Introducing your Betta to His Tank

How to properly acclimate your betta fish to his tank. Questions? Suggestions on a new topic? Leave it in the comments! For more info, check out

Introducing your Betta to His Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

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How to properly acclimate your betta fish to his tank. Questions? Suggestions on a new topic? Leave it in the comments! For more info, check out

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Most popular comments
for Introducing your Betta to His Tank

IPrefer Rain
IPrefer Rain - 7 years ago
This is awesome. Great help.
where's my cat?
where's my cat? - 8 years ago
sorry I know it's a dumb question but 26 degrees Celsius feels...very cold to the touch. is this normal? I have a thermometer btw :)
where's my cat?
where's my cat? - 7 years ago
Honeysimmer yup, I definitely cooked my previous betta....
Honeysimmer - 7 years ago
where's my cat? your body heat is about 36 degrees Celsius so it does feel cold but it fine
Jonathan Ngo
Jonathan Ngo - 8 years ago
I just bought a gorgeous paradise male on impulse, I'm glad I found your video! Mojito (had to go with a paradise themed name) seems happy in his new tank :))
Brilliant Bettas
Brilliant Bettas - 8 years ago
Nice tank and awesome betta fish
gmlasam - 9 years ago
Yea, this is easy if the new Betta is in a cup, but what if the new Betta is in a bag? How do you put him in the new fish tank safely?
April Smith
April Smith - 10 years ago
Really good video! The only thing that made me a little worried is when you took out almost all the water in his cup, which may have made him a little stressed, otherwise great video! :)
Giani - 10 years ago
Its an internet myth a tank cannot be cycled under 5 gal.  Check the Seachem studies.  I am cycling three tanks, 2.5 - 3.5 right now.  Provide bacteria a media and they will grow and eat.
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
The only thing im doing different compared to you is that i never pour a fish into the water. The surface can get real hard when a fish falls into it, and that may hurt them. Also i would never pour out that much water from the cup so the fish gets panic.
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
good job! i hope people really listen to your advice cause you seem to know what you are talking about. ;)

10. comment for Introducing your Betta to His Tank

litelboyblu - 11 years ago
i love his fins ! its cool cause one side is blue and the other side is clear i think lol but good info
Karley Makenly
Karley Makenly - 12 years ago
Karley Makenly
Karley Makenly - 12 years ago
umm... not to pop your bubble or anything but you are supposed to put your Betta in a bag and float him... and you are definitely NOT supposed to drain as much water as you can before putting him in his new tank, you need to mix in the water a lil bit especially if most of it is the water in your aquarium...
ChoyceFamily Studios
ChoyceFamily Studios - 12 years ago
how many gallons is ur tank?
joshisthebest100 - 12 years ago
would a betta live with neon tetra's, bumblebee gooby, ghost shrimp, snail, bubble mollies, swordtails and a loach?
SmokeNLark - 12 years ago
The bigger issue in warmer climates is stability of temperature. Fluctuations in temperature at night can be harmful. Get a thermometer and if the temp stays stable within about 2 degrees all day and night (in a safe range of course) then you should be ok.
VeganmindandbodY - 12 years ago
I live in Florida, and it is pretty warm this time of year... do I need a heater?
Horerczy - 13 years ago
@SmokeNLark I've never had that issue before. My small tanks maintain a healthy bacteria colony quite consistently. I find that rapid changes in the environment only come from finiky people constantly putting their hands in the tank to change things or draining the whole tank and scrubbing everything down.
SmokeNLark - 13 years ago
@Horerczy I agree that the bioload is enough to promote it. The problem is The small volume of water is a lot more susceptible to rapid changes in perimeters and is not stable enough to hold a stable cycle. It's not that it won't grow, it's that it will continually go through mini cycles and be more trouble than it's worth.
Horerczy - 13 years ago
@SmokeNLark I'm have to respectfully disagree there. Bactera will grow just fine in a small tank. The bioload will be high enough promote it as long as you don't completely strip the tank down to clean it. A small tank can get benefit from an undergravel filter or a tom dive clean mini filter (although the replacement cartridge design is rather wasteful). It does very little but it does enough that I have been able to cut down on the frequency of my water changes at the very least.

20. comment for Introducing your Betta to His Tank

SmokeNLark - 13 years ago
@Horerczy Thank you :) Yes bettas are hardy fish, but that doesn't mean that They should be subjected to more stress. Slower acclimation just means less stress. And a filter doesn't really "filter". It's main job is to facilitate good bacteria growth and cycle the tank. Anything under 5 gallons is really too small to hold a cycle, so no filter is needed. It basically does nothing. And yes, plants are great. Floating and otherwise. :)
Horerczy - 13 years ago
A very nice guide although with bettas I do not find drip acclamations like that to be too necessary. A simple temperature acclamation is usually fine. Bettas are hardy fish. For a two and a half gallon like that I would also use a nice small filter. something around 1-3 gallon rating. Also a floating plant, real or fake, is good as bettas sleep at the top of the water around plants in nature. I agree with you on pretty much all other points.
Jack Smith
Jack Smith - 13 years ago
@SmokeNLark Thanks.
SmokeNLark - 13 years ago
@prowilsontanman That is in degrees. The unit for Celsius and Fahrenheit are both degrees. There are websites online that will convert it for you. But that's about 26 degrees Celsius.
Jack Smith
Jack Smith - 13 years ago
@SmokeNLark how much is it in degrees can u convet it for me because i am clueless about converting it.
SmokeNLark - 13 years ago
@prowilsontanman Yes I mean Fahrenheit... 78 degrees Celsius is 172 degrees Fahrenheit.... Common sense here. 78 degrees it the proper temperature. If you use Celsius, obviously you need to convert it.
Jack Smith
Jack Smith - 13 years ago
78 degreess is gonna kill ur betta. U mean 78 degress farinhieght
SmokeNLark - 13 years ago
@dobbsywobbsy I have 3 heaters like that, and so fer, they are ok. I see no difference in having it vertical or horizontal. That heater does tend to stop working though. i would not recommend it. Also, I would not filter a tank less than 5 gallons. anything under that cannot be cycled properly. But in a bigger tank, buffering the filter is a great idea so the flow isn't strong. :)
dobbsywobbsy - 13 years ago
Cool! Thank you for the advice:D btw is your heater ok? Cuz I read if you have it placed vertical the thermostat doesn't work. Hope your Betta lives a happy life. Very sensible, but soft filtration is also good for the betta just for help!:)
biOh4z4Rd1 - 13 years ago
@trailerbz it's 3 gal but idt imma do daily 50% water changes mainly cuz it's tank isn't dirty yet and it has survived over a year in MUCH worse conditions... I have looked into a heater but I haven't found one yet that seems good enough at least... But it has been a lot more active and seems a lot healthier... But ya... I don't have room for a BIG tank and I dont have the time to clean it... I will clean it like maybe every 2-3 weeks ik it's supposed to be 1-2 but i think it will make it...

30. comment for Introducing your Betta to His Tank

biOh4z4Rd1 - 13 years ago
Thank you I just got a new tank for my betta cuz it has a tiny tank my little sister got it (it was hers when she got it) so now I know to get a heater soon but I wanna know if i really have to wait 2-3 days to let the tank "aerate"...?

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