How to teach your Betta 4 different tricks

Training is to give the betta some more activities to do and so they can interact with not only what is in there tank but also what is outside of it. They sill have a brain so why not put it to work, that's what they would do in there natural environment. They might jump to eat a mosquito, swim toward movement to investigate, flare at another fish to get it to leave its territory, or swim through small spaces in the foliage. All the behaviors are natural just taught to happen at a specific time. All of these tricks will take time for your betta to learn, if you have any questions please feel free to ask I am always willing to help.

How to teach your Betta 4 different tricks sentiment_very_dissatisfied 454

Betta 11 years ago 987,827 views

Training is to give the betta some more activities to do and so they can interact with not only what is in there tank but also what is outside of it. They sill have a brain so why not put it to work, that's what they would do in there natural environment. They might jump to eat a mosquito, swim toward movement to investigate, flare at another fish to get it to leave its territory, or swim through small spaces in the foliage. All the behaviors are natural just taught to happen at a specific time. All of these tricks will take time for your betta to learn, if you have any questions please feel free to ask I am always willing to help.

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Most popular comments
for How to teach your Betta 4 different tricks

Brando S
Brando S - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who has the same fish as him?
Vinsent Lie
Vinsent Lie - 7 years ago
i love you
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Vinsent Lie thanks! I appreciate the support!
Vinsent Lie
Vinsent Lie - 7 years ago
i love you
SuperDennyo - 7 years ago
To bad I already tough mine to do that
EAW Animation
EAW Animation - 7 years ago
Can a dragon scale male betta fish do this tricks
EAW Animation
EAW Animation - 7 years ago
Got2LoveFish thanks!!
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
That is very cool!
EAW Animation
EAW Animation - 7 years ago
Got2LoveFish it’s blue and red
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
EAW Animation Yeah if course, dragonscale only has to do with what the fish looks like!
Fish Lover61
Fish Lover61 - 7 years ago
Will this work with guppies too?
Sharon Boone
Sharon Boone - 7 years ago
I think this will help me teach my betta some tricks
Sam Pearce
Sam Pearce - 7 years ago
Do these tricks work with black skirt tetra/phantom tetra?
Sam Pearce
Sam Pearce - 7 years ago
Thx a lot.
Will guppies work well?
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Sam Pearce Probably not, they don't tend to jump, and they don't tend to be as interested in learning things.
LurveSomeone Special
LurveSomeone Special - 7 years ago
I tried to tell my mom to get a bigger tank, she ignored sisters say im trying to be a smartass.... i guess i'll just wait for the betta to an idiot after all -_-*

10. comment for How to teach your Betta 4 different tricks

Duck The gamer
Duck The gamer - 7 years ago
You are killing your fish by the way
Planet Earth
Planet Earth - 7 years ago
My betta eats the same food
Betta Behaviour
Betta Behaviour - 7 years ago
It was adorable when he stopped to think at the hoop. ^-^
Betta Behaviour
Betta Behaviour - 7 years ago
Thank you much! I'm going to record myself trying out all four of these tricks. My betta has a really curious personality, so I'm excited to see his reaction.
Lucy Lydia
Lucy Lydia - 7 years ago
Where’s your heater? Where’s your filter? Where’s you bubbler?!
Spider Gem
Spider Gem - 7 years ago
OMG this is so cute!
ᴘɪɴɢ ᴡɪɴᴋʏ
ᴘɪɴɢ ᴡɪɴᴋʏ - 7 years ago
I got the same fish
I'm a Holosexual
I'm a Holosexual - 7 years ago
His fins are clamped
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
He's so cute when he does tricks!
Pixled heart
Pixled heart - 7 years ago
What if ur mom will only let u spend $20 on a tank and a fish and food?

20. comment for How to teach your Betta 4 different tricks

Todd Lee
Todd Lee - 7 years ago
I'm getting a betta but my mom said I need to take care of it myself :p
Stop motion Daniel
Stop motion Daniel - 7 years ago
I have the same beta but my is a male
The Vampire Diaries Crybaby
The Vampire Diaries Crybaby - 7 years ago
Actually don't teach a male fish to flare naturally because it's bad for their bodies and they don't need to do it at all
patchworkmountains - 7 years ago
the come trick
patchworkmountains - 7 years ago
I have no friends
Brianna Underwood
Brianna Underwood - 7 years ago
also you shouldn't put a pipe cleaner in the tank. it could have things on it, like copper, that could hurt your fish.
Brianna Underwood
Brianna Underwood - 7 years ago
depends on the betta tbh. not all bettas like to jump. also, bettas absolutely need a filter and heater. no plastic plants, live and silk.
ThatShortAsian 1285
ThatShortAsian 1285 - 7 years ago
You're betta is a nice color
Chantel Moore
Chantel Moore - 7 years ago
this is the best video ever
Raindrop Services
Raindrop Services - 7 years ago
Nice! On a side note. Did your betta recover from tail rot? I see his tail is shorter than normal. I'm asking because my betta is currently being treated and was looking for tips on YT. Thanks...
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Raindrop Services Yes he did recover. I used 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of aquarium salt to stop it from rotting and help it to heal. In this video his fin had already grown back, there tails won't always grow back fully after fin rot so it may always be shorter like this fishes.
Kehl Saldana
Kehl Saldana - 7 years ago
Your fish is autistic

30. comment for How to teach your Betta 4 different tricks

The Great Papyrus
The Great Papyrus - 7 years ago
I just gotta beta today I'm rlly happy!
Jerald Thompson
Jerald Thompson - 7 years ago
needed for it to jump:1. get it a very tiny helmet that fits the beta, 2. get a tiny face mask so it dont jar its lips into its mouth, 3. TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEST
Unicorn 83
Unicorn 83 - 7 years ago
Does it hurt when he jumps to get the food
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Unicorn 83 No, it may scare you at first because they jump suddenly but it does not hurt, it is just like a tap.
Love Dolls
Love Dolls - 7 years ago
Do you guys know whete to buy blood worms for treats i have 4 bettas 2 boys 2 girls and would love to give them treats and show them tricks...where can i buy blood worms?
Love Dolls
Love Dolls - 7 years ago
Got2LoveFish ok thanks
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Love Dolls You can get freeze dried bloodworms at practically any store that sells fish supplies!
Jane Sparkle
Jane Sparkle - 7 years ago
Is it safe to use a pipe cleaner?
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
As long as it is only used for this one purpose and is washed before use is should be fine!
Absolute Aquatics
Absolute Aquatics - 7 years ago
Congrats you just earned a subscriber! You motivated me to get a betta in the first place, let alone teach it ALL the tricks!!!
Marie101 - 7 years ago
My mom just got my sister and I bettas! So excited
Ellie Dolowy
Ellie Dolowy - 7 years ago
If I did the first one, my beta ( Mr. Fishkins) and he would bite me lol
Lowlifelemon Universe
Lowlifelemon Universe - 7 years ago
That's amazing my beta isn't very aggressive with the mirror thing so that one probably won't work lol
Isaac UE
Isaac UE - 7 years ago
My Betta fish died today and I was looking forward teaching him these tricks.
Rest In Peace Bob The Betta Fish AKA my fish
laydahayda - 7 years ago
Isaac UE if he died it could be because you didn’t have a heater or filter. Also you need a 2.5 gallon tank or larger
Olga Boia
Olga Boia - 7 years ago
if my fish doesn't do these tricks (he's a betta) is he ok?
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Olga Boia Yeah that's fine! Every Betta has a different personality so some will not be interested and that's fine.
L JonSpill
L JonSpill - 7 years ago
That mirror 'trick' ahh. Not good. Poor thing was ready to fight. Siamese fighting fish are terribly territorial fish and seeing another better causes them to fight to the death. More cruel than a trick.
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
L JonSpill If done to much it is definentally bad for the fish stressing him out way to much, but if done once in a while it can be benificial because he sees another Betta but then it's gone soon after so he thinks he won a battle and so is more confident in his territory.
Roblox Trainor
Roblox Trainor - 7 years ago
Oh guys if u wanna know how to design your background for your tank comment if u do!
Roblox Trainor
Roblox Trainor - 7 years ago
When my jumped out my tank he didn't die he can survive at least a min
Michael Lane
Michael Lane - 7 years ago
The Betta comes From Japan. Its not Bate A it"s short E sound as in Making a Bet! Look it up- Lmao"
Sparklepotter1 - 7 years ago
thanks! My betta has just spent two hours of fun with me learning tricks!
Nosrax - 7 years ago
Instructions unclear, I flushed my fish down the toilet
Black Viper Gaming //BvG
Black Viper Gaming //BvG - 7 years ago
i know all these tricks
Armaan Khan
Armaan Khan - 7 years ago
Cum trick??? Did I listen this, m I the only one who heard this???
Jorhix Gonzales
Jorhix Gonzales - 7 years ago
Did the beta fish not hurt your finger when she bite you?
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Jorhix Gonzales In my experience my fighting fish have only jumped at my finger, not out of the tank.
Jorhix Gonzales
Jorhix Gonzales - 7 years ago
Got2LoveFish ok,thank you!But when your fighting fish is learned to jump did its jump on the tank?Fighting fish is called on Philippines.
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Jorhix Gonzales Nope, it litterally just fells like a little tap.

50. comment for How to teach your Betta 4 different tricks

LiL' C
LiL' C - 7 years ago
The vid was amazing
Jason Hnath
Jason Hnath - 7 years ago
hey cool video!!!!
i gave u a like u deserve it!!!!
can u sub to me i subbed to u...
Goldenrevo - 7 years ago
I just got a better fish today. It is a boy and its name is Sunny. And go watch Ella's Happy Place!!!!!
Khang Ha
Khang Ha - 7 years ago
I fed my betta to much and now it fat like some Mexican guy
Cathi Barker
Cathi Barker - 7 years ago
Over feeding your betta is very bad! They get constipated and die! You need to feed him only a few of any thing 2/3, in the am and then again in the pm
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
AlonzoDragonHeart Ha Be careful, over feeding too often can cause him to have a short life.
Julia F
Julia F - 7 years ago
PLEASE RESPOND !!! My 5.5 gallon tank, for some reason, is reflective and my betta can see himself in the sides of the tank (even though the tank is clear...?). Is that a problem? I don't want my betta to be stressed! I'm not sure what to do
Cecilia Howell
Cecilia Howell - 7 years ago
Got to your local pet store and get tank wallpaper this should help
Julia F
Julia F - 7 years ago
Got2LoveFish thank you so much!
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Julia F If you have a light on the tank make sure that it is only turned on when outside the tank is brighter than the light. Just like when we look out windows at night and see our reflection fish see there reflection when the light inside is brighter than it is outside. Also if your Betta gets used to it he should ignore it eventually.
Ally Merritt
Ally Merritt - 7 years ago
yo this didnt work
Ally Merritt
Ally Merritt - 7 years ago
yo i think my fish broke tho
Mike McCarty
Mike McCarty - 7 years ago
How did i get here
Twyla Eisenhauer
Twyla Eisenhauer - 7 years ago
i use a metal hoop that i hold up and then i use voice commands by telling him ill give him a treat afterwards. try to get hime to recognize your voice and his name by talking to him alot. taht seems to help people, ithelped me :)
Lil Bacon
Lil Bacon - 7 years ago
I'm guessing you got HIM from wallmart
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
sushi ninja Nope,I got HIM from Petco, why?
Gracie Evans
Gracie Evans - 7 years ago
Hey I have a red betta his name is flame
Rumer Priestly
Rumer Priestly - 7 years ago
This guy REALLY needs a filter and some lights at the very least, preferably a water heater too :c his tank size looks decent, but please get him a filter! Otherwise you need 100% water changes every day or two.
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Rumer Priestly I don't understand why a Betta NEEDS a light on his tank. He is getting light from the window across the room so he has a normal day of light.

Also if I am not mistaken, changing the water 100%, and washing every thing, is doing the fish more harm than good. I understand the water needs to be changed to dilute toxins but if the tank is cleaned every other day then there is no way that the good bacteria can grow on the gravel, plants, etc. The good bacteria is what breaks down the ammonia from the poop to less harmful checmicals like nitrate, which is then diluted with water changes. I understand a filter is better but I think that cleaning the tank every day would do more harm than what I was doing. I am just trying to understand your logic.
Rumer Priestly
Rumer Priestly - 7 years ago
Got2LoveFish 50% water changes once a week for a betta without a filter just isn't enough :c I mean, sure, he's surviving, but he isn't thriving, and you're running the risk of cutting his life much shorter than it needs be. Without a filter, you need to be changing at least some of his water every other day at the very least and doing a 100% water change every week to be giving him the best chance possible. Surely you want to care for your fish as best you can? Especially in such a small tank. 2.5 gallons is the bare minimum for a single betta, and the ammonia levels could get very high very quickly in such a small amount of water.

Also, unless he's in direct sunlight, your betta needs around 8 hours of light a day. I would suggest you invest in one if he isn't in a source of direct sunlight, although of course sunlight will encourage algae growth and cause temperature fluctuations, although if you don't have a heater in with him at all I'm sure the temp is fluctuating anyway, which can cause lethargy, stress and death.

Please look into caring for your betta a little better :c
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Rumer Priestly This is a 2.5 gallon tank which for a 50% water change every week. The water temp was at lowest 70F which is fine for Betta fish. Fish don't need lights, we just use them to be able to see them better. As long as the tank stays clean Betta fish do just fine without a filter.
Albert Manalo
Albert Manalo - 7 years ago
Ok,thank you!!!...,now I know...
Albert Manalo
Albert Manalo - 7 years ago
Yeah,cool!!!,I will also teach my beta fish like that,by the way,What kind of beta fish is that???,because my female beta fish is also like that...
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Albert Manalo His is a male veiltail Betta!
Gorgeous Bettas
Gorgeous Bettas - 7 years ago
Wow, your betta jumps really high! My betta only jumps less than a centimeter.
E Yass
E Yass - 7 years ago
Cum trick
Clash Or Pass
Clash Or Pass - 7 years ago
Did he like your finger fast?
Clash Or Pass
Clash Or Pass - 7 years ago
How long did it take for it to jump and get used to your finger?
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Betta4Love _ Not very long, a couple days. Once they figure out it means food they like it!
Lucy Lydia
Lucy Lydia - 7 years ago
I have a crowntailded betta the chose me as it's owner. I gave him a 10 gallon tank with 2 danios. If he is good he will get a female and freezed dried blood worms. I taught him to jump up and get his food from my finger. He scared a little girl from biting her. When she was out of the room I said good boy. I love him. His name in amarican daydream
Ibby Sting
Ibby Sting - 7 years ago
They can do back flips
Haitran Mai
Haitran Mai - 7 years ago
Is he a veil tail betta bc mine is and I think they look similar
MY NAME JEFF - 7 years ago
How long have you had your Betta for?
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Slime Factory I had this Betta for 2 and a half years I believe.
Sean Pelchat
Sean Pelchat - 7 years ago
does it work with females (all of the tricks)?
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Sean Pelchat All but maybe the flare. Some females will others just are not that aggressive.
LETS Play some Games
LETS Play some Games - 7 years ago
Something important that is that your beta fish has a fin rot disease I think if im not wrong
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
LETS Play some Games Before this he did have fun rot but it is now gone. The clearish end to his tail is the regrown fin.
Evan Woods
Evan Woods - 7 years ago
i hade a fish that coler that passedaway named flam .i tought him all thouse tricks not even knowing they were tricks he wold just respond i cald him by vocic too.....i miss her..
Priescream - 7 years ago
I have a 2 gallon tank, is that too small? It's not 2.5
Priescream - 7 years ago
Ok :)
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
VoiceActingAuditioner615 That should be just fine. Just keep the tank clean by doing water changes every week!
Priescream - 7 years ago
I just got a betta today, he's blue, haven't came up with a name, any cute name suggestions?
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Thank you, I am glad you love fish too!
Priescream - 7 years ago
I got a turqoise top fin fish eye view tank for him
Priescream - 7 years ago
I'm 12, I got a Betta for my birthday today
Priescream - 7 years ago
Thanks! I love your channel btw
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
That's a good name too!
Priescream - 7 years ago
I like those! I'm thinking on Gumball
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
VoiceActingAuditioner615 Ice E or Tea?
Tyler Parkhill
Tyler Parkhill - 7 years ago
I put a pellet of food in my butt cheeks and my beta ate it boom
Alexander Castillo
Alexander Castillo - 7 years ago
Nice man
chris daniel ortanez
chris daniel ortanez - 7 years ago
very helpful and beatiful
chris daniel ortanez
chris daniel ortanez - 7 years ago
your betta is pretty
oxygeniuZz - 7 years ago
What kind of betta fish is he?
oxygeniuZz - 7 years ago
Thanks. I was searching for it
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
oxygeniuZz Male Veil Tail
Florida Kid
Florida Kid - 7 years ago
Don't put the pipe cleaners in there! It could stab him
slyy - 7 years ago
Dang i dont have a finger
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
slyy Use a straw!!!
Daniel Enriquez
Daniel Enriquez - 7 years ago
i love the jump,the hoop,and the come
Kayla Darigan
Kayla Darigan - 7 years ago
My Betta is your Betta's twin he has the same white tips on his front long fins! His name is Velvet.
SimChim NoWo
SimChim NoWo - 7 years ago
My paradise female betta is way too chill to jump for food or to even flare more than a bit, she just stares at everything.
Twisted FREDDY
Twisted FREDDY - 7 years ago
kakiexo14 - 7 years ago
Nice, I will try to teach my betta more tricks
Marilou Dosdos
Marilou Dosdos - 7 years ago
Omg!!! Thanks it worked!!! I am totes gonna like
Snowflake White
Snowflake White - 7 years ago
I've learned from experience that too much physical contact with your fish can cause your fish to become sick, with that being said, I'd perfer NOT using your fingers for any of these tricks. Please.
Rafif Fadlurahman
Rafif Fadlurahman - 7 years ago
nice vids m8
Eddie Hardt
Eddie Hardt - 7 years ago
The jumping may explain a lot of disappearances with my fish. Plus, my dog has eaten fish that jumped out without me knowing
Shadow_Mark - 7 years ago
The cum trick
Suzie Khan
Suzie Khan - 7 years ago
You don't know who I am
You don't know who I am - 7 years ago
i had no idea tricks like this even existed! tganks for the video
Lemon Thumb
Lemon Thumb - 7 years ago
My betta is named flippers he is always grumpy and he looks super savage in the pictures lol
TOXIC LOIN - 7 years ago
dont give it food to much because it is going to die
problems - 7 years ago
my betta flares at me when I stand in front of his tank in the dark
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
It is probably not you, he can most likely see his refection just like you can when you look out the window at night and the light is on inside.
Ace Carter Videos V2
Ace Carter Videos V2 - 7 years ago
Lol I learned my beta could jump when I was sprinkling in food over the tank (one at a time of course) and he jumped to get the next one and faceplanted into my finger. Scared the shit outta me. I had the whole bottle of food in my other hand...
let's just say I had to go buy more food...
Jeffery Delgado
Jeffery Delgado - 7 years ago
I think he wants to mate. he was making a bubble nest which means he might want babies. lol
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Bubble nests could mean anything, bored, happy, interested, etc. It is a natural behavior that they teach them selves, some make more bubble nests than others because they like to.

100. comment for How to teach your Betta 4 different tricks

Vampiregirl Fangpyre
Vampiregirl Fangpyre - 7 years ago
Alfred is that way
Julia Ikmal
Julia Ikmal - 7 years ago
my Betta fish hate me too much..
Diego Ramirez
Diego Ramirez - 7 years ago
Hannah Williams
Hannah Williams - 7 years ago
Looks exactly like my Arnold
Museless Writer
Museless Writer - 7 years ago
MY betta can recite the Communist Manifesto.
MSP Adam
MSP Adam - 7 years ago
this does"nt work for my betta
alina Rai
alina Rai - 7 years ago
Marlon Virtue
Marlon Virtue - 7 years ago
I have a female Betts
Marlon Virtue
Marlon Virtue - 7 years ago
I have a female Betta
MaKayla Riley
MaKayla Riley - 7 years ago
Awe I'm going to surprise my mom now thanks
Tina Lang
Tina Lang - 7 years ago
Mines won't jump are u kidding but it still cute
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Some will take more time than others to learn and some wont want to learn a all, just depends on the betta!
Jordan See
Jordan See - 7 years ago
Why is my female betta fish evil? She killed my male betta she even attacks my finger ?
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Jordan See Male and female Betta fish do not normally get together, so one is most likely going to attack and kill the other if you try to keep them together. They can be supper territorial fish.
Miguel Borbon
Miguel Borbon - 7 years ago
I just want to share this info for new betta keepers
Joleen Berindei
Joleen Berindei - 7 years ago
I have the same leaf!
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Awesome, my bettas always love the betta leaf hammocks!
Natalie Urbina
Natalie Urbina - 7 years ago
My beta lived up to 1 year
Legendary Nacho
Legendary Nacho - 7 years ago
No filter?
Legendary Nacho
Legendary Nacho - 7 years ago
Got2LoveFish Doesn't the filter pick up food from the gravel?
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Used a siphon hose, plus filters don't clean the graven so everyone should clean there gravel weather they have a filter or not.
Legendary Nacho
Legendary Nacho - 7 years ago
Got2LoveFish What about the gravel?
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Hades The Betta No filter but a 25 to 50% water change every week will keep him happy and healthy in this tank!
Ninja Emily
Ninja Emily - 7 years ago
is having a 1 gallon tank fine.... my fish looks like he is enjoying his space but idk. .....
Patchwork The Dragon
Patchwork The Dragon - 7 years ago

a good boy! a fabulous boy! a smart boy! he deserves an award!

this is why i seriously want a betta. they are so cute :L
xLee_ - 7 years ago
Can't stop laughing. Betta, cum! He really likes fingers.
ravindra kumar
ravindra kumar - 7 years ago
i have 2 black skirt and 3 koi and all of them follow my finger and come
Crested Gecko
Crested Gecko - 7 years ago
All my beta fish does is swim around near the bottom and hide but he is not afraid of me and I don't know if he is ok his name is Jesse
Thasnim Rahman
Thasnim Rahman - 7 years ago
what type of Betta fish is this? its beautiful
1987mrnobody - 7 years ago
My Berta likes YouTube
1987mrnobody - 7 years ago
Can I solve that Rubik's cube
1987mrnobody - 7 years ago
i can
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
I don't know can you?
Faith Girl
Faith Girl - 7 years ago
Hey, when I train my betta fish, I always end up overfeeding him, and he gets a bloat and must be fasted for several days. Is there any way to avoid overfeeding the fish, while still teaching him to do stuff?
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
The best thing to do is just teach them over a couple days to a week, that way you only do tricks a couple times a day, only enough times as food you would normally feed them.
Oso Baked
Oso Baked - 7 years ago
the_big_bang_artist 25
the_big_bang_artist 25 - 7 years ago
thats so cool when I get a Betta I'm gonna do that
Especial 2X1
Especial 2X1 - 7 years ago
bitch please.
Takeaway Aquarium
Takeaway Aquarium - 7 years ago
He can do more tricks than my cats! :)
Alisson's FurryFriends
Alisson's FurryFriends - 7 years ago
my betta looked like if she saw a allien when i showed her da hoop
The Crimson Fucker
The Crimson Fucker - 7 years ago
i have a red Betta
i didn't realize they can be taught tricks :O
Yi Zhou
Yi Zhou - 7 years ago
You seem to feed him a lot. isnt that bad?
Kary N
Kary N - 7 years ago
How long did your betta live?
SHAZZ BROADWAY - 7 years ago
these are shit
SHAZZ BROADWAY - 7 years ago
why the fuck would u want to make ur betta angry ur soppose to make them feel happy in their home
Justcallme Justice
Justcallme Justice - 7 years ago
I like your betta he's smart and active. I've just purchased a female betta like a month or so ago she follows me already as I walk pass her bowl I haven't gotten her to jump yet(because I don't want her jumping out of her bowl). I normally purchase male bettas their fins are so beautiful and they seem much more active and aggressive than the female. She's my very first female(however I'm interested in purchasing a platka half moon, or a butterfly male.. Thx for sharing!
Sparkle_Wowza Lps
Sparkle_Wowza Lps - 7 years ago
I would like to know if bettas hate eachother
GB06 Chomp Chomp
GB06 Chomp Chomp - 7 years ago
I've mastered the jump feeding, flare, and voice command....but my Bettas refuse to go through hoops!

Me: Jump
Pook Bear
Pook Bear - 7 years ago
Flaring is stressful not really a good trick but a trick nonetheless
Johnovan Dupper
Johnovan Dupper - 7 years ago
is your betta a veiltail betta? he looks beautiful! i also have a blue veiltail betta in a 5 gallon tank. exellent video!
Arodbase - 7 years ago
My betta flares when I turn his light off
Kat D
Kat D - 7 years ago
If I puff out my cheeks my fish will flare
Pressley Calahan
Pressley Calahan - 7 years ago
My better really did jump! I was so amazed!!!!! Now my better fish can jump any time he wants to, without me putting food by him!!!!!! I love your channel Got2LoveFish!!!!!
Geoffrey Mazalin
Geoffrey Mazalin - 7 years ago
that's awesome....My wife and I always try to establish a "common ground" with pets we own.....we've had many male Bettas and have since switched to five Females for a 10 gallon after the last male finally succumbed to old age. female Bettas are MUCH different than Males, and you can keep a tight school of them providing they come from the same vicinity of "Cups".....they are totally more affectionate towards humans than males I figure. But the little buggers like to JUMP and LEAP out of the tank whilst being out for that! Thanks for the vid
Eammon Gole
Eammon Gole - 7 years ago
The cum trick lmao
Raquel Pineda
Raquel Pineda - 7 years ago
I bought a betta fish and now im obsessed with them ._. teach me more master .
Sky the dutch angle dragon
Sky the dutch angle dragon - 7 years ago
good I'm helping my friend train her Betta's milky way and Carmel :3
Ariel - 7 years ago
omg how do you make him come to your finger????
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
It all depends on how much the betta wants to learn, I have found out that it takes only a couple days to a couple weeks.
Ariel - 7 years ago
Thank you!! How long does it take for you to train him?
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
It is basically the movement. They are curious fish so the movement of my fingers interests him. Once you reward him with food for going to your fingers you can introduce your voice. Once they catch on it is a spectacular tick!
Oos Depok
Oos Depok - 7 years ago
Very nice :)
Elias's screen
Elias's screen - 7 years ago
you have the same kind of betta fish as me!
Callum Ray
Callum Ray - 8 years ago
I taught my fish how to play dead. I flushed it down the toilet.
the painLTGB
the painLTGB - 8 years ago
Your awasome it works thank you
REALM51 GAME OF WAR/ AGARIO - 8 years ago
I can make my beta play dead
REALM51 GAME OF WAR/ AGARIO - 8 years ago
do not make him flare he will get stressed period
LPShope Forpaws
LPShope Forpaws - 8 years ago
My beta fish died today
Diana Mefedov
Diana Mefedov - 8 years ago
adorable <3
Abigayle Mueller
Abigayle Mueller - 8 years ago
Ayyits Hannah
Ayyits Hannah - 8 years ago
I just knock my betta tank and he will come
Paws 1480
Paws 1480 - 8 years ago
is that a male betta? looks male
Beauty MSP
Beauty MSP - 8 years ago
mine didnt jump all he did was suck the air
Lucians - 8 years ago
Cool, I have to teach mine some tricks.
baboom inc
baboom inc - 8 years ago
you sound like a very lovely girl i would like to mate with
Jhony Lopez
Jhony Lopez - 8 years ago
My betta, the incredible Finlie and his boys froggy and the amazing frogster have an entire act in which they discuss the theory of relativity....all this while skating in one fin, blindfolded.
Umegames Official
Umegames Official - 8 years ago
going to try these! thanks
The fuzzy espeon
The fuzzy espeon - 8 years ago
it shoud not be trained it should be loved not for impressin friends
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
I do love my betta fish, I love all my fish, training is to give the betta some more activities to do and so they can interact with not only what is in there tank but also what is outside of it. They sill have a brain so why not put it to work, that's what they would do in there natural environment. They might jump to eat a mosquito, swim toward movement to investigate, flare at another fish to get it to leave its territory, or swim through small spaces in the foliage. All the behaviors are natural just taught to happen at a specific time.
The fuzzy espeon
The fuzzy espeon - 8 years ago
poor baeta fish
Pika Arzola
Pika Arzola - 8 years ago
I tought my betta to flare at my face and get finger fed
Berleezy’s Worried Face
Berleezy’s Worried Face - 8 years ago
I wanna teach my betta to cum too!
Lalo Leal
Lalo Leal - 8 years ago
Love the video i teach my fish do tricks to do good job of the video
Melon Turtle
Melon Turtle - 8 years ago
The mirror thing don't work
Ana Martinez
Ana Martinez - 8 years ago
my Betta knows 4 tricks you showed my Betta 2 tricks which in total is 6 tricks
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
Ana Martinez That's awesome!
lightening bear
lightening bear - 8 years ago
the hoop trick looks pretty cute when they go thru and finish the trick lol
Benda with bendy DONT SHIP YOUT SELF WITH HIM 0//0
Benda with bendy DONT SHIP YOUT SELF WITH HIM 0//0 - 8 years ago
i got that FISH!
Creeperking1347 YT
Creeperking1347 YT - 8 years ago
What should my next Betta fish be named?
Creeperking1347 YT
Creeperking1347 YT - 8 years ago
My pet Betta fish Lui died yesterday, one like = Respect. subbed btw
jack p
jack p - 8 years ago
Nice tricks. I will try it with my betta's
LashedCub - 8 years ago
Wait, I'm scared so will get the food from my finger nail or not? Or should I do the second method and but water on my finger and put the food on my finger and he will get it like that... I don't know I'm too spooped.
Steven DuVall
Steven DuVall - 8 years ago
So you just keep him in an unfiltered tank? How many gallons? How would I do this? I have a 2 gallon, but the flow of the filter is too srrong.
A and S Life
A and S Life - 8 years ago
all of my fish follow my finger better den DAT. including bettas. click bait
Deisha Rutledge
Deisha Rutledge - 8 years ago
my betta fish is cool and really only eats but we have been working on these tricks for a month
Estrella Gonzalez
Estrella Gonzalez - 8 years ago
you betta get out of here with these ticks

I need a life
gracie lou0717
gracie lou0717 - 8 years ago
awe so my betta knew a special trick? my betta would come when I told him to or pointed to a spot. I hope I can teach my new betta to do the same
Kaylee time
Kaylee time - 8 years ago
I am so sad I am crying right now because since my grandma lives with me she wont let me get a fish so untill me and my mom  move I will never be able to get a fish as long as I live with my grandma wich will probly be forever! so I will never get a fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lola SCHMiggins
Lola SCHMiggins - 8 years ago
You need a dog not a tropical fish.
Perriwinklepony - 8 years ago
You can actually make a betta fish flare with a bottle cap.... not that I've experimented or anything
Elementarino Preistarino Kripperino
Elementarino Preistarino Kripperino - 8 years ago
Is it odd, that fin my Betta fish, is 11 years?
Talsrey *
Talsrey * - 8 years ago
Jump at finger+finger=foood!
ganzy28 Videos
ganzy28 Videos - 8 years ago
My beta comes when I say fishy fishy
Corgi Attack
Corgi Attack - 8 years ago
1. what kind of beta do u have
2. what's it's name?
Basia Price
Basia Price - 8 years ago
MrGoosebro - 8 years ago
its a mirror not a meer
Tommy Rainey
Tommy Rainey - 8 years ago
this is stupid get a dog
Jeremy Edgington
Jeremy Edgington - 8 years ago
I'm sure someone has already addressed this, but the mirror has to GO. Stressing an animal out is not cool. Otherwise, great video! Thanks!
Bobby King
Bobby King - 8 years ago
you have the same betta as me! (in this video anyway)
Natalie Gutierrez
Natalie Gutierrez - 8 years ago
how much do you have to feed a little betta fish
CP Callwum
CP Callwum - 8 years ago
The hop will rust
Little Miss Cabbage
Little Miss Cabbage - 8 years ago
Wonderful video!
Marlon Vasquez
Marlon Vasquez - 8 years ago
My betta fish is called big bub (big bubble), because he constantly makes bubble nests. I've had him for nearly a year and a half, I know you guys will say, "the hell?", "why in there?", "cruel!" and crap, but I have him in a bowl along with golden pothos, I feed him 2 to 3 pellets 2 days or 1 day a week, Omega one pellets. Golden pothos are natural filters, clearing chlorine, betta waste (used as fertilizer), as well as keeping your bowl/tank clean for longer, golden pothos = cheap and effective filter.
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
It seems he is in pretty good hands, the only thing is he probably is not getting enough food, I give mine at least 2 pellets a day.
Cute GPigs
Cute GPigs - 8 years ago
Don't do that! Bettas don't like mirrors, it stresses them!
ToxicTurtle - 8 years ago
is the jump trick work right away because mine doesn't do anything
Melissaa C
Melissaa C - 8 years ago
smh my fish is too moody for this
Misletoe Glam
Misletoe Glam - 8 years ago
It is a she the boys are colorful just saying
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin - 8 years ago
You are completely wrong on this one. The fish in this video is a male Beta. I have three female and one male Beta the males fins get bigger.
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
Check out this video, it is very helpful for telling if a betta fish is male or female! This one is a male, females will never have long fins.
QuantumRickTV - 8 years ago
I know come tricks
Jose Osorio
Jose Osorio - 8 years ago
What's his name???
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
DoublaVee, it's short for Varun Vasuman which in Hindi means Lord of the Water Born of Fire.
RWBY Fan1995
RWBY Fan1995 - 8 years ago
How long did it take you to train your betta to jump ?
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
Starlett Moon18 Not long, he learned to jump just at my finger without food on it with in less than two weeks.
Theresa Nicole
Theresa Nicole - 8 years ago
That is Super Cute!!!
sjackhammer - 8 years ago
my betta fish is stubborn. He always swims away from my finger. He sees the food on my finger right above the water, but swims away so he must not be really hunger? Fine by me. Until he decides to jump for the food, I'm not dropping no food in bowl for him. Took away his 2 condos he likes to chill in; put one of hideout next to bowl on the outside, he swims toward it, slowly slid my finger in the hideout, he swims away real quick. He gonna learn who's boss. Moved him into a different room where the only light that comes on is the sun through the blinds of the window. Yes, total darkness for 12 hrs when the sun isn't up. Oh yes, I am SAVAGE. I'm so SAVAGE, that I stuck a few pieces of his food on the side of his bowl. It's funny when he swims to it.
Al B
Al B - 8 years ago
Well at least you fed him. You kinda come across as the Hitler of the aquarium world though..
sjackhammer - 8 years ago
haven't given back his hideouts though. I know he misses them too so I took pics of those w my fingers in them, just in case he has short-term memory
sjackhammer - 8 years ago
APinchOfDecay Lol. Things have gotten better now though, still no jumping for food, but I now feed him. Went 5-6 days without feeding him. During those days, or should I say nights when I go in the room w/ a flashlight, he would swim towards the light. So I went and covered the tips of 2 of my fingers with his food, took a picture of it (also w/o food on it), and placed the phone, showing the pic w/ food, next to the bowl. It was the usual at first...swims towards it, realizes what it really is, then swims away but he was gonna learn. I would say maybe the 4th day I came in and saw him staring right up close for the longest. Waited 2 more days to test him... placed my finger on side of bowl, and he swam toward it(not right away), and he didn't swim away. He actually started to flap his fins real fast as if to say "it the Finger with Food!"
APinchOfDecay - 8 years ago
Oml i love this comment
KiraThe Cow
KiraThe Cow - 8 years ago
MY betta fish like sleep
Brandon Spicer
Brandon Spicer - 8 years ago
Well Done!
OblivionDusty - 8 years ago
My Betta won't junp
Savage Sam's Vlogs
Savage Sam's Vlogs - 8 years ago
I have the same leaf
gaming with jason
gaming with jason - 8 years ago
what food did you get it
Raven's in Neverland
Raven's in Neverland - 8 years ago
you're fucking stupid
Crisna Santos
Crisna Santos - 8 years ago
where did u bought the leaf ? and what's its called ?
Fifuln - 8 years ago
Crisna Santos I'm pretty sure it's a hammock leaf, it's available at petco and probably petsmart as well. and maybe a local pet/fish store
Schzym - 8 years ago
can you make them fight eachother to the death
APinchOfDecay - 8 years ago
But then someone'd call PETA and you'd be in the shit.
Schzym - 8 years ago
but you can upload it to youtube and get like 50 more fish
and find a loophole
APinchOfDecay - 8 years ago
Because you'd be at loss. You'd lose your fish and you'd lose some water quality. It's just a terrible idea.
Schzym - 8 years ago
why not
APinchOfDecay - 8 years ago
I mean you definitely could, but don't.
Lisa Lover
Lisa Lover - 8 years ago
σσн ι ѕнσυℓ∂ тєα¢н мιиє тσ ∂σ тнєѕє тяι¢кѕ
pinakabudlayngapangalan ngamapaminsaranko
pinakabudlayngapangalan ngamapaminsaranko - 8 years ago
to make your beta cum u have to give him pleasure
Caitlyn Cournoyer
Caitlyn Cournoyer - 7 years ago
with fingers?
Irene Gutierrez
Irene Gutierrez - 8 years ago
where do you buy the stuff for your fish
Izzy_kitty2001 - 8 years ago
Hes so cute! I have a female betta named Kayden and she eats out of my hand
Jessica O'Farrell
Jessica O'Farrell - 8 years ago
I'd love a video of him doing multiple jumps so cute btw
justahappyfish - 8 years ago
The food for mine betta is flakes, how do I stick it on my finger
lillie robinson
lillie robinson - 8 years ago
My comes when he sees me walk in the room
Beatriz Felix
Beatriz Felix - 8 years ago
your betta seems happy ..i just got a betta a week k ago
Oscar Gonzalez
Oscar Gonzalez - 8 years ago
Got2LoveFish thank you for your videos your information is greatly appreciated. I'm going to try your tricks with my Betta.
Gaboon Viper
Gaboon Viper - 8 years ago
Your fish looks better than mine why
APinchOfDecay - 8 years ago
Because you may have an unhealthy fish. There's more than just one type of betta fish..
Gusti Ramadewa 2006
Gusti Ramadewa 2006 - 8 years ago
Why is my Betta don't wNna look at the food in my finger?please repky
Gusti Ramadewa 2006
Gusti Ramadewa 2006 - 8 years ago
Got2LoveFish ok thanks
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
Keep feeding your betta just regular so they get used to seeing the food. Then try associating your finger with food by keeping it over the food when you give it. Finally try putting it on your finger.
Jacqueline Celi
Jacqueline Celi - 8 years ago
this is actually so cute
beki lou Taylor
beki lou Taylor - 8 years ago
Ours is better than yours lol
The Unicorns!!
The Unicorns!! - 8 years ago
so the first trick may not work
The Unicorns!!
The Unicorns!! - 8 years ago
my betas don't eat the food your betas do . my fish eat tropical fish flakes
Mvogs - 8 years ago
Taylor Maxey
Taylor Maxey - 8 years ago
Bettas don't jump to catch bugs. They do it to jump to other puddles when the one they are in gets dried up.
Kopi - 8 years ago
My betta lives in a 1.7 gallon tank! Is that ok? He's very active in there and he's also very healthy too.
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin - 8 years ago
Not really the rule you want togo with Betas is 2.5 gallons for a single beta.
Kopi - 8 years ago
Oh, nice!
LylacProductions - 8 years ago
Sealfun87 AJ I got a new five gallon for my sweet betta for Christmas! And a marimo moss ball!
Kopi - 8 years ago
Erin C
Erin C - 8 years ago
+Sealfun87 AJ Awesome! I think I am too
Kopi - 8 years ago
Oh, ok, I'm getting a new tank for Christmas.
Erin C
Erin C - 8 years ago
Sealfun87 AJ Bettas usually do good in a tank that is 2.5 gallons minimum.
Nineveh - 8 years ago
wow i love a good cum trick
Haley Hamel
Haley Hamel - 7 years ago
lillya Anderson
lillya Anderson - 7 years ago
Nineveh I get it
Kingly Playz
Kingly Playz - 7 years ago
Connor Anderson same
Connor Anderson
Connor Anderson - 7 years ago
Nineveh oh my
Negan - 7 years ago
me too
Gabriel Lynch
Gabriel Lynch - 8 years ago
youve earned a sub. I didnt even know bettas could do tricks
Noah Bretches
Noah Bretches - 8 years ago
DO NOT PUT A MIRROR NEAR A BETTA! It makes them think there is a rival, and it causes them to flare. While flaring looks cool, it stresses them out. Stress leads to sickness, and sickness leads to death.
MasochistMax - 7 years ago
she specifically said not to do it too much
smile more
smile more - 7 years ago
Noah Bretches you're stupid, pay attention to the video
Marishkinov Rossinski
Marishkinov Rossinski - 7 years ago
Noah Bretches uh.. no. I did this with my betta once a day. I had him for 5 YEARS. there's a distance between exercise and torment. once a day for a minute is exercise. once a day everyday for 5 minutes is torment.

I named him Smaug for a reason. was able to breed him 3 times. strong babies that grew up beautiful. only 7 were his colors. bright red with turquoise highlights.
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
Noah Bretches Thanks Jesus
Kara Faith
Kara Faith - 7 years ago
Noah Bretches I was hoping I'd find someone else that thought this
Noah Bretches
Noah Bretches - 8 years ago
Okay thanks.
mojokiss - 8 years ago
a little stress in short duration is good for all creatures - it builds confidence when we get through to the other side of it, but i agree, stress, above what is natural, is bad!
Fifuln - 8 years ago
Noah Bretches it is good go let the beta flare up to its reflection for 20 or 30 seconds or so. It is natural for them and allows them too stretch their fins, and is to a pint entertaining. it's when they are exposed for much longer than that that they become stressed.
•DivaGina• - 8 years ago
Noah Bretches That's why she said not to do that trick a lot because it will stress the fish out.
rabar omar
rabar omar - 8 years ago
asmr shit
Bradley Lewis
Bradley Lewis - 8 years ago
Gotta learn that Cum trick
Aien Disconnect
Aien Disconnect - 8 years ago
my betta is want to jump but he is run.. plus tell me
xHollyLeafx - 8 years ago
My betta shrinks away when I put my finger anywhere near him. Can you help me?
Rashed Rahat
Rashed Rahat - 8 years ago
wow!! thnx
xanderfloat - 8 years ago
Amazing, thank you so much!
Vinex Respicio
Vinex Respicio - 8 years ago
how to teach my betta fish like that
Trahshsh - 8 years ago
Wow ur fish look like mr bubbles (rip)
LianConspiracy Predictions
LianConspiracy Predictions - 8 years ago
When I put the betta food on my finger it wouldn't jump why
how to draw
how to draw - 8 years ago
I has a red one but he died .now I have a blue one
justin - 8 years ago
ididnt see him flare up
Kiran Cotting
Kiran Cotting - 8 years ago
wheres your filter?
Musical Girl
Musical Girl - 8 years ago
Um what if your fish is afraid of your finger? My is new dose that have anything to do with it i tried doing the feeding one but she was afraid of my finger please help me if you can!
APinchOfDecay - 8 years ago
He/She's probably just stressed from the tank transition. Let it settle in before you try any tricks.
Samantha jackson
Samantha jackson - 8 years ago
Just got mine today I. Love him
Lilith Lascivious
Lilith Lascivious - 8 years ago
awww how cute
Matthew Castagna
Matthew Castagna - 8 years ago
Lovely hoop!
Gokul G
Gokul G - 8 years ago
Betta fish food diet and timings please?
elvloggermc - 8 years ago
hello those are some nice tricks and i just but my betta fish and i wanna know how to take good care of it can you make a video of how to decorate the tank how to clean it and make my beta feel happy like how many time to feed it what does it mean when they come up
aa - 8 years ago
Im sorry but your vt has some problems there m8
Perriwinklepony - 8 years ago
I might try this when I get one!
Stuart Madsen
Stuart Madsen - 8 years ago
Cumming...... I mean coming. What's wrong with my mind right now
Crazy Doll
Crazy Doll - 8 years ago
I have a boy Betta fish that's red like yours and a girl blue Betta fish I take care from them both but I separate them into 2 bowls I clean their tank I put for them one piece of food once in a day and I put for them the antibiotic in water

thanks for doing these tricks I will try it now
Dragon Sans
Dragon Sans - 8 years ago
I have a beta and this is amazing thank u for this vid.
lps sushi Birds
lps sushi Birds - 8 years ago
Your beta has clamped fins at first I thought it was just due to the fins being very small but there actually clamped I recommend using something to heal your betas fins
Alex Chernauskas
Alex Chernauskas - 8 years ago
I don't know if this is a trick, but my beta fish hasn't moved in like a week. It just sits at the top of the water sideways all day long
Michael Bassler
Michael Bassler - 8 years ago
betta fish i choose you!!
Meet tess
Meet tess - 8 years ago
does your Betta live comfortably without a heater? I would love to get one I just don't have a heater
BluuJay - 8 years ago
I have a dragon scale :D
Sully Wan Kenobi
Sully Wan Kenobi - 8 years ago
My betta wont do the Cum trick.
47 EYES - 8 years ago
My male has been making bubble nest but he is by himself should I be worried or move anything around? He's been hanging out at the top pretty much non stop
Deuu Dino
Deuu Dino - 8 years ago
Once my Betta jumped out of the water to eat a gnat
MasochistMax - 7 years ago
Christian The Cookie why don't you check behind the stove now
also what tank did you have, since it was in a kitchen
TrickyTheTurtle - 7 years ago
SavvyBug Good game ;-;
Dragon Killer
Dragon Killer - 7 years ago
It's like a fly but smaller
k dok
k dok - 7 years ago
Okay. Pumpkin.
Okay. Pumpkin. - 8 years ago
Christian The Cookie that's got dark fast x_x ...
Perriwinklepony - 8 years ago
Well that took a dark turn
Christian The Cookie
Christian The Cookie - 8 years ago
My betta jumped out and landed behind the stove.. never seen him since
Deuu Dino
Deuu Dino - 8 years ago
yeah lol
Perriwinklepony - 8 years ago
SavvyBug Gotta get rid of em somehow :P
Kazi Tamzeed
Kazi Tamzeed - 8 years ago
by betta is not jumping it is exactly same like yours red and small please help
Kazi Tamzeed
Kazi Tamzeed - 8 years ago
by betta is not jumping it is exactly same like yours red and small please help
Kazi Tamzeed
Kazi Tamzeed - 8 years ago
Thank you miss
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
Some bettas are just not interested in jumping, you just have to be patient if you really wan him to jump.
Àh Jm
Àh Jm - 8 years ago
I laughed so hard
Cecilia White
Cecilia White - 8 years ago
you need a small bowl that fish is sad
tyranny - 8 years ago
A small bowl? Yeah, so a tropical fish that lives in rice paddies in the wild that, while aren't deep, can span for miles and miles, can be "happy" in a small bowl. Oh, don't forget about the constant water changes due to bacteria and ammonia build up and the fact that you can't cycle a space that small. Stop spreading your ignorant information about Bettas.
LD D - 8 years ago
Why is my fish always hiding? He is active and happy but before I come in he is always hiding!
LD D - 8 years ago
Kashishiwishi Official
Kashishiwishi Official - 8 years ago
Same with mine I don't it's scared but idk maybe it's just there nature
Pudsey Bear
Pudsey Bear - 8 years ago
How clever is he!!!
virtual riot
virtual riot - 8 years ago
i live in hilo where do you live so i can visit you
Lucy Lu
Lucy Lu - 8 years ago
My betts fish will not do any of this
lil thirst
lil thirst - 8 years ago
Lucy Lu be patient all fish are different mine took 20 minutes and my friends took a week
Lucy Lu
Lucy Lu - 8 years ago
Gio Romano
Gio Romano - 8 years ago
similar to my fish. BTW is this a male right??
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
Yes this is a male.
oyuki sanz
oyuki sanz - 8 years ago
my betta it's ssoo inteligent everytime i talk to him he comes to me
Jules Askalotl
Jules Askalotl - 8 years ago
not gunna lie, I expected this would be a boring video where the fish doesn't actually do tricks, but it was pretty cute how you trained him to recognize your finger and to follow the finger and that swimming through the hoop led to food.
Nicki Sterup
Nicki Sterup - 8 years ago
it does not jump cause you taught it! its attacking your finger!
DerpyDragon 2
DerpyDragon 2 - 8 years ago
Plz respond Ok im planing to do the Jump Trick but...i got my betta fish in 2014 and hes 2/i think hes old but can he do the trick if the betta fish is old?
easytoslip - 8 years ago
my fish jumps every morning when I feed her, but she gets the betta-specific pellets. I have read bettas don't love the flakes, maybe try the betta food, it's a bit bigger and yummier
DerpyDragon 2
DerpyDragon 2 - 8 years ago
Nvm my fish Is too old to jump :( Oh and also does it worknon the flakes?
The only trick he knows is when i call his name a few times he comes up.
Mitchell lowe
Mitchell lowe - 8 years ago
I don't know if this is a trick but I got my betta a small floating ball and he loves playing with it
AZI3623 - 8 years ago
Is this male betta?
Cali Gucci
Cali Gucci - 8 years ago
Male Bettas have way more bushy and big tails but female Bettas have small tails
AZI3623 - 8 years ago
+Got2LoveFish Thanks for the reply..
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
This is a male betta.
Beck velasquez
Beck velasquez - 8 years ago
All i hear on here about how to care for bettas is bologna
LPS Funky 2005
LPS Funky 2005 - 8 years ago
Can u teach female betas this? BEcause my male beta is VERY old and i dont wanna stress him out.
LPS Funky 2005
LPS Funky 2005 - 8 years ago
+Got2LoveFish Ok thanks! I have started with her and she rlly likes my fingure..
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
Yes, any betta is able to learn if they are interested in learning.
virtual riot
virtual riot - 8 years ago
i live in hilo tell me where your from so i can visit you
virtual riot
virtual riot - 8 years ago
what size is that im buying one
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
This is a 2.5 gallon tank
Ooi Tze Ho
Ooi Tze Ho - 8 years ago
what do you do if they will not eat the food
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
Did you just get your betta?
slime ninja
slime ninja - 8 years ago
I have a 5 fish and ones a goldfish and it jumps for food to
Nuclearbomb 3115
Nuclearbomb 3115 - 8 years ago
It won't jump
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson - 8 years ago
I have a fish just like that named mr. Bob
Crazy Husky
Crazy Husky - 8 years ago
amanda tags I also have a fish like that too I named him flapper
Ebsulem - 8 years ago
Creative name
Nick RAtzlàff
Nick RAtzlàff - 8 years ago
i could see the reflection of this kin in the glass of the tank he was wearing a yellow mask
GWS 2015
GWS 2015 - 8 years ago
Hi. I'm going to buy my first Betta fish after many years, and yours seems to appreciate so much those granules. Please can you tell me the name of the food ? Maybe I will find it here in Rome. Thank you so much
GWS 2015
GWS 2015 - 8 years ago
Thank you !
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
I use Aqueon color enhancing betta pellets.
PHANTOM CAT - 8 years ago
You can make your betta cum with...with your fingers....
-Kiwi- -kiki-
-Kiwi- -kiki- - 7 years ago
pukapuaka - 7 years ago
nope, theyll likely kill eachother. the only gender a betta should be together are females and if you get more than one female you have to get more than 2 to avoid one female bullying the weaker one. its easier for bettas to be alone anyways
Cupcakegaming 335
Cupcakegaming 335 - 7 years ago
easytoslip are they safe to put in tanks together?
easytoslip - 8 years ago
have you seen how bettas mate? it's pretty nuts, the male makes a bubble nest and the female gets all striped when she's ready and he hugs her tight and eggs come out and she floats like she's dead and he catches the eggs in his mouth and puts them in the nest
Elizabeth D
Elizabeth D - 8 years ago
thickskull films
thickskull films - 8 years ago
and is he still alive?
tyranny - 8 years ago
according to the OP, yes
thickskull films
thickskull films - 8 years ago
hey quick question is the beta still alive?
thickskull films
thickskull films - 8 years ago
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
This betta is not still alive
AceNumero12 - 8 years ago
nice tank
Cristiano Ronaldo Fans
Cristiano Ronaldo Fans - 8 years ago
My betta is not jumping for the pellet of food
Kellie Demers
Kellie Demers - 8 years ago
I wanna see him go on the leaf hammock
Vivien Varga
Vivien Varga - 8 years ago
Your tank looks so perfect in size for that fish!!! :333 How big is that?
Vivien Varga
Vivien Varga - 8 years ago
Thanks! :)
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
This tank is 2.5 gallons.
Krystal ymk
Krystal ymk - 8 years ago
Can't wait to teach my betta to learn This or whatevah
Taylor Aschenbrenner
Taylor Aschenbrenner - 8 years ago
my beta follows a laser pointer
Brigid Dix
Brigid Dix - 8 years ago
my betta is so lazy she won't even jump for the food. I still love her to death though
PGLays - 8 years ago
One time when I went to Mandarin, I got to sit next to a fish tank, and when I made "kissy" noises, and came near the class, ALL THE FISH CAME TO ME. LMAO
Justin Yang
Justin Yang - 8 years ago
Is this fish dead yet?
PGLays - 8 years ago
Nicholas Ring
Nicholas Ring - 8 years ago
considering all the other.. erm... "interesting" betta videos online, its nice to see something good for a change
AScoopofSprinkles - 8 years ago
Your betta is so cute! I have a dragon scales betta. I'm pretty sure he would do anything for food
Jason Tello
Jason Tello - 8 years ago
Tried this trick and Betta JUMPED PUT OF ITS TANK
Jae_ DN
Jae_ DN - 8 years ago
+Jason Tello
Jason Tello
Jason Tello - 8 years ago
+PGLays nah bruh my betta lives pho life ! I picked that dude up and put it back in its tank son
PGLays - 8 years ago
May he rest in peace.. Did you do it at the edge of the tank?
PGLays - 8 years ago
out of*
ZaidP_24 - 8 years ago
what is a flare?
JCWP Gaming
JCWP Gaming - 8 years ago
You need a filter for your betta
Violent Nerd Rage
Violent Nerd Rage - 8 years ago
+Pointe every week. Never get real close to it and make sure to feed it every day. Get a big enough toank where you.can add at least a plant
Meet tess
Meet tess - 8 years ago
just wanted to ask how do you take care of your fish, i am buying one with no filter. how often do you clean the tank?
Violent Nerd Rage
Violent Nerd Rage - 8 years ago
+PGLays same, i just clean his tank every two weeks
PGLays - 8 years ago
I don't have a filter for my betta, but he seems to be doing fine!
Midgmunch Campbell
Midgmunch Campbell - 8 years ago
My fish sometimes dances with me.
PGLays - 8 years ago
Same, haha
Faith Muchemwa
Faith Muchemwa - 8 years ago
Make more videos
Khadija Grant
Khadija Grant - 8 years ago
My beta jumped and scared me so I moved and he never got his treat now he follows me nonstop until I try again
JupiterSkyWolf Packs
JupiterSkyWolf Packs - 8 years ago
Do you have to use pellets?
CRAFTY SWAGGY SHAY - 8 years ago
Does it hurt when it jumps at your finger for food?? Cause I'm scared it will bite me
Britt Harr
Britt Harr - 8 years ago
CRAFTY SWAGGY SHAY he really came for that finger bo
PGLays - 8 years ago
No, haha, it feels so cute. He bonks me in the finger a lot, and it's only a little nibble, sometimes he clings onto my finger by accident! Their teeth are too small to hurt us.
PerfectlyImperect 101
PerfectlyImperect 101 - 8 years ago
Haha no dont be scared of your betta :)
Jc Juego
Jc Juego - 8 years ago
what's the meaning of the bubbles?
APinchOfDecay - 8 years ago
It means your fish loves his tank! He's making a bubble nest!
YoseLin Luv
YoseLin Luv - 8 years ago
how can I know if my betta is a female or a male?
ĔøƝ Ṃáʀe
ĔøƝ Ṃáʀe - 8 years ago
Male Bettas have more extravagant features while females are more drab
WolfFangPlays /Wolfie
WolfFangPlays /Wolfie - 8 years ago
betta fish aren't dogs
Ava Ro
Ava Ro - 8 years ago
I'm not trying to be mean but you betta fish is s female
Andrea McFish
Andrea McFish - 8 years ago
I dont know what kind of betta you're looking at but the one in this video is definitely a male...
Jae_ DN
Jae_ DN - 8 years ago
a female is smaller and it's fins wouldn't be that big I had veiltail they just have skinny well slender fins
Kulta - 8 years ago
Not every male betta will have large fins.
Azvia - 8 years ago
Ava Ro
Ava Ro - 8 years ago
+Kolcars my mistake
Ava Ro
Ava Ro - 8 years ago
+Kolcars ok
Kolcars - 8 years ago
I believe it is a Veiltail Betta male.
Ava Ro
Ava Ro - 8 years ago
You can tell because a boy will have a really big tail to impress females and females have smaller tail
Jodee Smith
Jodee Smith - 8 years ago
Your betta is a female
PGLays - 8 years ago
It's a Veiltail male betta.
ĔøƝ Ṃáʀe
ĔøƝ Ṃáʀe - 8 years ago
That Betta is a viel tail betta
Morgan Milton
Morgan Milton - 8 years ago
My beta would not jump or come to me or anything
huntergaming - 8 years ago
How many gallons is your tank?
Violent Nerd Rage
Violent Nerd Rage - 8 years ago
Its 2.5 gallons
PGLays - 8 years ago
.. Victor, um..
victor neal
victor neal - 8 years ago
tree fiddy
Zury De Los Santos
Zury De Los Santos - 8 years ago
I have the exact same fish its a betta fish and its red
Stephany Guzman
Stephany Guzman - 8 years ago
I have a Betta fish
Sugar Cookies 101
Sugar Cookies 101 - 8 years ago
this isn't really a trick but with my betta food there's a clear plastic spoon so when I dip the spoon in the water with my betta he always follows and get excited because he's gonna eat
Christina Park
Christina Park - 8 years ago
What did u put in your betta tank?? For example, conditioner, heater, e.t.c.
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
I would set it between 78 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Nick V
Nick V - 8 years ago
What do you set your heater temp at?
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
Conditioner, heater, filter, substrate, decor, betta fish, aquarium salt, and that's about it.
Tom Tyson
Tom Tyson - 8 years ago
This was very informational I'll definitely watch it again
cat Fernández
cat Fernández - 8 years ago
it worked
babakh20 - 8 years ago
can only adult bettas do this trick?
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
Any betta can do the tricks as long as they are interested enough to learn.
spinorex - 8 years ago
i tried the jump thing and it kind of worked, once and he knocked it of my finger and it sank to the bottom
Valiant&Ava - 8 years ago
what is his name
Michael Lane
Michael Lane - 8 years ago
Ej Gonzales
Ej Gonzales - 8 years ago
My betta won't jump. He doesn't like fingers. And he won't go for it. ;~;
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
It may take time and patients in order to get him used to you and fingers.
Will Flouhouse
Will Flouhouse - 8 years ago
"To make your betta come, you have to figure out what they like" lmao but great video I just got a male butterfly betta yesterday and want to teach him tricks
Josh Wheeler
Josh Wheeler - 8 years ago
very cool
Prima Max
Prima Max - 8 years ago
My fish is stressed pls help
PGLays - 8 years ago
Just don't come too close to the glass for a while, let it rest for a bit.
Nick Lol
Nick Lol - 8 years ago
Do you have any other fish in your tank if you do remove the other fish or try moving the tank in a different location
GirlyMinecraftGamer - 8 years ago
This Helped So Much I love Teaching My Fish Tricks!
luke sucks balls 卌
luke sucks balls 卌 - 8 years ago
my betta fish flared everytime i pointed my charger at him
Marlee Talley
Marlee Talley - 8 years ago
My betta Dragon looks like that!! :o what is he??
Hannah Humphrey
Hannah Humphrey - 8 years ago
Probably a veiltail..
YoonJung Park
YoonJung Park - 8 years ago
Woah~~ I tried the trick where you make your betta jump it totally worked!! When the betta tried the get the fish food the betta thought my finger was the fish food I was kinda scared that I jumped a little....
Crystaal McLovingg
Crystaal McLovingg - 8 years ago
can't he jump out of the tank ?
TheLuigiGlitz 231
TheLuigiGlitz 231 - 8 years ago
How is it possible to do voice command? I am curious.
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
They can "hear" vibrations in the water.
King Leo
King Leo - 8 years ago
If you in courage the beta to jump it might jump out the tank
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
It will typically only jump for food, so only when it knows you are going to feed it.
NindiePlay - 8 years ago
I just got a Betta Fish today!
Sarah Hewitt
Sarah Hewitt - 8 years ago
He looked so cute when he stopped at the hoop to think
Emerald Drago cookie
Emerald Drago cookie - 7 years ago
Sarah Hewitt I agree with you
It is cute
Rachel Wydra
Rachel Wydra - 7 years ago
that was adorable! he had to inspect it first lol.
Coco the kawaii Gamer
Coco the kawaii Gamer - 8 years ago
Sarah Hewitt my beta fish his name is Daniel and when I told him to come with my fingers he came so adorable
Candy Cindy
Candy Cindy - 8 years ago
Sarah Hewitt I do this so my fish is still healthy and so he can excersize
Jeff Solis
Jeff Solis - 8 years ago
Sarah Hewitt well you could fill the tank less so that they can't jump out
Nikki - 8 years ago
Sarah Hewitt I KNOWWW ❤❤
Jules Askalotl
Jules Askalotl - 8 years ago
right?! OMG
Just Us
Just Us - 8 years ago
I know
Horse_Obsessed - 8 years ago
I just bought a male betta. I read everywhere on the Internet that fish need at least 3+ gallons of water! I have had a platy live in a 2-liter jar for less than a year and he's perfectly healthy and happy. I don't have a filter, and just started adding water conditioner because of the two fish now living together. We don't really have the space for a huge tank, that's why I got fish (because I thought they take up very little space). I try to be a good owner to my fish, but is having them in a 2-liter jar actually stressing them? They both seem happy and healthy together.
Horse_Obsessed - 8 years ago
The betta (Bubbles) is living with a platy (Oscar). They give each other space, but Oscar is quite cautious around Bubbles when it's feeding time. Also, Bubbles - the betta - won't eat the special betta pellets i bought for him - he only eats the pellets I used with Oscar. Bubbles also won't eat bloodworms. Is all this normal? Any helpful information is greatly appreciated.
Arda Unal
Arda Unal - 8 years ago
What other fish is your betta living with. If with another betta you should remove one of them as they do fight/bully each other. Also, keeping your betta in a 2 gallon jar should be fine if thats all you have. Just make sure you do water changes weekly. (replace 1/3 of the tank water with distilled water)
Faith Nicholas
Faith Nicholas - 8 years ago
that is so mean
quackers02 - 8 years ago
Good Job!!! I enjoyed watching him...and Thank you for sharing! =)
Wangan Savage
Wangan Savage - 8 years ago
Wait, I just noticed I don't hear a filter, does a filter make that much of a difference for the fish? Sorry, new to this whole fish thing
Josh Wheeler
Josh Wheeler - 8 years ago
+Raven Troglin and plus the stronger flow makes them stronger you just gotta start out slow and work your way up
Josh Wheeler
Josh Wheeler - 8 years ago
+Raven Troglin my betta doesn't mind some flow he actually likes to sit on top of the bubble wall lol guess different fish= different personalities lol
Wangan Savage
Wangan Savage - 8 years ago
+Raven Troglin Thanks, I'll try and get one when I can
Raven Troglin
Raven Troglin - 8 years ago
You should use a filter to help keep the water clean and clear, but make sure to fine one that has a low flow. Bettas like water that is mostly still, so getting one that pushes water out quickly will make it hard to swim.
goldenretriever 878
goldenretriever 878 - 8 years ago
My blue and purple half moon, amethyst jumps so I taught him how to jump through the hoop in mid air :3 not too high though. I put food on the other side so he jumps (bettas naturally jump) and it's really fun. I only do it once a week because I don't want to tire him too much :3
goldenretriever 878
goldenretriever 878 - 8 years ago
The hoop touches the water, so it's not too high
Cassey M.
Cassey M. - 8 years ago
You really do not need a water heater because the water will match to the room temperature. They live in the wild. They do not need a water heater. They live naturally and it is the best way to go. I had a Betta fish that lived for a long time in a fish bowl. He was very active and healthy because he saw me as his family member. Betta fish can get spirituality attached to you. They can choose you. Sometimes even sick fish can get healthy from choosing the right owner.
Elaine Voigt
Elaine Voigt - 8 years ago
+AnimeBabeRockstar I don't "just want to be right". I am correct based off of how MOST fish live and are treated in captivity. You are only correct based off of how YOUR fish live and are treated in YOUR house. Only using the information you have gathered from your own experience is ignorant. You can always learn more about any subject, including fish keeping.
Elaine Voigt
Elaine Voigt - 8 years ago
+AnimeBabeRockstar How does my not caring effect the authenticity of what I am saying? Let me word it differently than "I don't care." so you understand ... Your individual experience your one in particular fish does not correlate with the fact that most fish need filtration/heaters, therefore your fish dying has no impact on how I feel about heaters/filters. Telling me I am not reading what you are saying because I am not impacted by it is, once again, stupid.
Because YOUR fish lived that long, does not mean others who follow your example will have fish that live that long.
Just because they CAN live in those conditions, does not mean they are THRIVING.
Before you buy a heater, perhaps you should do research instead of going out and buying a Tetra heater or whatever it is you bought. Tetras, along with a few other cheap heaters, have warning all around them that they WILL KILL YOUR FISH. That does NOT mean that every single heater out there is suddenly bad for your fish. You jump to the conclusion that something is bad because OH NO IT MALFUNCTIONED just like any other product can malfunction at any time.
When a light bulb goes out, you do not throw away the whole entire lamp. You address the problem by buying a new bulb. When there's a septic tank back up and it explodes on your property, you do not jump to the conclusion that all plumbing is bad and get rid of it. You address the problem. Same goes for anything else that may malfunction, such as heaters and filters.
No shit sometimes opinions are not facts. You are not accomplishing anything by saying that. I am simply informing you that the proper care for MOST fish include filtration and heating. That has been what I have been saying the whole time. That point is stupid, because what I am saying is an educated theory that when applied over and over again, is correct. Your theory on the other hand, when applied over and over again through repeated experiments, would end up with dead fish.
Just because your house temperature just so happens to be 78 degrees, that does not justify you saying that you "actually don't need heaters." 78 degrees is an odd temperature to keep an entire house in my opinion (oh my god yes, there is an opinion in here but before you say "well your wrong because opinion, let me finish) and I believe most people do NOT keep their house temperature at 78 degrees. Even if they do, I would still recommend they have a heater in a tank that is for tropical fish, because I doubt again that a person/family would keep their house temperature at 78 degrees at all times. People change the temperature of the house according to how they feel, and not according to how the fish need their water temperature.
Cassey M.
Cassey M. - 8 years ago
Sorry, but no offence. "I don't care your fish managed for so long without equipment." See? You are not listening. You just want to be right. You make no sense....It was good for my fish because it lived for 6 years! Average life span is about 2 through 4 years. Not many can live about ten years. The rate for them to survive is about 72-86. They can live in those conditions. Many breeders do not require filters. It totally depends on how warm your house is or what your fish likes. Look at other people's comments please. Because it sounds like to me you are making me to sound like other people and I are wrong and that you are refusing to read other people's comments. Did you even bother to read or to ask questions for example? No. You just want to be right because like you said you do not care. You do not care, like you said. Anyway, there's many reasons why they can survive. Look it up. Totally depends on what breeders say. Heaters can harm your fish if there is something wrong with them. I bought too many of them and then they malfunction and overheat my fish. Pets Mart and other places DO NOT take care of their products when shipping. That is why many do not buy heaters, unless really needed for some types of fish. Gamestop and Best Buy are famous for selling terrible products and make you buy extra stuff that you do not need. It happens to lots of people. Please be more open minded. Your words are sometimes invalid because that is YOUR opinion. It may be right sometimes. But there are many reasons they can survive. That is what I am trying to say."That is my opinion on the subject." Sometimes opinions are not facts. It might be true to some but not for everyone. Realize that there are many reasons why that fish can survive for a long time. But honestly, you do not need a heater unless you really needed it. I understand why people need them since they do not have air conditioning or heating. That is different. But I'm assuming that everyone has air conditioning and heating. Everyone should have both just in case. Weather can be unpredictable sometimes. That is all. By the way, my house is 78 degrees. I do not need a heater. I doubt you will remember all of this. Sorry, sometimes I write too much. I'm not yelling. I'm bolding my words. Anyway, later since you are too upset right now.
Elaine Voigt
Elaine Voigt - 8 years ago
Just because you had fish that JUST SO HAPPENED to live blah blah years does NOT mean it's cool to just go around saying DON'T BUY THIS STUFF BECAUSE MY FISH LIVED WITHOUT IT! That's stupid. People who follow your advice are going to be wondering why their fish didn't live as long as yours, people who follow your advice on the broad scale are most likely going to end up with dead fish the day after they get them. Many fish are extremely picky about temperature, your fish probably are considered beginner fish and are hardy enough to have survived the 10 years you keep bragging about. You are extremely lucky your few little fish managed to make it as long as they supposedly have. Other people will end up with dead fish if they do as you have.
Elaine Voigt
Elaine Voigt - 8 years ago
+AnimeBabeRockstar I'm sorry did you say that companies just want us to buy extra things? Well you're absolutely right! I guess that means don't do water changes either! because that's just the water companies trying to get more money out of you! Fish are supposed to live in dirty unfiltered water! Fish don't need filters, I mean it's not like the fish have filters in the wild right! It's not like there's natural filtration from plants or anything like that! Just let them swim in their own shit and let ammonia build up! THEY DON'T EVEN NEED HEATERS EITHER! There's no heaters in the wild right! So so so that must mean fish don't need heaters! Doesn't matter if they usually live in water temperatures of 78 degrees! They don't have some kinda heater to make the water that temperature! SO THEY MUST NOT NEED IT! YEAH! IT'S ALL THE COMPANIES AND NOT MY IGNORANCE AT ALL!
^ that's how you sound to me.
You sound like you have no common sense that a little research would give you. Yes, the companies are out to make money, but not to kill your fish. Companies may make products that will break in a year or something like that, but the idea behind filtration is to keep your fish in an environment that most replicates what they would get in the wild. Same goes for heaters. It's not the companies out to get your money that you should be worrying about, it's the health of your fish.
Elaine Voigt
Elaine Voigt - 8 years ago
+AnimeBabeRockstar I don't care how your fish died. What I'm saying has nothing to do with how your fish died. When did I say your fish died because (fill in the blank). What I'm saying is it is necessary to have a heater for betta fish as well as other tropical fish, that's the whole point of my replying to your dumbass. I'm trying to get it through to you that your points are silly and are not helping your cause or whatever to convince me that heaters are not needed. Heaters are needed, the end. Your fish dying because whatever has nothing to do with what I'm saying, so I ask are you even reading my comments properly? Clearly not. I don't care what the "gentleman" thinks of my comments, he has not said anything to me and you cannot prove that he thinks this unless he himself says something.
Good for you your fish are living in not adequate conditions and still surviving. That's wonderful, very nice, great for you. Not great for your fish, good for you hunny buns. I admit nothing and you can only pull random shit out of your ass to try to make me look wrong somehow. What you are saying is not relevant to my points, just like your last comment on what temperature bettas need to survive. Now it's "I have fish that lived THIS LONG and that is DEFINITIVE PROOF I AM RIGHT."
I don't care your fish managed for so long without the proper equipment. I'm simply telling you that heaters and filtration is needed in most tropical aquariums.
As for your filters or heaters killing your fish, I told you before that was because you did not follow the instructions or do the proper research on the equipment. They should not have killed your fish, the only conclusion is you cheaped out on your filter/heater or you did something wrong with it and didn't do proper research.
I have read your comments and I think they're misinformed and silly, as I have said before. Temperature fluctuations are best to avoid, even the slightest ones. That is my opinion on the subject. I do not intend on stressing my fish as you stress yours. You're welcome for my comment.
Cassey M.
Cassey M. - 8 years ago
...You didn't read my comments, did you? Maybe that is why you are still going. Obviously, I have read yours. I have to question what they are telling you. My fish passed away because my sister fed it the wrong food when she was little. It would have lived longer. Honey, I have a fish that are still alive and they are over ten years. No offence, even the gentleman thinks your comments are ridiculous. Just admit it and move on. Filters and other appliances killed my fishes. I had horror stories. They want you to buy extra things that you do not need. Even if the temperature change a little bit, it will not harm your fish. They are talking about huge temperature changes. Like I said, it has to be huge temperature changes that will shock your fish. Please read my comments. Thanks.
Elaine Voigt
Elaine Voigt - 8 years ago
+AnimeBabeRockstar Also 72 degrees is a bit cold for them. They prefer temperatures in the mid to high 70s, 76-80 degrees is the ideal temperature. If you used more than one source for your information, you would know this.
Elaine Voigt
Elaine Voigt - 8 years ago
+AnimeBabeRockstar You already said your fish lived for 6 years, that does not help prove your point. Heaters are meant to maintain water temperature so it doesn't fluctuate as the temperature in a normal room so often does. Changes in water temperature causes stress on the fish, whether or not you fish lived for so many years, they were still stressed by temperature fluctuation. I am aware of the correct temperature for betta fish, I never said it had to be 100 degrees for them or anything ridiculous, so your arguing with no one on that dumb point. You need a heater whether or not your have air conditioning, because the temperature of the air is so often changed since you have control over it.
Before you try to argue, perhaps actually read what I said. You told me to do my research on betta fish. I clearly have and just because I did not state the correct temperature rang for this fish does not mean I do not know it. Your opening argument is so ridiculously stupid. However I am sorry I did not inform you the true purpose of heaters, since it was clear you did not know. Now you do. Enjoy that new information.
Cassey M.
Cassey M. - 8 years ago
Actually it's 72 through 82 degrees for bettas...Please research your fish. Mine lived for six years. You only need a heater if you do not have heating or air conditioning in your house. Do not put the fish near the windows. It could be too hot or too cold for the fish. I'm pretty sure you do have heating and air conditioning. Look it up. Have a nice day. Thank you for your comment.Please read my comments. It explained why my fish passed away.
Elaine Voigt
Elaine Voigt - 8 years ago
+AnimeBabeRockstar The point is room temperature is often too cold for TROPICAL fish such as betta fish, because TROPICAL temperatures keep water warmer. Nature's heater is the climate in which betta fish originate, hun. It's geology, you learn this from common sense. Animals don't pick anything, they get chosen by people... so I'm not sure what your point is there.
When your fish and frogs die from the use of a heater, your probably not using the heater right. There's this thing called directions and research and using your brain.
Your arguments are silly and misled. Using a proper heater for your specific type of fish.. and using it correctly will not kill anything. Water temperature does match room temperature, which is the whole reason for getting a heater, obviously. You do know that the fish in the pet store did not come out of your room, and they have temperatures they prefer to thrive. It's so stupid to use water matching room temperature as an argument, it only proves my point but you can't see that for some odd reason. What are you still in fourth grade? Is that why you're obsessed with what grade school is telling you instead of doing real research?
Cassey M.
Cassey M. - 8 years ago
You do know that water matches the room temperature. You learned this in the fourth grade. This is science. Does nature have a heater? Warm air is the heater. I had a beta fish that lasted 6 years without one.I also have a Cave Fish that is about ten years and STILL ALIVE! I use nothing. Just natural. Not necessarily. I have met abused animals that chose their owners. Sometimes they can become sick and refuse to eat. They become better and can eat again once they met their owners. Some animals are picky when choosing their family. They are like people that have feelings. Some animals are not as strong because of nature. Biology. Survival of the fittest. It totally depends. There's many reasons. Pets Smart and other places wants you to buy this stuff to kill your fish. They want your money. Everytime I buy this crap they kill my fishes and my frogs. I'm getting really tired of these money hoarders.
Elaine Voigt
Elaine Voigt - 8 years ago
I've done my own research and I can tell you that you are just wrong. I don't know what the school comment is about, nothing about fish care is taught in school. Anyways, Heating the water is 100% necessary because Betta fish are tropical fish and come from waters that are warmer than your room temperature. They don't die because they are weak, they die due to improper care. Also you had no "spiritual relationship" with your fish, it just saw you and wanted food, hun.
Cassey M.
Cassey M. - 8 years ago
I'm not sure what they are teaching in schools. This is science. All those equipment killed my fish when I was suckered as a child to buy all that crap. I learned this from my own experiences and past mistakes. So yeah, they were correct down below. You do not need that stuff. Fish are wild. They have instincts. I have a cave fish that is about 8 years old. Most have died because they are weak and do not like me. My old beta fish was really attached to me. I really miss him. He was sick at first and then he got better. He died because my little sister fed him the wrong fish food while I was not in the house. Parents should not give young children fishes. They can kill them.
Elaine Voigt
Elaine Voigt - 8 years ago
You're stupid.
X -
X - - 8 years ago
do you still have this betta
David Beck
David Beck - 8 years ago
My betta doesn't do anything for food he eats when ever he wants I just put it on the bowl and it may take all day for him to eat 1 pellet
Ariel Libot
Ariel Libot - 8 years ago
have the same problem before. betta dont like to eat fish food that's big, floats and doesn't smell. my friend tell me to use shrimp food and they like it. Also if you want to train your betta a trick similar to this, you can start feeding your betta with mosquito larvae on a stick and gradually increase the height. Also you can feed them excess snails, based on my experience feeding live food on betta. you can see a huge difference on color variations and the fins will extend more. But take note that feeding live foods will make your betta more aggressive to other fish
Cailin McGuire
Cailin McGuire - 8 years ago
+David Beck as long as he eats the food eventually it may be good enough. Bettas don't exactly like constant changing of their food so you can attempt to train the fish to like it (in simplest terms) Just make sure your food has 40% protein in it then plop in the recommended amount and walk away, if he doesn't eat it try again the next day and if not then I don't know what to tell you. Hope this helps!
David Beck
David Beck - 8 years ago
+Vivian Lai I've tried all food
Vivian Lai
Vivian Lai - 8 years ago
maybe he doesnt like the food. my betta only liked a certain type of food and refused to eat the pellet ones
Daniel Gottschalk
Daniel Gottschalk - 8 years ago
all i have to do is say his name
phan trash kyan
phan trash kyan - 8 years ago
Hey whats your food brand? I think i might use the same for my betta!
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
I feed aqueon color enhnceing betta pellets, I think they are a great food for the bettas.
E C - 8 years ago
Making my betta cumming is my fave trick
Xx_Iphone_xX - 8 years ago
Jae_ DN
Jae_ DN - 8 years ago
PGLays - 8 years ago
What the hell did I just read
Rafid Hoque
Rafid Hoque - 8 years ago
Lol XD
victor neal
victor neal - 8 years ago
u nasty individual..... shame on u SMACK SMACK
Minnow's aquarium
Minnow's aquarium - 8 years ago
KrazyKalib - 8 years ago
TheRogueDustDevil - 8 years ago
PeachezAJ - 8 years ago
wild leaf
wild leaf - 8 years ago
I know a nother trick

tap on the side of the bowl and see if the fish comes if not give it a little food repeat it day after day till the fish comes to you without you dropping food into the bowl
wild leaf
wild leaf - 8 years ago
APinchOfDecay you can ceep bettas in bowls
APinchOfDecay - 8 years ago
1. Don't keep bettas in bowls. 2. Don't tap on the glass. It stresses them out
PGLays - 8 years ago
My fish comes to me when he sees me, it's so cute <3 He's like a dog
n0x - 8 years ago
My fish comes to see me when I go into the room! He acts just like a dog lmao. When I go up to the tank he comes to the front and swims around in circles
Jennah Hyppolite
Jennah Hyppolite - 8 years ago
I'm afraid to teach my betta to jump. I don't want him to jump out of his bowl....
Jennah Hyppolite
Jennah Hyppolite - 8 years ago
+Got2LoveFish Okay thanks. I've never seen my guy jump.
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
Typically when you teach your betta to jump he will only jump at your finger, he will not jump randomly. They already know how to jump you are just teaching them when to jump. But it is always a good idea to have a lid just in case.
Pond Hair_grl
Pond Hair_grl - 8 years ago
I did the flare one with my Betta. I then remembered it was a female xD
JTS21 •Jeff•
JTS21 •Jeff• - 8 years ago
My betta gets near to me when I go near to the aquarium but I don't want to touch her im scared it might bite... Because all the fish we raised up bites they jump and bite lol.
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
Betta fish bites can't hurt you they are to small. It just feels like a tap on your finger.
SnowflakeAngel Playz
SnowflakeAngel Playz - 8 years ago
I usually pinch one pellet in between my fingers when I feed my fish, Eclipse. If I put my fingers and the pellet against the wall or above Eclipse's tank, he will follow it. If I do a zig zag, he will follow. He only recognizes my fingers. That's weird.
David Romm
David Romm - 8 years ago
Thanks for showing the tricks, I will teach my betta how to do these tricks. :)
Another Otter
Another Otter - 8 years ago
He'll cum. The cum trick. So those are the tricks, jumping, flaring, going through the hoop, and cumming. DEAD
Amelia Politics
Amelia Politics - 8 years ago
Luv this vid, thx
SlapstheWALRUS - 8 years ago
My betta looks like yours
Ben Bending Rodriguez
Ben Bending Rodriguez - 8 years ago
3:30 cum trick
Leila Ponyfield
Leila Ponyfield - 8 years ago
I can't get my betta to do even the first trick, he is probably the most scared betta I have ever met ;( He does come up to me every time he sees me for food, but he is scared of the slightest movements. My previous betta, however, loved to play. I taught him to "dance" with me. Unfortunately, that one died. So now I'm stuck with the "scaredy fish". But, my new fish comes to me every time I'm near him. He is very curious of me. But he is scared of anything else.
GamerGuyPlayz - 8 years ago
Thanks but I need a bigger tank
Kelly Marie
Kelly Marie - 8 years ago
I taught my beta to give me kisses and blow bubbles on command. I enjoyed watching this.
Gabrielle Anne
Gabrielle Anne - 8 years ago
can u plz do a video on how to know if your betta is stressed
swarna latha
swarna latha - 8 years ago
i cant understand d second trick
walking inside joke
walking inside joke - 8 years ago
"to get your betta to come you need to figure out what they like again". I'm dead... XDD but helpful vid thank you!
When You See The Belt
When You See The Belt - 8 years ago
+luna belstdane lel *cum xD
Sir Ratman
Sir Ratman - 8 years ago
He comes for your fingers because either they look like worms, or they look like the fins of another betta fish... Maybe
Sir Ratman
Sir Ratman - 8 years ago
Wwwwwrong! Bettas leap out of the water to get from puddle to puddle when there ponds and streams dry up
Alex Besse
Alex Besse - 8 years ago
my Betta is female do female Betta do that to
Alex Besse
Alex Besse - 8 years ago
my Betta is female do female Betta do that to
Joaquin Partida
Joaquin Partida - 8 years ago
You have the happiest Berta I've ever seen
nigel nuj
nigel nuj - 8 years ago
Awesome video
nigel nuj
nigel nuj - 8 years ago
Awesome video
andres martinez
andres martinez - 8 years ago
You just earned yourself a subscriber
Gilbert Lopez
Gilbert Lopez - 8 years ago
"fly on command" instructions unclear got my dick stuck in the toaster....again.
kyle enzo san agustin
kyle enzo san agustin - 8 years ago
lukeinator - 8 years ago
Very useful
Bang Bang
Bang Bang - 8 years ago
nice tank, at my stores a tank like that is alot, I got on with squidwards house in it and it costed like $145
D jeff
D jeff - 8 years ago
cool... if i put a female with my male..will they mate?
D jeff
D jeff - 8 years ago
ok..thanks for the response... i did see a video on how they mate..its a lot!! i will just get a female betta and she will have her own pink wonder sea world lol
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
+D jeff If you do that the male will most likely kill the female because betta fish are very territorial. There is a long breeding process to actually breed this fish.
BethMeow Cosgrove
BethMeow Cosgrove - 8 years ago
That is so cool! I didn't even know that!
Caleb Piacenti
Caleb Piacenti - 8 years ago
That's so cute I'm going to subscribe
S.S - 8 years ago
Omg,we have the same fishy!!
Lola E
Lola E - 8 years ago
I subscribed and also my Betta fish likes fingers too.
Swaggo Pug
Swaggo Pug - 8 years ago
My betta Benton is always sitting at the bottom of his bowl and I do put thinks outside of his bowl how can I make him active he was active now he isn't can you help me please
Florida Born85
Florida Born85 - 8 years ago
"the cum trick"
Vinay R
Vinay R - 8 years ago
love ur fish.. great voice..
Perla Cantu
Perla Cantu - 8 years ago
they come towards your finger because they think that you r gonna give them food it works with every fish.
rachelpstudios_official - 8 years ago
Can I put a colored pipe cleaner in it or will it be unhealthy? BTW mine has no heater
rachelpstudios_official - 8 years ago
+Got2LoveFish Thank you! BTW my fish looks like yours. And this video was so helpful my fish can now flash and can nip my finger. Love your channel.
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
+- r a c h e l p s t u d i o s - You can use the pipe cleaner but it can not be left in the tank. Before you use it make sure to wash it with hot water and when you are not using it in the tank take it out and dry it off so that it does not rust.
Double Infinity
Double Infinity - 8 years ago
AwesomeChipz - 8 years ago
My first betta fish ( a pink, red, and blue veil tail I named Emile ) used to come by name. He started doing that because I'd call his name before I would feed him.
BlueMoon - 8 years ago
Any tricks will stress them out and are not good. Also with that sized tank you should have a heater and filter.
BlueMoon - 8 years ago
Commonly you wont see it. It takes years to tell if a fish is properly stressed.
PGLays - 8 years ago
My fish doesn't get stressed out, he's so calm and gentle <3
GWS 2015
GWS 2015 - 8 years ago
I din't understand the role of the pencil in the second trick, just because of my English is not so good. Can you detail it to me ? Thank you.
Suelo Rider
Suelo Rider - 8 years ago
I have that long red tailed fish
Kaleb Ryan
Kaleb Ryan - 8 years ago
loved the video. despite some opinions.. (thinking they're trolling or nuts) felt you handled the fish very safely. your fish looks very healthy.
yoomi - 8 years ago
is it weird that i got a tried these on my new baby betta i got at petco and it did all of them on the first try??? havent tried the hoop yet tho
Tanner Hansen
Tanner Hansen - 8 years ago
When you have no friends.
Mino Fishie
Mino Fishie - 8 years ago
Hi I have 2 questions
1. What type of betta are you teaching in this video
2. My betta lives in a 10 gallon tank with 3 neon tetra and 3 seprae tetras I have this little pineapple house from spongebob and he always lies down there he does eat but I'm not sure if he's doing to well is there anything you can do to help my betta be more active and if my betta is at the bottom does that mean he's happy thank you
Angela Lam
Angela Lam - 9 years ago
Are your plants real or fake? What would you recommend
TicTac123 Cait
TicTac123 Cait - 8 years ago
Fake if your out of the house more than 8 hours. The plants need food too .
A Harry Stan
A Harry Stan - 9 years ago
I thought that to my angel fish
eliseargentt yt
eliseargentt yt - 9 years ago
Ive tought all 2/6 bettas to flare when they see a pen, but... I never gave them the mirror. They think the pen is a predator xD
Ghostly_Mantis15 - 9 years ago
My betta is exactly like yours, and this video really helped me, thanks alot
Kaylee Cote
Kaylee Cote - 9 years ago
Sara Vahimi
Sara Vahimi - 9 years ago
My betta always goes to the bottom of the tank and just lays down but it's not dead cause it sometimes moves but what should I do so it swims more
train train
train train - 9 years ago
is it a male or female?What's its name?A have a male and his name is crystal
PGLays - 8 years ago
It is a male Veiltail betta.
Samantha Martinez
Samantha Martinez - 8 years ago
Looks like a male.
Minnow's aquarium
Minnow's aquarium - 8 years ago
I have a male betta ... I didn't name him XD
train train
train train - 8 years ago
+TheAbbiator unique
train train
train train - 8 years ago
+TheAbbiator I know its weird but he is uniqyue
Pink Bettas
Pink Bettas - 9 years ago
Bettas are so clever!
Samuel Beasley
Samuel Beasley - 9 years ago
My Betta likes to eat bubbles :)
Hindi TV - Mysteries and Everything
Hindi TV - Mysteries and Everything - 9 years ago
my angel fish likes to eat bubbles
Wild Hearted
Wild Hearted - 9 years ago
He's a cute one
tv Blood
tv Blood - 9 years ago
I can make my King Beta flare on command already just with the touch of my finger to the glass of his tank, he is a pretty cool fish
Porygon18 - 9 years ago
I got same fish but mine died ):
Rachel La
Rachel La - 9 years ago
thats not cool. he did the trick and didnt get the food pellet. thats just teasing him
Hannah Humphrey
Hannah Humphrey - 8 years ago
Not as bad as over-feeding him them him dying though (:
Wqter - 9 years ago
Teaching your fish to flare is deadly. Even though it's very cool and 'stuff' your fish can either die of exhaustion or stress
LittleCreekKennels - 9 years ago
I love the hoop trick! :D
Nigger snitch
Nigger snitch - 9 years ago
He is so cute -
Nature Nut
Nature Nut - 9 years ago
That's neat. I never found anyone else that tried training a fish before. I taught my Kissing Gourami, Swan, to kiss my finger and let me touch him.
Alyssa Lewis
Alyssa Lewis - 9 years ago
the last two are adorable oml
Ganjalord666 - 9 years ago
an its just chasing the finger for the last part just like how if she would a put her fingers in the beta would have bit her finger
Ganjalord666 - 9 years ago
an with the hoop thing She put it up against the glass an dropped the food in
Ganjalord666 - 9 years ago
nah with the pencil one he thinks its another fish notice the mirroe
Kevin Rivera
Kevin Rivera - 9 years ago
does my betta need a air supply like air pump?
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Kevin Rivera It is not a necessity but it is definitely helpful for circulation and aeration.
Big Boi
Big Boi - 9 years ago
My betta always stays and doesn't move a lot.. is my betta sick or something?
Big Boi
Big Boi - 9 years ago
+Got2LoveFish thanks! My betta has a big fins.. i've care a lot of fishes.. and i bought my self a betta so yeah i don't really know how to take care of betta.. btw thanks for the information!
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Farhan IzzatS If your betta has big fins this is normal behavior because the fins take a lot of effort to move around. If he does not have big fins then the water quality is probably not the best or he is just board.
Ferocis - 9 years ago
Err.. Are we sure that's not my beta xD cause it looks exactly like mine with no bites :T
Vinolina Joyce
Vinolina Joyce - 9 years ago
when bettas flare,swim around and eat regularly they can long life in any tank/bowl and bettas can be alone for years it is better to excersise your betta with a mirror to keep him active and healthy
liz1060 - 9 years ago
Aww ... he's a smart little guy! Cute.
Tasha - 9 years ago
I'm impressed.
· nik.hamilton ·
· nik.hamilton · - 9 years ago
Hi. I've been with my betta for 2 years, and I still don't know what he likes. I tried the finger trick like yours but that didn't work. Any suggestions?
Muhammad Rashid
Muhammad Rashid - 9 years ago
your betta fish is so talentend  mine just sleep
Pawprints 903
Pawprints 903 - 9 years ago
Got2LoveFish: I won't give him food because he already ate.
Fish does hoop trick and Got2LoveFish fed him
Me: ??? What ???
connor b
connor b - 9 years ago
"to make your betta come, you have to figure out what they like"
Ganjalord666 - 9 years ago
nigga its a fucking fishbu can't teach it shit
Amy Q
Amy Q - 9 years ago
+Cameron Hallock The fish is making tricks, but you are too retarded to watch it
Amy Q
Amy Q - 9 years ago
+Cameron Hallock Did you watch the fucking video yet kiddo? LMAO
Ganjalord666 - 9 years ago
+Amanda Queiroga your a fucking dumb ass I did your just a gullible bitch that don't know shit
Ganjalord666 - 9 years ago
+Lokey The Long Tailed Cat ^
Amy Q
Amy Q - 9 years ago
Watch the fucking video u idiot
· nik.hamilton ·
· nik.hamilton · - 9 years ago
Then what just happened in the video idiot? THE VIDEO IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. WATCH IT! How do people get so dumb?
jr_the_gymant jr_the_gymant
jr_the_gymant jr_the_gymant - 9 years ago
that is a cool betta
moin khan
moin khan - 9 years ago
Thx my betta has learnt how to jump
Duc Tran
Duc Tran - 9 years ago
Don't make it flare! It will die of stress if you do that trick too much
reptileboy10 - 9 years ago
Actually you would have to do it A LOT like 5 times a day and experts say doing it every once in a while is good for them it helps them exercise and makes them feel like they won when you take it a way
Rebecca Smith-Bowen
Rebecca Smith-Bowen - 9 years ago
That looks just like my beta
Ariana Diaz
Ariana Diaz - 9 years ago
Hi! In the first trick will the better fish only jump when it sees my finger (with the food), or might jump out randomly out of the tank o3o
nicole borodi
nicole borodi - 9 years ago
I did the one where it jumps and OMFG it scared me
kerry Sig
kerry Sig - 9 years ago
Great job!
Alana Solano
Alana Solano - 9 years ago
Your fish is adorable I have a female she knows what fingers mean too Berta's are so adorable when it comes to food.
KayeCat - 9 years ago
Is the pipe cleaner safe to put in the tank?
KayeCat - 9 years ago
+Got2LoveFish ok, thank you!
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Orangehamster123 The pipe cleaner was washed in warm water before being used in the tank. It is fine as long as it is only put in the tank for the trick.
XsparxLY - 9 years ago
But first you need to know if your betta will follow your finger my betta will cause he jumped up for the food my betta likes fingers

Cause fingers make food.......
Sans - 9 years ago
Nice tank
TicTac123 Cait
TicTac123 Cait - 9 years ago
The water heater will kill them if not used properly that's why I don't have one . Mine is happiest in a bowl it's weird but he is . It's a giant bowl so it's pretty big . I have water conditioner and clean the bowl twice a week . U don't really need the water heater or a filter they just say that to try and get you to buy it .
Rumer Priestly
Rumer Priestly - 7 years ago
AngelicLamb that is not a happy fish. What you're saying right now is like saying "I kept my dog in a small cage for its whole life and only cleaned up its poop once a week and it survived until it was ten!" Like, big whoop, you gave an animal a really shitty life for a few years, do you want a medal?
Cassey M.
Cassey M. - 8 years ago
My betta lived for 6 years in a small container, no filter, and no heater. I did put the water purifier and clean it. And it was happy and lived a long time. So I had to question what they told me. I loved my fish and they lived a long time. These places just want you to buy more stuff. I agree everything, too. I had horror stories with that place. If I had the internet back then, my other fishes and frog would have been still alive today.
Chairman - The Luximina Group
Chairman - The Luximina Group - 8 years ago
+AnimeBabeRockstar Okay, well that's fine. I can agree with all that. Only problem is that I'd venture to say very, very few people are comfortable living in a sweltering 78 degree house in Phoenix or Vegas or wherever (and will commit to keeping their heater all day in the winter to keep it that way). So most people will need a heater for their bettas. Can they survive without one? Perhaps. Will they be happy? Thrive? Live to the full extent of their life span? Not a chance.

PetSmart tried to tell me that bettas get "anxious in small tanks" as she tried to sell me a 1 gallon tank with a divider for two bettas. Insane. Someone needs to do something about that place.
Cassey M.
Cassey M. - 8 years ago
My home is 78 degrees..That is why I do not use one! You can overheat your fish. It does happen. I heard many horror stories of it. Sometimes they do not work right. I do not trust electronics from places like Pets Smart for example. They killed my fishes. Even filters kill my fishes. I have to question what they are telling me. You have to do so much research on animals. Any huge temperature can shock fish, too. You only need a heater if you do not have house heating or air conditioning. I'm assuming that people do have air conditioning and heating in the house. People think that they need heater because they tell them so. Many fish can live in 72-82 degrees in natural waters. Room temperature matches the water temperature. That was all that I am saying. Those places just want you to buy things that you do not need. It's really annoying. I'm getting tired of it. Pets Smart is like Game Stop. My old beta fish died long ago. I do not have one anymore. Now I have a cave fish that refuses to die. I also had tetras that lasted for 7 years and they lived naturally.
Chairman - The Luximina Group
Chairman - The Luximina Group - 8 years ago
+AnimeBabeRockstar Right, my heater requires no work at all...very simple to operate. Just plug it in, and it automatically turns on and off to maintain a constant warm temperature. I'm not sure how old your livewire heater is that's electrocuting your fish and "very difficult to use," but you should probably throw it in the trash.

Anyway, yes. I've done extensive research. Every reputable fish care site states that bettas need a heater. So. I ask again. Where are your sources that say your tropical betta fish are fine without a heater (assuming you don't keep your home at a stable 80 degrees)?
Cassey M.
Cassey M. - 8 years ago
I forgot to mention that the heaters can shock your fish since it is very difficult to keep using the heater. It can be tedious. Any huge temperature changes in the water can kill your fish. Before putting your fish into a new container, you have to put your fish into another plastic bag in the new clean water for 15 minutes before putting them in due to different temperature changes. That is why it is better to not use one. I have taken care of fish for over ten years. That is why I know some things. I'm not sure if you knew this or not. Temperature changes can shock your fish. The room temperature will match the water temperature. Please do your research.
Chairman - The Luximina Group
Chairman - The Luximina Group - 8 years ago
+AnimeBabeRockstar Unless your room is kept at a toasty 76-82 degrees Fahrenheit, I would like to see your sources that say bettas (a tropical fish) are fine without a heater. Please.
Cassey M.
Cassey M. - 8 years ago
No, they do not. You cannot read. I already explained in my previous comments. You are not very good at science, are you?
Van Tilsley
Van Tilsley - 8 years ago
OMG you can't read. Bettas need a heater.
Cassey M.
Cassey M. - 8 years ago
Thank you! This is money making! Heaters and filters kill your fish. It happened to me many times. I have to learn my lesson since I was suckered as a child. (I hoped that I read your comment correctly. Sometimes I read things differently on here. )
Chairman - The Luximina Group
Chairman - The Luximina Group - 8 years ago
Nobody listen to this filth from the original poster. Bettas need a heater, filter, and a tank at least 5 gallons. These are the kind of lies that continue the cruelty and mistreatment of fish, and continue to propagate with the help of uninformed corporate pet store employees. Do extensive research before buying any pet, especially fish, since there's so much misinformation out there.
Cassey M.
Cassey M. - 8 years ago
Same. Mine was happy. Living natural is the best way to go. Pets Smart and other places will kill your fish. They love to sucker people into buy more things that you do not need and then kill your fish. I put my fish in a their natural habitat. They love to sucker children the most and make them to buy more things. Pets Smart killed my frog because they said that the habitat that they gave me was fine. It wasn't. It pretty much killed my frog within 4 months. Getting a really healthy Betta Fish is a hit and miss at Pets Smart or at other places. It is better to get them from breeders.
Van Tilsley
Van Tilsley - 8 years ago
+Cait Carter that's actually pretty sad. Obviously if you come home and it needs the heater it probaly needs it all the time. The filters to clean their liveing environment not yours.
TicTac123 Cait
TicTac123 Cait - 8 years ago
+Got2LoveFish my fish is doing great I actually ended up buying a filter and a heater only use the heater when I come back home and notice the water is a little cold then normal
TicTac123 Cait
TicTac123 Cait - 8 years ago
+TigerDragon071 if you also have a small tank you can let the water sit over night and it should reach room temp and that would be fine the water temp only drops 2 degree durning the night
TicTac123 Cait
TicTac123 Cait - 8 years ago
+TigerDragon071 it doesn't have a temp but if you leave it in for more then 3-4 hours it will make the water too hot and betta doesn't like hotter then 80 degrees safe zone is 76/80 degrees. When you unplug it make sure you wrap a towel around it so it doesn't burn you c
TigerDragon071 - 8 years ago
what temperature does the water average out at? thinking of getting one but am reasearching first.
Han Nguyen
Han Nguyen - 9 years ago
i clean my betta tank every day because he poops alot
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Cait Carter It's not the pet stores saying you need the filter or heater, they just want you to buy the little tiny expensive tanks, that don't have a heater or filter. It is people who have kept fish for a long time and have done research and have had their own experiences with fish that are saying the fish need heaters and filters.
Luke R
Luke R - 9 years ago
I might try some of these with my Dwarf Gourami. I know they are similar species, and I'm hoping these tricks may work for him
Luke R
Luke R - 9 years ago
+Got2LoveFish Thanks!
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Oryx the Taken King Yeah, that is great! Let me know how it goes, I would love to know!
Dani Shall
Dani Shall - 9 years ago
I didn't know fish could be trained ... color me impressed.
Alexa Hartman
Alexa Hartman - 9 years ago
How many gallons is your fish tank ?
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Alexa Hartman This one is 2.5 gallons.
Greenbettas13 - 9 years ago
Your betta is super cute. I really want to teach my betta, Pikachu some tricks. He is very smart and i needed to know how to do this properly. Thank you for posting this! I will subscribe to you. :)
Aquarium Boy123
Aquarium Boy123 - 9 years ago
My fish learned the first on quickly. Only about a day hi did it
Penny And Kelly Khan
Penny And Kelly Khan - 9 years ago
So cuteee!!!
MariEve - 9 years ago
ITS A Signees fighting fish !!!!!!!!!
MariEve - 9 years ago
+Drévloggaming i do that sometimes I call it my pet fish
TheFishExpert - 9 years ago
+Eevee-art-gaming i call them fish
reptileboy10 - 9 years ago
+Eevee-art-gaming yeah that's what they're called
MariEve - 9 years ago
reptileboy10 - 9 years ago
+Eevee-art-gaming well tell Australia it's stupid
MariEve - 9 years ago
+reptileboy10 yes I know that but still most people I know call them that here in Australia and they always called them that in pet shops
reptileboy10 - 9 years ago
+Eevee-art-gaming no you can Google it they're not called that Betta is short for there Latin name and Siamese fighting fish is there Nick name Samurai are from a different country from where they originate so that Nick name would make no sense
MariEve - 9 years ago
+reptileboy10 even at the pet shops they call them that
reptileboy10 - 9 years ago
+Eevee-art-gaming you probably are hearing Siamese wrong
MariEve - 9 years ago
+reptileboy10 well I call them Samurai fighting fish ......and the rest of my country I think
reptileboy10 - 9 years ago
Siamese actually and they're also called Betta's it's derived from there Latin name
Portia Dai
Portia Dai - 9 years ago
How do you get pellet food to stick to your finger?
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Portia Dai You can either put a tiny drop of water on your finger and stick the pellet to that or put the pellet under your nail.
Cody Lee
Cody Lee - 9 years ago
awww the Cum trick... well have to do that one
Kasnoon T
Kasnoon T - 9 years ago
Best fish ever and how do betta feel like
ab2002 _
ab2002 _ - 9 years ago
I did not need to teach my fish to jump it did it all by ist self
Kim Kim
Kim Kim - 9 years ago
Thank you for the great video. Can't wait to try your tricks.
becksta29 - 9 years ago
The pet shop didn't tell me about aquarium salt?do they need salt in their water?
becksta29 - 9 years ago
Thanks ;) , I got some aquarium salt and put about a tea spoon in his 10 litre tank when i did his water change and he seems heaps more energetic, healthier and happier.i also got him a lil tank heater set at 26 celcius,its warm here now in summer but I like to use air cons a lot to keep us cool in summer and my daughter has her betta in her room and her room has air con so I didn't want him getting too cold and he seems happier with the heated water.i didn't know they need heater as dude never told me and I went to another shop and they said they do need it when its cooler.if I didn't use air cons I prob would not need it but I was getting way too hot b4 we got heater cos I wasn't using my daughters air con but that does all our bed rooms and it gets way to hot here to not have it going.
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+becksta29 You do not need salt but it does help the fish not get diseases and if he does it helps the fish to get healthy again. You should use 1/2 teaspoon per 4 liters of water. You only need to add salt when you do water changes and add more water because the salt stays in the water.
becksta29 - 9 years ago
He sold me water conditioner stuff and food and the 10 litre tank with filter and light and said that's all he needs but I want the best for him so I will get some salt?what sort do I get and how much do you put in water?
Sienna Billings
Sienna Billings - 9 years ago
I need help. My betta isn't eating. I put food in and he doesn't eat it. The next day the food is at the bottom of the tank. I need help.
Tom N
Tom N - 9 years ago
+Sienna Billings Did you cycle the tank? Did you test water parameters? That would give you the answer on why most the time.
Sienna Billings
Sienna Billings - 9 years ago
+Got2LoveFish 4 days.
 But he didn't make it ;(
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Sienna Billings How long have you had him?
Yah Boi
Yah Boi - 9 years ago
Thank you so much have a lot of fun teaching my beta these tricks.
Bubz Lover
Bubz Lover - 9 years ago
ive got a blue betta fish
ELLIOT - 9 years ago
betta 3
Tori Anna
Tori Anna - 9 years ago
I tried to do the come thing with my fingers and my betta swam across the tank and then shot at the glass
Ahmad Hazwan
Ahmad Hazwan - 7 years ago
Ur bettas drunk
Filoskop - 7 years ago
Tori Anna I laughed so much reading this
Circus Baby
Circus Baby - 7 years ago
Tori Anna xD
TheRogueDustDevil - 8 years ago
nah, i know they like to go for the fingers but his is more aggressive than normal LMAO
Rein LOL
Rein LOL - 8 years ago
Such a pacifst XD
TheRogueDustDevil - 8 years ago
Your's seems really aggressive lmao XD
xTrouble - 9 years ago
Ballira - 9 years ago
That is REALLY cool and cute. Congratulations on teaching him!
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
My Betta won't flare! Help! Below his gills looks gold. We got him aquarium salt to treat Ick if he has it, but I'm still paranoid.
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
Ok ;) He's getting a heater and a live plant and some more stuff, too!
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Josie McDonell It is perfectly fine if your betta wont flare, it just means he is a chill fish.
Greg Calleja
Greg Calleja - 9 years ago
I wish my goldfish could do that, too bad this is for "beta" ;D
Tom N
Tom N - 9 years ago
+Greg Calleja I mean, when your goldfish gets either 6" or 12" (depending if its fancy or common) it's gonna make a hell of a splash when it lands.
Greg Calleja
Greg Calleja - 9 years ago
+Got2LoveFish sick! I'll try it:D thanks!
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Greg Calleja You can teach your gold fish these same tricks! except for the flare one.
JElo Ingusan
JElo Ingusan - 9 years ago
is my betta is boy or girl watch in my channel
dead - 9 years ago
Nubpai - 9 years ago
+Candy Kitten Aj so always a boy?
dead - 9 years ago
+JElo Ingusan If it has short fins its a girl, if it has long fins its a boy.
Nick Nak
Nick Nak - 9 years ago
my betta eats from the bottom of the tank and all of the food i buy floats any help
Nick Nak
Nick Nak - 9 years ago
Thank you
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+TheGaming Vlogger Before you give the food to him soak it in a little bit of the tank water then pore it in.
DanieAlan - 9 years ago
So cute!
4Justamomof - 9 years ago
my betta used to flare everytime her saw me :')
mistybloom3 - 9 years ago
How is he so social and comfy around you? My betta swims away even when i try to feed him -_-
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+mistybloom3 Some betta fish are just more shy, just try watching him from a distance for a while or do home work or other stuff by his tank, that may help him to get used to you.
John lintag
John lintag - 9 years ago
+Got2LoveFish is he still alive today???
Gabby Cook
Gabby Cook - 9 years ago
+John lintag you should never feed any pet wild caught food because it might contain parasites or pesticides. You can buy frozen blood worms, or live shrimp fry from a pet store (or breed shrimp yourself) :)
John lintag
John lintag - 9 years ago
And ummm can like ummm like ummm feed them um ... Oh wait umm hmmm like umm umm live um ants like um you find in your um backyard ??? (Sorry for many ummm's)
Breebee23 - 9 years ago
I love this vid
Arnav Sinha
Arnav Sinha - 9 years ago
LOL my angelfish follow me even when I didn't teach them anything! Your Betta is awesome btw
Alé - 9 years ago
is it me or am I the only person who has a betta not afraid of their reflection
Dolls N' Pets
Dolls N' Pets - 9 years ago
+Got2LoveFish I have the same fish :o
flutter grace
flutter grace - 9 years ago
is the fish a girl or boy plzzz tell
calm down madie
calm down madie - 9 years ago
you can tell it's a boy because it is larger
flutter grace
flutter grace - 9 years ago
So I'm guessing that I have a male
flutter grace
flutter grace - 9 years ago
Thanks for the help
flutter grace
flutter grace - 9 years ago
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
Younger males sometimes have it but when they are mature they will not have it.
flutter grace
flutter grace - 9 years ago
Nope it does not have it

But I heard some males have it to though
Arnav Sinha
Arnav Sinha - 9 years ago
+flutter grace This one's a male. If it's a mature female, it should be having a tiny white egg spot on its vent (it is mostly slightly bulged.
flutter grace
flutter grace - 9 years ago
Thank I'm not sure what gender my fish is and that fish looks like my fish so that my best bet
flutter grace
flutter grace - 9 years ago
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+flutter grace The betta in this video is male.
Mati Garcia
Mati Garcia - 9 years ago
I have a 5.5 tank
Mario Vazquez
Mario Vazquez - 9 years ago
I have a betta fish
Kyla Anderson
Kyla Anderson - 9 years ago
Wow! Bettas are really intelligent fish! Very smart!
Cassandra Starr
Cassandra Starr - 9 years ago
You really shouldn't put a mirror up to a betta. The reason they flare is because the feel threatened at the sight of another betta. Watching a betta flare isn't worth the stress you are causing the poor fish.
Anika Long
Anika Long - 9 years ago
He's so cute! <3
Mack The Knife
Mack The Knife - 9 years ago
I assume you have a heater and filter somewhere? If not get them your fish is tropical and requires both for good health.
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Shane Roach At the time this video was made I did not but in my more resent videos you will be able to see that all of my tanks have heaters and filters.
Mitchell Taing
Mitchell Taing - 9 years ago
hello, I was wondering if its normal/healthy if my betta just sometimes sits there without moving his pectoral fins? he lies against my thermometer or maybe against plant leaves and just sits there without moving any fins, but he is capable of swimming around normally and is not physically injured externally. he is eating when i feed him and he likes the top of the tank
Eleven - 9 years ago
Oh u got a same problem as mine...
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Mitchell Taing Some of the bettas, especially if they have long fins, will do this just to rest because it is hard work to lug around the big fins everywhere. I would not be to worried about this unless he stops eating or something else is wrong.
Nikki The Fox
Nikki The Fox - 9 years ago
Awesome! Lol, my betta knows he is getting food because I shake the container. It only took me about 3 times and now whenever I shake something he gets all excited.
Jordyn Keogh
Jordyn Keogh - 9 years ago
what do you do if you just got a beta and he won't eat?
Mack The Knife
Mack The Knife - 9 years ago
He may also be constipated, check to see if the fish appears bloated towards the rear near the tail. He will eat eventually once it passes. A trick is to cut a small pea into very tiny chunks and feed it to him every once and a while it clears them up.
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Cleo Bear Some times it will take the betta a couple of days to adjust to his new environment and he wont eat for a couple of days.
Master Of Awesomness
Master Of Awesomness - 9 years ago
Why doesn't my Betta jump for food. I tried lots
Mister Zombie
Mister Zombie - 9 years ago
lol i liked the hoop trick.
Slimdog Oso
Slimdog Oso - 9 years ago
I bet you like to make your betta cum lolXp
Reece Warren
Reece Warren - 9 years ago
I tried to let my betta fish jump to get the food but he didn't!
Koala Bear
Koala Bear - 9 years ago
Glitter_quartz - 9 years ago
can you make a video with more tricks to learn since my betta has completed all of these tricks
Andrew LeForce
Andrew LeForce - 9 years ago
u just have ur food in a bowl... ok
Glitter_quartz - 9 years ago
mine can do all but we are working on jumping he can do it just not high
ANTBOND004 - 9 years ago
I got my Betta to "come" by doing the peace sign. Very cool! I would Show the peace sign until I got his attention, then feed him 1 of the 4 small pellets. Then let him swim around for a few seconds before holding up the peace sign and giving him another pellet. Now I can do it whenever I want and he will come, I just feel bad because most of the time I do it, he is probably expecting food. Still cool though!
100jeichelle - 9 years ago
Bianca Fry
Bianca Fry - 9 years ago
I love it. it was cool.
Payton Godon
Payton Godon - 9 years ago
Bettas need a heater and filter. He won't live long without them. It's a nice setup but please get him some
Angry fish w. knife
Angry fish w. knife - 7 years ago
Not all bettas need a heater, it depends on where you live. Living in a tropical climate my room stays fairly warm and the tanks stay around 78 degrees all the time. And the filter isn't a necessity either, as long as you are very diligent with the up keep of the tank. Personally I have filters on all of my betta fish tanks just because it is easier on me. ^.^
Roger Mercer
Roger Mercer - 7 years ago
Its all how u keep the water clean n n fed n i put a night light in his tank n it adds heat n yesss i check the temp everyday but i have no filter just be responsible n pick a tank changing day n dont over feed en n it should be ok
Cupcakegaming 335
Cupcakegaming 335 - 7 years ago
Payton Godon my cousin's Betta lived for two years (and is still alive) and she just had a glass bowl
Rumer Priestly
Rumer Priestly - 7 years ago
Payton Godon all these people fighting with you in the comments is driving me crazy, do you people not realise what you sound like?! It's like somebody saying 'oh, I kept my dog in a three foot square cage it's whole life and only fed it biscuits once every other day and he lived until he was seven" like, congrats, you gave a fish a really shitty, stressful, "surviving not thriving" life for a couple of years, do you want a medal?
DazzlingDiamond 4
DazzlingDiamond 4 - 7 years ago
Payton Godon Umm I had a beta for
3 years without either of those things
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
Payton Godon They don't need a heater lol unless it's cold in your place. I check the thermometer in his bowl once a day
Solo Dolo
Solo Dolo - 7 years ago
who died and made you the beta fish police captain?
Payton Godon
Payton Godon - 9 years ago
+Eriplane The odd one will do fine without one, and if your house was warm enough that could make him healthier.. 
Payton Godon
Payton Godon - 9 years ago
+raynor 182 No, 8 months is not old at all and he should have a filter.. It's not about some being stronger or yours did fine... You do whats best for your animal or you don't have one.
Berry Whisker
Berry Whisker - 9 years ago
Yes, blue are stonger then red cuz red take vitamens from the food to make the colour and blue is just.... ummmm
Chips With Semen
Chips With Semen - 9 years ago
ive had robotnik (betta fish )for 8 months with out those things...... I just feed him daily and clean his tank daily. I guess some are stronger then others?
Eriplane - 9 years ago
+Payton Godon My betta is about 4 years old and he's never had a filter. If I had the space and money to afford a large tank (3, because I have 3 fish), then I would in a second.
Amy Q
Amy Q - 9 years ago
Not really, the filter isnt 100% necessary if you keep changing water. Plus having a heater deppends on how warm or how cold your country is
David Beck
David Beck - 9 years ago
+Oryx the Taken King also this has nothing to do with wat I just said but almost all ur new lines starts with "w"
David Beck
David Beck - 9 years ago
+Oryx the Taken King Most rooms are set at 72 degrees. If you put 78 degree water in it will stay around that temp. Especially if you put a tank light or just a Desk light
Luke R
Luke R - 9 years ago
+David Beck I'd say visa versa. Good water quuality COULD be maintainef with heavy planting and frequent water changes, but I highly doubt your room temp. is 78°F, which is about what a Betta needs
David Beck
David Beck - 9 years ago
U are so dumb they do need a filter but a heater isn't necessary actually a filter isn't necessary it's just suggested
Berry Whisker
Berry Whisker - 9 years ago
And it lived for 4 years. (Before she had it for 3 years)
Berry Whisker
Berry Whisker - 9 years ago
Yes, somone like that! Cuz my cousin had one for 7 years and she moved to russia...
Pigeons 101
Pigeons 101 - 9 years ago
That's not true. I have owned and bred many bettas over the years. My favorite one easily lived a full 7 years. When he was 5 or 5 he even jumped out of his tank and was mostly dried on the floor. Put him back in the tank thinking he's done for. Nope he was fine.
Berry Whisker
Berry Whisker - 9 years ago
+Oryx the Taken King lol yes u are right
Luke R
Luke R - 9 years ago
+duckboi mcfuckboi Gee, you sure seem to have an answer for everything, and seem to be crossing yourself over in the process
Berry Whisker
Berry Whisker - 9 years ago
+Sarah Pari Polchachi It was small, maybe a centimetre bigger. There was another tank which we connected with a tube and was 30 gallons, only janitor went in there, striker stayed in the other tank... he occasainly went in there though.
Berry Whisker
Berry Whisker - 9 years ago
Really dont know which fish it was, but my dad said it simply cleaned, so he called it a janitor...
Berry Whisker
Berry Whisker - 9 years ago
sorry about those comments, they were in my Gmail. it was a 20 gallon, it had gravel and plastic plants and a log that he loved sleeping in...
Berry Whisker
Berry Whisker - 9 years ago
Im 22 now so I know better.
Berry Whisker
Berry Whisker - 9 years ago
And he was movig around and swimming, flaring almost every day!!
Berry Whisker
Berry Whisker - 9 years ago
And I was 7 years old!
Berry Whisker
Berry Whisker - 9 years ago
You should not say how i was or anyone treated their pets!!!
Berry Whisker
Berry Whisker - 9 years ago
And some of that fish water droplets that took out the chlorine.
Tom N
Tom N - 9 years ago
+Sarah Pari Polchachi What size tank was it, and what cleaner fish did you have? If it was a pleco the smallest pleco needs 20 gallons at least. Even if you had strict parents, if they don't know anything about fish care then it wont do anything.
Berry Whisker
Berry Whisker - 9 years ago
And I have/had 6 pets which took most of my money... I live on a farm..
Berry Whisker
Berry Whisker - 9 years ago
I have very strict parents, and striker was perfectly fine! Icleaned his aquirium every week, and we bought allthat he needed exept for that! Also, I live in northen territory, Australia, so his tank never really neded heating. Also got a good amount of lighting. And we had a Janitor fish and he kept it mostly clean.
Tom N
Tom N - 9 years ago
+Sarah Pari Polchachi That's just because they are hardy fish, and you got lucky. Just because something lives for a certain time doesn't mean that it was thriving and happy, like you should have made sure it was by doing proper research before getting a living creature.
Berry Whisker
Berry Whisker - 9 years ago
My beta survived 6 and a half years with no heater, filter or light...
Tom N
Tom N - 9 years ago
+ThePessimistAdam Healthy Bettas live for around 7 so that isn't an achievement
ThePessimistAdam - 9 years ago
+Payton Godon Mine managed to survive 2 years with just a light over it and no filter somehow.
Payton Godon
Payton Godon - 9 years ago
Still no filter. And by the looks of it they don't have one. I'll still make the comment even if they do, so people know.
Hannah Johnson
Hannah Johnson - 9 years ago
It's bad to put mirrors in front of your betta to make him flare.
Fernando Josef
Fernando Josef - 9 years ago
Doing it excessively is bad for the betta, like PlannersGottaPlan said, its basically just exercise if you only do it sometimes
That girl Nalia
That girl Nalia - 9 years ago
No it's not
Glitter_quartz - 9 years ago
Would it be okay to put a leaf hamok with my half moon betta
Glitter_quartz - 9 years ago
+Got2LoveFish okay thanks!
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
Yeah, I think that he would really enjoy that to be able to rest his fins on.
Mrcheekymonkey1996 - 9 years ago
I subscribe because one your beta is very cute and two you seem cute too. love how you taught it tricks. goes how intelligent that fish is. it's remarkable

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