Introducing my Male And Female Betta Fish Together (chasing)

Me introducing my male and female betta fish together in the same tank. Male starts chasing female later in the video. Be sure to watch in the highest quality, rate, comment, and subscribe for more betta videos.

Introducing my Male And Female Betta Fish Together (chasing) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 157

Betta 11 years ago 208,848 views

Me introducing my male and female betta fish together in the same tank. Male starts chasing female later in the video. Be sure to watch in the highest quality, rate, comment, and subscribe for more betta videos.

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for Introducing my Male And Female Betta Fish Together (chasing)

DaWhiteWolffie - 7 years ago
Beautiful blues. They'd have real pretty blue babies. xD
Ashish Sukthankar
Ashish Sukthankar - 7 years ago
Its not chasing. Thats male betta fish showing aggression towards the female betta. You better keep them away I guess.
aka poppysweetheart
aka poppysweetheart - 7 years ago
its ok to leave the female in the tank mines got chase but after a while they settle down and they have children some die but now i have ten 3 female and 7 males i leave the father in there he dont eat them they like 2 weeks old so left them in there
Angel's video's Rodriguez
Angel's video's Rodriguez - 7 years ago
thos betta are female I can tell
Angel's video's Rodriguez
Angel's video's Rodriguez - 7 years ago
they look mad my 2 female betta do the same thing but don't fight and when I go to sleep I put the wall back just in case
Marcos Perez
Marcos Perez - 7 years ago
What happens if the tank is less than 10 gallons
Maria Aghajan
Maria Aghajan - 7 years ago
Are they ok together?
Breanna Joy
Breanna Joy - 7 years ago
My boy and girl fish names are rockey and sky sky the girl rockey is a boy and rokey like hes red are onege sorry and sky is blue
Tiffany Sayles
Tiffany Sayles - 7 years ago
Do they get along now. Cause my male is doing the same thing to my female I just put in with him?. Or do I need to take her out?
Gahlin - 7 years ago
Tiffany Sayles 10 gallon or so. They need places to hide
Tiffany Sayles
Tiffany Sayles - 7 years ago
Gahlin thank you. I have them in a 3 gallon tank. We took her out and placed her in a cup thing in the water with him but seperate. But then he went in the Corning towred the bottom. Iv never seen him look like that, seemed depressed. Normal? If 3 gallon is to small then how big?
Gahlin - 7 years ago
Take her out. You need a bigger aquarium for them.

10. comment for Introducing my Male And Female Betta Fish Together (chasing)

Jessica Perez
Jessica Perez - 7 years ago
He is a fish killer
rapeisnotok Donotrape
rapeisnotok Donotrape - 7 years ago
Betts fish reminds me of my ex. he'll slap me around say sorry and do it again
Andrew Williams
Andrew Williams - 7 years ago
Hopefully you know one of your bettas is gonna die
Abdullah Younas
Abdullah Younas - 7 years ago
they don't sell female bettas where I live :( they say that they r not pretty as the males .I was so angry at them I wish I could kill those people
James Wrenn
James Wrenn - 7 years ago
Abdullah Younas ,you are an asshole, just because muhammad was a pedophile murderer doesn't mean you have to be one too this is the 21st century jack off
Toffee! The Biologist!
Toffee! The Biologist! - 7 years ago
My male beta is doing the same thing to my female is it ok if I just leave her in the tank till the warm up to echother!
Sandy Belle
Sandy Belle - 7 years ago
I have questions.... are those 2 male beta fish?? Also why do people say don't place a female and male beta together? What's the best way for them to mate then if we can't place them in the same tank?
emma salinas
emma salinas - 7 years ago
can i have it
Dan Morton
Dan Morton - 7 years ago
Great video, good commentary. So, are they getting along better now?
Siddharth Vishwakarma
Siddharth Vishwakarma - 7 years ago
that's not a female betta both are male
baltic jackpot
baltic jackpot - 7 years ago
Siddharth Vishwakarma your retarded
Tracy Cseh
Tracy Cseh - 7 years ago

20. comment for Introducing my Male And Female Betta Fish Together (chasing)

Tracy Cseh
Tracy Cseh - 7 years ago
If you are wanting a pair of Betts to mate, it helps to let the male build his bubble nest first before turning the female loose from a smaller enclosure withing the main aquarium space. The male will display his fins and gill covers to the female and if she is receptive to mating, she will begin to curl her body. When the female is ready, let her out of the enclosure to mate. After the male embraces the female to release her eggs, he will take them into his mouth to fertilize them and deposit them into the bubble nest. .When this is done, it is usually best to separate them again, some females will eat the eggs.
Shiny Infinity
Shiny Infinity - 7 years ago
I really want baby bettas...
DANGOL CORON - 7 years ago
can't we put together in own one tank
Cats and dogs are Kawaii and cute and Fluffy
Cats and dogs are Kawaii and cute and Fluffy - 7 years ago
Beau Bourque
Beau Bourque - 7 years ago
yeah to all the "fish" experts i have male a female living in complete harmony it can be done.
Nope - 7 years ago
Beau Bourque I have a calm male I've had for about 3 months and I just got my female, the girl however is more aggressive than the male
Jonas Broch
Jonas Broch - 7 years ago
Yeah, i have a very peaceful male that has been living with my female in my 16 gallon tank for months now.
Melody 4949
Melody 4949 - 8 years ago
did he hurt her she is not moveing
Kaitlyn Winslow
Kaitlyn Winslow - 8 years ago
I can't believe you put a female fish and a male fish to gather that is so mean BTW did the fish Died in end
Michelle Av
Michelle Av - 8 years ago
If you are trying to breed them you should remove the marble rocks as the eggs will fall and he will not be able to reach them. I'm sure you realised this from trial and error. Also you must have live food they won't eat flakes. I keep micro worms which has been great.
Spooky Enzo
Spooky Enzo - 8 years ago
is that what is supposed to happen?, My fish do the exact thing, i thought that my male betta was trying to kill my female betta, is that how they mate?
Trina Portner
Trina Portner - 8 years ago
that does not work I put a male and a female beta together and that was not a good ideal
animal addict
animal addict - 8 years ago
its got to be in perfect conditions

30. comment for Introducing my Male And Female Betta Fish Together (chasing)

Sarah Moreland
Sarah Moreland - 8 years ago
Did they end up killing each other? Or did they have babies? Or neither
Weck Weck
Weck Weck - 8 years ago
my male and female betta are together and are fine for ljke 4 weeks and nothing bad has happend
Patricia Serna
Patricia Serna - 8 years ago
I have a male and female betta fish there chasng each other but the male Has his gills up and chasing her is he trying bto fight her???
DerpyDragon 2
DerpyDragon 2 - 8 years ago
Aw i wish i had a female betta fish but hes 2 and a haft years old so i dont want an old betta to mate with a young betta.
simpleAI - 8 years ago
nothing goes wrong when an old betta mates with a young betta
Hasty Moose
Hasty Moose - 8 years ago
DerpyDragon 2 I'm sure the male beta like them young
Cific - 8 years ago
The fun guy 83
The fun guy 83 - 8 years ago
The fun guy 83
The fun guy 83 - 8 years ago
i know this is old video but would it work in a 2 gallon I'm planning on getting betas and i would like two but i do not want them to fight and honestly it would be nice i they mated
Vicky B
Vicky B - 8 years ago
Much easier to breed! ;)
Lorranne Depeche
Lorranne Depeche - 8 years ago
:) i love guppies! they are way cheaper and easier to breed.
Vicky B
Vicky B - 8 years ago
If you want to breed fish, go to the pet store and buy 1 female guppy. Bring her home and within months you will have 30 fry.

True story.

BTW, does anyone want any guppies?
Sarah Russo
Sarah Russo - 8 years ago
Thats chill. We weren't fighting though :P
The fun guy 83
The fun guy 83 - 8 years ago
well since the post of my comment I have put him in a 20 gallon tank and he is now happy. My fish has everything he needs his tank is clean and is safe so please stop fighting no one is wrong or right he is ok and in a bigger tank AMD yes I have changed my mind on fish breeding sounds very hard thank I will come back when I feel like I know enough
Lorranne Depeche
Lorranne Depeche - 8 years ago
+Sarah Russo it IS animal abuse. he said a two gallon tank. he CLEARLY did not do research as he is asking a question on youtube. If you do not know what you are talking about, its best to dtay quiet. if he choses to irresponsibly breed petstore bettas, thats up to him. however it is extremely foolish of you to approve of that act.
Sarah Russo
Sarah Russo - 8 years ago
Its not animal abuse Lorrane. (-_-) And there ya go again with the "HUGE responsibility" thing. You're right, it is a big responsibility. But I'm sure that if the person reads up on how to do it and gets all the proper stuff, it can be done.
Lorranne Depeche
Lorranne Depeche - 8 years ago
+Sarah Russo Irresponsible breeding should not be encouraged. I get that you do not want to disapoint but i do believe i was polite when i informed them it was a bad idea.
Lorranne Depeche
Lorranne Depeche - 8 years ago
+Sarah Russo its straight up animal abuse. it SHOULD NOT be done. and it is a HUGE responsibility. What if they were just curious? the problem is when they have all the fry, and then realize they have no clue of what to do. its like just taking two dogs and breeding them in a one bedroom apartment with no knowledge on how to care for them. See what im saying? whats not "nice" is encouraging someone to make a bad decision that risks the lives of others.
Sarah Russo
Sarah Russo - 8 years ago
+Lorranne Depeche yeah but, it could still be done. It's not very nice to say "It won't work" or, "It's a HUGE responsibility". What if that person can do it? It's like you're bringin em down.
Lorranne Depeche
Lorranne Depeche - 8 years ago
+Sarah Russo the thing is, its risking the lives of not only 2 innocent betta fish, but up to 200 babies. :/
Sarah Russo
Sarah Russo - 8 years ago
I honestly believe it could work. I believe in you random stranger
Lorranne Depeche
Lorranne Depeche - 8 years ago
No sweetie, it wont work. Breeding bettas is a HUGE responsibility. Unless you are willing to spend over 500 dollars on supplies, grow your own live food for the fry, and have 50-150 separate heated tanks for the babies, do not do it. Please do not breed bettas if you have no idea what you are getting yourself into. Petstore bettas should never be bred anyway. Also a 2 gallon tank/bowl is too small for one betta. 2.5 but preferably 5 gallons is minimum. 5 gallons will allow you to cycle the tank to ensure your new pets health. Also don't forget a heater and filter :) Good luck with your new Family member. ♡
Elizabeth Pilgrim
Elizabeth Pilgrim - 8 years ago
Wow, I have the sam exact blue beta fish wow!
Katie Lyons
Katie Lyons - 8 years ago
2005babykarma - 7 years ago
Katie Lyons how do you think they breed??
Samurai Jade
Samurai Jade - 7 years ago
ACTUALLY you can if you do it the right way. This person most likely didn't and that's why the male is trying to kill her.
world of.tanks
world of.tanks - 7 years ago
Katie Lyons you can put females with males first you got to introduce each other which mean put there tank close together for a day or 2 and they will start to like each other and the when the male makes a bubble best he is ready to mate
you could actually do this but i recomend a 10-15 gallon and provide lots of coverage so they can set up territories its also better if you know the bettas personality if it calm,agressive,or just territorial it might help if they have had past tank mates so they are more calm and used to it.
zioro1235 - 7 years ago
you can put them together to mate
Anabel Ochoa
Anabel Ochoa - 7 years ago
Katie Lyons millions of people do that do your research how bout that
Kari Smith
Kari Smith - 7 years ago
Katie Lyons so who do you have babies
ABSOLUTE MAYHEM - 7 years ago
they are tryna fuck ? how about you stfu i have a male and female beta in a comunity tank. youve been lied to and quite frankly your a dumbass for believing those lies
Areon Kirk
Areon Kirk - 7 years ago
Katie Lyons thanks I have a boy fish and I want a girl fish
Katalany Dances
Katalany Dances - 7 years ago
Katie Lyons - He probably knows that but wants little baby betta's after the male puts the eggs at the top then he will start being WAYYYY more aggressive and could kill the female
Vincent Calabrese
Vincent Calabrese - 8 years ago
Yep that is the right way to do it. This tank is way too small for two fish to live let alone female and male betta.. the male was nipping and they are gonna be too stressed out in such a tight space without many plants.
Cassandra Shawver
Cassandra Shawver - 8 years ago
I mean, if you're trying to breed a Betta fish (which is what this person is doing), you have to introduce them at some point. How else do you expect them to make babies?
Flo Green
Flo Green - 8 years ago
I agree, I did this years ago and the male almost killed her, you can keep female's together but not males and not males with female, I'm thinking about getting one male but I'd like to get two females, haven't decided yet. I'm getting them tomorrow I'll decided then.
g00dlife - 8 years ago
+Katie Lyons I just introduced a female and male and they do nothing like this. They are in a 55 gallon heavily planted tank and at first displayed to each other and now just hang out a few inches from each other all the time. No stressing , just hang at the top and are interested in each other. One is a male moon tail and the female is a vale tail . They seem pretty calm
Katie Lyons
Katie Lyons - 8 years ago
It's actually me showing how frustrated I am with dumb people like the person who put a male and female together thinking they would get along. Its funny because to me it seems like you're the type of person to sit on youtube all day and post corny sarcastic jokes because you have nothing better to do :') But that was a good one. Did you make yourself laugh?
Mr. Meeseeks
Mr. Meeseeks - 8 years ago
I'm selling a new caps lock button for $3.49 because it seems like yours is broken.
Rachel Sury
Rachel Sury - 8 years ago
I have two Half Moon betta fish, one male, and one female. I have a separator because I'm worried that they would hurt each other. But currently, they're peeking at each other playfully through the separator holes. Should I let them meet? Please answer! :)
Sarah  Murphy
Sarah Murphy - 7 years ago
I have that same tank and the both do that it's very cute
I hope they get along i don't want one of my fish to die if I take out the divider between the two of them I would be very sad
Crazy fish
Crazy fish - 8 years ago
+Rachel DaOtterGirl np
Rachel Sury
Rachel Sury - 8 years ago
+Crazy fish Thanks for the info. :)
Crazy fish
Crazy fish - 8 years ago
do not let them meet because one they will fight and you will get ripped fins on your fish or two they will breed and you will have 50+ baby betta fish but it's most likely gonna be number one
Mae Muffin
Mae Muffin - 8 years ago
I feel like my 10 gallon is too small for my male and my female. I couldn't imagine putting them in something that looks less than a 3 gallon. But if it works then have at it.
Lucy The Tortie
Lucy The Tortie - 8 years ago
I have a 30 gal tank with 2 females in it could i add a male that is not very feirce?
Lucy The Tortie
Lucy The Tortie - 8 years ago
+Lorranne Depeche I know they should have 5 I got some more and they seem fine the male is alone is a ten gallon thanks for telling me
Lorranne Depeche
Lorranne Depeche - 8 years ago
No, its a very bad idea. He will hurt them, also a female betta sorority should be 5+ females (no males)
merel ik
merel ik - 8 years ago
that "tank" is way to small! they at least need 30 gallon!
Rae Bey
Rae Bey - 8 years ago
noo! they need at least a 700 gallon tank for the LED TV for them to netflix and chill and a phone to order pizza (not the Samsung note 7 tho that will make ur fishes sad)

also since they are tropical fish, make sure they have flip flops and margaritas to keep them happy
merel ik
merel ik - 8 years ago
+CraftBunny101 3 yeah that's right
Cutie339 - 8 years ago
+merel ik yes it does depend on the behavior, but to be safe, as they do change when they hit "puberty" i would say ATLEAST 20 gal.
merel ik
merel ik - 8 years ago
+CraftBunny101 3 My betta's did need a tank that big, because my male is pretty agressive, but that really depends on your bettas caracters but I'm sure for the most bettas 20 gallon will do.
Cutie339 - 8 years ago
Its true! It isn't safe as they will start fighting during the mating season. It is likely the male well eat the female during the process. Don't believe me? just watch.Also, they don't need a 30 gallon. just 20 should be fine.:]
Other stuff
Other stuff - 8 years ago
your trying to say it's better to put them on a 30gallon not should but his is to small I'd consider about 8-10 will do.. and fiy I do know a lot about them yeah...
merel ik
merel ik - 8 years ago
+Andro Estrada I do know a lot about them yeah.
Other stuff
Other stuff - 8 years ago
+merel ik pfff and your an expert? your just exagerating to sound correct.
merel ik
merel ik - 8 years ago
+mesut ozil you can't keep a male and a female in such a terrible tank
mesut ozil
mesut ozil - 8 years ago
then u give him money to buy a 30g tank
William&Cole Claymon
William&Cole Claymon - 8 years ago
plz someone help me my male betta fish killed my female I just got her today
narusakuNO - 8 years ago
+William&Cole Claymon how are we supposed to help you?
yara neria
yara neria - 8 years ago
Me female Betta killed my male which I had for the longest! I was so sad but at least I know now what happened and why. :/
RightWingReefer - 8 years ago
If u have 3 or more female betas with male they won't breed but they won't fight. I know because I'm a very experienced beta breeder
Loreal L.
Loreal L. - 7 years ago
RightWingReefer I'm getting a 50 gallon tank, currently have two male bettas from petco. They say I can add ratio of 1 male betta to 3 females in this community environment. What are your thoughts? I intend to have lots of plants and hiding spaces. All young females and both males introduced at same time.
Laura Esparza
Laura Esparza - 8 years ago
Can i put a female with my male fish when i get a bigger tank?
Roberie Roberie
Roberie Roberie - 8 years ago
My bettas were ready... My female betta has vertical stripes... And my male has finished making his bubble nest.. I fed them 4 times a day for 2weeks.. When I put the female betta into the tank.. They were fine.. The male is chasing the female and may already have torn fins.. But a few hours later when I checked.. The female betta was weak and won't swim.. She's just at the bottom part.. She doesn't move at all.. 2 days later and the female almost gonna die.. So I took her out.. She lost one of her fins..(the one the used for swimming) and her other fins was torn.. And her body was kinda bruised... Pls. tell me what I did wrong..
Sarah Russo
Sarah Russo - 8 years ago
There's the nice ppl☺
Gabrielisnothere - 8 years ago
Nobody needs to be calling someone a idiot
especially when that person is trying to ask for advice and help.

+Roberie Roberie i hope all your little fishies are doin alright :)
Roberie Roberie
Roberie Roberie - 8 years ago
+Roberie Roberie *to
Roberie Roberie
Roberie Roberie - 8 years ago
+Nik Marren and i did my research fyi. And its not even a stupid, i asked that question for me learn. Why is tha stupid??
Sweetie Choi
Sweetie Choi - 8 years ago
+Nik Marren and that doesnt mean people should call people idiot, bitch, or give rude comments. People make mistakes all the time.
Roberie Roberie
Roberie Roberie - 8 years ago
+Brenda Mahan no need to call me idiot. And she didn't die. They had babies and now all grown-up. Your not in the postion to call me idiot and your not even a expert. Tsk
Sarah Russo
Sarah Russo - 8 years ago
I suppose you're right
Nik Marren
Nik Marren - 8 years ago
+Sarah Russo people are rude because people impulsively try to breed animals without doing their research and ask stupid questions about it when things go wrong and they killed one their pets.
Sarah Russo
Sarah Russo - 8 years ago
+Brenda Mahan You're the one who is the "Bitch" (Since ya can't seem to spell correctly. The poor girl was only trying to get a question answered. God, why are people so damn rude?
Destini Duckett
Destini Duckett - 8 years ago
+Rhucille Pionan For a male and a female betta together you need a large tank with plenty of hiding space, because no matter what the male WILL get aggressive and territorial. Sometimes these things just happen, but that's why its so important to always keep an eye on your fish. However, once you realized he was chasing her, and ESPECIALLY once you noticed her acting odd, you should have removed the female betta. Your 'few hours later' should have been the go-to to remove the female. There is no way they could have mated with her under such extreme stress. Next time, observe a lot closer, and try to get a male betta with a better temperament. Also, I recommend at LEAST a ten gallon tank and a lot of hiding plants and rocks.
Brenda Mahan
Brenda Mahan - 8 years ago
+Rhucille Pionan sorry idiot if you had taken time to investigate you would have known . Come on you ask only after you let your male torture her to death what a beach.
aprildevost1 - 8 years ago
I think the tank is to small for 2 bettas. this is an introduction video is there an update video posted to see them together after a week or month? I'd like to ad a female to my tank with my male. I'm very nervous tho so I like seeing how other people did it and the outcome.
Sasha Blouse
Sasha Blouse - 8 years ago
I have 2 betta fish, one male and one female, I keep them in separate tanks, but I kinda want to put them together. Should I use the method that you used in this video? Take a clear container, put the female in, and let the male check her out? Also is it okay that the male chases the female?
Weck Weck
Weck Weck - 8 years ago
mine have been togethed for like 4 weeks and they are fine with eachother nothing bad has happend but dont assume the same will happen to you
Sasha Blouse
Sasha Blouse - 8 years ago
they won't kill each other, I'm only going to let them see each other. If he attacks the glass protecting my female, I won't put them together, obviously.
Ferocis - 8 years ago
No no no no Nono NO. They will mostly kill each other. If he has a big bubble nest and the female is ready. You can put her in there with a divider shortly. But if you always have them together. Your gonna find someone dead in the morning.
DJ Andrew
DJ Andrew - 8 years ago
The female attacked the male talk about rejection
Connor Tierney
Connor Tierney - 8 years ago
My female betta killed my male betta males are more aggressive is a myth
Connor Tierney
Connor Tierney - 8 years ago
No my female has spawned with a new male
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 8 years ago
Plakats are bred to be the real fighting fish they have short fins and dull color cause they use them mostly for fighting
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 8 years ago
Maybe you got a male plakat(short finned betta)so do research,make a vid i will see if it is a plakat male

50. comment for Introducing my Male And Female Betta Fish Together (chasing)

Midnight_Cruiser - 9 years ago
@haze 4293 Yes, you should be worried. They should not be kept together. Unless, you are breeding and know what you are doing. Please, separate them. I hope its not too late. He will eventually kill her
haze 4293
haze 4293 - 9 years ago
hey I know this vid is 3 years old but I got a pair today and the male is following the female and every now and then nipping her. should I be worried?
haze 4293
haze 4293 - 9 years ago
the male had a bubble nest. he was chasing her around lot but now he just slowly approaches her and before he has a chance to do anything the female swims away. all is good now. thanks for the reply
Candida Stabile
Candida Stabile - 9 years ago
2 things would they fight? and what brand of flakes should i give my salamander betta fish (I'm new)
Coolnicknameguy - 9 years ago
my female kills males :( and other fish 3 times her size, she has also attacked african dwarf frogs and my finger... I had another female that was agresive too.. idk if I have bad luck with the lady fishies or if they just crazy like human ladies are?
Zack Aquatics
Zack Aquatics - 7 years ago
Coolnicknameguy make sure the tank size is atleast 10 gallons
Jessica Perez
Jessica Perez - 7 years ago
Sounds like the diablo of fish
Abdullah Younas
Abdullah Younas - 7 years ago
Coolnicknameguy u watch rahim perdesi too
Cats and dogs are Kawaii and cute and Fluffy
Cats and dogs are Kawaii and cute and Fluffy - 7 years ago
Kaili Burns WHY are U laughing?
Coolnicknameguy - 8 years ago
+Kaili Burns being a future mother is no laughing matter.. and please tell me Im not the daddy! 
Stella Kaili Burns
Stella Kaili Burns - 8 years ago
I'm months late but I laughed so bad thank you.
Coolnicknameguy - 8 years ago
+Eclipse Girl only a crazy person feels the need to tell strangers they are not crazy in the YouTube comment section.
destiny bell
destiny bell - 8 years ago
omg lol
Nightackle45 something
Nightackle45 something - 9 years ago
they're playing tag!
123456789colton - 8 years ago
+Andre Zachary Yeah, Death Tag.
Dominique Freeman
Dominique Freeman - 9 years ago
Also having a big tank can tire out a small beta fish. If you want to have a big tank u will not see it as much because it will hide. So I think that your doing a fine job and can't believe how mean these ppl ARE HERE.
merel ik
merel ik - 8 years ago
the bigger the tank the better, I don't know what you're saying but their lifespawn will be waaaaaay longer in an big aquarium
Dominique Freeman
Dominique Freeman - 9 years ago
Ok also rule of thumb just for those who say that they need huge tanks to thrive...For every inch of a beta is a gallon of water. so not a inch does not need five gallons tank. Also this male wasn't attacking the female he was flaring something they do to get the female to like THEM. Kinda like dancing....or how a penguin gives nicest pebble. Just to let you know also I asked a breeder if you want to mate they will flare up and this size tank for that is perfect. just FYI
Mae Muffin
Mae Muffin - 8 years ago
Sounds good! I'll put a regular pleco in a 15 gallon and see how that works out!
skadi - 9 years ago
+Dominique Freeman The gallon per inch myth has been disproven time and again. Look at a tiger oscar for instance. A ten inch fish does not belong in a ten gallon tank, just as a two inch betta doesn't belong in a bowl. It's like living in a closet for your whole life because the square area of the space is numerically equal to your height.
This tank looks a bit too small for one happy betta, let alone two. Two shouldn't even be living together period, since in nature they get vast swaths of territory to themselves. Female only sororities can work, but those take at least 30 gallon tanks and a lot of trial and error to get working, and even then it's not suggested.
And just because somebody breeds the fish doesn't mean they're experts. Look at how Walmart and Petsmart treat the fish they breed.
Coolnicknameguy - 9 years ago
+Dominique Freeman people live 23 hours a day for 20 years in a 10 by 5 foot room... doesnt mean its ideal or they are happy...  a fish tank is a prison! end of story.. now that we got that out of the way rather you are a human or a fish if you are stuck in a prison and cant leave you want the most space possible.. my betta in a cup got happy in a 2.5 gallon happier in a 5 gallon then supper happy in a 20gallon.. put him back in the 2.5 he was sader then he was in the cup, reason why is he got use 20 20gallons... back when he was 1st in the 2,5 he was happy cause he was use to a cup!    so yes theres the 1 ich gallon rule that mostly aplys so you can keep the water in check but if you really want a happy thriving fish bigger will always be better
Dominique Freeman
Dominique Freeman - 9 years ago
they don't need a huge tank... I have had experienced this before and they for some reason lived much longer in a tank of this size and I have many places for them to hide. I just bought this thing that looks like a jelly fish off eBay for like under a buck that floats at top with a bubble of air and my last red beautiful half moon beta was in it most of the time unless I fed him. My husband was amazed at how much he loved that thing.
Destini Duckett
Destini Duckett - 8 years ago
+Dominique Freeman Hi! It's actually reccomended a minimum of 5 gallons of water per one betta fish (I'd reccomend 2-3 for those who can't afford larger tanks). Often-time, people mistake a betta's ability to live in small spaces as a preference- it's not. Maybe the reason larger tanks didn't work for you is because of the water quality? They're meant to live 2 to four years..I'm not saying they can't survive in small tanks, but a betta would be a lot happier in larger bodies of water, trust me.
Dominique Freeman
Dominique Freeman - 9 years ago
Do they have to be the same kinds of beta? like I have a half moon beta female does it have to be a half moon male as well?
Andre Tey
Andre Tey - 9 years ago
+Dominique Freeman no they do not have to be the same type,but the best is to breed it to the same type so the offspring will have the same tailtype as shorttail are dominant over long tails
armobabe181 - 9 years ago
your female is so pretty! mine looks more like a sunset. my friend who works with fish suggested that if i wanted them to mate, i would have to get multiple females so that the aggression is not concentrated on just one female
Perfect Piggy
Perfect Piggy - 9 years ago
they will get mad at each other! IDIOT!
Brenda Mahan
Brenda Mahan - 8 years ago
+Perfect Piggy true idiots piggy.
Perfect Piggy
Perfect Piggy - 9 years ago
thank you! :)
Dominique Freeman
Dominique Freeman - 9 years ago
wow your nice...
Meg Montales
Meg Montales - 9 years ago
a Viel Tail
Jessica Perez
Jessica Perez - 9 years ago
putting a female and male together they will probably try to kill each other so no but if you have gentle ones the still no
Cheryl Dahl
Cheryl Dahl - 9 years ago
My male betta is making a bubble nest, so I was thinking he wanted a girl :)
MagicalMoon - 9 years ago
i have a boy fish but i wanna gurl in there will they fight plz reaspond to me
rigoberto gonzalez
rigoberto gonzalez - 8 years ago
they Will mate but it is natural for them to fight just put some plants and the female Will Take cover then u Will see
iitracy - 8 years ago
MagicalMoon yes they will fight I had mine fight and the female had its skin ripped off IMMEANT. ALITTE
Nik Marren
Nik Marren - 8 years ago
not all of them will just mate,
Bryan Garcia
Bryan Garcia - 8 years ago
separate the tank into two parts
Darth Raider
Darth Raider - 8 years ago
I know someone who has a male and female together in a 2 gallon tank and they get along for the most part
Darth Raider
Darth Raider - 8 years ago
I just bought a female and my stupid male keeps attacking her. What should I do? 5 gallon tank
Patricia Serna
Patricia Serna - 8 years ago
+FuriousGamer1125 I don't know how aggressive he is but my female is not aggresive
Bryan Garcia
Bryan Garcia - 8 years ago
they will
Michael Brooks
Michael Brooks - 8 years ago
plants never hurt. just my recommendation. if you break up line of sight enough or distract them into exploring it'll really tone down the aggression.
Candy Perez
Candy Perez - 8 years ago
My bettas are fine I have barely a few plants two houses and sand and they don't try to fight or kill each other
Michael Brooks
Michael Brooks - 8 years ago
if your tank is larger than 20 ish gallons and HEAVILY planted with plenty of hiding places you'll be fine.
Ferocis - 8 years ago
You CANNOT. Put a female betta with a male betta. If you are trying to mate them they MUST be READY. If they're not he will kill the female betta. Please don't try this.
Puppypop 101
Puppypop 101 - 8 years ago
They will
Candy Perez
Candy Perez - 9 years ago
no I have a boy and girl betta they aren't aggressive but the boy betta chases the girl betta
Travis M
Travis M - 9 years ago
looks like there getting alone to me
Nightackle45 something
Nightackle45 something - 9 years ago
no they wont fight they will mate
Jenna Mooneyhan
Jenna Mooneyhan - 9 years ago
+Galindesa will they kill each other
Gahlin - 9 years ago
+Adrailien Films Yes they will fight.
Uteopia - 9 years ago
the male is not ready to breed all it wants to do is kill the female, i feel sorry for the female i bet it didn't last long.
Olivia Vandyke
Olivia Vandyke - 9 years ago
would it be ok to put the in a .5 gallon tank with plants
nyyanks937 - 9 years ago
+Olivia Vandyke It would probably survive in a .5 gallon, but I would recommend at least 1 or 2 gallon. Plus it depends on its size. Some bettas are bigger than others. I used to have a small one is a .5 gallon, but now I have a bigger one in a 2 gallon.
Alyssa Johnson
Alyssa Johnson - 9 years ago
you dumb bitch. you aren't supposed to put them in that small thank to where the female can't hide. And chasing eachother causes them both stress
Dominique Freeman
Dominique Freeman - 9 years ago
Seriously???? Who are you to call anyone a stupid bitch? Also I have had a male beta and female beta both of different types in this size tank and after he realized it wasn't a male they got along fine actually they lived over two yrs together and had plenty of babies. No fish or any animals come in and don't check out the other and if this fish wants to hide she has that cup in still and can take it out at any time. If you call someone names it seems like your the bitch.
Madalyn Christiansen
Madalyn Christiansen - 9 years ago
don't put them in the same tank!!
Dominique Freeman
Dominique Freeman - 9 years ago
males and makes aren't supposed to be in the same tanks together. Females and males are... At first all males do this because they font understand why or what it is and when they do they are fine. I had two-year life span with my female n male. It helps to do research
LuckyBunnPOP - 9 years ago
what happen with your female betta fish? And second of all male + female sometimes =fight=death or injury to one.
Fariha Ahmed
Fariha Ahmed - 7 years ago
LuckyBunnPOP yeah ik, i was new to it , i put male and female betta together, my female Fish died badly
A T L - 9 years ago
+Kimberly Blanc You sexist.
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 9 years ago
why have the glass things in the bottom?   Makes it harder for the male to get the eggs and put them into the bubble nest.
Bella and Bettas
Bella and Bettas - 9 years ago
That tanks much too small
spiritawakensx101 - 9 years ago
You can't put a girl betta in with a boy betta the boy betta will kill the female betta like in this video
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 8 years ago
It's pretty bad.
Ian King.
Ian King. - 8 years ago
Yeah I know that's how Bata fish mate. I have a few of um.
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 8 years ago
+Ian King. The male usually kills the female after she is out of eggs. She would no longer be of use to him, just taking up space, so he will kill her to get rid of her.
Cheryl Dahl
Cheryl Dahl - 9 years ago
+Lexi Kent What size tank did you have?
Lexi Kent
Lexi Kent - 9 years ago
+jamie h nope sorry but your wrong and i had FIVE females living with one male
Ian King.
Ian King. - 9 years ago
That's how they mate. Alot of animals do stuff like this.
Madasi - 9 years ago
Unless they mate
Kim - 9 years ago
In like every animal species the male is better looking then the girl
Johanna L Romero
Johanna L Romero - 7 years ago
Nikki Morehouse
Nikki Morehouse - 9 years ago
I just put my male betta in with my female beta and they are ignoring each other. Been 20 minutes and the male puffed his gills out but the female wants nothing to do with him and i think he knows that. So they are away from each other. How long should i wait til either mating or fighting happens?
Jay Morgan
Jay Morgan - 9 years ago
Add more plants! Own place to hide and get away from each other now and again!! Check my newest video, im having problems and mines 35 ltrs so i dread to think how yours are doing, look at my tank though, plenty of places to hide !!!
sleepy - 9 years ago
Asdasd Asdas
Asdasd Asdas - 10 years ago
was it successful?
Gahlin - 10 years ago
No, they didn't mate.
Asdasd Asdas
Asdasd Asdas - 10 years ago
as in he ate the eggs?
Gahlin - 10 years ago
No, the tank was too small.
RainbowLoomCrafts - 10 years ago
I just bought that vish but mine is red and I luv it
Darren Connelly
Darren Connelly - 10 years ago
Male us usually more colourful / flamboyant
Tharmiethaa Puvi
Tharmiethaa Puvi - 9 years ago
True lmao
Windel Montecalvo
Windel Montecalvo - 10 years ago
How do we if its a male or female beta?
Vs Chatu
Vs Chatu - 10 years ago
We know if it's a male if the betta has longer and fatter fins/tails. When it's a female, the fins are shorter.
Alora K
Alora K - 10 years ago
Why did you put them together?
Alora K
Alora K - 9 years ago
+Dominique Freeman they shouldn't be put together at all, unless you're breeding them purposely (which is a lot of work!) or you want your female to die. or the male. some of my females have beat the absolute shit out of my males, they find chasing and eating those big tails is a fun game and it traumatizes the males.
Dominique Freeman
Dominique Freeman - 9 years ago
because it's a female n male and they are fine together
Lol - 10 years ago
Oh she was trying to get them to mate stupidly tho lol
Lol - 10 years ago
That's what I'm wondering
Rene Perez831
Rene Perez831 - 10 years ago
I have a 55 gallon tank with bunch of goldfishes and other fish and I have one small red betta and another big blue betta and they are just ignoring each other but I think the blue one is a girl
Henry James
Henry James - 8 years ago
+gareth taylor They are tropical fish - they shouldn't be in cold water... That is cruel, whether they have lived in the aquarium for a year or not.
gareth taylor
gareth taylor - 9 years ago
mine are in a cold water set up have been for over a year now
Lol - 10 years ago
That's what I was about to say ^^
Alora K
Alora K - 10 years ago
dont put goldfish in with tropical fish, goldfish are cold water fish and obviously bettas and whatever else is in there are probably tropical. you'll shorten the lifespan of either the goldfish or the tropical by putting them in water thats not meant for them
Gahlin - 10 years ago
What about the red one?
Gahlin - 10 years ago
Wow, 10k views! thanks!
YAHYA ABDI - 7 years ago
Gahlin upgrade to a 5 or ten gallon
animal addict
animal addict - 8 years ago
+Adorable Gamer unless it's a plakat
Assassin Gamer
Assassin Gamer - 8 years ago
Max Amps males have way larger tails and fins
Max Amps
Max Amps - 8 years ago
so the males have larger fins. and opposite for the females?
Gahlin - 10 years ago
Johnie Ramirez
Johnie Ramirez - 10 years ago
can you put them in a 1 Gallon tank?
Gahlin - 10 years ago
No they would be too crowded.
Beatle Bug
Beatle Bug - 10 years ago
ones a girl ones a boy the boy has bigger fins then the girl :)
Jaryam Cueva
Jaryam Cueva - 10 years ago
U should put hidding places for each one
Fish Forever11
Fish Forever11 - 10 years ago
they will kill each other
Cynthia Sandoval
Cynthia Sandoval - 10 years ago
There trying to mate
❤chantel❤ - 10 years ago
Smart way to introduce them! Btw how many gallons is that tank?
Gahlin - 10 years ago
2.5 Gallons. Thanks :D
Nuno Costa
Nuno Costa - 10 years ago
they r 2 males boy,,,,
Gahlin - 10 years ago
They aren't both males. One is a male and one is a female. We checked when purchasing them and also did some research ourselves. Also, I am not a boy.
Frosty - 10 years ago
Were they fighting
Gahlin - 10 years ago
Yeah, I seperated them.
Gaby Luisa
Gaby Luisa - 10 years ago
How can you tell if it's a girl or boy?
Dominique Freeman
Dominique Freeman - 9 years ago
It is much better if you get a separater for the middle. I remember mine did this at first because I DIDN'T put them in at the same time he decided it was his place not hers so I put a separater in the middle and they got use to each other and he realized she was a female and they were fine for two years together and had a few babies. But because of age they died. well the male first the female lasted for another yr
Gahlin - 10 years ago
+Gaby Quinonez They will, unless they are ready to mate. So don't! lol :D
Gaby Luisa
Gaby Luisa - 10 years ago
tyler zink
tyler zink - 10 years ago
+Gaby Quinonez You can tell the sex of the betta by looking at the size of the tail. The males have a larger tails and fins. My male has a about an inch and a half sized tail and the female im getting has a tail about a half inch in length.
Gaby Luisa
Gaby Luisa - 10 years ago
Ok thank you :)
Gahlin - 10 years ago
no. That is a bubble nest. The male usually builds a bubble nest when he is ready to mate with the female.
Gaby Luisa
Gaby Luisa - 10 years ago
Thank you I have a blue and red one and one has a lot of bubbles on top my brother says it's air bubbles he's right,right?
Gahlin - 10 years ago
The male has the longer and wider fins.
nathaly funes
nathaly funes - 10 years ago
How do u know when he is playing with her? I mean chase her cuz he likes her no to attack her??
Lol - 10 years ago
Males chase females when there ready to breed
ItzaNikkiHere - 10 years ago
Well males are really aggressive sometimes. If they splash or repeat hitting then they might not be playing
nathaly funes
nathaly funes - 10 years ago
How do u know when he is playing with her? I mean chase her cuz he likes her no to attack her??
BestAtHaloButNotReally AlthoughIAmPrettyGood
BestAtHaloButNotReally AlthoughIAmPrettyGood - 10 years ago
galindesa is my brother and now i have 1 of these Betta fishes that has grown alot
Obi1Goosie2043 - 10 years ago
They are very pretty fish! 
Gahlin - 10 years ago
Thanks :)
Palmer Fish Cave
Palmer Fish Cave - 11 years ago
Do you have plans to upgrade sizes of your fish tank? I have like 8 aquariums right now. check out my vids

100. comment for Introducing my Male And Female Betta Fish Together (chasing)

Gahlin - 11 years ago
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
ok cool, thx
IceKid2009 - 11 years ago
0:52 - Love At First Sight!
Gahlin - 11 years ago
I'll try and get a divider asap.
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
if you can figure out how to put a divider in so they can not see each other or get to each other that could work, or if you just got the female I would give her back to the store since you don't have the space right now, not trying to be mean just saying
Gahlin - 11 years ago
I don't have space for another tank right now.
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
ya, do not put them together, as you can see the male will kill the female, get a different tank for the female

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