Introducing new TANKMATES to my betta fish! // Betta Fish Community Tank
Betta 8 years ago 34,141 views
I got some new fish!!! I'll be teaching y'all how to introduce tankmates to an established betta, and meeting my new fishies c: make sure to like and subscribe ily all. sorry the water is so low, topped it up right after the video!!
(I dont have any knowledge about fish)
10. comment for Introducing new TANKMATES to my betta fish! // Betta Fish Community Tank
so wat you want to do is XDDDD
20. comment for Introducing new TANKMATES to my betta fish! // Betta Fish Community Tank
Btw What size of tank is this? Does tank size affect the possibility of aggression?
yes it was
my betta tried to eat my tetras..
30. comment for Introducing new TANKMATES to my betta fish! // Betta Fish Community Tank
also I know how it most likely killed the either sucked on the bettas slime coat or the betta got to close its territory and it rubbed it against the bottom of the tank.
also what kind of plecos have you been breeding?if I'd have to guess probably bushy nose cause you defiantly aren't breeding the more exotic types because you didn't there are aggressive pleco species.
50. comment for Introducing new TANKMATES to my betta fish! // Betta Fish Community Tank