Introducing Male & Female Betta Fish To Eachother Part 1

Will It Be Love At First Sight ? Lol

Introducing Male & Female Betta Fish To Eachother Part 1 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 358

Betta 10 years ago 178,401 views

Will It Be Love At First Sight ? Lol

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Most popular comments
for Introducing Male & Female Betta Fish To Eachother Part 1

Wish Yo
Wish Yo - 7 years ago
Marwan Almehairi
Marwan Almehairi - 7 years ago
the male betta has clamped fins
Roger wilson
Roger wilson - 7 years ago
After reading quite a few of the comments, I've figured out a few things. First, most of the people commenting and everyone in this video shouldn't be trying to breed bettas. You have no idea what you're doing. So many of the people commenting are trying to act like they know what they're talking about. But, most of what I've been reading has been 100% bullshit lies. The tank, female, male, substrate, plants, filter and the poor other fish in a damn jar are all wrong for even attempting to breed bettas. Plus, the fish haven't even been conditioned to breed. It takes at least 2 weeks to get the fish ready to breed. You don't buy the cheapest fish at Petco and toss them together in a barren tank. The only thing this girl did right was put the female in a protected enclosure to greet the male. It takes weeks to get ready, days to court and breed and months to care for the offspring. This shit can't be done the same week you bought the fish from Walmart. Do some research before you even buy a pet next time. The fish you have are living a tortured life...
Gamer XD
Gamer XD - 7 years ago
Roger wilson true and many are saying that this female is way too small but this size is ready for breeding in fact but she could grow bigger
SUBIE4estr XT - 7 years ago
She was pissed at him lol
SUBIE4estr XT - 7 years ago
Why in the animal world are females usually bigger, and for humans/ primates males are usually bigger.
Alexander Nocelotl
Alexander Nocelotl - 7 years ago
Can you help me mate my fish. I have a male red crowntail and a redish pinkish female vieltail. Thank you
Ashley Vinzant
Ashley Vinzant - 7 years ago
You're retarded
Renee sikes
Renee sikes - 7 years ago
I love a good 'How-to' vid done by someone who knows next to nothing about their chosen subject. lol complete with phrases like 'I think it goes like this' PLEASE START BREEDING WITH MOLLY FISH INSTEAD ! Live bearers are easy to learn with.This is something you work your way into. After a year or two of trial and error with th whole ugly rainbow of fish diseases and of course fish deaths, funerals, and replacements, you MAY be ready for an attempt at beta breeding.(Sure,why not,better off than gerbils!) I've been an aquarium hobbyist for 25 or so yrs, and still not an expert!! I am considering a beta breeding attempt of my own with great misgivings about it, as i've never had any of th unexpected hatched fry survive to adult size in th few times my other egg layer species have spawned. I wasn't interested in breeding egg layers, didn't do any breeding research in advance,so I wasn't ready for them,so of course they didn't make it- it's that simple .......good luck aquarium hobbyist beginners out there! Kisses to fishes! Lol
Michael Haro
Michael Haro - 7 years ago
My Betta Fish is blowing a bubble nest.:-)

10. comment for Introducing Male & Female Betta Fish To Eachother Part 1

THEDinoKingGFM - 7 years ago
Can't keep a beta in a jar god dambit need a bigger tank do more research about what they need instead of just breeding them
Me Keely
Me Keely - 7 years ago
Isan's fish is literally dying
thats an ill fish
MacIsNotCool - 7 years ago
I'm sorry I didn't realize how old this video was
MacIsNotCool - 7 years ago
And if he glares to much it can kill him from stress and you can have more that 1 fish a tank
MacIsNotCool - 7 years ago
The females are a lot smaller then then males she is full grown
MacIsNotCool - 7 years ago
Your stupid because after the baby's grow up they will kill each other
MacIsNotCool - 7 years ago
Flybutterfly89 your right I am a child I'm 12 but I am a betta owner who did a lot more research then you did I am just saying breeding them isn't a good Idea because for every baby they have you will need a different tank
Flybutterfly89 - 7 years ago
you must be a child and I do know betta do not live together lol
MacIsNotCool - 7 years ago
The bay is sick he has fun rot
Fahim ahmed vlog official
Fahim ahmed vlog official - 7 years ago
put stone and air pump in your aquaream
TheJigSaw - 7 years ago
The female is too young
nathan hunt
nathan hunt - 7 years ago
that male is flaring he is ready to fuck up that other fish

20. comment for Introducing Male & Female Betta Fish To Eachother Part 1

Gamergirl4liffe #Dab!
Gamergirl4liffe #Dab! - 7 years ago
I'm having second thoughts of getting a boy fish cause I don't want it to eat my girl fish named lilly
Miguel Cisneros-Zavala
Miguel Cisneros-Zavala - 7 years ago
it is better to breed them with the same color
Calista Daniels
Calista Daniels - 7 years ago
Listen I really don't wanna be a bad guy but someone needs to say something about this. The tanks is far too barren, it needs some type of substrate and more plants preferably live. Also even more important than that under no circumstances should a beginner (which you are) breeds anything yet alone a betta. The female betta isn't even of mating age yet and if you can't properly set up at tank you obviously haven't done much research into bettas. Anyways separate them into cycled, filtered, and heated tanks or give them back and UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES do you flush a fish just cuz it's too much work.
Kanha Dubey
Kanha Dubey - 7 years ago
Calista Daniels
Hey what do you think about conditioning ??
2 week is compulsory or it is okay with 1 week only because I spawned my female all the times after 1 week of conditioning..
Unfortunately in the latest spawn the male ate all the eggs again (he was a new one !!) whatsoever I think so that the lack of conditioning period might be a problem that the eggs are not developed properly but I have no idea scientifically.
BTW what do you think ??? Is that possible ??
TEAM SESH - 7 years ago
Calista Daniels it's for breeding u retard
Hi Bye
Hi Bye - 7 years ago
Tell the kid to stfu
I Just Can't Wait 2 Be King
I Just Can't Wait 2 Be King - 7 years ago
i don't even know where to begin to point out whats wrong in this video... first of all you're breeding VEILTAIL BETTAS are you crazy?! they worth jack shit not to mention they look like theyre just from a petstore so they're both GENETIC MUTTS, they'll cause you a lotta issues down the line!!! not to mention your spawning tank is cramped! you should really do more research! wheres the indian almond leaves? did you even condition them a couple weeks prior to this?!
abigail anaya
abigail anaya - 7 years ago
I Just Can't Wait 2 Be King
No. She said she got the little girl three days ago.
Bridget Grant
Bridget Grant - 7 years ago
how long did it take u to take her out
FRUiTY BiRDS - 7 years ago
Check my new video!
how to Draw
how to Draw - 7 years ago
My to betas hate each other they lift there gills and fighting now I put them after 3 weeks I put them together and then they were fine
how to Draw
how to Draw - 7 years ago
i toatly understand what ur saying ive had tons of beta and the two had 7 or 8 females inside its a community it is a 500 gallons its an old beast my grandpa had .it has way to maney hiding spots.
Calista Daniels
Calista Daniels - 7 years ago
Take them out now! Bettas are not community fish they don't need nor want friends, only experienced fish keepers should and can keep betta community tanks.
Kendall Lindsay
Kendall Lindsay - 7 years ago
Uh, dont ever trust Pet store employees. They usually are incorrect. The female is much too small.
Jay Son
Jay Son - 7 years ago
She left the plants on the si lol haha

30. comment for Introducing Male & Female Betta Fish To Eachother Part 1

Tara Hendren
Tara Hendren - 7 years ago
tyvm happy st patricks day to you xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Kyle Vaz
Kyle Vaz - 7 years ago
I guess izen's ( sorry if I spelt it wrong) made sparky more interested in his opponent than his crush ;-)
Ella Taber
Ella Taber - 7 years ago
And ur male looked like it was dying
Ella Taber
Ella Taber - 7 years ago
Btw you supose to leave them for over 2 days
Marvin castillo Collins
Marvin castillo Collins - 7 years ago
before i don't know how to care beta. i always change the water . i saw them doing sex but i wonder why they not not have a baby.. i dint know that they lay eggs at floating bubbles... omg many times i saw many bubbles then i thought the water is dirty then i changed it.... :( :(
FB peytonp2003
FB peytonp2003 - 7 years ago
That female is not fully grown at all
Selena Gonzales
Selena Gonzales - 7 years ago
I have a baby veltail Betta named Doris, she looks like yours
Wall Street meme trader
Wall Street meme trader - 7 years ago
Your voice is very soothing.
Ryan Kay
Ryan Kay - 7 years ago
i have the samte thermomerter
Seni Seven Birisi
Seni Seven Birisi - 8 years ago
yalarım olunca erkek salın kızı siksin
TaOstatnia - 8 years ago
that tank... wtf?
1000000 SUBS WITHOUT A VIDEO CHALLENGE - 7 years ago
ZONE Dixidia triggered
ZONE Dixidia
ZONE Dixidia - 7 years ago
TaOstatnia its a mating tank dumbass
Holly Leanne
Holly Leanne - 8 years ago
Wow... hope you do your research next time owning an animal... everyone knows that you should NOT put a male and female together.
Alli Macdonald
Alli Macdonald - 7 years ago
It's acceptable if it's for breeding purposes though
zombie killer2.2
zombie killer2.2 - 8 years ago
Where's part 2
Cute Glaceon
Cute Glaceon - 8 years ago
Make part 2 stupid!!!!!
wolfy AnimatesgamingYT
wolfy AnimatesgamingYT - 7 years ago
Cute Sylveon she is I think I think it is just taking time don't call people stupid because of a video
EmberFlaze - 7 years ago
Semi Perfect Cell
Semi Perfect Cell - 8 years ago
Lose the kid next time.
wolfy AnimatesgamingYT
wolfy AnimatesgamingYT - 7 years ago
Semi Perfect Cell that is kinda rude
Ultimate Tekker
Ultimate Tekker - 8 years ago
Did u even acclimate them
Clay Lindsey
Clay Lindsey - 8 years ago
she the same soze as my female.shestill a teenager
lightening bear
lightening bear - 8 years ago
lol "check me out I'm macho"
Yen Xion
Yen Xion - 8 years ago
Question: Ok so i have a 48-gallon tank. i have a fair few plants and a Cambodian temple statue for the tank as well as a few rocks. i would like a community tank of 1 male betta and a few guppies (6 ish) can anyone give me some advice please!!!!!!!!!
Calista Daniels
Calista Daniels - 7 years ago
Yen Xion it can be done but the colors on the guppies must not be too bright and there must be lots of places for the guppies to hide.
Faith New
Faith New - 8 years ago
The girl fish is a baby fish lol

50. comment for Introducing Male & Female Betta Fish To Eachother Part 1

Jonathon Lastname
Jonathon Lastname - 8 years ago
did you condition them first?
My life as Reece
My life as Reece - 8 years ago
It is pronounced bæ-ta
Tommy Black
Tommy Black - 7 years ago
It has two ts, so it sounds like better, of course.
Beatriz - 8 years ago
My life as Reece it is actually pronounced as she said it be-ta
talal arafa
talal arafa - 8 years ago
Hello my brother, how can I communicate with you
raftaar ka king sagar bhoyta raftar ka badshaa
raftaar ka king sagar bhoyta raftar ka badshaa - 8 years ago
sparky same see my max
Kristen S.
Kristen S. - 8 years ago
how do they breed if they kill each other like everyone says
Kristen S.
Kristen S. - 8 years ago
thank u!!!
Tianna Violette
Tianna Violette - 8 years ago
you can have multiple Bettas live in harmony with like 100 gallon tanks and semi separated boundaries of like plants. in the wild they find places in streams that are separated from one another.
Darth Raider
Darth Raider - 8 years ago
My fucking male killed my female
NeonGaming YT
NeonGaming YT - 7 years ago
Darth Raider if you want to breed your bettas, you must first put the female in a separate container/plastic and float it into the tank where your male betta is. Just wait until the male begins creating the nest (the bubbles). If he is done creating the nest, release the female betta and put it in the tank with the male betta. All you can do at this point is wait..
Andy Le
Andy Le - 7 years ago
This happened to me to. The female wasn’t interested in him.
Fariha Ahmed
Fariha Ahmed - 7 years ago
Darth Raider same
Black Viper Gaming //BvG
Black Viper Gaming //BvG - 7 years ago
i put my hand in to stop male from getting too close to the female also u should use a 10 -5 gallon tank for male and female thing
YAHYA ABDI - 7 years ago
Demarion Price once I put in the female he mated with her then killed her. Had to put the guy down
Demarion Price
Demarion Price - 7 years ago
YAHYA ABDI - 7 years ago
Darth Raider it's okay my male jumped into my female tank with 4 females it was a 20 gallon 2 females died by my son of a bitch male
xEndiePearlx - 7 years ago
Darth Raider the male usually kills the female after mating because the female eats the fish
Sanarya Akaka
Sanarya Akaka - 7 years ago
Darth Raider my male almost did that but i put a plastic wall between them
Marvin castillo Collins
Marvin castillo Collins - 7 years ago
Pile Of Crap
Pile Of Crap - 7 years ago
Darth Raider
Of fucking course he will kill the female. Do some research.
Teresa Armstrong
Teresa Armstrong - 7 years ago
Alicia Naquin
Alicia Naquin - 7 years ago
TheLegend 27 look even female fight dumbass
Gina Soa
Gina Soa - 8 years ago
sparky looks Like exactly like my betta fish peter I lost him today because of sickness I tried everything I could
romigon 123
romigon 123 - 8 years ago
yea gina
Kristen S.
Kristen S. - 8 years ago
Miss sarang
Miss sarang - 8 years ago
aww..dont be new one..
Bree Cummings
Bree Cummings - 8 years ago
I had a female fish named sparky
virtual riot
virtual riot - 8 years ago
they like each other
how to Draw
how to Draw - 7 years ago
+Olivers Vlogs if they are ripping each others fins and lifting there gills that's no good dont let them bit eachother mouths that's not good I recommend breeding
Fuckery. Com
Fuckery. Com - 7 years ago
I meant to say my female is bosy and confident
Fuckery. Com
Fuckery. Com - 7 years ago
Sally Li umm so i tried putting a male the same size and a female the same size not for breeding reasons but because since my male is really confident and bosy and this male i have is just chill i thought it would be fine but for the past week i have been trying to put my male in a contair like shes doing right here and i would let them out for interaction reasons for a couple of minutes and they would flare every time they would encounter interaction and the male would chase the famale and sometimes the female would if this aggression or are they trying to mate ?
Sally Li
Sally Li - 8 years ago
No, they don't. First off, the female is not old enough to mate. Secondly, if she had liked him, she would have been flaring too. While flaring is often a sign of aggression, bettas flared during mating displays. She was not flaring. She did not like him.
Lucky Johny
Lucky Johny - 8 years ago
Good choice of names.
CLASSIFIED GAMER - 8 years ago
Can you help me breed
CLASSIFIED GAMER - 8 years ago
Nik Marren u don't have to be mean to others u Hippocrate
InfamousBloo - 8 years ago
Nik Marren she just said it's more of a hello and goodbye you dumbass. She's not going to put them in the same tank.
Nik Marren
Nik Marren - 8 years ago
What do you plan to do if you breed your fish?
It is not a good idea to breed fish you get from the chain pet stores like Petco, Walmart, Petsmart, etc. They are more likely to have birth defects or diseases than fish purchased from breeders.
Betta fish can spawn hundreds of fry, you're going to need space for them.
You cannot leave the adult in there with them because they will get eaten. Not only that but they are solitary fish, males and females are only kept together to breed or when they are juveniles. When they are mature they are likely to kill each other.
I'm not sure if you went ahead and did this or if you changed your mind but nothing irriates me more than videos like this where people just breed their animals because they can and because they want their pet to have a "girlfriend" or "boyfriend". It is more complicating than that.... people need to just do their research, be responsible, and respect their pets.
Beautiful Betta Breeding
Beautiful Betta Breeding - 8 years ago
I can help you. Email me at
Savannah Cutts
Savannah Cutts - 8 years ago
Jacqueline Baker
Jacqueline Baker - 8 years ago
I love them
Juan tama
Juan tama - 8 years ago
i have male and female betta fish too :D
Animals Are Awesome
Animals Are Awesome - 8 years ago
You should do more research
prankster Coombes
prankster Coombes - 7 years ago
Animals Are Awesome she should she's a sucker she is not educated
Karimjajatata Jajatata
Karimjajatata Jajatata - 8 years ago
nice betta
Savannah Cutts
Savannah Cutts - 8 years ago
It's pronounced bait not bet I know it spelled bettea
DAN UK - 8 years ago
Betta* ;)
Marlon Vasquez
Marlon Vasquez - 8 years ago
2:39 that's basically what they do to show off lmao
Ramou Sabally
Ramou Sabally - 8 years ago
Jair Rosas
Jair Rosas - 8 years ago
The female will grow bigger pet stores do that to make u buy the fish
Lehua Nomura
Lehua Nomura - 8 years ago
If you were planning on mating them, did the male make a bubble nest?
Corey Newhard
Corey Newhard - 8 years ago
after mating males usually kill the female because the females will likely eat the eggs, so remove the females after spawning.
Kaitlyn Cowger
Kaitlyn Cowger - 8 years ago
Yah I don't think that the female is full grown yet
Aliyah Roy
Aliyah Roy - 8 years ago
Click bate
Pabu Boyer
Pabu Boyer - 8 years ago
it's a good thing you took out the seashells because they can cut the fins on the betta.
Chloe Duckworth
Chloe Duckworth - 8 years ago
I have a female Betta she's bigger so yours may grow PS helpful video I'm planning on mating my betta fish to
Glen E
Glen E - 8 years ago
there never gonna be able to be put in same tank. i promise
manav singh
manav singh - 8 years ago
dam cool bro i am just trying this and it happened and i am so lucky
Cool Girls
Cool Girls - 8 years ago
did they kill each other or mate? I want to cuz I want to know if the Bettas make fish babys or are Bettas made by animal scientist
Treble Hippogriff
Treble Hippogriff - 8 years ago
Cool Girls surely you're kidding...surely...
The\ /Thing
The\ /Thing - 8 years ago
Aizen like bleach?
gio ram
gio ram - 8 years ago
The\ /Thing m
Flybutterfly89 - 8 years ago
+The\ /Thing Yes...
Marilyn Oros
Marilyn Oros - 8 years ago
The female is too young
Jay Spectacular
Jay Spectacular - 8 years ago
+Twichl Frrr
Twichl - 8 years ago
She shouldn't be looking to anyone at Petco for advice.
Jay Spectacular
Jay Spectacular - 8 years ago
The Golden Train
The Golden Train - 8 years ago
Is he is very small to be fully grown
Jay Spectacular
Jay Spectacular - 8 years ago
Mike Wessel
Mike Wessel - 8 years ago
the male should be placed in the tank first alone until he builds a nest. the female must be conditioned for breeding and she needs many more hiding spots as the male will continuously attack and harrass her.
Kim Tov
Kim Tov - 9 years ago
Don't use Wikipedia because the stuff their Is fake because on the side people can edit so it's probably fake!!!!
Lucky Johny
Lucky Johny - 8 years ago
That's crap.
Isaac Ahlias
Isaac Ahlias - 8 years ago
Its a wikihow
razorXblueXeyes - 9 years ago
did you put dechlorinator spray or drops in yours ??
Kari Mittan
Kari Mittan - 8 years ago
sorry i do not like this
razorXblueXeyes - 9 years ago
betas are awesome ..I saw a beautiful strong looking red one when I got mine
jerome nabua
jerome nabua - 9 years ago
The red and purple colored betta fish.I have one of these but ive lost it cause while i was cleaning the fish tank i was holding the fish while iwas getting the rock.Then suddenly my fish jumped and fell to the toilet!I was worried so i called my maid she wore a glove so her hand wont be dirty putting her hand in the toilet.then i said EEEWWW!we cant get the fish out so we flushed it
Patchwork The Dragon
Patchwork The Dragon - 7 years ago
jerome nabua you could've used a fish net to get him out, and you ALWAYS cover the container you put the betta in, since they are known to be jumpers. Plus did you know that if you flush a live fish it can live for about a week or longer without food? So not only did you not follow precautionary measures, but you also caused the betta a slow, agonizing death.
Good job man. Good job.
Calista Daniels
Calista Daniels - 7 years ago
jerome nabua never ever flush a fish, that's literally the dumbest thing you can do. Also hold a fish? With your hands? Above water? Without another tank? Yeah also pretty dumb.
adrianne roddy
adrianne roddy - 8 years ago
fire your maid...
Hector Marquez
Hector Marquez - 8 years ago
Gimme your neck bro
Carloslee Mingjun
Carloslee Mingjun - 9 years ago
the female is like a juvenile and male is already a adult
Nika Profit
Nika Profit - 9 years ago
my Betts is mean
Noor Ahmed
Noor Ahmed - 9 years ago
my birthday is September 26th
Emily Winters
Emily Winters - 9 years ago
over 600 eggs but even the most experienced breeders only have a 25%-40% fry survival rate..
Anonymous Turtle Troll
Anonymous Turtle Troll - 9 years ago
aizen"? Bleach???
Anonymous Turtle Troll
Anonymous Turtle Troll - 9 years ago
+Mommy Life Plus More awesome :D +10000 to those parents
Flybutterfly89 - 9 years ago
+Stephen Anonymous Turtle (Turtle troll)

Yes the name came from Bleach lol
His Dad Picked it.
Tuitt Melvin
Tuitt Melvin - 9 years ago
I did everything and nothing happens :(
Harley Allen
Harley Allen - 9 years ago
my male made a bubble nest do I put my female in there but I think she's a bit young cuz she kinda tiny but what do I do. they r in a different tanks but right next to each other so they can c each other... but plz help asap
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 9 years ago
Or an egg spot near the bottom fin.
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 9 years ago
just introduce them. Put her in a jar or a clear plastic tub and if her body blushes, or gets horizontal lines, that means she can lay eggs, if not she is too young.
Emily Winters
Emily Winters - 9 years ago
+Harley Allen  you should wait for the female to mature... Until she has a white spot near her butt
king Reyes
king Reyes - 9 years ago
I hope you are maintaining a correct thinking and values of the fish, thinking longer-term from what you are doing and NOT short-term.......Good Luck *
Jake Lopez
Jake Lopez - 9 years ago
I have two betta fish Bertha and milky blue and white
Ferocis - 8 years ago
Regina Renner
Regina Renner - 9 years ago
Lol That little boy was cute ;)
Regina Renner
Regina Renner - 9 years ago
You do not want babies they come in clutches in THOUSANDS you cant take care of them all
Sally Li
Sally Li - 8 years ago
You don't have to separate the fry until they become a bit older. They don't begin fighting until later.
becksta29 - 9 years ago
+Rannex DeathKil also do you have to separate them all when they are little baby's too or don't they fight until they are older?
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 9 years ago
Or less. I only have 2 left from mine.
becksta29 - 9 years ago
+Rannex DeathKil so if I breed my betta just one time I want to do it will I end up with like around 30 babies?i don't want more than 50 really lol way to hard to take care of.
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 9 years ago
+Rannex DeathKil Or less.
Rannex DeathKil
Rannex DeathKil - 9 years ago
Usually 100 eggs in a clutch and very low chance of survival like usually 30 will survive.
Flybutterfly89 - 10 years ago
Introducing Male & Female Betta Fish

Derek Jones
Derek Jones - 7 years ago
tom ly it's really a adult you can tell by the hump on there back
Maricela Romero
Maricela Romero - 9 years ago
+tom ly oooooooooooohhh ok thx 4 telling the truth^_^
tom ly
tom ly - 9 years ago
The female is still a juvenile and she will grow bigger I think she lied to you so you guys would buy the fish trust me I've had a male breed with a female much bigger than that. Just to let you know :)
Maricela Romero
Maricela Romero - 9 years ago
I dont think he wants 2 fight her cuz it does realy look like he wants her atention cuz when she is not looking at him any more he goes right at her face and when she goes to the other direction he follows her and when he stops hes like ok thats enough

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