SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/CTWSub My Pet Store Online https://wildpetsupply.com/ Support me so I can keep making videos. Amazon Wish List https://goo.gl/P5ajYX Patreon https://goo.gl/ZwFzuw Merch https://goo.gl/aA4Kz6 H2Oplants 20% off https://goo.gl/euQ3Ro or use the code Challenger20 MY INSTAGRAM (@jamesmorelan) http://bit.ly/JamesInsta MY TWITTER (@jamesmorelan) http://bit.ly/JamesTweet MY SNAPCHAT http://bit.ly/JamesSnap MY OTHER CHANNEL http://bit.ly/TJEffect Today I got a new betta fish I rescued him from a family friend, This is a great amazing betta fish and looks awesome in my 10 gallon nano tank! That tank has crystal shrimp so there should be no aggression. Film Equipment Camera I use: http://amzn.to/2sFDoHq Cheap Light: http://amzn.to/2kBf4YL Main Light: http://amzn.to/2B2jr5Y Second Camera: http://amzn.to/2BN5jKG Mic: http://amzn.to/2j54AR6 Fish Equipment Pleco/Snail/Shrimp Food: https://goo.gl/LyxJZ9 Guppy Food: http://amzn.to/2BKHNO5 Cheapest/Best Light: http://amzn.to/2kB5rcw WaveMaker: http://amzn.to/2kAdhn4 Business only email: cw47wabe@gmail.com Mail me stuff James Morelan PO BOX #085925 Racine, WI 53408

I RESCUED A BETTA FISH!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11

Betta 7 years ago 4,745 views

SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/CTWSub My Pet Store Online https://wildpetsupply.com/ Support me so I can keep making videos. Amazon Wish List https://goo.gl/P5ajYX Patreon https://goo.gl/ZwFzuw Merch https://goo.gl/aA4Kz6 H2Oplants 20% off https://goo.gl/euQ3Ro or use the code Challenger20 MY INSTAGRAM (@jamesmorelan) http://bit.ly/JamesInsta MY TWITTER (@jamesmorelan) http://bit.ly/JamesTweet MY SNAPCHAT http://bit.ly/JamesSnap MY OTHER CHANNEL http://bit.ly/TJEffect Today I got a new betta fish I rescued him from a family friend, This is a great amazing betta fish and looks awesome in my 10 gallon nano tank! That tank has crystal shrimp so there should be no aggression. Film Equipment Camera I use: http://amzn.to/2sFDoHq Cheap Light: http://amzn.to/2kBf4YL Main Light: http://amzn.to/2B2jr5Y Second Camera: http://amzn.to/2BN5jKG Mic: http://amzn.to/2j54AR6 Fish Equipment Pleco/Snail/Shrimp Food: https://goo.gl/LyxJZ9 Guppy Food: http://amzn.to/2BKHNO5 Cheapest/Best Light: http://amzn.to/2kB5rcw WaveMaker: http://amzn.to/2kAdhn4 Business only email: cw47wabe@gmail.com Mail me stuff James Morelan PO BOX #085925 Racine, WI 53408

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Most popular comments

Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
Do u like this betta as much as me? also should I keep him in my 10 gallon aquarium?
Check out my vlog channel! https://www.youtube.com/thejameseffect
Stained Brain
Stained Brain - 7 years ago
Aida Higuerey Aww!! I have my male halfmoon named Cappa in a 10 gallob too! He's so happy!!
Aida Higuerey
Aida Higuerey - 7 years ago
Stained Brain I agree! I have my male veil tale betta called Merlin in a 10 gallon tank and he is just the happiest and how should I say it, amazing fish in the world!
Stained Brain
Stained Brain - 7 years ago
The Bass Slayer Don't suggest that to people.. they'll be depressed and sick in a 1 gallon. 2.5 at the smallest. They love 5-10 gallons.
Stained Brain
Stained Brain - 7 years ago
Diego Arana 20 gallon is too small for 2 angel fish, so if you split it and make it 10 gallons that's WAY too small, I don't suggest it.
Stained Brain
Stained Brain - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild I have my boy in a 10 gallon and he loves it!!
Cecelia's Hobbies
Cecelia's Hobbies - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild He's gorgeous and he is a double half moon. Thank God you were there for him. He should stay in the 10 gallon tank in my opinion.
Samuel Amberg
Samuel Amberg - 7 years ago
Alex Fish he has him in a 3 gallon.
The Bass Slayer
The Bass Slayer - 7 years ago
no 1 gallon
Chris aquatics
Chris aquatics - 7 years ago
U should keep the betta in ur 10 gallon bc he will have a lot of space to swim
D's aquatics
D's aquatics - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild I like dragon won’t he eat the worms
andy pichardo
andy pichardo - 7 years ago
The Bandinator
The Bandinator - 7 years ago
Hi James I’ve got a betta that is the same colour and his name is sunset
Alex Fish
Alex Fish - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild you should add some cories with the betta in the 10g
Yesli Frias Mejia
Yesli Frias Mejia - 7 years ago
i dont like bettas as much as you...i love bettas but i love you more
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
I personally have never owned a Betta but really want one for my planted 20 gallon the only problem is that I have 2 angle fish in it and don’t want any fights, should I just get a split tank and get two and if so what kind of betta is velvet I would love some like him!!
Mr Fish
Mr Fish - 7 years ago
Mr Fish
Mr Fish - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild yes I do honk beta fish are the most coolest fish and come in so many varieties
Exotic Butter
Exotic Butter - 7 years ago
What happened to Cozmo the betta?
Mike Schwitzke Jr
Mike Schwitzke Jr - 7 years ago
Sweet Betta looks like half moon to me.
Aleks Fomin
Aleks Fomin - 7 years ago
You should get a water dragon
D. D.
D. D. - 7 years ago
Aurelia Galindo
Aurelia Galindo - 7 years ago
Name the better rafiki from the Lion king
Amber Docter
Amber Docter - 7 years ago
I actually bought my own betta because of this channel :) He's doin' good so far
Omar Aguilar
Omar Aguilar - 7 years ago
Are you thinking about getting any type of predator fish later on ????
Silverfang Wolfie
Silverfang Wolfie - 7 years ago
Omar Aguilar A betta is a predator fish
Jack Power
Jack Power - 7 years ago
How many gallons should you have for 3 angel fish my tank is 63 gallon

10. comment for I RESCUED A BETTA FISH!!

Lisa McLeod
Lisa McLeod - 7 years ago
Name him Pyro lol
Fins and Fur
Fins and Fur - 7 years ago
Almost positive he is a delta. Beautiful little dude.Great video!
Wolf Shadow
Wolf Shadow - 7 years ago
He look so amazing! Pls named him Hunter
Hannah M
Hannah M - 7 years ago
You should name him Malay, after the Malay red Harlequin butterfly
Tropical fish channel TFC
Tropical fish channel TFC - 7 years ago
For christmas i got a 36 gallon bowfront fish tank with a marineland c220 canister filter, cant wait to set it up
Tropical fish channel TFC
Tropical fish channel TFC - 7 years ago
I must of made it on santas good list
David Stewart
David Stewart - 7 years ago
Tropical fish channel TFC wow you're lucky
Wesley Gameing
Wesley Gameing - 7 years ago
Name him Donald Trump
Alaina Mark
Alaina Mark - 7 years ago
He looks like a double tail
Aiden Zrihen
Aiden Zrihen - 7 years ago
Don't change his name
Shmelly04 - 7 years ago
Name him Jackson
creative footprint
creative footprint - 7 years ago
Love the video

20. comment for I RESCUED A BETTA FISH!!

Lunar Rose
Lunar Rose - 7 years ago
Hey I got a new beta too!
I have a dig bick
I have a dig bick - 7 years ago
Leonor Lopez
Leonor Lopez - 7 years ago
I'm late but yay a betta fish!!!
Yesli Frias Mejia
Yesli Frias Mejia - 7 years ago
Name him Phillip!
Keyna'Stuff - 7 years ago
He looks like a delta tail. And yes he is really pretty!
Hdz Aquatics
Hdz Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hey I got mollies and some how they last way longer than mollies? How long do your guppies live ?
Diving Duo
Diving Duo - 7 years ago
Nice bro
Radist39 Ghost
Radist39 Ghost - 7 years ago
And also what can i put in a 5 gallon
Radist39 Ghost
Radist39 Ghost - 7 years ago
Dude get a mantis
Meenho Herro
Meenho Herro - 7 years ago
loving the song at the end!!!! Thats awesome James! your edits are getting nice!

30. comment for I RESCUED A BETTA FISH!!

Rocket Gamer
Rocket Gamer - 7 years ago
I think it is a delta tail
JM Aquatics
JM Aquatics - 7 years ago
I'm saving 2 bettas fish
RkBunny - 7 years ago
Hii!! Name him Ares! Haha and please do vlogs
Oceanbouy87 - 7 years ago
@challengethewild my beta is by himself in. A ten gallon and has rips in his fins all of a sudden should I be concerned? Or how can I fix keep up the great work
XXGFX - 7 years ago
He's a dragon scale so dragon is a good name
KeatonGaming - 7 years ago
president of random
president of random - 7 years ago
Im getting pea puffers today you inspired me.
_Dylan _
_Dylan _ - 7 years ago
Woah thats a really awesome betta I’m getting a betta soon!
Hunter Folden
Hunter Folden - 7 years ago
He looks similar to my Dragonscale Type Betta
Alexa Gonzales
Alexa Gonzales - 7 years ago
I feed my Bettas blood worms. 100% for breeding. So they have perfect babies. Super cool
David Stewart
David Stewart - 7 years ago
Alexa Gonzales
Alexa Gonzales - 7 years ago
David Stewart I do have pellets but I only use them when on a rush. Or the pet sitter to use so it's not complicated
David Stewart
David Stewart - 7 years ago
Alexa Gonzales nice I feed mine pellets I only have one though
Alexa Gonzales
Alexa Gonzales - 7 years ago
I own a lot of betta fish. Like 20 and 10 other type of fish. I breed them. I know how to care for them. Glad he's in a better environment
Justyne Rud
Justyne Rud - 7 years ago
How do you tell someone that there not taking care of their fish correctly? Are you ever nervous they'll get mad at you?
Nick Theo
Nick Theo - 7 years ago
Name him flare
Michael Perez
Michael Perez - 7 years ago
Velvet looks worse than the rescued one lmao
David Stewart
David Stewart - 7 years ago
Do more of that leopard gecko on your vlog channel
poornima ranganathan
poornima ranganathan - 7 years ago
Wowww i love this betta fish nice color he is having and good job for saving him
Samuel Amberg
Samuel Amberg - 7 years ago
Dragon is good! Or Rio!
Jacob Guy
Jacob Guy - 7 years ago
I was just thinking about getting my betta tank started back up since my leopard gecko has adjusted to his new home and then u upload a vid on getting a me one lol
Samuel Amberg
Samuel Amberg - 7 years ago
He Is so pretty! I had a beta over the summer. His name was Buddy. I named him after joey’s Arowana
WeekNight - 7 years ago
You make me so happy bro

50. comment for I RESCUED A BETTA FISH!!

Vy Bui
Vy Bui - 7 years ago
Draco is an awesome name for him. Such a majestic dragon
Vy Bui
Vy Bui - 7 years ago
I think you should save up toward a gimbal or something so that when you do the montages it doesnt shake
OSSO - 7 years ago
I want a Betta fish now
Dylan _17144
Dylan _17144 - 7 years ago
Name it dragon
Lila :D
Lila :D - 7 years ago
Have you breed bettas before
Erik Broos
Erik Broos - 7 years ago
Guess its a super delta blue red dragonscale male betta i think, looks absolutely gogeous
Erik Broos
Erik Broos - 7 years ago
Name Him blueberry
Katy Loves BTS
Katy Loves BTS - 7 years ago
Leo - 7 years ago
betta fish expert 1
betta fish expert 1 - 7 years ago
That great that u rescued him I'm pretty sure he is a halfmoon maybe a double tail to but very beautiful fish
Norma J
Norma J - 7 years ago
I happened to get a free Betta out of Wal-Mart. I told them that it was the absolute worst condition I've ever seen a Betta fish in. And they apologized and i got him for free!He is a veil tail, and is pink and white. His fins were not even there. I don't know how he was alive. That was a month ago, and his fins are now halfway grown!
ROCKY REPTILES - 7 years ago
I'm going to start breeding them and if you want one I'll hook you up!
Bro Squad
Bro Squad - 7 years ago
Bloom he looks like a flower bloom
Sohan Ramdewo
Sohan Ramdewo - 7 years ago
You should name him Blueberry
Nicole Sparlin
Nicole Sparlin - 7 years ago
I'd say he will definitely eat your shrimp after seeing him charge a snail. Beautiful fish, love your channel!
Dude King
Dude King - 7 years ago
People use the word rescue really lightly
Guppy Gal & Tanzie the Ragdoll
Guppy Gal & Tanzie the Ragdoll - 7 years ago
I’ve never had a better fish that ate flakes… I bought some show Betta fish from a breeder and they feed them blood worms, I use the frozen blood worms. Then once a week I give them some high quality pellets. betas are meat eaters. good job on the rescue
Alexis Favela
Alexis Favela - 7 years ago
Call him oceanflame or blueflame
Elemental - Gaming & More
Elemental - Gaming & More - 7 years ago
0_0 so so PRETTY!!! How did you get that lucky to get such a cool betta LOL.
90's kid
90's kid - 7 years ago
Wow he really is a pretty betta, Who gives an expensive betta like that for a party gift? You must live in a very affluent neighborhood James
Viper_SRG _Official_
Viper_SRG _Official_ - 7 years ago
90's kid not worth it
90's kid
90's kid - 7 years ago
Well im not american, but I bought mine for 40 bucks
XXGFX - 7 years ago
90's kid $7 at PetSmart
One Person
One Person - 7 years ago
Should name RedAngel
Alaunna Scurry
Alaunna Scurry - 7 years ago
What about Mr. Red fish
Ryan Clancy
Ryan Clancy - 7 years ago
I have the exact same breed of Betta!!! (Mine is just blue) (double tail half moon betta)
TheGolemHunter - 7 years ago
Random question but I just got a mystery snail, anyone know if I should get cuttle bone for calcium or could I just stay with the egg shells? Also, can I feed zucchini to them, peas, lettuce etc like feeding nerite snails? And last question lol, the snail got up onto the filter intake pipe and is a little bit out of the water (water quality bad?) With a patch of yellow dots kinda hanging off of it, they look like a patch of eggs (like nerite eggs) but I know that they lay clutches of eggs out of the water. Thanks for reading lol.
Platinum Aquatics
Platinum Aquatics - 7 years ago
Nice one! Pretty fish! I think dragon is a safe name. Also what substrate are you using in that tank?
K-reef Aquarium hobby
K-reef Aquarium hobby - 7 years ago
Nice fish
Giber - 7 years ago
good job james!
Jamie Wang
Jamie Wang - 7 years ago
You're looking older each video I watch! It's so great seeing us young fish keepers in the community grow together
David Stewart
David Stewart - 7 years ago
Jamie Wang how many fish do you have
Vqtonx mamp123456
Vqtonx mamp123456 - 7 years ago
Name him flare or firestorm
Blue Meanith
Blue Meanith - 7 years ago
Notification squad.
Gift of fallen
Gift of fallen - 7 years ago
You should name the new betta Crimson.
Hdz Aquatics
Hdz Aquatics - 7 years ago
Gift of fallen that’s what I was thinking
Siddharth Kumaran
Siddharth Kumaran - 7 years ago
name him red mary
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
Awwww! He’s beautiful! I got a new betta recently too! I also just got a leopard gecko! He’s so awesome! There is a $1 per gallon sale at petco and all my bettas are getting new tanks!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Petlover2017 123 really! The dollar per gallon sale! In gonna get a 40
Sarah M
Sarah M - 7 years ago
I'm so glad this betta has a second chance at life with you, instead of slowly dying in a tank without the proper care requirements. Hopefully he won't have any health problems from the mistreatment and that he lives a long, happy life!

He looks stunning in your tank btw!!
Yodi Gaming
Yodi Gaming - 7 years ago
name him blaze
Alaunna Scurry
Alaunna Scurry - 7 years ago
It could be a Delta tail
HonneyDew - 7 years ago
He is so BEAUTIFUL!!!
Yuri Santos
Yuri Santos - 7 years ago
Your so sweet, you inspired many people to take good care of fishes God bless u
colin nicholas
colin nicholas - 7 years ago
Spidey or Spiderman the beta fish
Paz Rowley
Paz Rowley - 7 years ago
Definitely double tail male or maybe half moon
Layla Pratt
Layla Pratt - 7 years ago
It looks like a Delta tail
Agr414 - 7 years ago
Name him Felipe
Trippie AMV
Trippie AMV - 7 years ago
I'm getting a Betta and putting it into a 5.5 gallon tank since Petco is having a dollar per gallon on tanks
Alaunna Scurry
Alaunna Scurry - 7 years ago
Fire fly /or fire flame
PF 649
PF 649 - 7 years ago
Awesome video beautiful fish!
Mrsznewyawk - 7 years ago
How sad, a party favor
Totaled Pound
Totaled Pound - 7 years ago
Yodi Gaming
Yodi Gaming - 7 years ago
Awesome betta james!
Kimberly Rambaran
Kimberly Rambaran - 7 years ago
He's so beautiful and so colourful
Selina Thoma
Selina Thoma - 7 years ago
Yeah, hes a halfmoon, a beautiful one.
**Jasleen** - 7 years ago
that's so cool!!

100. comment for I RESCUED A BETTA FISH!!

Cory Keepers
Cory Keepers - 7 years ago
Man. If there is one betta I would buy. That one is super nice! Great save!
Mr. SpaghettiMonster-2
Mr. SpaghettiMonster-2 - 7 years ago
How about...Timmy?
chandran sarkar
chandran sarkar - 7 years ago
I love the betta so much. ; )
EPIC BOSS COW - 7 years ago
Call him Friday
Reptiles,Fish,and amphibians
Reptiles,Fish,and amphibians - 7 years ago
As soon as you Said you’re getting salt water I was getting salt water too. But you still haven’t done yours and mine is almost already fully stocked With coral and fish
Alex Fish
Alex Fish - 7 years ago
Never saw a teenage boy say “precious”. That is an amazing betta. Name it Jerry
Reptiles,Fish,and amphibians
Reptiles,Fish,and amphibians - 7 years ago
When will you do saltwater?
Reptiles,Fish,and amphibians
Reptiles,Fish,and amphibians - 7 years ago
Just bought a torch coral
Alex Fish
Alex Fish - 7 years ago
Reptiles,Fish,and amphibians cool
Brennen Fish N Shrimp
Brennen Fish N Shrimp - 7 years ago
You should name the betta male Red Roy.
Unknown User
Unknown User - 7 years ago
I live in southeast asia and i should be sleeping
İrem Karakas
İrem Karakas - 7 years ago
Name suggest is Darrow.Darrow is a fictional character in Red Rising trilogy.He's a Red so Reds are a human society but it suits this boy betta
Atomic Modz
Atomic Modz - 7 years ago
Nice vid man
Josie B.
Josie B. - 7 years ago
Name him Blaze
SilverSounds - 7 years ago
Name him Pyrope, it’s a red gemstone, and he has an amazing red flare color lol...
CakeJoy - 7 years ago
Do you have any mollies?
Unknown User
Unknown User - 7 years ago
Name it blaze
Unknown User
Unknown User - 7 years ago
Name him fireball
Veer Deshpande
Veer Deshpande - 7 years ago
100 viewer
David - 7 years ago
What kind of light do u use for your 20 gallon long??
David - 7 years ago
Looks cool
Suhail Ally
Suhail Ally - 7 years ago
Why don't you get a crown tail betta
LR aquatics
LR aquatics - 7 years ago
Name it galaxy
Bettaxfish 1
Bettaxfish 1 - 7 years ago
Carson Aquariums
Carson Aquariums - 7 years ago
Name him elf or blaze
Noob In Wild
Noob In Wild - 7 years ago
Name him Orian
Wacky Gamer
Wacky Gamer - 7 years ago
What r u doin with 55???!
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Wacky Gamer honesty I don't know
Bettaxfish 1
Bettaxfish 1 - 7 years ago
Back in the day when m sisters were little they had them as center pieces and everyone took them home.
Dan Lol
Dan Lol - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Dan Lol hI!
victor pirir
victor pirir - 7 years ago
Yea I am early I liked too.
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+victor pirir hI!
Thats awesome tanks :D
TechNerd - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+TechNerd ooo
Awesome Crab
Awesome Crab - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Awesome Crab yaas!!
Bettaxfish 1
Bettaxfish 1 - 7 years ago
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Bettaxfish 1 yeeee
Gavin Chen
Gavin Chen - 7 years ago
He looks like a double tail half moon when he straightens his fins
Challenge the Wild
Challenge the Wild - 7 years ago
+Gavin Chen Sweet!!! That's crazy that they would give that away

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