How to make a easy DIY Aquarium Filter for BETTA FISH | Sponge Air Pump Filter
Betta 9 years ago 96,663 views
In this video I will show you how to make a DIY internal air stone sponge filter for a Betta fish tank. The materials you need are: The glass vase I got at Micheals Craft Store Air Pump: Filter Fiber: Carbon: Aquarium Gravel: or Biomax Media: Optional: Amber Glass Gems: Let me know if you liked this fish tank hack! :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: INSTAGRAM: Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt #DIY #BettaFish #DIYfilter #Howto
10. comment for How to make a easy DIY Aquarium Filter for BETTA FISH | Sponge Air Pump Filter
Could it be more effective yes.but it still does help.
Need quick
20. comment for How to make a easy DIY Aquarium Filter for BETTA FISH | Sponge Air Pump Filter
Awesome !
30. comment for How to make a easy DIY Aquarium Filter for BETTA FISH | Sponge Air Pump Filter
The unfiltered water flowing in to the filter shares the column with the clean filtered water leaving the filter causing them to mix and immediately contaminate the filtered water produced by the filter..
A better design is a tube or pass-through container rather than a closed bottom container.
This way, the unfiltered water flows in to the filter from the bottom and leaves from the top. The unfiltered water is not mixed with the filtered water and the flow rate is greatly improved.
The polyester quilt batting is ideal because it is in layers and is easy to handle.
So, yes, as long as the pillow stuffing is 100% polyester, you can use it for filter media.
You walk in, tell a salesman what you want to cut, and they show you to the appropriate tool.
Simple enough?
Everyone thinks that if they put an airstone in their tank, that that is what is "pumping oxygen in to the water".
That is not how it works.
Bubbles in the water do very little in the way of introducing dissolved oxygen in to the water.
The secret to highly oxygenated water is surface agitation.
Over 90% of the oxygen dissolved in water is absorbed at the air-water interface, the surface of the water.
So, why does putting an airstone in the water help oxygenate the water? Because it causes surface agitation and the rising bubbles drag water with less oxygen to the surface where it can be exposed to the air-water interface where the gas exchange occurs and the real magic happens.
A powerhead that is blowing no bubbles but causes a steady ripple in a wide area on the surface of the water will oxygenate the water even better than an airstone blowing bubbles.
50. comment for How to make a easy DIY Aquarium Filter for BETTA FISH | Sponge Air Pump Filter
I obviously caused you some negative feelings.
I apologize. That was not my intent.
I sincerely appreciate our exchange.
"to replicate natural conditions is the rule..."
We already know that that assertion is not true.
Why do you think that so many animals of so many different types live so much longer in captivity than in natural conditions? It's because their environments are set up to favor their survival rather than being left to chance. We know why some "unnatural" conditions are better for animals than natural ones and that's because we understand their biological needs. Even biologists and zoologists disagree with you on that one.
Second, it is definitely NOT "nature's rule" to keep it simple.
Have you looked at the systems and process that result from the natural selection engendered by evolution? "Nature" is the all time champion of generating Rube Goldberg device style results.
I could start listing them if you would like me to.
Look, Bettas do better in water with a little surface movement than they do in stagnant water. Bettas do better in water with higher oxygen content than they do in water with lower oxygen content. Those are such obvious facts that I don't understand why you would want to argue against them.
Feel free to disagree or state otherwise but I think it's pretty clear to anyone who's willing to go research this stuff.
spongeroby1, I'm not looking to get confrontational with you or argue. If you want to run with those ideas, have at it. That said, I think it's demonstrable that you are incorrect on these two assertions.
Best of luck and thanks for sharing.
Agreed. I'm not sure how that applies to my comment but I'm definitely on board with the "KISS" principle however I'd call it a guideline rather than a hard and fast rule.
The better water quality rule is definitely a rule though.
Just because Bettas can survive in stagnant water in nature does not mean that is what's best for them. Bettas prefer good water quality just like any other fish.
Here's a rule written in stone for keeping fish, any fish; better water quality is always better for any fish than worse water quality.
Any Betta will always do better in water that is more oxygenated and is not stagnant as opposed to living in stagnant water that is less oxygenated.
Plants are great. Water changes are great. Stagnant water is not great. Even for Bettas.
The ability of Bettas to "breathe" air directly from the surface, when the water they are in is oxygen depleted, is a survival mechanism and is only that, for survival, it is not a "thriving" mechanism.
How big or small does this filter need to be to make it work? I don't have a lot of space to work with so any advice would be awesome.
100. comment for How to make a easy DIY Aquarium Filter for BETTA FISH | Sponge Air Pump Filter
oh and one more thing. the heater makes the water stay at about 70 degrees. is that warm enough?? do I need a stronger heater?
Thank you for replying it helped a lot. I have another question (sorry..)
the filter doesn't shake the water around too bad since I pinched the tube to make it bubble less. would it hurt to turn the filter off at night when I sleep? I feel like it'll stress him out or make him not sleep? fish need sleep too right? I think betta fish sleep at the bottom of the tank . and the water moves around at the top. should I turn it off over night? while letting it run all day when I wake up?
I watched my goldies on the IP-camera (so I can watch my tanks and cats when I am not home) ... they were re-decorating the tank, plants, ornaments, rocks, driftwood .... When I am home they start to behave like little toddlers.
That's why i like my bettas and tropical fish ...
Also does the water circulate efficenty?
Like does the water get drawn through the filter without have a whole under the filter?
what about a small 20 litre/ 5 gallon tank with 3/4 Guppies?
and it had the same princip as yours.
please reply :) i need your help
You can ask all the questions you want, I don't mine. I like to help :D
Or different product.? If there is can you tell me which one should I get? Sorry I am really new to fish area.
btw I have 2 betta fish with divider :)
The materials you need are:
The glass vase I got at Michaels Craft Store
Air Pump:
Filter Fiber:
Aquarium Gravel:
Biomax Media:
Optional: Amber Glass Gems: