Today i add the 3 new asian arowana fish to the 2,000 gallon aquarium in the aquarium gallery. Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ SUBSCRIBE ► https://goo.gl/xjOm50 Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: http://ecotechmarine.com My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by: http://customaquariums.com

I ADDED THE FISH TO THE 2,000G AQUARIUM!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 223

Betta 7 years ago 292,617 views

Today i add the 3 new asian arowana fish to the 2,000 gallon aquarium in the aquarium gallery. Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ SUBSCRIBE ► https://goo.gl/xjOm50 Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: http://ecotechmarine.com My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by: http://customaquariums.com

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Most popular comments

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Ty. W
Ty. W - 7 years ago
personaly I can hardly notice the drop eye
Floyd Sverdfisch
Floyd Sverdfisch - 7 years ago
The king of DIY that tank will look stunning when all of the Arowana are full grown
Maximino Morelos
Maximino Morelos - 7 years ago
The king of DIY how you can keep the water clean without the green stuff on the glass ?
Dimas Júnior
Dimas Júnior - 7 years ago
Add Oscars in the tank please Joey
Dragon Knight
Dragon Knight - 7 years ago
If only buddy where hear…
Rainbow Plays
Rainbow Plays - 7 years ago
The king of DIY hi
Hery Nofryansyah
Hery Nofryansyah - 7 years ago
Now you need to get arapaima gigas
Rahul Rajendran
Rahul Rajendran - 7 years ago
That snake skin looks cool
JW Aquarium's
JW Aquarium's - 7 years ago
So awesome hopefully it works
Willy Day
Willy Day - 7 years ago
BUY Super red airwana
mirza mohammed baig
mirza mohammed baig - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Its just so inspiring joey! Just too good love it!! No words
tangatron34 - 7 years ago
Nielsen Aurmoogum what a great, low cost, fix. Have you had positive outcomes with this yourself?
jaryt h
jaryt h - 7 years ago
The king of DIY ii
Andy T
Andy T - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I'm so glad you got them
The4014Gamer ForTheWin
The4014Gamer ForTheWin - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, you should name the one with dropeye droopy
MASON MITCHELL - 7 years ago
Santa needed to carry an inflatable pool in his sleigh for them.
Mohsen Kivy
Mohsen Kivy - 7 years ago
Great fish, ugly tank (w/ algae and air pump tube and all)! Big fan btw
Rick W
Rick W - 7 years ago
I would say if you did the rearranging of the tank immediately it would disrupt the territories that the old arrowana has in place giving the new guys equal footing.
Ten Dragons
Ten Dragons - 7 years ago
The Geophagus (can't remember the exact genus) with the really exaggerated long Pectoral fins would look so AWESOME.
Ten Dragons
Ten Dragons - 7 years ago
Dude, put a cot in there next to the tank so you can sleep in there and watch them all night. That would be cool. Excellent Video.
Rick Janess
Rick Janess - 7 years ago
Dream come true!!
Tygerdoesstuff 19
Tygerdoesstuff 19 - 7 years ago
What about the bishar
Apalak Banerjee
Apalak Banerjee - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Majestic fishes . Wow
Seth Bosserman
Seth Bosserman - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I have been whatchin u for like 4 years and u finally got a dream aquarium with ur favorite fish ( black diamond back sting ray )(Asian arowana’s ) ps u are so lucky. I only have a 30 gallon aquarium with some baby Bichir’s in t
Nielsen Aurmoogum
Nielsen Aurmoogum - 7 years ago
The king of DIY place a ping pong ball in the tank the drop eye will be gone
Jerry Carrillo
Jerry Carrillo - 7 years ago
The king of DIY if it doesn't work you add more
youngster gaming
youngster gaming - 7 years ago
So many AROWANA I love it
Kroeger Markus
Kroeger Markus - 7 years ago
Ambassador of dragons. Great vid, Joey!!! Eager for first feeding vids and a long still movie or even a live cam. Greetings from Germany. :D
sivalingapandian - 7 years ago
The king of DIY in
KONGARISH - 7 years ago
And oscars maybe?
Bored_Gamer212 - 7 years ago
Don't let them jump out DIY
LOC H VU - 7 years ago
are you going to name them all ?
Taptap Von RawR
Taptap Von RawR - 7 years ago
Do a livestream of them swimming together!
Toxic Despair
Toxic Despair - 7 years ago
Hey joey I kinda understand the whole big fish aquarium monsters in a tank but why not add in a big school of feeders like minnows Molly’s etc they would add a nice texture to the tank and a good hardy snap for the fish well minus the minnows for that but I just want to know even though u did just drop around 4-5 grand on fish
Supremo Raj
Supremo Raj - 7 years ago
JOEY best video u made which features my favorite asiab arowanas... thanks for the inspiration and love .
Chunara Yash
Chunara Yash - 7 years ago
The king of DIY you great
Chunara Yash
Chunara Yash - 7 years ago
The king of DIY you aquarium add new big pleco fish please aad
Beach bum
Beach bum - 7 years ago
The king of DIY name the drop eye pop eye
zzospreyzz55 - 7 years ago
You might need some target fish instead of dither fish in that tank. A school of something those arawana can go after but, between the school and the hardiness of the fish, the arawana cant kill it. Maybe geophagus, are you worried about the stingray eyes? Severums, datanoids, tinfoil barbs, uaru, frontosa, festivum, chocolate chichlids, nicaraguensis, veija (not black belts), Oscars, all get big enough and aren't aggressive... sorry, I'm clearly preferences to new world fish...
DANKMEMES101 hi - 7 years ago
I also have a lot of fish I have 4 tanks
Ty Fishing
Ty Fishing - 7 years ago
Beauty is in the inside not the outside!
PixelatedVaporeon - 7 years ago
so, any sujustions for a kinda beginer fishkeeper? for a fish that's fairy easy to take care of and fits in smallish tank?
Joey Patrick
Joey Patrick - 7 years ago
Joey why'd you do that all of the arowana will fight
Daniel Dulu
Daniel Dulu - 7 years ago
You knew they were going to get along for the most part didn't you? Strength in numbers.
Mitchell Lubline
Mitchell Lubline - 7 years ago
The king of DIY what about the giant temensis you have? Are they growing enough to go with those 4 big beauties? Also it looks like your arrowanna was trying to find a mate among the 3 you added.
Kiley Mateo
Kiley Mateo - 7 years ago
i would not think that it would be fixed, why don't you put in some other breed of arowana? platinum arowana, black aro, african aro etc
Chris Littrell
Chris Littrell - 7 years ago
The king of DIY drop eye isn't that big of a deal I'd ride it out for some time. If not just leave it be.
deeptendu chandra
deeptendu chandra - 7 years ago
The king of DIY you gotta keep an arapaima someday ; )
Jiggly Giblets
Jiggly Giblets - 7 years ago
The king of DIY hi
HengHeng Heng
HengHeng Heng - 7 years ago
Hey Bro, No Cover or Netting to prevent jumping again?
Diamond Jesus
Diamond Jesus - 7 years ago
Hey gone breed watch nice group of arrowana
Meiya J.
Meiya J. - 7 years ago
PLEASE get an underwater camera
Anthony caswell
Anthony caswell - 7 years ago
Did you ever think about getting a elephantnose or dragon goby
neko - 7 years ago
elephantnose fish are  not the best fish to buy. The proces of getting them to ur aquarium is destroying the species. And dragongoby's need brackish water so it's hard to keep them
MrJotman356 - 7 years ago
You need a pleco for that algae!! Nice tank!!!
slazenger333 - 7 years ago
add peacock bass!
Matthew Moreno
Matthew Moreno - 7 years ago
slazenger333 he has peacock bass lol
Jeffrey Olivier
Jeffrey Olivier - 7 years ago
very interesting videos I love this monster tank
Riun Rabatach
Riun Rabatach - 7 years ago
Amazing and awesome!!

10. comment for I ADDED THE FISH TO THE 2,000G AQUARIUM!!

Suoerfish The Great
Suoerfish The Great - 7 years ago
What about the peacock bass
Gusti Sadewa
Gusti Sadewa - 7 years ago
Put silver arowana in it, it will swim perfectly in your tank. It can grows very huge too.
Gusti Sadewa
Gusti Sadewa - 7 years ago
I have 3 silver arowana, and my tank would be narrow if they grow bigger and longer, they already 60cm but they can grow bigger. You can take it if you want, but i'm in indonesia
Mighty442 - 7 years ago
Those Arowana look beautiful, you're so lucky to be able to have that many.
Dom Morgan
Dom Morgan - 7 years ago
You should've got an African arowana
R.I️.P Buddy
Vickie Workman
Vickie Workman - 7 years ago
looks great!
Meme time
Meme time - 7 years ago
Are you still planning on remodeling the tank? :0 also, why are the sides of the tank brown like that?
Jeannette Schroer
Jeannette Schroer - 7 years ago
(Panpan) Norawich Chamruspollert its spelled algae
(Panpan) Norawich Chamruspollert
(Panpan) Norawich Chamruspollert - 7 years ago
Meme time Algi
Xavier ELewis
Xavier ELewis - 7 years ago
i got a silver arowana today i was inspired by this viedo i am 14 so i couldnt by an asian arowana
Matthew Moreno
Matthew Moreno - 7 years ago
Xavier ELewis NICE! hopefully you have a proper sized tank tho
Fatima Zd
Fatima Zd - 7 years ago
Xavier ELewis congrats!
Antheaxe U
Antheaxe U - 7 years ago
looking forword to see how it go´s
TheCrashdawg - 7 years ago
$500 fish and no labels telling what's what....

20. comment for I ADDED THE FISH TO THE 2,000G AQUARIUM!!

dennis soh
dennis soh - 7 years ago
Totally love the new additions. wow beautiful.
Patrick Wright
Patrick Wright - 7 years ago
The King of Diy
Could you give me a tip on how can I bring out my Jack Dempseys color??? Btw those Dragons are beautiful
George Andrew
George Andrew - 7 years ago
ADD MORE!!!!!!
Salman Ahmed
Salman Ahmed - 7 years ago
its time to name all four arowan's
Cwinton 63
Cwinton 63 - 7 years ago
Why do they have too be illegal too own in Australia, so damn jealous right now
KINGNEPTUNE2001 - 7 years ago
"Quick sidenote, this is now my favorite aquarium." Somehow I knew Joey would say that.
Abir Abedin
Abir Abedin - 7 years ago
Do a video on feeding this beast of a fish tank
Brain Rain Bassin’
Brain Rain Bassin’ - 7 years ago
Mr.SnipeSquid - 7 years ago
Add the clown knife and then get another fancy clown knife and add em.
rajesh bista
rajesh bista - 7 years ago
This has got to be the best Arrowana collection on Youtube. Great going Joey!!

30. comment for I ADDED THE FISH TO THE 2,000G AQUARIUM!!

peter ngo
peter ngo - 7 years ago
We should name all four Asian Arowana!
Actually Tasteful Productions
Actually Tasteful Productions - 7 years ago
I am soooo jealous. So awesome!!!
ichrised - 7 years ago
what are you wearing homie?
Silent Slayer
Silent Slayer - 7 years ago
Lacoste logo..
Leslie Forsdyke
Leslie Forsdyke - 7 years ago
Looks like clothes to me!
mark kilpatrick
mark kilpatrick - 7 years ago
beautiful they look great
Nova Mane
Nova Mane - 7 years ago
They’re so gorgeous. Awesome tank!
Thong Yang
Thong Yang - 7 years ago
Just seeing them swim together is just beautiful
Hilbert123 - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas Joey!!! Greetings from Hilbert.. Philippines
krishneel kumar
krishneel kumar - 7 years ago
How much were they?
Mikel Aquarium
Mikel Aquarium - 7 years ago
Looks awesome!! How about a 15 min or so vid were the camera is set up and let us just watch them nothing fancy
Jessica Bed
Jessica Bed - 7 years ago
and this tank is gunna be big enough for them once all four of them are fully grown?
Kibbles N Bits
Kibbles N Bits - 7 years ago
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 7 years ago
Beautiful, they look awesome brother... Happy Holidays
Gynelle Turner
Gynelle Turner - 7 years ago
I like how the original arowana swam over to him near the end and looked at him like:

"rid me of these hooligans"
Tuna Vic
Tuna Vic - 7 years ago
Awesome Joey!
Victoria's Fish Tanks
Victoria's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Nice fish. What's going on with the Peacock Bass?
Cliff French
Cliff French - 7 years ago
I'm so jealous lol. Beautiful aros man.
cello_shots - 7 years ago
I hope they continue to get along. They look absolutely stunning flying as a group of dragons through that tank.
Rob Figueroa
Rob Figueroa - 7 years ago
As of this moment, 209 haters left their mark on this amazing video. What they forgot, is they’re adding to the 250,000+ views! I decided to add to the 11,000 likes! Thanks for keeping up with the videos Joey!
Aqua Hobby
Aqua Hobby - 7 years ago
Im so happy to see you happy, enjoy bro!!
The Gaming Otter
The Gaming Otter - 7 years ago
Name them after ninja turtles like so Joey can see!
Sailesh StHa
Sailesh StHa - 7 years ago
is it possible to keep 130 gallon aquarium on the floor(on ply and thermocol box material) if its well balanced?

50. comment for I ADDED THE FISH TO THE 2,000G AQUARIUM!!

AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 7 years ago
This is amazing
Tristan Lobo
Tristan Lobo - 7 years ago
I’m loving the panda supreme
are they all females
Jessica Bed
Jessica Bed - 7 years ago
ELLA PIETRZYKOWSKI how are you able to tell?
Painted Freckles
Painted Freckles - 7 years ago
This is the first video I've seen by you and... dang you are really good at keeping fish!
Ron Hopkinson
Ron Hopkinson - 7 years ago
man I love it. I think it's great, especially since you lost Buddy this year and now you got to do something you always wanted to. hope they get along and you have a pair too
Megatube - 7 years ago
Put frank in the tank
tom smith
tom smith - 7 years ago
why don't they jump out of the tank ?
Devin B
Devin B - 7 years ago
tom smith he has a lid over the tank usually, removed it to be able to have more working room and see them better I would imagine
heather jarrell
heather jarrell - 7 years ago
Holy crap..I'm in love with this asian arowanna community tank!
heather jarrell
heather jarrell - 7 years ago
eetu Koistinen lol no worries
eetu Koistinen
eetu Koistinen - 7 years ago
heather jarrell sorry wrong comment...
heather jarrell
heather jarrell - 7 years ago
eetu Koistinen okay?
eetu Koistinen
eetu Koistinen - 7 years ago
heather jarrell in wild they hunt for flying insects
sushi777300 - 7 years ago
Just got reminded that I'm poor
mark andrew donato
mark andrew donato - 7 years ago
this happens when I dont watch for 1-2years
mark andrew donato
mark andrew donato - 7 years ago
yes finnally
Joey Bekius
Joey Bekius - 7 years ago
This is what happens when I dont watch for a week
franklindude - 7 years ago
You should put some oscars or red bellies
juny23326 - 7 years ago
Best tank ever I like the panda the best
FANTAIL - 7 years ago
Thats smart what he did with the discuss tank
Juliette Prevost
Juliette Prevost - 7 years ago
Would you ever house fresh water crabs ?
Jon OP
Jon OP - 7 years ago
Are you still going to add the Clownknife to the 2000gl once it grows big enough?
Devin B
Devin B - 7 years ago
Jon OP and I believe he mentioned the bichir going in there as well once it beefs up some, this is going to be a very interesting tank to watch develope.
Jacquelyn Newsome
Jacquelyn Newsome - 7 years ago
Love your new
Charley Edwards
Charley Edwards - 7 years ago
Do you think it would be possible to roll plexiglass into a tube and use that as a tank? Or use some kind of clear tubing as a fish tank..? Not sure what kind of fish you could use either but I’ve always dreamed of something like that
Charley Edwards
Charley Edwards - 7 years ago
Hmmmmmmm very cool
Devin B
Devin B - 7 years ago
It's definitely possible but would be pretty expensive to have built that way, I believe they are called cylindrical column tanks though if you want to research further. I have a bowfront tank and love it and that's close enough for now..
Jeff Frank
Jeff Frank - 7 years ago
Charley Edwards they make tube shaped plexiglass tanks. They come in all highs and withs.
Bantam Cichlids
Bantam Cichlids - 7 years ago
Too cool!!! I’m so jealous.
Michael Sloan
Michael Sloan - 7 years ago
Now that you have a bunch in there can you put frank back?
Erodoeht - 7 years ago
Where do you get that much live sand from?
KƎVIN MCVEIGH - 7 years ago
Didn’t know gsp liked fish
KƎVIN MCVEIGH - 7 years ago
Silvaduxx he’s keeping Brazilians in his tanks lol
Silvaduxx - 7 years ago
KƎVIN MCVEIGH looks more like Colby Covington
steve smith
steve smith - 7 years ago
Absolutely fantastic thank you joey...
Tanner Daniels
Tanner Daniels - 7 years ago
This tank needs 2 huge zebra plecos!
Zen Ferret
Zen Ferret - 7 years ago
I think they're all hella beautiful XD
Bruski305 - 7 years ago
playing Never Have I Ever
"Never have I ever had over $10,000 worth of fish in one tank out in my garage"
Joey: "Dangit!" drinks
J mugz
J mugz - 7 years ago
Who else thinks he needs a caiman or aligator
End me
End me - 7 years ago
I don't mean to be a dick, but I am a bit worried over what might happen.
coleman thomas
coleman thomas - 7 years ago
No worries they will get along fine. Youtuber aero 9 has nine jardini in one tank. They get along fine
End me
End me - 7 years ago
What are you going to name them?
Coxoul - 7 years ago
would love to see a group of severums as the dither fish. mixture of the different colours
Mikey Skuodas
Mikey Skuodas - 7 years ago
wasnt it just easier to put the crates in the tank and let them warm up...
Omar Mahmood
Omar Mahmood - 7 years ago
did he say geo faggets lmao
The Legend34
The Legend34 - 7 years ago
Johnnybravo60025 - 7 years ago
bass droplow
bass droplow - 7 years ago
Looks soo sick with 4 arowana!!! But i realt hope you could do a big makeover of the 2000g, maybe some big dragon stone, Get the place you have backround from make one for it. That would be awsome!!! And maybe 5-10 000 neontetras :)
Tropical Aquariums N.z
Tropical Aquariums N.z - 7 years ago
I love arowana if only I had a 2 thousand gallon tank
Tropical Aquariums N.z
Tropical Aquariums N.z - 7 years ago
Got to love the Canadian fish food no ethoxyquin in that
Jodie Kirwan
Jodie Kirwan - 7 years ago
Showing my Mum your videos as she asked 'who was your inspiration' and you were the answer =]
Bit random, but she asks if have you any irish in your family as Mullen is an Irish name haha?
Peter Star
Peter Star - 7 years ago
They kinda look like Betta fish
blue - 7 years ago
Peter Star what kinda bettas are you buying
Justin Loitz
Justin Loitz - 7 years ago
3 asian arrowanna for christmas i want to see what you got your wife
Lil Stevie Bañales
Lil Stevie Bañales - 7 years ago
This is now my favorite aquarium lol
Sam Sm
Sam Sm - 7 years ago
Please get a pacu and a platinum gar
TheJake7689 - 7 years ago
Sam Sm instead of pacu I think he should get a schoal of myloplus schombrugkii they look cooler and only 15 inches instead of 3 feet.
Jason Borja Andersen
Jason Borja Andersen - 7 years ago
Hey Joey
How's the peacock bass doing? It has been a while since they last time they were showcased.
Have they gotten a bit bigger and fatter since last time?
I hope you showcase them in the neare future, I just like peacock bass <3
I hope for the best, and Merry Christmas
shrek - 7 years ago
You’ve probably said this before but how long are they now and how long until they will all mostly be fully grown
Hermann Blues
Hermann Blues - 7 years ago
Try to answer..Far as i know full grown can be 5 or 6 years, for beautiful scales depends on what their fed
George Pappas
George Pappas - 7 years ago
This Nat Geo? Bravo
Akhtar Yakin
Akhtar Yakin - 7 years ago
Where you buy a sting ray
Tristan Lobo
Tristan Lobo - 7 years ago
Michael Filippelli
Michael Filippelli - 7 years ago
would be better if the sides of the tank were clean..
Megan Gaither
Megan Gaither - 7 years ago
He's said before that he was going to allow the algae to grow and see how it looks as a background, as it's beneficial to the tank anyways.
Michael Sloan
Michael Sloan - 7 years ago
Looks great. Is there any mid level swimmers that you can add to have a top, mid, bottom dwellers?
So Mexi
So Mexi - 7 years ago
Omg I’m gonna have a heart attack
Hulk Hulk
Hulk Hulk - 7 years ago
Come to Saskatchewan
Neeraj Bannerjee
Neeraj Bannerjee - 7 years ago

100. comment for I ADDED THE FISH TO THE 2,000G AQUARIUM!!

JANCE - 7 years ago
Do you think you’ll ever clear up the back? I was looking at older videos and I found it more ascetically pleasing when it was all white.
I don’t know anything about fish keeping, is there a benefit to keeping that up?
patrick H
patrick H - 7 years ago
JANCE the algae doesn't look pleasing however it does help with water parameter stability and slightly reduces nitrates.
Trevor Estell
Trevor Estell - 7 years ago
You should add some shrimp or something
Sahadi420 - 7 years ago
for dinner??
11madeye11 - 7 years ago
Hope you make the background black.. Makes the fish look badass with the right lighting
just hobby
just hobby - 7 years ago
Hi, My name is Raliegh from trhe channel " fish keeping Jamaica", Check it out. How about I sub you you sub me?
2jz Aaron562
2jz Aaron562 - 7 years ago
Get an Albino one! From predatory fins check on Zak catchemall channel, they have pretty epic fishes! Please get one of those exotics!
mahi zen
mahi zen - 7 years ago
Dominick Fede
Dominick Fede - 7 years ago
Those arowana are so AWESOME !!! Merry Christmas
Dartist64 Rocks
Dartist64 Rocks - 7 years ago
They look great together Joey! Merry Christmas to you and the family.
sara blanco
sara blanco - 7 years ago
I enjoy watching solid gold new Gallery it's a lot bigger and more spacious you seem to be a little bit cramped up inside that little garage
just hobby
just hobby - 7 years ago
Hi my name is Raliegh from the channel " fish keeping Jamaica! check it out
A D - 7 years ago
This is now my favorite aquarium

"2 day later near another aquarium"

ok guys this is now my favorite aquarium :D
Clara's Critters
Clara's Critters - 7 years ago
add a couple thousand shrimp lmaoooo
Bernard Knez
Bernard Knez - 7 years ago
Do you know what would go good with the fish you have in there. 1 tiny neon tetra.
Des - Gaming
Des - Gaming - 7 years ago
Truthfully this would be amazing. Odds are, the Tetra would never be found by the arowanas. However Neons are schooling fish so.
Tobias - 7 years ago
You Should Get a horseshoe crab to put in there
Tobias - 7 years ago
Brennan Smith oh yeah sorry
Brennan Smith
Brennan Smith - 7 years ago
Tobias it’s a freshwater aquarium
Ritesh Das
Ritesh Das - 7 years ago
Add a silver it will cut down the aggression
mike stu
mike stu - 7 years ago
Jump in and take a deep breath
Clay Mitchell
Clay Mitchell - 7 years ago
It's awesome
hdjc86 - 7 years ago
Tiger Boss11
Tiger Boss11 - 7 years ago
do bala sharks
Megatube - 7 years ago
Nogrim - 7 years ago
so now that your evil lair is almost complete when do you add the laserbeams on their heads?
A upton
A upton - 7 years ago
What’s BBA?
Kyle Eddy
Kyle Eddy - 7 years ago
A upton --black beard algae
pandu gita
pandu gita - 7 years ago
Buy 5 more, 9 is a lucky numbed you know, include all kinds of arowana : silver, jardini, pino, etc
mahi zen
mahi zen - 7 years ago
too many fish is not good
Paolo Casaclang
Paolo Casaclang - 7 years ago
I'm still hoping Joey The King of DIY wears his mermaid suit inside his monster tank it would look good with his 4 dragons :)
Hobby Akwarystyka
Hobby Akwarystyka - 7 years ago
AmyCummingsIrishDanceMom - 7 years ago
Love it, they're all beautiful. Merry Christmas
your fellow reefer
your fellow reefer - 7 years ago
Cool tank I love it
Daniel Bernal
Daniel Bernal - 7 years ago
It's not like Frank's a beauty queen Joey....
White Knight
White Knight - 7 years ago
You need to remove part of the wood IMMEDIATELY. You wouldn't want to risk having them squabble or fight with each other n have one of them bang up on the wood, potentially leading to death like what happened to your previous arowana.
Jenny Colon
Jenny Colon - 7 years ago
Totally my favorite too!
Goncalo Calinas
Goncalo Calinas - 7 years ago
I dont se a probleman whit the asian supreme
Marc Justin
Marc Justin - 7 years ago
Did someone say golden albino??
nobody's journal
nobody's journal - 7 years ago
How's your little nano aquarium doing?
nobody's journal
nobody's journal - 7 years ago
Tristan Lobo aww that is unfortunate ☹️ I was looking forward to seeing how it turned out.
Tristan Lobo
Tristan Lobo - 7 years ago
nobody's journal it dried up
Lime Rock
Lime Rock - 7 years ago
And this is not even it's final form.....
JustMyFish - 7 years ago
They kook small in the 2k good vid thanks.
June Lim
June Lim - 7 years ago
I have one small two big
Pxlmtree - 7 years ago
There’s so many fish experts in the comments.
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 7 years ago
Great video. You should put a giant albino algae eater in there too.
Jaevwyn - 7 years ago
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga or three apparently
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 7 years ago
Great video. You should put a giant albino algae eater in there too.
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 7 years ago
Great video. You should put a giant albino algae eater in there too.
Monte Cornette
Monte Cornette - 7 years ago
Why not add frank
Jose in the_cut XD
Jose in the_cut XD - 7 years ago
Monte Cornette they will kill frank
Boss M.O.S.D
Boss M.O.S.D - 7 years ago
Rev up those fryers cause i am sure hungry
Seaside Aquatics
Seaside Aquatics - 7 years ago
Boss M.O.S.D I get it’s a joke but calm down your just a kid and someone is gonna get offended.
Boss M.O.S.D
Boss M.O.S.D - 7 years ago
Kaveh Mostafavi Do you know what spongebob, a meme, or a joke is?
Kaveh Mostafavi
Kaveh Mostafavi - 7 years ago
Boss M.O.S.D, do u even know how much those fish cost?
Boss M.O.S.D
Boss M.O.S.D - 7 years ago
nitro329 - 7 years ago
Add Giant Zebra Danios!
Hex - 7 years ago
Panda supreme , even the fish is a hypebeast
MOHAMAD Irwan Dolmat
MOHAMAD Irwan Dolmat - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, Early christmas presents?Awesome addition to your 2000g aquarium.Add more fish, especially mid-swimming fishes...it will help to defuse aggression among the arowanas.
Tluangtea Renthlei
Tluangtea Renthlei - 7 years ago
D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers
Angelica Guerrero
Angelica Guerrero - 7 years ago
Can u put a sucker fish in there.
The Legend34
The Legend34 - 7 years ago
He should
Jose in the_cut XD
Jose in the_cut XD - 7 years ago
Lol it’s a pleco
ThePearlGourami - 7 years ago
You mean a Pleco?
Justin Gililland
Justin Gililland - 7 years ago
Looking at the science behind temperature acclimation here based on surface area and insulation Yo ure not temperature acclimating the fish to the 2000g but rather temp acclimating the water added to the fish tubs you are however changing the ph and water hardness in the tubs to the 2000g which is good
Pokemon Park
Pokemon Park - 7 years ago
Weren't fighting. Were more likely to be friends
Fukano Nakito
Fukano Nakito - 7 years ago
More arowana disperses aggression
Plus 4 arowana is usually rarely seen due to the culture's dislike towards the number 4. Usually we go for 5 or 8
John Doe
John Doe - 7 years ago
Fukano Nakito 9 arowana is also a good number.
Salami - 7 years ago
Arowana definitely me me think of bettas
AmyCummingsIrishDanceMom - 7 years ago
Salami omgosh me too, i see over grown bettas lol. It's there grumpy frown face
Angelfish aquatics
Angelfish aquatics - 7 years ago
Add anglefish please
(When they’re big enough)
Kirkwin Films
Kirkwin Films - 7 years ago
Angelfish aquatics to what tank, the arrowanas will kill them
Colt Webb
Colt Webb - 7 years ago
How do you afford to buy all these expensive fish?
Ashley DiSantis
Ashley DiSantis - 7 years ago
They were on sale
Colt Webb
Colt Webb - 7 years ago
Tangy135 Tangy135
Tangy135 Tangy135 - 7 years ago
how much are these fish cost each?
Olivia Cramer
Olivia Cramer - 7 years ago
Colt Webb he's a YouTuber
aiden brotherton
aiden brotherton - 7 years ago
Love the new fish and a Merry Christmas from the Brotherton family☆
Dragon Knight
Dragon Knight - 7 years ago
I don’t know what’s wrong with drop eye please inform me
TheBBallEnthusiast - 7 years ago
Its just physically displeasing. Not contagious and nothing really wrong with it, but imagine a human with crosseyes or a lazy eye.
Red Terror
Red Terror - 7 years ago
aren't you afraid they may jump out? I would add vertical acrylic panels covering the upper part of the tank to the ceiling. then put in a ginormous piece of driftwood that extends past the water level. every now & then throw in some crickets and let the arrows jump and catch them.
Olivia Cramer
Olivia Cramer - 7 years ago
He has panels to go on the top, and why would you want to incourage them to jump?
AquaticHydra - 7 years ago
He usually has the aquarium covered with panels, they were just all stacked to one side for the sake of the video.
Trout and salmon gaming Bishop
Trout and salmon gaming Bishop - 7 years ago
More get a blue arowana or red
ThePearlGourami - 7 years ago
He has 2 red arowana now...
Y THO - 7 years ago
If only buddy was in there 5 Arowana
Mr. Meeseeks
Mr. Meeseeks - 7 years ago
Buddy would've been too big for the other ones
Jo - 7 years ago
great tank, geat fish:) Merry Christmas from Poland!
Novan Adhi
Novan Adhi - 7 years ago
Try to add Pleco to help cleaning ur tank :)
Berenice Villanueva
Berenice Villanueva - 7 years ago
I don’t think you should do the surgery
MR,PINCER & FRIENDS - 7 years ago
Frank community
Bob The Fish Wilki
Bob The Fish Wilki - 7 years ago
Are these fish are rare and considered endangered i n the wild?
Rude Dogg
Rude Dogg - 7 years ago
why does the backside of your aquarium look so awfull?
Travis Taylor
Travis Taylor - 7 years ago
Its algae and he has it growing as: 1. It is good for the tank, kind of like a natural filter 2. He's doing a makeover soon so theres no point cleaning it off 3. He thought it could possibly look good so wanted to let it grow and see what it might look like.
steve hancocks
steve hancocks - 7 years ago
I always thought it was better to transfer the new fish into an unlit tank to settle .... is this not the case? cheers
ThePearlGourami - 7 years ago
In my experience, the fish usually don't care
Travis Taylor
Travis Taylor - 7 years ago
Probably depends on the fish, however, i assume joey knows what he is doing. He also needs lights on for video purposes so maybe that is why.
Nicola Gray
Nicola Gray - 7 years ago
Feel like this improved the main feature of that room 100%, another important feature... you....looking good
Gorilla Bisla
Gorilla Bisla - 7 years ago
Nicola Gray B.B. aguettes
Sunny Gaikwad
Sunny Gaikwad - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas.......those are just wonderful....
ashley godfrey
ashley godfrey - 7 years ago
I hope he quarantined those ... just adding them in with the rays like that :/
beef2596 - 7 years ago
ashley godfrey He explained that in part one.
alexandre akkari
alexandre akkari - 7 years ago
This is probably the best 2000g aquarium out there i hope this works out its just amazing seriously amazing the stocking for this aquarium is legendary.
John Hazlewood
John Hazlewood - 7 years ago
Wow awesome is all I can say
Ben Edwards
Ben Edwards - 7 years ago
Brill Joey, hope u and yours have a fab Xmas, and again thank you for your love of the hobby, it's a joy to watch.
Qua Phan
Qua Phan - 7 years ago
Into the unknown....ha....love the elegance of the dragons
Damianerro 777
Damianerro 777 - 7 years ago
Wow. New arowana. It's fantastick.
Matte Edström
Matte Edström - 7 years ago
"i don't want to spook them" slamming the lids shut^^
Aabid Syed
Aabid Syed - 7 years ago
reminds me of frank
Kjequine_ - 7 years ago
Any chance of a 360 video in the 2000sometime in the future? Or of your fishroom
xxCutlery - 7 years ago
I love the direction you went with the 2000g tank, as there were many different options. I really hope it works out. Arowana are such beautiful fish
petu rojo
petu rojo - 7 years ago
Evad Repooc
Evad Repooc - 7 years ago
My surviving arowana is called killer. During the day he swam alongside the other two quite happily (I thought). When night came it was a different story. In the morning, I found one dead and another dying. I quickly isolated the dying one and spent hours trying to nurse it back to health without success. I have since added other species, which he ignores unless there is food around. If you have a night vision camera I would suggest setting it up to monitor the tank after the lights go out.
Lai Sherman
Lai Sherman - 7 years ago
Did you went to the thrift-shop? Hahaha
zakkrick - 7 years ago
Love those fishes
Bomber Harris
Bomber Harris - 7 years ago
That inscriptus is beautiful, I've never seen that species before in my life.
MicroMadMan69 - 7 years ago
Looks awesome! How would a group of Electric Blue Acara look with them? Would think they would contrast with the darker colors of the rays fairly well.
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
Why would u add more! Ino it's a 2,000 gal but them fish get BIG and we'll soon be heavily overstocked
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
Mr_Glibb totally disagree with you there.... don't matter if they stick at the top and the rays at the bottom when these fish grow its going to be overstocked period!
Mr_Glibb - 7 years ago
reef guy 92 As far as I can tell, with the arowana sticking toward the top third of the tank 90% of the time and the rays by their nature sticking to the substrate, it's almost like having 3 very wide tanks stacked on top of eachother. Thinking of it like this he still has no fish in the 'middle tank' so to speak. Fear not, this aquarium can hold a few more surprises yet.
Jade Maiden
Jade Maiden - 7 years ago
Seeing these guys in their new home make me want one even more! I'm still no where near getting one at the moment, but I will one day! Thanks Joey!!!
Ralfhdexter Sonugan
Ralfhdexter Sonugan - 7 years ago
Maybe they won’t fight for now ,, we’ll see the winner tomorrow
Ralfhdexter Sonugan
Ralfhdexter Sonugan - 7 years ago
Maybe they won’t fight for now ,, we’ll see the winner tomorrow
pro builder
pro builder - 7 years ago
So far so good?
Claus Hunters-AML
Claus Hunters-AML - 7 years ago
Yes. Geophagus!
Night Owl
Night Owl - 7 years ago
You need 4 more, make it 8, auspicous number for Fengshui.
Charles Bradshaw
Charles Bradshaw - 7 years ago
is it just me, or does joey look like he's from jersey shore?
Malathip Thongdara
Malathip Thongdara - 7 years ago
If he has puffs out it means their gunna fight and they'll do a dance in circles my husband was the one who posted on your Facebook group with our com tank of 4 arowana as well. Looks beautiful
Ipolei & Ikaika Diaz
Ipolei & Ikaika Diaz - 7 years ago
They are simply Beautiful
That Guy
That Guy - 7 years ago
4 not lucky number in Chinese need 5
Jared L.
Jared L. - 7 years ago
It's f#$ing awesome to see you so happy with the new fish! I watch for all the info you provide but seeing you enjoy your hobby is just as rewarding. Merry Christmas to you and yours Joey!
OFP - 7 years ago
Gotta name the one with drop eye "Rocky"
Aquatics And furries
Aquatics And furries - 7 years ago
They look so majestic all together
Christian Harnisch
Christian Harnisch - 7 years ago
So beautiful seeing the four of them swimming about. You should do a live feed on them!
W W - 7 years ago
Haw can you se if it’s a boy or a girl?
That Guy
That Guy - 7 years ago
W W you have to take a fish stick and see if they eat it if they do it's a male
Peter Lyck
Peter Lyck - 7 years ago
I primarally watch this channel because of the fish and a great host. But about the host, Joey you said the popey arrowana is not perfect just like youself. Without tying to make this a fashion channel, i will have to correct you. I often watch this channel with my fioence(female), inkluding the clip above, and we agree that you represent a top level excample of the male homo sapiens. Good looks(even a hetero male agree), a great personality and a true DIY. You would be, if you where a fish, one of the best looking with one of the best persinallities,

A comment on the channels subject is think the new arrowanas are beautiful(inkluding the popeye) and i am looking forward to the experiment.
ooXChrissieXoo - 7 years ago
I can't wait to see these arowanas grow.
TheMasterchief826 - 7 years ago
Why are the walls dirty like that it was nice and white
emiley miller
emiley miller - 7 years ago
I love it!!! Perfect I love the stocking just the way it is such beauty!
Sarah Nolan
Sarah Nolan - 7 years ago
This tank is beautiful oh my gosh. <3
Garzata .R.K.
Garzata .R.K. - 7 years ago
Looking forward to some Datnoids/Indo Tiger fish,
Bailey Linton
Bailey Linton - 7 years ago
How would you get a pear if they grow on trees?
WolfEatsCakes - 7 years ago
Bailey Linton that’s a good point
Justin Thompson
Justin Thompson - 7 years ago
Is he not gonna add the bichir anymore?
Justin Thompson
Justin Thompson - 7 years ago
David William yea but thats why hw originally got it. He said he wouldn't put it in bc the ray might bc the bichir was to small. But once its big enough it'd be fine right?
David William
David William - 7 years ago
The bichir can attack the ray or the ray is gonna attack the bichir
Justin Thompson
Justin Thompson - 7 years ago
Or that knife fish?
SkynSand - 7 years ago
I am more and more starting to see him as a little kid who just impulse buys whatever the f it wants. I hope it pans out for the fish in the long run. I just hope he didn't guilt-talk that poor shop owner into giving him those fish for a fraction of their real worth just because he's that "famous" youtube guy lol.
faimzan21 - 7 years ago
Joey we love you for your looks duh. And haha,the fav aquarium gag
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics - 7 years ago
SO freaking cool!
FISH WORLD - 7 years ago
Add some oscar fish in 2000g
That Guy
That Guy - 7 years ago
FISH WORLD you think they would live?
Tristan Lobo
Tristan Lobo - 7 years ago
FISH WORLD yesssssss!!!!!
Elliott Gibson-sabin
Elliott Gibson-sabin - 7 years ago
The perfect addition to your tank would be a datnoid
Megan Tate
Megan Tate - 7 years ago
Your Asian arowana are my Asian arowana because the US
Lebaby27 - 7 years ago
I see at least on male in there. I've been researching now to sex these guys. It's hard tho.
Lebaby27 - 7 years ago
SkynSand never said he needed my help. I was accessing for myself. Thanks for your rude comment.
SkynSand - 7 years ago
Yep, I'm totally sure this dude who has been keeping fish for over a dozen of years and the dude who owns a fish shop need YOUR help in identifiying the gender via youtube. Are you retarded?
Stefan Lewis
Stefan Lewis - 7 years ago
4 is not lucky number in Chinese buy 5th one or remove the drop eye arwaona for 3 will get Good luck in your house and family. Am happy for you good job keep moving forward am one of those 20k followers from start
Ray c
Ray c - 7 years ago
well technically you can say there's 8 fish in the aquarium, add one 9 is nice too
626 - 7 years ago
Man that is a majestic sight
SamWizeGanji - 7 years ago
I love you Joey!
SkynSand - 7 years ago
Sagish Preman
Sagish Preman - 7 years ago
you can name them - skipper, rico, kowalsky, private
BatchlerArtist - 7 years ago
Not all Asians look the same :)
Jakob Olsen
Jakob Olsen - 7 years ago
can't wait to see the snake skin arowana fully grown
blonde talk
blonde talk - 7 years ago
omg i cant wait for them to grow big and i feel sorry for the arowana with drop eye but do what you need to do :)
SkynSand - 7 years ago
I feel sorry for you as well, doesn't mean I put you down, does it?
tyson3897 - 7 years ago
I watch every video you have done ps thanks again for the dyi Video I'm a canister filter is save me $475
tyson3897 - 7 years ago
Joey I love the fact when you're so excited so passionate about something your face and head gets so red I can tell that this is the best Christmas present you have ever received even those from yourself to yourself sometimes those are the best I can I'm happy for you bro Love seeing people's dreams come true
SK1975 - 7 years ago
Loved seeing this & hearing more about the cultural background of them... would like to hear more about their habitat & where you’re going to take this aquarium!
LightTheBeacons - 7 years ago
SkynSand sad little man.
SkynSand - 7 years ago
Where he's going to take it? Probably to the beach for a walk? "Would like to hear more" How about your lazy ass starts to READ more?
Matthew Merrill
Matthew Merrill - 7 years ago
Fill it with franks!!! For the other fish to keep peace
SkynSand - 7 years ago
Logic seems to be your strong suit.
Anurag Kashyap
Anurag Kashyap - 7 years ago
Majestically beautiful
Amberley - 7 years ago
come to calgary!
missmyluck91 - 7 years ago
this was so cool to watch omg I hope they do all get along so they can stay in the tank together
SkynSand - 7 years ago
oMg ThIs so RAdfresh anD alL. GoNna tELl aLl My sWaGG fREndS AboUT tHIs.
jgtdragon - 7 years ago
You need to add one more Dragon fish since 4 is not a good number in Chinese.
MSteveYang - 7 years ago
Good thing he's not Chinese then lol
Stefan Lewis
Stefan Lewis - 7 years ago
4 is not lucky number in Chinese buy 5th one or remove the drop eye arwaona
Dee - 7 years ago
jgtdragon doesn’t it sound like die?!
viven Naidoo
viven Naidoo - 7 years ago
Add a knife fish
viven Naidoo
viven Naidoo - 7 years ago
It looks like it will work out
LightTheBeacons - 7 years ago
SkynSand Grow up. Stop replying to numerous comments you insecure little worm.
SkynSand - 7 years ago
Looks like your momma and me are going to work out as well.
Discus For Me Yay
Discus For Me Yay - 7 years ago
You should do a native tank of fish native to your area. You should go fishing and catch some fish for a tank in 5e future.
SkynSand - 7 years ago
I can only imagine him waiting for years just waiting for that one dude to finally suggest to him doing a native tank. AND KNOW THAT YOU SAID IT HE CAN FINALLY START TO REALIZE HIS DREAMS!!!!!! TY so much!!! What would he have possibly done without your infinite wisdom?
St. Robert
St. Robert - 7 years ago
in most places in Canada it is illegal to keep native fish species.
Louis McCluer
Louis McCluer - 7 years ago
I do a drip acclimation in all my fish, coral, etc. I just use a piece of airline tubing in the existing aquarium and attach it to a airline gang valve, with the screw type adjusters, then I can attach however lines to the fish, etc I’m doing the acclimation on and adjust the screws for whatever amount I need. I also attach a lead weight to the ends of the lines both in the old tank and the tubs or whatever I have the new fish etc.
SkynSand - 7 years ago
We found the real McGuyver fellas!
NoYezz - 7 years ago
can your airpomp pathway be more hidden, it really distracts me of enjoying the big tank, it's always in the footage to be seen, and i'm starting to focus on it, can you attatch it to the side of the aquarium, above the water level?
LightTheBeacons - 7 years ago
SkynSand did you reply to every comment with ignorance and hate. Do you hurt inside and take your rage out in the YouTube comments on a fish channel. LoL
SkynSand - 7 years ago
Can your mouth be more quiet, it really distracts me of enjoying the comment section, there's always this comment to be seen, and I'm starting to focus on it, can you just shut your mouth and please lower yourself beneath some kind of water level?
Riffat Mansoor
Riffat Mansoor - 7 years ago
Travis Wells
Travis Wells - 7 years ago
Thats lit never thought it would happen
SkynSand - 7 years ago
I am glad that you are happy.
Sean Playz
Sean Playz - 7 years ago
U have to tan them
John Dsilva
John Dsilva - 7 years ago
Try to put some more monster fish like cat fish
will linggi
will linggi - 7 years ago
the drop eye fish put in a close tank.......no side view let it be there for few month....dont give it to much food... no fatty food........ 70% it will work cos ur aro still very young...... no need operation 1st wait til 16" .. .. if still have then do operation...... ur xback jaw my be got PLJ... protrude lower jaw..... its a defect ...if the lawer jaw is longer... but no harm in that....... ..the other aro we call it batik arowana in malaysia.....this is some of my exp keeping arowana.. .. sorry for my english ..... nice aro frm malaysia.....
John Dsilva
John Dsilva - 7 years ago
Now it looks like an aquarium
Victor Saavedra
Victor Saavedra - 7 years ago
Love the addition but when are you gonna start making how to videos again :( been wanting to see the series on the 2K gallon build
Francis Diampa
Francis Diampa - 7 years ago
Not a related question but where did you get that sweater cause like i'm in love with it
Bow_Down_2121 Psn
Bow_Down_2121 Psn - 7 years ago
“Look at my dragons!!” Never seen someone so exited it was amazing
Jared Kestner
Jared Kestner - 7 years ago
Love you joey and love your videos thanks for letting us get in on all this
Raymond Doan
Raymond Doan - 7 years ago
So amazing
Andrew Barr
Andrew Barr - 7 years ago
Very cool, more importantly fade is fresh af.
Rick Stalker
Rick Stalker - 7 years ago
So happy for you. This is an amazing tank.
Jean Rillera
Jean Rillera - 7 years ago
Get tin foil barbs
Mj Datank
Mj Datank - 7 years ago
What about peckock bass
April Navarro
April Navarro - 7 years ago
I’m rewatching this now, just to see the arowana swimming together. It’d be awesome if you could post a video of just them swimming around, with no sound or just some music as background.
Love of Pets
Love of Pets - 7 years ago
They are beautiful!
CJ and Auntie Yaya
CJ and Auntie Yaya - 7 years ago
Here's an idea, how about rescuing some plecos that have gotten too big for people's tanks. No algae problem then...
Cyberhawkzz - 7 years ago
Buddy would be so proud. :)

Edit, Also..I agree with some lower posters....add background!
sg for life
sg for life - 7 years ago
Mikaila Kelly
Mikaila Kelly - 7 years ago
Sawweeet community tank! Im so excited to see this makeover. Btw- this channel inspired me to get into fish keeping!
sg for life
sg for life - 7 years ago
Mikaila Kelly same
MoDot D
MoDot D - 7 years ago
Fantastic. Really excited.
PLEASE don't overcrowd the tank.
Magical Eggy
Magical Eggy - 7 years ago
Add more arrowana king of DIY please add more i love arrowana
Discus For Me Yay
Discus For Me Yay - 7 years ago
Magical Eggy they are 2k each on average.
Adam Warren
Adam Warren - 7 years ago
Tank looks great. Fish room looks good too. Just a question for you, are you ever going to get back into diy how to videos. I have a suggestion/request for you. Building a roller mat automatic filter maybe for the rainbow fish aquarium and that sump of your. I have been trying to figure out how to do it myself but sourcing the materials and a design have been hard also not to mention lack of electrical know how.
Mei ling Tan
Mei ling Tan - 7 years ago
get a flagtail for the 85, large species of geophagus and a giant fancy pleco :D
Monojeet Ghosh
Monojeet Ghosh - 7 years ago
Pls add backgrounds
Carter Gallagher
Carter Gallagher - 7 years ago
Add more
High Knights
High Knights - 7 years ago
Gang gang
William Pounds
William Pounds - 7 years ago
I love it but can u add a albino aero wanna it will be so awesome
Sugaree43 - 7 years ago
Tiny tarpon. Hi Frank!
boombolt - 7 years ago
i think you should add more anyway.. then its a win win situation ;)
Gunish Madan
Gunish Madan - 7 years ago
Already seen it 5 times
Gunish Madan
Gunish Madan - 7 years ago
Let’s take it to a million views
Amiko Guliyev
Amiko Guliyev - 7 years ago
You are the besy
andrenegwer - 7 years ago
Ouuut and aboot my favorite Kanuck werds!
jared491 - 7 years ago
What about adding some cool plecos for the algae?
Irfan Darmawan
Irfan Darmawan - 7 years ago
long time ago in borneo island there is a kingdom ,THE king make arwana its king food , hahaha , it happen just check at google, ( Indonesia )
Draigonin - 7 years ago
Is it just me thats in love with the cross back gold i love the dark top with gold and the red accents on the bottom part of the tail
Blue Boy
Blue Boy - 7 years ago
i wonder how much those cost?
Draigonin - 7 years ago
Ubin S
Ubin S - 7 years ago
Your background looks so dirty. Clean it out bro.
P.S : fish is awesome
Cyberhawkzz - 7 years ago
Was just wondering if maybe he could add those, rocky background. Something brownish grey or whatever. Then let the algae grow on that. It's just for me, seeing that brown stuff, and what I contend with as a tank guy/fish guy myself....I just hate seeing it. The background would hide it better when it grows on that instead.
Mauricio Marioni
Mauricio Marioni - 7 years ago
He has already stated he's not gonna clean it . Atleast not yet.
High Knights
High Knights - 7 years ago
Nah that algae is great man, he wants it back there. Notice how the sides are clean? He intentionally lets algae grow back there to help with nitrate and ammonia removal.
Rico P
Rico P - 7 years ago
Nitesh Bhardwaj
Nitesh Bhardwaj - 7 years ago
wooooohoooooo awesome man
Carriemchardy Carrie
Carriemchardy Carrie - 7 years ago
Is Rachel helping redecorate the big tank?
nagaraju mudunuri
nagaraju mudunuri - 7 years ago
Joey what about the senegal bicher and the tank looks absolutely amazing
Will there still be space for the peacock bass and the clown knife that you already have when they reach their adult sizes?
ItsFine - 7 years ago
Awesome joey you deserve this!
XxDEADLY GAMERxX - 7 years ago
U must get a gourami or pacu
XxDEADLY GAMERxX - 7 years ago
Yeah man
Ricky H
Ricky H - 7 years ago
I LOVE gourami I totally second this. (I have 6 myself) But I will say they are better in a small tank. Could be a good addition to the vertical tank he wants to get especially since they're surface breathers, water oxygen levels are much less of a concern.
Jenny Livingston
Jenny Livingston - 7 years ago
Love the excitement on your face Joey, it's like you're a little kid on Christmas!
So when are you going to set up a 24 hour live cam? Would love to turn my tv into a window on your 2k gallon, or any of your other tanks too!
Laura H
Laura H - 7 years ago
Absolutely awesome!!!
Conner Jones
Conner Jones - 7 years ago
Or a turtle
Grace Currier
Grace Currier - 7 years ago
I love the panda one!!! That's my favorite!!!
Mohd A Rehman
Mohd A Rehman - 7 years ago
Your old one is the best one among all
Conner Jones
Conner Jones - 7 years ago
You should get a dwarf caiman
ghoulrider - 7 years ago
Put some butterfly koi
Wes Hinchman
Wes Hinchman - 7 years ago
Get a turtle please
last9emperor - 7 years ago
I'm just as excited for the new asian arowana as you are. It's like I'm living my dream tank through you. lol but the 2,000g tank has always been my favorite. Sting rays and Asian Arowana in one tank can't get any better.
Chad Wilberg
Chad Wilberg - 7 years ago
Droopy is beautiful in her own not so beautiful way.
karl lee
karl lee - 7 years ago
Just a recommendation try netting with 2 nets... where u net the fish and then take another net above it so it doesn't jump
Raunak Bhattarai
Raunak Bhattarai - 7 years ago
It's a DREAM Tank!!!
Lucille Wickliffe-Ewetuga
Lucille Wickliffe-Ewetuga - 7 years ago
Joey she's - he's beautiful
IINightingale21 II
IINightingale21 II - 7 years ago
Betta sorority-but with arrowana lol
Matthew Gordon
Matthew Gordon - 7 years ago
Is it free shipping because they make you go into the shop and net the fish yourself then drive them home?
Minecraft and Clash of Clan by Arsal
Minecraft and Clash of Clan by Arsal - 7 years ago
What about frank
Penny P
Penny P - 7 years ago
Nice congrats that's a beautiful sight I hope they all get along long term for you excited to get an update on their progress
Fam bruh
Fam bruh - 7 years ago
Canned Nolan
Canned Nolan - 7 years ago
Merry xmas. Rescaping for the new fish sound good.
No Face
No Face - 7 years ago
Your red arowana has gone more Red. Nicceee
Mr Fish
Mr Fish - 7 years ago
So if the arowana said are dragons, what would an arapaima be?
Mr Fish
Mr Fish - 7 years ago
Nathan Thomas I suppose, but a really big fish
Nathan Thomas
Nathan Thomas - 7 years ago
A fish.
Keannyn Bartschi
Keannyn Bartschi - 7 years ago
Where are the peacock bass
Lil Cazy
Lil Cazy - 7 years ago
David Hensler
David Hensler - 7 years ago
Red head tapajos Geophagus!!!
Elite Rexer
Elite Rexer - 7 years ago
y don't u put some koi in there??
No Face
No Face - 7 years ago
Saucenz _ only if you buy them big
No Face
No Face - 7 years ago
The water temperature might be a lil hot for them as there cold water fishes.
Saucenz _
Saucenz _ - 7 years ago
although 1 koi price is like buying 3 arowana
Saucenz _
Saucenz _ - 7 years ago
koi is a sensitive animal and doesnt fit with arowana,arowana is a strong while koi is a soft animal
Lil Cazy
Lil Cazy - 7 years ago
trash koi
Eduardo Rodrigues
Eduardo Rodrigues - 7 years ago
Take the wood out before someting goes wrong
Saucenz _
Saucenz _ - 7 years ago
Eduardo Rodrigues you are right absolutely
Rudeboi Rasta
Rudeboi Rasta - 7 years ago
nickee - 7 years ago
so pretty all together what a group
Rebellmac - 7 years ago
beautiful addition ,congrats!!
thepkeezy - 7 years ago
Joey, the mother of Dragons—in his coconuts ( . ) ( . )
AquaZone Aquarium Services Mtl Izabella
AquaZone Aquarium Services Mtl Izabella - 7 years ago
Why dont you get proper plecos to clean the tank off algae ?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Thanks for the advice! I like my rays though. Prefer for the plecos to not suck on their discs and rip them apart. (Plecos and rays are never a good idea)
AquaZone Aquarium Services Mtl Izabella
AquaZone Aquarium Services Mtl Izabella - 7 years ago
Nice shirt hehe
BrutikusMaximus - 7 years ago
I tried a jardin community tank once,,,, I ended up with 8 dead jardins and 1 live one.
Min Khant Zaw
Min Khant Zaw - 7 years ago
They might have babies since arowana lays eggs and the male comes to pick up the eggs.
Zulhusmi Yusoff
Zulhusmi Yusoff - 7 years ago
Joey, now you make me want to get more arowana. I have a Violet Fusion Super Red and Red Tail Gold in my 5ft tank. We share the same favourite tank now. Lol!
Chester Penarubia
Chester Penarubia - 7 years ago
Joe add in a couple of giant albino gouramis.
groundchele - 7 years ago
I havent checked back in and watched a video in about 2 or 3 months and wow!!! what a shock to come back to!! they're beautiful
Wolves Y.N.I
Wolves Y.N.I - 7 years ago
I really enjoy your videos, Joey. Keep up the awesome work!
Darth Valius
Darth Valius - 7 years ago
you absolutely need to put a live cam on this tank so we can watch them!
Willy Day
Willy Day - 7 years ago
Buy Super Red Arwana!!!!
Lynx Joker
Lynx Joker - 7 years ago
The existing aro is a super red. She's a juvi still growing and maturing. Once she's mature her red should pop
Theth Keo
Theth Keo - 7 years ago
I would love to learn more about Asian arowana
Joseph - 7 years ago
I always thought my 180 was a large tank until I researched caring for an arowana :(
KrazyKlutz06 - 7 years ago
I would love to pick your brain on fish. Been wanting to discuss with someone knowledgeable about getting a freshwater tank and some fish I've seen/concept I would like in a tank! I've watched your videos now for like 2hrs.
Isaiah Adams
Isaiah Adams - 7 years ago
I’ve heard from a silver arowana breeder that it’s possible to correct drop eye by putting ping pong balls in the aquarium to keep the arowana’s focus off the floor. Maybe you could try doing the same for the asian arowana?
drakocrack05 - 7 years ago
Such a amazing tank!!!
GONZALEZ ALFONSO - 7 years ago
You should do an arowana care vídeo so that all of us can learn how to take care of one if any of us wanna get one
Loc Lam
Loc Lam - 7 years ago
Amazing.....4 arowanas, earth, wind, fire and ice.
Random videos 94
Random videos 94 - 7 years ago
That's amazing. Their names are bud, buddie, and buddo.
Random videos 94
Random videos 94 - 7 years ago
Wolves Y.N.I, yes that is what I meant.
Wolves Y.N.I
Wolves Y.N.I - 7 years ago
Random videos 94 he should name them!
Eagle Aquatics
Eagle Aquatics - 7 years ago
By far the coolest freshwater aquarium on youtube. Love the arrows
Jackson Westlake
Jackson Westlake - 7 years ago
Yan Chao Ong
Yan Chao Ong - 7 years ago
Soon the clown knife will be added lol
_GTX_ _2017_
_GTX_ _2017_ - 7 years ago
Leave the eye the way it is so that way you can tell the 2 apart because they are the same kind
morgan's gaming, reptiles, and etc.
morgan's gaming, reptiles, and etc. - 7 years ago
you should add another species it would be awesome
Minh Hoàng
Minh Hoàng - 7 years ago
I really love your biggest aquarium tank in your room. This is awesome
BronzeBobCat - 7 years ago
You should add some arapaima gigas to the 2000g aquarium
Chester Penarubia
Chester Penarubia - 7 years ago
BronzeBobCat they’ll grow too big
Rico Berry
Rico Berry - 7 years ago
It look amazing can't wait to see your tank again love it
Ted Scott
Ted Scott - 7 years ago
Larry, Moe, Curley and Shemp?
MaDeOfVieT - 7 years ago
Jaw puff out means they rdy to defend their territory.
Rod Cichlid City Harrington
Rod Cichlid City Harrington - 7 years ago
Joey tank the tree outta there
Jarod Boening
Jarod Boening - 7 years ago
Now that was cool!!! So many discoveries have and will be made!
Nygiants008 - 7 years ago
Mike N
Mike N - 7 years ago
I wanna see some monster peacock bass in that tank one day.
The Reneeinator
The Reneeinator - 7 years ago
Cant wait for some bb Aro's! Lol
Mati Mike
Mati Mike - 7 years ago
King of diy is lite!
Jiang David
Jiang David - 7 years ago
You are like a little boy that got the Christmas gift
Darth Flayder
Darth Flayder - 7 years ago
Adam Black
Adam Black - 7 years ago
How is your heating system with the hot water tank working out?
Matthew Scicluna
Matthew Scicluna - 7 years ago
ZM - 7 years ago
add more arowana
Jiang David
Jiang David - 7 years ago
The tank is abit dirty
The Reneeinator
The Reneeinator - 7 years ago
Jiang David he iss purposfully allowing algea to grow just on the back panels for a more natural look, but he is managing it and and giving it a huge makeover soon like he said.
john lee
john lee - 7 years ago
hi uarujoey

Actually this is a interesting tank and actually arowana can be comm. If u dont want them fight until death, there is a few way
Count-Spatula - 7 years ago
If the drop-eye doesn't cause any suffering then maybe you could just leave it. She/he is beautiful already and you can call it Blinky!
Count-Spatula - 7 years ago
Tau Neutrino I'm very sorry but being an Englishman I'm afraid I don't have a dashed-good idea of what you mean by that my dear.
Tau Neutrino
Tau Neutrino - 7 years ago
Count-Spatula maybe it's really just an Arkansas arowana
Justin Servo
Justin Servo - 7 years ago
Looks amazing! Should add some Geophagus
Matthew Snowden Shunter Guy
Matthew Snowden Shunter Guy - 7 years ago
DirtyDeeds75 - 7 years ago
YourBrother - 7 years ago
I came back to watch this again, do you like umbee and doviis? The best scape for that tank would be centred plants just to make the bare bottom a bit more intresting allowing you to perhaps still easily house more fish from here. Turning out sweet. Please do a living with and caring for video on this majestic animal if you get chance. Every long paragraph must come to an
rlstigall - 7 years ago
Rhenzo gonzales
Rhenzo gonzales - 7 years ago
Where is buddy
Nathan Smith
Nathan Smith - 7 years ago
Unfortunately he died.
FriendRed - 7 years ago
Do u have a day job? There’s so many project I’m excited to see I don’t know how you get it all done.
Fenu S
Fenu S - 7 years ago
look at mah dragons!
SkyersDragneel - 7 years ago
U should name the Emerald cross back soba and the two new uka waka and then the second one teke kukurrou
MrCompressiceps - 7 years ago
prochilodus for dither fish would look great!
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 7 years ago
Jason Chai
Jason Chai - 7 years ago
Joey can you add a Super red Asian arowana like if you agree
ExoticBluntzz -
ExoticBluntzz - - 7 years ago
Joey why don't you give the tank a clean simple look like you did with buddy's tank when it was inside the room next to the treadmill
Akeem Andrews
Akeem Andrews - 7 years ago
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 7 years ago
Your original one is tiny
Steve Dang
Steve Dang - 7 years ago
I agree is your best and ultimate tank very expensive taste in fish.
Kaveh Maguire
Kaveh Maguire - 7 years ago
I just hope we don't get a new video posted in a few days titled "They are dead".
YourBrother - 7 years ago
Kaveh Maguire 4 likes in 9? Props
Tracy Ghafur
Tracy Ghafur - 7 years ago
Oh i think that was love at first sight lol
William Rempkowski
William Rempkowski - 7 years ago
You should contact the company that made the backdrops for the 120's and see if you can get them to make you a giant one for the big tank. That would be sick
Game Master.K
Game Master.K - 7 years ago
good name for it
drop eye
vishnu sujay
vishnu sujay - 7 years ago
I need sting ray
Luke Worrall
Luke Worrall - 7 years ago
Do you still plan to add the Bichir once it’s gotten bigger?
Luke Worrall
Luke Worrall - 7 years ago
Yeah I know but it only went in there temp while it gained some size
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 7 years ago
Luke Worrall it is in franks tank
Matt Kinsella
Matt Kinsella - 7 years ago
Pleeeese put frank in there and the discus
Linkarion1243 21
Linkarion1243 21 - 7 years ago
I honestly think you should get derker sand for this tank I think it would contrast great with the fish
KaUa Witt
KaUa Witt - 7 years ago
Hope the emerald and the existing arrowana pair up!
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 7 years ago
KaUa Witt or both blood reds
Linkarion1243 21
Linkarion1243 21 - 7 years ago
Asian dragons are dipicted as having really long barbels so the barbels on the fish represent that not the tongue o.o great video looking forward to seeing more on this tank!
A Spatula
A Spatula - 7 years ago
dislike this comment
damienayon50 - 7 years ago
add frank?
damienayon50 - 7 years ago
Braxton Mclean true:/
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 7 years ago
damienayon50 frank is to mean
Hustlerkidfromrecess - 7 years ago
its also my favorite aquarium of your’s
Paul Sammut
Paul Sammut - 7 years ago
Looks good man. Geophagus is a brilliant choice for dithers... many are beautiful, active and grow to 12 inche so would be a perfect fit.
Emily Young
Emily Young - 7 years ago
Pleeeeeeeease remove the wood from the tank.
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 7 years ago
I dont want them to end up like buddy. RIP buddy
Liam Fensome
Liam Fensome - 7 years ago
Glad I'm not the only one that thought that gives them more room
KaityCameleon Shea
KaityCameleon Shea - 7 years ago
You need to name drop eye Pop eye
DanishnSonic - 7 years ago
Yo see when they group together, the first was giving a tour of the tank :D
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 7 years ago
DanishnSonic u right
Brazil Memory
Brazil Memory - 7 years ago
"We need to open them slow as to not spook them"
opens first one slowly
proceeds to open the other 2 fast
aquarium newbie
aquarium newbie - 7 years ago
I'm pretty new to fish keeping but I know about the nitrogen cycle. Is adding 3 fairly large fish at once going to cause a mini cycle? Or is 2k gallons enough to where it won't effect it?
aquarium newbie
aquarium newbie - 7 years ago
That's what I thought but I wasn't sure. Thanks. Just trying to learn all I can.
lee8830 - 7 years ago
its how big or small the feed load is not the number of fish , just feed the same amount for more fish as you did for less increaseing it slowly
Zane Batten
Zane Batten - 7 years ago
aquarium newbie it won’t affect it at all. The tank is big enough with enough filtration and old enough.
Wrecker4488 - 7 years ago
The tank should should be nickname the tank to The Dragon's Den
Coolrh13 - 7 years ago
Will they breed? If yes will you try and keep the babies
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 7 years ago
I dont think u can spay and nuder fish
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 7 years ago
Coolrh13 they might
Adam Hugo
Adam Hugo - 7 years ago
Hey, have you seen flagtail prochilodus? They get pretty large, school together, and would probably play the role the cardinals do in your discus tank.
Paul Sammut
Paul Sammut - 7 years ago
Adam Hugo awesome choice. Also great algea eaters. Need a school of 6 or more as they do tend to fight
Keegan Mory
Keegan Mory - 7 years ago
Very nice
Presto13 - 7 years ago
Joey: "You have to open them slowly and carefully so you don't spook the fish." opens the first one slowly and carefully "lets see how the next one is doing" opens box very quickly lolol I'm dying.
Crazzy Toonz
Crazzy Toonz - 7 years ago
Paul . Alexeyenko
Paul . Alexeyenko - 7 years ago
Frank I want to be in there
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 7 years ago
Paul . Alexeyenko ne id to mean
TheDrunkenAlcoholic - 7 years ago
lol@"I can love this fish even if she is ugly" I say that about my wife all the time
Adolfo Yañez
Adolfo Yañez - 7 years ago
Amazing!!! Impresive. Im starting to be a big fan of arowana because of this.
Arviel Diquit
Arviel Diquit - 7 years ago
I would suggest the next time you transfer arowana, u bag them. They’re less likely to jump and struggle. And it’s much less stressful for the fish and safer as well :)
oaken siren
oaken siren - 7 years ago
Arviel Diquit he mentioned it in part 1
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 7 years ago
Arviel Diquit they would tear bag
CYBER KING 9906 - 7 years ago
Add two more Asin aronas
milkisprince -
milkisprince - - 7 years ago
CYBER KING 9906 asian arowana*
Tamil Me
Tamil Me - 7 years ago
bro add some Oscar fish
Count T C
Count T C - 7 years ago
the Discus tank is my favorite!!! it looks so lifelike (ie like a real lake or river)....and the Discus are so graceful and beautiful!!! GOOD JOB JOEY!!!!
Richie Kearney
Richie Kearney - 7 years ago
Could i hire u to build me an aquarium
Nicolas VO
Nicolas VO - 7 years ago
hahaah probably not, he barely has time to build his own
LkMarshall - 7 years ago
Best of luck dude :) Nice holidays , greatings from Germany (Y)
Haseeb Ruhomutally
Haseeb Ruhomutally - 7 years ago
Happy 4 u nice arowana
mia animals150
mia animals150 - 7 years ago
i love it!
Hudson Hitchcock
Hudson Hitchcock - 7 years ago
Flex that chain son
Choi Bachoi
Choi Bachoi - 7 years ago
Hudson Hitchcock hahaha! I saw it too.
Rafli429 Raflipaskash
Rafli429 Raflipaskash - 7 years ago
The arowana is good
Andrea Jones
Andrea Jones - 7 years ago
Thank you for sharing your beautiful tanks. I love looking at them! Btw YOU SHOULD DO DISCUSS!!!
Kristopher Blyth
Kristopher Blyth - 7 years ago
He has discuss already. They’re in the tank below the angelfish, but they’re really shy. He’s talked about them a lot in older vids if you look through his channel.
Chaz *
Chaz * - 7 years ago
This is EPIC!! You are a true ROCKSTAR Joey!!!!
Carriemchardy Carrie
Carriemchardy Carrie - 7 years ago
Oh at the end Rosella came up to you as if to say "thank you Joey"
J. S.
J. S. - 7 years ago
The first fish you added made your other arowana's colours POP.
Anthony Piti
Anthony Piti - 7 years ago
They look absolutely amazing swimming together. Just can’t beat the social interaction you see with multiples of the same fish in a tank.
Kaires - 7 years ago
My new Favorite tank of yours! Cant wait to so just watch them swim in there after its all done!
Lee Ming Hwan
Lee Ming Hwan - 7 years ago
I love your video
huuua2 - 7 years ago
How's the King of DIY website going? Can't wait to be able to watch a live stream of the fish swimming and etc!
Kevin Fenly
Kevin Fenly - 7 years ago
Make it five
Donald Tennison
Donald Tennison - 7 years ago
Add more
Xo_STRIKER - 7 years ago
I reckon the one with drop eye has a little bit of character to it
Pyro Paul
Pyro Paul - 7 years ago
Wow beautiful!! looks like there is no aggression between them . Thay look happy together.
huuua2 - 7 years ago
Discus and Arowana can be in same tank?
Farih Nahar Mubarok
Farih Nahar Mubarok - 7 years ago
I really want an arowanaaaaaaaa
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 7 years ago
So you didn't put these through quarantine?
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 7 years ago
I missed that! Thank you for pointing this out for me.
zoeisnotdead - 7 years ago
Jesus Christ He explained why he didn't need to in a previous video :) happy birthday btw
Brett MoNtGoMeRy
Brett MoNtGoMeRy - 7 years ago
What about the peacock bass
Domo Notell
Domo Notell - 7 years ago
Guys I'm beginning to believe Joey wants to know how his current arowana will react
(I probably butchered that)
Israel Soto
Israel Soto - 7 years ago
I love the algae
Emerwin Arellano
Emerwin Arellano - 7 years ago
Put frank in 2000g aquarium
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 7 years ago
Emerwin Arellano do you even watch his older videos?
He clearly states in one of his vids that he cannot cause he would kill the Arowana
Now that there are 3 more there is a smaller chance but it would stress frank out which would make him loose color
He said he would make a tank for him or wait till the Arowanas grow bigger
Mike D
Mike D - 7 years ago
Nice the original arowana was like wtf is going on! I hope they find companionship with each other and not fight. Give a ton of food so they don't stress.
SomeRandom Person
SomeRandom Person - 7 years ago
Clean the algae plz
Akeem Andrews
Akeem Andrews - 7 years ago
SomeRandom Person he explained why he's letting the algea build in many vids
Nick Gothejuice
Nick Gothejuice - 7 years ago
Add some barbs ! :D
J_Hershy37 - 7 years ago
Nick Gothejuice The Barbs would nip their fins.
Andrew - 7 years ago
So awesome!
Liam Laney
Liam Laney - 7 years ago
You should get pink or platinum arawonas from predotorfins
xXceejaybeeXx - 7 years ago
They look amazing swimming together
huuua2 - 7 years ago
Am I watching King of DIY or Steve Irwin? Haha jk
Love your enthusiasm! Very contagious!
Thanks for all you do for the hobby!
TuckerSP2011 - 7 years ago
Beautiful! Congratulations Joey!
Andres Ortiz
Andres Ortiz - 7 years ago
I don't know if you could add also maybe a red blood arowana or Myanmar arowana or Arapaima arowana or a Aftican Arowana with the other arowana that you have it would look so nice
Aviss Abyss
Aviss Abyss - 7 years ago
Andres Ortiz No arapaima in that tank. They have a minimum requirement of ten thousand gallons per fish.
Gian Paul Guevarra
Gian Paul Guevarra - 7 years ago
try to add some tinfoil barbs joey
GOLD Lumley
GOLD Lumley - 7 years ago
put a soccer ball or something on top of the water so that the others are looking up at it and that can possibly prevent dropeye
Amy Throop
Amy Throop - 7 years ago
Absolutely beautiful. Nice work, Joey.
Cat Maxil Edwards
Cat Maxil Edwards - 7 years ago
okay but when are we announcing their names Joseph
Joshua Carpenter
Joshua Carpenter - 7 years ago
Awesome tank been watching for years keep the awesome content coming
kharmoniet - 7 years ago
clean your tank!
Alan Sun
Alan Sun - 7 years ago
Joey, if you choose to believe the superstitions, 4 is not a good number in Asian cultures. Cus 4 sounds similar to death.
Andres Ortiz
Andres Ortiz - 7 years ago
How come you don't add a silver arowana or a black arowana or Jardini arowana to mix with them so they don't fight those are the most common
Andres Ortiz
Andres Ortiz - 7 years ago
so but it would look nice all them together
Thomas Parker
Thomas Parker - 7 years ago
Andres Ortiz they arent the prettiest, plus theyre not asian so it wouldnt fit in with the rest of the arowana
Patrick Duffy
Patrick Duffy - 7 years ago
Don’t mean to brag, but that tank is pretty much bad compared to my 3 gallon one beta fish tank
Patrick Duffy
Patrick Duffy - 7 years ago
Me: Wow, those are huge!
Joey: I can’t wait until these are full grown .
Me: Hold up...
Draigonin - 7 years ago
Patrick Duffy sooo true
Westley Enger
Westley Enger - 7 years ago
Its a frank to u. Not the best but might have personality
Lorenzo Qualls
Lorenzo Qualls - 7 years ago
Why did they stay at the top of tank.
graphite - 7 years ago
Lorenzo Qualls Lol! Thought you were implying they were sick. That's why its such a good set up, arowana at the top, ray down below. Territory and food aggression minimised. Hopefully any new midrange fish wont cause problems :)
Lorenzo Qualls
Lorenzo Qualls - 7 years ago
If i knew i wouldn't have asked lol. cheers for the info
graphite - 7 years ago
Lorenzo Qualls They are a surface dwelling fish. You may as well ask why do the stingrays stay at the bottom of the tank.
S. Banerjee
S. Banerjee - 7 years ago
I could watch them glide through the water all day❤️
Gedeon Ruelo
Gedeon Ruelo - 7 years ago
you should get an algae eater
James Murphy
James Murphy - 7 years ago
Nice job. Looks great with 4 dragons.
Consulting_Lion - 7 years ago
Joey gets so excited over his fish just like a little kid it makes me so happy to see ☺️☺️
Brandon Khiev
Brandon Khiev - 7 years ago
should get some bass or peacocks
Brett MoNtGoMeRy
Brett MoNtGoMeRy - 7 years ago
Brandon Khiev he has a peacock in his quarantine
shock69 Boom
shock69 Boom - 7 years ago
Brandon Khiev they might attack the rays, those fish are aggressive
Silas Mayes
Silas Mayes - 7 years ago
Why didn't you drip acclimate the arowana?
Cristobal Vega
Cristobal Vega - 7 years ago
Silas Mayes it takes months for a fish to fully acclimate to new water source, acclimating it for 30 minutes does nothing to prevent shock in fish. Temperature acclimation and pop and drop is best for fish, less stress.
DesignMHuff - 7 years ago
I’ll be honest I don’t watch all your videos as fish are not my passion, but I just adore your passion for your fish. I love how much time and thought you put into everything, I want to do something similar but for my Reptile passion :) the arrowana are just breathtaking
Matarese28 - 7 years ago
They're gonna look stunning when they're older in that tank
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show - 7 years ago
Hi Joey.
Hope you are well.
Really pleased for you. Love that you added in more arowana. They look stunning.
Thank you for sharing.
Ian Pugh
Ian Pugh - 7 years ago
What about doing something like Tinfoil Barbs or Bala Sharks?
H.M. Murdock
H.M. Murdock - 7 years ago
Ian Pugh Tin foils would look awesome
lol ll
lol ll - 7 years ago
Your making my silver arouna look ugly
Jorge Cruz
Jorge Cruz - 7 years ago
I always see videos of asian dudes having 60 gallon tank with 7 arowanas in it hopefully it works out
Johnny GeeWhiz76
Johnny GeeWhiz76 - 7 years ago
Had to watch this video twice because the first time I was mesmerized by that super sweet sweatshirt. I couldn't look away. Glad I snapped out of it long enough to pay attention to the tank and fish. Looking phenomenal......
Dyllan White/SHØNTØ
Dyllan White/SHØNTØ - 7 years ago
So is the bass bicher and clown knife still going in?
MANFIIE .G - 7 years ago
Love these fish my dream fish I'll own one one day
Aquarist Hub
Aquarist Hub - 7 years ago
Thought that the clown knife was in the 2000g too?
Dyllan White/SHØNTØ
Dyllan White/SHØNTØ - 7 years ago
Aquarist Hub and the bicher and peacock bass
hazz twitch
hazz twitch - 7 years ago
i am so nervous!! cant wait for the next update!
Marvin TheMusicMan
Marvin TheMusicMan - 7 years ago
So glad you got these, they look stunning. I would love to see a camera on these as a 24/7 live stream, although I don't know how feasible that is. Thanks Joey from the UK.
dlorenzin86 - 7 years ago
Amazing, beutiful, breathtaking, majestic lol man that panda is insane.
juan francisco cid polanco
juan francisco cid polanco - 7 years ago
Joey clean the tank please
BronzeBobCat - 7 years ago
So cool!!! Cannot wait for the next vid!!!
SUBHUMAN .COM USA - 7 years ago
When you put the first arowana into your aquarium , i thought i saw your original fish start to flash and stick its fins out to say i am top dog in here lol.
But now their all together they seemed to like one another company, and look amazing shoaling together, :)
Emily Hanel
Emily Hanel - 7 years ago
when are you going to clean off the algae?
Fish Bish
Fish Bish - 7 years ago
Beautiful fish Joey. Great
Kurt Johnson
Kurt Johnson - 7 years ago
Ok. In all honesty how much did you spend on the 3.
Kelsey Clark
Kelsey Clark - 7 years ago
Love it!
Heather Simpson
Heather Simpson - 7 years ago
Large Bala Shark Minnows would look great as a dither fish!
JayVon Scarborough
JayVon Scarborough - 7 years ago
Love em
wotton77 - 7 years ago
That Inscriptus is magnificent. I am amazed you got that in a fish shop.
John k
John k - 7 years ago
Add more!!!! Lol
Ryzz Luardo
Ryzz Luardo - 7 years ago
Crystal clear water. Nice. Hoping my first aquarium will have the same clear water as yours.

I have a 46inx18inx18in aquarium
And have a 33w top filter. Is it enough?
Grenz FishKeeper
Grenz FishKeeper - 7 years ago
dude... thts tight... nice fish
Ikky plays
Ikky plays - 7 years ago
I a few days in
Ta Christmas bite a turkey instead lol hopefully they will be okay :)
Liz stockton
Liz stockton - 7 years ago
name them larry currly and moe!!
Arrick L
Arrick L - 7 years ago
Very nice
Giraffey Jackie
Giraffey Jackie - 7 years ago
Absolutely awesome...defo my favorite tank
rafid raffe
rafid raffe - 7 years ago
nice fish thx
MASON MITCHELL - 7 years ago
"This was a christmas present FROM me TO me."
Miss Marie
Miss Marie - 7 years ago
Youve absolutely made me fall in love with Arowana
Rafael Recometa
Rafael Recometa - 7 years ago
Ruzselle dela Cruz
Ruzselle dela Cruz - 7 years ago
What stops them from jumping out the tank?
Logan Kramer
Logan Kramer - 7 years ago
He has a lid he just took it off for the video
Trenton Tigney
Trenton Tigney - 7 years ago
Ruzselle dela Cruz that’s what iv been thinking
TURTLE DUDE - 7 years ago
Add more
Ending Golem
Ending Golem - 7 years ago
the basilisk, the bronze giant and the blood brothers
Gabe Adam
Gabe Adam - 7 years ago
Get some datnoid fish
Chris Shaw
Chris Shaw - 7 years ago
You are very lucky
Leo lion
Leo lion - 7 years ago
Look like they will fight:)
daniel the Bassmaster
daniel the Bassmaster - 7 years ago
Hey Yhe king of DIY who did you marry I'm sorry if its to personal
mike blackwell
mike blackwell - 7 years ago
Hey Joey it looks awesome I’m loving it , a nice school of pink tail characin would look awesome in there too
Silver Bar
Silver Bar - 7 years ago
9 dragons is most sought after number...hope you might consider it :)
Felix Yi
Felix Yi - 7 years ago
4 is the chinese unlucky number. get one more.
SterTheDer - 7 years ago
Your passion and excitement for these fish is palpable, and its wonderful to see such energy! :D
You said that you might not be perfect, but someone loves you, and with passion so strong for your fish, its not hard to see why!
Donald Bradner
Donald Bradner - 7 years ago
Now officially the most amazing aquarium on YouTube!
Summer Folster
Summer Folster - 7 years ago
I hope they continue to get along for you :)
Joshua Damasco
Joshua Damasco - 7 years ago
Dragon Squad!!!!!!!!!!!
DragonHunter42 - 7 years ago
Was wondering if you have considered keeping Gouramis? Maybe some giant gouramis? They've always been among my favorites.
Aaron Simandjaja
Aaron Simandjaja - 7 years ago
add the school of geophagus!
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
That’s really expensive and really cool!

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