10,412 likes 6,002,732 views 11 years ago
During the "Aqua-Fisch" Kampffischfreunde.de presented the International Betta Competition. Kampffischfreunde.de is a...
40,028 likes 3,448,217 views 8 years ago
Love is beautiful. Betta fish love is uniquely beautiful. Watch their life evolve from courtship, eggs, fry to...
7,142 likes 2,397,064 views 13 years ago
5,848 likes 1,287,884 views 10 years ago
Aquatic expert Tom Sarac introduces different varieties of betta fish and offers helpful tips on caring for this...
17,930 likes 1,130,943 views 8 years ago
I recorded this a few days ago but finally got around to editing it! 5 common things you will hear or may have...
3,342 likes 1,081,379 views 12 years ago
http://www.thegrommet.com/noclean-aquariums The Grommet team discovers the self-cleaning aquarium from NoClean...
10,412 likes 6,002,732 views 11 years ago
During the "Aqua-Fisch" Kampffischfreunde.de presented the International Betta Competition. Kampffischfreunde.de is a...
40,028 likes 3,448,217 views 8 years ago
Love is beautiful. Betta fish love is uniquely beautiful. Watch their life evolve from courtship, eggs, fry to...
7,142 likes 2,397,064 views 13 years ago
5,848 likes 1,287,884 views 10 years ago
Aquatic expert Tom Sarac introduces different varieties of betta fish and offers helpful tips on caring for this...
17,930 likes 1,130,943 views 8 years ago
I recorded this a few days ago but finally got around to editing it! 5 common things you will hear or may have...
3,342 likes 1,081,379 views 12 years ago
http://www.thegrommet.com/noclean-aquariums The Grommet team discovers the self-cleaning aquarium from NoClean...
The "How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank
20. comment for How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank
Oxygen-might be ok
Bettas live in mile long rice paddies
They only live in small spaces when the water dries up, they jump to many small puddles though since the ammonia builds up to the point the fish can't live there
Not because they like it
30. comment for How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank
Nothing to do with that
Bettas need a heater and a filter, as do any tropical fish
He looks very lethargic B(
I admire this kids optimism but this really isn't ideal
Just because it's alive doesn't mean it's thriving
u don't have to exaggerate this method. Of course this ain't the best method, but I owned some betta that lasted longer with this method than the big filtered tanks. it all depends on every factor, including your fish's genes
your betta can be healthy and happy but he can also not like the tank.
i would do it like this you put your betta in at least one gallon if he swimms a lot its ok if he rests on his tummy than you should get 2,5-5 gallons then it will be happy
you cought the fish in a way where he does not get stressed which is verry complicated
50. comment for How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank
Tanks or bowls that's mean you know nothing about bettas but just a decor or something to take lightly
-A heater(preferably one made specially for betta fish)
-A thermometer
-A filter
-And an air pump(to pump oxygen through the water so the betta can thrive)
If you have anything to say to me go ahead but I know what I am doing. I work professionally with animals on a daily basis both at home and at work!
- a heater (if you get a preset one, you won't need a thermometer, though I still recommend one)
- a filter
- plant(s) (not plastic, but silk is just fine)
- a little decoration so it feels more like home for your fish
Otherwise, you do a VERY good job of taking care of your fish. Also, you did a very good with this video! You were very clearly spoken and informative and you had everything neat and planned out perfectly. I'd be very proud of you. :) Good job, sweetie! You're doing great! :)
100. comment for How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank
Why a 100% water change?
Ammonia builds up in ur tank every day. The bigger the tank the less ammonia there is. A filter will turn the ammonia into nitrate ( correct me if I am wrong, I haven't read about the nitrogen cycle for months) and live plants will absorb the nitrate and release oxygen into the tank.
Ammonia and Nitrates are poisonous to both people and animals btw.
Reflect for a minute before you decide to write horrible things. It'll probably take the same amount of time to write something positive.
~ Love and Mer kisses from Mermaid Venilia
I'm a little late but, you need to just chill out I got a betta fish in 2015, and it lived in a bowl for one year, being cleaned the same way, and he's still alive. This little girl was just fine. Yes she should get a bigger tank, but I think she's doing fine!
Some sources even believe that a tank under ten gallons can't be cycled and require full water changes.
Depends if you turn off the thermostat.
For a small tank like
that it can become to room temperature. If the tank is large then yes.
Yeah. If you have a real rock make sure you wash it for like 5 minutes with warm water to take all the dirty stuff off it. But NEVER use soap or any bacterial or virus killing solution on the decoration you are going to add in your aquarium. Cause it will kill your fish.
So you're saying to not put decorations?
-please get your betta some plants and have them safe and soft so it doesn't hurt the betta
-don't clean it out as throughly because the minerals that the Betta needs to survive are on the rocks and since you don't have any plants the minerals can't go on anything else
It's not good to replace ALL of the water and make the tank "squeaky clean"
Taking care of fish is a learning experience. And it's important to research information.
Throwing out all of the water and cleaning everything like you did
alters the biochemistry of the environment and shocks the fish.
Fish actually need some bacteria left in the water so It's important to keep some of the old water.
Partial water changes 25% is advised About once a week is good.
And you can get an aquarium vacuum pump to clean up the poop debris.
Good luck.
for what :D
You are just destroying the whole biotope an aquarium should be.
Also a Betta needs lots of plants and a dark substrate so keeping a Betta like in this video is (sorry) bullshit.
- Keep the betta inside
- Use filters they are cheaper than $10
- Use Plants
Thats just a lot of stress for the betta and there aren't any plants or places to hide.
you should get a good book about aquaristic and search information about the biological system in aquariums and the natural needs of a betta BEFORE you buy a fish!
And come on, love and care are more important than expensive equipments
Thai people keep them with many plants assface. its a natural filter
But this is the FULL clean