How to choose the PERFECT Betta for a community tank I Betta Fish Help

Choosing the perfect Betta for a community aquarium can be tricky but not impossible. I have some steps that can help you choose a less aggressive and more mellow Betta. Yes, they do exist. These male Betta fish can live in a freshwater community fish tank with other peaceful schooling fish such as guppies and tetras. If you want to know more about Bettas check out: Betta Care 101: This is also a great Betta Care video: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: INSTAGRAM: Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt #BettaTank #nature #bettafish #betta #Bettafishy #bettafishcommunity

How to choose the PERFECT Betta for a community tank I Betta Fish Help sentiment_very_dissatisfied 76

Betta 9 years ago 217,315 views

Choosing the perfect Betta for a community aquarium can be tricky but not impossible. I have some steps that can help you choose a less aggressive and more mellow Betta. Yes, they do exist. These male Betta fish can live in a freshwater community fish tank with other peaceful schooling fish such as guppies and tetras. If you want to know more about Bettas check out: Betta Care 101: This is also a great Betta Care video: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: INSTAGRAM: Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt #BettaTank #nature #bettafish #betta #Bettafishy #bettafishcommunity

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Most popular comments
for How to choose the PERFECT Betta for a community tank I Betta Fish Help

Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
Click here to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE):
I am posting 3 NEW videos a week!
Check out my Baby Betta playlist:
Lawrence Toush
Lawrence Toush - 7 years ago
your non-aggressive betta is gorgeous
Gage Jeffrey
Gage Jeffrey - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping thank u so much I have a 36 I think and I'm planning on getting betta s
Altzercrast - 7 years ago
russell salipong it's possible, but very rare. Most times the tank will be really big like a 30 to larger so that the two betas can establish there territories. But when two males are put together they will most likely fight till the death.
russell salipong
russell salipong - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping what if 2 non aggressive male are in the same tank?
Torey Flowers
Torey Flowers - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping what size is the tank?
Amir Ayala
Amir Ayala - 7 years ago
My betta fish only wants to fight
other betta's but not tank mates.
Sian Hingston
Sian Hingston - 7 years ago
I love your mellow male here!
Samuel Lin
Samuel Lin - 7 years ago
I watched your other videos. Why was your mello's fin ripped when it was in the small container?
KaylaTheHyena - 7 years ago
I have a question, how can you tell if a Betta you already have is suitable for a community tank?
Jesse Torres
Jesse Torres - 7 years ago
I did something similar when adding a Betta to my community tank. He is super chill and I haven’t had any problems. The only times he flares up is if my Gourami gets too close to him but they’ve never actually made physical contact.
CookieHam27 - 7 years ago
The white one is BEAUTIFUL. I like the other one but that one is pretty. Stunning. Also the tank is beautiful. I like the idea of a community tank. Because it looks better and is pretty. Also there is always life to the tank. Even if some are resting, there is always beauty. Don’t u wish you could keep bettas together? I wish. Imagine male betta sorority tanks.
Great Account Hugh
Great Account Hugh - 7 years ago
Hi quick question, can you put male swordtails with bettas?
Antonyms TheTarsier
Antonyms TheTarsier - 7 years ago
I have a community tank, it was doing pretty well.
But, after several days my Betta starts chasing the other fish.
Like her personality changed.
What do I do??

10. comment for How to choose the PERFECT Betta for a community tank I Betta Fish Help

panda_coffee animation
panda_coffee animation - 7 years ago
lol my betta is so timid to the point where hes afraid of my neon tetras
Wobbe gong
Wobbe gong - 7 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping, I noticed that you have what looks like male and female fancy guppies, how do you keep them from breeding. If you do let them breed what do you do with the fry
Hannaxx G
Hannaxx G - 7 years ago
I bought baby minnows and a baby girl betta there is no agression. She is very chill. Are minnows good tank mates they arent color at all thry are nutral grey colors
TIAMATj - 7 years ago
did any1 encounter a dude tasting ph?
Simu - 7 years ago
What is the name of that silver fish @1:05?
power last
power last - 7 years ago
U should sekl thise gorgeous guppies
Alexis Cologera
Alexis Cologera - 7 years ago
Awesome video :)
Jose Rangel
Jose Rangel - 7 years ago
what kind of sand is in your tank? it looks nice.
sicilianotoronto - 7 years ago
Great video with great tips! I had a betta in my 33 gallon well planted aquarium with guppies and other livebearers with no problems. At one point I had two males with no problems, just some flaring but they had their own territories. The main thing for success is at least 30 gallons and a thickly planted tank.
alex martinez
alex martinez - 7 years ago
At 2:56 looks like the male made a baby XD btw awesome video thxxxx this is actually my dads iPad he's gonna get a male betta so thx too:3 (I'm a girl :3 l0l)

20. comment for How to choose the PERFECT Betta for a community tank I Betta Fish Help

Altaaf - 7 years ago
I have a betta that is very similar to the white betta you have
Ahie Bong
Ahie Bong - 7 years ago
The food of new hickey baby is given what to eat..thanks
KAWAII FOXY - 7 years ago
Your beta look healthy and the tank size is amazing
FirstClassFishKeeper - 7 years ago
my male is mello
Ryan Dever
Ryan Dever - 7 years ago
Can bettas live with angelfish . (I don't think they can but its worth a try)
Vivian Cheung
Vivian Cheung - 7 years ago
BEAUTIFUL TANK :3 Finally... someone who actually knows how to take care of a betta fish. Half the videos I see are of kids "playing" with their bettas, in tiny 1 gallon bowls.
Tanesha Horn
Tanesha Horn - 7 years ago
What happened to that betta fish you said he was very mello I don't see him anymore
Tr Thiyagu Thiyagu
Tr Thiyagu Thiyagu - 7 years ago
I like your face,and I am fall in love with you
Tr Thiyagu Thiyagu
Tr Thiyagu Thiyagu - 7 years ago
I like your face,and I am fall in love with you.
albino vibes
albino vibes - 7 years ago
my betta fish looks nearly identical to that white one with the blue and red fins! mine is a bit smaller though

30. comment for How to choose the PERFECT Betta for a community tank I Betta Fish Help

Nayla Khan
Nayla Khan - 7 years ago
I see fry in ur fish tank, the betas may eat them
JBJ Acuarios Chernobyl
JBJ Acuarios Chernobyl - 7 years ago
nice video
Mechelle Pottage
Mechelle Pottage - 7 years ago
Hi this is very helpful, thank you. This is a bit off topic but need to ask, i have always wondered how do you guys clean the gravel in a planted tank like this one?
Mysmall petshop
Mysmall petshop - 7 years ago
Platys are a great compatible fish for betas if anyone is interested :)
Paul Curtis
Paul Curtis - 7 years ago
I got a beta fish yesterday
Nutty 16
Nutty 16 - 7 years ago
Omg those bettas are beautiful
mlp universe
mlp universe - 7 years ago
i have a male crown tail i keep him with chicleds twice his size he is the boss of the entire 36 gallon tank
THE Red Pill Addict.
THE Red Pill Addict. - 7 years ago
Best video on this.
musicalmarion - 7 years ago
I think buying one already happy in a community tank would be better too
TheBBallEnthusiast - 7 years ago
What type of tail types were those Bettas? I just bought one that looks exactly like the white and red one and he's so cute and gets along with all of the neon tetras in his tank
de de
de de - 7 years ago
I saw the baby guppies swimming around. Were you worried they would be eaten by the Betta or the other fish?
PrettyPurpleful - 7 years ago
Light skin vs. Dark skin betta fish
Syazlina Aasim
Syazlina Aasim - 7 years ago
Your betta fish looks so cute! I have a question. I put my betta fish with 4 male guppies. After one day being together, my betta fish is still trying to chase and nip the guppies. Should I remove the guppies or just only put two guppies. It's a 5-gallon tank by the way.
tegan edwards
tegan edwards - 8 years ago
can one betta live on their own?
rbc21 - 8 years ago
i usually buy the agressive ones, because betta's beautiful form is when it gets angry
Funny Cece
Funny Cece - 8 years ago
well I choose an aggressive female betta
Mezza Mez
Mezza Mez - 8 years ago
I like a few of your points in this video, however it is still not good to house a betta with guppies or even another male betta. They will always have that chance of fighting, whether or not they are quiet and mellow. Bettas should be kept in a 20L aquarium as least SEPARATED.
Katpoop KATPOOP - 8 years ago
my betta was watching the video and he liked the fish no flaring so the next thing is the breeder container in my tank
Yen Xion
Yen Xion - 8 years ago
my tank is 48 litres and i have a betta. he ate my cherry shrimp but leaves my cardinal tetras alone and my plecos! should i give it a go with guppies??
mandar kadam
mandar kadam - 8 years ago
great info...

50. comment for How to choose the PERFECT Betta for a community tank I Betta Fish Help

Glenn Gaming And Fish Keeping
Glenn Gaming And Fish Keeping - 8 years ago
what ?!?! guppy's are peaceful .... my guppy's are savage at my female betta
Ashley Manville
Ashley Manville - 8 years ago
Where did you get those two bettas from?! They're gorgeous :o
The Schi
The Schi - 8 years ago
wanting to start a Betta Community Tank, after watching this video would it be wise to see if I can find 2 male bettas that once cups are side by side show little interest in fighting? trying to figure this out for a 29 gallon tank. Also would getting the betta small be a better option? Lastly what are the best breed of fish to put in a betta community tank? thank you for your time. -Christina.
Airy74 - 7 years ago
3 is not enough to spread aggresion well. 5 is the actual recommended number. Here's why:
2- One will bully the other
3- a pair could team up on one, highly likely
4- teams against eachother
5- usually completely spread out aggression :)
Mostlyharmless1985 - 7 years ago
Christina Samples males need about three to four feet of space in the water column. It's not practical in a small tank. If you go the female route I'd go 3 minimum so aggression is spread out.
Jenny_ - 7 years ago
+Christina Samples You'll have better luck with two females... not males though
The Schi
The Schi - 7 years ago
thank you for the tips!!! want to make sure i do lots of research before getting this together so thank you
Airy74 - 7 years ago
i wouldn't recommend putting two males bettas in the same tank without a divider as they honestly will probably end up going after each other. It can work if you are very lucky but i really would suggest you not do that. If you want multiple bettas in a tank try setting up a female betta community tank as they can turn out very nicely (but you'd need 4-5 nonagressive ones). Theres a few fish that get along fine with bettas, try looking it up theresa a ton of good guides. For the female betta idea its best to get them all the same size. Pretty please do a bunch of research on bettas to ensure you know enough to care properly! :)
Altean Prince
Altean Prince - 8 years ago
The white betta is adorable. :3
Gorgeous Bettas
Gorgeous Bettas - 8 years ago
Where do you get your Betty's fish, they're so pretty. The ones I see at the pet store are always ripped or sick. Plz respond!
Snow pea Gamer
Snow pea Gamer - 8 years ago
I got the most butiful betta
Snow pea Gamer
Snow pea Gamer - 8 years ago
my betta are really kind they don't fight at all
Red Hawk
Red Hawk - 8 years ago
Very informative with reliable evidence. Thanks
shanice turner
shanice turner - 8 years ago
I went to peto they was selling Bettas with fin rot.
Silver Gem Accents Sophisticated Brilliance
Silver Gem Accents Sophisticated Brilliance - 8 years ago
You shouldn't keep betta fish with other very colorful fish especially ones with big fins, guppies are probably one of the worst choices you could have with a male betta.
galaxy star
galaxy star - 8 years ago
This is a little racist, the blackish one was aggressive and the white one was peaceful lol
Azart l Bo2
Azart l Bo2 - 8 years ago
How would you feed them in a community aquarium with guppies
Dragon Killer
Dragon Killer - 7 years ago
Azart l Bo2 use general tropical fish food
Adrian Herrera
Adrian Herrera - 8 years ago
Azart l Bo2 I trained my male Betta to eat out of my hand, whilst I fed flakes to my rasboras, so I say try and use something like tweezers to put the pellet or food in front of the fish,
pasameelpeta - 8 years ago
es una crueldad. si quieres bettas preparales su habitat
W.D. Gaster
W.D. Gaster - 8 years ago
mine lools so dangerus its red
Gracie & Payton
Gracie & Payton - 8 years ago
My betta is not agressive but he is very skittish he will only jump at my finger he will only swim up to my finger and when I walk up to him he gets all excited and just bed cute! To other people he doesn't
Do that he will flare so I think I want after a comutity tank and I will try him to see what he does and see if he's good
scoobydoo316us - 8 years ago
having the other male still in tank will keep it wound up. i am working with an aggressive male now. my female is aggressive too. but luckily i have a few tanks lol. thanks for putting up a video
cassiemichelle03 - 8 years ago
How did you find such beautiful bettas at petco???
Heidi Kleinsasser
Heidi Kleinsasser - 8 years ago
How do you feed your betta fish when he is in a community tank. Or do you feed your guppies and your betta the same food..?
Aqua Marine
Aqua Marine - 8 years ago
My old betta fish I got lucky with I kept him in a small tank with fancy guppies and he was really friendly and would help them and let them eat first and he made a best friend with a guppie she was a bright yellow and her name was Chloe!
Panda Andy
Panda Andy - 8 years ago
Hey I wanted to ask ,what to feed a betta in a community fish tank ?
SakuraCrystalWulf - 8 years ago
Little late, but I believe I see a pregnant guppy? Won't the betta(s) eat some of the babies?
Chrissy Dunn
Chrissy Dunn - 8 years ago
Hi just wondering how you do water changes, as most videos I see show taking the betta out for water changes. I have a 29 us gallon tank with platys and a betta (had for 3 days now), just wondering if I need to take the betta out to clean the tank? If yes any recommendations to what to put him in, as he didn't come in a cup.
Madison Erickson
Madison Erickson - 8 years ago
would you say fancy guppies would thrive in a 20 high ph 8?
Mostlyharmless1985 - 7 years ago
Guppies can thrive in muddy water run off a boot. They are fantastically hardy fish. Odds are if you buy the fish in your area, they will be acclimated to the water conditions of your area. Most fish sold in the aquarium trade in America come from Tampa Florida.Florida water is best described as "liquid rock."
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 8 years ago
all right, it is good then :). update me when you have them, guppies are very nice :)
Madison Erickson
Madison Erickson - 8 years ago
Jean-Michel Gervais I mean 20 gallons and tropical temp. I have driftwood for the pH. it is now 7.9
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 8 years ago
if you mean 20 gallons, then yes, but if you are talking about temparature, this is to cold. remember, they are tropical fish, they like the water closer to like 24-28 . ph of 8 seem's a little bit to much to me, i would recommend a ph of 7.5 but it is true that guppies live in a basic water... and they are hardy fish. so i think your condition could work out
Cindy C
Cindy C - 8 years ago
Last night I moved my Betta from his 3.5 gallon to my community 10 gallon tank using your tips. The breeding cup was fantastic and very entertaining my Albino Catfish, Platy's and Green Neon's were much more interested with Betta. When I released my beautiful Red Betta he kind of chased one of the Platy's but all went well. Whew I knew it was OK to breathe. So thank you for the tips I very very much appreciate the advice.
Kaiya Welch
Kaiya Welch - 8 years ago
Is it ok to have a betta with guppies in a 10g? Or is that too small with the whole breeding guppy problems everyone has. Does the betta keep the fry levels under control?
chelsea poirier
chelsea poirier - 8 years ago
The white Betta is beautiful!
LPS Gecko Girl
LPS Gecko Girl - 8 years ago
can you please help me? My baby betta that I bought from Petco will not eat. I have tried freeze dried bloodworms, pellets and tropical fish flakes. What should I feed him? Please help ASAP! Thanks, LPSgeckogirl
LPS Gecko Girl
LPS Gecko Girl - 8 years ago
Thank you! I am happy to see that he ate tonight, I just fed him.
Erethess - 8 years ago
No problem. If he is coming to the surface, he knows where the food comes from, so I believe he is eating as well. Enjoy watching your little guy grow!
LPS Gecko Girl
LPS Gecko Girl - 8 years ago
Erethess thank you for all the help. I have had him for 3 weeks now and now that I think about it, he might eat when I am gone @ school or not in the room. He is still a very active fish and comes to the surface when I am going to feed him. Thank you!
Erethess - 8 years ago
First, make sure that he isn't sick. His fins should look full, not scraggly (unless they are a crowntail) and his eyes should be clear. He should be swimming quite a bit, mostly staying near the top half of your tank, but definitely exploring sometimes and he should be responsive to stimuli. His belly should be a little lump but not protruding. If you think something is wrong with him, it probably is.
His tank should be at LEAST 2.5 gallons with a filter and a heater. Make sure it is clean and tap water has been conditioned to remove chlorine.
If all of those things have been regulated, try thawing a frozen green pea in conditioned tap water and then mushing it REALLY well, without the skin. He could be constipated and peas are betta laxatives. You can also try a bit of cooked chicken. Again, a tiny bit. He is small so don't overfeed him. You can try soaking your pellet of flake food in water before giving it to him, so it is soft.
Though, if you just got him, he might start eating once he is settled in. He could just be stressed out and will calm down in a couple of days. Don't worry, you should feed a betta every day, but they won't be hurt by fasting for one or two days.
Eric Carlos esparza
Eric Carlos esparza - 8 years ago
wow i just love ur fish so much were did u get them
The random youtuber
The random youtuber - 8 years ago
i have a half moon betta with enddler guppies
Anthony Tran
Anthony Tran - 8 years ago
like the great tips
Carly Does Some Stuff
Carly Does Some Stuff - 8 years ago
how do female bettas react to each other?
adarkerlink - 8 years ago
they can be kept in small groups but will eventually fight for dominance.
Natasha sands
Natasha sands - 8 years ago
I'm getting a male soon and would like to eventually add a couple of other fish (like Cory cats and neon tetras). The place where I will be getting him from has all te bettas in their own tank with a few plants and a devider. This is obviously a good thing but does anyone have any advice on how I can pick a non agressive one since it's not possible to put them next to each other thanks.
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
or you can make you own breeding container...i have 55 gallon i use 5 gallon plastic tub drill lots and lots of hole in back,sides and bottom,i have 2 big suction cups on back and one side front and the othere side i use pool noodle to flote
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
i am going to keep betta and gost srimp in 5 gallon
Storm Van odijk
Storm Van odijk - 8 years ago
You shouldn´t keep Betta fish together with guppies.
A betta is a fish that isn´t gonna be happy surrounded by those busy swimmers.
And for a Betta fish a tank requires to have some floating plants like ; Limnobium leavigatum
But its good to see you dont keep them in a bowl
Dx10dedHeadfonz - 8 years ago
How can you tell from when you get them from the store?
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 8 years ago
Oh really? even the corycatfish? :/
Dx10dedHeadfonz - 8 years ago
I pretty much got the back up plan set!
And my main plan didn't work... XD
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 8 years ago
also, i recommend that the betta should be the last to be introduce, because if he already establish a territory, the other fish might be attack. a 20 gallon setup or bigger would be perfect and i wouldn't go under 15 gallons. also, I suggest that you keep your fish in big school (ten or more) to reduce the stress and to spread the possible agressivity of your betta. small fish have more confidence in bigger group :). their might be other kind of fish that you could put with your betta, but I highly suggest that you make a lot of reaserch so you can have the opinion of other fishkeeper :). don't be afraid to ask as many questions as possible, this is the best way to prepare yourself to have a succesfull community tank :).
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 8 years ago
Your welcome :). I suggest to be patient and to have a backup plan if it dosen't work :). I hope it will succeed, and that you will give me an update :)
Dx10dedHeadfonz - 8 years ago
Thank you so much Jean!
Now I know what fish I can get for my Betta's tankmates :)
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 8 years ago
i wouldn't recommend it. males have been select for their agressivity and they will try to kill each other, at less they are in an enormous tank, far over 100 gallons... if you want some fish with your beta, i suggest that you keep them with neons tetras, cory catfish and harlequin rasbora, becose they are small, fast schooling fish and they won't try to bully your beta. a male betta should always be kept alone. they hate each others, so don't put two of them together. it's a big no-no! choose the most docile beta and see if he can live in your community tank alone. puting an other male could stress him or even kill him
Dx10dedHeadfonz - 8 years ago
So it is really best to get two males
Adolfo Palacios
Adolfo Palacios - 8 years ago
You can put them next to another fish in their cups and he will more than likely try to fight it if it's aggressive
Some 10 Pound Internet Bass
Some 10 Pound Internet Bass - 8 years ago
This is quite irrelevant but, I recently bought a beta with quite short fins and I noticed some white at the edge of the blue and red fins, does this mean it's growing it's fins or losing it?
Adolfo Palacios
Adolfo Palacios - 8 years ago
It's probably just enhancing colors
Flo Green
Flo Green - 8 years ago
Where do you guys find these beautiful bettas ? I can only find the kind Walmart cells.
Rainbow Mustachio
Rainbow Mustachio - 8 years ago
What Size Is Your Tank?
Alexander The Insane
Alexander The Insane - 8 years ago
oh my god that white Betta is beautiful. And the fins on that blue one, amazing
Rubes Rubes
Rubes Rubes - 7 years ago
Alexander The Insane blue *
Rubes Rubes
Rubes Rubes - 7 years ago
Alexander The Insane i have the exact purple
Ashley Hom
Ashley Hom - 8 years ago
Wow beautiful bettas you have!
Poke Girl gamer
Poke Girl gamer - 8 years ago
I love ur rainbow fish it's so cute and pretty
TheVlogDog - 8 years ago
love the painting of memphis in the outro
Brick Addiction
Brick Addiction - 8 years ago
I just set up a ten gallon tank and I'm planning on doing platys, guppies, and something else but when I saw this video I thought I really wanted to do a Betta fish too! Will a PEACEFUL Betta fish disrupt the breeding process for the guppies? Thank you in advance.
adarkerlink - 8 years ago
bettas are vicious hunters, one might be enough to take down all the fry.
Elyse Lu
Elyse Lu - 8 years ago
Is the bi orb good for bettas?
Bleach - 8 years ago
just get a 5 or 10 gallon with flourite gravel and liveplants and aquaclear 20
Qwebl - 8 years ago
How can I tell if a betta is aggressive beforehand without another fish?
J Klimek
J Klimek - 8 years ago
Try looking at its personality when you buy it. Is it uppity in the cup when you get near it or do you have to get really close to it for it to move. Does it flare at your finger right away? Or does it take a while to flare?
Qwebl - 8 years ago
I have a male dragonscale
Kulta - 8 years ago
Goodness gracious, are both of those males from Petco?! My local Petco never has bettas that beautiful. What a find, I'm jealous!
KaylaTheHyena - 7 years ago
Usually Petco has alot of good looking Bettas for sale. Sadly though, since the fish are not at all living in good conditions, they die early.
Dragon Killer
Dragon Killer - 7 years ago
CatOnAComputer tell her that you need to clean the tank anyway so it won't even smell bad. Plus you have a filter to clean water.
CatOnAComputer - 7 years ago
I'm in England, we have PetsAtHome here, I just say a GORGEOUS black fish, he had a wonderful metallic blue tint!

Time to get my Mum to realise they don't smell that bad!

(Any Tips To Convince Her)
SmallWhispers - 7 years ago
When I go to my local petco they have a couple really nice looking bettas, and some sick looking ones. I guess it's just the area you buy them from. I bought a betta that looks like the white one in this video about two weeks ago from petco and he's been doing well.
Tommy Xiong
Tommy Xiong - 8 years ago
Kulta i go to a local fish store instead
oh boy
oh boy - 8 years ago
Leevi Same.
Blood streak
Blood streak - 8 years ago
Our local petco sells DEAD Berta fish it's so sad
1975 damn
1975 damn - 8 years ago
Claudia Penaranda
Claudia Penaranda - 8 years ago
i Derp
i Derp - 8 years ago
That yawn at 2:42!
stAR Burna
stAR Burna - 8 years ago
please upload a video on fishes that can get along bettas

100. comment for How to choose the PERFECT Betta for a community tank I Betta Fish Help

• Evangeline •
• Evangeline • - 8 years ago
How many gallons is your tank?
WhiteKoneko - 8 years ago
Your tank is beautiful.
gaming channel
gaming channel - 8 years ago
chek my vids
Rosie Mell
Rosie Mell - 8 years ago
What size tank do you have?
immafriedredgodzilla - 8 years ago
what fish is that at 1:06? ...the one with the splitted tail
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 8 years ago
Jency Carranza
Jency Carranza - 8 years ago
guppy lyretail
Francesco Ruggieri
Francesco Ruggieri - 8 years ago
Naomi SwiftSide
Naomi SwiftSide - 8 years ago
Chould I have a tank with only beta's? Like have 3 males or 3 females?
Creative Pet Vlogs
Creative Pet Vlogs - 8 years ago
If its females then yes, but males NEED to be separated.
TheRealDigiGal - 8 years ago
Putting multiple male bettas together isn't very good, as they can fight, but if you want to put females together then do some research on female betta sorority tanks. I'm no expert, but it's what I've read from many sources that makes don't fit together and there's too much about sorority tanks to fit in this message.
Hope I helped a little bit!
Ray Zhou
Ray Zhou - 8 years ago
where should i buy my betta from
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
I bought male butterfly Betta together with guppies , swordtail, Cory and tetras, since they are all new in the tank no one has his territory yet they end up friends right away, swim and eat together without bothering other fish, no one die have shrimp and snail too.I have a lot of live plants and driftwood, in 10 g, and in few days they will move to my new 32g, but before that I will buy female or another male and will put them all same time in 32g hoping my new Betta will get along well. They are all about same sizes except the tetras.
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
that's cool
Kaelee McCoy
Kaelee McCoy - 8 years ago
I am only getting 1 betta so I am glad I won't have to worry about aggressiveness
Anaïs Sixx
Anaïs Sixx - 8 years ago
no one betta feels good in any community tank , this is a hudge mistake
Mr. Purple
Mr. Purple - 8 years ago
Anaïs Sixx It really depends on their personality, some bettas are more aggressive others are more docile. You can't judge an entire species based on a couple fish.
A&H Exotics and More
A&H Exotics and More - 8 years ago
Where can I buy that tank??
Jay Spectacular
Jay Spectacular - 8 years ago
In the pet store
MikeeThe Gamer
MikeeThe Gamer - 8 years ago
Hi my beta flares every once in a while in my aquarium because of its own reflection but when I lined up my bettas he was the more mellow out of all is it ok to keep it with other fish?
Alana Booker
Alana Booker - 8 years ago
Your tank is beautiful. Wish I was good at aqua scaping!
SoftGlitch SongFanmadeVocaloid
SoftGlitch SongFanmadeVocaloid - 8 years ago
I have a betta and when im gone he drops to the floor of the tank.When i come back he gets excited.
Im not sure if he is nice or mean.
Crystal Peterson
Crystal Peterson - 8 years ago
well after watching this video about a week ago I've gave it thought and did step by step and ended up with a baby boy beta who is very docile he spends his time exploring the tank and doesn't care for the other fish and I have guppies in there as well as other fish they recommend not having with him but I wanna see if I raise him up I'm there if he will be ok
DeBandit13 - 8 years ago
Thanks for the help
Jocel  Santana
Jocel Santana - 8 years ago
Thx now i know how to take of my betta fish ☺
hamster's, Betta's and piggys
hamster's, Betta's and piggys - 8 years ago
great video
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 8 years ago
Great video. I love the two betta fish you had they where very beautiful. Great channel too. I subscribe.... :)
Sam Kathiramalai
Sam Kathiramalai - 8 years ago
How big is your tank
James C
James C - 8 years ago
What kind of Betta is the white one?
Pabu Boyer
Pabu Boyer - 8 years ago
this video really helped me A LOT. IT was elpful so I could choose between a agressive betta, or a less agressive betta, thxs! ;)
A Human
A Human - 8 years ago
The bettas at the store I got mine from were so peaceful they put the males next to each other and there was no flaring
karaLUVEanime - 8 years ago
Sorry its been years since ive had fish how do I change out the watet without killing the fish? I am worried about the city water and the amount of chlorine that is in it. Do i have to buy bottled water or is there a chemical that I drop in to make the new water good for fish?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Yes, you can add something like this
karaLUVEanime - 8 years ago
I also have another question how many fish can I keep in a 5 gallon tank? I do want a small fish community. ..maybe 2 or 3 small fish. I would like a betta but if I cannot fit that in a 5 gallon then maybe ill need to rethink my fish choices?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Hmmm... either 2 bettas that are seperated by a divider or maybe 4-6 guppies
karaLUVEanime - 8 years ago
Thanks! I wanted to put a betta and a small tank cleaning fish together you helped answer my question!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Marlee Talley
Marlee Talley - 8 years ago
how did you know which one is aggressive or not I feel scared when my two bettas flare at my mild one I'm not sure to trust them because they both act very "sassy" in a way.. if you know what I mean..
Chris Drysdale
Chris Drysdale - 8 years ago
how many times do you switch the two bettas
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
At the moment I switch then every day :D
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
be carful the betta can end up killing the guppys
Glenn Gaming And Fish Keeping
Glenn Gaming And Fish Keeping - 8 years ago
Marisa's Betta Fish well my guppy's are the one killing my Betta
GalaxyCat 799
GalaxyCat 799 - 8 years ago
+Liv in I saw it at pet smart where I am at.could be for you too
Liv in
Liv in - 8 years ago
+Creative Pet Keeping where did you get that dragon statue ... Looks bloody awesome... Also what are the plants that you are using ... The tank looks so beautiful .... I kinda felt covering the back with a black opaque film will give much more focus to the tank.. Bringing out the aesthetic of it ... Just subbed
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
True, so far its been 6 years and no killed guppies. but it CAN happen.
miguel peneyra
miguel peneyra - 8 years ago
Hello:):) can freshwater angelfish and betta live together? Have u tried it? Always watching ur amazing videos
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I'm glad you like my videos! I feel like angelfish and betta would not work out. Either the betta will attack the angel fish OR if the angelfish is territorial or breeds it will attack the betta.
Mark Quadrozzi
Mark Quadrozzi - 8 years ago
Good video, that is a great way to figure out how a male fighting fish will conduct himself with other community fish. love bettas, care for 9 presently. I love guppys as well but just cannot keep them successfully. The common guppys that live with one of my bettas  do great, but any time I try the large fancy varieties (always in a species tank) they never make it. Keep them in hard water that is 78 to 80. Good food and waer changes. Any tips?
Daniel Collins
Daniel Collins - 8 years ago
Great video, thank you for this.
Marly Gould
Marly Gould - 8 years ago
Love your video!! Your is super beautiful, such a pretty betta. I subscribed. It would mean so much to me if you would check out my channel too. I started making betta videos! Love the entire betta crowd on youtube!
Moon Cat
Moon Cat - 8 years ago
What brand is this tank? I know what kind it is, but I feel like it would help if I knew that brand. thanks!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
+Jadecherry 505 I actually have no clue. Its really old and someone threw it I got it for free from a garbage..which sounds really weird..but tank haha
Patricia Gunter
Patricia Gunter - 8 years ago
Love your video and explanation on how to determine if your Betta is safe for a community tank. It really helps a lot. We had our male Betta for over 2 years so he's always been alone in his 10 gallon tank. Just like humans I know he had to be lonely by himself but I was too afraid to buy another to add to the tank. Well we had taken our son to his first carnival and he had won a goldfish @_@.....I wanted to add him to the tank my Betta is in because its bigger and has a better filter on it than the 2.5 we started the Betta in. Now that I have watched your video I know what to look for as far as adding the goldfish in with him. I had placed my little tank with the goldfish in it right next the to 10 gallon tank for a few days to see how they reacted to one another and the betta didn't flare his fins as much as I thought he would and the goldfish also swims towards him as well. I can't wait to test them together to see how they react to each other. Thank you so much.

If I do have any problems with them, I know a cheap way to make my own tank divider from another YouTube video I saw with just a crochet mesh and report binders for like $3. (for any who are interested in a fugal method of dividing a tank)
Vanessa Montoya
Vanessa Montoya - 8 years ago
Gold fish can't be put together with Bettas since gold fish are cold water fish needing the temps to be in the low 60's and Bettas are tropical fish needing temps between 75-80 degrees.
Sara Buggy
Sara Buggy - 8 years ago
What is your opinion on moontail or the more extreme rosetail betta's? I love the look but i read online that the extra fin can weigh down and bother the fish a lot, and sometimes it can break the rays of their fins. Those two seem to have quite a lot of fin and seem to be happily swimming around.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
+Sara Buggy I have noticed my male having a hard time swimming because of his long fins. It is possible to trim the tail to make it easier for them to swim. Although I'm starting to prefer the shorter tail varieties.
Ricardo Mendes
Ricardo Mendes - 8 years ago
Bettas are for a community tank, no male bettas.
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 9 years ago
I have 55 gallon heavy planted with female betta and nano tetra can I add male in it
Tristhan Lim
Tristhan Lim - 9 years ago
How many guppies do you have for that tank
Badas Dark
Badas Dark - 9 years ago
Do i need air pump for my betta?
Reflection Tube
Reflection Tube - 8 years ago
Badas Dark it is recommended but is not necessary. The smaller the tank, the more oxygen your fish needs because the carbon dioxide will build up fast. If you have a large tank, you could get an air pump and leave it on for 5-10 mins just to get some oxygen in the water
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+John Adrian Mallillin Good question. No, they have labyrinth lungs so when oxygen in water is low they can gulp an extra bit of air from the surface of the water.
vines N fails blehblehbleh
vines N fails blehblehbleh - 9 years ago
you have beautiful fish
Lemon King
Lemon King - 9 years ago
Where did you get such beautiful bettas? Definitely not petsmart! I personally tend to choose my bettas based on personality, but these are stunning
albino vibes
albino vibes - 7 years ago
Lemon King I have a betta fish identical to the white one and he came from petsmart. It's pretty rare to find really pretty fish there but you get lucky every once in a while :^)
Silver Scale Productions
Silver Scale Productions - 9 years ago
I have always had more success with keeping bettas in community tanks than alone. They usually don't do well alone and I have never been able to keep a lone betta alive for more than six months whereas my community bettas often live for two years or more. Currently I have two males and seven guppies in a 45 gallon tank. I chose both males specifically because they were not aggressive and my tank is big enough and has enough hiding places for them to stay away from the each other when necessary. In general they get along and I haven't yet had a problem with either bothering each other or the other fish. Often they swim right next to each other without any aggression. I do not suggest that that male bettas should always be kept together, but that they can under certain conditions.
christina weeks
christina weeks - 9 years ago
Half moon bettas were specifically created to be less aggressive and I find that they do well in a community tank
How To Make, What?
How To Make, What? - 9 years ago
I have a betta for 1 month now and today I changed his water in his tank and I noticed that his skin is peeling behind his left eye. Please help
How To Make, What?
How To Make, What? - 9 years ago
+Silver Scale Productions no but now my betta is healing again slowly. thanks
Silver Scale Productions
Silver Scale Productions - 9 years ago
+Blue Pets Do you have any sharp rocks or decorations in your tank? He might have accidentally scraped himself. As long as the wound doesn't seem to be spreading or has white fuzzy stuff growing on it he should be fine. It would still be good to get some anti fungal/antibacterial drops to put in the tank. It will help it to heal faster and keep from getting an infection.
missykim - 9 years ago
Half moon bettas are so beautiful!
Pabu Boyer
Pabu Boyer - 8 years ago
Alaura McWilliam
Alaura McWilliam - 9 years ago
how many gallons is your tank?
??Simeon Curtis
??Simeon Curtis - 9 years ago
great video
Angel Li
Angel Li - 9 years ago
The only thing I have is FISH AND CHIPS
Verklify - 9 years ago
Mine is so so peaceful that it doesn't flare
stanisan anton
stanisan anton - 9 years ago
That might m an it is sick or unhealthy
Goldiebubbles - 9 years ago
Where did you get the Betta? They look like a different kind then the ones they sell at my local pet store, and I am looking to get a different kind then the one I have... Thanks!
Dylan Martin
Dylan Martin - 9 years ago
I would like to know what plants you have plz
Dimas Fish Diary
Dimas Fish Diary - 9 years ago
Or you can buy less much attractive fish to coop with Bettas. I was told by my friend that Betta is attracted by the color so even Guppy or Neon/Cardinal Tetra will be get chased by the Betta. So he said that if you put the Betta with less unattractive one, the Betta would not chase the other cause it will not attract by it. And I already doing it.

In my 80cm Aquarium, I put Penguin Tetra, Pygmy Corydoras, Sterba's Corydoras, and my look-alike Zebra Pleco with the Giant Betta. And the result is the Bettas won't even bother them. I once put the Dwarf Rainbowfish in there and the result is different as the Dwarf Rainbowfish had an attracted pattern on it's body so for them is a hostile.

So the conclusion is, either you can do that like you do in the video, or just choose black pattern fish to make them not aggressive with the other fish.

Sorry for the long post, just wanna add some in here :3
Silver Scale Productions
Silver Scale Productions - 9 years ago
+Dimas Fish Diary Actually guppies are rarely a problem with bettas, guppies are much faster than bettas and can get away easily. Tetras in general are the same. It only really becomes a problem if you have an aggressive betta because he will quite literally kill himself chasing them around in which case he was not suited for a community tank in the first place.
Wolf18889 - 9 years ago
hello! I was wondering if fancy goldfish could go with a betta fish, if the the betta is calm, of course. (I have a large tank with spaces to hide)
Siraj Khan
Siraj Khan - 8 years ago
+KiKi H
Ciara Hernandez
Ciara Hernandez - 9 years ago
No, it would not work because goldfish are cold water fish and betrays are tropical fish, so it would kill one or the other, if you try to meet in the middle, it will kill both fish as the water will be too hot for the goldfish and too cold for the betta, goldfish water temp. Should be 52-62 degrees Fahrenheit and betta water temp. should be 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit.
CoolCat1810 0
CoolCat1810 0 - 9 years ago
guppy not guppie
CoolCat1810 0
CoolCat1810 0 - 9 years ago
my male betta fish grew up in a comunity tank. Can i put him with other fish like guppies?
CoolCat1810 0
CoolCat1810 0 - 8 years ago
ok thank you @LigitGaming
RX580Gaming - 8 years ago
most likely, just expose the fish the to a betta and if he doesn't react, you can put them together
Lifewithpets - 9 years ago
These are stunning Betta's! What a beautiful tank.
vijay stephen
vijay stephen - 9 years ago
Your female guppies are abnormally large.
Hattie Pettit
Hattie Pettit - 9 years ago
Their pregnant
Sofia Riojas
Sofia Riojas - 9 years ago
Hi am trying to start a community tank with a male or female betta and some guppies in a 10 gallon tank could you give me some advices?
Andy Valdez
Andy Valdez - 9 years ago
thank you for the tips, never thought about seeing which is the mellowest before buying and the breeding tank.
Elliot Wynne
Elliot Wynne - 9 years ago
Hi I have a tank with black gravel in and I use a grave l vacuumed on it to clean it how do you clean aquarium sand because I would love another tank ?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Elliot Wynne
Thank you! <3
Elliot Wynne
Elliot Wynne - 9 years ago
+Creative Pet Keeping thank you very much I subbed
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Elliot Wynne Same way :D I use an gravel vacuum as well..just cant put it in too deep so it wont suck in the sand.
Amna Raine
Amna Raine - 9 years ago
what kind of fish are the ones that are silver/white with rainbow scales? they're beautiful.
Amna Raine
Amna Raine - 8 years ago
+MageTezzos wow that's really interesting, i think they're more beautiful than most of the guppies i've seen. are they hard to get ahold of? i'd love to have some but i can't seem to find them anywhere
MageTezzos - 8 years ago
+Amna Raine endler's livebearer guppy, extinct in the wild or otherwise undocumented native to Venezuela. Hobbyists love them and they frown upon crossbreeding. Before they went extinct in the wild they were used as feeder guppies because they did not show much colour compared to their fancy guppies. :(
Amna Raine
Amna Raine - 9 years ago
+Creative Pet Keeping yes i figured it out already :) thank you though
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Amna R They are double sword tail male guppies.
Teneshia Gillard
Teneshia Gillard - 9 years ago
that was totally incredible I would have done the same thing apparently you know a lot about fish
Sophia Lentine
Sophia Lentine - 9 years ago
Where did you get your betta from ?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Sophia Lentine I got my Betta from petco.
Dead ass
Dead ass - 9 years ago
Purple and red betta was like

"Oh you got a problem! Huh?"

Grey/White fish

"Um... No I just wanna swim"

Purple red betta

"Yeah you better run!!!"

Grey/White fish

(Swims away and mumbles jackass...)
DJ1GAZA Champion songs
DJ1GAZA Champion songs - 9 years ago
I can't believe I do that today and I just saw you do the same
dabblebabblegirl - 9 years ago
Can you name off your plants????
Enso LLC
Enso LLC - 9 years ago
did you get the betta from aquabids
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Jake Long
Thank you! I think I got lucky with that guy :D
Enso LLC
Enso LLC - 9 years ago
+Creative Pet Keeping Oh wow your White betta have a perfect HalfMoon tail when flares up, very hard to find in Local pet stores.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Jake Long I got him from PetCo although one-day I'd like ot get a pretty imported Betta.
Amelia T
Amelia T - 9 years ago
Those Guppys are really pregant
Stephanie R. Tinney
Stephanie R. Tinney - 9 years ago
I love your video!!
Stephanie R. Tinney
Stephanie R. Tinney - 9 years ago
Honey...I have kept em since 00'. Then cichlids but always a Bette
I have always always wanted too put one with a community... Your demonstration was.  Great
I love!!!! Bette advocates
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
Thank you! It means a lot to me to hear that! I try my best to encourage people to take better care of their fish :)
Stephanie R. Tinney
Stephanie R. Tinney - 9 years ago
I love to see passionate betta keeper's
I unfortunately cannot purchase them all, so thanks for your posts and encouraging people to get them. People look at me with eyes glazed when I start my fish fever talk
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Stephanie Tinney Thank you!
Michelle Lopezy
Michelle Lopezy - 9 years ago
my male guppies dont wanna do it with the females:( lil help plz:(
Michelle Lopezy
Michelle Lopezy - 9 years ago
+Creative Pet Keeping ok ill try those two things at the same time after all I have two 50 gallons ( one empty for heat reasons but specially for guppys)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
Maybe you should try getting a breeding container and put one male and one female in there together and see what they do fir a few days?
Michelle Lopezy
Michelle Lopezy - 9 years ago
But first should I try my plan seperated the males from females for like 1 or 2 weeks then put them together?
Michelle Lopezy
Michelle Lopezy - 9 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Michelle Lopezy I never intentionally bred just happened on its I'm not well informed on the matter. I think you should find a guppy breeder on youtube to ask.
Samantha Yeet
Samantha Yeet - 9 years ago
so is it true that i could get a tank and fill it with 4-6 female betta fish? also what is a good size for this please answer
Samantha Yeet
Samantha Yeet - 9 years ago
ok thanks!
+Creative Pet Keeping 
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Samantha Years Ten gallon minimum. Be sure to have it fully cycled first :D
Noelle Price
Noelle Price - 9 years ago
What should I do if I want to add fish into my Bettas tank because I will not make my Betta leave his tank just to put fish in my tank the buy another betta please help.
Ruben van der Zee
Ruben van der Zee - 9 years ago
that dominant betta would do better in the wild I think,
Ruben van der Zee
Ruben van der Zee - 9 years ago
okay thank you, I was planning on this with my 10 gallon tank, one betta male, 10 neon tetras and 5 amano shrimps. quite some plants, co2 diffuser during the day and o2 pump for the night, got the tank running for a week now. waiting.. waiting...haha starting out with tetras, after a while the betta, and last the shrimps when it goes as plannen. what do you think? missing someting..?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
Its better to keep males and females separately. Sometimes you can get lucky..but if the male makes a bubble nest and mates with any of the females then he will attack them as he will be trying to protect the nest.
Ruben van der Zee
Ruben van der Zee - 9 years ago
oh yea I see, still a beautiful fish the wild ones. But I think you would agree if we talk about personality. I'm planning to get a betta myself, got a 10 gallon tank. What do you advise me? One male or one male with 3 females or something? excuse me for my English i'm from the Netherlands. 
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Ruben van der Zee If you look up how a wild betta looks like its actually nothing like the domesticated pet betta we have now. Their fins are so long thats it would be difficult for a domestic betta to swim in the wild. They would also stand out too much due to their colors and make it easy for predators to find and eat them.
be47303 - 9 years ago
your so helpful i have both types of betas and for Christmas i will be getting a community fish tank cuz my family hint it to me and i love betas . My to betas are a red and i have a white one so thank you soo much!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+be47303 I'm glad you found this helpful :D
Michele Makohoniuk
Michele Makohoniuk - 9 years ago
Thanks I already got my betta and hes always fanned up and swimming in his little tank. I think hes going to be aggressive and he looks like your red and blue one too. Well hes going to have to get along once I get bigger one set up.
Sheldon Davis
Sheldon Davis - 9 years ago
Awesome idea I do the same thing with my male bettas in my community tank so far success a few flares a bit but not over aggressive but still living in community tanks
Eddie vue
Eddie vue - 9 years ago
My brother and I both had male Bettas in the same tank when we were kids. They never fought. I think It just depends on the fish itself.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
Very true. All fish have their own distinct personality.
Young Tank
Young Tank - 9 years ago
great video
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
Thank you :D
Ameet Nabajya
Ameet Nabajya - 9 years ago
You did a amazing video. You have a very beautiful tank. I have a planted tank. which lights are you using. the water is clear and the light adds the shimmer to the water, wow. what plant ferts are you using , just give a short idea. I have a male and a female betta in my tetra community tank. but after few weeks the male betta color looks faded and the shine is not as when I purchased. He is healthy eats well. I feed live worms, pls advise
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Ameet Nabajya
 I try to feed them more natural food like blood worms and tub-flex worms. Mosquito larva is good too.
Ameet Nabajya
Ameet Nabajya - 9 years ago
what do you recommend for best betta coloration
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Ameet Nabajya Thank you! I am using a bit of clay under my sand to provide nutrient for the roots. I have very simple plants..just some amazon swords...Anubis and the long grasslike plant in the back is called a jungle val. The light is a simple LED light that came with my other aqua-style tank that I am not using at the moment. I also add half a teaspoon of Flourish to add some Iron to my plants.
Samuel Haffey
Samuel Haffey - 9 years ago
I just released my half moon betta with my other community of black tetras and red minor tetas using this method! Wish me luck!
Samuel Haffey
Samuel Haffey - 9 years ago
+Rotten Kind of Cute mines is a 60 gall lol hes a very lucky betta
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Rotten Kind of Cute
This tank is 20 gallons :)
Fish Noodles
Fish Noodles - 9 years ago
+Samuel Haffey May I ask how many gallons and fish you have?
Samuel Haffey
Samuel Haffey - 9 years ago
+Creative Pet Keeping actually they kept nipping on my betta i had to get rid of the tetras bc they were too aggressive, though my betta is all happy with a bunch of neon tetras, black tetras, and silver mollies! its awesome 
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Samuel Haffey How did it go?
Dylan Nieves
Dylan Nieves - 9 years ago
All bettas should be able to have a 10-15 gallon take people don't know but they mistreat Bettas very easily but alot of people now a days think that Bettas should be kept in cups and containers and bowls but i choose a tank with a heater and filter.
Mostlyharmless1985 - 7 years ago
I consider the place you would keep such a tank, a 2.5 would fit on a nightstand or sturdy table and for the most part a 10 with the requisite equipment can go in the same space. The advantage a 10 gives you is more in line with available planted space for decorations and the like. I've never met a fish that prefers cramped space so I'll defer to you on that one. I have my beta tank planted with a built in equipment wall fed by a bubble lifter, so it's liquid volume is probably closer to 5 or 7. The 10 I have has about twice the footprint of my 3.5. It goes quite nicely on my bedside dresser drawer.
Airy74 - 7 years ago
Not exactly true. There are a good amount of bettas that do prefer 2.5 rather than higher gallonage. I had one who was miserable in a bigger tank. And i also disagree about the size difference. A ten takes up quite a bit more of space then a 2.5.
it variesbetta by betta, not all like larger tanks. From the way you're talking you havent had one that likes smaller yet, which is okay just realize not all bettas enjoy the big tanks :)
Mostlyharmless1985 - 7 years ago
Airy74 honestly, a 10 gallon tank isn't that big a jump in price or space from a 2.5, there are also 3.5 gallon tanks that fall in almost exactly the same footprint of the 2.5 tanks, and the extra gallon goes a long way in improving the animals quality of life. It is my opinion that no fish can be happy in such a small space, betas can live in a small tank, you'll never see them thrive in one. If you can't afford to properly care for and house a creature, then you shouldn't get it. I have my guy in a 10 gallon and the difference is night and day in his activity, curiosity, and health over when he was in his 3.5.
I think the idea that they can live in such small spaces comes from the fact that in the wild during the dry season, their water dries up and they are forced into ever increasing smaller spaces, that is by no means how they normally live, wild betas generally take up around a 3 foot territory in streams and rice paddies. They can and do range along long distances in these areas. Betas like to have space to swim around in and be awesome fish.
Airy74 - 7 years ago
Bettas do well in 2.5+ they don't need 10 gal. It's up to the owner with what they can afford and have space for. As long as it's heated and filtered and cycled and the owner does regular water changes it's fine.
Katie Adams
Katie Adams - 9 years ago
I have the same dragon ornament, lol.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
That sounds more fancy then mine haha
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
Thank you. My method is not 100% accurate but it does increase your chances for picking a mellow guy. The period of acclimation is important so I definitely recommend the biggest breeding container you can find! :D
Katie Adams
Katie Adams - 9 years ago
Nice video, by the way. I was thinking of keeping some bettas in a guppy tank and so wondered how I could choose one that would be more mellow.
Katie Adams
Katie Adams - 9 years ago
Me too! I think mine is a little bit bigger though. It sits in one edge of my tank with its tail wrapped around a treasure chest with a cave in it for small fish :P.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Katie Adams Its my favorite ^_^
papijelly - 9 years ago
How do u keep the current down on the tank i got a 10 gallon thank and i put my betta in but seemed as if the current was too much. So i took him out to investigate.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
I have a trickle barrier thing in my filter that gets in the way of the current and lessens it. my male usually hangs out on the left side of the tank where I feed the fish. It has the least amount of current there..he can sleep on the anubis plants without being moved by the water.
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 9 years ago
I love your channel through
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 9 years ago
I love the bettas colors but the white one was breathing very heavily and was obviously stressed out by the mass amount of fish in the tank
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Blazing Bettas He is doing really well right now, he went through an phase where he adjusted to all the commotion in the tank :) he out grew the red male which was moved to my 10 gal with all female guppies (due to his more aggressive nature). The white one out grew him which was a suprise! I can only speculate as to how a betta feels but his fins are in perfect shape and his color got more saturated. ^_^
EducatingLimes - 9 years ago
At 2:11 there's a baby fish!!!!!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+TomIsATiger Yup yup! The guppies breed and have babies from time to time.
Fish4Ever - 9 years ago
Very nice video! The Bettas you got are beautiful too!
Jesh Navy
Jesh Navy - 9 years ago
I like your videos, but I don´t know english a lot, my english not is perfect, are very good your videos...
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
Thank you! I'm glad you like them ^_^
LeonardO james
LeonardO james - 9 years ago
I have 2 male and one of them have been killed, when i buy it the dont tell me thats gone be, shit
razzleberrycat - 9 years ago
+LeonardO james I'm sorry you had to learn the hard way! =( They probably didn't tell you that because a) they didn't know, b) they wanted you to buy 2 and spend more money, or c) they thought you had plans to keep them separated. =(
Zoe Egolf
Zoe Egolf - 9 years ago
is it ok to put a female and male in the same tank
Zoe Egolf
Zoe Egolf - 9 years ago
Oh ok thanks +CreativePetKeeping​
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
Its possible but not easy. The male may either be too aggressive to her or may mate and then very fiercely protect his nest.
TRbetta - 9 years ago
Very nice tank and healthy fish! Would you like to take a look at my betta community tank on my channel? Just uploaded a video with my new halfmoon betta!
Samantha Phillips
Samantha Phillips - 9 years ago
First time fish owner here: We just got a 10G tank with 1 beautiful beta, 1 guppie, 2 spotted mollies, 1 black molly, and a snail. We have it set up nicely with gravel, plants and tank decor that has nice "caves" and places to hide, etc. So after one day, the beta started chasing/charging the mollies and the guppie. After watching for awhile, I felt I had to take it out to save the other fish. I put him in a vase I have since I see them sitting alone in small vases all the time. He looked so pathetic... so after two days of isolation, I decided to try him back in the community tank and the beta is charging the mollies again. :-( I don't want to isolate him in a small vase.. he looked SO sad.. but not sure what to do since he seems to be so aggressive towards the others. He is not biting them as far as I can see but he is harassing everyone and chasing them, flaring, etc. Any advice? Will this maybe stop after awhile? Could this be normal fish behavior that won't hurt the other fish?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Samantha Phillips As long as you don't see the other fish get injured then its ok. A little bit of aggression is fine. If you feel concerned then you can always get a tank divider and give him 1/4 of the tank for himself.
Clover Cart
Clover Cart - 9 years ago
Amazing video! One question, if I find a non-aggressive betta and have him/her live with guppies, will he/she eat the fry? This is not a bad thing as I often get over run and am always looking for something to eat my fry lol. (Ps: this is TheSocialGuppy on my little sister's account)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
Yes they will. They are pretty good at it too. I use mine to make sure I don't get overrun with baby guppies :) If yours does make sure to not over feed him since he is catching his own food.
Julianne Young
Julianne Young - 9 years ago
Nice video! I do have some concerns though and a comment. I'm sure he's healed up by now since your tanks look like they are well taken care of, but the aggressive betta has an injury on the top of his head (unless its just red scales) though I kinda doubt thats just the color he is. Also, it is not at all true that bettas cannot thrive in a small area. As long as its one gallon, thats fine BUT what really matters is that you take care of them well. While yes, a betta probably enjoys a larger tank to swim in, a bowl doesnt need a filter if you change out 50% of the water every few days. Bettas prefer surfaces of  still water over rippling water since betas are very dependent on air, they need to come up to breathe and a rippling surface makes it slightly more difficult. Also their bubble nests wont be damaged. My two bettas arent stressed at all and are thriving in their 1 and 1.5 gallon and they both have bubble nests and are active + happy.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Julianne Young My concern is that it takes 12hrs for ammonia/nitrate/nitrite levels to spike to their highest. So while the water in a bowl may look clean after a 50% 12hours it becomes toxic to the fish. The betta can survive it but in the long run it is not good for them. It is possible to keep a betta in a bowl with good water parameters but that would require 100% water changes every 12hrs.
Jason Davids
Jason Davids - 9 years ago
Hi there i would really like to add one of these into my tank they are beautiful! Currently just have 4 Danios in there as its a new tank, its 220Litres, about 3.5foot long. Eventually im looking to add some neon tetras and small silver sharks which will be rehomed to a larger tank as they grow. Given Danios are fin nippers would this be a no go?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Jason Davids
Awesome! I'm glad :D
Jason Davids
Jason Davids - 9 years ago
+CreativePetKeeping Just wanted to say thanks again He has settled in very nicely
Jason Davids
Jason Davids - 9 years ago
Thank you for the reply, ill let you know how it goes :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Jason Davids It really depends.They can be a bit mean and nip but some are more peaceful. You can try to try to see if it works as long as you have a backup plan (breeding container, tank divider, or smaller tank) for the male Betta. Just make sure to introduce him slowly and observe him a lot for a few days. If his fins become nipped then he will need to be separated.
halfmoonblu - 9 years ago
Great video, I like your strategy to see if they are aggressive before buying them. I also agree they need real tanks with conditions as you described. Awesome tank as well.
Gru - 9 years ago
is 13 gallons ( 50 litres ) big enough to hold my betta that's not that aggressive and some fish? I heard snails and shrimp r good. could u give me some advice please! ty
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Gru If you have peaceful community fish then yes ^_^ I have never had an opinion about snails but shrimp are good at eating algae. Just make sure that you have a lib on the tank as they can escape.
My Name Is Dre
My Name Is Dre - 9 years ago
What kind of filter do you use? I've been having trouble finding a filter that won't suck my betta up.
NerdishByNature - 9 years ago
Awesome video! Thanks for sharing. We did put a betta in a community tank at work... they tend to die quicker in there, but it kind of worked out... 

Love your setup!

razzleberrycat - 9 years ago
+Displaced_Texan Maybe it's due to stress? They keep doing studies saying stress shortens human lifespans. Maybe bettas are just happier as introverts (as a general rule)? =/
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
True :/
FireStar_Betta - 9 years ago
+CreativePetKeeping yes, but that doesnt explain why they say betta die faster in a community tank then alone.
if their other fish are alive, they betta should be.
If they cant take proper care of a community with water changes and such then they wont be taking care of a smaller tank either.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
Not everyone knows how to cycle a tank properly or care for it correctly. Even with a filter..without water changes and gravel/sand cleaning the waste builds up and can kill fish prematurely. I think that might be why it these fish die for some people.
FireStar_Betta - 9 years ago
+NerdishByNature Im not sure why people say they die quicker in a community tank. I have had betta live happily for 4-5 years in a community tank, which is their expected life span..
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+NerdishByNature Thank you. :D
Jignesh Patel
Jignesh Patel - 9 years ago
Which type of plant you have in this tank ? Thnx for the video
Julia Daniell
Julia Daniell - 9 years ago
So I have a female beta in a 3.5 gallon. I rescued her from a friend who was moving and was going to flush her down the toilet. Heartless. Anyways, I have a 20 gallon tank with 1 male betta, 5 neon tetras, 3 white cloud tetras, one algea eater, and two ghost shrimps. I never see the tetras nipping at my bettas fins or anything, but he has been attacking them. He bit the tail off one of my neon tetras, poor guy is still alive and schooling, been three days so I think he will make it. Then this morning, I woke up to find my male eating another neon tetra. I am starting to wonder if I should move him to the 3.5 gallon and try putting the female into the the 20 gallon. Would the female make a better tank mate for a community tank? Honestly, my male seems irritated everyday. He's is always obsessing over his reflection. Swimming up and down the side of the tank flaring. The female doesn't do that in the 3.5 gallon. I wonder of she is more mellow than him? Another friend told me her male betta kept killing her other fish and was swimming like that in her ten gallon community tank. When she put him in a 3 gallon tank she bought for him to be alone in, he chilled out and is calm and relaxed now. What is your advice?  By the way, love your videos. Your advice has been so helpful when I was setting up my 20 gallon community tank. :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Julia Daniell As long as he is in a tank with a heater and filter...even if its smaller he should be ok. Bettas originally live in ricefields and small lakes where its heavily planted so they feel secure in more crowded places. With tetras, when one is killed or getting killed it releases a chemical trail that marks the predator fish. The other neons can pick up on that and it warns them to stay away. A lot of fish do that. If you search shark will see that they found when a shark is killed it releases a chemical and it makes all the other sharks of the same species freak out and leave the area. So they have began testing making a natural shark repellant from that. Fish in general are much more intelligent then we assume....yet they are smart in different ways and extremely aware of their environment. The observations that you made regarding the changes in your tanks are really good. People in the aquarium hobby often times own more then one tank and will move fish around between tanks. Sometimes you get a fish that does well in one tank but great in another or in isolation. So you have to be open to changes.
Julia Daniell
Julia Daniell - 9 years ago
By the way, my cat does that He doesn't sit on top of the tank. I have it on a stand by my bed. He just sits there on the bed, literally all day watching them. He paws at the tank and whines sometimes. It's the cutest thing ever. Not only do me and my husband really love our aquariums, but seems like they have brought a lot of joy to Gabe as well. He's not into the smaller tank so much. He loves the big one. More action going on in that one. It's his television set. lol
Julia Daniell
Julia Daniell - 9 years ago
You're exactly right. They are like people. All different You know, the minute I put him (Alan Watts) in the 20 gallon he was already chasing the other fish, but he was way too slow so I figured everything would be okay. One eaten fish and one injured fish later, I have learned that isn't exactly true, at I switched him to the 3.5 gallon and put my female (Fiona) in the 20 gallon with the others. She is doing great so far. She hasn't chased them once. She has even been close enough to them to have been able to take a bite out of them, she has shown no signs of aggression towards them at all. She seems interested in them and then she moves along swimming all over the tank like crazy. I can tell she loves the extra space, she wasn't this active in the smaller tank.  The white clouds and neons actually try to school with her when she swims by them. She kind of checks them out for a minute and swims on to go explore the big tank. That's another thing that kind of surprised me, the tetras never tried to school around the male. They literally cleared a path for that They must have been able to tell he was dangerous. Do Tetras have that kind of sense about other fish? I don't know much about them, still learning. I have also noticed they are swimming to the side of the tank he (Alan) always stayed on. They wouldn't go near that side when he was in there. Now with her in there, they're swimming all over his side. They seem kind of different. The energy of the tank seems different. I guess the poor guys were being :( I did want to ask you, now that my male is in the 3.5, he has definitely calmed down, for sure. He isn't swimming up and down chasing his reflection at all. He's still flaring some but way more relaxed than he was. My question is, is he going to be okay in there going from a large tank to a much smaller one? I feel kind of bad for him. I mean, it's obvious he wants to be alone, but I don't want him to be uncomfortable in a smaller tank, especially after coming from a way larger one. Your thoughts?  
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Julia Daniell Thank you ^_^ I think swapping the male and female might be best. Females tend to be much less aggressive. Some males, like the red one in the video, just want to murder everything..he even flared at me O_O. A lot of fish get imported from Thailand where fighting fish is still a hobby/sport. I think that might be why some males are extra agressive...just depends what breeding line they are from.
I had an odd moment yesterday where my cat knocked over the breeding container and let my red male into the tank. Muki (the white cat) likes to sit on top of the tank and just watch the fish. Lucking I was there but when I walked up to the tank the two males just looked at each other awkwardly. No flaring...fins down... For a good 30 seconds..nothing... then my white male just swam the opposite direction like "Nah...I don't wanna deal with this right now" so I scoped up the red male back into the breeding container before he decided to change his mind and go after the white/pink one. I always get surprised with how complex a bettas personality can be. Such interesting fish.
Julia Daniell
Julia Daniell - 9 years ago
+Julia Daniell PS.....The 3.5 gallon does have a heater and a filter. I failed to mention that earlier. :)
Joy Aquarium
Joy Aquarium - 9 years ago
I have two betta fish. One of them is red called Ross, and he do well with all kinds of tropical fishes, snails, and shrimps; right now he is living in a 10g tank with three zebra danios, a chinese algea eater, and a ghost shrimp. Ross is about two years old BTW ^_^ My other betta is blue with a little bit of red, and he is about 9 month old, his name is Bully. The reason why he have such a name is because he will kill anything that goes into his tank within a week, and right now just himself live in a 5.5 gallon tank!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Joy Aquarium Thank you!! It really helps my channel.
Joy Aquarium
Joy Aquarium - 9 years ago
Lol, yeah :D I subscribed you, I'm looking forward to see more videos of yours!!!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Joy Aquarium I see you have got one peaceful one and one aggressive just like me. Its awesome that they both have tanks.
Sandy Allnock
Sandy Allnock - 9 years ago
I have African cichlids, I'm thinking the bettas could hold their own, but have never thought about trying bettas. Thoughts?
FireStar_Betta - 9 years ago
+Sandy Allnock Not just water parameters but also A betta is actually a pretty wussy fish when it comes to fish other than betta. You can put them in with cichlids but NOT African, I have Betta Imbellis in with my German Blue Rams.
My Mbuna cichlids would kill one so fast, and Mbuna are herbivores.
Mary Tressler
Mary Tressler - 9 years ago
African cichlids would make short work of a betta. Please don't put them together.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Sandy Allnock The thing about African Cichlids is that they like hard water with a higher pH (alkaline) that's 8.0 to 8.2. Normal tap water is about 7.0 and Bettas do well in 6 - 7.5. The other issue is the diet. Cichlids and betta need a different diet. So in this case I don't think it about personality but different water/living requirements. Ive had many people ask me about an amazon fish betta combo or goldfish and betta (which is a definite no) but I've never thought about a African cichlid combo before.
Texas Hobby Man
Texas Hobby Man - 9 years ago
Bettas are wonderful fish. I currently keep some females with a pretty docile male. He flares and chases them if they get in his 'bubble', but doesn't nip and generally just ignores them. I'm thinking of keeping some with my Opaline Gourami in my 29 gallon aquarium.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Rails & Rust It makes me happy to hear about successful Betta tank setups. Especially with a male and females which is more difficult. :D
BusyBettas - 9 years ago
Awesome video, those bettas are both stunning! Great tips too, I was planning on doing a video quite similar as well (:
Pabu Boyer
Pabu Boyer - 8 years ago
i'm gonna make videos about my betta as well, at least... once i get one. XD
BusyBettas - 9 years ago
That is so true! (:
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+BusyBettas Thats great! The more videos the more people might get on board with ditching the fish bowl!
Ducati Dude
Ducati Dude - 9 years ago
Thanks for the post... Always enjoy your vids!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+GrandpaBambu Thank you, I'm glad you like them ^_^

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