How to choose the PERFECT Betta for a community tank I Betta Fish Help
Betta 9 years ago 217,315 views
Choosing the perfect Betta for a community aquarium can be tricky but not impossible. I have some steps that can help you choose a less aggressive and more mellow Betta. Yes, they do exist. These male Betta fish can live in a freshwater community fish tank with other peaceful schooling fish such as guppies and tetras. If you want to know more about Bettas check out: Betta Care 101: This is also a great Betta Care video: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: INSTAGRAM: Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt #BettaTank #nature #bettafish #betta #Bettafishy #bettafishcommunity
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other betta's but not tank mates.
But, after several days my Betta starts chasing the other fish.
Like her personality changed.
What do I do??
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30. comment for How to choose the PERFECT Betta for a community tank I Betta Fish Help
50. comment for How to choose the PERFECT Betta for a community tank I Betta Fish Help
2- One will bully the other
3- a pair could team up on one, highly likely
4- teams against eachother
5- usually completely spread out aggression :)
Do that he will flare so I think I want after a comutity tank and I will try him to see what he does and see if he's good
His tank should be at LEAST 2.5 gallons with a filter and a heater. Make sure it is clean and tap water has been conditioned to remove chlorine.
If all of those things have been regulated, try thawing a frozen green pea in conditioned tap water and then mushing it REALLY well, without the skin. He could be constipated and peas are betta laxatives. You can also try a bit of cooked chicken. Again, a tiny bit. He is small so don't overfeed him. You can try soaking your pellet of flake food in water before giving it to him, so it is soft.
Though, if you just got him, he might start eating once he is settled in. He could just be stressed out and will calm down in a couple of days. Don't worry, you should feed a betta every day, but they won't be hurt by fasting for one or two days.
A betta is a fish that isn´t gonna be happy surrounded by those busy swimmers.
And for a Betta fish a tank requires to have some floating plants like ; Limnobium leavigatum
But its good to see you dont keep them in a bowl
And my main plan didn't work... XD
Now I know what fish I can get for my Betta's tankmates :)
Time to get my Mum to realise they don't smell that bad!
(Any Tips To Convince Her)
100. comment for How to choose the PERFECT Betta for a community tank I Betta Fish Help
Hope I helped a little bit!
Im not sure if he is nice or mean.
If I do have any problems with them, I know a cheap way to make my own tank divider from another YouTube video I saw with just a crochet mesh and report binders for like $3. (for any who are interested in a fugal method of dividing a tank)
In my 80cm Aquarium, I put Penguin Tetra, Pygmy Corydoras, Sterba's Corydoras, and my look-alike Zebra Pleco with the Giant Betta. And the result is the Bettas won't even bother them. I once put the Dwarf Rainbowfish in there and the result is different as the Dwarf Rainbowfish had an attracted pattern on it's body so for them is a hostile.
So the conclusion is, either you can do that like you do in the video, or just choose black pattern fish to make them not aggressive with the other fish.
Sorry for the long post, just wanna add some in here :3
Thank you! <3
"Oh you got a problem! Huh?"
Grey/White fish
"Um... No I just wanna swim"
Purple red betta
"Yeah you better run!!!"
Grey/White fish
(Swims away and mumbles jackass...)
Thank you! I think I got lucky with that guy :D
I have always always wanted too put one with a community... Your demonstration was. Great
I love!!!! Bette advocates
I unfortunately cannot purchase them all, so thanks for your posts and encouraging people to get them. People look at me with eyes glazed when I start my fish fever talk
+Creative Pet Keeping
I try to feed them more natural food like blood worms and tub-flex worms. Mosquito larva is good too.
This tank is 20 gallons :)
Not exactly true. There are a good amount of bettas that do prefer 2.5 rather than higher gallonage. I had one who was miserable in a bigger tank. And i also disagree about the size difference. A ten takes up quite a bit more of space then a 2.5.
it variesbetta by betta, not all like larger tanks. From the way you're talking you havent had one that likes smaller yet, which is okay just realize not all bettas enjoy the big tanks :)
I think the idea that they can live in such small spaces comes from the fact that in the wild during the dry season, their water dries up and they are forced into ever increasing smaller spaces, that is by no means how they normally live, wild betas generally take up around a 3 foot territory in streams and rice paddies. They can and do range along long distances in these areas. Betas like to have space to swim around in and be awesome fish.
Awesome! I'm glad :D
Love your setup!
True :/
if their other fish are alive, they betta should be.
If they cant take proper care of a community with water changes and such then they wont be taking care of a smaller tank either.
Not everyone knows how to cycle a tank properly or care for it correctly. Even with a filter..without water changes and gravel/sand cleaning the waste builds up and can kill fish prematurely. I think that might be why it these fish die for some people.
I had an odd moment yesterday where my cat knocked over the breeding container and let my red male into the tank. Muki (the white cat) likes to sit on top of the tank and just watch the fish. Lucking I was there but when I walked up to the tank the two males just looked at each other awkwardly. No flaring...fins down... For a good 30 seconds..nothing... then my white male just swam the opposite direction like "Nah...I don't wanna deal with this right now" so I scoped up the red male back into the breeding container before he decided to change his mind and go after the white/pink one. I always get surprised with how complex a bettas personality can be. Such interesting fish.
My Mbuna cichlids would kill one so fast, and Mbuna are herbivores.