Is My Betta Fish Okay?
Betta 7 years ago 263 views
Hello. I Recently Baught A Betta Fish I Put it in the tank the next day it was sick so I put it in the container that it was in when I baught it and then I cleaned out the tank put in the conditioner and some treatments and filter and the heater and I needed to wait for it to cycle. After that I went to watch a movie came back to my room to check on my betta... I saw it on the floor jumping. I swear it jumped out of the container but my container was closed but it had a feeding hole and it jumped out from that. I Was so sad and I was crying until someone came to help the fish and that person was my mom she put it in the tank, the betta fish was in the top for oxygen but the tank was not cycled. If any of you guys could help me comment on this video I really need help I'm literally crying I baught it 2 days ago. I also upped the dosage with some aquarium salt and his skin is like peeling off and he is really bloated.
Try adding aquarium salt. From what I saw he looks a little down, but something he can get over with.
I make betta videos maybe I might have a helpful video. Good luck.
I would just wait in see how he is in the morning. He might need time to recover.