How to safely introduce new betta fish into a community tank

How do you safely introduce a new female betta fish into a sorority tank? This video will help you out! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: INSTAGRAM: Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt

How to safely introduce new betta fish into a community tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 66

Betta 14 years ago 214,417 views

How do you safely introduce a new female betta fish into a sorority tank? This video will help you out! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: INSTAGRAM: Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt

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for How to safely introduce new betta fish into a community tank

Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 7 years ago
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Jes Gar
Jes Gar - 7 years ago
if I have an agresive betta and a 80 gallon tank heavly planted,with fish can I still put the betta in the tank with the other fish?
Iana 30
Iana 30 - 8 years ago
Can i put both male and female bettas at the same tank??
Jonathan Vtan
Jonathan Vtan - 7 years ago
Mackenzie M Wait, I put them together and mated then I took the female out
15 Gaming
15 Gaming - 8 years ago
Iana 30 Absolutely not! Males are much more aggressive and will kill the female! Even when breeding Bettas if the female is not removed immediately after laying eggs the male will kill her
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera - 8 years ago
How long did you keep the new betta in the container? Did any of your bettas flare or seem to want to chase/charge the new betta, vice versa?
GlibMgO - 8 years ago
HOLY SHIT!!!I'm just wondering how you got the two Betts in the breeding plastic clip on, without them killing each other!!! AMAZING
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Females are less aggressive then males.
Mark's Fish Keeping UK
Mark's Fish Keeping UK - 8 years ago
like video
Marlee Talley
Marlee Talley - 8 years ago
I'm sorta doing it the opposite way I'm adding fish that are not betas... and my male beta is flipping his gills out.. he is pretty angry what do I do..?
Jack smith
Jack smith - 7 years ago
Emily Brown That is not true. males can live in a comunity tank but each betta will have different temperaments and may tolerate fish more than others. It helps alot to add the betta after your other fish so they aren't "introoders".
Emily Brown
Emily Brown - 8 years ago
You can only have female bettas in a community tank. Male betta's have to be housed alone.
DutchReptiles - 8 years ago
then you have a agressive betta i wouldn't keep them in then
Chainsaw Kittens
Chainsaw Kittens - 8 years ago
what kind of tank do you have?
Jimbo Jack
Jimbo Jack - 9 years ago
can i put a frog with my betta
JMiloJ& the Thinkers-
JMiloJ& the Thinkers- - 7 years ago
How big is your tank?
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera - 8 years ago
Jimbo Jack I've had African Dwarf frogs with multiple male and female bettas for a while and they never died from the bettas. However sometimes the betta would nip at them when they swam quickly to the surface, but nothing ever dangerous. This has been MY experience, yours may of course be different depending on the individuals. :)
Lexi O
Lexi O - 8 years ago
I myself have never owned a frog with a betta, but from doing research on betta tankmates, I know it's not a good idea because the betta can chase and nip the frog and both animals will get sick from each other's food. It has been done before, but make sure you have backup homes if it doesn't work out.

10. comment for How to safely introduce new betta fish into a community tank

RPG nukes you
RPG nukes you - 9 years ago
Not sure if youll see this or not if you do please reply, I'm getting a new tank soon and I need to know should I put the betta fish in first then other fish the next week or at the end when all my fish have been put in??
H&A Gaming
H&A Gaming - 9 years ago
Can a betta be kept with 2 female blue marble gourami,a dwarf gourami,a male pearl gourami,1 male and 1 female angel fish in a 60 l tank?
H&A Gaming
H&A Gaming - 9 years ago
I never saw my gourami being aggresive or anything even when there three platys added but we later moved the platys to their own aquarium..
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+H&A Gaming gourami can sometimes be territorial so I'm not sure it it will work.
Presley Howell
Presley Howell - 9 years ago
Wow I should get a breeding tank. I'm gonna fill my 20 gal with guppies and a few female betas and that's perfect to get them used to the tank and the guppies :D
Cesar Vlogs
Cesar Vlogs - 9 years ago
and one last question. what do you need to keep all your plants live and so green and how often do you do water changes??
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+Cesar Cuevas At frist I did water changes once a month..but I realized that once a week is better. I just get good lighting for the plants and add this stuff called "Flourish" by feeds the plants good nutrient.
Cesar Vlogs
Cesar Vlogs - 9 years ago
where did you buy your live plants ??? i like them
Cesar Vlogs
Cesar Vlogs - 9 years ago
+Creative Pet Keeping ohhhh ok thanks for replying and I live in Marietta Georgia.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
I got them at Ocean Design Aquariums. Its a local fishstore in Chicago.
Fish - 9 years ago
Thank you very much I was finally able to put my female Betta fish in the 10 gallon tank with my other fish because of you
FavOnIcon - 9 years ago
Wow they lied to me, they told me i can only have 1 betta in 1 tank....
Jacquelin Barnes
Jacquelin Barnes - 9 years ago
Yes one male per tank.
Most pet store bettas are male. Some times they will get females in their stock as well, ask the sales person to identify which is which.
Females usually have shorter fins but can be confused with plakats unless you are familiar with the variations.
As a note as well in my own experience putting a male in with females is a bad idea. If the male is immature they may do alright for a while but you will come home one day to find them all shredded to bits a fighting for life.
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 9 years ago
that current is way to strong for that male Betts to swim in
jay mhatre
jay mhatre - 9 years ago
can i keep guppiesvwith my betta ita a 20 gallon tank and is highly planted
thecloud moon
thecloud moon - 9 years ago
Jane Malone
Jane Malone - 9 years ago
I like your videos.

20. comment for How to safely introduce new betta fish into a community tank

colinbarsby - 9 years ago
Congratulations on your channel. Well made videos.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
hahaha thanks :D
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
+CreativePetKeeping I'm going to nominate you, as a YouTube star, and anything is possible for your channel. Best of luck.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
Thank you very much!
art is dead
art is dead - 9 years ago
I just got a betta fish and it seem unhappy. We haven't gotten any decorations yet, except some shells on the bottom. We got it yesterday and it's generally inactive. I've heard that happy betta fishes are active and curious. Mine seems pretty curious but tends to slowly swim and stop. How do I make my betta fish as happy as I can?
art is dead
art is dead - 9 years ago
+Irvin Ruiz It's a male and the tank is decent sized.
Irvin Hernandez
Irvin Hernandez - 9 years ago
It depends how big the tank is. Beta fish love to roam is huge spaces so if you have him in a small tank it makes them really sad but you could add another fish in the tank too because fish are social too but if it's a male then keep it alone
The Inflatable Sea Lion
The Inflatable Sea Lion - 9 years ago
I've had 4 females together, however there was major chasing and fin shredding. Any help? No matter what I do they fight.
The Inflatable Sea Lion
The Inflatable Sea Lion - 9 years ago
+CreativePetKeeping will do so. Thanks for the advice :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
Try to drop it to 77F..its not a huge difference but it will slow down their metabolism a little bit and might mellow them out a bit.Although make the change very gradual.. so they are comfortable.
The Inflatable Sea Lion
The Inflatable Sea Lion - 9 years ago
I've never thought of that! I have it quite high actually. 79, sometimes reaching 80
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+The Inflatable Sea Lion How about temperature? With African Cichlids we control aggression by slightly lowering the temperature and feeding small amounts but more frequently. That might help possibly
The Inflatable Sea Lion
The Inflatable Sea Lion - 9 years ago
10 gallon that is crammed with plants and pvc pipes that serve as hiding places.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+The Inflatable Sea Lion Oh my! How big is ur tank? Is it thickly planted?
Joy Aquarium
Joy Aquarium - 9 years ago
How many female betta fish can you put in a 6.5 gallon tank. Right now I just have a baby female betta, and from what I know she's pretty aggressive even towards Cory catfish, one of my Cory catfish died, I'm not sure if it was caused by my betta though.
Chloe Scott
Chloe Scott - 9 years ago
Is flaring ok?
Alejandra Cerna
Alejandra Cerna - 9 years ago
how long i have to wait to introducing  my betta halfmoon female with a male??? i hope you can help me is my first time having fish.. 
thank you .
Samantha Henderson
Samantha Henderson - 9 years ago
So I have a betta and 3 white cloud minnows and I decided I was going to add the betta today but after watching this I'm going to put the betta into a breeder tank first, but how long do you keep the fish in the breeder before you add it to the tank?
Ayame Noel
Ayame Noel - 9 years ago
Just keep it in there until it seems comfortable (energetic, anxious, friendly,) and then release it slowly.
101Iheartmoondancer - 9 years ago
I know this is an old video but I was wondering if you can lend some advice. I am going to be upgrading my 5 gallon to a 36 gallon tank soon. (Big jump I know lol but I found one for a great price I just can't pass up). I have a male betta in the 5 gallon right now with a sucker fish. I want to make the 36 gallon into a community fish tank with my betta. I know him and the sucker fish will get along but I want to add other fish. I'm thinking neon tetras, but I want other ones too. Some Ideas I had are platys, tetra glow fish or the smaller danio glow fish, and I'm not sure what else. Also, I'm thinking female bettas. I see you have male and female bettas living together nicely and I have seen others do it. I would get at least 5 of them. I also see that petco has the baby bettas and I did research and learned female bettas get along better when they grow up together. So any advice for my fishtank? It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. :)
Asif Ifas
Asif Ifas - 9 years ago
Clown loaches would be cool. they look cool. they are cool they have hidden spikes so don't hold one. they grow to 12in eventually but you will be able to trade it either at the store or with somebody with the larger tank. I had clowns with betta.

Guppies are supposed to be bad but I think guppies could be great to train bettas to be passive. if the betta does kill a guppie you'll soon have a ton of babies more than you want so it won't matter. then buy a fish to eat the guppies babies like neons so the fry can quickly outgrow the neons mouth and afew will survive with luck. it's the lucky fry who make it we love the most. They made it kinda in the wild lol.

I had angel fish once and they never left one baby alive the greedy blighters.

I'm thinking about starting a betta breeding station. community tank for females and others. then a betta male set up which will be my daughters I'll drop a female in with the males if they make nests. I hope it works.
101Iheartmoondancer - 9 years ago
+CreativePetKeeping Great thank you for your advice! :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
Some of the females did so I would sometimes put one that was picked on in the breeding container for about two weeks and that gave her time to grow her fins back. Oddly enough I had the calmest male ..he just did his own thing and did not bother anyone.
101Iheartmoondancer - 9 years ago
+CreativePetKeeping Also, when you had this fishtank did you have any problems with the bettas fighting each other? Thanks.
101Iheartmoondancer - 9 years ago
+CreativePetKeeping Thank you so much for your reply. I'm going to be picking up the fish tank tomorrow and setting it up with all of the decorations and i'm going to let is cycle for a week before adding my fish. I'll definitely look to see if they have a breeding container (Do they sell them at pet stores?), and have them test my water before adding the fish. I'm thinking of adding the schooling fish first and then letting it rest, then the female baby bettas, then the male last as I think he would have be the most aggressive. And if he does not like it in there I can always keep him separate. Thank you again for your help! :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
+101Iheartmoondancer When you get new fish they might be a bit stressed so I would get a breeding container and keep the male in there for a week or two (as mentioned in the video). I think that getting baby bettas to add will be a good idea (ive never tried that) and if u keep the male separate for a little bit then it will be safer for them. I think the fish you are interested in should work. Just make sure to let the tank cycle a bit before adding the fish and don't add them all at once..but a few at a time giving the tank a few weeks to months to adjust to the rise in ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite.
herman melton
herman melton - 9 years ago
this shit is wack
Regina Renner
Regina Renner - 9 years ago
Because I put my females in to one tank. They faught and I noticed fins nipped I am putting the two bigger females in their own container in the big tank and letting the smallest betta fish rome free. She has checked out the fish and seems to be doing well, Should I put them together?

30. comment for How to safely introduce new betta fish into a community tank

Regina Renner
Regina Renner - 9 years ago
Can nipped fins kill the fish or seriously injure the fish?
Karleigh Reamer
Karleigh Reamer - 9 years ago
Yes it could stress them out or just injure them and they can die from it depending on how serious the injury
cu lon
cu lon - 9 years ago
good idea
DMAN D - 9 years ago
what's that stuff growing on the top of the aquarium??
vijay stephen
vijay stephen - 9 years ago
+DMAN D It looks almost like wisteria but maybe not
John Clary
John Clary - 9 years ago
thanx Im new at it but thats helpfull-
xXflamingfinnXx - 10 years ago
I'm having a problem with my betta he is constantly flaring at my other fish and they didn't do anything to him no aggression at first it was cool because he was new and I thought Tht was tht now it's a few days and he's still doing it
Jacquelin Barnes
Jacquelin Barnes - 9 years ago
+xXflamingfinnXx Flaring is a normal behavior. My male flares at snails. It's no biggie. However some males just don't don't get along with other fish. If nipping occurs he should be removed immediately! As your post is 8 months old hopefully you have come to a good community balance.
No5 - 10 years ago
Problem is, buying from pet stores they are exposed to a lot of diseased fish and the stress just adds to it and allows the disease to form. By the time you notice it its too late. Best to put them in a quarantine tank first and treat for parasites and infections first as a precaution
Jorge Cruz
Jorge Cruz - 10 years ago
Check my betta why is he hiding
Elizabeth Draper
Elizabeth Draper - 10 years ago
Uhmm.. I thought your not supposed to put males and femalse together :/
Leilicorn - 7 years ago
Elizabeth Draper females can be out together, males cannot be pit with other males. Males and females are best to be kept with one of each gender in each tank, otherwise they get territorial when it comes to breeding and that's not good
Iris Indicott
Iris Indicott - 10 years ago
What kind of plant do you have in the back corner, the tall mossy looking one?
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
I have a blue male veil Tail Betta Fish, and I did exactly that, the thing is when the fish go near him he flares and tries to attack them, can you help me with this? Please reply as soon as possible.
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 10 years ago
 oh wow...I would expect the gourami, cichlid, or redtail shark to show some have some feisty guppies.
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
I keep a Platy, two Gouramis, four Guppies, one Swordtail, three Long Finned Red Minor Tetras, one Dwarf Cichlid, one Redtail Shark, and one Bristled Nose Catfish. I already added him in the aquarium and he did perfectly fine but my Guppies became nippy on him and they ripped his tail so I removed him to my 3.5 gallon.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 10 years ago
What kind of fish are you keeping with him? Remember you can always separate the beta in either a breeding container or a tank divider if needed. Some betas tend to be more aggressive then others.
Suanne Ali
Suanne Ali - 10 years ago

Turn me Into a pack
Turn me Into a pack - 10 years ago
Can you put a pre owned Betta into a community tank? Because I really want my nice betta in my new 40 gallon community tank. But I am scared of what he might do.......Please someone help!!
Brandy Ehmke
Brandy Ehmke - 9 years ago
Yes of course . As long as their are no more male Bettas
Cr8ze NinjA
Cr8ze NinjA - 10 years ago
Or female with female
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
Female Betta Fish will do OK together but male and male will not.
Cr8ze NinjA
Cr8ze NinjA - 10 years ago
Can I put a male betta with my male betta
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
+Lourdes Leung
Is it the same with Gouramis?
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
+Fixify Phayte
You can, female and male, but did you mean to say two males?
Turn me Into a pack
Turn me Into a pack - 10 years ago
There is no dumber Betta question than "Can I put 2 Betta makes together"
Cr8ze NinjA
Cr8ze NinjA - 10 years ago
probaly you have a question even dumber than than this one
Cr8ze NinjA
Cr8ze NinjA - 10 years ago
+Fixify Phayte  well i did smart one 
Turn me Into a pack
Turn me Into a pack - 10 years ago
No, Your honestly retarded for even asking. It's obvious you haven't done any research, so maybe you should have done your research before you even bought them
shelby watson
shelby watson - 10 years ago
TheFrostyMinecart- -FrostyMiner
TheFrostyMinecart- -FrostyMiner - 10 years ago
Im breeding my male and female bettas...I have a tank 5 gallon tank with a divider and Rango (the male) has made his nest, and Sherbet (the female) likes to look over at it, although she hasnt got vertical stripes :/ but yeh, theyve had the divider in the tank for 36hrs. Well more around 24-36hrs. Im thinking about taking away the divider in like 10mins..hopefully it all goes well :E
Alma Castro
Alma Castro - 10 years ago
I really like your videos. You actually show step by step how to do things and you explain things very simple. I'm going to school some female bettas. Sometime this week i'm going to buy some new ones. Yay.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 10 years ago
Thanks, I'm glad you like my videos :)
Avi Calder
Avi Calder - 10 years ago
Thank you!
petlover187 - 10 years ago
it look like my fish
Mya Scott
Mya Scott - 10 years ago
Betta Lover
Betta Lover - 10 years ago
how did u get the male and them females not to breed nor fight?

50. comment for How to safely introduce new betta fish into a community tank

trimal accra
trimal accra - 10 years ago
Smh My Male Will Kill Them All
kindle urie
kindle urie - 10 years ago
Actually girl fish are known to be more aggressive so most likely her girl Berta's will kill them. No boy and boy or girl and boy. Just girl and girl.
Anna Banana
Anna Banana - 10 years ago
I have a bristle nose pleco with my Betta fish, their names are Ezekiel and Kraken, They get along fine and even share spaces together, they share a 10 gallon planted tank with driftwood and a heater for comfort. I have had no problems with either of them health wise, I got them both at different times but from the same fish store. The store was a saltwater and freshwater shop that also has a 1000 gallon aquarium with a couple sharks and other fish. When getting fish I'd look at the stores reputation, the store also had a selection of reptiles as well. Knowledge of what their selling's also something to look for, fish look simple to look after but they do contain a bit of research.         
Kevin Peterson
Kevin Peterson - 10 years ago
You have a male betta in with several females in a community? How'd that end up working out for ya?
Hussain Bootwala
Hussain Bootwala - 10 years ago
Hey which is the plant thats floating at the top of ur tank??
Joost Ruardij
Joost Ruardij - 11 years ago
you could also just use the plastic bag from the petstore
cheyenne coleman
cheyenne coleman - 11 years ago
Can you put two female Betta's together in a tank
kristin hesser
kristin hesser - 11 years ago
That's some really good advice thanks and maby I'll try it especially if my fish are injured or aggressive towards each other :-) thanks for making that video
Brandon Maloney
Brandon Maloney - 11 years ago
how many males do u hav in dat tank
Sonny Clark
Sonny Clark - 11 years ago
could I just have all female bettas? in a community 20 gallion tank? or maybe 4 female and 1 male in a 20 gallion tank
or could i have 3 neon tetra 3 female bettas and 1 male some one please help me im geting a 20 gallion tank soon please help!
Scrub Lord
Scrub Lord - 11 years ago
I love your channel and thanks for the advice
ScribbleScribble - 11 years ago
gerard cousineau
gerard cousineau - 11 years ago
All those bettas in the same tank proves that cohabitation of bettas together is possible when given the proper arrangement in a well planted tank, good video ! :)
Erick af
Erick af - 11 years ago
Stressed out my ass! I'm the one who is stressed out! Not the fish -.-t
Epixelle - 11 years ago
Lovely informative vid, thanks
Epixelle - 11 years ago
How many gallon?
Andy Yu
Andy Yu - 11 years ago
Can you just put one in a cup and the other in a tank so they would like introduce to each other instead of chasing them around?
Christopher Hale
Christopher Hale - 11 years ago
nice and clear!.....great job!
Abhilash George
Abhilash George - 11 years ago
this videos is really use ful
Bryce M Acosta
Bryce M Acosta - 11 years ago
So is this video about putting female betta fish in with male bettas and other fish or all female bettas and other fish.
Cade LaRotonda
Cade LaRotonda - 11 years ago
Do you thibk this will work in a 10 gallo. Betta tank???
Superdupertys - 11 years ago
Awesome looking aquarium. I just got a 50 gallon and want to do a similar setup to this. Thanks! :3
Horatio Nelson
Horatio Nelson - 11 years ago
If you have only 4 female bettas and 1 got prego that means one of you bettas is a young male without characteristic fins
NeonSheep - 11 years ago
Please tell me! I have a Tuxedo Guppy and 4 Female Bettas......MY BETTA HAD BABIES!!! I NEED HELP! IS IT POSSIBLE OR WAS IT ALREADY PREGO.
Fletch - 11 years ago
Well you can't mix two males if that's you're problem or maybe the female has rejected the male which would cause fighting. Could even be that you're tank is too small and they're fighting for territory. Either way you could just google it and maybe find someone who has a more detailed answer with a solution that works for you.
O'Neil Walls
O'Neil Walls - 11 years ago
what are t names of the other fishes in the tank thanks :)
Trustthapo - 11 years ago
You can make a barrier out of plastic mesh to split an aquarium between two bettas. Google "diy betta divider".
Trustthapo - 11 years ago
Two males won't work that way, but you can keep multiple females and, rarely, a male and several females together.
XxLkira55xX - 11 years ago
they all look like female betta's. so I just have to keep them in the same tank but separated by a container so they can get used to each other? by the way I have two male betta
bawkbawkcluckcluck - 11 years ago
Without pics, I'm not 100% but there is such thing as "giant bettas" sometimes called "Monsters" in the trade. I got one from walmart years ago, so it is possible. But it is also possible with it being walmart that some yahoo poured two bettas together when no one was looking, one died, and the employees kept the wrong one in the bowl (or some scenerio like that)
jcmtz0814 - 11 years ago
I like your plants!... Where did u got'em at??
GraceMrbunny - 11 years ago
It's so lovely the people bitching about how this girl "should do her research". Perhaps they should take their own advice. Everywhere I've seen on the Internet, all the websites I researched, say you can keep more than 1 females in a cage. It actually recommend you do more than 4. There are some places say that you can have male and females together with the right circumstances of course. Before jumping on someone's case you should post links or reference to prove you're right
dragon1829100 - 11 years ago
My betta attacks his reflection
bettafish blue
bettafish blue - 11 years ago
what kind of lights do you have? what kind of plant is the one that is on the wood? Nice vid by the way.
Diego R.
Diego R. - 11 years ago
have you tried the waffler that stick to the tank glass, the guppies will go crazy nipping at it and the food will be scatter around for your betta to get some food too
Ava Sierra
Ava Sierra - 11 years ago
My female is the one who poor male's beautiful fins are all tattered now :( he's such a non-aggressive male too...and gorgeous! what can I say, my betta's a bitch.
sunshineandish - 11 years ago
that's a good looking tank. nice video.
cormann1988 - 11 years ago
Only males, and even then only when there is no way to escape from the other fish. Females can be aggressive to each other, but not to that point.
Kampf0r - 11 years ago
You don't know shit about keeping bettas! Otherwise you wouldn't keep them together like that! Male and female can be alright at some occasions, but never like you do! Before posting shit like this you open a book and learn about these beautiful fish.
Jakey Cakey
Jakey Cakey - 12 years ago
Do you ever have a breeding problem, since you have both males and females?
Jen Jung
Jen Jung - 12 years ago
does anyone know how do you feed the betta? I keep trying to feed my betta fish but the guppies keep eating the bettas food..
Shireen Sudhakaran
Shireen Sudhakaran - 12 years ago
How do you manage to keep male and female betta fish together? Won't the male harass the female and attack them if she is not ready to spawn? Great video anyways!!!
Shireen Sudhakaran
Shireen Sudhakaran - 12 years ago
You can never keep two male bettas in the same tank, unless your tank is very, very, big, and is heavily planted , for lots of cover. Domestic bettas are much more aggresive to each other than their wild ancestors due to humans breeding them to fight for hundreds of years. ( Pitting bettas together should never be done as it is very cruel)
Shireen Sudhakaran
Shireen Sudhakaran - 12 years ago
Bettas, especially male bettas are only aggresive to other males, or what they think are other males. The reason why you can't keep bettas with other colourful, long finned fish is because male bettas will mistake them as rival males. Most bettas can get along with corys but yours seems to be the over aggresive type. You can try to keep with nerite snails, but if that doesn't work, you should keep him alone. Always do your homework before purchasing any pets
Noah alexander
Noah alexander - 12 years ago
sorry i meant to type1
Noah alexander
Noah alexander - 12 years ago
0 if you mean bettas
Coolnicknameguy - 12 years ago
my bettas picking on my pore corycat, I have had her over 2 years, only had him 2 months, any time I put him a diff tank he gets depressed and acts like hes dieing, and Im not moveing her, I got him in a breader, should I just leave him in there forever, or can I train him to leave her be by putting him in a cup every time he attacks her, I walk up to the tank n he hides so I know he knows hes being bad, any other time he begs for food when he sees me, at can I do
Betta Savior
Betta Savior - 12 years ago
hi if you love your betta fish sign the walmart petition. the walmart fish employees have been abusing the fish we need you to sign the petition.
Sid Churchman
Sid Churchman - 12 years ago
Betta Fish (Siamese Fighting Fish) are solitary fish. THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO LIVE WITH OTHER FISH. This is why they are called Siamese Fighting Fish. DO NOT HOUSE THEM TOGETHER. Research more before you purchase fish. This is not good for your fish.
Hercules Mines
Hercules Mines - 12 years ago
How long do have to keep them in the breeding contaner
Hercules Mines
Hercules Mines - 12 years ago
How many males can you put in the tank
Antonio Leon
Antonio Leon - 12 years ago
Thanks for the help! I just got a new fish and I didn't know how to train it to not fight with others!:)

100. comment for How to safely introduce new betta fish into a community tank

clay lindsey
clay lindsey - 12 years ago
how to make the mate
clay lindsey
clay lindsey - 12 years ago
i got two betta fish boy and a girl when will they mate
Thomas Farrell
Thomas Farrell - 12 years ago
They're female.
Thomas Farrell
Thomas Farrell - 12 years ago
Yes but four are better. With two, one might henpeck the other to death. With four, they tend more to form a social structure and relax.
RagedPanda00 - 12 years ago
how do keep ur fishes tails from clamping, no matter what tank i put them in their fins clamp after a while?
Zachary Pavel
Zachary Pavel - 12 years ago
i thought they couldn't be in the same tank
Alper Kılıç
Alper Kılıç - 12 years ago
i like your tank :))
boston6781 - 12 years ago
Goldfish are not suitable with bettas.
Montgomery Potter
Montgomery Potter - 12 years ago
I tried this and my beta fish killed every last one of my baby goldfish..
what type of floating plant is that? What are the requirements for that plant??
AJGaming - 12 years ago
Can I put two female Betta fish together in the same tank?
Andrew Hu
Andrew Hu - 12 years ago
why isnt betta fighting each other
wingedproportion555 - 12 years ago
This is a great idea!
Ruben Hansen
Ruben Hansen - 12 years ago
i got a 6 litre tank is that to smal??.. And do i need a pump?
SurprizdArv'n - 12 years ago
oh, okay!
Apistogramma - 12 years ago
It is best if you do it with Betta first as they are a bit more shy and takes time for them to find their corner in the aquarium.
SurprizdArv'n - 12 years ago
Should I introduce my neons to my tank first or my fighter then THEN my neon tetras?
LIttleHakuouki - 12 years ago
you have a male betta along with other females how do you prevent them from mating?
MrTurritos - 12 years ago
looks like Riccia, easy to find
Kyle Harper
Kyle Harper - 12 years ago
Very good video thank you for posting.. Always good to see a Betta lover.
EMMA BALTAZAR - 12 years ago
what do you call those plants you have in your tank..esp the ones that float? thanks
Michael Gilgan
Michael Gilgan - 12 years ago
I love your fish
Michael Gilgan
Michael Gilgan - 12 years ago
Nice fish
50210mac - 12 years ago
hi...umm i have a question..see i have a betta (halfmoon/plakat) and hes in a 10 gallon tank with a cory cat fish and a mystery can i keep my betta from getting does have a good filter and a heater set to 80 degrees. i use a little bit of aquarium salt but i wanted to just ask u this cuz u seem like u kno what ur doing
111segasonic - 12 years ago
what is trolling?
Loveoffish1 - 12 years ago
Awesome planted tank.
micrecase - 12 years ago
what kind of plants are the ones on the stick
Pao Flo
Pao Flo - 12 years ago
Oh so it gets use to other fish around it and learns not to attack
Agnes Anonymous
Agnes Anonymous - 12 years ago
You have a male betta in your female community tank!? How neat! I am setting my male up in his own 10gallon once I get a stand for him. How were you able to do this? Did you just use the methods shown in your videos? I love your tanks, and your fish are so happy. Please tell me more about it or direct me to one of your other videos if you've answered this question already. Thanks! :)
BeastAquatics - 12 years ago
never thought of male bettas as community fish Check out my Red tail catfish feeding and subscribe if u like them
rottweilerdoglover - 12 years ago
Do u ever put the fish in the other container with the fish outside?
Amanda M.
Amanda M. - 12 years ago
DeltaX02 - 12 years ago
wow, that is cool; how many fish do/ did you have in the tank during the video? there looked like a lot
iNNoCeNttDReAMs - 12 years ago
wow your plants look very healthy and green !
camilo montano
camilo montano - 12 years ago
it didnt work
Cade Rocco
Cade Rocco - 12 years ago
If any of u guys know how she got the male to get allong with the female without making them breed can u let me know? Thanks
TheFlightAce - 12 years ago
Preston Stennett
Preston Stennett - 12 years ago
pretty cool
TheFlightAce - 12 years ago
Has anyone tried mixing betta's with mollies?
TropicalKIng1990 - 12 years ago
cool vid :)
Tongtiew Siri
Tongtiew Siri - 12 years ago
Oh you feed bettas in the same tank T_T I think they will bite to each other.
pulmoneb - 12 years ago
how do yowu add tetras in your tank
Sabaton - 12 years ago
im getting a five gallon soon :) and thx this helped
my.lean - 12 years ago
no it isn't cruel,males should be kept by themselves, if not they could attack other fish in the tank. females can be grouped together, preferably in odd numbered groups of 3 of more.
my.lean - 12 years ago
yes, they are tropical fish so 74-80F degrees is best.
Kimberly Prado
Kimberly Prado - 12 years ago
wont the both fish inside hurt each other?!?!?!
TheHARO801 - 12 years ago
I all ways wanted to be a TOP COMMENT so please LIKE THE COMMENT thank you
PamMilly - 12 years ago
Perhaps in a couple days your betta will simmer down. If not, I wouldn't put any of the fish in a 1 gall tank. The smaller the environment, the more rapid and harsh any change will be. For this reason, you should get a 5 gall can be heated properly. Also, a 1 gall does not provide the territory that bettas and tetras need. If you can not afford a new tank, you can look for a used one. If that is not an option, perhaps you could divide your community tank? Betta territory is about 2.5 gallons.
ohmyhi - 12 years ago
How long should you leave your Betta in the breeding container?
ohmyhi - 12 years ago
Yeah it is all in the personality, I moved mine in with my group and (I was given these Tetras) I have 8 of one species and the other two are two different Tetra species so my Betta, Rodger, singled one out and was flaring his beard and attempting to attack him so I put him back in the breeder box and I'm just letting him sit there. Should I move him back into the one gallon or take the two loners out and put them in the one gallon?
PamMilly - 12 years ago
XD you're welcome.
exxcel19 - 12 years ago
thanks =] love your videos btw
ohmyhi - 12 years ago
Don't know why this is spammed but I AGREE!
PamMilly - 12 years ago
Whit that setup, yes you can. I bet a large school of the danios would be really pretty. Since you have the room, go with more females; 7 tends to work much better than 5.
PamMilly - 12 years ago
Make sure there isn't a water quality issue. I suggest you research using Hydrogen Peroxide. Look up different methods that suit you and your fish. If you need more assistance, I recommend you go to fishlore under the betta section. There you will find all sorts of information and can post questions.
PamMilly - 12 years ago
It varies from fish to fish and setup to setup. My Betta and Dwarf Gourami don't mind the guppies at all.
ohmyhi - 12 years ago
Also colorful guppys and Bettas are not a good match because the males will see the colors of a guppy as a threat and will attack and kill them
McKennah Duncan
McKennah Duncan - 12 years ago
I thought betta fish could be together!!! o_O?
Audreysoh - 12 years ago
Duffimus Prime
Duffimus Prime - 12 years ago
i have a betta with fin rot that ive been medicating with bettafix for 2 and1/2 weeks now. im wondering how long it takes to fully heal and when i can ad him to a 10g tank with some guppies
exxcel19 - 12 years ago
hey i'm setting up a 90 gallon fw tank thats going to be heavily planted.would i be able to house 5 female bettas along with a school of danios and some shrimp and cory cats?thanks.
AWompnAndAWoopn - 12 years ago
you should have done your research yo. your poor beta will prolly not stop. are there tons of plants for him to hide? the mollies have pretty tails wich pisses your beta off. he will always hate them, sry. maby get him his own tank or sell the mollies back to the store or find a good home for them.
AWompnAndAWoopn - 12 years ago
No that would not work. Male and female betas should only be put together for breeding. and if she is not ripe or rdy to make he will attack her bother her. Female betas are good together but will always bully eachother if they dont all have places to hide and explore. the frogs... I really cant say I dont know aobut frogs but with beta fish I would say a solid no.
Limcamilka - 13 years ago
Just continue to leave him there, it may just take a long time or not happen at all. It really depends on your fish, just leave him there q bit longer than move him to his own tank. Do not leave him there to long or it could stress him out. Good luck :-)
Corey Craft
Corey Craft - 13 years ago
I recently added 3 black mollies to my 10 gal tank and my Betta was very aggressive, so I put him in isolation, but he is still in the tank. He keeps freaking out when the mollies get close to the isolation. Will this ever stop, or will he always be aggressive towards them?
Limcamilka - 13 years ago
Hi, I love your videos, they are so helpful, can people plead check out the video abou
Official Reign
Official Reign - 13 years ago
I did it one day but i just say my to bettas fight :( i miss them
HBR - 13 years ago
Pls check out my betta new tank. .........need help want to add tankmates
KiitCat - 13 years ago
nice tank! could I ask what the plant is which is growing on the wood and just below the water?
NaruZilla - 13 years ago
Wait, hold on, if that's only 10 gallons, then how are you able to keep 6 females, 4 tetras, and 1 male in it with no fights and/or breeding?! That sounds a bit overcrowded, but then again, it's a long tank. IDK, at least your fishes seem happy! :)
AReadythen - 13 years ago
make more betta videos. i just started. i have one male and i just got 2 female. im working on introducing them like you showed in this video.
Plant Surgeon
Plant Surgeon - 13 years ago
it really worked for me thanks a Lot!!!! my platies and betta seem to get a long no problems yet , thanks again !
G-Sans Serif
G-Sans Serif - 13 years ago
How big is your tank? You have so many bettas in close proximity, I'm surprised fights arn't breaking out.
Rocky Thao
Rocky Thao - 13 years ago
So female betta can live together?
NaruZilla - 13 years ago
If I were a fish, I would totally love living in your tank! It's so amazing!!
kishan Ramoutar
kishan Ramoutar - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping they live perfectly with mine
InfoDoradon - 13 years ago
I suggest you to consider using Doradon acclimation system which ensures temperature equalization and gradual change in chemical conditions on a drop-by-drop basis.
Pets101 - 13 years ago
pls vist my channel only two videos cause made my account the 26 of december pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lagrimas24 - 13 years ago
@Enyatea72 Mine is doing the same thing. He's chasing his tail and chewing it off.
Cris Din
Cris Din - 13 years ago
well i have 3 gold fish and a tropical fish living together
The Fucking News
The Fucking News - 13 years ago
@chrisdinskates you need heated water for all tropical fish (betta included) and cold for goldfish you cant mix cold water fish with warm water fish, so no and neither can you for any marine or tropical fish.
Narscilla - 13 years ago
Listen Guys, Yes, bettas can be kept with some peaceful community fish under the right conditions. Although MALE Betta's Should NOT Be Kept Together No Matter WHAT! males and females should not be housed together unless you plan on breeding them, then again if the male DOES reject the female you should move her immediately. Females may be housed together but still might fight.Good companions for both male and female betta's are African dwarf frogs and crawfish =)
David T
David T - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping My betta lived with my goldfishes for awhile at 72 degrees and they are ok
Oceanstorm80 - 13 years ago
@armory365 If you have time and space, you can make those plants grow. Just check the species, requirements, ect. I remember when I had my tank 3 feet tal, 5' long, 3 wide...some space for plants, rocks, caves, ect.
Juan Castelan
Juan Castelan - 13 years ago
i was told that having a betta fish in a tank with a filter would hurt him and that they need a complete water change every week how do you do it? and how do you keep it clean?
Jenny Grullon
Jenny Grullon - 13 years ago
this is an aawesome video!!!
Cris Din
Cris Din - 13 years ago
Oh ok thanks :D
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@Rosa13Lie generally they are mildly aggressive and will get along if they have room in a tank. Tetras are best for them.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@chrisdinskates no. Cold water fish (goldfish) cannot be with tropical fish (bettas)
Cris Din
Cris Din - 13 years ago
Can betta live with goldfish?
Jen Jung
Jen Jung - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping i have LOTS of decorations in my 20 gallon tank (sorry i measured wrong!) well i have 1 tall plant 2 med sized and 1 rlly small one. i hae LOTS of rocks a 1-2 in small statue. and a oxygen thingy about 6 inches its NOT a filter cuz i have a algae eater. i also have 2 big shells also about 4-6 inches but theres still room. and a little castle. and LOTS of rocks and more small shells. what gender of betas are calm with your guppies and how are your guppies?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@armory365 You can get some fake plants maybe? I think that hiding places really help.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@MRsageprductions Cleaning a small tank isnt bad (cleaning my 55 gal cichlid tank is a pain in the ass though lol) I do a water change every week, about 10%
Jen Jung
Jen Jung - 13 years ago
I don't have a lot of plants in my 10 gallon guppy aquarium and I'm planning to get a Betta and small tank. What should I do?
Jay G
Jay G - 13 years ago
@TheAdventuretime666 He's not lonely, thats how they are meant to be. Why the hell the one who created this video says to put it with tetras is beyond me, are you kidding my friend? Once bettas get sexually mature often they will kill anything and everything in a tank usually, providing the tetra you say haven't torn off all the fins on the betta by then that is..........
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@TheAdventuretime666 I guess that 4 tetras would be fine in there. Just make sure they have places to hide.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@Nobodyknowbutgodknow yes
Dark Angel
Dark Angel - 13 years ago
@TheGreatBigNerfGroup: UHHH, NO THEY WON'T, ive put a male betta in a 20 gallon tank with like ten male guppies and they did just fine, the didn't even nip at eachother. So domi360parke was right so HA HA AND DOUBLE HA
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@rayray60001 yes
Giants - 13 years ago
Do you have male betta.
TheAdventuretime666 - 13 years ago
I just got my betta fish yesturday and i have a question, hes in a 8 gallon i think tank, by himself, and i feel bad leaving him there alone, are there any other fish to make good friends? or if i put a female in their, not to breed but because they wont like try to kill eachother (I hope) idk what to do haha he seems so lonley
domi360parke - 13 years ago
@TheGreatBigNerfGroup no they dont!! if betta fish are not with their own species but with another like guppies and such they will be calm and wont fight !!
Ashley - 13 years ago
@PonyGurl99 Do your home work first. Beta fish need a min of 3 gal of water for each beta. So maybe 1 for your tank.
dark1hellwolf - 13 years ago
Hello I'm having problem with fineding nice betta fish and with my water going down even thow it's a new tank
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@Helms97 Thanks for watching all my videos! Ur awesome :) I think that as long as all the fish are happy and healthy then you can always bend some rules :P
Helms97 - 13 years ago
YOU ROCK! i watched all of ur betta and guinea pig videos! i just wanted to say i have a 10 gal with 3 bettas, 2 lyretail guppies, and 2 ghost shrimp, everyone says it is not good to keep guppies with bettas but, lyretails are quick and thin like tetras so that is a great combo!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@ISEEKAMERICANIDOL Ive never had baby bettas but I do know that you do have to take out all the males and separate them.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@puffic33 females are less aggressive.
Conner Beach
Conner Beach - 13 years ago
betta fish- pronounced (BAY-TUH) not (BEH-TUH)
missmommy185 - 13 years ago
Would you recommend getting a tank mate for a Betta who has lived alone all of its life. The beta I have is about 1.5 years old, not sure if it is male or female? I feel like giving it a try would be nice to ease the loneliness of my betta. I am not sure what kind of fish would be most compatible with the betta. The tank is not too big but it is about a 3 gallon tank. Any advice? it would be greatly appreciated.
Zack_bryant - 13 years ago
i like it!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@Chkeey123 male and white one is female :)
flowerse0128 - 13 years ago
@LEG0B you actually can they just can't add a betta with other aggressive fish or fish with flowing fins but a male betta can be introduced with plain looking community fish
MyFishCare101 - 13 years ago
I love bettas, I'm defiantly going to try this :D
s2ktuner - 13 years ago
whats that floating plant called in the tank?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@LEG0B But it has worked for me twice with different bettas in different tanks. Bettas are different. Some are aggressive and some are less.
pumpkin28ful - 13 years ago
nice video
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@vesparados150 Im glad you like my tank and I hope all goes well with yours and your betta :) Its great more bettas are being kept in community tanks.
Khairin K
Khairin K - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping amazed with your setup. congrats. and just for the record, i introduced a crowntail betta to my planted community tank by following your guide today. it is not aggresive towards other fish especially my shrimp. hope that it stays that way. My betta love floaters especially salvinia. thanks for the great vid and keep it up. p/s i really admire your setup.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@vesparados150 This tank had some natural light shine on it, but not too much. I think that is what gave it a boost and made everything grow so well. I did not use any fertilizer, co2, and the lighting was a florescent bulb I got at home depot (not even an aquarium light!). It was my first serious tank set up and I just got lucky I guess.
Khairin K
Khairin K - 13 years ago
hi there, i see you use riccia as a floater ans your plants are doing quite well without the addition of co2. what kind of lighting use? other than that do you dose ferts? I really admire your tank, simple and green. I want to go low tech with my planted tank and introduce a betta to my community tank. great job with the vid.
Matt Ahn
Matt Ahn - 13 years ago
male betta fish prefer to live alone and have territories which is why it is better to add femal bettas to a community tank
DelphinFleety - 13 years ago
@Ilikepenguins333 actually it's pronounced beh-ta. bayta is beta.
Roronoa Zoro
Roronoa Zoro - 13 years ago
Beh-ta? It's BAY-ta.
Boby Bobby
Boby Bobby - 13 years ago
@slapurmommaz hes prob scared
slapurmommaz - 13 years ago
my betta sucks all he does is hide all day I never see him.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@dlkjynx is the betta male? if its a male and u get another male they will most likely fight. With females you need at least 5 because they sometimes like to nip at each other and the aggression needs t be spread out.
dlkjynx - 13 years ago
Hi there I just got my new betta and am thinking of getting another one so if I put them in a tank together would they fight or get along?please respond.
gisforgary - 13 years ago
@TorontoMapleL3afs If you think the female is getting enough food then I wouldn't worry. Your tank is too small to add any more females. Male bettas are a lot more sedate than the myths so you don't have to worry about the tetras or most community fish. They are only violent with other male bettas and when mating, and if your filter moves enough water they can't build a nest so they won't try to mate.
gisforgary - 13 years ago
@TorontoMapleL3afs how long have they been together and how big is the tank? you really shouldn't mix them in bowls if you keep a tank at least 10 gallons a few females with plants and hiding spots is a better set up.
Boby Bobby
Boby Bobby - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping it worked i got 2 females and 1 male in the same tank ty
Boby Bobby
Boby Bobby - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping how do u know there aggressive
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@TheBettalover123 If the male is not too aggressive and if you don't let them breed. The male gets very aggressive when he tried to protect his bubble nest and fry.
Boby Bobby
Boby Bobby - 13 years ago
can a male betta live with a female and not kill each other
TannerWhite - 13 years ago
dani dodrav
dani dodrav - 13 years ago
How old are you
longhornandsouthern - 13 years ago
@xdannyocean the answer is a more stimulating environment and more room to swim, not another betta. Bettas are known as Siamese Fighting Fish for a reason. They are aggressive and they could easily hurt or kill each other this goes for any combination, especially male/female and male/male. A pair or group of females can be OK, but you have to be able to provide alternate housing if they get territorial.
longhornandsouthern - 13 years ago
Youmust cosider that often agressive bettas are hakthy bettas. Being aggressive is in their nature. You still should NEVER keep more than one male in a tank. Multiple females is OK as long as you follow the method mentioned i. This video and there is alternative housing if the community tank does not work. Also, you should not keep males and females together unless you plan to breed. If you leave them together and they try to breed, they can hurt each other.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@xdannyocean if you have two they might fight. you need a larger tank and a lot of females for it to work
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@jacjul1952 yes
UK FISH KEEPER - 13 years ago
You have a beautiful tank and fish, thanks for making the video :o)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@kingdomriver1 The nipping was between the females. They were quite aggressive twords the male so he spent lots of his time avoiding them. The aggression of the male depends on the individual fish. In my guppy tank where I keep a male not only does he leave the guppies alone but sometimes gets chased by the algae eater and tries to hide from him.
kingdomriver1 - 13 years ago
You never house male bettas and females in one tank... Only time you do that is when they mate... Males are really territorial, and will injure your girls! See their fins? Too much fin nipping!
CYPRODS - 13 years ago
ya my fish acted the same way.......before he dieded the next day
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@xdannyocean Its probably bored or lonely. All animals like company, that's why mine are so active.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@UberFiseh Thats true, I do that with my african cichlids.
Tyler de Jong
Tyler de Jong - 13 years ago
Another thing you can add in; I do this whenever I add a new fish into my discus aquarium and its pretty simple; move your decorations around so that territories are broken (this is always kind of a pain if you have cichlids and they pair up and make territories, but its still cool) and the new fish can setup its own without the stress of other fish guarding territories.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@thebettafish1 my male was never interested in the females...I dont know why
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 13 years ago
@thebettafish1 If its just two they might kill each other. It always best to get as much as possible...the more the better it will work out.
TK LIGHT ELECTRICAL - 13 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping u can put few males togather IF and only IF the area or size of your aquarium is BIG enough .. they fight each other because they have no space to avoid the battle , so fight to death is their only hope .... better keep them on a 14inch radius distances to each other so they won't need to fight for a territory ^^
MyFishCare101 - 13 years ago
Great video! My bettas (three males ad a female) are separated lol.
Jay Quin Viovicente
Jay Quin Viovicente - 14 years ago
your betta is a gay
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@countryboy249112 No, you can put many females and one male.
Skyler Stutzman
Skyler Stutzman - 14 years ago
So are you saying that male bettas can be put in the same tank?
ScarletLetter86 - 14 years ago
its not the female you need to worry about, its the male. My female killed two of my males within fifteen minutes of them being together because she was twice as fast & nasty. Females are aggressors, some less, some more. Also I didn't just dump her in there either I let her sit inside the tank for three days inside a jar, so they had plenty of time to be around one another, and she was egg laden. i don't know how she would do in a sority though, what do you think? is she too mean?
JDCredible - 14 years ago
@TTerror97 lol its ok but some like heaters and it would make them feel at home
XSyntax - 14 years ago
omg your my new hero! your tank is so awesome =D i can't beleive what i'm seeing BETTA COMUNITY! =D
dolphinsloth - 14 years ago
@JDCredible Ack! I feel really bad that I wrote that comment before... prolly on my period or something XD. But still, betta love having heaters. Maybe it's not required but they love it a lot.
CrimelabS - 14 years ago
i got 4 adult mollies and maybe 12 fry... i tried placing the glass at the top portion of the tank to let my male betta meet with the other fish, his neck gills keep popping open when he sees a fish close to guessing its a no for him. =[
Pixie1343 - 14 years ago
Didn't having a male betta in there really stress out all your females?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@JDCredible Betta fish ARE warm water fish which like their temperature around 78 F. The companies who make the kits are in it for the money, not the walfare of the animal. Ive seen way too many "fish kits" that misinformed people. To give you an example I saw a kit that was 1.5 gallon and on it stated that you may keep a fancy goldfish in it. The truth is that one of these fish needs 10 gallons each to be healthy because goldfish grow to be quite big.
JDCredible - 14 years ago
@TTerror97 betta fish dont need warm water stupid thats why most pet stores have that betta kit that doesnt have a heater
eeveelover1121 - 14 years ago
King Jotun
King Jotun - 14 years ago
@marcin1984114 The ones shown appear to be female.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@Farooqui96 The male will only kill the female if he mates with her because they get overprotective of the bubble nest and the fry. There is also a cgance that I got lucky and got a less aggressive male.
865_Rostislav - 14 years ago
do you have snails from your plants
dolphinsloth - 14 years ago
@xoClassifieds wow. Betta fish cannot be kept with goldfish because: they are tropical fish and require warm water, the goldfish like it cold. They will attack and kill any fish with flowing fins (aka a goldfish) because they think it's another male betta fish. Why were you keeping 3 goldfish in a 10 gallon tank anyways? they require 20 gallons of water for every goldfish. You probably shouldn't have had a castle that he could get stuck in inside the tank... wow. I hope you never own fish again.
King Jotun
King Jotun - 14 years ago
That's certainly a good thing to learn about betta temperament. I've never housed a betta and another fish in the same tank, but I've been considering buying a betta and a small school of white clouds. I know they're different-temperature water, but I was thinking that the colder water might make the betta less aggressive. Yay or nay to the water temperature, and yay or nay to white clouds and a betta? I was planning on a male.
King Jotun
King Jotun - 14 years ago
@MikeMiller133 No. Bettas are solitary, territorial creatures and don't mind being alone.
Boas Nitschke
Boas Nitschke - 14 years ago
i have some questions. how big is that tank? (length, hight and wide) and what kind of fish are in there other then the bettas? and then it's a very beautiful fish tank
Shortstakes Tran
Shortstakes Tran - 14 years ago
I just like to watch this for the Betta's. They are quite lovely to watch.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@vdre3 You can try. Just watch how he behaves with the other fish. He can chase them around but as long as he does not hurt them or prevent them from eating. It really depends on how aggressive he is as all bettas are a bit different, if its too much you will have to take him out and separate him.
Andre Valdez
Andre Valdez - 14 years ago
I have a question about a betta i have, i wanted to know if i can put him into a 10 gallon tank with 4 rosy barbs? Btw great video!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@BrewTheStorm hmmm...Im not sure. Are they a type of goldfish (a common feeder fish)? You should check first because while goldfish can be ok in cold water, they will grow large and do better in colder temperatures.
Cesar G
Cesar G - 14 years ago
Thank you for the video!!! I have a u by chance know what fish get along with bettas? I just purcased one and i dont want him to be all by himself. I was thinking about buying a female betta and using ur technique to introducing each other without fights.......thank u again!!!!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@kimaam you can use a gravel vacuum (they are found in all pet stores) to clean the bottom of the tank as well as take out most of the water. A glass cleaning magnet will help with keeping the class clean. Bettas only do well in large tanks and if you have many, this way the aggression is spread out among them. You need 5 or more.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@NJ2toU other then a occasional nip I have never had my bettas fight. They are not schooling fish but they can get along and tolerate each other if in large numbers and in a large tank.
shaelikestaquitos - 14 years ago
@CreativePetKeeping hmm alright thanks for the advice :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@shaelikestaquitos 5 gallons might be a bit small for a school of fish. If u had a 10 gal tank you could get a betta and 6 to 9 tetras
shaelikestaquitos - 14 years ago
hey do you think a 5 gal. tank is big enough for a male betta + a school of rummy-nosed tetras?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@ca5566 The only reason it worked for me was because I had many females and a male. If you only have two then the female might be too stressed out. When you breed them you should only have them together for a short period of time because after breeding the male will get very aggressive and protective of the nest. Keeping Bettas together only works if you have 5 or more ive noticed.
ca5566 - 14 years ago
hmmm i having the same problem with the stressed out fish as the one in the video im trying to introduce the stressed female to the male so that they could mate..but it just keeps avoid the male one.the female is in a cup so they are seperated but still are able to see each other will this problem solve over time?
story1004 - 14 years ago
how long do you suggest them to be separated? I had orginally a male betta and got a female betta nd the male one kept attacking the female so i separted him but in the same tank but he is still pretty aggresive..any suggestions?
Andrew Little
Andrew Little - 14 years ago
One of my fish is dead. and my tetra got his tail bit off. is it the betta GRRRRRRRRRRRR. Im gonna throw a toatser in the tank.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@hotpinkcrayon99 well it worked for me :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@MagiCougar Hmm..I think that might be a bad idea. Im pretty sure they will eat the betta... if not im not sure but aren't Koi cold-water fish? Bettas are tropical and like their water quite warm.
taha20002 - 14 years ago
how do u haveone male betta and Alot off females together wont the male fight the females
301whitehall - 14 years ago
I would turn the tank light out for 24 hours after adding stresses them
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@lightblockade Males should not be kept with other males. Females are less aggressive so it is possible to keep many of them together and even with a male.
fruitydino$ - 14 years ago
I was always told to keep beta fish alone, especially males, because they attack other fish, but mainly slow moving ones... hm im confused D:
Kristine Bailey
Kristine Bailey - 14 years ago
Cher Kay Pombuena
Cher Kay Pombuena - 14 years ago
hey, i have a little male crowntail betta, im really worried about him because at the tip of his fin, theres a bulge that looks almost like a pile of bubbles inside of it, i dnt know what to do ;^; and im also thinking about getting some neon tetras as tank mates for him, i dont really know much about fish tanks or anything, all i know is that betta's are supposed to have room temp. waters and can eat bloodworms, are tetras good? if not, what other fishes would u reccomend?
Cher Kay Pombuena
Cher Kay Pombuena - 14 years ago
hey, i have a little male crowntail betta, im really worried about him because at the tip of his fin, theres a bulge that looks almost like a pile of bubbles inside of it, i dnt know what to do ;^; and im also thinking about getting some neon tetras as tank mates for him, i dont really know much about fish tanks or anything, all i know is that betta's are supposed to have room temp. waters and can eat bloodworms, are tetras good? if not, what other fishes would u reccomend?
Faith Graves
Faith Graves - 14 years ago
wow tht is helpful thanks :3
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@MrGameFreak18 no because a goldfish is a cold water fish, they like a temperature of about 68 F and bettas are tropical fish. The like their temperature around 78 F. Hope that helps.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@zachbeck2022 You might have to be careful that your betta does not attack them because they don't swim too fast. You can either get a breeding container or a tank separator at the pet store (the tank separator is nice because it will give your betta more room). After a day or two you can put them together and if he attacks them too much you might have to separate him again. It depends on his personality.
Trai Thao
Trai Thao - 14 years ago
Nice community tank man but your bettas look dopy sorry i didnt want to say (suck), all betta should be kept seperate best way ever well females are ok with groups.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 14 years ago
@Shaney1337 Do you have a glass vase at home? You can put the water from the tank there and that way they can still see each other. Another method is to use a fish net. Catch the fish and tape the net to the top of the tank, the fish will be in the net and water can still flow through it. Hope that helps.

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