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they got better, not sick anymore :) and plants are growing like crazy
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This is my very first Betta set-up that I had a long time ago. I had a few female Bettas as well as some peaceful...
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This is my very first Betta set-up that I had a long time ago. I had a few female Bettas as well as some peaceful...
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Perfect little aquarium for one Betta Fish
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My new betta fish from Petco. I'm just describing how gorgeous he is and how I care for him.
The "How to tell if a Betta Fish is Happy" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for How to tell if a Betta Fish is Happy
20. comment for How to tell if a Betta Fish is Happy
30. comment for How to tell if a Betta Fish is Happy
Are bowls really that harmful for my little girl?
50. comment for How to tell if a Betta Fish is Happy
Your fish turning black is a clear sign of it and it's often caused by poor water quality. Is your tank cycled? And when was the last time you did a water change?
I'm not sure what to do about your make but female Bettas don't exactly get pregnant. You might wanna look if some videos on betta breeding videos. Not breeding them isn't gonna cause Illness in them
Cuz he has a blood red tail.
Boredom is one of MANY causes for biting. Fin nipping is caused by
stress. Stress comes in many forms.
High activity- when a fish is stressed by over activity of tank mates or
movement outside the tank(such as if the tank was frequently passed by)
Inactivity- when the fish gets bored. This is not always solved by adding more
fish, this is fixed by giving the fish more attention and a few toys.
Fright- when a fish is simply very scared or something similar to that emotion. New fish can nip for this reason often.
Hunger- kinda obvious, feed your Betta a variety of foods. One day, moist pellets, next day, freeze dried blood worms that you soaked and removed air bubbles from, next day brine shrimp.
Heavy fins- big fins create drag on the fish, they can give themselves
hair cuts.(any long fin can do this, it is more common in rose tails and
Heavy flow- when the filter flow is too much for the fish to swim in they will trim their fins up for better control.
Itchy: This one may be your issue, it is a suck issue but it may
be yours. Regrowth of the fins seems to cause itching in some bettas,
their edges may burn or itch and the fish bites them. You said that your
tetras were nipping? The regrowth may have caused him to do this. There
is no real cure in this case aside from hoping he just stops and lets
them regrow.
Unknown- some fish just do it. Maybe it is neurotic but there have been cases with no cure.
The answer is simple to start with. First ID what problems could be
likely, then start trying the various fix's for them. Keep your water
clean, 50% water changes a week will not hurt the fish at all, nor will a
slime coat additive. This issue doesn't kill the fish, yours has gone
as far as he will probably go. keep it clean and warm.
To entertain a fish, get some new orniments, rearrange the current ones
and do switch outs and such. Get him some floating toys, a mirror and
so on.
100. comment for How to tell if a Betta Fish is Happy
Great video btw.
she passed a way a month ago.. now i got a boy Dragon beta.. he swims around all the time.. just i dono if i should turn off tank light like i did with my girl.. or leave it on
And whenever I come around he starts moving a lot, like he's dancing or something!
Could that mean something?
Another thing I've noticed it that his face was Pink but has turned White, and his tail slightly grew.
I've been researching and haven't found anything.
If you know, i would so great full to know! :)
If you're wondering why I have crickets it's because my gecko eats them
sooo what does that mean??
2)Provide them a habitat that mimics the rice pattie streams they come from(driftwood, plants, ect.)
3)Regular water changes
4)Try teaching him tricks(optional) and talking to him
5)Proper diet. Gift him a treat of bloodworms on rare occasions.
Today I got a new betta, a crown tail, named Thunder. He is blue and red and very beautiful! I love him so much! I put him in the tank after he got used to the water temp and all that and when I put him in, he was swimming around and looking at everything around him. I fed him and he came right up to my finger and ate his food. I can tell that he is a very friendly and happy fish!!! :D
i might be able to get some video on him for u
She was very puffed out
I am sorry if this is disturbing I just want to know what happened to her cause u seem like u know bout fish maybe
-resting spots below the surface: they seem to prefer ones with a little current near the filter outlet.
-gaps, nooks and crannies: for some reason betta like to squeeze though small spaces.
-turning on a bubbler every now and then.
-varied food! pellets are sufficient, but boring. offer different treats like dried shrimp, frozen food, and life food (only tiny snack amounts of those, so the fishies dont get fat). my 3 girls love hunting life water flea. i feel kinda sorry for the little buggers, but they are super easy to breed with green water.
if you have moss in your tank, let some soaked food fall onto it, the betta will be busy for a while to find it all.
Mine messed up my science presentation in high shool by drawing a large fish cartoon in the middle of my most important image.
My betta seems to be enjoying day by day! I have put a couple of more things inside the bowl. Also, do you think keeping a mirror will be a good option. Since I showed him mirror once, he has been more active and flaring a lot! do you think its healthy for him to do so?
how can i make my betta happy? i have a 1 gallon and i guess i need something bigger but it cant be much bigger because i literally dont have room. i really like my betta hes a cutie and i want to be the best i can but i need some pointers
I have her in 6 gallon tank and no other fish (she killed them her last tank mates). I've only had her for about month.