How to train your Betta fish to jump really HIGH taking food from my hand
Betta 13 years ago 27,518 views
Our Betta female named "Pheephee" is a high jumping acrobat fish. In the wild they jump from puddle to puddle and jump to catch bugs in the air to eat. So this is great exercise for her while she waits for her new tank. She loves to eat and would overeat if we let her. She is very curious in nature. To train her all I do is put on gloves and adhere a blood worm to the tip of my finger with water. She will do the rest. These fish are easy to train and make lovely pets. Keep water clean and warm and they are happy. Please see more videos of this amazing Betta Fish. She is great. Betta Fish tank care, How to care for a Betta, what to feed your betta, how to clean your betta tank, how to play with your Betta, all these topics can be found on my site: fanofaestallings@youtube. Visit my site and scroll though my hundreds of fish videos and you will be happy. You will lean about fish and you will meet some happy fish and learn how to care for your betta fish, your goldfish, make your own nail polish to show to your fish, even feed your fish peas and why you need to feed your fish peas. How to stop you betta fish from being sick.
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