How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank

Step-by-Step instructions on how to clean an unfiltered betta fish tank

How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 352

Betta 12 years ago 139,604 views

Step-by-Step instructions on how to clean an unfiltered betta fish tank

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Most popular comments
for How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank

AngelEllie 122
AngelEllie 122 - 7 years ago
Listen to me peoples you act like this girl is going to exterminate fish she is a child and children learn from their mistakes and you can tell she does care about her fish the person you should be talking to are those people who keep their fish in bowls at least she has tried and plus the fish isn’t dead sooo
영현임 - 7 years ago
Sweetie you're doing great but I think you are too young to be responsible for living animals. There are bunch of cuute robot fish in store. I love your passion but maybe later:D
Sam Wagner
Sam Wagner - 7 years ago
I'm sorry but you are doing it wrong. That fish needs a bigger tank. I have a 5 gallon tank. You need plants!!!!!!!!!
Stop motion Daniel
Stop motion Daniel - 7 years ago
That girl is retarded
Stop motion Daniel
Stop motion Daniel - 7 years ago
This girl's an idiot
Keyea Wright
Keyea Wright - 7 years ago
ok misses know it all you can use soap trust me I had a better fish and I used soap all the time and my fish literally lived for a year and a half but then my cat got ahold of him and she ate him
SpicehGames - 7 years ago
Nice video! Just a few tips. Please get at least a 2.5 gallon but 5 or more is ideal. This way your fishy friend can have more swimming space. Get a heater and thermometer, also if you get a 5 gallon or higher you can easily get a mini siphoner to siphon the tank. Also at least get 1 to 2 silk plants.
Kait Kerrigan
Kait Kerrigan - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for posting this video. I had no idea how to clean the tank but now I do. Once again, thank you
ben blankenship
ben blankenship - 7 years ago
I'm not a betta expert but id say he needs a bigger tank and decorations . my betta lived in a 2 gallon tank with decorations and lived a year. If you get a bigger tank and decorations you're betta will live longer and be happier . keep up the good work !

10. comment for How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank

Abbas Alshannan Alshannan
Abbas Alshannan Alshannan - 7 years ago
hi little girl I like your fish tank and your betta fish when you clean your fish tank you did somrthing wrong when you but betta fish at the fish tank you are forget do something I have a but your betta fish at the water before you are but in the fish and don't listen to any one and kepp going and make more video my name is Ali
Kitty Chan
Kitty Chan - 7 years ago
Cringe alert
Bettafish Love
Bettafish Love - 7 years ago
You need a way bigger tank
Circus Baby
Circus Baby - 7 years ago
I recommend a bigger tank, if your beautiful Betta is cooped up, it may get depressed. I'm pretty sure it was 20 gallons per Betta :D! Also, I really don't recommend tap water:| it actually burns they gils! So add the cleaner stuff and wait a little before!
BlackSeep - 8 years ago
You shouldn't wash your tank like that. I am not british so my english is bad and I can't explain but go watch how to take care of your fish
Corrupt Goldfish
Corrupt Goldfish - 8 years ago
your off to an ok start I had my first betta in a 1 gallon tank all you need to do is to do a little bit of research and you will know that betta fish require a 2.5 gallon tank with a filter and heater. 25% water changes are needed every week and soon enough you will be able to keep betta fish alive for 4 to 7 years
Huzaifah Salim
Huzaifah Salim - 8 years ago
RevoTUBE Ok thx
RevoTUBE - 8 years ago
Huzaifah Salim Not really
Huzaifah Salim
Huzaifah Salim - 8 years ago
Origin Pulse im planning to get betta fish and is it ok to do 100% water changes?
Corrupt Goldfish
Corrupt Goldfish - 8 years ago
with plenty of hiding spaces:)
Jacky Lee
Jacky Lee - 8 years ago
Little girl your mother or father should have told you that, this type of maintenance is bad for your Betta. You are meant to only change a quarter of your tanks water, this is because there are beneficial bacteria in the water to keep your fish healthy. And plus he needs some hiding space if not live plants some ornaments are good.
Ruby Rose
Ruby Rose - 8 years ago
You need to add some hiding places for the fish
David Cameron
David Cameron - 8 years ago
You clean it any way
Al Vara
Al Vara - 8 years ago
Stay with the hobby when I was young I scuba dived all along the west coast. Hawaii and Mexico I have a degree in fresh and marine biology. From Cornell University I was your age when I started with keeping fish and pigeons. You are beautiful site for my old eyes. Stay with it Bless you. Al

20. comment for How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank

Al Vara
Al Vara - 8 years ago
She is doing fine next time take some gravel in fish net to put back in tank do not wash it also keep some old water. Let your new water stay over night with an air stone it check temp. Your very pretty and smart to. Al
Sasha Maria
Sasha Maria - 8 years ago
How often do you have to clean out a beta fish tank?
Kayla Booth
Kayla Booth - 8 years ago
Sasha Maria I clean mine every Friday
Aqua Betta22
Aqua Betta22 - 8 years ago
Smart kid, but just consider adding some plants!
Esteban Gomez
Esteban Gomez - 8 years ago
Jordyn Hoelscher
Jordyn Hoelscher - 8 years ago
All you people criticizing the way in which she cleans her tank need to get a life, she is just a kid and it is just a fish.. I'm sure the fish is living happily, where do you people get off on being so cynical towards a child just having fun making a YouTube video
Domácí mazlíčci-DIY, vlogy, zajímavosti
Domácí mazlíčci-DIY, vlogy, zajímavosti - 8 years ago
The fish is not living happily! Betta needs live plants with big leaves to lie on and relax. The minimum size of betta tank is 2.5 gallons and the coloured grit is very stresfull and unnatural for every fish. You are right its just a kid, but their parents are adult and should know enough informations about animal they want to care of. And fish is not a toy, its live animal. So thats not for kids to have fun with it.
Bingle Bongle
Bingle Bongle - 8 years ago
and you should never do a 100% water change either EVER
Bingle Bongle
Bingle Bongle - 8 years ago
+destroyer 123 lol
Jency Carranza
Jency Carranza - 8 years ago
L1ttle Swanny280 She did a 97% water change! pshh just kidding. but it's technically not 100% either
Bingle Bongle
Bingle Bongle - 8 years ago
Well I'm sorry for trying to help
Jordyn Hoelscher
Jordyn Hoelscher - 8 years ago
You done being a know at all or not yet?
Bingle Bongle
Bingle Bongle - 8 years ago
that tank is way too small. Bettas need at least 13 gallons to THEMSELVES. I don't even own a Betta and I know that
Oxygen-might be ok
山本ヨーヨー - 8 years ago
Sorry_Im _Elizabeth
Bettas live in mile long rice paddies
They only live in small spaces when the water dries up, they jump to many small puddles though since the ammonia builds up to the point the fish can't live there
Not because they like it
Sorry_Im _Elizabeth
Sorry_Im _Elizabeth - 8 years ago
L1ttle Swanny280 a beta like small area, obviously it's good you don't own one
Life with Pets
Life with Pets - 8 years ago
you really don't I've own bettas for years 2.5 is minimum
OhLookItsAFish - 8 years ago
L1ttle Swanny280 hey betas can survive without a filter and can survive in a bowl. Not saying that it'll thrive in a bowl but it should live. She used water conditioner but did rinse everything in tap water not aquarium water. Just be happy that the fish isn't living in the tiny cups you buy them in from the store.
Bingle Bongle
Bingle Bongle - 8 years ago
I think I know what I'm talking about
Adolfo Palacios
Adolfo Palacios - 8 years ago
Then need atleast 2.5 dumbass
Chrumka Chrumkava
Chrumka Chrumkava - 8 years ago
Fins Paws Pets
Fins Paws Pets - 8 years ago
It's very very important to acclimate your Betta before putting it into the water, so put your Betta on the cup and float it in the water for 15-30 minutes. If you don't do this it could send your Betta into shock!
Vanessa's Bettas
Vanessa's Bettas - 8 years ago
Fins Paws Pets the temperature was the same in both the cup and the tank.
Imee Fajardo
Imee Fajardo - 8 years ago
dont ever use soap cuz its a harm go to oneline learn more

30. comment for How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank

Imee Fajardo
Imee Fajardo - 8 years ago
Jonathan Lopez
Jonathan Lopez - 8 years ago
they could have bought a net jezus! they tortured the fish! and they forgot to Aclimate the tank!
Jonathan Lopez
Jonathan Lopez - 8 years ago
how does a "PAPER" towel make the rocks from not going down the drain lol
Jonathan Lopez
Jonathan Lopez - 8 years ago
u can tell her mom or dad made her do all this!
Sorry_Im _Elizabeth
Sorry_Im _Elizabeth - 8 years ago
CLAW prime that's good, she's learning responsibility! ☺️
Pets with Jules
Pets with Jules - 8 years ago
trixirita - 8 years ago
At least put some plants and decorations.
Freshwater tanks
Freshwater tanks - 8 years ago
That is how you kill a fish quickly and easy
山本ヨーヨー - 8 years ago
destroyer 123
Nothing to do with that

Bettas need a heater and a filter, as do any tropical fish
He looks very lethargic B(

I admire this kids optimism but this really isn't ideal

Just because it's alive doesn't mean it's thriving
Jency Carranza
Jency Carranza - 8 years ago
(Donald Trump's voice*) Wrong!
u don't have to exaggerate this method. Of course this ain't the best method, but I owned some betta that lasted longer with this method than the big filtered tanks. it all depends on every factor, including your fish's genes
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
U need need plants
Litt Playz801
Litt Playz801 - 8 years ago
Noah the Gamer
Noah the Gamer - 8 years ago
I recommend u get a bigger tank with a filter
greasy boy
greasy boy - 8 years ago
Can someone give me money to buy a betta please
AlexisOliviaAshlyn !
AlexisOliviaAshlyn ! - 8 years ago
+• Evangeline • then buy the fucking cheap kind
• Evangeline •
• Evangeline • - 8 years ago
+Somali Coone the fancy FANCY one's are like 20 bucks
trixirita - 8 years ago
Dude, their like 4 bucks.
TopPets - 8 years ago
When children get "know it all" about goldfish Facepalm :_)
Jordyn Hoelscher
Jordyn Hoelscher - 8 years ago
You both are pathetic it's a 3$ fish that a little girl is taking care of, the video is cute not meant to be educational, but maybe you aren't intuitive enough to see that
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
Lol I know right? I hate when people act like they know everything about something, when they obviously don't.
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
small tanks like this arn't torture how all say i consider it as russian roulette.
your betta can be healthy and happy but he can also not like the tank.
i would do it like this you put your betta in at least one gallon if he swimms a lot its ok if he rests on his tummy than you should get 2,5-5 gallons then it will be happy
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
you forgot the aclimation time and you schould not change that much water but this is the waterchange with the less stress i have seen you are doing it well.
you cought the fish in a way where he does not get stressed which is verry complicated
riley samples
riley samples - 8 years ago
i hope her parents help her take care of this fish........ unless the parents are clueless. my cousin knows alot about fish but her mom said that they dont need decorations and hiding spots. and my cousin was like, really???? (sarcastic) im lucky my dad is a fish expert, (even though thats not his job)
Terrae Spiritus
Terrae Spiritus - 8 years ago
She's so cute and beautiful!!!!! Hey I know there's some haters on here giving you crap but you're doing a better job on taking care of your betta friend than most adults I know. Keep researching girl and continue to care and love your pets. Don't stop learning! So far you're on the right track
Maricela Mendoza
Maricela Mendoza - 8 years ago
nice tank!
Hamster Hacks
Hamster Hacks - 8 years ago
It's WAY to small
Alba Hernandez
Alba Hernandez - 8 years ago
I have q beta fish its blue
Ruby Baljit Sabharwal
Ruby Baljit Sabharwal - 8 years ago
I like kill you clean the tank
Ricky Pearce
Ricky Pearce - 8 years ago
That is NOT how to clean a betta tank you have to leave a third of the old water in so the betta can get used to the new water! Why does your betta have no plants or places to hide!?! They need decor and plants!! If you keeps cleaning like this your betta will die this way to risky and just plain stupid
Ricky Pearce
Ricky Pearce - 8 years ago
+Autumn GummyBear that is impossible stop lying they can't live that long lyer
Ricky Pearce
Ricky Pearce - 8 years ago
+Autumn GummyBear so what? I had mine in a 5 gallon with filter and light and heater and it lived for 7!
Ricky Pearce
Ricky Pearce - 8 years ago
+Autumn GummyBear well it's not my fault if her fish dies of cold, stress, or disdortion
??Simeon Curtis
??Simeon Curtis - 9 years ago
good gob little girl

50. comment for How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank

Jesss 8764
Jesss 8764 - 9 years ago
Poor poor fish
Yusuf Çelebi
Yusuf Çelebi - 9 years ago
you fish died because NO SOAP
Ricky Pearce
Ricky Pearce - 8 years ago
She said no soap
محمد المكصوصي
محمد المكصوصي - 9 years ago
هوه انتي تشبهين السمكه
Imee Fajardo
Imee Fajardo - 9 years ago
u got to buy ur fish some decorations becuse he will think its hes home
Imee Fajardo
Imee Fajardo - 9 years ago
umm dont use ur sink or tap water beucse those water has clorean so use clear water
Ricky Pearce
Ricky Pearce - 8 years ago
She had condishiner so it's fine
Imee Fajardo
Imee Fajardo - 9 years ago
ok the bottle of clear water takes for 24 hours well umm it takes seconds u must be a bigginer
Imee Fajardo
Imee Fajardo - 9 years ago
not to be mean but u use sink water sink water has clorean and it is a harm to ur betta fish
X X - 9 years ago
She used tap water conditioner.
Raegan Clark
Raegan Clark - 9 years ago
Nice video! When you clean it, try doing only 25% water changes. Other than that awesome job! Amazing betta, amazing tank! Keep it up :)
Raegan Clark
Raegan Clark - 8 years ago
Per week.
ChiaMin1365 - 8 years ago
It's a small tank, 25% is not enough to remove all the dirty substrate...
Crazy Fish
Crazy Fish - 9 years ago
Why are people so rude!! :( leaving hate comment thinking there better is you are going to do that then do but get a life like come on!! Bullying is rude I have seen people who kill because it hurts so please stop!
I'dRatherBe AtTheZoo
I'dRatherBe AtTheZoo - 8 years ago
The people who are being rude are being so because they care about the fish. If someone yelled at another because they beat their dog, is it bullying. Saying negative things about the way someone causes harm to animal is not bullying. They are not calling her names, insulting her appearance, etc. They are upset she (indirectly and without realizing) neglects/abuses her fish.
StarsomeGirl - 8 years ago
+Crazy Fish Aww, I'm sorry for your loss! And I'm sorry you've been getting bullied...I went through a ton of bullying in school...and at home from my brother! So I know how much it sucks!
Crazy Fish
Crazy Fish - 8 years ago
+StarsomeGirl yeah its rude I have been getting bullied and my grandma just passed away from cancer
StarsomeGirl - 8 years ago
I agree, I have seen some rude and hateful comments. This girl is really young and is trying to do a good job! She doesn't know everything yet and has lots to learn, but she's trying. You can teach her the right way to do it without being mean. It's not hard to word things nicely in a respectful way. Kids deserve respect just as much as adults.
Ricky Pearce
Ricky Pearce - 8 years ago
At least we can clean fish tanks without killing the fish
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
Sans - 9 years ago
NO NEVER DO THAT AGAIN your suppost to let it get use to the new water or else it might die
Sans - 9 years ago
No wheres the RIGHT way to clean ur tank
Campbell Equestrian
Campbell Equestrian - 9 years ago
Good video but here are a few tips. NO SOAP, the fish needs at least a 2.5 gallon tank, NO 100% water changes the bacteria in the water helps the fish live without it your fish could die, you NEED some silk plants and hiding places for your fish. you NEED a heater betta fish need water temps in a range of 75-80 degrees because they are tropical fish. But otherwise good video this is not hating it's just some tips for you
animal addict
animal addict - 8 years ago
+Kara Judy I got my 1st fish at 8, wouldn't even dream of getting board of it ,had heater, filter and 5.5g tank, plenty of spots to hide
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 8 years ago
+Kara Judy completely agree with the way pet store keep their betta i get mad each time i walk through and saw those cups...i have not experience with reptiles my husband wants a chameleon but im pretty sure i will be the one who take care of it he just wanna hold it lol
Kara Judy
Kara Judy - 8 years ago
+mysister&i show yes that's true some kids will love there fish and they will love it with all there heart. Most young children will get tired of there fish and make it there parents responsibility. But I was never like that as a young girl I had a older sister munch older then me and in her own apartment,I would go and help her with hr reptiles. I knew how to feed the comeleons,and the grogroyals. I evan had a few of my own. But for young children as a beginner pet I do think it is ok for a betta to be in a fish bowl. Lots will disagree but my opinion is that a small fish bowl with a plant is better then those small containers they are in at the petstore that most live there whole life's in.
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 8 years ago
+Kara Judy i jave to disagree a betta could live a fish bowl but it will never be happy in there...and no generalize. ..not all kids ar the same i have 3 girls 7,6 and 1y/o the 7 and 6y/o have a 25gal tank each (they ar great fishkeepers) and the 1 y/o has a 10gal they love fish and never get bored of them...their first fish tank was a 3 gallon betta tank but a 2.5 is ok for bettas
Kara Judy
Kara Judy - 8 years ago
Guess what I have a betta in my home room class and it's in a fish bowl and that betta is old!! There is no filter,heater,ect they do %100 water changes and it's still alive,so if you get a healthy betta from the begging your betta will betta is happy to be living in a 5.5 gallon tank! But I think it is okay to be in a fish bowl it will die faster....but for a kid,there only gonna want the fish for a week then they will be tired of it.
Campbell Equestrian
Campbell Equestrian - 8 years ago
Thank you
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 8 years ago
i like the way you let this kid know there is a proper way to do water change
Logan Wirt
Logan Wirt - 9 years ago
U are a terrible fish keeper and I am assuming that u have caused so many beta fish keepers of their fish dying good job u are not good at fish keeping
Freshwater tanks
Freshwater tanks - 8 years ago
Blame the parents for not doing the research
StarsomeGirl - 8 years ago
That's really mean....she's just a kid! Words hurt a can tell her the right way to do things in a nicer way!
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
she keeps her fish health and happy and that is verry complicated if you have a tiny aqa HAVE SOME RESPECT!
StephMullyy - 8 years ago
Some people get so butthurt when people speak truth wtf XD
K and S Productions
K and S Productions - 8 years ago
You are so mean and stupid she is great at it
fluffypenguins - 9 years ago
+??Simeon Curtis thx!
Dorito Fish
Dorito Fish - 9 years ago
Logon reported jackass
fluffypenguins - 9 years ago
she actually doing a fantastic job fish keeping for her age!
peep pets
peep pets - 9 years ago
+Logan Wirt Yo!! Be nice!!! She did all of the correct steps and even if she did something wrong, she is still young and she will learn!! You need to stop being rude!! If you didn't have anything nice, don't say it at all!!!! I bet you may be reading this and laughing, but your problem! You watched a video u didn't like, and spent your time commenting!! You could of done something else with that time!! I G G BYE!
fanofmusicandsports1765 - 9 years ago
Like you could do any better and geez she's like 7 so she is still learning hater and you won't reply to this comment because I'm right
Dorito Fish
Dorito Fish - 9 years ago
She's 6 she'll learn. And rude...
Cunt Wrap
Cunt Wrap - 9 years ago
She's like 6 and she's excellent for her age
Viviana Arias
Viviana Arias - 9 years ago
This cute little girl explain very well how care the beta fish tank , like a professional.
Ricky Pearce
Ricky Pearce - 8 years ago
But she does it very BAD she needs plants and only to change a third of the water if she keeps doing this this way it will kill the fish
Luna harmony 1987
Luna harmony 1987 - 9 years ago
'Don't use soap'.... everything says that... only a beginner who doesn't know anything on how to take care of a fish would mostly try to use it and kill there fish.
Tom Jumonville
Tom Jumonville - 8 years ago
She says she does not use soap
Melanie Santo
Melanie Santo - 9 years ago
The fish needs a plant or some kind of leaf to lay on near the surface to rest his fins. And u dont need to change the water 100%. When bacteria grows, it regulates the ammonia. But honestly the number one thing that will make a betta sick is inconsitant water temp. I think the way this is cleaned is more work then it needs to be. I only run a filter in mine once in a while, use a turkey baster ane vacuum to clean the rocks and stick a test strip in there once a week..i actually never do 100% water changes. My old man has a maze of leaves and hiding spots, he loves it lol
Nessa Deans
Nessa Deans - 9 years ago
Holy cow ! She just dumped the porch fish in the tank,I didn't even mix the water a little!!
Nessa Deans
Nessa Deans - 9 years ago
+Andrea smith not what I was talking about. She didn't acclimate. The waters PH , nitrate, ammonia etc wouldn't be the same, Chemical difference could kill the fish, if not introduced properly.
Andrea smith
Andrea smith - 9 years ago
She didnt need to she let ut sit out the night before for 24 hours to get the same temperature as the water they are already in. Thats good so you don't shock or kill them.
emily - 9 years ago
Beautiful betta tank! Don't let mean people get to you! You have such a pretty fish, and it's so cool even a kid has the responsibility to take care of her own fish
FunnyMoustacheHammy - 8 years ago
+??Simeon Curtis It's a pet store not a zoo. Those cups are for selling them only.
Ricky Pearce
Ricky Pearce - 8 years ago
wow that girl likes to abuse fish bettas need a filter
Marlyna Rose
Marlyna Rose - 8 years ago
+Autumn GummyBear your welcome
Marlyna Rose
Marlyna Rose - 8 years ago
+Autumn GummyBear well I hope your betta live happily and long live !!
Marlyna Rose
Marlyna Rose - 8 years ago
+Autumn GummyBear in optimal condition they can live 7 to 10 years if it not it just last for couple of month or years that why you need a proper care of your betta they need heater and 2.5. Or 5.5. gallons the bigger the better..
Marlyna Rose
Marlyna Rose - 8 years ago
+Autumn GummyBear how long is lifespan of a betta ????? If you a fish expert answer.
Marlyna Rose
Marlyna Rose - 8 years ago
+Autumn GummyBear if you don't take care of it properly then don't get bettas
Nessa Deans
Nessa Deans - 8 years ago
+Autumn GummyBear Betta's can live with other fish. Female can be aggressive, but can live with almost any Community fish. Males are fine IF you know what your doing. You CAN keep male betta with fish as long as the fish is not too colourful, small and fast, body shape does not look like a betta,etc. So fish like silver tip tetra , blood fish tetras, and AFD are great with Betta's as long as the betta is not to aggressive and you have plenty of room and things for the fish to hide. If you simply Google ' good fish to put with Betta's ' there are huge list! You can even keep a male and female 'wild' betta together ( not betta Splenda)
Marlyna Rose
Marlyna Rose - 8 years ago
+Autumn GummyBear so don't get a betta,
Nessa Deans
Nessa Deans - 8 years ago
+Autumn GummyBear If you really educated yourself about fish, you would know they need 2.5 gallons or bigger, heater, and a filter. None of which are featured in the video above. Talking to your fish is not necessary… But not necessarily a bad thing to do. Ping-pong balls are something I wouldn't recommend. The best way to keep your fish entertained and simulated is to use plants (preferably live), rocks and other Decour items, and other fish.
Marlyna Rose
Marlyna Rose - 8 years ago
+Autumn GummyBear how do you know that the fish happy it can't talk and bettas need more spaces even in the wild they have 3 feet wide of space and they need heaters. When I was a kid I does like this kid to and my betta died in 4 month.....he was active healthy just like your betta..
Nessa Deans
Nessa Deans - 8 years ago
+Autumn GummyBear I can't tell if your being sarcastic; but if your not that's SAD
Ricky Pearce
Ricky Pearce - 8 years ago
I take care of a 20 gallon by myself and actually DO it correctly her way is to risky and overtime will kill the fish
??Simeon Curtis
??Simeon Curtis - 9 years ago
+Arvaiah Ottilie The Wolf l haven't even poot a comment
Marlyna Rose
Marlyna Rose - 9 years ago
+Emily Currey why are you hates bettas all fishes deserves a good tanks imagine if you life in tiny tank like prison right ? That what bettas feels in tiny tanks did you see any YouTube videos how to take care of bettas watch pink pets or creative pet keeper betta lives in rice paddies and it have spaces like 3 feet and bettas is smart than others fish you can even teaches bettas to jump for food every living creature wants to be happy so buy 2.5 gallons tank or bigger or you just wanted to see bettas bored in tiny tanks and spend the rest of it lives in tiny tanks if you still keeps betta in tiny
Tanks or bowls that's mean you know nothing about bettas but just a decor or something to take lightly
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
So? It's cruel.
??Simeon Curtis
??Simeon Curtis - 9 years ago
+Josie McDonell she is only a little girl plus at least it isn't a cup like in a pet store
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
We're not fucking jealous of this animal abuse.
Crazy Fish
Crazy Fish - 9 years ago
+Nessa Deans Dude I don't like live plants and I am thank full for what I have not bragging like you and being jealouse so please stop!
Nessa Deans
Nessa Deans - 9 years ago
+Crazy Fish and I'm not jealous, if she saw my tanks SHE would be jealous. My tanks are on Fleek! Live plants, proper substrate, filters, heater, shrimp, snails , and healthy, happy fish.
Nessa Deans
Nessa Deans - 9 years ago
+Crazy Fish just because you have had fish all your life doesn't mean you take care of them properly.
Crazy Fish
Crazy Fish - 9 years ago
+Josie McDonell wow you are so nice... your just jealous haters are jealouse
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
emily - 9 years ago
you know what? im just going to leave. have a nice life being less mature than someone younger than you.
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
emily - 9 years ago
let it go, mean person
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
+Emily Currey, idiot. NOT okay!
Nessa Deans
Nessa Deans - 9 years ago
+Emily Currey I'm assuming your an 8 year old , who had one betta, that died after about 6 months.
emily - 9 years ago
+Nessa Deans  I am assuming your a cranky old person
Nessa Deans
Nessa Deans - 9 years ago
And yes I would tell her that to her face! And I've done it before, as a advocate proper fish and animals care.
Nessa Deans
Nessa Deans - 9 years ago
+Emily Currey alive and thrive are different things
emily - 9 years ago
is it alive? yes. so back off.
Nessa Deans
Nessa Deans - 9 years ago
Your so wrong, and this is not responsible fish ownership
SCPS-BUS 7 - 9 years ago
Yeah good steps hun but I use a 5.5 gal tank and I don't wait for my fish to swim down for what I put him in because I didn't bring a sleeping bag to sleep in front of the sink just to wait on him, soo.... Yeah I clean my tank bout every month or 2
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 9 years ago
Yes, all betta fish are fighters. You can pair certain females, not males. When you do pair females you must keep a close eye on them as they could easily injure each other. The size of your tank matters also, 2 female bettas have to be in at least a 5 gallon aquarium with an aquarium heater, gravel, and silk plants as plastic can rip their fins, and a house if possible. All listed are needed in your tank, You also CANNOT keep it in a bowl as they like to rest in the corners.
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 8 years ago
Sick Vise Then she isn't ripping her fins, she is nipping her own fins due to stress. They only do that when they feel threatened, so separate them immediately because she is harming herself.
SCPS-BUS 7 - 9 years ago
no not all
hsheng06 - 9 years ago
Is betta a fighting fish?
StephMullyy - 8 years ago
+Fangirl252 Da Vlogger just don't put bettas together no matter what unless it's a sorority or they've been paired for breeding even then you separate them straight after
fanofmusicandsports1765 - 9 years ago
Never put a betta in with another betta unless they like each other or the results are pretty messed up lol
hsheng06 - 9 years ago
Thanks :)
Bettas and Bunnies
Bettas and Bunnies - 9 years ago
Bettas Names are actually Siamese Fighting Fish ^ (I think that is what the op meant)
SCPS-BUS 7 - 9 years ago
Some are, I place my betta with a mickey patty before and my betta was just watching the other fish didn't do anythjng, so yeah its just some that are mean and some are not, but u can give it a try though but I doubt alot will be nice like mine
hsheng06 - 9 years ago
Thanks :)
jisooze - 9 years ago
+hsheng06 yes
Brodin Aminudin
Brodin Aminudin - 9 years ago
Kids done lovers betta,good
Nessa Deans
Nessa Deans - 9 years ago
"I own a betta fish that doesn't have a filters " well then you are stupid and don't know how to care for your fish
StephMullyy - 8 years ago
+Nessa Deans is right do some research heater AND filter
Nessa Deans
Nessa Deans - 9 years ago
+Emily Currey first 2.5 with heater is NEEDED!!!!! Then a filter. And clearly you have done no research on a GOOD site or book . Learn the facts .
emily - 9 years ago
OH MY GOSH. Betta fish do not NEED a freaking filter
Ellen Kleinsasser
Ellen Kleinsasser - 9 years ago
you should put plants in his or her tank so it can hide!!!!!
Jeanna Mason
Jeanna Mason - 9 years ago
It's so cool to see a little girl take care of her Betta more than most pet stores. Haters are gonna hate. don't let them get to you. Great job!
Kailey Piekkola
Kailey Piekkola - 9 years ago
People who have hate comments its a big enough tank did u know u can take care of the fish in the little cub she had. I used to have my betta in a vase intill he passed away he was only a year. My new betta is in 2 gallon so plz dont hate comments on that little girl i liked her video
Aly Homewood
Aly Homewood - 9 years ago
Also, no, it is not a bit enough tank, it's just not, and I can live with the size it's more the lack of heater that's the biggest problem.
Aly Homewood
Aly Homewood - 9 years ago
+Eddie Colv Agreed, but there is a fine line between not discouraging young hobbyists, and letting young hobbyists do it incorrectly because we don't want to discourage them, I absolutely don't think that the hate and rage comments are a good idea at all, but the comments that aren't hating and are just saying, "nice video, here is what you could do a little better" those are not only helpful but they are necessary. The hobby also dies if it becomes populated with people who don't know the first thing about keeping fish successfully.
Aly Homewood
Aly Homewood - 9 years ago
+Kailey Piekkola Yeah, except for the fact that that's not true at all. There is a reason why a fish in an unheated tiny vase died after only a year.
dr Diamond
dr Diamond - 9 years ago
that takes to long
Ravi Brown
Ravi Brown - 9 years ago
i like
Stormy The BlueJay
Stormy The BlueJay - 9 years ago
heres a tip when putting your fish in the cup: your fish has to have space to breath
Avery Dotson
Avery Dotson - 9 years ago
Please get a bigger tank. A tank for a betta fish is 2.5 gallons as a minimum.
123Dannyo - 9 years ago
need a bigger tank
Ken Reig
Ken Reig - 9 years ago
Good video but you MUST HAVE at LEAST 2.5 gallons of water for a permanant home. You also need a filter and a heater and you have to acclimate your fish.
Aly Homewood
Aly Homewood - 9 years ago
+Minipoato playz The average lifespan is over 3 years.
09k 6QQ
09k 6QQ - 9 years ago
I have a betta fish in about the same dive tank and it lasted 5months then I had to go on a big trip and if passed
Emma Chan
Emma Chan - 9 years ago
Thanks so much, amazing job on the video, helps a lot to have someone explain fully! especially first time fish owners!!
Otto Christianson
Otto Christianson - 9 years ago
You need to give that girl a break . I have a male betta in a 0.75 gallon tank and he is fine.
Rebecca Gardner
Rebecca Gardner - 9 years ago
No afence but you should have a plant
Becca Ann
Becca Ann - 9 years ago
Hello. I do think that for a junior betta care taker you are doing a very good job when it comes to cleaning your betta aquarium, but remember that aquariums under 2.5-5 Gallons are for beginners and eventually when you are completely sure and if your parents say its ok you will need to get a larger aquarium. Also if you don't already, be sure to get plenty of decorations and things your betta can swim under, inside, and through, because bettas really enjoy exploring and playing. When and if you do decide to get a larger aquarium be sure to get the following equipment...
-A heater(preferably one made specially for betta fish)
-A thermometer
-A filter
-And an air pump(to pump oxygen through the water so the betta can thrive)
If you have anything to say to me go ahead but I know what I am doing. I work professionally with animals on a daily basis both at home and at work!
SquirrelsPlays - 9 years ago
I agree \/ and your ph needs to be below 7 not over and higher then 5.5; 5.5 is tolerable but difficult for the fish. Your rocks are not the greatest choice either the very of different shapes and and how they move can collect ammonia easier witch can kill you fish even though you clean your tank. And all you need is a like a gold pan for panning for gold and take all your rocks and shake it then rinse the container then your done and the fish need a lightly planted habitat or else it will get to stressed and die. Listen to us if your fish isn't dead by now
emily - 9 years ago
+Nessa Deans  would you tell that kid that to her face?
Nessa Deans
Nessa Deans - 9 years ago
+Emily Currey if she can't put money forward to owning a fish the RIGHT way , then she shouldn't have a fish at all
emily - 9 years ago
It's a friggin kid, let her have her Betta fish without hate. Not everyone can afford 200$ for a freaking fish
Aswathi Pillai
Aswathi Pillai - 9 years ago
I really enjoyed your video thanks alot
Arly Ventura
Arly Ventura - 9 years ago
Sorry but this is acting really how can a kid this old know how to say things nice grownupish you know i just think her mom told her what to say and sorry but that is a small tank for your betta and it needs plants to hind you know
StephMullyy - 8 years ago
+Cookies&Cream Mature for your age. Says booyah... okay.
Aesthu - 9 years ago
+Arly Ventura My mom says im very mature to be 10..... BOOYAH!
I'm a fan of guava juice
I'm a fan of guava juice - 9 years ago
Wait what?!?! She said it will take 10 min. but look at the time it say 7 min.,.,.,.,!?!?!
Shaun jones
Shaun jones - 9 years ago
Fish I mean sorry
Shaun jones
Shaun jones - 9 years ago
Great video! Thx, ur fisg looks really happy :)
craycrazy chlochlo
craycrazy chlochlo - 9 years ago
Why not add a plastic plant and an ornament? They are cheap and will make your tank look better plus your fish will love exploring and swimming through them :)
craycrazy chlochlo
craycrazy chlochlo - 9 years ago
Woohoo awesome video!!! Great advice I'm sure your betta fish will have a long and happy life :)
April camper
April camper - 9 years ago
I think she did  great job, if bettas are kept in small tanks she is doing the right thing by keeping the water clean. Great job! What a responsible fish owner!
Felicia Mcintire
Felicia Mcintire - 9 years ago
Have you ever been to an aquarium!? This fish doesn't need a huge tank lol it's like 2 inches big it's fine!
Aly Homewood
Aly Homewood - 9 years ago
+Felicia Mcintire Many aquarium owners go by the rule that for every inch of fish you need at least 1 gallon of water. One reason to have a larger tank is to dilute toxic ammonia which can build up very quickly in smaller tanks resulting in either, very frequent water changes, or dead fish. Also bettas are tropical fish and need water temperatures of 76-82 degrees fahrenheit so you can either keep your fish in a heated fish room of that temperature, or get a heater, and volumes of water that are too small simply aren't safe to heat. Also, while a betta can technically survive without a filter if the owner is very diligent with water changes, they are highly recommended and there isn't really a feasible way to filter anything below 1 gallon, be it because of current or the simple lack of a filter small enough. Finally, while bettas aren't the fastest fish on the planet they do need to move and if the container is only barely enough to fit the betta that requirement won't be fulfilled.
Canmar Anaya
Canmar Anaya - 9 years ago
Give the little girl a break. Geezo. I had 2 bettas that lived over 3 years and they lived in a glass bowl. No heater, and when I cleaned the bowls, I washed them in hot water with soap (GASP!). But my Bettas were happy and lived a long time. I have read so many things that are contradictory.
stopfollowingme - 9 years ago
+Jred1100 no stupid. they live up to 5-10 years in the wild. they live 2-4 years in capitivity
smokey bear
smokey bear - 9 years ago
Same I had my male betta in a glass vase and he lived for nearly to years. But then I had to go on a very long trip and couldn't take him with me and he stayed at a friend's house and they dropped him down the sink I cryed for like a week. Any way she is doing a great job
Stella Bieber
Stella Bieber - 9 years ago
+Canmar Anaya Do NOT use soap. Its horrible! Its like poisoning our air. And get a bigger tank please.
Jred1100 - 9 years ago
+ They are supposed to live 8 years don't feel accomplished
Kathryn Shadel
Kathryn Shadel - 9 years ago
Y'all are picking on this little girl but like, she takes way better care of her better care of her betta than most. It doesn't appear that she has a filter or heater but she does appear to do 100% water changes frequently and in a much bigger tank than the vases most people keep theirs in and treats the water. So I say kudos to her for being a responsible young thing. Sweetheart, the only thing that could make this absolutely perfect for your betta is:

- a heater (if you get a preset one, you won't need a thermometer, though I still recommend one)
- a filter
- plant(s) (not plastic, but silk is just fine)
- a little decoration so it feels more like home for your fish

Otherwise, you do a VERY good job of taking care of your fish. Also, you did a very good with this video! You were very clearly spoken and informative and you had everything neat and planned out perfectly. I'd be very proud of you. :) Good job, sweetie! You're doing great! :)
TimmyME - 9 years ago
Her parents should make a video of why not to keep anything in such a small tank. Poor fish...

100. comment for How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank

Kayla TheNerd
Kayla TheNerd - 9 years ago
As much as I disagree with the way you take care of your Betta fish, I will not be super mean. First of all that tank is WAY too small. I recommend a 5 gallon with a heater (bettas are tropical fish that need their water at 74-80 degrees Fahrenheit),filter and thermometer. I also recommend having some decor and places to hide. I should also mention that before you put fish in your tank you cycle it (just google it). NEVER EVER remove all the water and clean the gravel like that. You need a gravel vaccume to clean the gravel because if you clean it the way you did because it will kill your colony of beneficial bacteria. Of course you can go above five gallons. I keep my Betta in a 5 gallon. I am cycling the 10 gallon so it will be all setup by next week I think. I would recommend doing some more research on Bettas.
Waffles The Leopard Gecko
Waffles The Leopard Gecko - 7 years ago
My house is always 74 degrees because I have had it that way for more than a few years
Nicolas Lopez
Nicolas Lopez - 9 years ago
Girl Helper
Girl Helper - 9 years ago
so true
Nicolas Lopez
Nicolas Lopez - 9 years ago
yeah she will learn from her mistake when she gets older 
Girl Helper
Girl Helper - 9 years ago
Nicolas Lopez
Nicolas Lopez - 9 years ago
+Kayla TheNerd its not the kid to blame its the parent not teaching them how to take care of these creatures
Ruben Inca Donayre
Ruben Inca Donayre - 9 years ago
I really like this video at first i got scared but then everything was fine happy fish
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
Ok +Spencer Milton
Not a Rapper
Not a Rapper - 9 years ago
So you know I commented
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
And why did you + me
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
+Spencer Milton were not fighting anymore
Not a Rapper
Not a Rapper - 9 years ago
+Daniel Tuesday Angel listening to you guys argue is hilarious
Lauren Barrie
Lauren Barrie - 9 years ago
Yes a 2.5 gallon is fine I have the room for it and also my store sells 5 gallons for really cheaply
Jason O-O
Jason O-O - 9 years ago
yes 2.5 is the minimum, but 5 gals is better because it can establish the nitrogen cycle
Girl Helper
Girl Helper - 9 years ago
+Jason Tsui sorry!!!! HUGE TYPO
Girl Helper
Girl Helper - 9 years ago
oops that was a HUGE typo i meant 5 gallon
Jason O-O
Jason O-O - 9 years ago
Do u even know how big 500 gals is? That is massive. Only like a millionaire would have it.
Jason O-O
Jason O-O - 9 years ago
No one said anything about a 500 gal tank. I think u heard it wrong as litres. 500L=125 gals and 1gal= 4gals. So one gal is the number of L divided by 4
Girl Helper
Girl Helper - 9 years ago
+Kayla TheNerd not everyone has room for a 500 gallon i have a 2.5 and my betta is perfectly fine
Girl Helper
Girl Helper - 9 years ago
+Kayla TheNerd not everyone has room for a 500 gallon i have a 2.5 and my betta is perfectly fine
Jason O-O
Jason O-O - 9 years ago
nice endings :)
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
+Lauren Barrie it's ok I was the one that started all this mess
Lauren Barrie
Lauren Barrie - 9 years ago
Thank you you are a very kind person to apologize and I am sorry for all the mean rude and ignorant things I have said
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
Your the one who is right I am sorry for what I said
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
+Lauren Barrie I don't know everything and I am sorry for what I said
Lauren Barrie
Lauren Barrie - 9 years ago
jason your right and im sorry for the bad language but it really bugs me when i come across a self absorbed 10 year old hot head like Daniel who thinks he knows everything there is to know.
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
+Lauren Barrie me or Jason did not deserve that sorry about everything I said Jason Lauren lives inside of a but hole.
Jason O-O
Jason O-O - 9 years ago
Like... Actually I should be half right for that.
Lauren Barrie
Lauren Barrie - 9 years ago
all i know is i have done a lot of research for the past 4 years. daniel you are obviously going through something right now like you puberty or somting mental you should get it checked out. Oh and when your at the doctors maybe get him to pry your huge head out of your ass. and jason actually your wrong everyone has more knowledgeable then him. Lol
Jason O-O
Jason O-O - 9 years ago
well actually i should know better than u. ok lauren did u know that the older a person gets the more knowledge he has?
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
Just forget it man
Lauren Barrie
Lauren Barrie - 9 years ago
First off Daniel get your head out of your ass and do some research and can You guys stop with that I'm older so you should listen to me stuff. I own 4 healthy male that is in their own 5.5 gallon tanks (with heaters). I also have 7 female bettas in 30 gallon tank. think that 5.5 gallon with heater is fantastic.
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
Just because your older doesn't mean that you know better than me haha stop being stupid and listen to me if you comment to me again... +Jason Tsui
Jason O-O
Jason O-O - 9 years ago
Well I am older than u so u should be listening to me
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
+Jason Tsui
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
No one needed to know that you are twelve
Jason O-O
Jason O-O - 9 years ago
I am 12 years old and u should NOT be using swear words until u are mature enough, which u are not. BTW Bettas do not live in small containers unless u do a 100% water change everyday which will cause stress.
Why a 100% water change?
Ammonia builds up in ur tank every day. The bigger the tank the less ammonia there is. A filter will turn the ammonia into nitrate ( correct me if I am wrong, I haven't read about the nitrogen cycle for months) and live plants will absorb the nitrate and release oxygen into the tank.
Ammonia and Nitrates are poisonous to both people and animals btw.
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
+ingrid izykowski why don't you just stop commenting ohh my name is I ngrid izykowski and I have the most ugliest Pomeranian in the world and doesn't have a life 
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
I am not five years old I am 10 years old I am not a lesbian I would be a girl YOU C*** +ingrid izykowski
ingrid izykowski
ingrid izykowski - 9 years ago
+Daniel Tuesday Angel lmao the fact that a 5 year old lesbian is swearing at me for no reason is hilarious
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
+ingrid izykowski fun fact your the biggest bitch in the world I hope all of your pets die
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
Guess what your the one who started this all I was just saying my say on the video am I allowed to have an opinion YOU BITCH +ingrid izykowski
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
ingrid izykowski
ingrid izykowski - 9 years ago
+Daniel Tuesday Angel we  know you are :)
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
One day your gona burn in hell for what you said here is a list of things that you said to me 1.Your a lesbian 2. You are retarded 3. You are a bitch I think you are gona burn in hell +ingrid izykowski
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
+ingrid izykowski if I am a lesbian I would be a girl and I am a boy I do have a brain and a life I think you are retarded you bitch REPORTED YOU get a life BITCH your a lesbian
ingrid izykowski
ingrid izykowski - 9 years ago
+Daniel Tuesday Angel  shut the fuck up your an evil bith that looks like a retarted lesbian that has no life or brains at all so go fuck yourself
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
+ingrid izykowski well your dog profile is ugly that the world can't take it and if you are calling me an animal abuser witch I am not YOU BITCH
ingrid izykowski
ingrid izykowski - 9 years ago
+Daniel Tuesday Angel shut up your not an expert and you are an animal abuser! you are supposed to give them a 5-10 gallon tank with gravel, plants, hiding places, and a filter and heater or they wont live long.
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
Ok +Hayleigh Spurlock
Hayleigh Spurlock
Hayleigh Spurlock - 9 years ago
Daniel you are wrong they prefer at least a 10 gallon! They need a filter,heater, thermometer, and weekly water changes (with all that weekly but with something like that you would have to do daily water changes)
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
+ingrid izykowski i oh and also did you listen to her she left the water out for 24 hours so you are wrong
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
+ingrid izykowski i sorry I am not an expert did I offend you in anyway
ingrid izykowski
ingrid izykowski - 9 years ago
+Daniel Tuesday Angel they do! it is cruel to put them in cold ass water in tiny tanks. how would u feel if u were trapped in a tiny tank with cold water!  bettas need heated 5 gallon tanks with REAL plants and a filter
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
+Kayla TheNerd
no joke or pokemon
no joke or pokemon - 9 years ago
It is not to small bettas don't need huge tanks and also mind your own business
ingrid izykowski
ingrid izykowski - 9 years ago
Brett Beadle
Brett Beadle - 9 years ago
Love the video but the betta needs a filter
09k 6QQ
09k 6QQ - 9 years ago
I should be fine but it would like longer with a filter probably
Aaliyah Belliazere
Aaliyah Belliazere - 9 years ago
How can you tell if the bowl is dirty
DewyV - 8 years ago
Well, you clean the tanks once a week, but sometimes you can tell its dirty.
DevilsDen2014 - 10 years ago
But guys betta fish or any type of fish do not need to be in big aquarium's unless they get really big and let her do what she wants she does not need to listen to all of you're suggestions
DevilsDen2014 - 10 years ago
She is so cute!!!!
Austin Wiley
Austin Wiley - 10 years ago
Need bigger tank
Xara - 10 years ago
Im not an expert on fish care but arn't you supose to wash the rocks with warm to hot water for 5 minutes or boil them to get all the bacteria and dirt out, anyway the fish looks healthy so good job saving a fish from living in a cup for it's whole life. I have had 2 betas but they are now dead, 1 died of old age, the other i have no idea.....i went to go hangout with my friend and my dad, at home went and checked on my fish. He saw it not moving so texted a pic to me and asked whats wrong, the nexted day i got home and found it dead. I do live with a lot of cats and a dog so maybe it got scared to death by 1 of the cats trying to play with it. I will never be sure what happened but it happened under half an hour it was fine happy and healthy when i left.
chitarah - 10 years ago
Good job kiddo. I'm no fish expert. I applaud for her being responsible. For the HATERS out there. She is a child instead of blaming her, encourage her in a positive way and educate her without insulting her intelligence.
Reflect for a minute before you decide to write horrible things. It'll probably take the same amount of time to write something positive.
Maggie the Border collie
Maggie the Border collie - 10 years ago
na to že je to tak malá holčička tak to zvládla dobře až teda na to že dala pryč všechnu vodu ale jinak fajn znám o mnoho starší lidi kteří tuhle práci nezvládaj
Claudia Faubert
Claudia Faubert - 10 years ago
Bettas originated from the rice fields in these Asian countries living in about two to three inches of water .. They are completely happy in small tanks .. Having multiple gallons of water for these small environment natured fish is highly un necessary your tank is fine apart from the fact that u might want a leaf of something . Great video:)
Mermaid Venilia
Mermaid Venilia - 10 years ago
The fish looks healthy so I'm not gunna complain about the size of the tank xD Sucha cutie <3 
~ Love and Mer kisses from Mermaid Venilia
lee eileen
lee eileen - 10 years ago
My dad said I am to young for that
LISEY - 10 years ago
Nice video but I do recommend a slightly bigger tank with a plant and a thermometer so you can keep track on the temperature of your fishes tank. Good video though :)
Creative Channel
Creative Channel - 9 years ago
I agree maybe get a plant to add to the decoration
Farhanmyl - 10 years ago
everything is going well. trust me, not having a big tank for bettas is fine. for the ones that kept on saying bettas need this and that. im living in Asia and the temperature here is really hot. im from Singapore. Thailand have been breeding bettas for a long time and they still keep them in small glass bottle. as long as u have almond leaf in it, it should make the betta happy. recently my betta is living in a small tank with almond leaf, he have been building a lot of bubble nest and he is happy. but your only mistake is that u change 100% of the water. next time if u want to do that, try and get some almond leaf, it should help :) have fun keeping that betta
Melanie Santo
Melanie Santo - 10 years ago
That was just 100% the wrong way to clean a betta home. This video pissed me off.
Dancer Kenna
Dancer Kenna - 7 years ago
Melanie Santo
I'm a little late but, you need to just chill out I got a betta fish in 2015, and it lived in a bowl for one year, being cleaned the same way, and he's still alive. This little girl was just fine. Yes she should get a bigger tank, but I think she's doing fine!
trashy bagel
trashy bagel - 8 years ago
Some of it was a little off, but most of it was good... Especially for whatever age she was in this video
emily - 9 years ago
09k 6QQ
09k 6QQ - 9 years ago
I cleaned my tank about the same way and it was fine
ReviewCam - 9 years ago
+Kathryn Shadel
Some sources even believe that a tank under ten gallons can't be cycled and require full water changes.
Kathryn Shadel
Kathryn Shadel - 9 years ago
+Melanie Santo In a tank this small, she does need to do 100% water changes to keep ammonia down. Also, please keep in mind that you're being very rude to a little a girl. A little girl who was very polite and takes better care of her fish than most college students.
Melanie Santo
Melanie Santo - 10 years ago
I have a 5 gallon with a filter and heater and its cycled. Bacteria grows even without a filter.. Even in a fish bowl. Some of the water should be kept at least 25 % so the fish isnt shocked. The whole part with the fish cup water being emptied with the fish in there wasnt cool..
Melanie Santo
Melanie Santo - 10 years ago
100% water changes with nothing left of the previous fish water is wrong. Cleaning the good bacteria off of the rocks is wrong. Thats why there is vacuums. The tank itself needs plants or at least a thermometer to make sure the water is ok if youre not gonna have a heater. Below 70 bettas have a high chance of getting diseases. This video is just terrible.. Have your parents take it down before someone starts taking care of their fish the wrong way because of this ignorance
Diego Rabachini
Diego Rabachini - 10 years ago
Andrew Anderson
Andrew Anderson - 10 years ago
I love it! you did a good job
Liz Michaelson
Liz Michaelson - 10 years ago
And yes, you also might want to add a few decorations so your fish can hide. I think your tank is the appropriate size, mine is that big and my fish is perfectly fine:)
Liz Michaelson
Liz Michaelson - 10 years ago
good job! however, it is recommended that you pour the old water in with the new water. if you don't, the shock of the new water can actually kill you betta. If you do regular water changes, the water shouldn't be that dirty. Great vid btw:)
ALEX R. - 10 years ago
The tank that you have is acceptable my dad has been breeding spawning and selling betas for over 30 years I have a 2.5 gallon tank with a divider and with 2 bettas a male and female so I mean five gallons are good but it's not really a must have and plus the girl probly a new beta fish carer
laurie vara
laurie vara - 10 years ago
I have a 26 gallon for my betta
09k 6QQ
09k 6QQ - 9 years ago
Lol I had a 2 glallon tank and it was fine
Jaidyn Liedle
Jaidyn Liedle - 10 years ago
Do you guys know that beta fish are in the little cups until somebody buys them you guys don't have to give them 10 to 5 gallon tanks
Angel Flores
Angel Flores - 10 years ago
+Aurulentbubbles yea look above blind one
Aurulentbubbles - 10 years ago
+Angel Flores I think you replied on the wrong comment, no one mentioned anything about cups.
Angel Flores
Angel Flores - 10 years ago
They are in cups because they would fight if they were together retard go do reaseach
Farhanmyl - 10 years ago
i live in Singapore which is just above the equator and i change the water like once a having a successful breed
Aurulentbubbles - 10 years ago
+Farhanmyl Okay... but are you going to change their water every other day or daily like they do? Do you live in an area where where it is constantly warm? If you don't or can't do these things, then you will need a larger tank (5-10 gallons) to dilute the ammonia regularly produced by these fish until you can do a water change at the end of the week and a heater to keep their water warm. Put a heater in a glass bottle and tell me it won't overheat. 
Lol - 10 years ago
Betta should be kept in a 2.5 gallon or more tank research before u talk I'm not gonna respond if u try to argue
Farhanmyl - 10 years ago
i totally agree with this.Betta actually dont  require any other plants or anything. if u have a tank like she has and just put indian almond leaf will do the job. betta dont really need 5 to 10 gallon tanks. those who are always saying u need this and thatt and this and that for a betta, then go and search Thailand Betta Farm. they put the bettas in just a glass bottle and it is a small bottle though. stilll, there isnt any problem with the bettas
diego vazquez
diego vazquez - 10 years ago
Amélia Fagundes
Amélia Fagundes - 10 years ago
She is a VERY responsible owner!
WolfGoddess - 10 years ago
I'm going to be positive about this video and say you did a great job, one, you spoke clearly, most kids don't do that. Don't listen to the haters, most people DO recommend a 2.5 or bigger tank but honestly, the way you got the fish out of the tank so calmy without causing him stress was great. You didn't use soap, another common mistake (even i did it a long time ago but now I know better) So all in all, if this was a graded assignment, then you got an A. Good job :D 
Angel Flores
Angel Flores - 10 years ago
+Nicolas Lopez go into your closet and live there for the rest of your life
Nicolas Lopez
Nicolas Lopez - 10 years ago
hey also there is a you tuber who keeps betta fish in jars and lived for 3 to 8 years
Nicolas Lopez
Nicolas Lopez - 10 years ago
+Aoife Bretz I know they like their space because mine is in a 1gallon swiching it to a five gallon
WolfGoddess - 10 years ago
Sir, that is a lie. Betta fish like their space. I kept my betta in a small 1 gallon bowl and he really didn't enjoy it. I've recently moved him and he is now happy and healthy. It doesn't have to be a huge tank but at least a 2.5 gallon tank. How would you like living in a .5 gallon bowl or "tank"? Or for better reference, a 4x4 room. You would not enjoy it one bit, I can tell you that. 
Nicolas Lopez
Nicolas Lopez - 10 years ago
they come from the 3 inch deep waters of veitnam
The Cypress Station
The Cypress Station - 10 years ago
Great tutorial! I honestly don't think bettas need 5-10 gallons like everyone says; both the bettas I have had before lived for at least three years each and I kept them in two different two-gallon tanks.
Nicolas Lopez
Nicolas Lopez - 10 years ago
yeah I think 2.5 is good
Shaheen Musarat
Shaheen Musarat - 10 years ago
No 2.5 is good
Nicolas Lopez
Nicolas Lopez - 10 years ago
I might get a 2.5 gallon tank
Angel Flores
Angel Flores - 10 years ago
+Nicolas Lopez​ they should last 8 years so don't feel accomplished you could live in a closet with food and water and survive but you'll live 35 years at most
Nicolas Lopez
Nicolas Lopez - 10 years ago
Also I put my betta in a 1 gallon long and feed it tropical fish flakes and lasted for three and a half years
Eddie vesa
Eddie vesa - 10 years ago
This is not right the fish has lots of stress and there is no more bactiria in that tank so the fish will now die
Diya Antony
Diya Antony - 10 years ago
you do not have the right to say a dumb hoe stupid and other bad words .  I  there is no age period for cleaning a fish tank !
ItzaNikkiHere - 10 years ago
The whole thing actually takes about 2 days xD
Mafe :3
Mafe :3 - 10 years ago
This so cute<
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
That little girl is cute. A few tips. Please place your Betta in a bigger tank, like a five gallon or a ten. Please add decorations, without decorations they won't feel as happy. When adding your Betta back you NEED to put the dirty water back in the aquarium. Because it has bacteria. Without bacteria the fish won't be so happy or healthy. So just pour the whole cup in with the Betta so you add some bacteria for the fish. Other than that, you did a great job!
영현임 - 7 years ago
Keyea Wright yes they need up to 2.5. I don't think she deserves this, but still they need a 2.5 gallon
영현임 - 7 years ago
Keyea Wright yes they do
Keyea Wright
Keyea Wright - 7 years ago
Bettas don't like big tanks
Keyea Wright
Keyea Wright - 7 years ago
Bettas don't like big tanks
Caroline Grace
Caroline Grace - 7 years ago
She's young all you need is 2.5
Paige Cooper
Paige Cooper - 7 years ago
Endfinx that many gallons does not exist I searched it up
Endfinx - 7 years ago
AnimalLover mine is in 125 gallons and he is only one in it that is my smallest tank for my bettas I only have bettas my biggest tank is 12323645 gallons
MrCrappyUploads - 7 years ago
Emily Currey 2.5 is the minimum.
My horse Stole my channel
My horse Stole my channel - 8 years ago
AnimalLover yeah my tAnk is 5 gallons
emily - 9 years ago
2.5 gallons is good. 1.5 minimum
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 9 years ago
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+BellaAndBettas 101
Depends if you turn off the thermostat.
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 9 years ago
Yes, but at night it can drop dangerously to low temps.
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+BellaAndBettas 101
For a small tank like
 that it can become to room temperature. If the tank is large then yes.
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover Also add a heater!
Lucy Cunnold
Lucy Cunnold - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover I'm not sure tho
AnimalLover - 9 years ago
+Lucy Cunnold
Lucy Cunnold
Lucy Cunnold - 9 years ago
+AnimalLover Agreed, but I think she already had plants in there and she took them out.
Shaheen Musarat
Shaheen Musarat - 10 years ago
Anna Lee
Anna Lee - 10 years ago
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
+Anna Lee
Yeah. If you have a real rock make sure you wash it for like 5 minutes with warm water to take all the dirty stuff off it. But NEVER use soap or any bacterial or virus killing solution on the decoration you are going to add in your aquarium. Cause it will kill your fish.
Anna Lee
Anna Lee - 10 years ago
No, I never said that. I was saying that, in larger tanks that hold a cycle, some beneficial bacteria can be found on the decorations or the substrate, but are mostly in the filter media (which is why I believe all tanks need a filter). The only reason you shouldn't put decorations in a tank is if 1. the tank is very small and decorations would further limit swimming space (in this case I'm talking a literal 3 inch wide space where the fish would be extremely cramped, in which case a fish should not even be in there or it should be at least extremely temporary) or 2. if the decoration has sharp edges and can harm your fish's fins (plastic plants) or even 3. if the decoration would leech chemicals into the tank. Otherwise, decorations are fine, and in the case of a betta, a must. Bettas need a decoration or plant to hide behind otherwise they will get stressed and will be prone to more diseases and illness.
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
+Anna Lee
So you're saying to not put decorations?
Anna Lee
Anna Lee - 10 years ago
Good advice about the tank size and decorations, but the dirty water does not need to be put back into the aquarium (but of course since it's so little it couldn't hurt too much, except maybe add a little ammonia back in). The beneficial bacteria would be either in the filter media or on the gravel/decorations, not in the water itself. Since the tank is so small, the beneficial bacteria wouldn't even be able to colonize enough, if at all, for them to be helpful to water conditions (especially without a filter).
Tutorial Girls
Tutorial Girls - 10 years ago
this girl is so cute and she is not shy at all!:)
Violet S
Violet S - 10 years ago
This is a great video- but I have a few things
-please get your betta some plants and have them safe and soft so it doesn't hurt the betta
-don't clean it out as throughly because the minerals that the Betta needs to survive are on the rocks and since you don't have any plants the minerals can't go on anything else
datinyone - 10 years ago
what a cute little girl! and so comfortable infront of the camera!.
Sydnee Hanson
Sydnee Hanson - 10 years ago
You fish is going to die if it already hasn' need a tank 2.5 or bigger and a heater and a filter and plants so it can hide!!!!
Anna Lee
Anna Lee - 10 years ago
+Beautiful Cereal The reasons it's generally accepted to have a minimum of 2.5 gallons rather than just 2 is because it's already pretty hard to keep a cycle going in 2.5 gallons and also it's slightly harder to heat safely. If you're doing frequent water changes, and making sure the temperature is constant and not overheating, your fish should be fine, albeit a bit cramped in my opinion. Also, I bought a tank labeled as 2.5 gal and it was only 2 gal as well. I use it as a quarantine tank :p
Jessica Aguirre
Jessica Aguirre - 10 years ago
Good job kid
65Britishbulldog - 10 years ago

It's not good to replace ALL of the water and make the tank "squeaky clean"
Taking care of fish is a learning experience. And it's important to research information.
Throwing out all of the water and cleaning everything like you did
alters the biochemistry of the environment and shocks the fish.
Fish actually need some bacteria left in the water so It's important to keep some of the old water.
Partial water changes 25% is advised About once a week is good.
And you can get an aquarium vacuum pump to clean up the poop debris.
Good luck.
Britney Gonzales
Britney Gonzales - 10 years ago
Hi im briscia on my big sis tab so little girl dont listen to the mean stuff but u are sooooo cuttte and smart u helped me alot I got my fish 3 weeks ago and im making a vid with my twin pleaese watch
Trines Nails
Trines Nails - 10 years ago
The Betta is gonna die. The tank is to small and she has no were to hide.
Andrew Anderson
Andrew Anderson - 10 years ago
eat shit motherfucker whore
Sydnee Hanson
Sydnee Hanson - 10 years ago
I totally agree!
Dawnxtr - 10 years ago
Dawnxtr - 10 years ago
jrodnanfelt - 10 years ago
Smart kid
Hannah09311 - 10 years ago
This little girl actually knows how to care for a fish! I have put dish soap in my rocks to clean them, but only when the tank cleaning was neglected for a long period of time, but I made sure to rinse them out VERY thoroughly. I too treat my fish's water, even if it's bottled, just in case.
Bryanna Cuevas
Bryanna Cuevas - 10 years ago
I love your video. So helpful!
RRR - 10 years ago
dumb hoe
Stephen M. Zavala Jr.
Stephen M. Zavala Jr. - 10 years ago
Thank you little girl my niece has a betta fish and thanks to I no how to clean miss bubbles tank.
Rosie Bee
Rosie Bee - 10 years ago
So I just got a beta fish and this is really helpful. I have a tank about your size about how much gravel do I put in?
Kai Tsuruta
Kai Tsuruta - 10 years ago
this is odd my bettas hate my filter and are healther without it
Megumi Kanamori
Megumi Kanamori - 10 years ago
your betta fish is so cute
bellasfilms - 10 years ago
How old is she?! She is so cute!!!!
KP Aquariums
KP Aquariums - 10 years ago
Try to get a little betta plant it will look nice and provide a hiding spot four your betta. :)
Mihael M
Mihael M - 10 years ago
the next thing i wanna do is go to sleep. coz i feel sleepy  while watching
steffi dias
steffi dias - 10 years ago
Thank u I used ur video to clean up my tank n guess what it turned out perfectly!! Keep it up!!
Lily Ellis
Lily Ellis - 10 years ago
fish fact: if you get the fancy like bright fish they will die faster, if you get a dark or black fish it will life for like 7 years
Lily Ellis
Lily Ellis - 10 years ago
April Parker
April Parker - 10 years ago
Good job ! i dont know why people keep saying mean things to you but thanks for the advice i really like this video you are a bright vivid little girl the betta is perfectley fine please stop saying bad things to this girl shes probaly 6  years old so just STOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Michelle Muschamp
Michelle Muschamp - 10 years ago
Excellent job in showing me how to care for my fish!  Thank you =)
Michelle Rosale
Michelle Rosale - 10 years ago
Hey am Michelle to haha
Ladarria Jones
Ladarria Jones - 10 years ago
Ughhh OMG thanks u this really helps Ive been cleaning it wrong and my fish is acting real mean but thank
Rebecca Louise
Rebecca Louise - 10 years ago
Stfu a betta will be perfectly fine there .
09k 6QQ
09k 6QQ - 9 years ago
With a plant that is not plastic
Dog - 10 years ago
Also you actualy prabably should put some of the old water in the tank so its a bit firmiliar
Dog - 10 years ago
You actualy can use soap just not in the pebbles....
Rebecca Louise
Rebecca Louise - 10 years ago
+Lily Ellis
 for what :D
Lily Ellis
Lily Ellis - 10 years ago
Rebecca Louise
Rebecca Louise - 10 years ago
Thats what i said yea .
Lily Ellis
Lily Ellis - 10 years ago
+Mr Cheiken it will kill the fish
Rebecca Louise
Rebecca Louise - 10 years ago
No soap at all
Teemon Charcoal
Teemon Charcoal - 10 years ago
Why would you need to clean a tank like this except for moving it?
You are just destroying the whole biotope an aquarium should be.
Also a Betta needs lots of plants and a dark substrate so keeping a Betta like in this video is  (sorry) bullshit.
Lacie Walker
Lacie Walker - 10 years ago
Thanks this help me
Fandom Trash
Fandom Trash - 10 years ago
+Manu Meow  she just a kid she dose not know that 
Daisy Brooks
Daisy Brooks - 10 years ago
this video helped me out a lot! how often do you do this process?
09k 6QQ
09k 6QQ - 9 years ago
I do it every week sometime every other week
Rat lover Girl
Rat lover Girl - 10 years ago
once a week :)
dillon vtec
dillon vtec - 10 years ago
stupid bitch 
Abbyyy :DD
Abbyyy :DD - 10 years ago
I have the same tank as you
CCake0108 - 10 years ago
Cool video, but upgrade to a bigger tank with a heater and a filter!
Direwolfgirl - 9 years ago
+annabelle massia blowing bubble nests doesn't mean the poor fish is happy, it means it's sexually mature. that's a common misconception. BETTAS ARE NOT DECORATIONS. THEY ARE LIVING, BREATHING CREATURES AND DESERVE TO LIVE IN PROPER CONDITIONS! AND IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE PROPER EQUIPMENT TO BUY A BETTA, DON'T BUY ONE!
annabelle massia
annabelle massia - 10 years ago
I have a friend that has a beta fish and he is doing exceptionally well without a big tank heater and filter, she's had him for almost a year now and he is blowing bubble nests on a regular basis (this is a sign that he is happy and healthy) and if you maintain a tank/bowl without a heater and or filter well and keep it clean your fish can live a happy healthy life. Honestly this girl is doing well with what she has.
lucada32 - 10 years ago
she's like the girl from finding nemo, i bet every fish is afraight of them
KenziePlaysMinecraft - 10 years ago
Marina Garcia
Marina Garcia - 10 years ago
IT'S....JUST....A.....CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!!NOBODY IS AN EXPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYBODY SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU BUTTHURT ARROGANT IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and until YOU SHOW ME PROOF that you purchased all 20 f**ing bettas from the pet store to "save" them...DON'T BE ACTING LIKE "AWW NOOO POOR BETTA POOR BETTA STUPID LITTLE GIRL"...THAT BETTA IS AT LEAST BETTER THAN WALMART BETTAS....SO SHUT THE F** UP!!!!!!!!!!!
Vlog Head
Vlog Head - 7 years ago
She is super responsible. And a one gallon is not bad for bettas. I do agree that it needs more plants. But she is not doing that bad. She is doing amazing.
Rayella May
Rayella May - 7 years ago
I agree!!!
dmiahdisos oqoskfheuow
dmiahdisos oqoskfheuow - 7 years ago
Marina Garcia well, experts are experts
09k 6QQ
09k 6QQ - 9 years ago
Much rage
Direwolfgirl - 9 years ago
+Marina Garcia it's the parent's fault. at age 7 this little girl isn't responsible for anything. the parents are responsible because they couldn't do a 5 minute search on how to care for a betta properly. a young child like this doesn't know how to do research about a pet and be responsible for it!
Eleni Georgiou
Eleni Georgiou - 10 years ago
I don't understand how people are so cruel and heartless. Shes is actually responsible.
Rat lover Girl
Rat lover Girl - 10 years ago
Thank you! Finally someone has the brains.
Devyn Allan
Devyn Allan - 10 years ago
The betta fish need a little bacteria so keep some of the old water
CreativeMind243 - 10 years ago
I can honestly say it really makes me mad when I see comments like those that are below me. Some Bettas may like smaller tanks. They're all different and they all have different needs. Not everything you read on the internet is true, you know.
Anna Lee
Anna Lee - 10 years ago
Yeah, no. They don't have all different needs and even if they had different preferences you wouldn't be able to tell what it was and you'd end up shoving a betta who wants 10 gallons in a .5 gallon. The only difference you can kind of account for in tank sizes is if you are splitting a tank for different bettas and one has longer fins (like a doubletail) and one has shorter fins (like a plakat). The shorter finned one could use a little extra space to zoom around while the long tailed one doesn't need as much. Keep in mind that this is probably a difference of one gallon, maybe less. Otherwise all bettas have the same basic environment needs and they are: A constant temperature between 72°F and 82°F, places to hide, preferably a tank with a cycle (if not, daily water changes are needed). To have all of this, you need a tank that is at least 2.5 gallons (the most preferred is 5 gallons, and bigger is actually better (especially with maintaining a cycle)). 
CL0WN FAC3 - 10 years ago
- Don't do 100% water changes
- Keep the betta inside 
- Use filters they are cheaper than $10
- Use Plants
jessy olshewski
jessy olshewski - 10 years ago
Any thing is better then the cup they are In At the pet store
Rachael Sparrow
Rachael Sparrow - 10 years ago
You won't to go out with her she is the ugly u lost your rabbit mine
Rachael Sparrow
Rachael Sparrow - 10 years ago
Don't fool yourself
Ronilo Bermudo
Ronilo Bermudo - 10 years ago
Grammar and spelling? Where are you?
Rachael Sparrow
Rachael Sparrow - 10 years ago
Girl u are stupid or thoughts killed my fish I hope mine killed your fish I hate you stupid you rember
Lindz Da FinS
Lindz Da FinS - 10 years ago
Shock means to put them in a tank full of new water without any of the old, and not drip acclimating them so they get overwhelmed and die
Lindz Da FinS
Lindz Da FinS - 10 years ago
You probably shocked the fish. She didn't do anything to you.
Rachael Sparrow
Rachael Sparrow - 10 years ago
Shut up my fish did die
Divine_Shona - 10 years ago
She is so precious and explains things so well !!!
Jordan Gabriel
Jordan Gabriel - 10 years ago
Will you go out with me
Ayndriane Fowler
Ayndriane Fowler - 10 years ago
PLEASE STOP it is absolutely safe to do a 100% water change with a bowl, but not with a tank. my grandma did this she had her bowl. her fish lasted 8 years!
OG Mud bone
OG Mud bone - 10 years ago
Never do this
Cora Jones
Cora Jones - 10 years ago
You did an excellent job :)
Talia Rojo
Talia Rojo - 10 years ago
she is really cute and specific! great job!
magicaquarium - 10 years ago
You don't need to remove all water from your aquarium. Half is enough.
Maria Hafeez
Maria Hafeez - 10 years ago
What the fuck is she doing to the fish
Loi Nguyen
Loi Nguyen - 10 years ago
You are amazing at this age. I wish my niece can do a video like you. She is so cute like you. I am also a beta fish tank designer. I design a antigravity beta aquarium. UfO fish tank. you can go to my YouTube loisexotics or type ufo fish tank. Have fun.
DomesticatedApez - 10 years ago
So funny, I'm 25 and taking lessons from a little girl lol. you rock, great video!
WonderWhaz - 10 years ago
What a sweet girl, and a sweet video. Thank you.
Manu Meow
Manu Meow - 10 years ago
omfg poor betta.. :(
Thats just a lot of stress for the betta and there aren't any plants or places to hide.
you should get a good book about aquaristic and search information about the biological system in aquariums and the natural needs of a betta BEFORE you buy a fish!
Love4animals - 10 years ago
+Andrew Anderson calling bad names is considered cyber bulling. I am reporting you.
Andrew Anderson
Andrew Anderson - 10 years ago
fucking niggers
A Wooden Spoon
A Wooden Spoon - 10 years ago
+ReviewCam Ikr....
Farhanmyl - 10 years ago
+Mac〈3Hamsters go and search Thailand Betta Farm. they put the bettas in small glass bottle. Bettas do not require few gallons tank. if u do then it is up to u guys. Bettas are very adaptable and they do not need few gallons tank. trust me, Thailand have been keeping bettas for a long time and yet they still continue to put healthy bettas in small glass bottle.
Andrew Anderson
Andrew Anderson - 10 years ago
+Mac〈3Hamsters fuck you nigger
Andrew Anderson
Andrew Anderson - 10 years ago
eat shit trash bitch
Love4animals - 10 years ago
+A Wooden Spoon its still abuse because it is in a tiny thing! 
CreativeMind243 - 10 years ago
+Mac〈3Hamsters Talk about harsh.  
Mac〈3Hamsters - 10 years ago
No she didn't take anything out before the video. She is just way too stupid and way too young to have her own fish so quit trying to stand up for stupid fucking kids and people like them
A Wooden Spoon
A Wooden Spoon - 10 years ago
She probably took the things out before the video started....
Erin Shann
Erin Shann - 10 years ago
To all you people insulting this talented young lady, why don't you go picket at a Petco or Petsmart and leave her alone.  Your opinion is your opinion.  You don't know everything.  She did a great job, maybe this is a starter tank for all you know.  It's way better than the cup from the pet store.  At the rate she's going, she'll probably be a Dr. of marine biology by the time she's your age.       
mj9901 - 10 years ago
you need to drain only a little bit of water all of it is not good for the fish
Judy Bui
Judy Bui - 10 years ago
i have  betta fish at home and i think you clean the tank beter then my sister
olivia reynolds
olivia reynolds - 11 years ago
With the rocks I suggest using a sifter to give them a good clean. Great video by the way
Doris-Ann Srinouanprachanh
Doris-Ann Srinouanprachanh - 11 years ago
Great Job!
ryan seel
ryan seel - 11 years ago
Please, get a larger tank, a heater, a filter, and soft/silk plants (not hard plastic ones). You'll have a much happier betta, and he'll live longer too! :)
sunny psyop
sunny psyop - 10 years ago
+Yadira Rodriguez Filters do not give them fin rot.  Filters clean the water mechanically to some extent, but the filter media is worth its weight in gold -- there is where the beneficial bacteria is housed which feeds on your fish's waste, improves water quality, and prevents the exact water conditions which create fin rot.  Please do your research... no fish ever got fin rot because they had a filter in their tank.  They DO get fin rot because of people who don't understand the nitrogen cycle and who don't properly cycle their tank.
Gustavo Rodriguez
Gustavo Rodriguez - 10 years ago
+Yadira Rodriguez you're stupid 
Yadira Rodriguez
Yadira Rodriguez - 10 years ago
+AqualifeTv I'm saying strong power filters dumbass, fix up your grammar to, what the fuck is "pls"
AqualifeTv - 10 years ago
+Yadira Rodriguez  stupid asshole you are talking bullshit! If YOU are too grasping to buy equipment, pls don't buy a fish too
Yadira Rodriguez
Yadira Rodriguez - 10 years ago
Filters give them fin rot and they can't make bubble nests. Filters are for lazy Ass people like you.
Yadira Rodriguez
Yadira Rodriguez - 11 years ago
Its a she smartass
michael olawoyin
michael olawoyin - 11 years ago
She is smart n sharp n bold
Kenny Bui
Kenny Bui - 11 years ago
You can tell he's already weak
Ivan Conde
Ivan Conde - 11 years ago
Iknow lol its going to die in the matter of days 
Ivan Conde
Ivan Conde - 11 years ago
Broofy AO
Broofy AO - 7 years ago
My betta lives happily in a 5.5 gallon tank with some plants, so a 10 gallon isn't necessary, but it is certainly more enjoyable for your fish, just some info! :)
Circus Baby
Circus Baby - 7 years ago
It's not hating! The person cares for the fish and wants it to survive! You would understand if you did enough research:) no hate btw!
Michelle Rosale
Michelle Rosale - 10 years ago
She does not need it stop hating
melissavalentine569 - 11 years ago
Adorable kid.   and she did a very good job.    I hope her parents will read this-- try to edit her video comments because kids don't need to see some of the rude and vile things people say here. 
zoe taylor
zoe taylor - 11 years ago
a star is born :)
Blah Blab
Blah Blab - 11 years ago
Poor fish, perhaps someday humans will be in small plastic bowls with a skittle floor. Humans are messed up.
Querdenker1488 - 11 years ago
Just cruel! The parents should be ashamed. Showing your children how to hold a fish humanely. The tank is too small. No plants. No floating plants. No hiding places. The beta will be long since dead
Krystal Perron
Krystal Perron - 7 years ago
Querdenker1488 just give the girl some respect shes a young one im pretty that betta has been living in that tank for a long time , stop bsing rude and stop judging thepoor innocent kid ur cruel!
Gavin Shannon
Gavin Shannon - 8 years ago
Querdenker1488 well why dont you call peta on a little girl with a dumb ass fish
Sweet sugar Bunny
Sweet sugar Bunny - 8 years ago
She is really cute
Syd's lps 101
Syd's lps 101 - 8 years ago
Querdenker1488 I have the same tank to
Candace Wood
Candace Wood - 10 years ago
I have the same size tank and all she needs is a little place the fish can go in something and it is can be a little house from pet smart
sunny psyop
sunny psyop - 10 years ago
+Michael Giustiniani Uh... no?
Michael Giustiniani
Michael Giustiniani - 10 years ago
+sunny psyop SHUT UP
sunny psyop
sunny psyop - 10 years ago
+Cora Jones That's all well and good, but when a living, breathing, thinking creature suffers because of someone's ignorance, it's pretty messed up to say "well just don't say anything at all."  Bowls are for soup and cereal, NOT FISH.  It's not the little girl's fault, she doesn't know any better.  But her parents should be ashamed of themselves for buying her a pet without learning how to properly care for the animal first.
Elsa Proudlove
Elsa Proudlove - 10 years ago
If you don't know how to keep fish, don't keep them at all.
Cora Jones
Cora Jones - 10 years ago
Seriously?! Just stop! This girl doesn't deserve to be treated like this! You do realize that she could have done some thing a lot worse to her fish, right? Stop being the little butt wipe you're being! If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it at all!
BubbaTeaV - 11 years ago
I have a betta fish too! Nice video.
agworldoflove - 11 years ago
Great Video! I have a 1.7 Gallon but am hoping to get a 5+ gallon!
Benjamin Smith
Benjamin Smith - 11 years ago
for once someone on you tube is treating beta fish correctly
abhinavplamo - 11 years ago
It's cute but guys that's a way too small tank I suggest at least a 5 gallon aquarium
Fitri Mohd Esa
Fitri Mohd Esa - 11 years ago
Angel Ruiz
Angel Ruiz - 11 years ago
ur supposed to keep some of the old water because the fish was used to the old water and ur only supposed to clean 30% of the tank not all of it or it will be shocked of the new water:-\
Angel Ruiz
Angel Ruiz - 11 years ago
ur supposed to keep some of the old water because the fish was used to the old water and ur only supposed to clean 30% of the tank not all of it or it will be shocked of the new water:-\
Waffles The Leopard Gecko
Waffles The Leopard Gecko - 7 years ago
Well I have something to say since her tank is 1 Gallon 30% would be half but I do recommend putting the water the fish is in and dump it in when doing changes
Velvet Shmelvet
Velvet Shmelvet - 11 years ago
Good video BUT! Get a new tank.
Cora Jones
Cora Jones - 10 years ago
Thanks for being nice to her. Some people just don't know the difference between right from wrong
Kimberly White
Kimberly White - 11 years ago
Great Job!
Erick af
Erick af - 11 years ago
She looks like the weather reporter from cloudy with a chance of meatballs :D sorry just wanted to say that.
leeyantim - 11 years ago
U are doing very well :) betta dosent need a huge tank, guys, she is doing very well
And come on, love and care are more important than expensive equipments
Adoinc - 10 years ago
Yeah, but water changes add minerals to the water that get diluted between changes in the aquarium.
Ya doodles
Ya doodles - 10 years ago
Thai people keep them with many plants assface. its a natural filter
leeyantim - 10 years ago
i think a heater is a must, while a filter is not. :< u can learn from how Thai people keeps bettas.
Ya doodles
Ya doodles - 10 years ago
A betta does need a huge tank dumbfuck. They are found in huge fields of water in Asia. Care involves getting the betta a filter and heater. Love involves treating the betta in a better fashion that that.
Simon Jeau
Simon Jeau - 11 years ago
Awesome video, but the bowl just is sad T.T good job though! :D
Elisabeth Hadjis
Elisabeth Hadjis - 11 years ago
this is adorable and she's actually good!
Joel Markwell
Joel Markwell - 11 years ago
Clearly a future television anchor or reporter. Very good job!
snowleopoard - 11 years ago
snowleopoard - 11 years ago
snowleopoard - 11 years ago
Good job
But this is the FULL clean
snowleopoard - 11 years ago
good job
BookWorm4601 - 11 years ago
You know, I bet that every little girls dream is to be cursed at. Geez people she is doing the best she can!!! I doesn't matter about how big the tank is and all that junk!!! What matters is that she is responsible enough to clean her betta's tank on her own. At least she is trying! 
Bikes4Life - 11 years ago
This is so fucked up.
Brunette1250 - 11 years ago
She's so cute
Ren  Stimpy Love
Ren Stimpy Love - 11 years ago
How many gallons is that tank? 
Tanya S
Tanya S - 11 years ago
OK SmyleePhace! You're one smart cookie! very good info you gave here, too. 1 year later now, would love an update video! Some people can be pretty mean about having a "perfect" betta tank, but honestly, what you showed in your video here, is the very most important thing. Water quality > all other stuff. For all the people saying NEVER do 100% changes, well, I guess they don't know a tank your size, the bacteria stuff (cycling) is pretty impossible. So 100% is best! Those bacteria are supposed to do some of the cleaning for you, but it only works in tanks at least 2 gallons. All clean water +conditioner is the best thing you can do for those small tanks, so good job :)
Joel Molina
Joel Molina - 11 years ago
Jo Ann Israel
Jo Ann Israel - 11 years ago
good job.really helped.
TheLions Vlogs
TheLions Vlogs - 11 years ago
you know in the beginning you said i own a betta fish that does not have a filter in its tank. but small aquariums with a filter you still have to clean it
HorseGirl256 - 11 years ago
Nice job! That's pretty much how I do it.
jefke8345 - 11 years ago
I can say a 1000 things why this is the wrong way ! She can be a little girl its still a live fish
Carlos GonzaleZ
Carlos GonzaleZ - 11 years ago
Great job Hun
Gus Cintron
Gus Cintron - 11 years ago
Thank you very much for making this video. It was the one video that was clear and made enough sense to me. I bought Scotty, a red veiltail, the very next day. 3 weeks ago I bought Bones, a blue and green crowntail. I use your technique every Sunday. I use Publix spring water instead of treated tap water. Both of my fish are happy and healthy. Thanks again for taking the time to make the video.
TheFuzzypelt - 11 years ago
And I have six bettas, so I've had time to learn about them. So if any of you have questions, feel free to ask. I want all bettas to be happy and healty
TheFuzzypelt - 11 years ago
take the betta out like her, the water is DIRTY! That's why you're cleaning it in the first place! I used to do it like that, and paid a high price for it. (My favorite betta died) if you do it like her, the betta will get fin rot, or another disease, and most likely die.
TheFuzzypelt - 11 years ago
Here's some info go anyone on here is going to get a betta: this kind of tank is not acceptable at ALL for a betta. They need at LEAST 2.5 gallons of water, not a bowl like this. Yes I know "pet stores sell betta bowls though, so they must be alright" nope. They sell them just for money. Never go to a pet store and ask what amount of water a betta should be in, they don't know a thing about bettas. Ok, so, a betta also needs a SILK plant, and a hide, at the very least. And also: NEVER EVER
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
no but the maker of the vid might
Isaac Devathala
Isaac Devathala - 11 years ago
No it doesn't
Anne Marie Gibson
Anne Marie Gibson - 11 years ago
Never use a net. It could ruin the fins
combatwombat975 - 11 years ago
combatwombat975 - 11 years ago
Feel sorry for fish as she removed all bacteria and there is no plants or shelter
TNTxScreamer - 11 years ago
Francisco Marcial
Francisco Marcial - 11 years ago
I bet you practiced this about like 20 times before you did the video
Lee Chaihoon
Lee Chaihoon - 11 years ago
Such a sweet responsible darling u got..
Arvinas Labas
Arvinas Labas - 11 years ago
Wtf where is the fish? !
Better for Bettas
Better for Bettas - 11 years ago
Her method is killing the fish, its not happy
Brittanyand Julia
Brittanyand Julia - 11 years ago
before Christmas..
crona maru
crona maru - 11 years ago
You should have a couple plants or fish structures
Better for Bettas
Better for Bettas - 11 years ago
Beneficial bacteria***
Better for Bettas
Better for Bettas - 11 years ago
She forgot the Benicia
Cristofer  Morales
Cristofer Morales - 11 years ago
Hello friend can you tell me what steps has your tank and good video
Citli Rivera
Citli Rivera - 11 years ago
The most cute girl i seen at the moment
RevisionedHD - 11 years ago
finally, a child that treats bettas well =)
Epixelle - 11 years ago
It's good that's she's being a responsible fish owner, but it's ok to put a little bit of dirty water from the cup in the tank. It's rather cruel to just dump the betta in, you should hold the cup in the water. I'm impressed someone your age is taking good care of a betta though.
Martina Pincione
Martina Pincione - 11 years ago
wow. she is way sweeter and smarter to bettas than any other kid i know!
efrain ferrera
efrain ferrera - 11 years ago
Wow she knows how to
Paola Medrano
Paola Medrano - 11 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to make this video, helped me alot :)
Victoria Shea
Victoria Shea - 11 years ago
This is a great little tutorial on how to change a small tank. You are very good at making videos! Keep it up! :)
salvatore de giorgi
salvatore de giorgi - 11 years ago
Gentile SmyleePhace sei bravissima, e per questo ti voglio informare che c'é un metodo molto molto più semplice per pulire l'accquario del tuo betta. Naturalmente bisogna avere un acquario adatto per quello che si vuole ottenere, cioè la pulizia del fondo senza tutta quella fatica che già tu fai con intelligenza. Visita su you tube " NoClean Aquarium for bette by De Giorgi" e vedi la differenza di comodità. A giorni vedrai su you tube un "GLOBE AQUARIUM FISH TANK" più grande del tuo acquario.
Bonnie Steel
Bonnie Steel - 11 years ago
Sorry I meant to say on the end of my last post she is your fishy you can do what you want with her you don't have to put a plant in there, your a good girl for doing that you and your fish should be happy with the work you put in
Bonnie Steel
Bonnie Steel - 11 years ago
Awesome. your great don't let the other people's comments that are mean to you. He's
Pink Daisy
Pink Daisy - 11 years ago
so is your comment
dx boy
dx boy - 11 years ago
Joyce Lee,cause u r an idiot
HALØ - 11 years ago
Just a tip betta do get threatened quite often so it's best if u hav a little hiding space that he can trust to be safe if u know what I mean
VicMcLov1n - 11 years ago
great job Kid. I just got a betta tonight and you just taught me how to clean the tank. I appreciate you. and never mind the ignorant comments. you video was very informative and useful witch is more than I can say about 80% of the videos on YouTube.
Julia George
Julia George - 11 years ago
you do need a plant and rocks. Rocks help good bacteria grow in the tank and have a place to grow. The bacteria in the rocks are mainly good for the fish. A fish needs a plant to hide in or behind if he/she feels scared or threatened. Dont post something that isnt true and do your research.
popupanimash - 11 years ago
dont take out all of the water!!!! all of the bacteria that grow and was good for the tank has to start over now!!!!!
imwithadrian - 11 years ago
Hey SmileePhace - great video with alot of good details. . I have a betta fish too. They are the prettiest fish.
raees shaikh
raees shaikh - 11 years ago
nice teach i like the girl how she teach with out any brake
Alan Huxtable
Alan Huxtable - 11 years ago
you don't need a plant you can have a fish with no rocks in the tank
Aliah luvsu-
Aliah luvsu- - 11 years ago
U need a plant or something
Lt. mean cat
Lt. mean cat - 11 years ago
I had several bettas in my life and I never used a weird bottle for the tap water and they were fine.
Abigail Filmer
Abigail Filmer - 11 years ago
Ummmmm . . .no
Stormrage123 - 11 years ago
Oh, are you gonna cry?
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
i know that because on the video " DEADLIEST BETTA FISH EVER!! " you were making hurtful and negative comments.
Papalicious - 11 years ago
Your suppose to wait 25 hours for the conditioning uh oh... ≧☉_☉≦
Stormrage123 - 11 years ago
Wait a minute, i know you. I ran into you in other betta fish videos. Well, the reason all my comments are negative is because of the improper care that these bettas are getting, and the small sized tanks. I'm not a negative person, I'm a good person who cares about animals.
Stormrage123 - 11 years ago
How do you know that? My comments are private, you can't see what comments i make on Youtube, so shut the hell up.
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
where did you read that idiotland . com?
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
oh shut up! one tiny 2 inch long fish does not need 5 gallons!!
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
you could get all the same gender.. ( if snails have genders some animals dont )
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
she does not look 11 she looks like 7
sweetenedsour420 - 11 years ago
oh shut up every comment you make is negative
ILovereborns - 11 years ago
cool im getting on tommorow check out my channel and subsribe to me
Stormrage123 - 11 years ago
Yes, but imagine what hell those 3 years must have been for him.
me and my pets
me and my pets - 11 years ago
you are so cute. I have got a betta: Rodney, & Harry. You deserve a subscribe and like
Robbie Rotten
Robbie Rotten - 11 years ago
Bettas do NOT need a heater or filter. As a matter of fact, there one of the only fish that don't need one so please, stop calling this vid horrible!
Aidan red
Aidan red - 11 years ago
This is soo wrong
Smileforever21 - 11 years ago
Don't close the Container
gorry horton
gorry horton - 11 years ago
snails also reproduce like crazy
B V - 11 years ago
Remember guys do not you soap on any of the stuffs
Andres Villa
Andres Villa - 11 years ago
your gravel looks like fruity pepples
Whathe Fuqge
Whathe Fuqge - 11 years ago
strawberrygirliegirl - 11 years ago
well i had 2, 1\2 tanks
strawberrygirliegirl - 11 years ago
stop hating!!! she's only a kid! when i was younger i had a 1\2 gallon tank! I had two bettas. those bettas lived for 4 years! no heater and no filter. we all make mistakes
cinnimonthebunny - 11 years ago
cinnimonthebunny - 11 years ago
I totally agree my Berta had lived for 3 years in a fish bowl and he died of old age my new one is happy and heathy in a fish bowl I'm really out of cash so I can't buy those rich people big tanks not every one can buy That so stop guys
Abigail Filmer
Abigail Filmer - 11 years ago
Some people just don't plain have the money to buy expensive tanks and special heaters, so they buy a little bowl which is like the fighting fishes life in the wild. If you wan't your fighting fish to have an amazing,long life then yes buy a big tank. But I don't believe it is necessary.
Abigail Filmer
Abigail Filmer - 11 years ago
look i don't wan't to get into an argument about this, I am not ignorant, otherwise I would have not bothered to reply to you about this.
spacebug30 - 11 years ago
No they're not, they can survive in a small space for a few weeks, if its cleaned every few days, but definately NOT their entire life, they easily get 7 years, most dont reach 2 cuz of ignorant people like you If you think about them like this, then you could also put a dog in a dog crate in a dark room its entire life and only cleaning its feces out once a week, thats just the same, if you'd do that, animal police will take the dog and fine you, sad no one cares about the well being of fish...
Abigail Filmer
Abigail Filmer - 11 years ago
I read that betta fish can live in buffalo hoof prints full of of water they are able to live in many climate's so they don't need a heater big tank ect a bowl is fine
fishcareforfish - 11 years ago
Come on guys! She's a little girl showing you how to clean a betta tank! Don't make her feel bad! :(
spacebug30 - 11 years ago
This is a horrible vid! You NEVER clean out 100% of the water! And betta's do need a filter ànd a heater, and a tank much bigger than yours! Also the gravel will damage the fish's eyes because of its brightness. Go get a 5 gallon tank, filter, heater, proper smooth gravel, some live plants and your fish will be happy, its NOT happy in this tiny thing! I think it's the parent's responibility to do research on the pet they give to their kid so they know how much work and money a betta costs...
Madelyn Nelson
Madelyn Nelson - 11 years ago
i love how she says getting out all the poop 2:04 ---- nice video
william lao
william lao - 11 years ago
my fish is happy fish tank
Zhao Junhao
Zhao Junhao - 11 years ago
Zhao Junhao
Zhao Junhao - 11 years ago
I got 5 male moce betta fish in my house
Alex Vargas
Alex Vargas - 11 years ago
Hannah Ile
Hannah Ile - 11 years ago
10 minutes!! I take way less than that!!
jessy bright
jessy bright - 11 years ago
im so happy because i got 3 female betta this morning i still can't get over it by the way there baby female betta fish
jessy bright
jessy bright - 11 years ago
she should get a plant but nice job I love your vid
Julia George
Julia George - 11 years ago
Your a smart little girl
wingedproportion555 - 11 years ago
Great video! Just as a piece of advice, as I have had my betta for three years now, never completely wash out the rocks. That is so great youre changing out his dirty water, but good bacteria live in those rocks to help keep your betta healthy and free of disease. Before emptying out the water, move the rocks around to get the debris up and then dump the water out to replace.But do not wash them off completely. You want as much bacteria as possible!Good luck and have fun! (: they are great fish!
Stephanie Fritz
Stephanie Fritz - 11 years ago
Great job you have very pretty eyes
kassiedoo - 11 years ago
Awww you beautiful
Millie Valenzuela-Smith
Millie Valenzuela-Smith - 11 years ago
Great job smart princes :-)
oceanbliss - 11 years ago
I love your eyes
KittyNekoCat - 11 years ago
Thanks so much :) This was really helpful, I just got my fish last week
Josephine Krueger
Josephine Krueger - 11 years ago
Hi there Dominique, good job and thank you for the video! No doubt you will be employed by FOX NEWS once you finished college one day!!!. Take care.
C. Justin -
C. Justin - - 11 years ago
Jasmine Kadavil
Jasmine Kadavil - 11 years ago
JadeTheName11 - 11 years ago
OMG thank you so much. I just got a betta fish a couple days ago and i was trying to figure out how to change the water. I have a question, what do you do if your betta fish lijes to stay at the bottom of the tank?
NiGhTmaReoFanGels12 - 11 years ago
your betta fish looks like has a boring tank with no even plants/hiding places in it -.-
piggykim6 - 11 years ago
Thanks for the tip of the net i had to use a cup and when i took it out i grabed it haha
Kaitla Piemont
Kaitla Piemont - 11 years ago
hi brina! I am sitting right next to u (:
Sabrina PiemontLovesHorses
Sabrina PiemontLovesHorses - 11 years ago
i tried to use a old milk tank but i didn't trust it. did u clean the orange juice bottle with soap?
Kaitla Piemont
Kaitla Piemont - 11 years ago
that is a very cute tank and betta fish! my bett a is also 3 years old too: (: what is your beta's name? do you have any more fish or animals?

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The "How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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