How To Set Up A Fish Tank (Aqueon bettabow 2.5)

In this video I show you the basics of setting up a fish tank. Here I used the Aqueon bettabow 2.5. Dont forget to cycle your tank :)  Hello and welcome to PlayfulPiggies. You have come to the right place for everything Pet. I have guinea pigs, fish, and cats. I do mostly guinea pig videos but I still do a lot of fish and cat videos. There will be a video at least every week. Thank You for watching this video. I love comments and I read every one of them.  If you like my channel, please subscribe. If you like this video please like it, and don’t forget to comment. My channel: My Instagram: Thank you to everyone. 

How To Set Up A Fish Tank (Aqueon bettabow 2.5) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 149

Betta 10 years ago 135,344 views

In this video I show you the basics of setting up a fish tank. Here I used the Aqueon bettabow 2.5. Dont forget to cycle your tank :)  Hello and welcome to PlayfulPiggies. You have come to the right place for everything Pet. I have guinea pigs, fish, and cats. I do mostly guinea pig videos but I still do a lot of fish and cat videos. There will be a video at least every week. Thank You for watching this video. I love comments and I read every one of them.  If you like my channel, please subscribe. If you like this video please like it, and don’t forget to comment. My channel: My Instagram: Thank you to everyone. 

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Most popular comments
for How To Set Up A Fish Tank (Aqueon bettabow 2.5)

Arshan Khan
Arshan Khan - 6 years ago
I love fish tank and aquarium my shop naaz aquarium shop and love Nice video
Lakeisha Johnson
Lakeisha Johnson - 6 years ago
Same exact one I have
COZMO FISH - 6 years ago
It's L E D you idiot not led
Kamora Allen
Kamora Allen - 6 years ago
This Is not helpful at all
Hannah Banana
Hannah Banana - 6 years ago
People dis because they're the ones that think bettas need like 100 gallons
meg grotte
meg grotte - 6 years ago
Actually I think for your first tank you did a really good job and personally I'd recommend having fresh plants in your tank. I'm an American living in Taiwan and I picked up some nice little plants that float on the surface of my water and they've got Roots my little fish seems to like it. He does have painted rocks which I'm hoping to switch over to actual sand or something more suitable at the time when I purchased my rocks I didn't know that painted rocks were not healthy for my fish. What I purchased I thought it was actually made of glass but it was written in Chinese so I was unaware.

But I got to say I really do like your tank is it made of glass or plastic?
right now I have a plastic tank it's a nano tank and it's got an LED light it's actually very comfortable my fish seems to really enjoy it I've tried using glass tanks in the past when I had Turtles but just the slightest hit and the tank breaks very easily so it is difficult to really scrub out the tank by hand just the slightest hittin the stank shatters this is why I switched to a nano tank because I like taking out the plastic part and really cleaning everything and then adding 10% of the old water and 90% new water with water conditioner this really seems to keep my fish from having any problems. Because his tank is so small but it's a lot larger than the cup he was living in I find that changing the water every 2 days really helps and he seems much happier living in Taiwan there's a lot of high humidity so the water temperatures always suitable for him but next month I'm hoping to get a thermometer and heater that I can attach yeah.
Zoe Is Lit
Zoe Is Lit - 6 years ago
Uhm... ur supposed to condition the water
Hannah Banana
Hannah Banana - 6 years ago
Sweet :)
Damian Martinez
Damian Martinez - 6 years ago
I’m not a hater but u don’t know what u doing

10. comment for How To Set Up A Fish Tank (Aqueon bettabow 2.5)

Mouachi VUE
Mouachi VUE - 6 years ago
Waters bad for it and never put other water in new water
Drip 07
Drip 07 - 6 years ago
ITS L E D not led dum dum lol
Magnum Ghandour
Magnum Ghandour - 6 years ago
This is so random..
RosewoodNews - 6 years ago
I’m watching this years later, but tanks under about 4 gallons don’t exactly have a cycle.
Charlie Boom
Charlie Boom - 6 years ago
Do you have a mini heater for where u put urs at ?
Jeanne Luddeni
Jeanne Luddeni - 6 years ago
That is so funny I just bought one of these and it’s cycling now very good video thank u I’m getting a green betta
#WhatsthatTrend? f
#WhatsthatTrend? f - 7 years ago
she kinda said every thing twice
Shayan Husain 47
Shayan Husain 47 - 6 years ago
Carly_ Krchov it might be her first video. She might be nervous. At least she's trying.
Noah Alarie
Noah Alarie - 7 years ago
you're telling us not to and to do all these things in the text box, but you are doing the exact opposite of that. Also you should get a heater and some live plants, silk plants will also work, oh and basically you need to change all the decorations including the gravel, and you'll find out why after doing a little more research.
Sachin Joseph
Sachin Joseph - 7 years ago
hippo603 - 7 years ago

20. comment for How To Set Up A Fish Tank (Aqueon bettabow 2.5)

Mohd Faiz
Mohd Faiz - 7 years ago
Sydney Gray
Sydney Gray - 7 years ago
Okay I have very little betta experience, but I think you put too much water in the tank to begin with
Ruby's World
Ruby's World - 7 years ago
Why did you leave the 2 pink rocks that spilled out on the table for the entire video?
Javiera Muñoz
Javiera Muñoz - 7 years ago
D: dios ...ese pez se te va a morir ...los peces se estresan con los colores fuertes y por cada pez Betta se necesita una pecera de más litros ademas de el ciclado del agua :(
Chuck Chuck
Chuck Chuck - 7 years ago
You don't want that much gravel
Владимир пушкин
Владимир пушкин - 7 years ago
I love how your like the only kid who does this right, but u should add some live plants..not plastic live is better!
someone who car3s
someone who car3s - 7 years ago
I have gravels (pretty coarse ) on the floor of my betta's tank will it damage my betta's fin ??? (srry for bad english) edit :if it can cause damage should i put on sillica sand will it also damage it's fin ?
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
What have you done? 100% pure pink gravel can kill a man instantly. Why expose yourself to it's effects?
An average of 10 people die every year form pink gravel poisoning.
HardyBoxPot - 7 years ago
pink plastic decorations and rocks... americans at their best. i put real plants and actually try not just put crap in and stuff...
Insainseniper - 7 years ago
What do you mean by "Americans at their best." This is literally the only video I've seen with pink stuff. Other people use sand or dark blue and black. That statement is just rude and it's only trying to make you feel better
Vote serrano 2038
Vote serrano 2038 - 7 years ago
What does being American have to do with that, you damn alien.
dON Tibbs
dON Tibbs - 7 years ago
Does any body knows why that my Blue Beta fish has it's eyes budging out? Oneis way out and the other eye is half way but,he looks healthy still swimming around Thanks .
Vote serrano 2038
Vote serrano 2038 - 7 years ago please email me, I can help you!

30. comment for How To Set Up A Fish Tank (Aqueon bettabow 2.5)

Beybladers Philippines
Beybladers Philippines - 7 years ago
Hey you must change a slower filter becaus it killied my betta because the filter is so strong
Kayla w
Kayla w - 7 years ago
Jim Emmanuel you probably didn’t add enough water. I have the same tank/filter and it’s not strong because I add water above the filter flow. I’m sorry for your loss.
Lily G
Lily G - 7 years ago
The tank set up is brilliant!
The sizing is okay, it's just that after a few years of this tank, I've come to a conclusion that the filter cartridges and quality isn't very good. The current is also a tad bit strong, I remember my betta struggling to swim with it.
Just a heads-up, I know you moved to a different tank!
Alexis Martinez
Alexis Martinez - 7 years ago
Why is there bubble coming out of the filter? Is that normal because mines is doing the same thing
Mythical Guide
Mythical Guide - 7 years ago
Holy mother of PINK
Dusi Kabbani
Dusi Kabbani - 7 years ago
I love you ahah
Mythical Guide
Mythical Guide - 7 years ago
I would move it because of alge conflicts
sun avocado
sun avocado - 7 years ago
so cute and the fish is so beautiful
S A - 7 years ago
Great video
sister shook
sister shook - 7 years ago
I love the full pink look! Would look great with a white betta
Jake the gsd
Jake the gsd - 7 years ago
You shouldn't have dumped the pet store water in the tank as well it can be harmful
YVONNE BRUCE - 8 years ago
Pretty tank baby good job
3llie mitch3ll
3llie mitch3ll - 8 years ago
My little cousin's Betta looks a lot like that but with a more fanned out tail... his name is apollo and is super cool!
Davit King
Davit King - 8 years ago
nooooooo dude colored gravel is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ugly
Eric Mezenberg
Eric Mezenberg - 7 years ago
Davit King ikr
Domácí mazlíčci-DIY, vlogy, zajímavosti
Domácí mazlíčci-DIY, vlogy, zajímavosti - 8 years ago
no, no, no, everything totally wrong about this tank! :(
Random May
Random May - 7 years ago
She got a new one
Vote serrano 2038
Vote serrano 2038 - 7 years ago
Well, the only thing it’s missing is a heater. And yes, the plant is to rough, but other than that, it’s fine.
Cardea - 7 years ago
Random Commentator No heater, and the plastic plants do more harm than good.
Superior Serperior
Superior Serperior - 7 years ago
What's wrong with the tank?
kiwi - 8 years ago
creative =)))))))))))
BlyadWater - 8 years ago
this si the Satans breeding tank
slickpaw 07
slickpaw 07 - 8 years ago
LED L e d boi XD
Jessie Rios
Jessie Rios - 8 years ago
she is missing a water heater just to let you know
Pets Channel
Pets Channel - 8 years ago
Before you put ur fish in you should've ran your filter for an hour or 2
GolemBoss - 7 years ago
slickpaw07 Aj Fam, first she used tank water from an established tank, second, NO NO NO!!!!!!!! A cycle is a month long period (more or less depending on what you use) where ammonia turns to nitrite which gets eaten by helpful bacteria know as nitrates. You NEED zero ammonia and nitrite and about 20ppm nitrate. When the cycle is complete, you add your bio-load. Some people mess up forgetting to cycle so they fish cycle which is mostly dangerous. Im doing it right now (almost the end of cycle) because i kinda didnt know about it until a few weeks ago.....first time fish keeper for you.
slickpaw 07
slickpaw 07 - 8 years ago
Pets Channel yeah that is very true I thought you meant cycling the tank for 2 hours I believe it's a day. sorry for the confusion
Pets Channel
Pets Channel - 8 years ago
slickpaw07 Aj that's what I was talking about
slickpaw 07
slickpaw 07 - 8 years ago
Pets Channel yeah of course you need to clean that
Pets Channel
Pets Channel - 8 years ago
slickpaw07 Aj but still you would want to get the gunk and germs out of the filter
slickpaw 07
slickpaw 07 - 8 years ago
Pets Channel not for Betta's it's OK but for tropical fish a 48 hour cycle
MoreMike - 8 years ago
Looks good
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
The Aqueon is my favorite tank, and the filter perfect for most fish since it's not super powerful and doesn't require an air stone or pump.

50. comment for How To Set Up A Fish Tank (Aqueon bettabow 2.5)

BlyadWater - 8 years ago
hmm,i should buy one of dose and modify that for shrimps e.e
slickpaw 07
slickpaw 07 - 8 years ago
RampageSaurus it's 2.5 gallons it can be better :/
lizzy - 8 years ago
would this tank be good for a goldfish?
Superior Serperior
Superior Serperior - 7 years ago
+slickpaw07 Aj my rule is 20 gallons for one goldfish then add 10 gallons each goldfish u add
slickpaw 07
slickpaw 07 - 8 years ago
Scuttle Gecc
Scuttle Gecc - 8 years ago
no. Goldfish can get a foot+

DO NOT wait until it gets big enough to upgrade. That causes growth stunting, which makes a very painful death for the poor thing.

my rule is this-

fancy goldfish, or any of the round, slow moving goldfish

other goldfish. In a 60gal, I would only stick with one

trust me, my friend has one that's about 1 foot 4 inches long and and about 6+ inches tall
PlayfulPiggies - 8 years ago
+Lizzy Poteat you probably want to go with a bigger tank for a goldfish. Definitely no smaller then a 5 gallon, then upgrade as he gets bigger.
155DJJ - 8 years ago
You forgot to use a tap water conditioner.....Tap water is bad for all fish.
Kayla w
Kayla w - 7 years ago
155DJJ 1:57
Alexa Hartman
Alexa Hartman - 8 years ago
Really enjoyed the video. I like how clear your instructions were. Super bright, and I really like how you edited the video.
Alexa Hartman
Alexa Hartman - 8 years ago
+PlayfulPiggies your welcome
PlayfulPiggies - 8 years ago
+Alexa Hartman thanks so much :)
yael delacruz
yael delacruz - 8 years ago
Uuummm I have a goldfish is 1.2 gallon good, for a fish btw she/he is a inch.
slickpaw 07
slickpaw 07 - 8 years ago
yael delacruz NO NO NO eacjlh goldfish need at least ten gallons
Liese H.
Liese H. - 8 years ago
not for a goldfish, they need like 10 gallons minimum
I'm Brooke
I'm Brooke - 8 years ago
How much was your tank?
Edward Isaias
Edward Isaias - 8 years ago
nah you did everything wrong
slickpaw 07
slickpaw 07 - 8 years ago
yael delacruz you shut up people can give opinions you know if that's what he thinks fine but you don't worry about it
yael delacruz
yael delacruz - 8 years ago
Shut up
safalolo2004 2
safalolo2004 2 - 8 years ago
Where did you get your tank fish because I'm getting a betta fish
safalolo2004 2
safalolo2004 2 - 8 years ago
+PlayfulPiggies never mind I know what the name is
safalolo2004 2
safalolo2004 2 - 8 years ago
+PlayfulPiggies ok thanks I was just online looking for it do you know what's the name for the fish tank or brand so I could search it because I like this fish tank
PlayfulPiggies - 8 years ago
+biggest Justin beiber fan Petsmart
Sydney Heim
Sydney Heim - 8 years ago
Its not pronounced led, its 3 separate letters. LED is a type of light
Kaelee McCoy
Kaelee McCoy - 8 years ago
How long did it take to cycle the tank?
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
IMO it's difficult to cycle a tank under five gallons, so I would do 100 percent water changes on it
Kaelee McCoy
Kaelee McCoy - 8 years ago
+Lynn Little I have a 10 gallon and I am getting liquid ammonia and that bacteria you can but in a bottle
Lynn Little
Lynn Little - 8 years ago
depends on the size. 2.5 is very difficult to cycle and get the perfect water. people usually just do water change. my 2.5 took 15 weeks. the bigger the aquarium the easier to cycle
Betta fish 300
Betta fish 300 - 8 years ago
I am afraid these may stress him out and he will die
Betta fish 300
Betta fish 300 - 8 years ago
Guys just got my fish but is having a hard time not getting sucked towards the Filter
Kaelee McCoy
Kaelee McCoy - 8 years ago
Watch the inflatable sea lion diy betta filter vid if you don't want to buy a less powerful filter
BestBetta - 8 years ago
Guys! Don't hate PlayfulPiggies! I have that same tank,except with a more subtle gravel colour,and a silk plant! She only made 2 mistakes! My Betta loves his 2.5! He has a lot of room to swim around! Ok,so STOP!
Paul Graciano
Paul Graciano - 8 years ago
nice vid!
Beyond Rosie
Beyond Rosie - 8 years ago
i had my fish before i got my tank how do the water cycle
Ashley Murray
Ashley Murray - 8 years ago
You do know that the black little piece on the top of your tank goes on the bottom of your tank.
Ashley Murray
Ashley Murray - 8 years ago
Read the instructions. It's suppose to be a type of stand just for the bottom of the tank, but I don't really care anymore considering that I don't have this tank anymore. +Seraani Uthayakumar 
BestBetta - 8 years ago
You do know that the piece is supposed to be there right?
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
there is a betta bow and a mini bow both 2,5 and both from aqueon
bettabow:136 euros mini bow : 30euros (+heater40) why would you do this??
can someone please tell me ?
BestBetta - 8 years ago
I think she lives in Canada,and in Canada the Minibow and the Bettabow are both the same price. I think she was waiting for a sale and got the Bettabow cheaper.
Pink Bettas
Pink Bettas - 8 years ago
Anyone know where to get the pink plant from?
Momscare7 mom of petscare7
Momscare7 mom of petscare7 - 8 years ago
Amrita Hemchand
Amrita Hemchand - 8 years ago
+Kendall Ward hey thanks, how often do you change the water? I always get confused between people saying do 100% water changes lile once a week versus people saying that's bad for the fosh, only do 25-50% change like every three days to once a week
Kendall Ward
Kendall Ward - 8 years ago
Hi! I have the same rank as her and here's what I do.... First like any other tank you take the fish out. Next take out the plants, filter and heater. Then you want to ride off the rocks and scrub the tank. Then you start putting everything back in. I hope this helped
Zopper - 9 years ago
Does it come with the filter? Because I'm thinking about getting a new tank for my fish.
Forzaa - 8 years ago
+Betta Bet how's your fish
Zopper - 9 years ago
+PlayfulPiggies thankkk you :D I'm getting it tomorrow with a fish :3
PlayfulPiggies - 9 years ago
Yes it comes with a filter. :) It's a great tank.
Seleena Sepulveda
Seleena Sepulveda - 9 years ago
Did the divider come with the tank??
PlayfulPiggies - 9 years ago
Yes :)
Luke - CSGO & More.
Luke - CSGO & More. - 9 years ago
L.E.D not led :/
Luke - CSGO & More.
Luke - CSGO & More. - 8 years ago
+LegitGaming im going to subscribe to you haha
little bird
little bird - 8 years ago
+Luke - CSGO & More. again..
Luke - CSGO & More.
Luke - CSGO & More. - 8 years ago
+Luke - CSGO & More. wait wut. i havent seen this video?
sparkles ugh
sparkles ugh - 9 years ago
we're did you get the fish tank
sparkles ugh
sparkles ugh - 9 years ago
Oh thanks for telling me
PlayfulPiggies - 9 years ago
Naveen bhuvanesh
Naveen bhuvanesh - 9 years ago
u did not put d coditioner
slickpaw 07
slickpaw 07 - 8 years ago
Naveen bhuvanesh learn how to spell please
Kaelee McCoy
Kaelee McCoy - 8 years ago
Yes she did at 1:59 she had text at the top saying make sure your water is treated with water conditioner so obviously she had it added in the water before she put it in
Dominic Mountford
Dominic Mountford - 9 years ago
first of all its L-E-D, where's the heater? dont mix the bag or cup water with your tank water and leave the tank on fora week and before that de-chlorinate your tank.
Amelia Beatty
Amelia Beatty - 9 years ago
Bettas need surface level not what you did
billy Lee
billy Lee - 9 years ago
this fish tank look so beautiful!
PlayfulPiggies - 9 years ago
Thank you!
Matthew Gallagher
Matthew Gallagher - 9 years ago
that music reminds me of webkinz somehow
mallory - 9 years ago
I have a question I have a 1 g bowl and it's only temporary and I'm thinking of getting this but is it good bc I know it is 2.5 but my 1 g bowl is so wide and big and this seems small. Also what tank do you recommend bc this one looks good bc it has a filter?
AlexandrasPets - 9 years ago
GREAT JOB GIRL!! what if every betta fish could get such a responsible owner. You did everything right, and didnt even pour the fish into the hard surface like maaany people do. I really hope people do take knowledge of this video! :)
Kilm - 7 years ago
Are you kidding? this setup sucks!
PlayfulPiggies - 9 years ago
Aww thanks!!! :) this comment made me so happy. :)
Isabella Harper
Isabella Harper - 9 years ago
BTW why don't you have a heater for him?
Jennifer Michelitch
Jennifer Michelitch - 6 years ago
because those places are climatically hot sweetie
khaki91 - 7 years ago
WRONG. People who live in tropical climate, like the people who live on the continent of Asia, does not need a heater. I have been to Vietnam and Thailand and seen people raising beautiful bettas without heater.
Isabella Harper
Isabella Harper - 9 years ago
+Alexandras Pets you do because if the room temperature is less than 78-80 (which is usually the case) you need one, it doesn't always need to be on but you still NEED one. It's necessary when you want to own a happy
betta fish!
Alexandras Pets
Alexandras Pets - 9 years ago
+isabella harper -still nothing! if the watertemperature is fine then you dont need a heater. thats how simple is that :)
Isabella Harper
Isabella Harper - 9 years ago
+AlexandrasPets still
AlexandrasPets - 9 years ago
+isabella harper a heater isnt always needed if the roomtemperature is enough high that the water keeps warm anyway :)
PlayfulPiggies - 9 years ago
I do now. :)
Isabella Harper
Isabella Harper - 9 years ago
I have a 10 gallon tank with filter and heater for my betta I think he's going to be really happy
Mrs Malfoy
Mrs Malfoy - 7 years ago
Isabella Harper I'm sure he will!
Vote serrano 2038
Vote serrano 2038 - 7 years ago
But why would you brag about that, it should be obvious.
PlayfulPiggies - 9 years ago
He's a lucky Betta! :)
Awkward Turtle
Awkward Turtle - 9 years ago
wow u dont recomend a lot of things here
Shayan Husain 47
Shayan Husain 47 - 6 years ago
Lol cute..
LPS Sisters
LPS Sisters - 9 years ago
I am gonna get neon tetras and the tank you used killed one of my female fishes not from your vid but it's horrible the tank is the worst
Carely Garcia
Carely Garcia - 9 years ago
How much money was that tank. ( in US dollars?)
slickpaw 07
slickpaw 07 - 8 years ago
PlayfulPiggies noooo it's 24 dollars
PlayfulPiggies - 9 years ago
I think 40$
PlayfulPiggies - 9 years ago
Hi everyone, I just wanted to say that he only lived in this setup for a little while. He got a more subtle gravel color, all silk plants, a heater very shortly after, and got moved to a 5 gallon. He spent the rest of his life happily in the 5 gallon. He unfortanaly did pass away from old age, because he was really old. He was a great fish. I currently have another betta named Galaxy in a heated, filtered 10 gallon tank, and he is living very happily. So please do not leave any hate on this video. I love all of my pets a lot and try my best to make sure all of my pets have the best life I can give them.
Eliza Harms
Eliza Harms - 6 years ago
PlayfulPiggies colorful gravel, plants, and decoration can stress the fish please change it
But THANKYOU to do the correct things, and THANKYOU giving him a 2.5, but one thing next time do not fit the water from the cup into the tank there could be a disease
dat b0i
dat b0i - 6 years ago
PlayfulPiggies its cool and all, aaaaand you put F***ING STORE WATER IN YOUR AQUARIUM
Republic Of Utopia
Republic Of Utopia - 6 years ago
Mera - 7 years ago
3-4 years old is not old for a betta.
Vote serrano 2038
Vote serrano 2038 - 7 years ago
Thank you for getting the proper tank size.
ROBLOXGamerDude331 - 7 years ago
PlayfulPiggies :)
BestBetta - 8 years ago
+kindle urie Well 3-4 years old is really old for a Betta.
kindle urie
kindle urie - 9 years ago
2 years old is not old for a beta
jordan murray
jordan murray - 9 years ago
+PlayfulPiggies My betta died from old age as well. No matter what type of animal it is, if you loved it then it hurts a lot when they leave this world
Noelle Price
Noelle Price - 9 years ago
+AlexandrasPets I have a horse and I feel the same way.
AlexandrasPets - 9 years ago
+PlayfulPiggies - complainers are just comlaining because they can! ;) even if you would have the most beautiful aquarium on 100 gallon, the complainers would still complain ;) i am a horseowner, and then you get used to it. no matter what you do, there will ALWAYS be people who arent happy. just ignore them....they are probably jealous on you ;)
stopfollowingme - 9 years ago
you're telling us to cycle the tank, yet you do didn't either lol
khaki91 - 7 years ago
Using water from the old tank...does not mean you cycled the tank! LOL. You need to put filter cartridge/material into the new tank for it to cycle.
Danel Gamebat
Danel Gamebat - 9 years ago
so I straight up ? Why sugar coat what I mean to say?
stopfollowingme - 9 years ago
+Danel Gamebat i don't like how people say "did he die yet?" or "how many minutes did he live?" it's straight up rude
Danel Gamebat
Danel Gamebat - 9 years ago
+PlayfulPiggies Thats still not cycling if you test the ammonia levels its still gonna be high you need to use items or maybe the same filter cateridge your tank is NOT CYCLED :) DID HE DIE YET?
PlayfulPiggies - 9 years ago
I used all of the water from his old tank :)
Kaden  Tomlinson
Kaden Tomlinson - 9 years ago
you have a cool and cool tank
Kaden  Tomlinson
Kaden Tomlinson - 9 years ago
you have a cool and cool tank
PlayfulPiggies - 9 years ago
Flo - 9 years ago
How much did it cost?
Kingtony - 6 years ago
BobaBeauty for everything
Legendary17 - 7 years ago
Rip off?
PlayfulPiggies - 9 years ago
Mabye around 74-100$
Sa'Raya Harden
Sa'Raya Harden - 9 years ago
all all that stuff
Emily Sass
Emily Sass - 9 years ago
Is the fish still alive?
PlayfulPiggies - 9 years ago
Yes :)
Madeline Adams
Madeline Adams - 9 years ago
That thing under the hood is the base to the tank. Also the gravel color shouldn't stress out the fish. I have owned bettas for a long time and used every color imaginable and they all lived 3-4 years. You do need a heater. Remember the 5 watts per gallon rule!
Winterdock - 9 years ago
Aqueon Betta Bow 2.5 gallon 
Featuring , "Ornge" the Crowntail Betta 
Performing to "The Witch of Ontario"
Anjulie K.
Anjulie K. - 9 years ago
why can't americans put real plants into their tanks? why all that silly plastic stuff?
Kingtony - 6 years ago
Mouachi VUE
Mouachi VUE - 6 years ago
I live in America but it really depends on the fish u have
Jenny Horsburgh
Jenny Horsburgh - 6 years ago
Ermm im not american and I have lots of fake plants in my tank
Insainseniper - 7 years ago
Burnt Pretzels true. I guess some Bettas just show their happiness differently than other Bettas
Linguini - 7 years ago
Insainseniper Some bettas are different, nobody really knows whats going on in their head
Ashley Inked
Ashley Inked - 7 years ago
Burnt Pretzels oh youd know.
Ashley Inked
Ashley Inked - 7 years ago
Burnt Pretzels that doesnt mean much. No offence. Sick bettas can still do it.
Insainseniper - 7 years ago
Burnt Pretzels I also saw a video @Taylor Nicole Dean, she even said that Bettas will make a bubble nest no matter what condition they are in
Insainseniper - 7 years ago
Burnt Pretzels no he was a boy. He didn't have any features indicating he was a girl
Linguini - 7 years ago
Insainseniper He could have been a female.
Insainseniper - 7 years ago
Burnt Pretzels I always though Bettas made bubble nest for anything regardless of there emotion. I had a betta for 5 years and he didn't really make any bubble nests yet he was active and healthy. I guess some Bettas express differently.
khaki91 - 7 years ago
Another American hater. Want me to link you to youtube videos of Non-Americans who uses plastic stuff?
Linguini - 7 years ago
Ashley Inked Ive bought an unhealthy fish before and he never made bubble nests. He lived for 3 months before he passed away
Ashley Inked
Ashley Inked - 7 years ago
Burnt Pretzels wrong they will make a bubble nest regardless. It has nothing to do with being happy. Its part of nature
Ashley Inked
Ashley Inked - 7 years ago
Anjulie K. You can put bubblers in the tank. However bettas go to the surface for air regardless.
Random May
Random May - 7 years ago
Boi taking care of a plant and a fish in the same tank is hard to manage and not all Americans do this ok so stop and if you wanted them to stop because it is annoying then don’t post rude and stupid comments for thousands of people to read
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
Maybe because
A. They only want a fish only tank or
B. They just don't want to care for plants.
Linguini - 7 years ago
Julia Schuyler Hamilton
It can mean that they are healthy. Healthy betta=happy betta. Another way that you can tell is if your betta is active and interacting with you.
Vote serrano 2038
Vote serrano 2038 - 7 years ago
Hey, my Betta lives with Anubias.
Julia Schuyler Hamilton
Julia Schuyler Hamilton - 7 years ago
Burnt Pretzels Actually, this is completely false. Although I’m sure your betta is very happy (it seems like you know how to take proper care of a fish), bubble nests doesn’t define whether your betta is happy or not. There have been several bettas in awful living conditions (1 inch of water, no oxygen, no filter, living in a cup, etc), however make bettas create bubble nests anyway as a natural instinct. It just means they’re ready to mate, not that they’re necessarily happy or thriving.
Black Viper Gaming //BvG
Black Viper Gaming //BvG - 7 years ago
Anjulie K. lol my cousin is a fish nerd and his hobby is fish breeding and he has a lot of big tanks he made into a smaller tanks but he has 2 huge ones he uses to keep fish and find pairs to put into the breeding tanks and these holes or pipes in the tank where the fish breed he started with 1 plant and now he has like 3 plants
sun avocado
sun avocado - 7 years ago
That's rude
Celyn Coker
Celyn Coker - 7 years ago
My African born parents bought the fake plastic stuff. When I said I wanted real plants, they said "are you going to care for it?" Six year old me was like, "no," so we got fake plants. Now that I'm older, I'm looking into silk plants because law school me is like, "caring for fish will be hard enough without having to worry about plant care and nitrates/nitrites and all the other fun stuff."

Long story short, I think it's 1) not just an American thing, but more a--do I have money and time thing and 2) a none-of-your-business thing because people's personal preferences have nothing to do with you and fail to infringe on your rights. If the individual cares about their fish and takes into account the effect of their decorations on their pet choosing the option that is safe for their animal and easier on themselves, then does it even matter? If the fish displays good coloring, behavior, eating habits, and is healthy, does it matter?

Just because I can't handle a live plant doesn't mean I care for my fish any less--a variation on an argument my parents have thrown at me for denying me bougie (short for Bourgeoisie) living conditions all my life.
Linguini - 7 years ago
Anjulie K. i studied betta fish for awhile. They can express their joy by making bubble nests, which is a sign that they are looking for a mate which shows that your betta fish is happy and healthy. Bubble nests just looks like groups of bubbles at the top of the tank. I have a plastic plant in my fishtank (its not sharp) and my betta fish always makes his bubble nests. It doesnt matter between having a fake plant or a real plant. He can get oxygen from the surface of the water.
GearzMC - 7 years ago
Anjulie K. Betta are labyrinth fish so I don't see why they need oxygen from plants manditorily
AnimalCrazy 11
AnimalCrazy 11 - 7 years ago
Anjulie K. Fish can have tea or fake plants....Real plants can carry diseases and so can plastic plants but we know where they are coming from and we can clean them off other then soaking a real plant and it carrying fungi,bacteria,etc while we don't have to worry about that with plastic fake plants and I would like it if you would stop using "Americans" bc a lot more ppl other than "Americans" use fake plants
AnimalCrazy 11
AnimalCrazy 11 - 7 years ago
Anjulie K. Why is this only pointed at Americans?
Amanda Brotherton
Amanda Brotherton - 7 years ago
Anjulie K. yeah!
Guitar T
Guitar T - 7 years ago
Anjulie K. because we are into plastic
Rosa Torres
Rosa Torres - 7 years ago
Anjulie K. why do all Americans have to be categorized its quite annoying and disrespectful.
Anjulie K.
Anjulie K. - 7 years ago
so how does he express his joy? xD
Huy Nguyen Ho
Huy Nguyen Ho - 7 years ago
Evelyn Egal so? my beta tank have fake plants he enjoy it
Anjulie K.
Anjulie K. - 8 years ago
final is that having plants is nice and good for the fish but they still live without them for a while
LashedCub - 8 years ago
Evelyn Egal lol. final is that having live plants is nice but you don't need them to have a happy and healthy betta fish.
Anjulie K.
Anjulie K. - 8 years ago
ok ...
LashedCub - 8 years ago
Evelyn Egal not an opinion, that's factual.
Anjulie K.
Anjulie K. - 8 years ago
ok, your opinion ...
LashedCub - 8 years ago
Evelyn Egal although having live plants is nice it isn't mandatory.
LashedCub - 8 years ago
Evelyn Egal they get plenty of oxygen with or without the plants.
Anjulie K.
Anjulie K. - 8 years ago
It's not good for the fish. They need oxygen like we do ( jep, there is also oxygen in the water)
It's not the right animal welfare!
LashedCub - 8 years ago
Evelyn Egal you can use either plastic or real. I don't see why you have a problem.
Anjulie K.
Anjulie K. - 8 years ago
LashedCub Can you stop it? It's getting annoying .____.
LashedCub - 8 years ago
Evelyn Egal why did you say "Americans" like all Americans do this?
Nicholas N.
Nicholas N. - 8 years ago
I just use a moss ball and a piece of bamboo
Christopher Salazar
Christopher Salazar - 8 years ago
Evelyn Egal
Americans are wierd that way
Anjulie K.
Anjulie K. - 8 years ago
*"why so many people can't ..." better?
Karol Escobar
Karol Escobar - 8 years ago
Evelyn Egal what does being American have to do with what plants you decide to use? it's called an opinion
yara - 8 years ago
Evelyn Egal Excuse me? Your comment is very rude. It is the person's choice what type of plants they prefer to use. The plastic plants are fine as long as they aren't sharp.
PlayfulPiggies - 9 years ago
+BellaAndBettas 101    
hi thanks for your time and for writing that comment. The plant didn't stay in his tank for very long (i threw it away) and now he has soft silk plants, and the gravel I threw away and got a very mellow dark blue gravel. The heater I have now stopped working and I will be buying a new one next weekend. My room is already pretty warm and the water never gets to cold.  As for the tank he is still currently in the 2.5 gallon but I bought him a 5 gallon tank. I will set it up as soon as I figure out space and weight of the tank issues. I know a lot about bettas and I hate hearing "bettas like small habitats" to. As a human I'm not perfect and I'm trying to figure some things out for space issues. thanks for watching.
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 9 years ago
+PlayfulPiggies :))
PlayfulPiggies - 9 years ago
Thanks :)
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 9 years ago
+PlayfulPiggies p.s. you gave good advise as well:))
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 9 years ago
+PlayfulPiggies I kinda knew this was a old video but i was just making sure:) Im glad you understand!:) Lots of fishy love back at you:)
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 9 years ago
I personally wouldnt use that plant, or gravel. The plant can easily shred your bettas fins and appear that he has fin rot which can lead to treating a healthy fish and just making him sick. The gravel (personally i dont like pink) is much too bright for a fish and may stress him out. I would also suggest a heater. If no heater is added your betta may lay on the bottom of the tank with clamped, pale fins. i would aslo suggest a bigger tank? (5-10 gal) Bettas may be raised in small breeding habitats, but that does not mean they thrive. People always say "Bettas like small habitats" I always feel bad hearing these words. Im sure you know this as it is an old video, but people watching this in the future may need some advise. Thank you for your time:)
Cindy Hill
Cindy Hill - 9 years ago
I have that tank I love it but I wish it came in a 5.5 gallon
Misty Skies
Misty Skies - 7 years ago
Cindy Hill
There is a 5 gallon version now ;)
PlayfulPiggies - 9 years ago
Yeah it's a really good tank :)

100. comment for How To Set Up A Fish Tank (Aqueon bettabow 2.5)

Makenna's Pets
Makenna's Pets - 9 years ago
BETTAS NEED AT LEAST A 5 gallon tank!
TIMxDAxMONKEY - 9 years ago
It's should be atleast 2.5 not 5. 5 is a preferred tank size
PlayfulPiggies - 9 years ago
That is a popular argument among Betta owners. Weather the minimum should be a 2.5 gallon or a 5 gallon. Yes I agree with you it you'll be better if he was in a 5 or larger tank but he is not better in a bigger tank for right now. Trust me I know a lot about betta fish and want him to be as happy as possible. My only other tank I have right now is an10 gallon and I don't have a aquarium stand strong enough to hold it. Plus my 10 gallon doesn't have a good hood or filter. My betta also gets better cleaning in his 2,5 gallon because it is easier to clean. I am planing in the future to move him to move him back to his 10 gallon. He is also a older betta and doesn't move around a lot. But thanks for your concern and thanks for watching
Bhadchick - 10 years ago
That looks fun! I like the pink!!!
 Great video :) 
PlayfulPiggies - 10 years ago
{ - J K - }
{ - J K - } - 10 years ago
Love the video!, but I don't really understand how you cycle your tank? I am going to get a guppy pretty soon but, I don't get how to cycle. Can you please make a video on how to cycle your tank? Thanks so much :D 
{ - J K - }
{ - J K - } - 10 years ago
Actually I might get a betta instead of a guppy
BettaFish2002 - 10 years ago
The thing on the bottom of the hood actually goes under the tank. Great video though!
Jennifer Michelitch
Jennifer Michelitch - 6 years ago
what are you talking about
PlayfulPiggies - 9 years ago
Rach - 9 years ago
Oh... where I live we don't have petsmart, petco or pets at home. But I might be able to find them at my local pet store. )
PlayfulPiggies - 9 years ago
Everything is from Petsmart :)
Rach - 9 years ago
I REALLY like your tank. Where did you buy the aduments?
oleophotos - 10 years ago
Great video and very informative!
PlayfulPiggies - 10 years ago
akb210 - 10 years ago
Excellent video!! I'm going to get that tank when I get my second betta fish.
PlayfulPiggies - 10 years ago
Bettafishylove - 10 years ago
love the video :)
PlayfulPiggies - 10 years ago
Thanks :)
Caroline Firkins
Caroline Firkins - 10 years ago
I have that tank and it makes a loudish noise with the filter! Does your filter make a noise if so is it loud of more of a hum? If you no how to stop the noise it would help me a lot!!! Thanks! Love the video!!
Miss Atom
Miss Atom - 9 years ago
+yogosans14 Depends on mine lol
yogosans14 - 9 years ago
You guys must have it set up wrong mine is so quiet
Caroline Firkins
Caroline Firkins - 10 years ago
+PlayfulPiggies OMG same! Anyways thanks!!!
PlayfulPiggies - 10 years ago
yes my filter makes a LOT of noise. It is right next to my bed so I have to unplug it before I go to bed so I can sleep :P
Mati Tomsha
Mati Tomsha - 10 years ago
Yay!! XD
PlayfulPiggies - 10 years ago
Thanks :)

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