him too much?
Haily Zuzu
Haily Zuzu - 12 years ago
Just got a cute little one today, same color! I named her SparklesXD
fish man
fish man - 12 years ago
morgan freeman
morgan freeman - 12 years ago
My betta fish likes my phillter
Spidertetra42 - 12 years ago
very good video! subscribed! very informative!
Tongtiew Siri
Tongtiew Siri - 12 years ago
You have very nice betta tank.
lolboysz - 12 years ago
Also the bubble nest does make them happy but they practice on makeing the nest for eggs so they practice if they want babies witch means try do I tried but the pair I worked with the female witch is mine is super super picky lol
lolboysz - 12 years ago
@hippigirlful hey I think I now what te problem it either swim bladder disease but when ur Betta had that spot was he swimming odly if not it could of. Been ick respond to tell me :) thx
Lenore Osorio
Lenore Osorio - 12 years ago
maybe you can help me i had a beta in a 5 gallon tank an it was heated with filter i wsoke up this morning his belly was a little white an he was on bottom of the tank he died this after noon , do , he had a tiny whole in its stomach wat can this be from??? soooo sad:(
mayarirh - 12 years ago
what song is this? coldplay I'm guessing, but what song?
XxXLatiosxLatiasXxX - 12 years ago
Hi I have one question about my betta bluefire. I just did a complete water change last Friday, and I recently noticed some white wispy stuff on the blue plant. Any idea what it could be? He doesn't seem to be ill bc of it. What I've read it's fungus or somethin. It kinda looks like hair, and is only on the plant.
Wendy Fernandez
Wendy Fernandez - 12 years ago
Thank you for posting this. I have a betta and wasn't exactly sure how to make it happy. Now I know, thanks.
Chris24hrbail - 12 years ago
This betta is living the dream!
CatEyedFancy - 12 years ago
Well, I haven't had to battle ick yet but I've heard it usually manifests itself as white spots near the gills? Don't trust me on that, look it up lol If your fish seems to be acting abnormally I'd suggest asking some questions the myaquariumclub website. They know a lot more than I do :) I can tell you however that a betta fish's stomach is only about the size of his eye... so, maybe the not eating much is alright.
Chipmunkband24 - 12 years ago
oh so its not ick than?
CatEyedFancy - 12 years ago
Keep an eye on that. Some fungal diseases can appear as a white color, especially if it's fluffy looking or ragged (i.e. the fin seems to be getting 'eaten away at'). However as someone else already mentioned sometimes the color can change I guess? I had problems with fin rot though, although the fin rot in my fish did not manifest itself with white on the fins. There are medications you can get for it if this is the case, or keep the water at a nice temp. and keep clean water.
CatEyedFancy - 12 years ago
Actually the males often kill the females as well, even in mating. But you can put several females together if you have a large enough tank :) (I think 4 or 5 is the recommendation) Or you can put betta fish in tanks with other kinds of fish depending on the temperament of your betta.
Julia Snyder
Julia Snyder - 12 years ago
I just got a male dragon scale today! his name is Cupid! He is a light pinkish color with some darker pink on his fins! he also has super cute puppy eyes! great video!
Savannahcatjaguar - 12 years ago
Chipmunkband24 my beta has changed colors resintly. It could be a color change perhaps. Also try getting your beta a new food, it may be getting older and needing a different level of food or it may not be interested in the food u are feeding him.
MultiHeavyD - 12 years ago
I steal the supplies for the water food and other things just for this fish :) freeeeeee you it
Chipmunkband24 - 12 years ago
my fish which is blue... has suddenly have a white fin on top! he doesnt eat much and just spits it out! what kind of decease is that? and how to get rid of that! Thanks!!
rickyreyes48 - 12 years ago
will it make a difference if the plants are fake or real???
Lindzuniverse - 12 years ago
My tank is only one gallon, I did some research and found out the minimum they should have is 2.5 gallons, so I'm going to get him a new one. I've had Bettas in the past but for some reason I really want the best for my new one, I'm like in love with him haha
Pastor Godfrey Twahirwa
Pastor Godfrey Twahirwa - 12 years ago
U can put one male and multiple feamales like mine don't fight but my male does flare at them
123codeblack - 12 years ago
i had 3 in same tank they all fought and killed the other fishes then they killed them selves |-{
painkiller mx
painkiller mx - 12 years ago
no because they will start to fight until the other one is dead
TheJordi2200 - 12 years ago
Omg thanks for this video I'm getting a bett fish so thanks for the tips :)
nhylaya altamirano
nhylaya altamirano - 12 years ago
can you put more than one betta in the same tank
Didier grijalva -guidone
Didier grijalva -guidone - 12 years ago
i think the min size a betta tank should be is in a 5galon with filter because clean water conditions are very important .
crunkwizard - 12 years ago
WOW I HAVE THE EXACT BETTA...but mine is still a baby!
BlueAmica - 12 years ago
not necessarily. they do it because they are ready to mate (dosent mean you should breed them though!)
Cuba y la Luna
Cuba y la Luna - 12 years ago
Why does it mean when they make bubble nest??? Is that a good thing???? O.O
TheHaloChief117 - 12 years ago
You don't even need a light or heater. Put the tank near a window and there's your sunlight. The heat would warm the water a bit and you cold always add a few ounces of warm water to raise the temp. There ya go, I saved you all $30 you'r welcome.
sergsrt8 - 12 years ago
how often do you feed them? how do you know when they are hungry? thanks
Chezaira - 12 years ago
they just need 1-2 days to make a nest if they feels comfy in their tank :) make sure NO pump or cleaner! the current might destroy it before it can be finished ;)
classic end
classic end - 12 years ago
How do u make bubble nests? Don't they need a water pump or cleaner thing to put oxygen into the water?
earthtoterra - 12 years ago
I have a large round bowl for my beta that I rescued today, he's not in it yet (I named him Mordecai) He's in a small one right now. I have no clue how a filter or a heater work but do they attach somehow to a round bowl?
spunkiesag12 - 12 years ago
crowntail :)
Jess4metoo - 12 years ago
I named mine Oliver, I got him at WalMart.
p3nguin5BEATALL - 12 years ago
1:46 haha my betta does that all the time
gabocrazy1989 - 12 years ago
I have a blue one nd a red one i separated them cuz the blue one kept hittin the red one but they r still small
Venom1933 - 12 years ago
I actually just rescued one from Walmart today for my birthday present. I've given mine some little fake seaweed and he seems to be very happy as well. I'm sure he greatly appreciates being in water that isn't murky and dirty anymore despite me not having a giant tank or anything. I feel good knowing he doesn't have to suffer there anymore. I only wish the same happens for the rest that were there :(
Mason Taykandy
Mason Taykandy - 13 years ago
I named my betta Marshall!
passwordNerd - 13 years ago
WOW INE LOOKS JUST LIKE THAT hes a half moon betta
amy w
amy w - 13 years ago
are those plants fake?
Anita Villalpando
Anita Villalpando - 13 years ago
A friend of mine talked to me about that. He said sometimes they will try to bite at it, but it should be okay. However, he said there was an instance where the fish killed the snail.
Anita Villalpando
Anita Villalpando - 13 years ago
I just got a male crowntail betta fish or more like I rescued it from walmart and their inability to give it clean water. He looked so happy to be in his new bowl. It may not be the biggest bowl in the world, because I'm in a college dorm. Later- I might invest in a bigger one, but he looks happier and loves the plastic coral plant i put it in it and he stares at the plastic shark in there. he tried to hide by it. He ate all the food I gave him too! Must have been a hungry little guy.
knightman791 - 13 years ago
your betta is sad,put there some tree,real plants ( not plastic ) and put the castle out
boze44 - 13 years ago
Oh and is it ok if my fish used to make huge bubble nests but now only does small ones like the ones in ur tank? Does it mean hes not as happy? I heat him and feed him and everything!
boze44 - 13 years ago
Cool castle thingy in ur tank ! I love it
Emma Rose
Emma Rose - 13 years ago
Ahh My Betta IS Called Supermaan
BlubbOnly - 13 years ago
If you put a beta in a vase, how do you keep the water warm enough and the water clean? I saw a ~8 litre square glas aquarium with no roof and a lamp hanging on top of it, which was made to keep a beta fish in. It was very pretty, but I guess you need some sort of filter and heating thingy aswell right?
[V]eRtIgO.- - 13 years ago
Is pretty rewarding
[V]eRtIgO.- - 13 years ago
@ahantu Never Ever keep male and female Bettas together. They can only be together for a very brief amount of time and should immediately be separated when they are done. What you can do is keep female Bettas together, but I do not recommend this unless u know what you are doing. Currently keeping 4 female Bettas together in a 15 gallon tank, heated and filtered by 2 filters. 1 is an in tank mesh + bio ball, the other is a 5 level UV treated canister filter. All I can say is that the experienc
Nicole Johnson
Nicole Johnson - 13 years ago
That sucked!
Nouran Zakaria
Nouran Zakaria - 13 years ago
HEYYYYYYYYYYYY what song is this? in the background
Brendon Sarpong
Brendon Sarpong - 13 years ago
do u still have it! hope u do ;-)
Muhammad Kamil
Muhammad Kamil - 13 years ago
in2006,ive put male and female betta fish.after them make a baby..male betta kill betta female..and male betta fish dint kill baby betta fish..try this..its kind expert thing..but don giv up..
MegaTimebomb098 - 13 years ago
@surfingissoooradical not females only males attack eachother
Nathan Stiefer
Nathan Stiefer - 13 years ago
Got my first Male Betta yesterday from Wal-Mart, when I saw him he was really active surprisingly flashing his red and blue color scheme checking me out. I thought he looked cool and I took it upon myself to redeem him and bring him home with me; right now I have him in a rather large vase with plants and decor( btw he's loving it considering he was cramped in a small cup for the longest time). I'm trying to save up for a $13 tank that I saw at the local pet store.
christopher walsh
christopher walsh - 13 years ago
Good vidio
Crystal Ball Charlie
Crystal Ball Charlie - 13 years ago
@heq1998 haha thats awesome!
Crystal Ball Charlie
Crystal Ball Charlie - 13 years ago
@heq1998 Ah! I had a betta called Oswald. I miss him.
Chito Pano
Chito Pano - 13 years ago
Sushi - 13 years ago
What song is this? Its by Coldplay right, I can recognise their voice great vid too!
daimasongoodspeed - 13 years ago
My betta does the same, it sets itself in long thin plants... The first time I saw him do that I got scared, thinking he died all tangled up
Robert Paragallo
Robert Paragallo - 13 years ago
i have mine in a 3 gallon hes been living for a year so far
hornattack - 13 years ago
He is so cute!
Aj castro
Aj castro - 13 years ago
That's an awesome video man! I got a blue betta fish named shipo and sometimes I see those bubble nests and think if they are for breeding but now I know it's when they're happy! My betta seems happy and if anyone here wants to see my Betta just go to search and type in Castrozombieslayers and scroll for my video called Blue Betta Fish
Kevin Wase
Kevin Wase - 13 years ago
I've got a betta fish yesterday and his very happy but i got little problem my mom got 2 cats so i most say to them go away!!! All the time. The video was awesome...
SKNikki101 - 13 years ago
SKNikki101 - 13 years ago
@Gollipag how is ur fish depressed? How does he act?
Golliepag - 13 years ago
What about when theyre depressed. :( like mine:( I don't know what to do
jin7210 - 13 years ago
i got two beta fish,one usually make bubble nest but one don't and recently got this one.the one that make bubble nest is like yours except its more dark blue
fenome16 - 13 years ago
I got a angel fish, goldfish and glass cat if I put a betta fish in would they fight?
flyweeabooty - 13 years ago
i had a betta fish once, he was a tough guy! he lived for 4 years, even though he kept jumping out of the fish net we used to catch him so we could clean the tank XD he would jump out of the net before we had a chance to put him in a bowl or something so we could clean his tank, and he landed on the floor and i almost had a panic attack, but he was ok ^.^
flyweeabooty - 13 years ago
@JoshuaBaldwinBrown they make bubble nests because the females usually lay their eggs inside the bubbles
young savage
young savage - 13 years ago
I just got a Cambodian crowntail betta check him out on my page I put a video up last night and he performed
David Cho
David Cho - 13 years ago
why cant u put in lava rocks
Tru3Be3st - 13 years ago
Can u put bettas with othr fish?
Narscilla - 13 years ago
I Have 3 (Betta LOVER XD) My Male Doubletail Is Name Poseidon, He's a Green Dragon. My 2nd Is another Male Named War he's a black Cambodian Crowntail. And My Last Is a Female Whom I Got last month she named Ivory and is fairly small and all white =)
Christine H
Christine H - 13 years ago
Mine is named Bonita
Lineko - 13 years ago
Mine is named Kasumi, which means mist in Japanese. He reigns supreme over the subjects of his tank (Pygmy corys and a snail). ^_^
Lineko - 13 years ago
I got some mysterious plant bulbs at petco called "betta bulbs" and decided to give them a go. Within a month, I had three tall, bright green, leafy plants that my betta loves to swim through! they don't need much light or anything at all and look beautiful.
MeAndZoo - 13 years ago
if you want a plant with minimum care, try the java fern, all it needs is a little light and a rock :)
meub - 13 years ago
My was dawn
WhyImAwsome - 13 years ago
@FreeBassResources, Haha mine's name is frosty xD
Javier Gamez
Javier Gamez - 13 years ago
thanks for the video it help me a lot +
Ivy - 13 years ago
@TheBlueberrylove3 I feel your pain... my red betta fish just died... had it for only a year but we had a connection!! R.I.P Fred... miss and love you!!
daleandstephanie - 13 years ago
Nice betta:)
Elitebetta - 13 years ago
Wow very lucky betta, his one happy camper for the looks of it keep up the good work. You may want to check my videos too as well got some betta too but not as big and savy of a tank like yours.
Lightning12R - 13 years ago
I've got a question. If you can't put 2 betas in one fishbowl, then how do they breed?
MsFancycheese - 13 years ago
AcidGlow - 13 years ago
1:13 lmao thats so cute
Anthonyy - 13 years ago
my betta died 2day :(( it was 2 1/2 years old....loved that fish
antu lionguj
antu lionguj - 13 years ago
the beta fish are originaly from ponds so we didn't need to clean the watter all the days... like once a month!
GINA6063 - 13 years ago
Handsome guy !
1taintedsoul - 13 years ago
Nice video. If you want to try some live food. I have a tutorial on how to raise BLACK WORMS. So come check it out sometimes.
Ashley Brookes
Ashley Brookes - 13 years ago
What color bettas would breed good together?
CpWiser10 - 13 years ago
@1Xander100 Sorry :) I'm not very good with this stuff. Oh well you seem to be good with this stuff.
1Xander100 - 13 years ago
@CpWiser10 You are so very wrong... 4-6 pellets a day total, spread between 2-3 feedings is idea. They need a clean tank. Anything unfiltered under 5 gals need 1 50% and 1 100% water change per week with water conditioner. They are tropical fish and need 78-82*F temps, a heater is a must with them. You really shouldn't be giving out any false information such as that, that will kill these fish.
ashlee irwin
ashlee irwin - 13 years ago
awww i just got one yesterday his name is Finn<3 how much do u feed him? i got the little pelts but idk how many of these i should give him a day
CpWiser10 - 13 years ago
@Ofallthings089 Feed him once a day, Only a pich of pellets, clean the tank when nessesary,Water change bout once every month or so,Change about 50%, No feeder nor heater nessesary.
kf105059 - 13 years ago
What a great video!
Vanshika - 13 years ago
i am getting a betta fish but my mom wont let me get a tank. GRRRRRRR
Jay G
Jay G - 13 years ago
Great stuff :)
ediblemelon75 - 13 years ago
How can I telll if my betta fish is sick? He has some white splotches near and under his head and im worried.
Aiko - 13 years ago
Sorry, but bettas just can't live in vases. Period.
Teng Wei Wen
Teng Wei Wen - 13 years ago
Will it be happy if we put those smooth, round and abit flat stones inside?
Cameron Pike
Cameron Pike - 13 years ago
@Wildmonkey4U You can buy a whole little betta setup at the pet store for $30 or $40. Good luck :)
petechett - 13 years ago
LOL sleeping in the plants
John Harling
John Harling - 13 years ago
Dude... Did you know there is organic plants adapted for aquariums...? -.- The only natural you got in the tank is the gravel and the fish... I mean c'mon... Is that all you've got? I promise you that you'll get so much more out of your aquarium(s) if you put organic mater in it... Your fish will get more oxygen and will live a better and longer life, not to mention how much better it will look overall. will consume abit more time but if you ain't got the time for it, just throw it away
Chaz Finster
Chaz Finster - 13 years ago
Some of my questions include how much to feed them, how often to feed them, what to feed them, how and how often to clean the tank, how often to do water changes, how much water should I change when doing a water change, should it have a filter, should it have a heater, etc. I have lots of questions that went unanswered by a lot of sources
Zing Christpher
Zing Christpher - 13 years ago
@luisarmijo123 if you want to buy a big ones it will be more expensive than the small ones.
Luis Armijo
Luis Armijo - 13 years ago
how much will the fish tank cost
Tom Anzalone
Tom Anzalone - 13 years ago
@MeltWithTheStars okay thank you!=)
Tom Anzalone
Tom Anzalone - 13 years ago
nice video! can u house more than one Betta fish in a 20 gallon tank? and can u have a male and females together?
CopperHead - 13 years ago
@yeldarbisasannin He does have Ich. You need to get some Ich Away or something like that. Also, use aquarium salt that you get from your LFS or Petsmart. Dosage for Aquarium salt is usually 1Tbs/5gal. After you rid your fish of Ich you need to get something to help heal his fins such as MELAFIX. I know you posted this a week ago so I hope this response isn't too late.
Grace J.
Grace J. - 13 years ago
What food does your betta fish eat? Mine eats blood worms.
Leah Williams
Leah Williams - 13 years ago
@yeldarbisasannin Oh! My tiger barbs had ich. Make sure you treat him daily with some drops that you can usually get at walmart. Since he's a betta, im going to guess the tank has no other fish, but if it does, you should watch them carefully, because my barbs passed the ich on and soon all my tank had it. Eventually a whole tank of fish was wasted, but if you catch it early you can treat them. :) Dont end up like me!
98Shuriken - 13 years ago
@mexicaligirl45 Because when male betta fish are happy they start making bubbles on the surface of the water on the edge of the tank some females also do this he is making a bubblenest which is also used to breed
Chelsey H
Chelsey H - 13 years ago
You should introduce other fish into the tank.
Thexplodingunicorn Red
Thexplodingunicorn Red - 13 years ago
Is a bamboo a good plant for a betta? Please reply. Anyonel.
Whaaaaaaattt - 13 years ago
That fish fucking hates it's life.
Jarthurs2009 - 13 years ago
When I had mine in a large bowl, no filter/heater he made a big bubble nest. Now in a 5g w/filter that came with it no bubble nests :( Any suggestions?
Hunter12396 - 13 years ago
wow your betta is a horrable dad
didi8926 - 13 years ago
next week i will buy my betta fish yay
Svetlana Doroshenko
Svetlana Doroshenko - 13 years ago
Thank u very much for the video and information!
Yulissa Sandoval
Yulissa Sandoval - 13 years ago
HaHa My Fish Discovered His Relection But When His Light Is Off He Can't See It So He's A Pretty Happy Fish! :D
tyson Yang
tyson Yang - 13 years ago
nice betta it cool :)
slapurmommaz - 13 years ago
my betta hides in a rock all the time...i never see him. :(
TheRogueDustDevil - 13 years ago
Betta's are amazing kool fish lol the one i had befor would follow my finger and once it even try'd biten me lol
Shad b
Shad b - 13 years ago
thats a beautiful fish right there (Y)
Piekenier - 13 years ago
@1rupees4 What is size of aquarium? And you have enough plants?
bec - 13 years ago
me just got betta they r amazeing
dobbsywobbsy - 13 years ago
btw your tank is really nice cuz it's so big I'm glad you're trying to make your Betta happy keep it up:)
dobbsywobbsy - 13 years ago
Lovely fish I'm getting a veiltail of the same colour. Btw your water is too cold the Betta is a tropical fish and needs 25 degrees c plus. But good vid all the same:)
iVideo1011 - 13 years ago
What a beautiful fish! Amazing!
9 - 13 years ago
is this true petsmart worker said fliters suck up the rocks
sdaasdad kjsjoasdas
sdaasdad kjsjoasdas - 13 years ago
Ur betta is so pretty
Gina Maltese
Gina Maltese - 13 years ago
Great video. The only other place I`ve ever seen a nice set up for a Betta is in my home. Thanks for caring!
Fractalisomega - 13 years ago
@MrHarman122 you could live in a ses pool for about a month or two as long as you got fed but would you be happy?
paganpeace - 13 years ago
@MeltWithTheStars I do partial water changes once a week. The natural filters I have keep the water crystal clear and clean. They are all happy bubble blowing betas.
JuustLeah - 13 years ago
Very nice job, this seems like a happy fish!
TrustTheGurm - 13 years ago
i have a Betta fish for a month its still alive .you don't need a filter.i clean it with a net
Brooke Bakke
Brooke Bakke - 13 years ago
LOL it was sleepin in the plant BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH and oh btw do they NEED heaters? i haven't seen many heaters in the videos i've watched of cleaning the fish bowl...
Brooke Bakke
Brooke Bakke - 13 years ago
maggie brodhagen
maggie brodhagen - 13 years ago
My Fred loves hiding in his plant, its just like the first one. Im moving him from a one gallon tank to i think a 10 gallon tank maybe. this way he has more room to swim and i dont have to take him out once a week to clean, his one gallon has no filter
alejandra omaet
alejandra omaet - 13 years ago
i have a fish but how do i get him to reproduce?????? i puta female and it kill the male how do they reproduce??????? sorry i dont talk inglish
biOh4z4Rd1 - 13 years ago
@MeltWithTheStars they don't NEED a filter I have never had one for my beta it has lived in a small tank without a filter (it was my younger sister's until recently and I am getting it q bigger tank but still no filter) and it has been perfectly fine for over a year. Thy don't need a filter...
InTheNameOfBoredom - 13 years ago
Aha, man, I love this tutorial. I can tell that it took a lot of time to make, and I appreciate it:). Thank you very much for making this
paganpeace - 13 years ago
@MeltWithTheStars I have 30+ bettas. I do care for them properly. I use natural plant life, mainly marimo moss balls to filter the water naturally. I have never had a problem with the water getting nasty or foggy. It stays crystal clear, and I do fresh water changes once a month. They are all happy bubble blowing bettas.
paganpeace - 13 years ago
there are a few more type of betas. Doubletail, delta, halfmoon, placket, and combinations of those.
paganpeace - 13 years ago
@MeltWithTheStars Bettas are one of the fish that does not need a filter due to having the labyrinth organ that allows them to breathe air.
bahamut285 - 13 years ago
@Themuffinman824 I would switch her back
bahamut285 - 13 years ago
@pontosfan It's not bad to have a huge tank, the really like swimming around. Most people say the minimum is 2.5 Gallons (although some say 5 gallons)
bahamut285 - 13 years ago
@xxbettaxxx1 Bettas naturally live in rice paddies in Thailand. They are shallow but are large and vast. Usually spanning 100km squared in size. They can TOLERATE small spaces like vases but that's like saying humans can tolerate living in a prison cell. They don't have to be HUGE but most people say 2.5 Gallons is a minimum
bahamut285 - 13 years ago
@spartan77988 I don't know if anybody answered you, but you should leave it on all the time. If you turn it off the temperature will drop which will cause stress. The key is having constant temperature. The heater has a thermostat in it so it will automatically turn off when it is not needed
Bob Bobby
Bob Bobby - 13 years ago
OMG you like fish, and you even like budgies! :) hehehehehehehehehehe
bahamut285 - 13 years ago
@HappyAppo Jesus christ all the people who responded are idiots. First of all, a divider is fine, but 1 Gallon split between two of them is a little small. The divider should not be transparent otherwise they will just flirt all the time by flaring and it may damage their fins. The white thing on her belly is NOT a disease, it is an ovipositor, where eggs come out. It's always there, don't worry. When she is ready to breed she will have vertical lines across her body.
Vivian Ly
Vivian Ly - 13 years ago
@xmodmodifier its because u r feeding it too much
xmodmodifier - 13 years ago
wow i have not been taking care of my betta lately... i had it for almost 2 weeks now. First it was really happy that it would make bubbles for the first 3-5 days, then it stopped doing so. I honestly been feeding my betta 30 pellets in a day for the past 4 days :( today is the 9th day i had it and its not doing well. I am trying to feed it and found out that it has stomach problems, and had been acting alert.
snow102092 - 13 years ago
@DumbFoundedANDy no
tams mac
tams mac - 13 years ago
@tamaramacrae1990 That means they are happy and content, good job!
DuPuieproductions - 13 years ago
@tamaramacrae1990 Oh ok, My Betta forms Bubble nests (I didn't know they were bubble nests until Recently) and I wasn't sure if it was normal or not.
tams mac
tams mac - 13 years ago
@DuPuieproductions Yes, My Betta happily creates bubble nests and there is no female in site. In fact, he lives in a divided ten gallon with another male betta
DuPuieproductions - 13 years ago
Do Male Bettas Form Bubble Nests even when there is no Female around?
scottishandrew1 - 13 years ago
What temp was the water in this video?
MrKaLiWaYz - 13 years ago
u forgot about a heater
Taylor Carriere
Taylor Carriere - 13 years ago
Great video! very helpful! I use to have a beta fish named bubblegum, and he liked to make bubble nests all the time!! But now hes dead :'( I just got a new one today :DDD
Emily Galvin
Emily Galvin - 13 years ago
my betta fish never made any bubble nest. whyy didnt he. and yes it was a male
vertical - 13 years ago
nice men i like to see people who care for the animals in captivity and dont see them just as pets
X e n u x
X e n u x - 13 years ago
Whats the name of that Grassy looking plant? Is it artificial? How many times do you do a 100% water change in a 20 gal tank to avoid fin rot in a Halfmoon Betta? o.O
fuducker2 - 13 years ago
@NSCaquarium damn it i paid 40 dollars for my mom's betta in a piece of junk 8x8x3 "aqua block". oh well, at least theres one betta fish from an aqua block who will advance to a better life when i get him a 2.5 or 3 gallon tank
fuducker2 - 13 years ago
approximately how much would all this cost, minus the betta itself?
Zerion FawX
Zerion FawX - 13 years ago
kingofallsaiyans123 - 13 years ago
thnx i got my betta fish yesterday name is blueberry
sassy amoeba
sassy amoeba - 13 years ago
my fish looks exaxtly like the one in this vid lol
Jayson Yu
Jayson Yu - 13 years ago
nice bettas ^_^ view my bettas in my channel too ^_^
Sabrina Stevens
Sabrina Stevens - 13 years ago
you should not put a mirror/reflection in there it will stress him.
Scoots1293 - 13 years ago
@currychicken12345678 buy a tank heater
currychicken12345678 - 13 years ago
how do you make the bowl warm?
SiloNova25 - 13 years ago
1:44 Betta: "Who is this Blue Bi... Oh its me?" Lol.
justinbieber2427 - 13 years ago
i have 2 betta fish and 1 of mine looks just like urs my other 1 is red and blue a light blue
Bigfoot - 14 years ago
@TheTailstock Do you have to have a heater?
christefer1 - 14 years ago
Grate job
Claire Yu
Claire Yu - 14 years ago
Where did you get the long leaves that your betta really likes, the spirally looking ones?
GooD .Boy
GooD .Boy - 14 years ago
It is a bad thing that your betta can see himself in the mirror. It makes him stressed.
tim bromme
tim bromme - 14 years ago
@KazafHyun mehh it's like a 10% chance with two random bettas because if you do like a crowntail female, and a delta tail the mutation can f up their labryinth, or mutate them wrong and they usually die. Just sayin....
Kelvin Chen
Kelvin Chen - 14 years ago
nice Video! xD
Raymond Holt
Raymond Holt - 14 years ago
@MrLilAzn no they fight
GetInMyBelly - 14 years ago
can you put more than one betta fish in a tank?
prokhk - 14 years ago
you should gett some live plants
Nathan Kreikemeier
Nathan Kreikemeier - 14 years ago
@HappyAppo I have read the most popular method of breeding bettas is putting them in two seperate tanks where they can see each other(like yours) thats when the male and female will get all hot and heavy. Then you put them into the same part and they will mate, in case you didnt know. If the female hasnt developed eggs, she should at some point. Also, make sure you have a cage that dosnt allow room, if that fish is determined bettas are good jumpers.
FALLENANGEL1R - 14 years ago
is that the kind of fish u buy for like 2 dollars?ur fish is beautiful
HappyAppo - 14 years ago
@thebadblue123 He'll learn to like you again.
thebadblue123 - 14 years ago
When I go my betta it made a bubble nest the first week I had him and I left the house Kuz i had to change the water and came back and he made one and I had to destroy it and now he hates me
HappyAppo - 14 years ago
@FISHFLYstudios i do not think the white spot is trouble. it's just the ovipositor, which is normal for females to have.
HappyAppo - 14 years ago
Nice video. I just have a question. I just got a female and male betta and I put both of them in a 1gal fish tank with a transparent divider separating them. Is this setup okay? I do not intend to breed them and I do not want the female to develop eggs, but since she has been seeing the male through the divider, I think she already has. I see a white dot thingy on her underside, and I am not sure if that was there before I got her. Is it okay to keep the female "egged" up? Sorry, I am a newbie.
Rachele Hartmann
Rachele Hartmann - 14 years ago
HI, I just got a male betta yesterday. However, he is not very active and he sits at the top of his tank. He has not lost any color but I`m looking for any hints to make him happier. He is in a 1/2 gallon bowl if that helps. I was told they like smaller environments and I`m a college student with limited space. Thank you.
Sue Zhang
Sue Zhang - 14 years ago
awwww hes so cute when he sleeps in the plant :)
Jenny S
Jenny S - 14 years ago
@cinnabonne - Really? Hahah thats so awesome. & I don't know. I asked her again and she said that I'm rubbing off some sort of slime when I'm touching them. That slime protects they're scales or someting,. But okay, thank you! & LOL okay, thank you! Do you mind if I e-tube (e-mail, e-tube..I don't know what to call it lol) about Bettas?
Jenny S
Jenny S - 14 years ago
Am I allowed to put my hand in the tank? I bought my betta some new plants, just like your video said! ;) But my friend told me that a human's touch could kill him! He's my first and I don't want to do that. :(
Charlie - 14 years ago
@1982circaguy maybe youre feeding her too much? thats what happenbed with mine. we stopped feeding him for like a few days and he got better and back to normal
1982circaguy - 14 years ago
I found out the song is called Things I don't understand by Cold Play.
1982circaguy - 14 years ago
what's the name of the song and who sings it?
dolphinsloth - 14 years ago
@1229molly You will have to separate the male and female betta pretty soon but you probably knew that already. The most compatible thing w/ bettas are african dwarf frogs. Theyr not really fish but they're pretty cool. Neon tetras also work however the tetras may sometimes nip at the bettas. Contrary to popular belief bettas are pretty shy and scared fish. They just want to fight with others of their own kind.
ZuwL - 14 years ago
@RichardWenborn everyone know that *duh*
1982circaguy - 14 years ago
I have a female betta fish. When I bought her, she was nice, colorfull, healthy and swam around alot. Now she just at the bottom doing nothing. Ive done everything in the book that says about keeping tropical fish. Is this normal behavior, she doesn't even eat anything when I feed her. Her fins are folded down and she lost color in her scales.
Richard Wenborn
Richard Wenborn - 14 years ago
@azuwl Female bettas dont make bubble nests.
ZuwL - 14 years ago
@bobdigi88 Betta make bubble nest because its their instinct to mate, not because they're happy. Your betta probably still make sure that he is actually he rather than she ._.
cryomiequinox - 14 years ago
JETSTA916 - 14 years ago
LOL ur temp is below haha ur funny
Shortstakes Tran
Shortstakes Tran - 14 years ago
@bobdigi88 Sometimes Male Betta's won't make a bubble nest if the surface of the water is disturbed. My Betta only builds his nest when I shut off the filter for a few hours.
bobdigi88 - 14 years ago
I've had my Betta for about 3 weeks now. He's in a large tank with plenty of plants, good filter, heater, only Tetras, Harlequins and a young Weather Loach, no reflective panels and he is very active. I test the water and regularly water change. He plays with the airstone, eats a varied diet of flakes, pellets and live bloodworm. He looks happy but he will not make a bubble nest. That would confirm to me he was happy. Could someone tell me how often they make bubble nests?
yersi gonzalez
yersi gonzalez - 14 years ago
Jose Lara
Jose Lara - 14 years ago
@Pineappleluvr22 thanks=)
Savannah Rae
Savannah Rae - 14 years ago
@g2499867 I tend to feed my betta pellets or blood worms, just for a treat. I feed the pellets 2 times a day, and 2 pellets in the morning and 1 pellet at night. If you have other food just read the directions! And about once or twice a week I would suggest feeding it blood worms or other foods. Have a variety in its diet. Enjoy your little guy!
Savannah Rae
Savannah Rae - 14 years ago
Great video! I started off with a 1 gallon tank 3 years ago, and now have a 20 gallon tank just for my betta, and I tried to make mine look just like yours, since I loved this tank!
Jose Lara
Jose Lara - 14 years ago
hey great video.....howmuch should i feed suwu a day?
FierceCinnamon - 14 years ago
when that fin under his chin that means it is pist off hahahahahahahahaha
Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 14 years ago
Ok so I bought a beta and then a week later he died:( But while he was in his tank he would always lie at the bottom. What was this a sign of? RIP Eugene
BakaniBoko - 14 years ago
@Seedot0001 So wrong.
withramya - 14 years ago
@Seedot0001 Thats a great deal. Good job! I have my betta Midnight swimming happily in my 10 gallon tank (but I keep the water at about 7 gallons).
withramya - 14 years ago
@Seedot0001 Not true. Its just that they can sometimes live for a short while in small space. They looove 5-10 gallon tanks! They love to swim around and explore.
bigpotatofive - 14 years ago
this betta looks just like mine!!
TheNinjacat10 - 14 years ago
@crazycowkid no betta fish fight with other fish even frogs i dont think u should keep it there
ArtJoy4Ever - 14 years ago
That was pretty good, thankz!!!
You Tube
You Tube - 14 years ago
@Midnightangel337 m8. bloodworms are supposed to be a treat max once a week!
Midnightangel337 - 14 years ago
@LordNessie I use betta pellets and freezed dried blood worms. One day I will feed him 3 to 4 pellets, skip a day, and feed him a pinch of the freezed dried blood worms. Skipping a day helps helps your betta digest his food, and he wont get tired of the same food every day. Betta's stomach is the size of his eye. Try not to over feed them. *10 gallons of water in litre, is 37.85 litres. *You can put either live or fake plants in your tank. Live plants provide more oxygen. Hope this helps...
ThePencilShredder - 14 years ago
my betta is 3 years old and very active. but hes never once made a bubble nest. does this mean he isnt happy?
starlight1946 - 14 years ago
Very nice video and the music was good too. I liked the print on their care and some even had a little humor like zzzzz when asleep in the plant and Grrrr when he saw his reflection in glass side, hehehe.
cooltess37 - 14 years ago
Check out my channel for some webkinz betta fish brawing and singing videos
Alyssa Botelho
Alyssa Botelho - 14 years ago
thanks! your betta fish looks like mine! except mine is VERY dark blue, some people say black.
Sanka Coffee
Sanka Coffee - 14 years ago
thanks for the info. considering a betta for my new biorb tank i just purchased. i'm an aquarist for a couple years, but never had a betta~think i'll try one! i feel sorry for them when i see them at the pets stores in those little cups :(
Silvia Guerra
Silvia Guerra - 14 years ago
u dont know how to spell betta do u?
TamaraAIJones - 14 years ago
@Eggafan Put a mirror at the side of your tank for 5-10 mins every day. Or it could be oxygen levels.
Salvadoravila - 14 years ago
aww your betta is so cute whats his name where did you get him hes a crown tale right i have a male half moon his red kind of pink i named him bubbles hes so cute i got him at petco
Arien Hahn
Arien Hahn - 14 years ago
well i have wanted a btta for so long this video helped me alot
SuperManny1967 - 14 years ago
do u have to have conditoner
TwilightOblivionn - 14 years ago
Hm, I have two bettas that I keep in one gallon bowls, but is that not big enough? I thought it was, but I've been doing a lot of Googling, and from all the things I've read, well, I feel like I'm killing them now or something.
pkedjustin - 14 years ago
i have a question would any water conditioner work with betta fish because i have one called aquasafe and it says works with all fresh adn salt water fish but someone told me to get one at a store specifically for bettas so i don't know plz help me i don't wanna waste money
hihihihihihihihihi95 - 14 years ago
@akjadestar well, my half gal container[ish] thing is very pretty,but, hes goin in a 10 gal with a female fish soon [the container thingy was his temparary home =] so yea
toby lee
toby lee - 14 years ago
what do you feed your fish?? i feed mine live blood worms
toby lee
toby lee - 14 years ago
i don't know about you people but i keep mine in a jar! like that vase right there! i put him in there and put some banana leaves in mine and he happy in there and i don't think betta belong in the big tanks like yours!
HW Geez
HW Geez - 14 years ago
@pontosfan betta fish should be kept in about 3 gallon tank. putting a betta in a really big tank is bad for its health isn't true
Olgun power
Olgun power - 14 years ago
HELPP PLZZi just got a male betta fish i hav him in a 3 gal tank am tryin to feed him but he wont eat i think am doin every thing right but idk y he wont eat i gave him food first time he ate but them he started not eating any one can help plzz
Heather Dominie
Heather Dominie - 14 years ago
@imtherealcolt It's a good sign! It means they are content and their living conditions are a plus :)
Taylor Johnson
Taylor Johnson - 14 years ago
im not a vetrinarian so i cant answer any medical questions. . . sorry =/
Cher Kay Pombuena
Cher Kay Pombuena - 14 years ago
Hey! i have a crowntail betta and im hoping if you can help me with something, he's a really small betta, the last one i had was bigger :) im really worried about him because he has this strange bulge at his back fin, i think leading from where im guessing the poop comes out, the the tip, theres a bubble, and he doesnt really swim as often as he used to now, so im extremely worried about him ;^; please help!
SPONGEPUBLICAN - 14 years ago
cute fish that helps me
Maryanne M
Maryanne M - 14 years ago
my betta just died today - he lived like 8 years :S they really deserve much better than those cups they keep them in.
JS - 14 years ago
I laughed around 1:48 lol
Nathan Whitney
Nathan Whitney - 14 years ago
@jippolippo23- my betta is living in a 12 gallon aquarium and has live for 4 1/2 years. Still happy and healthy. Heat and filters are NECESSARY for bettas to be healthy. You can't heat and filter a 1 gallon bowl. Tell me, how long have your bettas lived in a 1 gallon bowl?
Javier Gomez
Javier Gomez - 14 years ago
I have my crowntail in a 2.5 with filtration and room temp at 76 degrees. Is this fine? Another thing, I was thinking of adding som pals in there like ghost shrimp, will the betta attack them?
Fili OneFix Sanchez
Fili OneFix Sanchez - 14 years ago
i have a 2 year old beta and i dint know about the plants
Zing Christpher
Zing Christpher - 14 years ago
you like your fish?
Lindsay Eckert
Lindsay Eckert - 14 years ago
@jippolippo23 Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. Some people keep their male betta in 50+ gallon community tanks, and they thrive. Their color gets brighter, they are much more active, and live much longer.
Zing Christpher
Zing Christpher - 14 years ago
the betta fish make bubble nest 4 what?
Becca Hahn
Becca Hahn - 14 years ago
jippolippo23 a betta fish wouldn't like being in a small container. they need space to swim.
LadyDizcordia - 14 years ago
@jippolippo23 Um dude. I never said anything about the water being deep. Just room for them to hang out on at the top and not some pathetic little bowl. I know my bettas are much happier in a three gallon than in a one gallon bowl. They swim around just fine and like exploring.
Themuffinman824 - 14 years ago
I got a 5 gallon take for my beta fish, but when I put her in ( Female betta) it looked like there was to much space so i put it in a 1 gallon tank, is that good or should i switch back to the 5 gallon?
Becca Hahn
Becca Hahn - 14 years ago
i dont know alot about beta fish, but i know no fish would like to be in a vase or a little cup. all fish desever space to move and explore
brooke davis
brooke davis - 14 years ago
Ive watched some of your videos. I like your style and I think you will like my videos too. It would mean a lot to me if you watch some of my videos and subscribe to my channel if you like them. Thanks! thesinger123456789
Kasatka-L - 14 years ago
@BettaFishRox Yes he is making a nest :)
wolverine1865 - 14 years ago
@masondoggp a betta will be much happier in 5+ gallon tank
Nathan Whitney
Nathan Whitney - 14 years ago
Love the vid and the song what size is ur tank??
Mario avalos
Mario avalos - 14 years ago
I have two Bettas my old one is in a large tank with a few gold fish hes pretty happy likes to hide in the ornaments and stuff and my new betta is in a smaller tank with some live water plants.... still waiting for the plants to grow tho fish should be happier when they start to grow.
soaddictedzz - 14 years ago
hey is that seaweed like plant real?
Kristina Phonephaly
Kristina Phonephaly - 14 years ago
the guy at Peco side 2 Betta female dont fight D: and when i finlly bought them home the Blue one(war) stared to fight the red and blue(fear)Betta. I got so mad and called my cousin for some help Good thing i had 2 tanks XD
Darren Flinders
Darren Flinders - 14 years ago
Thanks for a great video, do these fish attack other breeds of fish or is it only their own species? ie, if I want to keep say platies or guppies in the same tank?
Toni B
Toni B - 14 years ago
this video inspired me to get a bigger tank for my fish. bettas deserve so much more!! :)
Mikuru Ai
Mikuru Ai - 14 years ago
i cant really afford an aquarium but i have a big vace for my beta
TheEbonyShadow1 - 14 years ago
@masondoggp my betta is happy in a 5 gallon tank but 1 or 2 gallons should be fine
Sabine Moore
Sabine Moore - 14 years ago
hey my new betta fish is not eating could u help me out pm me
Luke Peden
Luke Peden - 14 years ago
i have 1 betta fish..... i have it in a half gallon tank with one plant :(... is it better if i put it all by itself in a 10 gal? cuz i really want it to be happy (im new)
Sabine Moore
Sabine Moore - 14 years ago
ooooh so thats wat the bubblez mean haha i use to hav mine in a tiny tank if u watch my vid u knw wat i mean lloll but now he is in a bigger tank it is im going to be put a vid of the new tank soon he is haveing problems with his new tank all he does is sit in the corner an do nothing he is not dead he moves every now an thn wat is going on if u knw message me plz n thx
AL H - 14 years ago
So, I got a betta fish about two weeks ago and he won't eat much of anything, I have pellet food the store recommended, and I tried frozen bloodworms, he won't eat anything. I'm pretty sure it'll die within a couple days. I moved him to a larger, 2 gallon bowl with more plants n'stuff so it looks better. one thing might be the temp. it's only about 68 degrees, could that be why he won't eat?
Katie Smith
Katie Smith - 14 years ago
I got my fish acouple days ago I put it in a vase cause my mom threw out my old tank but he is always making bubbles the top is like filled with them and he likes to hang out at he top he just floats but this morning he was all crazy he was swimming like crazy and hittng him self on the tank a bit and last night he made a big splash so is he happy? what shoul I do?
Alexander Gjini
Alexander Gjini - 14 years ago
@TaylorFrankinJohnson damn, if u don't know then don't speak... nothing less than 4 gallon (or more, even better) with heater and a cycled filter will make them happy. plus you need some REAL plants (plastic may hurt him) for your tank that will give him many places to hide. if you provide all these, you will have a happy, healthy and beautifull fish!
CRYST2SHELL - 14 years ago
i'm totally JEALOUS of your music. It sounds like ColdPlay but I swear I have all of ColdPlay's albums and I don't recognize this song. Please name the title of the song and the album so I can go buy it. PLEASE.
CRYST2SHELL - 14 years ago
i'm totally JEALOUS of your music. It sounds like ColdPlay but I swear I have all of ColdPlay's albums and I don't recognize this song. Please name the title of the song and the album so I can go buy it. PLEASE. AND thanks for the betta info. I always kept my bettas in small octagona betta bowls, but if I get a new one, thought people were being cruel when they put they're bettas in aquariums
Super polo
Super polo - 15 years ago
a male have longer and more beautiful fins than a female, females usually hav shorter and rounded up fins and tails.
Taylor Johnson
Taylor Johnson - 15 years ago
yeah he should be fine
mattsagone - 15 years ago
very beautiful video! =)
123tucson - 15 years ago
Bettas can live in a vase, but, they would thrive in a bigger tank!
LadyDizcordia - 15 years ago
@jrod1290 bettas prefer an environment where they can swim around and explore Trust me, no fish is happy in a vase. That's like you living in a closet. Once bettas are in a nice, roomy tank (1.5+ gallons) they have so much personality!
Nikki - 15 years ago
my bettas name is forrest gump :)
thingsthatkeepmeup - 15 years ago
bettas can survive in a small vase or what ever but survive dosnt equal thrive
Rex Holes
Rex Holes - 15 years ago
My fish is named Chuck Norris lol
123tucson - 15 years ago
Beautiful set up!!!!! I bet your betta is very happy in that wonderful set up! :)
pinkstickynote1 - 15 years ago
what song is this!? i know it's coldplay, but what is the title?? somehow i have never heard this song!
DeadlyZeus100 - 15 years ago
I put all my fishes in a huge tank and they do not fight :D I even got 1 male and 1 female bettas and they get along fine
edgar - 15 years ago
Just got my betta fish today, it's an albine betta, he's really active, the guy from the shop told me he could live in a relatively small bowl, as you said, but after watching your happy betta I think I will save up some money to get a bigger tank and some fun plants, castles, etc. to make him happier. Thanks!
LadyDizcordia - 15 years ago
dont get one if ya cant take care of it right?
Litameena-chan - 15 years ago
Where did you get your castle? =3 I think I fell in love with it! =]
shax - 15 years ago
Its a nice tank and species-appropriate but one thing I dislike and thats plastic plants.
marcelo vieira
marcelo vieira - 15 years ago
Congratulations!!!! Thank you for your pet care!
youistefa - 15 years ago
I have a baby pink betta... He's lovely. Now I'm trying to save some money to give him a "proper home" ;)
TigerlilsTanks - 15 years ago
They should have a heater, yes. They are a tropical fish and do better in warm water.
Emma Gresham
Emma Gresham - 15 years ago
well my betta is yellow. im happy now! i think he was just getting used to the tank. i love to watch him swim and play in the fake plants :)))))
chuzziii - 15 years ago
Really nice job!
thefreinds4life - 15 years ago
@JoesSixPac MAybe it eats when your not looking =]
Xavier Grotesque
Xavier Grotesque - 15 years ago
is 10 gal too big?
Nova Ein
Nova Ein - 15 years ago
So my girlfriend just got a Betta today and she bought a small tank and planted little plant seeds to grow. the little tank came with a small water filter. She told me that Bettas like calm water and we were afraid that the filter would cause the water to aggitate which would tire him out. Is this accurate ? can we turn on the filter to clean the water ? even if it's for 5-10 minutes ? also, is it normal for their fins to flair at random ? we dont want him to be nervous or threatened.
Lux Amillion
Lux Amillion - 15 years ago
my betta wont eat! its day 3. : (
nosyiam - 15 years ago
How much would a 3 gallon fish tank starter kit cost for a betta
wickedroy - 15 years ago
@honda2infiniti no they go to the surfes to breath
wickedroy - 15 years ago
i have had a female beta for 3 years now and she is dying have lost it colors and is allmost completle grey
Emma Gresham
Emma Gresham - 15 years ago
um, i just got my betta today, and why is it always at the top of the tank by the wall??? Please answer! i want to do anything to get my betta happy!
joseluis cano
joseluis cano - 15 years ago
tanx you helped me alto!!! :)
これでいいの? - 15 years ago
please don't keep your fish in a bucket. That's rather cruel.
samwhich99 - 15 years ago
how did they spend too much money?
jessica monteiro
jessica monteiro - 15 years ago
is a 20 gallon to much
proto35 - 15 years ago
@killer2611 pm check
Anon386632 - 15 years ago
whats that suppost to mean? and the tank is not new. lol i put my betta in the same tank as my shark and they get along even tho they are both agressive fish
proto35 - 15 years ago
@killer2611 watch the water quality as .. if you tank is new, then its not cycled !
Savannah Rae
Savannah Rae - 15 years ago
Question: My bettta fish are really scared of me, what did i do wrong??? Please send me a letter thingy to my account so i can know what i did wrong...
Savannah Rae
Savannah Rae - 15 years ago
Man that betta at the begining of the video is soooo pretty! What is he like a crowntail? And aren't soft plants better than plastic plants?
Anon386632 - 15 years ago
LOL my new betta is going Grrrr right now xD it keeps going to the bottom corner to try and fight its self xD i have a 20 gallon tank and it is completly empty right now because i just got the betta today.. so all i have is a water filter and i guess my betta has nothing better to do then fight its self
Litameena-chan - 15 years ago
Great tank! =] I love the video! =] It's super cute! =]
nosyiam - 15 years ago
How do you let a betta fish get ues to the water temp before putting them in do you even have to? I have only had 1 betta and my cat ate it?:( How many gallons was that tank and can you have a male and 2 females together without a divider
soaddictedzz - 15 years ago
hey umm would my betta be good in a 2.5 gallon tank
picatsoforfma - 15 years ago
Silk plants work good too.
picatsoforfma - 15 years ago
The water evaporates but not the toxins. you still need to replace old dirty water with new clean water.
jasonletigre - 15 years ago
my beta have 26 fight
Intro2Fit - 15 years ago
Betta fish is more happier in bigger tanks, but I noticed they live longer in smaller fish bowl tanks. They are small fish, and don't need all that space. My dad kept a betta fish in a small bowl, and he lasted for 5 years. We recently kept a red betta fish in a 5 gallon tank, and it died within 8 months. I guess the bigger the tank, the harder it is to clean and it gets dirty easier. you can thumb me down for this, but bigger tanks are for bigger fishes. Betta fish are tiny. Small bowl is fine.
SFK Pets
SFK Pets - 15 years ago
Um, yeah they do. They come from rice paddies, which are shallow, but are very vast. The bettas have a lot of room to swim. A bowl/vase is an ammonia trap, and it will kill bettas fairly quickly. Even if they do live to be a couple years old, they certainly did not have a happy life.
Taylor Johnson
Taylor Johnson - 15 years ago
Just to clarify im not a vet people i know just a few basic things on fish health. i mostly just know how to keep them happy
ssjelricdraven - 15 years ago
shrimp....ya.......if you wanna feed your betta good
Mac Diddy
Mac Diddy - 15 years ago
lol my bettas worst enemy is him self in the mirror
SilberLykan - 15 years ago
how to make betta tail more long and beautiful...
picatsoforfma - 15 years ago
Pretty betta even though I don't like crown tails that much.
Mandie - 15 years ago
That is one gorgeous betta. If some of you don't already know, one good way to test your aquarium decorations is to run stockings over them, if they snag it'll hurt your betta's fins. My betta thrives better with a LITTLE bit of aquarium salt in the water.
pickinickin - 15 years ago
Chow-Mein's an awsome name xD
TheWalf999 - 15 years ago
hjrydergirl is a bitch
TheWalf999 - 15 years ago
thanks alot man!
glassytears - 15 years ago
HJrydergirl, They don't LIKE living in small tanks. Have you actually seen the rice puddles they live? They are not small like a 2 gallon tank. Minimum recommended is a 5 gallon one. Try researching a bit and make your poor betta fish happy.
Ch0nch - 15 years ago
do u need a filter?
Taylor Johnson
Taylor Johnson - 15 years ago
yes definetly
Digitalzin - 15 years ago
Very nice video, good tips too. Thanks for posting.
xxsuperxrad - 15 years ago
Betta fish do rest on plants like in the video. They're fins are large and heavy, so they like to lay them on the leaves once in a while and take a break.
Norman Hu
Norman Hu - 15 years ago
Do betta fish actually rest in plants like in the video? Are they less active than most fish? How can i tell between a dying fish, a stressed fish, and a normal resting fish?
technochiq - 15 years ago
OMG this is awesome. I just got my very first betta today. I have the same one as you. :)
TheWalf999 - 15 years ago
aww man i need to save money to buy the biggger tank
BRIS FUNES - 15 years ago
I'm a newbee to the Betta Fish world. my son just got a Betta Fish as a gift, but the poor thing was in a small bowl so we went ahead and bought him the marineland 5 gallon Hex tank. Question how often do you change the water and process for it?
Michael Nguyen
Michael Nguyen - 15 years ago
I got one red betta in a 55gl tank full of rocks and plants, w/2 filter systems. He's love it. Tank was use for Oscar but they all died when I change the water so now I just have one male betta, I guess I don't have to change the water for a long long time.
blaine200 - 15 years ago
it looks like a 10 gallon
blaine200 - 15 years ago
u forgot to mention delta tail and veil tail in ur discription.
Ranchie S.
Ranchie S. - 15 years ago
aw this video is so cute =] 5/5
polly chu
polly chu - 15 years ago
my betta fish like to rest inbetween water plant too , nice video
TheGoddessNetworks - 15 years ago
ok so I just got a beta for my daughter. He is in the bowl still from walmart. I am gonna get him a tank, I think smaller than 5 gall. So since he did not come in a 5 gal talk of water, I just add new water and treat it and let it sit for 24 hrs before I add him?
TheGoddessNetworks - 15 years ago
so if the beta has a 5 gal tank what size filter do you recommend? I have not seen smaller beta tanks. My daughter just got her fitst one. How often do you change the water or add new water to the tank?
Joe Tulley
Joe Tulley - 15 years ago
dont do more than 40% and i dont think you need to do a whole water tank because you need to keep good bacteria in the tank. i bought a siphon cheaply to suck the gravel while also taking out water then i just pour in declorinated water
Joe Tulley
Joe Tulley - 15 years ago
cheer up mate
Ashley Marie
Ashley Marie - 15 years ago
Ohya are you supposed to use a filter? cause he is in a fish bowl pretty big one aswell and he seems to be doing fine, and i feed him regulary but are you supposed to feed them more then 2 pellets daily?
Ashley Marie
Ashley Marie - 15 years ago
My betta (Splash) has made a very big bubble nest! I guess that means he's happy and, maybe i could make a video of it and show you it! please message me back. =]
Taylor Johnson
Taylor Johnson - 15 years ago
hmmmm lets see. i think you should just change about 30% =P just to even it out just in case but be sure not to take out all the water or save some when you clean the bowl/watever thingy because fish go through a cycle when they are in a new area and let out helpful bacterias so if you took out all the water and replaced it with new it could go into shock and maybe die so only change the water completely when the water is dreadfully bad k? thanks for asking a question
Taylor Johnson
Taylor Johnson - 15 years ago
Oh i have been buying my fish tank stuff sense i was like 13-14 and buying new things and i'm 16 now. so dont feel behind. Birthdays and holidays are my income and i spend it on my pets and other things. lol
Taylor Johnson
Taylor Johnson - 15 years ago
I'm sorry your betta died =[ my Shiba-inu just died three days before my birthday. Thats why i haven't been in the mood to make animal videos lately . . .
Taylor Johnson
Taylor Johnson - 15 years ago
i got my tank and decorations at a local fish aquarium type place for cheap not at any of the big brand stores but i've never tried any of the bigger brand store's stuff so i dont know really what the quality is like.
Mason Arabo
Mason Arabo - 15 years ago
Oh ankita honey they live about maxium 3 years if very well taken care of
TheLego123 - 15 years ago
lol my betta fish does the same thing at 1:50 oh and do you use a filter? or should u use a filter?
Zabatsue - 15 years ago
mine just died about 20 minutes ago I had him for abot 4 1/2 years his name was Bubbles and I had another on that lived abot 4 years named Splashy
Ankita Roy
Ankita Roy - 15 years ago
I just got a new beta, his name is William, were do get a big plant and a big tank do they live long? i just wanna know
Taylor Johnson
Taylor Johnson - 15 years ago
the male betta gathers air in its mouth and does something to it and than spits the bubbles out under something or on the side of the fish tank and repeats this untill their are a bunch of bubbles gathered in a mass. the girl betta puts her babies in it but male bettas usually do it when they are happy
Taylor Johnson
Taylor Johnson - 15 years ago
wow thats cool. Do you have a video?
Taylor Johnson
Taylor Johnson - 15 years ago
for just a betta 5 gallons should be ok i think they usually like their tank at like 75 or so degrees so if you need a heater to keep it at that temperture than you should get one and a thermometer or he/she could get sick
Taylor Johnson
Taylor Johnson - 15 years ago
Petco lol
Taylor Johnson
Taylor Johnson - 15 years ago
i have five red eye tetras with my betta fish usually tetras get along with bettas just not fish who are really colorful and with long wavy tales
queenofkool - 15 years ago
oh this was helpful! Can i have other fish in my tank with my beta reginald?
Sqwiggle Art
Sqwiggle Art - 15 years ago
this was wonderful thank you :) p.s.your beta is soooo cute <3
jtalson95m8 - 15 years ago
well Queen, i was looking at my container i have him in and i don't even think its a gallon. It might not even be a half gallon. So im going to be looking around for something this weekend he might be happy in. I don't like the way my cat is watching him either. =)
BamboozledBrunette - 15 years ago
Sorry, I don't know how to get it back...
Taylor Johnson
Taylor Johnson - 15 years ago
i accidentally removed that persons comment! could you like message them somhow? i was trying to click reply but i clicked remove and i dont know how to get it back. . .
BamboozledBrunette - 15 years ago
I have a Betta in a 1.5-2 gal. tank on my channel. You can get small plants for your tank and push them along the back wall so your fish still has room to swim around in. :)

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