How to start a Female Betta Sorority or Community Tank
Betta 8 years ago 118,500 views
How to start Female Betta fish sorority or community tank. Everyone has different ways and views. I'm sharing how I did it and what worked for me. Recommended minimum tank size would be 20 gallon long with a heater and filter. Be sure to cycle the tank before adding your fish. The tank needs to be heavily planted with places to hide. Choose your female bettas carefully. Adding a group of at least 5 females is preferable. Be sure to acclimate them before adding them into the tank. I had given my females fresh clean water. I did not add the store water to my tank. If your water is store water do not add this to your tank. Once they're in the tank watch them closely for several days. Aggression can sometimes not show for several hours to several days. I did not have any issues with aggression. My girls all get along very well. Do lots of research before starting a Betta sorority. ** Female Bettas do not always get along, there are never any guarantees with Betta fish. If you choose to put females together you need to be sure you have the resources and the space to separate them if necessary. Amazon affiliate link. TANK SET UP. Aqueon internal filter Fluval Stratum. Flourish root tabs. Lets connect! Instagram Website * Disclaimer ~ This video is not sponsored in any way. The links above are affiliate links.
10. comment for How to start a Female Betta Sorority or Community Tank
Keeping Bettas in quarantine can be a nightmare. I bought a pair last week and had to separate them with a plastic wall otherwise one of them would beat the other.
Now the female is in the community tank and today I add the male but am kinda afraid of what will come (moving them separately was a necessity...)
The tank has 15-18 gallons of water and is well planted but still...
I'm really glad that I use qt otherwise...I don't even want to think about it.
So id say the person did all right
20. comment for How to start a Female Betta Sorority or Community Tank
Mom can I go to the pet store?
30. comment for How to start a Female Betta Sorority or Community Tank
My advice if you add new females is let the newbie roam the tank alone first for a while (not too long) and then add back your sorority.
50. comment for How to start a Female Betta Sorority or Community Tank
My red female is doing wonderfully. I put her in a 10 gallon with a heater and filter with low flow. I also put some established filter sponge in as well. It's day 4 in the 10 gallon so.. if things go good .. you think it's a safe bet to buy maybe 3 females? A total of 4 in a 10 gal? Several more plants added for good hiding.
I would add them first and then float the females for a long time so they can get used to them. You must be setting up a large tank. The bettas will have a nice home.
~Jordan P
100. comment for How to start a Female Betta Sorority or Community Tank
and the colours can make it look bigger too. (referencing to the righ side being black and green, and the other side being white)
Do you know of any betta-like freshwater fish of that size that are not agressive?
It's Very risky and I don't recommend it at all here is what would happen
you put the fish in, the females will start fighting for the male, once only one of the females is still alive the male will mate with her and than if she survives she will give birth and than she will fight to the death with the male and you will end up with one batta left not counting the few babies that survived so if you want that sure!
I had quite a few sororities back in the day and did have alot of enjoyment especially when new color patterns developed or style of fins changed on the young <After careful selection for breeding>.
I would say 5 is a great bet though depending on the tank size you can really get a larger group, especially heavily planted tanks <live plants>. Keep up the great work!
I'll stop.
I'm not critiquing you, I'm only making an additional comment from my experience to other betta lovers.
Anyway, so would it be possible to purposely breed the to be peaceful or semi peaceful? i reckon that would make a lot of money if it was possible to keep multiple of them like the mbuna cichlids to lower aggression levels.
I only shuddered slightly as you emptied the cup water that was mixed with the tank water directly into the aquarium. That water in those cups can't be trusted! I always carefully net and place in the new setup. ☺️