Introducing new TANKMATES to my betta fish! // Betta Fish Community Tank

I got some new fish!!! I'll be teaching y'all how to introduce tankmates to an established betta, and meeting my new fishies c: make sure to like and subscribe ily all. sorry the water is so low, topped it up right after the video!!

Introducing new TANKMATES to my betta fish! // Betta Fish Community Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 28

Betta 8 years ago 34,141 views

I got some new fish!!! I'll be teaching y'all how to introduce tankmates to an established betta, and meeting my new fishies c: make sure to like and subscribe ily all. sorry the water is so low, topped it up right after the video!!

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Most popular comments
for Introducing new TANKMATES to my betta fish! // Betta Fish Community Tank

Joevert Luces
Joevert Luces - 7 years ago
Did they have diferrent foods? How will you feed them?
(I dont have any knowledge about fish)
Aaditya Sankpal
Aaditya Sankpal - 7 years ago
Hey guys I have a 5 gallon tank with a Betta in it and I want to add some tank Mates. Please advice something.
Hello Hannah
Hello Hannah - 7 years ago
Aaditya Sankpal your tank is too small for any other fish
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 7 years ago
The colors of the neons and that beautiful Betta go so well together! This tank is beautiful!
Soulless Senpai
Soulless Senpai - 7 years ago
Your betta looks just like my old betta! He's so gorgeous
Blazing Bettas
Blazing Bettas - 7 years ago
Hope your doing well my dear! Your videos were amazing
4okeydokey - 7 years ago
Is that a metal sieve your using..... Seriously?
JW Aquarium's
JW Aquarium's - 7 years ago
I'm a new subscriber hopefully you can subscribe back lol ☺
Team 4
Team 4 - 7 years ago
Hi can you plz sub me and see my fish vid
Shawnlyq - 7 years ago
How bout me :3
Kit Chan
Kit Chan - 7 years ago

10. comment for Introducing new TANKMATES to my betta fish! // Betta Fish Community Tank

RobsHat - 7 years ago
Did you acclimate the fish before you put them in? If you didn't you really should next time.
RobsHat - 7 years ago
HotSnowFall // HSF lmao foh
HotSnowFall // HSF
HotSnowFall // HSF - 7 years ago
IceyKicks lets just not argue... I am sorry for arguing! You just... Eh.... Subscribe to my channel
HotSnowFall // HSF
HotSnowFall // HSF - 7 years ago
IceyKicks i expected this answer! Wow how frickin lame you are! We are arguing because she didn't acclimate the fishes properly huh? Ok listen you ain't no expert! You are just 5 year old going though videos where people do mistake! Didn't you ever made a mistake? Why are you sooo lame?
RobsHat - 7 years ago
HotSnowFall // HSF are you retarded? I guess you don't understand the difference between a pet and food
HotSnowFall // HSF
HotSnowFall // HSF - 7 years ago
IceyKicks don't you eat fish? When you eat fish you are like tastyyyyyyy! And now you are talking about killing fish.... Huh?
HotSnowFall // HSF
HotSnowFall // HSF - 7 years ago
IceyKicks hmmm..... How dumb you are...
RobsHat - 7 years ago
HotSnowFall // HSF I don't watch her so foh and go play minecraft ya dumb cunt. If you like killing fish good for you
HotSnowFall // HSF
HotSnowFall // HSF - 7 years ago
HERE COMES THE FISH POLICE! IceyKicks do not act too smart! If you don't like her get out! And humans can make mistakes! Its normal
Joey Leung
Joey Leung - 7 years ago
she said she did and you could see her walking to the tank, if you watched the vid properly
Space Pets
Space Pets - 7 years ago
I looks really nice
Deakin - 7 years ago
nice betta. dumbo ear is my favourite!!
COOPER'S CICHILDS - 7 years ago
excellent video I liked the way you introduced you fish I do mine the same way for South Africans great job Thumbs up 100%
Nutella 13
Nutella 13 - 7 years ago
I got a betta with my 6 guppies and 6 neons (the same as yours) and two cat fish, they are getting along fine! Everything I put my finger in the water they all come and peck at it! Love my fish tank❤️
HAZZA - 7 years ago
Nutella 13 YES THANK YOU!!! I needed someone to confirm my choice was ok because I have 2 to corydoras and 6 guppies, now i you've said it works it gives me hope
Secret Person #2
Secret Person #2 - 7 years ago
ill see you guys so-
so wat you want to do is XDDDD
KeepRollingVideos - 7 years ago
you look absolutely cute.. my loss that your not in Houston Texas
Zachary - 7 years ago
Soren K
Soren K - 7 years ago
So I understand the Betta eventually stops chasing them, but as seen in the video, the betta continually "sprints" all over the tank. Do you take this as a sign of stress just from it knowing it isn't alone? I was about to do a similar community tank but with a 70 gallon and am wondering on yours or anyone's thoughts on that, thanks!
Renz Omila
Renz Omila - 7 years ago
are your plants, water plants?

20. comment for Introducing new TANKMATES to my betta fish! // Betta Fish Community Tank

LazyPops - 7 years ago
Thanks for the great video!

Btw What size of tank is this? Does tank size affect the possibility of aggression?
Shawnlyq - 7 years ago
Tank size would certainly affect the possibility of aggression :3 There's just not enough space to hide/swim/rest/etc
K - 7 years ago
i put one female betta in a community and she 's the one hiding like behind roots from plants and caves but comes out when hungry
Shawnlyq - 7 years ago
Similar, but mine's a male =_=
Aussie_bassen08 - 7 years ago
I'm in Australia and I can tell u got them from petbarn
InfiniteDeaths26 Gaming
InfiniteDeaths26 Gaming - 7 years ago
I have a 7 gallon do you think I'd be able to have a betta and neons or is it too small :c
Eddie Suh
Eddie Suh - 7 years ago
they should be fine, just make sure to get a female betta
InfiniteDeaths26 Gaming
InfiniteDeaths26 Gaming - 7 years ago
yes it was
my betta tried to eat my tetras..
Trick Shots
Trick Shots - 7 years ago
Post more
Taylor Rossi
Taylor Rossi - 7 years ago
omg i love your dress its so beautiful on you!
AngeL Paq
AngeL Paq - 7 years ago
my Betta ate part of one on within 12 hours and the second looked like he was going to last, after 2 days, I realized my Betta was hunting him,so I took out the tetra, but it was too late...he was too damaged
Shawnlyq - 7 years ago
Betta actually ate tetras!? :O
Tiliquatics - 7 years ago
oh im so sorry that happened to you!! it really depends on the betta fish's personality, it has been more than two months after this video and all my tetras are thriving with my betta. some betta fish do tend to be more aggressive than others though!!
Mezza Mez
Mezza Mez - 7 years ago
I'd be cautiously careful when doing this as the betta will attack the tetras
Carine Tan
Carine Tan - 7 years ago
neons are nippers , they will nip at the Betta's fin
MasterAquatics - 7 years ago
what music are you using?

30. comment for Introducing new TANKMATES to my betta fish! // Betta Fish Community Tank

MasterAquatics - 7 years ago
great video. keep uploading. nice fish.
Sidaarth Ramabhotla
Sidaarth Ramabhotla - 7 years ago
My betta is very aggressive he hates every other fish in my tank last time as soon as I added some neon tetras he killed one almost immediately so right now he is in a tank of high own
Roryyy Mercury
Roryyy Mercury - 7 years ago
What kind of shrimp can I have with bettas
Kiki K
Kiki K - 7 years ago
ghost shrimp are good :)
Charles Manson
Charles Manson - 7 years ago
you should get a plakat Betta, much more beautiful!
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 7 years ago
Neon tetras! They are beautiful, small, and peaceful (usually). They are practically perfect!
Kerm-kerm - 7 years ago
i think its just the camara angle..but why is why is the water level in the tank so low?
Tiliquatics - 7 years ago
i mentioned in the description that the water level was a low and i topped it up immediately after!! sorry about that :)
Alohareef 14g
Alohareef 14g - 7 years ago
Hello, love the video. I do very similar videos to yours and was wondering if you would check out my account. I already liked and subscribed. keep vids like this coming they are great
Tiliquatics - 7 years ago
will definitely check your channel out!!
Masterjedi688 - 8 years ago
On that size tank, you can add a few more neons.
Masterjedi688 - 7 years ago
How many gallons is the tank?
Masterjedi688 - 7 years ago
Tiliquatics nothing wrong with under stocking. It's recommended so the fish have plenty of room to swim, and grow if they are going to be a certain size and to also have enough oxygen.
Tiliquatics - 7 years ago
i like to understock my tank a little bit just in case since im paranoid uwu but if i would, i might add one more neon, to make it a better school c:
Caitlin'sAnimalAdventures - 8 years ago
hiya a used to have neon tetras but they died we also had clown poached and angle fish guppiez and much more but they died after about 2 years so now we have 1 fish so tommorow or the next day were getting more fish <3
boscoitalics - 7 years ago
Tiliquatics can I add neon tetras to a female beta tank? its 5 gallons
Tiliquatics - 7 years ago
thats very exciting!!! good luck with them c:
colinbarsby - 8 years ago
Really well done!
ShadowGin3 - 8 years ago
Your plants are amazing! did you use any fertilizer or special substrate to enhance their growth? Mine are always so small and keep dying off.
Tiliquatics - 7 years ago
not at all haha, i use root tabs but thats it. i think it might be that i have more fish in there, as the fish poop can act as fertilizer too. but otherwise, most plants need a settling in period before they start flourishing. good luck!!!
Bella Dwyer
Bella Dwyer - 8 years ago
What fish store did u get the fish from
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
Reptils 101 I got them at petbarn. I've been to a couple of fish stores but they always have such a stunning collection of bettas and their standard of care seems pretty good
Bella Dwyer
Bella Dwyer - 8 years ago
What fish store did u get the fish from
Marwan Almehairi
Marwan Almehairi - 7 years ago
if you want to save them dont buy from them, by you buying you are helping benefit the store so they will get more of what people often buy.
BlackFalls Gaming
BlackFalls Gaming - 7 years ago
But then you save them!
Ellen Jarrard
Ellen Jarrard - 7 years ago
Emily Olmos Those stores often abuse their animals.
Emily Olmos
Emily Olmos - 7 years ago
Reptils 101 petco and petsmart sells them
Alyssa Rose
Alyssa Rose - 8 years ago
I need help I have two Bettas and they're healthy I think but they just never move they're always just staying in the same place either hovering near the top or laying on the bottom. I do frequent water changes and they seem healthy otherwise. I just don't know why they're not active please help
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
maybe start saving up for one, because a heater is essential. otherwise, good luck with your fishies!!!!
Alyssa Rose
Alyssa Rose - 8 years ago
Tiliquatics no I can't
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
ohhhh that might be the case. you need a heater for the tank, as otherwise it might slow down their metabolism. are you able to get one??
Alyssa Rose
Alyssa Rose - 8 years ago
Tiliquatics okay thank you! I do have caves for my Bettas and one of my Bettas is in a 5 gallon but the other is in a like 1-2 gallon. I'll try to get him a larger tank soon. I don't have filters in either but I do water changes once a week and there's also fake plants in the tank. One tank has a heating lamp that keeps the water the right temp. But the other does not have a heater.
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
bettas are very active fish so it is great youre asking this question!! because many people just expect them to not move at all. usually if a betta fish isnt active its something to do with the tank setup. so it depends on size, decor/plants and filter. so check those and adjust accordingly c: so for size the tank should be 2.5 gallons or more, so they have adequate amount of space to swim. but the most IMPORTANT thing is for the decor to make the betta feel SAFE. in both my tanks basically 60-70 percent is planted, so the betta has lots of hiding spaces, and the plants provide lots of enrichment, like their own jungle gym. you can also buy caves for the betta to hide in. when i had my betta in a tank that had lots of wide open spaces, he was hiding a lot, but after planting lots (you can use fake plants too) he is out and about all the time. bettas also do get bored, so maybe change up the setup??? lastly, check your filter flow, if its too heavy, the betta would be unwilling to swim, as he'll just be pushed around. but remember to always check water parameters and signs of sickness c: hope this helped!
Foxgirlgamer - 8 years ago
I use to have neons in with my pleco. Unfortunately when I got my pleco my pleco killed my betta but calm bettas do awesome with neons.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 7 years ago
there are several species of plecos sold under the name common pleco.some are aggressive and will attack especially if they are one of the carnivorous species.while others are peaceful.

also I know how it most likely killed the either sucked on the bettas slime coat or the betta got to close its territory and it rubbed it against the bottom of the tank.

also what kind of plecos have you been breeding?if I'd have to guess probably bushy nose cause you defiantly aren't breeding the more exotic types because you didn't there are aggressive pleco species.
Lucaa - 8 years ago
The betta was probably irritating the plec
Foxgirlgamer - 8 years ago
+Luca Den Boer He attack him. Basically him and the betta got in a fight when I wasn't in the room. But I had saw where the pleco had attacked his tail when I came back in a few minutes later. He probably attacked the betta with his mouth.
Lucaa - 8 years ago
Foxgirlgamer but how did he kill the betta?
Foxgirlgamer - 8 years ago
+Luca Den Boer Yeah that is weird. But my pleco has only killed my betta. He's harmless but I think he got a little turtorial. He is fine with most over fish though.
Lucaa - 8 years ago
Foxgirlgamer well thats funny because i have been breeding plecos for 6 years and they never killed a single fish of me or of my friends
Foxgirlgamer - 8 years ago
+Luca Den Boer Common plecos are aggressive. Also yeah they do. They have been known too plus them and cichlids don't get along to well.
Lucaa - 8 years ago
Foxgirlgamer plecos dont kill
Foxgirlgamer - 8 years ago
+Tiliquatics Mine is a common pleco. The commons are normally aggressive, well tutorial. I didn't know that when I bought my pleco. Which is why I should of done research so I've learned my lesson to always do research with fish.
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
thats weird, plecos are usually relatively peaceful :< sorry that happened!! my betta was flaring at first, but they get along super great now!!
Katharine Lowen
Katharine Lowen - 8 years ago
I got a male koi betta...HES SO PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Narul Hiza Alin
Narul Hiza Alin - 7 years ago
Katharine Lowen nice
GalaxyCat 799
GalaxyCat 799 - 7 years ago
Damita - 8 years ago
love this video, sub back X
Champion Pets
Champion Pets - 8 years ago
Neons are so cool
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
they are adorable, and super funny when it comes to feeding time! <3
Skilled Reptile Lover
Skilled Reptile Lover - 8 years ago
Nice video I will subscribe too you
Skilled Reptile Lover
Skilled Reptile Lover - 8 years ago
Can subscribe to my YouTube channel and like my videos maybe

50. comment for Introducing new TANKMATES to my betta fish! // Betta Fish Community Tank

Brian and Xman's Aquariums
Brian and Xman's Aquariums - 8 years ago
looking good
David Betancourts aquariums
David Betancourts aquariums - 8 years ago
Miranda Random
Miranda Random - 8 years ago
I'm glad everything worked out :) the tank looks amazing :)
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
Miranda Random thank you!!!! They are doing fine run c:
Paris Jean
Paris Jean - 8 years ago
Wow such a pretty setup
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
Paris Jean thank you <3
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium - 8 years ago
Great looking driftwood. Treat it first to release some of the tannins :)
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium I definitely will! I boiled it yesterday but still have not decided when I want to put it in! thanks for watching c:
Coral Kid
Coral Kid - 8 years ago
Nice tank can you give me a shoutout and subscribe to my channel once I see you have done that I will subscribe to you
Jamie - 7 years ago
Coral Kid lol piss off
Animal life
Animal life - 8 years ago
Is there a filter and heater?
Up_Syndrome - 7 years ago
SC Park.
SC Park
SC Park - 8 years ago
AnImal life
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
AnImal life yup!!! I actually have two filters in there and a heater. It is just so heavily planted that you can't see them c:
Space Pets
Space Pets - 8 years ago
The neon tetras are so cute <3
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
Space Pets THEY ARE ADORABLE love watching them. Yuko sometimes stares at them from top of the tank too haha
Space Pets
Space Pets - 8 years ago
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
Space Pets Tell me about it
Caelantree 04
Caelantree 04 - 8 years ago
YOU HAVE NEON TETRAS TOO I DO ASWELL YAY by the way tetras are very hardy fish but if they have a diesiese they die like mine are now 1 and the ones before them died because they had a diesiese
Tiliquatics - 8 years ago
Caelantree 04 hopefully not!!! They seem to be very healthy schooling around the whole tank. But if I had more fish in a bigger tank I would definitely think about quarantining first!
Caelantree 04
Caelantree 04 - 8 years ago
i don't have Params
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
Caelantree 04 They are hardy with Params but can be affected by disease easier than most because of intense oinbreeding in Asian facilities.

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