How to start a Female Betta Sorority or Community Tank

How to start Female Betta fish sorority or community tank. Everyone has different ways and views. I'm sharing how I did it and what worked for me. Recommended minimum tank size would be 20 gallon long with a heater and filter. Be sure to cycle the tank before adding your fish. The tank needs to be heavily planted with places to hide. Choose your female bettas carefully. Adding a group of at least 5 females is preferable. Be sure to acclimate them before adding them into the tank. I had given my females fresh clean water. I did not add the store water to my tank. If your water is store water do not add this to your tank. Once they're in the tank watch them closely for several days. Aggression can sometimes not show for several hours to several days. I did not have any issues with aggression. My girls all get along very well. Do lots of research before starting a Betta sorority. ** Female Bettas do not always get along, there are never any guarantees with Betta fish. If you choose to put females together you need to be sure you have the resources and the space to separate them if necessary. Amazon affiliate link. TANK SET UP. Aqueon internal filter Fluval Stratum. Flourish root tabs. Lets connect! Instagram Website * Disclaimer ~ This video is not sponsored in any way. The links above are affiliate links.

How to start a Female Betta Sorority or Community Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 48

Betta 8 years ago 118,500 views

How to start Female Betta fish sorority or community tank. Everyone has different ways and views. I'm sharing how I did it and what worked for me. Recommended minimum tank size would be 20 gallon long with a heater and filter. Be sure to cycle the tank before adding your fish. The tank needs to be heavily planted with places to hide. Choose your female bettas carefully. Adding a group of at least 5 females is preferable. Be sure to acclimate them before adding them into the tank. I had given my females fresh clean water. I did not add the store water to my tank. If your water is store water do not add this to your tank. Once they're in the tank watch them closely for several days. Aggression can sometimes not show for several hours to several days. I did not have any issues with aggression. My girls all get along very well. Do lots of research before starting a Betta sorority. ** Female Bettas do not always get along, there are never any guarantees with Betta fish. If you choose to put females together you need to be sure you have the resources and the space to separate them if necessary. Amazon affiliate link. TANK SET UP. Aqueon internal filter Fluval Stratum. Flourish root tabs. Lets connect! Instagram Website * Disclaimer ~ This video is not sponsored in any way. The links above are affiliate links.

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Most popular comments
for How to start a Female Betta Sorority or Community Tank

Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching. The water in the cups was not store water but fresh clean water. It's not advisable to add store water to your tank. Here's the link to see our latest upgraded female betta tank. A lot has changed!!
OhDearInPubs - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets I'm not sure if you remember my comment on your recent vid. Could I add bettas to my 55g planted community?
zioro1235 - 8 years ago
Lifewithpets okay thx I might be on my way to to store to get 5 female bettas one peecock eel and a couple of tetras etc... for my 55g tank
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Yes as long as it is well planted. The thing to remember with bettas in general is there are never any guarantees.
zioro1235 - 8 years ago
Lifewithpets can 5 be in a 55gallon tank if they are baby's and with other fish like tetras and those small fish
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
No, females need to be in groups of 5 minimum. Two would be extremely stressed and over time likely kill each other, it rarely works. They can live with other fish as long as the tank is large enough but there needs to be 5 females.
zioro1235 - 8 years ago
Lifewithpets can you keep 2 in a heavily planted tank with other fish like tetras and plates
Alexis Hurley
Alexis Hurley - 7 years ago
I need to ask you this question my birthday just passed And My grandma and my friends Got me money for my birthday I have to 20th and 2 fives I have $50 I am planning on getting a 20 gallon to a 55 gallon fish tank at Walmart if my mom lets me get it worth my money how long should I have the tank running with now fish in it yet how long should I have it be cycling?
Alexis Hurley
Alexis Hurley - 7 years ago
Hey I have a question I told my mom about female baylous if your Sterling a sorority bad they need to be in a 20 gallon and that they need a bakespace my mom said that a 3 gallon will be fine for them is that true
Alexis Hurley
Alexis Hurley - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets Thank you so much you're fresher beautiful
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
It sounds like you’ve done all you can do.
Alexis Hurley
Alexis Hurley - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets Yeah I know that because that's what I've been telling my mom that they need a bag size but she just won't listen to me and she told me a 3 gallon will be OK I keep telling her over and over no it won't My mom keeps telling me a 3 gallon tank will be OK they won't Kelly chudler and I keep telling her yes they well and I am f**** it up and I'm killing them if I ate if they're in a small space
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
A sorority is more than one female Betta so I’m assuming you’re talking about putting several in a 3 gallon tank? If so they will kill each other and at best live in constant stress. A 3 gallon tank is only big enough for one fish.
Mizuko Aimi
Mizuko Aimi - 7 years ago
Hi lifewithpets i have a 10 gallon that is divied into three , in one divider can i put two female betta? Or is is to small they might kill each other?
Mizuko Aimi
Mizuko Aimi - 7 years ago
Ok thanks!!!!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
No, that’s way to small.
Wobbe gong
Wobbe gong - 7 years ago
Someone should do a business where they make pre made betta sororities.
babykitty xo
babykitty xo - 7 years ago
When I was like 13 I made my own sorority, with a male as well. Shocked I did so well considering I didn’t have nearly as much knowledge as I do now, I feel much more confident in my abilities
Netanya Rose
Netanya Rose - 7 years ago
How man would you recommend for a 30 gallon long ?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
7-10 females.
Donya Lane
Donya Lane - 7 years ago
Ha ha! This video just answered all my questions that I posted on another one of your vids. Thanks for all the great info!
Donya Lane
Donya Lane - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Lol.....just replied to your other comment and then saw this one.
Yunior Delgado
Yunior Delgado - 7 years ago
My male beta attacks all other fish his size or smaller.. destroyed my community

10. comment for How to start a Female Betta Sorority or Community Tank

hahayourfunny94 - 7 years ago
Can you do a group of 6? I would like an even number... and I want to theme it around Legally Blonde (the musical) and have it be a Delta Nu Sorority tank. I have 6 names picked out. Elle, Serena, Margot, Pillar, Kate, and Courtney (which was the name of my delta nu character when I did the show).
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Yes, although may people say odd numbers do better.
Fishing Tv
Fishing Tv - 7 years ago
Can I put 2 females in a 5 Gallon planted with filter and heater
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
No, the tank is way to small. For females you need a minimum group of 5 and even then there are no guarantees.
Acvaristul Lenes
Acvaristul Lenes - 7 years ago
My policy is to put new fish in a quarantine tank.
Keeping Bettas in quarantine can be a nightmare. I bought a pair last week and had to separate them with a plastic wall otherwise one of them would beat the other.
Now the female is in the community tank and today I add the male but am kinda afraid of what will come (moving them separately was a necessity...)
The tank has 15-18 gallons of water and is well planted but still...
Acvaristul Lenes
Acvaristul Lenes - 7 years ago
Yesterday in the evening, I put the male in the big tank. The biggest and worst suprise came from the platies that started ripping his fins. After 5 minutes I took him back to the qt tank. Now, I'm stuck with a third tank.
I'm really glad that I use qt otherwise...I don't even want to think about it.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Male and female in the same tank is not usually a good idea. I’d watch them very closely. It’s likely they will kill each other.
Pet Central 101
Pet Central 101 - 7 years ago
What are those beautiful yellow fish?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
They’re twin bar platys.
Iron Spectrum
Iron Spectrum - 7 years ago
I have 4 female bettas in a 10 gallon, I added the females 2 months ago and everything is fine!
Iron Spectrum
Iron Spectrum - 7 years ago
Keith Kogane I’m bad at sarcasm
Keith Kogane
Keith Kogane - 7 years ago
Iron Spectrum because its hard to detect sarcasm in text unless you make it super obvious
Iron Spectrum
Iron Spectrum - 7 years ago
No one caught my sarcasm
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 7 years ago
Iron Spectrum I have a single betta in a 5 gallon and I have a hard enough time keeping the water clean, even though I do biweekly 25% water changes. Ignoring the fact that bettas shouldn't be together in the first place, I can't even imagine 4 of them in something as small as a 10 gallon. That's just cruel.
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 7 years ago
Keith Kogane actually the maximum for a 10 gallon would be 2, though in my honest opinion I'd say 1 would be the max.
Keith Kogane
Keith Kogane - 7 years ago
killer slowpoke the max in a 10 gal is 5 though.
So id say the person did all right
Iron Spectrum
Iron Spectrum - 7 years ago
killer slowpoke that’s what 30% weekly water changers are for
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 7 years ago
That's so horribly small though, even if it's heavily planted the bioload is gonna be way too heavy.
Fish Lover
Fish Lover - 7 years ago
10 gallons is big enough ur good
Muhammad Rafli
Muhammad Rafli - 7 years ago
do i need same size of the betta to keep together?(comment me)
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
It is better if all the females are all the same size when starting a sorority.
Butz Bacason
Butz Bacason - 7 years ago
What food you feeding them?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Check out our latest feeding video on the channel.
Kris Q
Kris Q - 7 years ago
Your videos are super informative thank you!! I love your planted tanks!!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Fish For Thought
Fish For Thought - 7 years ago
Thanks for this very informative video. I'm planning to start a 20 gallon betta sorority :) I was planning for a coldwater hillstream scape with white clouds minnows, but unfortunately they have just been banned from my area.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Ahh..I see!
Fish For Thought
Fish For Thought - 7 years ago
oh, yes. Since I can't get my hands on the white clouds I will be going another direction with the tank and I've been considering making a sorority tank :)
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you. forgive me if I've misunderstood your comment but are you starting two separate tanks? Bettas are tropical fish and need a minimum temperature of 78f-80f.

20. comment for How to start a Female Betta Sorority or Community Tank

Kerry Mccarthy
Kerry Mccarthy - 7 years ago
Can you add 1 male Betta to a Sorority tank?
betta fish expert 1
betta fish expert 1 - 7 years ago
Kerry Mccarthy yes but get a breeder net put the betta in it see if he flares if he does wait longer or for a couple of days if that keeps happening take him out if he doesn't flare at all let him out after 20 minutes and watch him when you leave him overnight put him back in the breeder net for nights for a couple of days then watch him that's what i did then Finally let him go for a night inspect everything to make sure it's OK than if it is he should be fine I no it seems like a lot but is not really
Kathy Bruce
Kathy Bruce - 7 years ago
I've been watching your videos. I just bought my very first 20 gallon hexagon tank that was on sale at petsmart. I'm planning to do a sorority of Betta girls. First, I'm filling the tank little at a time to see if the desk. I was told that the desk is made out of real wood and then I will cycle. :) Your videos been very information. :) Can I have a ghost shrimp along with them? I'm wondering.
LennonsLittleLife - 7 years ago
So I have one adult female betta in a 10 gallon I've had her for 3 months now and the day I just bought two adolescent crown tail females will this work out will its fail? Please i really need your help
LennonsLittleLife - 7 years ago
Okay thank you very much for the advice
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
You will need to remove the existing female and change the tank up so when you add her back in with the others she won't think she owns it, Make sure the tank is heavily planted. Three females rarely work out.
TheFishesDishes 16
TheFishesDishes 16 - 7 years ago
I am getting a 20 gallon long this Thursday (in 2 days) IM SO EXCITED!! I will only be housing a few guppies for now but once I have it more planted I'm thinking of doing a sorority of 5 or so :P :3
sugarytae 애정
sugarytae 애정 - 7 years ago
Me after this video:
Mom can I go to the pet store?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
USE YOUR GLUTES - 7 years ago
Beautiful bettas
Fullmetal Gnostic
Fullmetal Gnostic - 7 years ago
Is it best to rase one female first before you introduce another female? I was thinking about getting a baby female so my current female has a friend. I don't have the space for a large 10 gallon glass tank plus I'm paranoid of breaking said glass tank.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
No, Females need to be in groups of 5 or more in at minimum 10 gallon tank but preferable 20 gallons. They will likely kill each other if you have only 2.
Bronze Betta
Bronze Betta - 7 years ago
Can there be just two females together?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
No, they will likely kill each other.
donna Jeter
donna Jeter - 7 years ago
hey I'm thinking of doing this but i don't know if its safe. what did this owner do wrong with her female betta group of 6 and planted no other fish in the community.
donna Jeter
donna Jeter - 7 years ago
ty for advice!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I really can't comment on what someone else has done and there experience. The issue with sorority is they don't always work. You can have what seems like the perfect set up and things can still go wrong, There are no guarantees with a sorority so you must be able to house them all separately if needed.
Rebecca King
Rebecca King - 7 years ago
This is hypothetical I know females should be started in a 20-30 gallon tank heavily planted/decorated BUT at my local fish specialty store they have a female sorority tank already established with females that get along...would it be fair to the fish to put like 4 of them in a 10 gallon? This is a hypothetical situation of course but I wanted to throw the idea out there because they already get along

30. comment for How to start a Female Betta Sorority or Community Tank

Sarah Bagwan
Sarah Bagwan - 7 years ago
Hi ! I never had bettas but my vet has one in his clinic and i fell in love with those cuties. I had tilapias which i bred( as hobby not for business), plecos, barbs, danios,neon tetras, gupies, swordtails and ghost shrimp, so i have a little knowledge about aquatic pets. However, i am very intimidated by bettas since they have very strict tank mates restritions. I would like to start a sorority. I have an empty 42/43 gallon tank....what do you advise?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Yes, that could work. The thing with bettas are there are never any guarantees. They would likely eat ghost shrimp.
Sarah Bagwan
Sarah Bagwan - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets right,thank you for your advice! Do you think i can use females of a same fry? Like all sisters? Also, if i want a sorority only tank...can i add ghost shrimps?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Female sorority tanks are difficult. If the tank is heavily planted and you can get 10-15 females all around the same age and at approximately same time it can work. The problem is if you have a female or two who do not like communal living you would need extra tanks for them.
clash TIng
clash TIng - 7 years ago
hi , i was curious as to what fish and count you have in your tank please ... i am looking to create a community tank with one beta and wanted to know how well they get on , thanks
clash TIng
clash TIng - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets what size did you have and how long did it take for you to cycle the tank , is the water change the same sort of percentage , is such a drastic amount needed to change each week ? :)
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
We had 5 female bettas, 3 platys and 4 Corys. We also had 3 nerite snails. We did 30-40% water changes each week.
FabulousFish Facts
FabulousFish Facts - 7 years ago
this is a good video to watch
pb Castillo
pb Castillo - 7 years ago
what if I only want 3 bettad
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
They ideally need to live separately. Three are more likely to not get along long term.
Raikiri Furude Tachibana
Raikiri Furude Tachibana - 7 years ago
I got 5 bettas in 8 cardinal tetras and 5 rasbora tetra in a 15 gallon tank follow this video. My bettas don't fight and follow each other like a school fish. I don't even need cover because they are always together. They don't even flare at each other. Thanks for the video. Now I'll try to do one with males on it and hopefully they don't kill each other.
Lisa Ramsey
Lisa Ramsey - 7 years ago
males will kill each other
Karima Zetanski
Karima Zetanski - 7 years ago
Raikiri Furude Tachibana don't put males together like that. You already have too many fish for a 15 gallon tank.
Chloe's All about
Chloe's All about - 7 years ago
Can I make one with only 3 beta fish
Puppy-Lover 10047
Puppy-Lover 10047 - 7 years ago
what type of fish was with the bettas?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Tyler Hayden
Tyler Hayden - 7 years ago
would a ten gallon still work for a sorority of only 5, and is that the max to the amount of the fish (or snails) in the tank?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
It can work but tends to fail more often in smaller tanks.I wouldn't add anything but the 5 females.
Oly Guerra
Oly Guerra - 7 years ago
Could you possibly make a detailed video with all the fish you can keep in a betta sorority? Very interested in starting one up but I would like to have fish in there before I introduce them to the tank like you did.
Deviously Lila
Deviously Lila - 7 years ago
I have a little school of platys in my community tank, I've always wondered if female bettas would work with them! obviously they do!
Joseph Karthic
Joseph Karthic - 7 years ago
Im thinking of putting 25 female bettas in a 32 gallon tank...will that work? ive heard from cichlid keepers the more numbers you have the less aggression since it spreads out in the group...will the same work for betta? atleast thats how they keep them in petstore right? as a large group...?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I personally think that's too many. The larger the group the bigger the tank needs to be. I've found 7-8 worked well in a 20 gallon long. When I tried adding more there was a lot more aggression. I wouldn't do anymore than 15.
A4oR Original
A4oR Original - 7 years ago
Would 3 9r 4 be good for 9 gallon tank with a lot of decorations.☺
Fabio Prado
Fabio Prado - 7 years ago
Hello! I'm in love with your channel <3 I have a 25 gallon and I'm planning on building a sorority, how many female bettas do you think is the recommended amount? I was thinking 5?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you! I would add 5-7 females.
Jeffrey Boster
Jeffrey Boster - 7 years ago
Thats great someonelse who knows how to aclamate new fish. Thanks!
Barbara Walker
Barbara Walker - 7 years ago
Do you know if the bridge is available in the UK?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I don't sorry.
John Nguyen
John Nguyen - 7 years ago
I have an unsusal betta sorority. All my bettas are the same color instead of orange, blue, yellow, etc. why do I have 3 females and 1 male that were bought at the same time and store?
Fiji Water
Fiji Water - 7 years ago
what do you do when you already have just one betta in a tank? I just got a girl who I later want to make a sorority with, but I've had her for about a day and a half which was enough time for her to find territory (behind the heater). I've heard you should rearrange the tank but I'm not entirely sure. Any suggestions?
Eric Lind
Eric Lind - 7 years ago
Fiji Water If your female is fairly non-aggressive then you can do it. However if she is aggressive and dominant, will be tough. I started a sorority by getting 3 new females and selecting which was the one bullied. She was the starting seed for the sorority. Then added a new young female of same color tone every one-two weeks. Was easy as the seed female who is the largest and oldest set the social order of non-aggression. I also do some "social engineering". The two original aggressive females ironically co-exist cause they are both tough. They live with a young submissive male. On two occasions, there were times when the new young female I wanted to add got cocky and tried to pick fights. I simply took her out and threw her in tank with the 2 dominant females and male. Of course she got bullied by the two dominant females, but I closely monitor the activity and after a few minutes she's scared so I move her back to the sorority and just like that, aggression gone.
My advice if you add new females is let the newbie roam the tank alone first for a while (not too long) and then add back your sorority.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Ideally they all need to be added at the same time however when you have the others, completely rearrange the tank making sure it's heavily planted.
Aaliyah Thompson
Aaliyah Thompson - 7 years ago
How many female betta can have in a 15 gallon?
Aaliyah Thompson
Aaliyah Thompson - 7 years ago
+Lifewithpets Thank you!!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I would do no more than 5-6.
Michael Her
Michael Her - 7 years ago
You messed up you add the store water into your fish tank and the fifth one will likely be more picked on because the period between you wait to put her in the well have already developed a hierarchy and she will be the new girl! Have you not seen any of the mean girls!!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
As stated in the comments and description it was not store water. The girls are still living happily together with two more added. If you want to see them check out later videos!
Emma's Animal Adventure
Emma's Animal Adventure - 7 years ago
how many males could I have in my 20 gallon would two be ok or maybe three im nervous in putting them together I have one now
Emma's Animal Adventure
Emma's Animal Adventure - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets great point btw love your channel
Eric Lind
Eric Lind - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets Good point.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
That is why I said 'likely' kill each other. We are not talking about the exception here. It can occasionally be done if the tank is large enough and extremely heavily planted but is not recommended. A 20 gallon tank is way too small. Most of those who have done it have much larger tanks and many end up taking the males out due to stress. Just because someone posted a video doesn't always mean that the long term outcome was good. I saw a video recently of someone who had done it and also added females. He did this big long video on how everyone was wrong and they could live together. three weeks later he did another video warning others not to do it as they had killed each other. Thankfully he was responsible and did another video but how many don't? With the right conditions it can possibly be done but is not something I recommend .
Eric Lind
Eric Lind - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets Not entirely true. There are some people who posted videos of males living together.
Emma's Animal Adventure
Emma's Animal Adventure - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets ok thank you just wanted to double check because my older sister said that it would be fine but I was not to keen on that so I asked you she said if the tank is 20 or more gaolloo s it would work but I didn't Really believe her so I asked you
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
You can't put males together, they will likely kill each other.

50. comment for How to start a Female Betta Sorority or Community Tank

Ivy Maydock
Ivy Maydock - 7 years ago
how many fish can fit in a 10 gallon
Susie Puleri
Susie Puleri - 7 years ago
The rule of thumb is 1" of fish per each gallon of water. This can vary a little depending on the amount of filtering you have - but not by much. It also depends on how much waste the fish produce that you choose. For example, goldfish produce much more waste than tetras or many other fish... There is a lot of good information on the web - google any questions you have. is a great resource to help guide you - you can enter in the size tank and type of filter you have and what type of fish you are considering getting and they will tell you advice specific to what you want. Good luck!
whale lover
whale lover - 7 years ago
a while ago i had two females one died (mom droped on floor:( and then after that the other stopped eating
AquaStar - 7 years ago
Yes very helpful :)
My red female is doing wonderfully. I put her in a 10 gallon with a heater and filter with low flow. I also put some established filter sponge in as well. It's day 4 in the 10 gallon so.. if things go good .. you think it's a safe bet to buy maybe 3 females? A total of 4 in a 10 gal? Several more plants added for good hiding.
AquaStar - 7 years ago
Lol Ahh I see. It's odd how they do better with more numbers. I'm really curious to see how they handle setting up their territories. Very interesting little fish. Thank you ☺️
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I personally have found 4 fight way more than 5 do. Also if you add three more to the existing tank be sure to change it all up and take out the original female. She will already think she owns the tank!
CappuccinoWarrior - 7 years ago
I am going to have 60 gallon fish tank, which is going to be for betas and an algae eating fish. Would it be possible to hold one or two male beta in there with females? And if so or not how many females.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
We have 7 in our 75 Gallon but we have a lot of older ones so don't plan on adding any more. I would do 10-12 in a 60 gallon with other fish.
CappuccinoWarrior - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I personally wouldn't do it. Males and females do not do well living together. It can be very stressful for them.
Glass the pantherfox
Glass the pantherfox - 7 years ago
I have a 30 gal tank. Could I put 8 females in there with a snail or two?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Yes, this is a good combination. Be sure the tank is heavily planted.
Katie Wilson
Katie Wilson - 7 years ago
I would never put water into the water where the fish is in.. I've read up that the water they are in if you put it in the aquarium it can make the water toxic for the fish.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
That's correct. The water in these cups was not store water. When I bring the fish home I put them in fresh clean water straight away.
Nathan Woof!
Nathan Woof! - 7 years ago
i kust got my first female betta! : )
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Congratulations. Bettas are great fish!
Planet Pets
Planet Pets - 7 years ago
are you from the Wirral or Liverpool ?
Planet Pets
Planet Pets - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets im from the Wirral
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
eevee2joltyon - 7 years ago
the wiggles
Animallover0236 - 7 years ago
Could I put 1 betta with plathys and maybe guppies together in a 10 gal? If not would a fancy goldfish be okay alone in it i cant put any more in my other tank
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Yes, but there are never any guarantees with betta fish that they will get along with tank mats.
valerenta - 7 years ago
Would 7 be ok in a 20 gallon long?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I think 7 might be pushing it but it may work. We had 7 for a short time and there was more fin nipping.
Netanya Rose
Netanya Rose - 7 years ago
can i put just 2 in a tank?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
No, it's very likely they will fight and possibly kill each other.
April Cervantes
April Cervantes - 7 years ago
so recently i bought a betta that i had in a 2.5 gallon and it looked sad so i decided to put two guppies that i bought at petsmart as usally i let them in the bag and in the water for about 10 minutes and put them in the tank and the next day one of the guppies died and than the other died and then my bettas tail was ripping off so i got scared since it was my first betta and i wasn't able to get the water conditioner and on wensday it pasted away but im very sad but i found out thet one of the guppies had rotten tail with it killed my betta
April Cervantes
April Cervantes - 7 years ago
i had water conditioner but the guppies were tiny and i was planning to get a 10 gallon from walmart but it had died but thank you
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I'm sorry for your losses. The tank is too small for other fish also without water conditioner fish can die quickly. A 2.5 gallon is only big enough for one Betta and maybe a snail.
Hasna Syakira
Hasna Syakira - 7 years ago
hey, i'm starting a betta fish comunity tank too, i have 11 bettas, 5 males, 4 lemon chichlid, 6 platies, and 5 tiger barb, they were doing fine, nobody fighting or etc
Jasmine Tanguay
Jasmine Tanguay - 7 years ago
Hasna Syakira males should never be kept together
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
How many can I put in a 10 gallon tabk
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets how many inches is a 10 gallon
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets your are the best thanks for telling me everything that I don't know about betta fish ;)
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
3-4 snails ca go in a 10 gallon tanks.
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets how many snail?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
5 females.
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
Or 4
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
Can I get like 3 female betta in a 5 gallon?
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets by the way how about 10 gallon how many could I put in it
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets k
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Snails, yes.
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets 2?
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets how many?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
No the tank is too small for other fish. You could add a snail though.
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets and some other fish that can live with it? Like 2
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
One female.
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets how many can I put in a 5 gallon then
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
No, they need a 10 gallon minimum, 20 gallon would be better and 5 females.
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
Why you have to put four of them like that?
CrapLord :v
CrapLord :v - 7 years ago
Is it ok that if a female and male Betta fish share the same tank? my bettas is a female and a male. They had their tanks together and they are ok. They don't try to fight each other. Is it ok?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Typically a male and female in the same tank will eventually kill each other.
Salamander Fangskin
Salamander Fangskin - 7 years ago
What are those yellow fish that are already in your aquarium?
Salamander Fangskin
Salamander Fangskin - 7 years ago
Thank you! :)
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Twin bar platys.
Ruxandra Salinas
Ruxandra Salinas - 7 years ago
I have a question one of my betta fish I think is sick or somting and I don't know what it is he is to be full of life and have beautiful fins and now it looks like there glue together
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
If you're on Instagram feel free to send me a picture. Link is in the description box. Without seeing him it would be difficult to say for sure what could be wrong.
Ruxandra Salinas
Ruxandra Salinas - 7 years ago
Hello how are you
DragonGirl 2180
DragonGirl 2180 - 7 years ago
How many females can I put in a 20 gallon?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
5-7 if you're not adding any other fish that are middle or top swimmers.
Mysmall petshop
Mysmall petshop - 7 years ago
3:43 what were those yellow fish?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Twin Bar Platys.
Erica's Slimes
Erica's Slimes - 7 years ago
Is a 55 gallon okay? I have 8 in a 55 gallon heated, filtered tank.. With lots of live plants and deco.. Is that okay? Or too much?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Yes, that is perfectly fine.
GalaxyCat 799
GalaxyCat 799 - 7 years ago
so I had this problem when keeping 2 bettas and the problem was getting them both food because one would eat all the food and I tried giving the other the food but didn't work lol. How do I get this problem fixed in my sorority?
Eric Lind
Eric Lind - 7 years ago
GalaxyCat 799 You could get a floating fry pen and isolate one while feeding
GalaxyCat 799
GalaxyCat 799 - 7 years ago
ok thank you!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I'd try distracting the greedy one with food whilst feeding the other.
Peyton Lachapelle
Peyton Lachapelle - 7 years ago
I have a 75 gallon tank, how many bettas could I have?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I have a 75 gallon with 7 females and other community fish.
nik0325 - 7 years ago
Do you have a video listing the types of female bettas you have in your tank? If not, can you please list what kind they are? Thanks! :) BTW love the videos!!!!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thanks. They're half-moon and crown tail females.
Training Canines
Training Canines - 7 years ago
I'm planning on a tank with 2-3 females. Would a 5 gallon be okay or should I go for a 10 gallon?
Training Canines
Training Canines - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets thank you. I'm planning on getting a 15 gallon. It would work out better and I could house more females. Thanks for the help! :)
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Two to three females will likely kill each other. The tank needs to be a minimum of 10 gallons with a minimum of 5 females.
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 7 years ago
What would happen if you add a male into that tank ? Will the females start competing over him ? Or will they all attack him ?
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 7 years ago
+Lifewithpets thank you.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Every tank and Betta is different. I'd make sure they're not stressed, with stress strips and he's not hiding and no nipped fins. If you've got a very large tank you may get away with it but I'd watch them carefully as it's likely only a matter of time. It can work out occasionally but is definitely the exception rather than the rule.
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 7 years ago
+Lifewithpets •_• well it's a bit odd I've had mine placed with 2 females for 2 weeks, so far they haven't killed each other or fight much, but the male did start making bubble nests. I never placed him with more than 2 before.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
They'd likely kill him.
NE0327able - 7 years ago
how many can go in a 20 gallon planted tank without any other fish
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
5-7 females.
Ruxandra Salinas
Ruxandra Salinas - 7 years ago
Can I put 3 baby female in a 3gallon!?
Ruxandra Salinas
Ruxandra Salinas - 7 years ago
Thank you
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
2 or 3 bettas will likely kill each other. You need a minimum of 5 females. 10 gallons minimum preferable is 20 gallons.
Ruxandra Salinas
Ruxandra Salinas - 7 years ago
What is the right size for 2 or 3
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Our pleasure! One Betta in a 3 gallon tank.
Ruxandra Salinas
Ruxandra Salinas - 7 years ago
Thank you for the delivery of the tank divider
Ruxandra Salinas
Ruxandra Salinas - 7 years ago
So how many can I put!?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
No, that's way to small, they'll likely kill each other.
Rachel Gebhard
Rachel Gebhard - 7 years ago
Do the bettas all have to be the same type? Like, i have two females currently that generally are in separate tanks facing eachother and have no aggression towards eachother when they are appart. But ones a crowntail and ones a veiltail..are they ok to mix or should they all be of the same type?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
No you can mix betta tail types.
James SIggs
James SIggs - 7 years ago
Hi! I have a ten gallon tank that I want to start using again and I want to get betta(s) what would you recommend, should I do a sorority or a male betts in a community tank(if so what other fish would work?)
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I personally would do a betta with community fish. You can add a betta with 4-5 other smaller fish such as harlequin rasboras.
Alexis Taylor
Alexis Taylor - 7 years ago
What are those yellow fish that are in the tank?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Twin bar platies.
Amber stack
Amber stack - 7 years ago
I have a 40 gallon breeder tank with lots of plants and lots of hideouts I have 2 females that I'm going to move into it and I want to get 8 more do you think it will work?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Sounds like a great tank. I'd put all the females in at the same time.
Omnipolar - 7 years ago
Your bettas are absolutely stunning! I plan on starting a sorority in June. Its going to be a 10 gallon with 4 to 5 bettas. I have done so much research on how to choose none aggressive ones and more. If it works out I plan to upgrade to a 20 gallon tank. What is your opinion on this? I would really appreciate it if you would answer. Thank you.
Omnipolar - 7 years ago
+Lifewithpets Thank you so much for the advice
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Thank you! If you're planning on upgrading to a 20 gallon, I'd personally wait. You have more chance of success in a 20 gallon than a 10 gallon.
Daisee Darthmouth
Daisee Darthmouth - 7 years ago
I was wondering if a male betta can be housed with some red cherry shrimp? Also, I want to start a shrimp tank. Which species can go on the same tank?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Bettas will usually eat shrimp especially bright colored ones like cherry shrimp.
Schnapp _______
Schnapp _______ - 7 years ago
I have a Red black halfmoon that will literaly jump over nearest tank to kill anothe betta
Bertha DellaSala
Bertha DellaSala - 7 years ago
Thx this video was pretty helpful but I really want to know the water temperature you need and what type of water the bettas need
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Bettas need 78-80f they're tropical fish. Bettas are freshwater fish so tap water and add water conditioner before adding the fish.
Bertha DellaSala
Bertha DellaSala - 7 years ago
I'm on a space and money budget. Is a 5 gallon tank big enough for 2 to 3 female bettas
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
No, female bettas ideally need to be in groups of 5 or more in a minimum 10 gallon tank but 20 gallons is preferable.
My Point Of View
My Point Of View - 7 years ago
Can I have a sorority in a 17 gallon tank?
My Point Of View
My Point Of View - 7 years ago
Hallies Bettas I think it may of been a custom.
Hallies Bettas
Hallies Bettas - 7 years ago
Girl Talk where did you get a 17 gallon tank? That's a odd size.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Majestic Wolf Girls
Majestic Wolf Girls - 7 years ago
So if females can be together, can a male and female live together in a 10 or 15 gallon tank?
Majestic Wolf Girls
Majestic Wolf Girls - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets oh ok thx
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
No, they will likely kill each other.
Aquatic Betta
Aquatic Betta - 7 years ago
Where did u buy ur betta
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Rafał Dexik
Rafał Dexik - 7 years ago
23 gallon how many betta fe i can keep?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I would keep 6-8 females.
Holly Burnham
Holly Burnham - 7 years ago
I have a 29 gallon tank. I'm thinking about starting a sorority . I want 4-5 other fish to put in. I have heard tetras can cause too much nipping and harm. I've really liked the idea of incorporating a few Cory cats. If so , how many and what type of Cory cats would be good with the females? I also have many live plants and a few silk plastic plants.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
There are many types of Cory cats and most are peaceful, I like the Julii corys, there are also Pygmy corys, Green Corys and Peppered Corys that are peaceful plus many more. I'd google Cory cats and you will see it bring up many options. Cory's prefer to be in groups of 4-5 minimum.
idcmonica - 7 years ago
Hello there, I have been watching a bunch of your videos on sorority tanks recently because I plan to start my own up within the next few months. On your video about adding a new female to the sorority you mentioned you kept her in quarantine for a while before adding her in, now is this the case for when you first start the sorority to? Do I need to quarantine all 5 of my females before adding them to the tank or can I just add them all in at the same time right after I get them? Awesome videos by the way, you are so helpful!
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
I would add them first and then float the females for a long time so they can get used to them. You must be setting up a large tank. The bettas will have a nice home.
idcmonica - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets, thank you so much! Also something else I was wondering about was adding tetras and possibly guppies into the sorority tank, should I add those fish before or after I add all the females?
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
When first setting the tank up they can all go in together but if you add anymore after that it is best to quarantine them for a little while so you don't add any disease to the existing group.
Mel Christian Ramos
Mel Christian Ramos - 8 years ago
if i just remove all the males inside a grow out tank and leave just females until they mature will it work?
Mel Christian Ramos
Mel Christian Ramos - 8 years ago
thank you so much.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
In that case yes, the females should do well together.
Mel Christian Ramos
Mel Christian Ramos - 8 years ago
no, im thinking of taking all the males out and let all the females grow together.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Are you talking about breeding if so, no all the males will need to be housed separately.
Vaibhav Patel
Vaibhav Patel - 8 years ago
could I put betta in aquarium with gourami nd molly?
Hallies Bettas
Hallies Bettas - 7 years ago
Vaibhav Patel smaller female mollies might be okay with a female betta but gouramis and bettas are closely related species making it so fighting between them is very likely.
Yoongis Arm Veins
Yoongis Arm Veins - 7 years ago
Vaibhav Patel i have two male mollies and they get along fine with my female betta
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Gouramis and Mollies don't typically do well with betta fish.
J Peveto
J Peveto - 8 years ago
Hi. Just a suggestion, do not put a new smaller betta in with four females. If you put her in last, they seem to develop a "pecking order" and the newest one is exclusively picked on. At least that's what I read. But it's ur deal, and I hope everything comes out ok.
~Jordan P
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thank you for watching. I've done this many times and never had a problem. In fact the younger the betta the better. I've found that if you add younger ones to an established group they tend to ignore them as they are not seen as a threat. I've just added 2 new young ones to this group and they've paid no attention to them at all. Problems often arise if you add older females as they tend to be more aggressive and will challenge the ones in the existing group.

100. comment for How to start a Female Betta Sorority or Community Tank

Elaina DeWitt
Elaina DeWitt - 8 years ago
So I have a new 38 gallon bow front I got for Christmas. I've recently become obsessed with bettas, and I am highly considering a betta sorority community tank. How many bettas would you recommend, and would the size tank be okay for them?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I personally would not do anything less than 20 gallons for female bettas. You could do 5-6 females and 2-3 other fish.
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin - 8 years ago
I have two ladies that are going into five gallon tank with a hiding spot a hammock and some plants with gravel they are in their carrier tanks getting used to each other no aggression. Both baby female Vieltails. May make a video about them once I get tank setup.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
This is so true, they are often overlooked.
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin - 8 years ago
I will make sure to have a separate tank. A 2.5 gallon one at the ready just in case one or both start being aggressive fin nipping and the likes. They are both beautiful colors and I purchased the females because they are just as cute as the males are if not cuter. But many just pass them by and go for the males. I will make video of them once the tank is setup provided my lighting is good with the camera. Thank you for your useful reply too Lifewithpets.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
It's very rare two females living together work out especially in a smaller tank. They will often appear to be getting on for a day or two then once they have settled they usually turn on each other. I'd advise making sure you have separate tanks ready in case you need them. I hope it works out for you. I love veiltail bettas.
Oscar Nevins
Oscar Nevins - 8 years ago
Will certain betta species be more aggressive to one another for instance veil tails and crowntails, etc.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I've not found that to be the case but I can only speak for mine.
Maryann Calderón
Maryann Calderón - 8 years ago
I want to start a community of females bettas fish with 2 or 3 females in a 3 or maybe a 5 gallon tank. I would like to have suggestions is this is possible ?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
The minimum tank size for female bettas is 10 gallons preferable 20 gallons. To have a successful female community you need at least 5 females, any less than that and they usually fight and get very stressed.
Platinum Falls
Platinum Falls - 8 years ago
How the hell does this 20 gallon look bigger than my 29.
Keith Kogane
Keith Kogane - 7 years ago
might be with how things are set up in the tank.
and the colours can make it look bigger too. (referencing to the righ side being black and green, and the other side being white)
Simply Lilly
Simply Lilly - 8 years ago
Platinum Falls There are long tanks and high tanks, she has a long one so it looks bigger.
Oscar Nevins
Oscar Nevins - 8 years ago
I currently am keeping a female in a 30 gallon community aquarium with 3 mollies and 6 fancy guppies. The tank is moderately planted all over. Would you recommend adding four more females to the aquarium? I can easily add more plants if necessary
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
If you have a female already in there you'd need to take her out and completely change the tank and add more plants and then put all the females in the tank at the same time.
E. - 8 years ago
You probably don't remember me, but a while back I made a comment asking about my two female bettas. I figured you might want to hear from someone who followed your advice. I introduced two more females (they're all doing very well together) and I'm scheduled to get them a much larger tank in just a few days.
Katpoop KATPOOP - 8 years ago
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thank you, I appreciate you coming back and let me know how things are working out for you.
Fins, Wings, & Paws
Fins, Wings, & Paws - 8 years ago
Would it be fine if I put 3 females in a 20 gallon tank? If you could respond that would be amazing!
Fins, Wings, & Paws
Fins, Wings, & Paws - 8 years ago
Lifewithpets ok thank you!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
No, you need a minimum of 5 females anything less than that is not likely to work. The tank also needs to be very heavily planted.
Kitty Loves cats
Kitty Loves cats - 8 years ago
Your pink vailtail looks almost exactly like my former pink vailtail and her name was Katniss. It made me sad to see this fish because mine died after I bred her with my double tail male. :(
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I'm sorry, it's so sad when you lose a fish.
Yisrael C
Yisrael C - 8 years ago
How are your live plants doing so good in gravel? My plants are dying in sand lol
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Flourish root tabs! I have plants in another tank in sand substrate and they're doing great too by just using root tabs. Without some sort of plant food they can't grow well. Good lighting help too.
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 8 years ago
What platy are those?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Twin bar.
Christopher O'Brien
Christopher O'Brien - 8 years ago
Would a 15 gallon vertical work for a sorority?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
15 gallons may work, just be sure it's very heavily planted.
Spooky Doggo
Spooky Doggo - 8 years ago
Will there be fighting when you first release them?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
There maybe a little flaring but there shouldn't really be any fighting.
Random User
Random User - 8 years ago
Those bettas look amazing. It is a shame you cant put males together, tanks would be so colorful.
Do you know of any betta-like freshwater fish of that size that are not agressive?
Random User
Random User - 7 years ago
Emily McDonald Thanks lol. I had this idea guppies were crap because everyone in my family kept guppies and I thought they were so common and dull... I now appreciate their freaking tails. They look amazing. I decided to stock my tank with mollies instead.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thank you! There are many beautiful freshwater fish but a lot depends on tank size and other tank mates etc.
Teenaquarist 71
Teenaquarist 71 - 8 years ago
Looks good, but you probably want to use a net to get new fish into your tanks, its generally a good rule not to put the fish stores water in your tank
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
That's right you should never add store after to your tank. I maybe should have made it clear in the video that the water in the cups was not store water.
Michael Wells
Michael Wells - 8 years ago
Great video. I agree with everything you said. I've never seen yellow platies before What type are they by name?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thanks. These are twin bar platys from Petsmart.
Mckenzie Howard
Mckenzie Howard - 8 years ago
Where did you get the wood decoration that's in the tank?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Wood decoration, the tree trunk? It not wood but just a regular decoration from Petsmart.
Abby c
Abby c - 8 years ago
Would I be able to put two passive girl bettas in with each other in a 10 gallon tank with some guppies? (one I know will do fine with the guppies, but the other I am not for certain about because she has been in her own tank)
Abby c
Abby c - 8 years ago
Thats what I was thinking, so they would probably work together in a 20+ gallon, but even then gender wise, that could be a problem and I wouldn't wan't to do that, I usually tend to do one gender tanks.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
No, they will likely kill each other. Some people have been able to do it in very large tanks but it's rare and not recommended.
Abby c
Abby c - 8 years ago
Okay c: oh, and I've heard that a male and a female will get along fine, is this true? (I'm not gonna put two together, but it would be cool to know c: )
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I wouldn't recommend it. It's rare for females to get along unless you have 5 or more,
The Animal Report
The Animal Report - 8 years ago
Would I be able to start a sorority tank with only 3 females in a 10 gal?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
It's very rare it works out. In fact I've recently had several people come to me with issues of 3 females in 10 gallons tanks. Minimum that usually works is 5 females but I'd highly recommend a 20 gallon tank. 10 gallons in my opinion is too small. There are never any guarantees with sorority tanks so you must always be prepared with separate tanks in case it doesn't work out.
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 8 years ago
wow, this is actually very nice :O. I think that at one point, some aquarist will be able to put males betta togheter. Ive actually witness a video of a 280 gallon tank with guppies, an angel fish and three male betta together, their was no fine nipping behavior, every betta where triving... the key is to have a massive tank with so many plants that the betta don't have to see each other. I don't belive that betta should be kept alone in tiny tanks. in every video ive seen, beta are more active in community tanks. betta are a great adition to a big tank, they are so underated! it's true that some of them are very agressive, but the passive ones diserve to have big tanks with some companions. im planing to make a planting tank of my 26 gallon. right now, i want an angelfish and tetras. is their a chance i could put females betta in the tank, because they would be very awsome top dwellers. if they can't, could it put platy or molies instead?
K - 7 years ago
Jean-Michel Gervais maybe 20 or so years from now male betas will be able to house together. If people Bred for temperament and not looks
Susie Puleri
Susie Puleri - 7 years ago
I am bummed as I spent 6 months setting up a 29 gallon community tank. My goal was about 30 cardinal, neon, & green tetras, 3 julii cory, and I had a few otocinclus that I was holding in there for mu husband's tank. (I have filters on this tank for 70 gallons of water, so I could put in a bit more than the recommended 1" per gallon.) The finishing component was to introduce my male betta (Ricky) into the tank. I had watched Ricky for the entire 6 months in his 2.5 gallon bowl. He was quite docile and such a sweet natured betta. Things went well for about a week. He seemed to mind his own business and had enough space that he could roam and didn't seem to bother anyone. But then everything turned south. I found two dead julii cory. Upon finding these I studied Ricky more closely and saw that his behavior had changed. He was leaking and hiding and began going after the tetras. I thought I had enough hiding places in the tank, but maybe I needed more. I removed Ricky, who had become agitated and was eating so much that he was bloated up from getting too much food...way more than he is used to getting. Immediately upon removing him, I had a terrible ich breakout in the tank - most likely due to the stress of putting Ricky in there. He scared my others fish and so I began treating for ich. After two days of treating I woke up to 17 dead tears floating on the top of my tank. Subsequently I lost all but 5. So the moral to this story is to be very, very cautious in introducing a male betta or multiple. The experience changed him (though now he is alone and back to normal - and very happy) and it killed my community tank almost entirely. :(
Mr. Piggly
Mr. Piggly - 7 years ago
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 7 years ago
Yes it would be so nice, wouldn't it? :) One day, I might try it in a huge aquarium and I will be really selective and attentive to that tank, but yeah, I wouldn't recommand it and I most first gain a lot of experience and knowledge with bettas before I could even concidere doing it... I can't to it with my current ressources, but one day, Ill try to do a really nice community tank with some male bettas co-existing with each others. Space is probably one of the biggest factor, as well as the hidding spots available and of course, the personality of the fish themselves. In a community tank, the advantage would be that their would be so much fishes that it would be difficult for the bettas to catalyse their agressivity only toward their own kind...but for now, this is all only theory for me and I won't try it before im sure I can achieve this and have mutiple backup plans in case it dosen't work! The last thing I want is to creat a war between bettas that are trully beautifull fish :).
Bertha DellaSala
Bertha DellaSala - 7 years ago
Jean-Michel Gervais I agree with you. Also people can do that if they out more female than male bettas in one tank
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
No, I don't think this would be a good life for him. He would get very stressed out by all the other fish and not feel secure. I think setting up another tank would be a great option.
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 8 years ago
or actually I could put him in a breader tank... is it enough to support him all is life? because I trully like bettas and i want to offer a good life for one of them, but i don't want the risk of stressing him or other fish...
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 8 years ago
thanks for the info, it have been very eye oppening :). I think i should go for the angel instead of the betta, it will be less complicate and risky... but i might set a small 5 gallon specially for a betta :)
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
In theory they should be ok, but bettas can be unpredictable in what they will and won't accept. Rummy nose and Harlequins are a great addition to any aquarium. When it comes to female bettas the less other fish the better. The stocking rules generally don't apply the same because they need more space per fish to establish territory.
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 8 years ago
barbs are out of the way, they are fine nippers... i was talking about rummynoses, Harlequin rasbora (even if it's not a tetra) and neon. :P
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
The things with bettas is they don't like a 'busy' tank. So if you're doing tetras you would have to choose them wisely. I've only owned a few different types but never with bettas so I can advise on that. As for what other fish you can put with females you are limited, platys and Cory's are the main ones. Barbs, and you're fasting moving fish would not be suitable tank mates.
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 8 years ago
thanks a lot :). i didin,t taught that their was a difference in comportement between platies and mollies, so thanks for this info :). i agree with you about the waterflow. so, if an angel is not a good choice (I was suspecting that, but I like to have the opinions of a lot of person), what kind of fish would you recommend putting with the betta and the tetras? (it's more out of curiosity, im still planing what fish i want in the 26 gallon and i really like angels, but I don,t know if im going to change my mind in the last second, so it's better for me to have a lot of info about a lot of fish so i can mantain a nice community tank :) )
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I agree with you, male bettas can live peacefully in community tanks as long as the tanks are big enough and have suitable tank mates. One of the issues with them living in a community tank is the water flow, it is often too strong for them and can cause them a lot of stress. Betttas need very little water movement . Females in a 26 gallon heavily planted tank should work out well however there are never any guarantees. I would not recommend putting angel fish in with bettas. As Angels mature they can get very aggressive and territorial. I found Platys do well with females, Mollies typically don't.
Marcela Mayes
Marcela Mayes - 8 years ago
Love it!!!
galaxy star
galaxy star - 8 years ago
Is 10 gallon enough for 2 BETTAS?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
A 10 gallon divided tank yes. You can't put two bettas together in a tank they will likely kill each other. You need a minimum of 5 females.
Simply Dollightful
Simply Dollightful - 8 years ago
What were the other fish in the tank with them?
Simply Dollightful
Simply Dollightful - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Twin bar platys and Cory's.
Rahm Fist
Rahm Fist - 8 years ago
If its gonna be a 20 gallon tank let it be a 20 gallon long.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
This tank is a 20 gallon long.
Shey's Betta
Shey's Betta - 8 years ago
To prevent aggression there should be many more plants! I see this in almost every video on Youtube. Betta tanks with only few plants and plastic decoration. I really don't know why people like it. Natural tanks with lots of wood and many plants are much nicer, closer to nature and better for the fish.
Josalie Wilson
Josalie Wilson - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets I've got to ask. what was it like when you first put the bettas in together? I finally tried with five females today and after watching them fighting almost as soon as they were in, I separated them again. I was reading through the comments to see if that was normal. I might have missed something but one fish was obviously very stressed based on the type of lines on her body and three of them were particularly aggressive. after about 20-30 minutes I gave up. fins were already torn when I took them out. was that too soon to give up? I know they are to establish hierarchy. I just don't know how exactly they do that. I'd floated them for about 3 hours prior to putting them together. there was some flaring. but I really thought they would each find their own space in the ten gallon tank and not fight. Instead four of then kept following each other in and out of the plants and fighting. Ah well. I'm afraid to try again but advise me
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I agree. There is an update video to this one as the tank has changed a lot since this video was done. Most betta sororities fail due to lack of plants and poor water quality. This tank is very well planted now. The plants grew very quickly. All the females are still doing great, they're very peaceful with no aggression issues. The more natural a tank the better for any fish.
Florence Phillips
Florence Phillips - 8 years ago
If the female bettas are already together in the tank at the store, does that mean that there will be likely no aggressive behaviour ?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Unfortunately no. There is the advantage that you can observe the females with other females whilst in the store. You need to look for stress strips and nipped fins. Once the females are removed from a larger group they then have to establish their hierarchy in the new group.
Kijana Crespo
Kijana Crespo - 8 years ago
how long do the eggs goes to a fish
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
2-3 days.
Super Mario Shorts
Super Mario Shorts - 8 years ago
Is 10 gallons ok for just 2
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
You can't have two bettas together. If you're doing females you need a minimum of 5 otherwise they will fight and be very stressed.
Aqua- John
Aqua- John - 8 years ago
pls help i have 1 female betta and im gonna start a sorority but she is so aggresive what can i do to lessen the aggression?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
There is not a great deal you can do. Some bettas are too aggressive to live with any other fish.
Fluffy an Trapinch
Fluffy an Trapinch - 8 years ago
1:20 thats what i do basically with my bettas
Kazz - 8 years ago
I have no idea why or how I got here, I've never kept bettas and I never do plan on keeping bettas (I have nothing against them, I just don't want them) but I really enjoyed the video. Good stuff!
TheFishesDishes 16
TheFishesDishes 16 - 7 years ago
Kenna's channel DO NOT put a male with ANY other BETTAS the male will have a territory of ATLEAST 3 feet and will attack and nip the females male bettas are NOT MEANT FOR SORORITIES.
Arthur Kooy
Arthur Kooy - 7 years ago
+A person who has a channel Thats by far to much, i think 1 male and 2 female is absolute the max but then you can ad a little school of another fish like 8 tetra's or so.
Crazy Lps
Crazy Lps - 7 years ago
A person who has a channel,
It's Very risky and I don't recommend it at all here is what would happen
you put the fish in, the females will start fighting for the male, once only one of the females is still alive the male will mate with her and than if she survives she will give birth and than she will fight to the death with the male and you will end up with one batta left not counting the few babies that survived so if you want that sure!
Kenna's channel
Kenna's channel - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets if I have a 20 gallon fish tank that will be planted well enough, could I have 5 females and one male together?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Your comment made me laugh. Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Zahid Khan
Zahid Khan - 8 years ago
how to make a pair my female is bigger than male every time put her in the tank she attacks male injured him
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
It sounds like you have a very aggressive female. Some females can be too aggressive to breed. I'd maybe try a different one. When bettas breed it is a very aggressive process.
Zahid Khan
Zahid Khan - 8 years ago
Yes she is having vertical breeding strips but it is since i had purchased about 2 weeks ago and she is bigger than male in body size
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
No, this is the only way I know to do it. Breeding bettas is difficult and requires patience. It often takes several attempts or breeding pairs for it to work. Are you sure she is female? Does she have vertical breeding strips?
Zahid Khan
Zahid Khan - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets is there any other idea for pairing
Zahid Khan
Zahid Khan - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets yes i had follow same things infact lastly i had kept female for about five days in separate box in same tank and she is having strips since i had purchased last thing i can assume is either she might be male of female kind
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Have you had her in a breeder box in the same tank as the male so they can see each other but not get to each other? You have to wait till she has breeding strips and he has built the bubble nest, then she will be ready to be released and breed. Even when they're ready to breed they often seriously injure each other during the process.
Zahid Khan
Zahid Khan - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets yes i want them to have babies and i had followed the same steps mentioned in videos for breeding but as soon as i relase female in tank she attacks male my male is very handsome why she is so aggrasive i don't undersand how to pair them
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Males and females cannot live together. They will kill each other. You have to condition the female to the male if you plan to breed and then once they've bred she must be removed from the male.
Savvy U
Savvy U - 8 years ago
What exact tank do you use?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I have Amazon Sword, Bacopa and Anubias. They're all easy to grow low light plants.
Savvy U
Savvy U - 8 years ago
I have another question, can I have a list of all the plants you have in this tank?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
If you're in the USA Petco have their $1 per gallon sale so now is a good time to buy one.
Savvy U
Savvy U - 8 years ago
Lifewithpets thank you!!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
It's an aqueon tank 20 gallon long. It's perfect for bettas as it's not too deep.
Savvy U
Savvy U - 8 years ago
Lifewithpets the sorority, I love the height and width! :)
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Use for what?
UnicornFarts - 8 years ago
Can I house some type of fish with my male betta that are pretty cheap? If so leg md know right away! Tnks
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Yes you can but a lot depends on how aggressive your male Betta is and what size tank he's in. 10 gallons and over you can add a few fish.
Kimberley Davis
Kimberley Davis - 8 years ago
Yes you can but be aware that sometimes things don't work out right. There are a few different videos showing the fish that can safely live with bettas. Once you find the fish you would like to put with your betta, do more research on that fish. Also, snails are great for betta tanks and other tanks in general. I hope this helps!
Kay Wilkerson
Kay Wilkerson - 8 years ago
Sorry to hear that, so excited to see the next video
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thank you. The video will be up on Tuesday:)
Terri Kashon
Terri Kashon - 8 years ago
hi I am marisa's mamaw , the Marisa from Marisa's betta fish. she is thinking of moving scarlet out of her 10 gallon and taking out violet and get 4 other females to go with her. she loves her betta fish alot. I own a crowntail that marbiling , she told me he was and that he looks different.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Hi, Marisa's mamaw, I personally don't think a 10 gallon is big enough and the reason is bettas are very territorial, they need space to have their own territory and a 10 gallon is not big enough for that. Many sororities fail for this reason. If it fails you also need to have tanks to house the females separately so you need a lot of spare suitable sized tanks with filters and heaters etc. You need a minimum of 5 similar age females, So violet or scarlet will probably not work. They're much older and will likely kill or seriously injure younger bettas. I'd suggest she wait till she can get a 20 gallon and start with 5 new females all bought at the same time and a similar size. It's also needs to be very heavily planted for it to work, so this will require buying lots of either live or fake plants, the tall large ones. I'm sorry this is probably not what she wanted to hear but sororities are difficult and need to be done very carefully. I know she loves her bettas and does the best she can for them.
Magdalena Allen
Magdalena Allen - 8 years ago
I've been wanting to do this for awhile but was scared of the fighting since bettas are known for thier aggression . I did go to petco recently and they didn't have baby females but they did have full grown females or bigger ones , just wondering if this only works for female babies or can I purchase different kind ( half moon etc) of adults as well. thank you so much for this helpful video !!
Magdalena Allen
Magdalena Allen - 8 years ago
thank you so much for the advice , I'll be looking forward to your next video
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching! You can put different female tail varieties together but it is better if they're younger or at least all the same size. Mine were not baby bettas from petco, they were a little larger. They were from the 'regular' female section at Petsmart. The conditioning of them at the beginning is important. When you choose them try not to get any that are feisty and showing aggression. I've just recently bought another one to add to the group. My females are large in size now so I made sure the new one was a little smaller and unsure of herself so they wouldn't see her as a threat. She's fitted in really well. Video on her and her transition into the group will be up on Tuesday!
Kay Wilkerson
Kay Wilkerson - 8 years ago
How are yours girls? Are they playing nice? I would love to start a community tank, but my girl is timid and shy.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
They're doing really well! You will see them in a few upcoming videos. We had two sisters die but that was a genetic issue and the community was a little unsettled because we went down to just 4 females and you really need 5 or more. We're just getting ready to add another female. I will post a video on it possibly next week.
haloshinder - 8 years ago
Betta fish are not good to put with other fish especially other betta's
haloshinder - 8 years ago
Yeah we will. It really does depend on the betta and it is pretty much taking a chance and seeing. I prefer to have them in their own tank though.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
One bad experience doesn't mean all bettas can't live in community tanks. As I've said some bettas are too aggressive. It didn't work out for you and others you know and that's ok, but It's worked out great for me and many others I know. It all depends on the individual Betta and the tank mates. On this subject we will have to agree to disagree.
haloshinder - 8 years ago
It wasn't the angelfish's fault cause they live in the community tank with lots of other different types of fish. Like I said betta's are not good community tank fish cause they are fighting fish. Angelfish are good community tank fish. I'm not the only one that has tried to put a betta in a community tank and it has failed.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Angel fish are not at all suitable fish to be with Betta fish. Angels are territorial too so you had two fish together that will fight for territory. It's widely accepted that bettas can live with peaceful community fish as long as the Betta is not too aggressive. I've had many male bettas live in a community tank with no issues at all. Not all bettas will live in a community tank but most will if they're with suitable tank mates and the tank is big enough and decorated well.
haloshinder - 8 years ago
Betta's are not good community fish. I tried putting my betta in my community tank and the first few days he was doing fine then one day I wake up and my angelfish top fin was gone. Once they get comfortable it's not good cause they will be territorially. My beta is back in his own tank now.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Females can live together as long as they're not too aggressive and you have more than 5 in a heavily planted tank. My tank is very peaceful. A single male Betta can live with peaceful community fish as long as your tank is large enough (10 gallons or more) and he's not too aggressive.
Julian Jacobs
Julian Jacobs - 8 years ago
Hi im looking for some advice on keeping female betas... Will they be okay with neon tetra? I have a 10 gallon tank with 6 neons in at the moment. Im thinking of adding 3-4 betas and maybe a couple of corys
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
A male Betta would love all that space! Be sure to get one that's not too aggressive if you want him to live with other fish.
Julian Jacobs
Julian Jacobs - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets ok! Thanks for your help i might just get a really nice male to live with the tetra then. Im thinking about getting a 20/30g tank soon so i might use that for the females :)
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I personally think a 10 gallon is too small for a Betta sorority especially if you already have 6 neons in the tank and are thinking of adding Corys. Corys need to be in groups of at least 3 or more. You need at least 5 females for a sorority, any less than that and it usually doesn't work out. 5 female bettas plus 6 neons would not give the bettas the space they need.
Michael Piccirillo
Michael Piccirillo - 8 years ago
one of my female betta fish keeps chasing my black fin yellow platy a lot.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Sometimes females are too aggressive to live with other fish.
LPS Funky 2005
LPS Funky 2005 - 8 years ago
Oh phew I'm getting a 20 gallon for my sorority
LPS Funky 2005
LPS Funky 2005 - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets Ohh ok
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
No, you need at least 5. When you have fewer they will fight a lot more and the sorority will usually fail. They need to establish a hierarchy and with only 2 or 3 it's not enough fish to do that.
LPS Funky 2005
LPS Funky 2005 - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets Ok At Least THey Will Be Happy.. And is it ok to only have 2 or 3 in a sorority?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
A 20 gallon is a great size:)
Robert Kowalke
Robert Kowalke - 8 years ago
As a Breeder of Betta's for more than 25 years I must say I enjoy your videos! My favorite freshwater fish aside from Angel's.
I had quite a few sororities back in the day and did have alot of enjoyment especially when new color patterns developed or style of fins changed on the young <After careful selection for breeding>.

I would say 5 is a great bet though depending on the tank size you can really get a larger group, especially heavily planted tanks <live plants>. Keep up the great work!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thanks. Yes, that's one of the things stopping me from doing the 55 gallon. I don't think they'd appreciate the depth. Aqueon make a 33 gallon long that would be perfect but they're hard to find and are expensive. Wow, I'm sure that tank would have been amazing to see!!
Robert Kowalke
Robert Kowalke - 8 years ago
Awesome I'll tune in ;)  Found out years back that for sororities a long but shallow tank works best.  If you ever get xtra cash you can have 1 made like a friend of mine it's 30 feet long 3 feet high and spans 1 wall in his basement.  He lost that in a house fire but would love to see that again ;)
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thank you, I really appreciate the feedback. We have found 5-6 work well in our 20 gallon anymore than that and they don't have enough space and start to fin nip. I would like to try a 55 gallon and that may be a project for in the future. If you like new color patterns you'll like my next video which will be up on Tuesday. I've just got a new one with very unique coloring.
virtual riot
virtual riot - 8 years ago
make more vids about fish
Heather's Life
Heather's Life - 8 years ago
@lifewithpets hey I have a pets hop that keeps female betas in the same tank together do I still need to see if they like each other like for 2hrs or can I just do it for 20 minutes?
Heather's Life
Heather's Life - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets ok
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Yes but it often fails because the mesh is not really suitable. Also the Bettas can still see each other which causes them great stress. You have to be sure the mesh is doubled and fastened so it's off set this way they can't see each other as easily. I have a video on how to make a proper divider not using mesh if you want to check it out. A 20 gallon can only be split into 4 to give them enough room.
Heather's Life
Heather's Life - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets yes
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Do you mean dividers to divide the tank up?
Heather's Life
Heather's Life - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets and if they start fighting is it OK if I put grids in to split them up
Heather's Life
Heather's Life - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets ok
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
When you next go to the store, look at their tail fins and see if they have rips in them. This will tell you just how well they get along. Once they have moved from that environment to yours they will need to re-establish their territory and pecking order. You will need to watch them for days. Plants are much more important than decorations.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
You could also order from Amazon. We get most of our fish supplies on Amazon as they're usually the cheapest. You need to be aware that not all sororities work. Be sure to have suitable tanks available for if you need to separate your females. This is usually the biggest mistake people make. They don't have other 5-6 tanks available for if things go wrong. With Bettas there are never any guarantees they will get along.
Heather's Life
Heather's Life - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets in the pet shop I go to like I said they live in the same tank they all get along together do I need to worry if they fight like how long do I need to watch them closely. the man that works their has had them in the same tank all their life, also should I get more ornaments or plants.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Heather's Life
Heather's Life - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets and ok I will look for those water conditioners
Heather's Life
Heather's Life - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets yeah I can't sleep my hamster is noisy
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Yes, Tetra is what we used when we lived in the uk. Fluval is a good make too. You're up really late!!
Heather's Life
Heather's Life - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets and I live in an area where the fish shops aren't good and don't sell conditioner but I can get some from a shop an hour away
Heather's Life
Heather's Life - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets ok are all water conditioners good
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I am from the uk and water conditioner is easy to find at any petstore. You should always use it. When you take water to the store to be tested all they are testing for is ammonia, nitrite and nitrates but the water has high levels of other dangerous chemicals to fish. You're looking for something like Tetra Aqua safe. You can buy it on Amazon but most petstores that sell fish have it. Your fish won't live long without it and will suffer in the process.
Heather's Life
Heather's Life - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets also I have had fish in the past without water conditioner we took a sample to my local pet shop and they said it was fine they lived for 2 years
Heather's Life
Heather's Life - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets it's also really hard to find water conditioner in the UK
Heather's Life
Heather's Life - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets ok I am getting them for Christmas but I know what tank I am getting
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
You can do 6 too. If your doing 6 I would only add bottom dwellers like Corys. The tank must be heavily planted.
Heather's Life
Heather's Life - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets is 5 better than 6? and ok
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Then yes you could add a few more. Are you adding 5 females? I think Corys are a good choice for Bettas but you need at least 3 for them to be happy. Platies do well too.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
What size is the tank?
Heather's Life
Heather's Life - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets and also can I add any other fish and if so what fish can I buy?
Heather's Life
Heather's Life - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets ok thanks
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
If they've lived together already they should be ok, but there are never guarantees with Bettas
DGMF - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets you are amazing at vids
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thank you
DGMF - 8 years ago
This is really helpful cuz I really want to start one of these thanks
It'sJustTony - 8 years ago
It is not a 6-8 week process to cycle a tank. It took me 5 hours to cycle mine!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
If you were using substrate, media and plants from a previously cycled tank then the tank would cycle very quickly as long as the filters had not been switched off for too long. Glad your fish are all doing well.
It'sJustTony - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets I just used the same substrate. Same plants and same filter media. And I added additional bacteria. Well I guess I made a mistake though luckily my fish are doing just swimmingly.

I'll stop.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
To cycle a tank takes a long time for the bacteria process to work. You can add beneficial bacteria to a tank but that doesn't cycle it immediately it does helps the process along.The quickest I've done it is 4 weeks. The bacteria has to colonize in the filter. That doesn't happen in hours but weeks. The water needs to be tested regularly so you know when the ammonia and nitrite readings are zero and nitrate is showing in the tank. Then the cycle is complete.
Auzzie - 8 years ago
What are those yellow fish
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Twin bar platies.
kittenjewel101 - 8 years ago
Great video but you should never dump that nasty water in the tank so when you add the tank water use a syringe that has never been cleaned with soap as that is toxic to them hope to see more of ur videos
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Please read the comments in the description box. The water that went into the tank was clean water. I always forget to state something in a video so I add it to the comments box.
KyloMeekthos aka FilthyCasual
KyloMeekthos aka FilthyCasual - 8 years ago
u basically poured 4 random Port-a-Pottys into your tank. ppl dont add that nasty fishstore water to your tanks.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
The water in the pots was clean water. As I said in the video I left them for several hours to get used to each other. I did not leave them in the dirty store water but gave them fresh clean water. I should have said that in the video but I always seem to forget something.
Teto92 YT
Teto92 YT - 8 years ago
I can't put my betta in the tank because it has a Oscar in it
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
No, but Oscars are fantastic fish. I used to have two in a 125 gallon.
Samantha Wong
Samantha Wong - 8 years ago
What kind of fish are the yellow ones?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thank you
Samantha Wong
Samantha Wong - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets thanks! I love love love your aquarium btw!!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
They are Twin bar platies.
Thanos - 8 years ago
i start a sorority with baby females from petco i make sure they dont mistake them for males. now i have 5 female babies living togethor in a 10 gallon the alpha is the smallest one shes a baby crowntail
Family Cyr
Family Cyr - 7 years ago
that must be really cute
Keith Kogane
Keith Kogane - 7 years ago
betta fish expert 1 honestly im not sure, but it could be to do with personality, how they look, or how big their fins/tails are.
betta fish expert 1
betta fish expert 1 - 7 years ago
Lifewithpets why are the alphas usually the crown tails
Space Pets
Space Pets - 8 years ago
Thats so cute <3
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I hope it works out for you.:)
king0fheart4711 - 8 years ago
People need to think....the more fish, the more waste there is, and the higher/quicker chance of the tank crashing. So the population to the tank capacity is crucial.

I'm not critiquing you, I'm only making an additional comment from my experience to other betta lovers.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I agree, it's one of the reasons I recommend a 20 gallon tank. A 10 gallon sorority has become very popular but in most cases is fails. It's just not big enough for at least 5 females.
I Love bettas
I Love bettas - 8 years ago
could I try to put 2-3 females in a 4.6 gallon tank? thanks for your help!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
It is but it all depends on water temperature. If you live somewhere cold then the hose pipe water will be really cold. Whereas using tap water you can regulate the temperature better. Always use water conditioner before adding new water. How big is the tank and is it filtered?
I Love bettas
I Love bettas - 8 years ago
I have one more question. I am about to upgrade to a bigger tank, and it is getting to be a lot of work to get gallons and gallons of water. Is it ok to use hose water as long as you use the right conditioners?
I Love bettas
I Love bettas - 8 years ago
ok. thanks!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching. A 4.6 gallon is too small. Females need to be in a group of 5 minimum. This helps to spread out any aggression. If you have fewer females they are more likely to constantly fight and be very stressed.
Ominous Bliss
Ominous Bliss - 8 years ago
In a fish forum, someone stated that bettas are naturally not as aggressive as domesticated ones but people have made them that way to get them to fight as a game. Is that true?
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I really hope it works out for you and them:)
Ominous Bliss
Ominous Bliss - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets i guess i can try, i dont think they have space though. One tank for one red devil XD good idea though. It is the fish that goes through worse. I'm using rainwater so it is cold as hell. I added it slowly with the heater on but two of them got shocked so they are swimming on their sides :(
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I'm sorry you've had to go through this. Is there not a local fish store that would take them?
Ominous Bliss
Ominous Bliss - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets Thankyou, i'll just euthanize them then.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
A 150 gallon would be suitable for one. If they are Red Devils I'd personally only keep one. It would be easier all round.
Ominous Bliss
Ominous Bliss - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets I have a 150gal tank but that isnt enough for 5 of them isn't it? my dad left it behind and im not sure if i am capable to taking care of such a large tank so i was going to understock to make it easier but then these guys came along..... i think it is only suitable for two red devils? well, im still trying to figure out if they are red devils or a midas cichlids.
Ominous Bliss
Ominous Bliss - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets I don't think anyone would want them :( since the tub isn't big enough, they've been bullying each other so they are really sick. I think euthanizing is the best way because no one would be kind enough to get a sick fish, plus the amount of space they need. Btw they actually bond? i read some stuff about the males being a dick and only letting the females into their territory if they are willing to mate. Also they can kill their females too, doesn't sounds like they care XD
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Wow, Red Devils, you have your hands full! The ones you have left are likely to slowly kill each other until you are either left with a bonded pair or a single red devil. They can live peacefully with other peaceful cichlids they just don't do well living with their own kind. They also get very large 10-14 inches and need a minimum tank size of 75 gallons. I would recommend rehoming some if not all. As for breeding them to be more peaceful that would take many years, lots of tanks, money and cross breeding, if is even possible.
Ominous Bliss
Ominous Bliss - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets oh ok, thats pretty sad that they've been turned into something so aggressive just for our liking. I'm into peaceful fish, partly because someone gave me 10 freaking cichlids stating that they are tilapia. Turns out they are red devils..... they killed off 5 of them and only half are left. The poor things are forced into a 40 gal tub because i didnt have any experience with them since im new to this hobby. My mom insisted though -.-
Anyway, so would it be possible to purposely breed the to be peaceful or semi peaceful? i reckon that would make a lot of money if it was possible to keep multiple of them like the mbuna cichlids to lower aggression levels.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
There is some truth to this. Years ago the fish were selectively breed for their aggression to be used by kings for fighting games. Bettas today in some circles are still breed for that reason and prized fighters sell for a lot of money. Bettas are naturally aggressive however in the wild they would fight, but as with most animals once one shows more power the other will usually back down and leave the aggressors territory. This is what Bettas would do in the wild. If male Bettas are in a tank together they can't leave which is why they will often fight to the death.
This girl Rocks
This girl Rocks - 8 years ago
I am planning to put two female bettas in a 2.5 gallon tank which will be heavily planted with lots of hiding places. I DO know that you need 5-6 females in a 10-20 gallon tank but my mom will say its to much work. I have had lots of exerience with bettas and WILL seperate them if they fight or look stressed.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
This is a really bad idea. They will eventually kill each other. You are going to be knowingly subjecting them to cruel conditions. It's not about experience it's about giving them what's best for them. There is no if you have to separate them, you will have to separate them. So be sure you have another tank set up and ready. Why not put one in a 2.5 gallon giving it the best life possible.
Crazy Lps
Crazy Lps - 8 years ago
cool thx ❤
R32Viper512 - 8 years ago
I had 2 female crowntails together they never fought and 1 was a whole year older than the other I tried adding a female vieltail but the other 2 had been attempting to nip at her, 2 weeks later my younger crowntail died of ich couldn't save her in time.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Wow, that's amazing!
R32Viper512 - 8 years ago
They weren't stressed at all either they acted like twins they would swim together like a school, no fighting no flaring no nipping and no fighting food I was pretty surprised
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I'm so sorry your fish died. It's sad when they die. It's very rare for two females to live peacefully together. They usually live very stressed lives, if they have black strips down their body they are stress strips meaning the fish is extremely stressed. You were very fortunate to have them live peacefully with no stress lines.
Jayden Cool
Jayden Cool - 8 years ago
What about 2 females
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Two females will not get along. The more dominant will eventually kill the other. At the very least they'd live very stressed lives.
Jennaerys Targaryen
Jennaerys Targaryen - 8 years ago
Excellent video. All your info was great and spot on.
I only shuddered slightly as you emptied the cup water that was mixed with the tank water directly into the aquarium. That water in those cups can't be trusted! I always carefully net and place in the new setup. ☺️
Jennaerys Targaryen
Jennaerys Targaryen - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets that's ok you did now! ☺️
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching. When I brought them home I changed their water because I knew I would be keeping them in the cups for at least a few hours while I conditioned them to each other. So the cup water was clean. Maybe I should have specified that. I always forget something!
GDeathGod TDFL
GDeathGod TDFL - 8 years ago
how do you keep a tank that big clean
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching. Good filtration and 25-30% water changes once a week.
Ashley Crowley
Ashley Crowley - 8 years ago
Do you breed bettas?
Ashley Crowley
Ashley Crowley - 8 years ago
Thank you so much!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I hope it works out for you:)
Ashley Crowley
Ashley Crowley - 8 years ago
I tried breeding Bettas but the male just ended up eating all of the eggs. So I'm re- conditioning them right now.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Not at the moment, but I may do in the future.
Jonathon Lutringer
Jonathon Lutringer - 8 years ago
Hey there! Great video with lots of information! I have a single Male Betta in a 5Gal. Tank and was wondering whethor or not adding a bottom feeder fish would be okay? And if so what are the bottom feeders you have in the tank of this video?
Jonathon Lutringer
Jonathon Lutringer - 8 years ago
Good to know thanks!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
A 5 gallon is too small to add any tank mates. Bettas are very territorial. Depending on the aggression level of your Betta and whether you think he'd accept anything else in the tank, I'd suggest maybe a nerite snail either the zebra or tiger Nerites. Most Bettas accept them. The bottom feeders in my tank are Julii Corys. They need to be in groups of at least 3 but preferably 5 and need a 10 gallon minimum for a group of 3.
Helena Fossum
Helena Fossum - 8 years ago
Can you keep 2 betta fish in a 2 gal.tank
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
No, they will kill each other. The minimum tank size for one Betta is 2.5 gallons. Male bettas cannot live with other betta fish and females can only live in groups of 5 or more if the tank is big enough. Preferable tank size 15-20 gallons.
Emmys Animals
Emmys Animals - 8 years ago
Hello I just got my betta and was wondering when should I feed him first ??
Emmys Animals
Emmys Animals - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets ok thankyou x
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Congratulations! I would feed tomorrow morning. Give him time to settle.
Shihtzus Caro & Lina
Shihtzus Caro & Lina - 8 years ago
How many artificial plants can I use for the tank of this size?
Shihtzus Caro & Lina
Shihtzus Caro & Lina - 8 years ago
Thank you for the helpful answer.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
A lot depends on the type of fish you have and what tank set up they need. So if it was for Goldfish, then very few plants, but for most community tropical fish they like a moderate to heavily planted tank.
Ryder Jarvis
Ryder Jarvis - 8 years ago
I've kept lots of fish, from Betta to Oscars, and everything in between. But I've never done a planted tank. Can you recommend any beginner plants that would do well in a 55 gallon tank?
Ryder Jarvis
Ryder Jarvis - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets Thanks
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching. Like you we've owned Bettas to Oscars and everything in between and had never done plants. We started using them 3 months ago. I thought it would be difficult but it's been surprisingly easy. They've grown so quickly. We mixed a little fluval Stratum with the gravel. The only other thing we use Flourish root tabs. We don't dose or use CO2 nothing like that. Lighting is important though. Id suggest, Anubias, Amazon sword, Bacopa, Jungle Val, lugwigia and Java fern. There are all beginner plants and some of what we've started with. They would look amazing in a 55 gallon tank. They're easy to grow and with the right lighting and root tabs should grow fast! I have pictures on Instagram of the tank and its growth. Link to Instagram is in the description. There's also link in description box to the items I mentioned if you want to take a look at them. I hope this helps.
Annette EM
Annette EM - 8 years ago
Love your videos
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thank you.
aby f
aby f - 8 years ago
It actually takes many weeks to months for a fish to get accustomed to the new ph. All acclimation does is set the temps. to equal degrees. Thought I'd correct you.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
+Aby xoxo Thank you :)
aby f
aby f - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets Well I respect that you stand for what you believe in. Have a good day.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching. I have to respectfully disagree with you on this. I read many articles from reputable fish sites that explained what acclimating is. I wanted to be sure my understanding and information was correct before doing the video. It's why I included the acclimating process because most people think it's just about temperature but it's so much more than that.
kitty - 8 years ago
smart ☺
At Parrish
At Parrish - 8 years ago
Great video I really look up to you.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Awe, thank you:)
JC Fish Family
JC Fish Family - 8 years ago
Such an informative video! If I ever consider a sorority I will definitely go by this video! By the way congrats on your channel doing so well, you really deserve it!
JC Fish Family
JC Fish Family - 8 years ago
I can't wait!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thank you! I'm glad it was helpful
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 8 years ago
your channel is growing so fast!!!!!
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets can't wait either!!!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Yes, it seems to be, I can't believe it! I'm so excited about the giveaway. It's going to be a good one!!
Bright-BlueBerry - 8 years ago
Great information. I'm sure you've helped a lot of people trying to start a sorority. :-D
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thank you:)
Lindy Diddle
Lindy Diddle - 8 years ago
Thanks so much! I plan on having a sorority tank, and I would have done it all wrong without this information. ❤
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thank you! I hope your sorority works out well for you:)
Puppypop 101
Puppypop 101 - 8 years ago
Very good video!!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Sounds good. I'm looking forward to seeing it:)
Puppypop 101
Puppypop 101 - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets It's doing good, I put the 10 gallon filter in it and put some of the water from the ten gallon in it and let it sit for a couple days while the new filter ran in the old tank. I tested the water and it said it was all good but I'm going to wait a couple more days to put the girls in.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thanks:) How's your new tank doing?
Mark's Fish Keeping UK
Mark's Fish Keeping UK - 8 years ago
very good information on video
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Pink Bettas
Pink Bettas - 8 years ago
I love your tank
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Joseph Borges
Joseph Borges - 8 years ago
I love you Beautiful keep up the great work life with pets and thank you for answering my question! Btw would you like to see a picture of my betta fish Community tank? If so, Just tell how you want to get. Thanks
Joseph Borges
Joseph Borges - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets ok I'll definitely do that!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching, Joseph! I'd like to see your Betta community tank, you should do a video on it. You can also follow on me Instagram and post it there.
Raining Pigs Studios
Raining Pigs Studios - 8 years ago
Great video, By the way I'm moving my betta fish into a bigger tank and want a snail, and I would like to know what type of snails do you have in the tank. I really liked that striped snail!
Raining Pigs Studios
Raining Pigs Studios - 8 years ago
+Aung Thein I only has 1 betta, I last one stayed alive for about 5ish years and he will always be my favorite, I Baugh him when the store was restocking their betta fish so I got him when he was like 10 months old. I have a community tank with tetras and catfish but other then that those are my only fish right now.
Aung Thein
Aung Thein - 8 years ago
+Raining Pigs Studios yay soo much room I can already tell your bettas are going to live long
Aung Thein
Aung Thein - 8 years ago
+Raining Pigs Studios yay!! A 5 gallon for a betta he's going to love all the room :)
Raining Pigs Studios
Raining Pigs Studios - 8 years ago
+Lifewithpets I'm actually moving my betta fish to a 5 gallon tank, because he's in a 1 gallon tank, with 2 plants, a spongebob and a bed. but once I move him into there I bet he would love it alot. I'm going to purchase the tank on ebay today, and it comes with a filter and a hood with LED lights. I do want a snail to eat the leftover food and to filter it even more, I hope I can find the zebra snail at my local petco, if not I'll go to petsmart and if there is still no Zebra snail I'll just buy it on ebay. Thanks for your help!
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Nerite are freshwater, however they need brackish water for their eggs to hatch if you wanted to breed them. They will breed in a freshwater tank but the eggs will not hatch.
Aung Thein
Aung Thein - 8 years ago
+Raining Pigs Studios no bcuz I kept mine with a betta before sorry i f I sound rude
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Yes, they are Nerite snails.
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching! The striped snail is a Zebra Nerite snail, there are also Horned Nerite snails, Tiger Nerite snails and a Mystery snail. They are good for tanks over 5 gallons. Snails produce a lot of waste so a filter is a must if you have them. I'm sure your Betta will enjoy it's bigger tank.
Raining Pigs Studios
Raining Pigs Studios - 8 years ago
+Aung Thein I'm pretty sure nerite is saltwater, but I'm not sure.
Aung Thein
Aung Thein - 8 years ago
nerite snail?

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