How to set up a dual 10 gallon Betta Fishtank
Betta 13 years ago 628,889 views
This is an instructional video on how to set up a 10 gallon fish tank as a dual betta tank. We take you from start to finish and give suggestions on how to create your own betta habitat. We show equipment needed, supplies, and the steps you take to make it your own.
10. comment for How to set up a dual 10 gallon Betta Fishtank
20. comment for How to set up a dual 10 gallon Betta Fishtank
The height was, " the base is plastic so believe me it will float."
30. comment for How to set up a dual 10 gallon Betta Fishtank
taking career of the tank too much
depends on the fish.
do research on what type of fish you want.
just to name a few, bettas, guppies, mollies, angel fish, neon tetras and tiger barbs are all types of fish that need a heater.
gold fish however dont, but you could only house one goldfish in a 10 gallon. 20 gallons is recommended though.
Pristene water conditions , 76 to 82 degree F temperature and a gentle flowing but effective filter . No tankmates in a tank that size!
But lots of human attention
The betta will quickly learn to trust it's caretaker and provide hours of enjoyment for both pet and fishkeeper
50. comment for How to set up a dual 10 gallon Betta Fishtank
Live plants are better over all for the tank rather than fake ones, also the plastic ones might rip the bettas tails so..
Don't you worry Im on ur side Shiki:)
If you buy a fish to use as an ornament then shrug your shoulders when they die in under 2 years when it should live to 7 and go " oh well it's only a fish" you would be banned from owning any pet here. If you give a shit at all please buy a bigger tank and a filter, and google ammonia poisoning in fish while you are at it.
Now that I realize how much I spent, I think it's crazy that I am not broke..
(if I added up all the things not including the fish/snails/shrimp and plants I got for free, I would have spent $175 Canadian.)
I got mine brand new for 14
Very informative !
i cant even describe the stupidity of your comment, any idiot can make a channel look at pewdiepie
Oh for God's sake...
You're meant to put the fish in a glass box THEN set the tank up...
Many plants no stupid ornaments
sharks and 1 shakkar
You are saying Beta.
the petsmart i buy my bettas from are (usually) very clean. only saw 1 dead fish ever, and he was freshly dead. guess it sometimes just depends on the store.
actually shes not bettas live longer healthier lives with heaters and filters then in bowls it's a few months to 2 years maybe 3 but with space,a heater and a filter they can live 4 to 9 years.I had a betta that lived in a 3.5 gallon with heater and filter and it lived to be 7 years old.
Sponge filters/undergravel filters provide great aeration of the tank and biofiltration, however they don't do a
reallygreat job at removing waste particles or large debree of any kind. For a betta though, this is the best kind of filter.100. comment for How to set up a dual 10 gallon Betta Fishtank
Plastic plants are perfectly fine! but a real plant is better for the betta