It works! 2 Male, 8 Female Betta Splendens together in a 17 Gallon Aquarium
Betta 8 years ago 15,695 views
Trying to have 2 Male Bettas in the same aquarium. It works! 2 Male Bettas and 8 Female Bettas in the same tank. Mixed Aquarium Videos: Zacks Swim Tales: Long Fishroom videos: Puffer Videos: More playlists:
If you're not too invested to get top quality betta fishes in tail, fins, scale, color, then sure it's no problem. Having the top end one, I would think people would think twice before trying to prove a non point regarding betta fishes throwing them into the same tank.
And I liked the white one more! :-D So what fun is that? If he always stay hidden.
Plus, after a few months when he would have gotten bigger, they may as well have killed each other during the night, all of a sudden. But the Betta Sorority and 1 male worked for a long time. :-)
10. comment for It works! 2 Male, 8 Female Betta Splendens together in a 17 Gallon Aquarium
20. comment for It works! 2 Male, 8 Female Betta Splendens together in a 17 Gallon Aquarium
Plus, after a few months when he would have gotten bigger, they may as well have killed each other during the night, all of a sudden. But the Betta Sorority and 1 male worked for a long time. :-)
But you can always try? I often try things that people say can not be done.
But I think I am going to move one of them.
No point of having a beautiful fish, if he always hide.
I could not have been saying it better myself. Totally agree.
Of course fish can be stressed when you are adding new fish.
Watch my latest video. No stripes today.
But in Sweden they do not keep Bettas like that. In the stores I mean.
And we have rules about legal tank size for each tropical fish.
30. comment for It works! 2 Male, 8 Female Betta Splendens together in a 17 Gallon Aquarium
But the people in the Petstores and pages/forums feels the need to say "NO" ...