How to safely introduce new betta fish into a community tank
Betta 14 years ago 214,417 views
How do you safely introduce a new female betta fish into a sorority tank? This video will help you out! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: INSTAGRAM: Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt
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10. comment for How to safely introduce new betta fish into a community tank
Yes one male per tank.
Most pet store bettas are male. Some times they will get females in their stock as well, ask the sales person to identify which is which.
Females usually have shorter fins but can be confused with plakats unless you are familiar with the variations.
As a note as well in my own experience putting a male in with females is a bad idea. If the male is immature they may do alright for a while but you will come home one day to find them all shredded to bits a fighting for life.
20. comment for How to safely introduce new betta fish into a community tank
thank you .
Guppies are supposed to be bad but I think guppies could be great to train bettas to be passive. if the betta does kill a guppie you'll soon have a ton of babies more than you want so it won't matter. then buy a fish to eat the guppies babies like neons so the fry can quickly outgrow the neons mouth and afew will survive with luck. it's the lucky fry who make it we love the most. They made it kinda in the wild lol.
I had angel fish once and they never left one baby alive the greedy blighters.
I'm thinking about starting a betta breeding station. community tank for females and others. then a betta male set up which will be my daughters I'll drop a female in with the males if they make nests. I hope it works.
30. comment for How to safely introduce new betta fish into a community tank
oh wow...I would expect the gourami, cichlid, or redtail shark to show some have some feisty guppies.
I keep a Platy, two Gouramis, four Guppies, one Swordtail, three Long Finned Red Minor Tetras, one Dwarf Cichlid, one Redtail Shark, and one Bristled Nose Catfish. I already added him in the aquarium and he did perfectly fine but my Guppies became nippy on him and they ripped his tail so I removed him to my 3.5 gallon.
Is it the same with Gouramis?
You can, female and male, but did you mean to say two males?
50. comment for How to safely introduce new betta fish into a community tank
or could i have 3 neon tetra 3 female bettas and 1 male some one please help me im geting a 20 gallion tank soon please help!
100. comment for How to safely introduce new betta fish into a community tank