How to teach your Betta 4 different tricks
Betta 11 years ago 987,827 views
Training is to give the betta some more activities to do and so they can interact with not only what is in there tank but also what is outside of it. They sill have a brain so why not put it to work, that's what they would do in there natural environment. They might jump to eat a mosquito, swim toward movement to investigate, flare at another fish to get it to leave its territory, or swim through small spaces in the foliage. All the behaviors are natural just taught to happen at a specific time. All of these tricks will take time for your betta to learn, if you have any questions please feel free to ask I am always willing to help.
Will guppies work well?
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Rest In Peace Bob The Betta Fish AKA my fish
50. comment for How to teach your Betta 4 different tricks
i gave u a like u deserve it!!!!
can u sub to me i subbed to u...
Also if I am not mistaken, changing the water 100%, and washing every thing, is doing the fish more harm than good. I understand the water needs to be changed to dilute toxins but if the tank is cleaned every other day then there is no way that the good bacteria can grow on the gravel, plants, etc. The good bacteria is what breaks down the ammonia from the poop to less harmful checmicals like nitrate, which is then diluted with water changes. I understand a filter is better but I think that cleaning the tank every day would do more harm than what I was doing. I am just trying to understand your logic.
Also, unless he's in direct sunlight, your betta needs around 8 hours of light a day. I would suggest you invest in one if he isn't in a source of direct sunlight, although of course sunlight will encourage algae growth and cause temperature fluctuations, although if you don't have a heater in with him at all I'm sure the temp is fluctuating anyway, which can cause lethargy, stress and death.
Please look into caring for your betta a little better :c
let's just say I had to go buy more food...
100. comment for How to teach your Betta 4 different tricks
a good boy! a fabulous boy! a smart boy! he deserves an award!
this is why i seriously want a betta. they are so cute :L
i didn't realize they can be taught tricks :O
Me: Jump
I need a life
2. what's it's name?
and find a loophole
I named him Smaug for a reason. was able to breed him 3 times. strong babies that grew up beautiful. only 7 were his colors. bright red with turquoise highlights.
thanks for doing these tricks I will try it now
also what tank did you have, since it was in a kitchen
The only trick he knows is when i call his name a few times he comes up.
It is cute
Because YOUR fish lived that long, does not mean others who follow your example will have fish that live that long.
Just because they CAN live in those conditions, does not mean they are THRIVING.
Before you buy a heater, perhaps you should do research instead of going out and buying a Tetra heater or whatever it is you bought. Tetras, along with a few other cheap heaters, have warning all around them that they WILL KILL YOUR FISH. That does NOT mean that every single heater out there is suddenly bad for your fish. You jump to the conclusion that something is bad because OH NO IT MALFUNCTIONED just like any other product can malfunction at any time.
When a light bulb goes out, you do not throw away the whole entire lamp. You address the problem by buying a new bulb. When there's a septic tank back up and it explodes on your property, you do not jump to the conclusion that all plumbing is bad and get rid of it. You address the problem. Same goes for anything else that may malfunction, such as heaters and filters.
No shit sometimes opinions are not facts. You are not accomplishing anything by saying that. I am simply informing you that the proper care for MOST fish include filtration and heating. That has been what I have been saying the whole time. That point is stupid, because what I am saying is an educated theory that when applied over and over again, is correct. Your theory on the other hand, when applied over and over again through repeated experiments, would end up with dead fish.
Just because your house temperature just so happens to be 78 degrees, that does not justify you saying that you "actually don't need heaters." 78 degrees is an odd temperature to keep an entire house in my opinion (oh my god yes, there is an opinion in here but before you say "well your wrong because opinion, let me finish) and I believe most people do NOT keep their house temperature at 78 degrees. Even if they do, I would still recommend they have a heater in a tank that is for tropical fish, because I doubt again that a person/family would keep their house temperature at 78 degrees at all times. People change the temperature of the house according to how they feel, and not according to how the fish need their water temperature.
^ that's how you sound to me.
You sound like you have no common sense that a little research would give you. Yes, the companies are out to make money, but not to kill your fish. Companies may make products that will break in a year or something like that, but the idea behind filtration is to keep your fish in an environment that most replicates what they would get in the wild. Same goes for heaters. It's not the companies out to get your money that you should be worrying about, it's the health of your fish.
Good for you your fish are living in not adequate conditions and still surviving. That's wonderful, very nice, great for you. Not great for your fish, good for you hunny buns. I admit nothing and you can only pull random shit out of your ass to try to make me look wrong somehow. What you are saying is not relevant to my points, just like your last comment on what temperature bettas need to survive. Now it's "I have fish that lived THIS LONG and that is DEFINITIVE PROOF I AM RIGHT."
I don't care your fish managed for so long without the proper equipment. I'm simply telling you that heaters and filtration is needed in most tropical aquariums.
As for your filters or heaters killing your fish, I told you before that was because you did not follow the instructions or do the proper research on the equipment. They should not have killed your fish, the only conclusion is you cheaped out on your filter/heater or you did something wrong with it and didn't do proper research.
I have read your comments and I think they're misinformed and silly, as I have said before. Temperature fluctuations are best to avoid, even the slightest ones. That is my opinion on the subject. I do not intend on stressing my fish as you stress yours. You're welcome for my comment.
Before you try to argue, perhaps actually read what I said. You told me to do my research on betta fish. I clearly have and just because I did not state the correct temperature rang for this fish does not mean I do not know it. Your opening argument is so ridiculously stupid. However I am sorry I did not inform you the true purpose of heaters, since it was clear you did not know. Now you do. Enjoy that new information.
When your fish and frogs die from the use of a heater, your probably not using the heater right. There's this thing called directions and research and using your brain.
Your arguments are silly and misled. Using a proper heater for your specific type of fish.. and using it correctly will not kill anything. Water temperature does match room temperature, which is the whole reason for getting a heater, obviously. You do know that the fish in the pet store did not come out of your room, and they have temperatures they prefer to thrive. It's so stupid to use water matching room temperature as an argument, it only proves my point but you can't see that for some odd reason. What are you still in fourth grade? Is that why you're obsessed with what grade school is telling you instead of doing real research?
tap on the side of the bowl and see if the fish comes if not give it a little food repeat it day after day till the fish comes to you without you dropping food into the bowl
1. What type of betta are you teaching in this video
2. My betta lives in a 10 gallon tank with 3 neon tetra and 3 seprae tetras I have this little pineapple house from spongebob and he always lies down there he does eat but I'm not sure if he's doing to well is there anything you can do to help my betta be more active and if my betta is at the bottom does that mean he's happy thank you
Fish does hoop trick and Got2LoveFish fed him
Me: ??? What ???
Cause fingers make food.......
PetSmart tried to tell me that bettas get "anxious in small tanks" as she tried to sell me a 1 gallon tank with a divider for two bettas. Insane. Someone needs to do something about that place.
Anyway, yes. I've done extensive research. Every reputable fish care site states that bettas need a heater. So. I ask again. Where are your sources that say your tropical betta fish are fine without a heater (assuming you don't keep your home at a stable 80 degrees)?
But he didn't make it ;(
But I heard some males have it to though
3 years without either of those things