It works! 2 Male, 8 Female Betta Splendens together in a 17 Gallon Aquarium

Trying to have 2 Male Bettas in the same aquarium. It works! 2 Male Bettas and 8 Female Bettas in the same tank. Mixed Aquarium Videos: Zacks Swim Tales: Long Fishroom videos: Puffer Videos: More playlists:

It works! 2 Male, 8 Female Betta Splendens together in a 17 Gallon Aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 18

Betta 8 years ago 15,695 views

Trying to have 2 Male Bettas in the same aquarium. It works! 2 Male Bettas and 8 Female Bettas in the same tank. Mixed Aquarium Videos: Zacks Swim Tales: Long Fishroom videos: Puffer Videos: More playlists:

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Most popular comments
for It works! 2 Male, 8 Female Betta Splendens together in a 17 Gallon Aquarium

Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
Alex Esskew
Alex Esskew - 7 years ago
So put a comment up like an hour ago surprised you commented on it because of how fast i deleted it, but yes, i have 2 crown tail bettas i got from walmart and they live happily in a 5gal tank
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
I always answer comments. I think that more Youtubers should put in more time for that. Gets more personal in my opinion.
bebebutterfield1 - 7 years ago
I have a female beta in a 40 gallon with mollies and guppies, snails, plecos, shrimp...the usual suspects. I'de like to move one male beta into that tank as I have scud shrimps and pond snails coming as food for my pea puffers. His 10 gallon tank would be great to start them out in, loads of algae. I just haven't gotten brave enough to put him in.
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
Plenty of cover is the key. With that said, they will still chase and stress each other more then if you would have them alone of course.
Bruno and Animals
Bruno and Animals - 7 years ago
I have 2 male 0 female I got my males as a baby’s
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
If you have a lot alot of plants it can be done! People are just angry because they have not tried. :-)
Tavor Swoods
Tavor Swoods - 7 years ago
Great video! I️ wish I️ could find some extraordinary Betta like you. Where did you buy yours from? Could you check out my Betta Monarchy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
I just got mine from my LFS. Sure I will checkout your video. :-)
Bob J-M Gervais
Bob J-M Gervais - 7 years ago
pretty nice!
Luke Ryuzaki
Luke Ryuzaki - 7 years ago
One Cyan is clearly stressed out and being bullied. Sure Betta fishes ain't fighting to the death like the myth, but they ain't community fish neither.

If you're not too invested to get top quality betta fishes in tail, fins, scale, color, then sure it's no problem. Having the top end one, I would think people would think twice before trying to prove a non point regarding betta fishes throwing them into the same tank.
JBJ Acuarios Chernobyl
JBJ Acuarios Chernobyl - 7 years ago
Cool tank!!!
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Alan Parr
Alan Parr - 7 years ago
As I watched your video I couldn’t help but notice that the white crowntail was hiding all the time. After a week or so and you see the crowntail is still hiding.., you may want to consider removing the fish. It’s not healthy for a fish to live in fear .., nor is it right. I hope in time the crowntail does fit into your beautiful community tank but if not.., then it’s time to remove him. Just be observant and decide what is best for the fish.
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
It worked perfectly in that 17 Gallon. But it only worked because the smaller male were to scared to fight. So he would just stay hidden all the time. So I moved the blue one after 14 days.
And I liked the white one more! :-D So what fun is that? If he always stay hidden.
Plus, after a few months when he would have gotten bigger, they may as well have killed each other during the night, all of a sudden. But the Betta Sorority and 1 male worked for a long time. :-)

10. comment for It works! 2 Male, 8 Female Betta Splendens together in a 17 Gallon Aquarium

Dino Pizza
Dino Pizza - 7 years ago
Hi, last night my betta fish died (sad news). But I had a question, how do you clean these tanks where you have plants planted in the rocks like that, I mean do you take the gravel out etc, or how does it all happen, without the fishes crap and plant debris building up, do you just clean the tank walls and water change only? Thank you in advance.
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
I never clean my gravel, I only do waterchanges and the plants take care of the rest. :-) Go to my playlists on my channel. I have a lot of planted aquariums. And I do not ever clean the gravel or sand in any of them. Good Luck Next time.
Kerry Mccarthy
Kerry Mccarthy - 7 years ago
I'd like to see how this tank is doing later on...
Shaden0040 - 7 years ago
Yup all you need is enough females to keep the males preoccupied. I had 2 males and 10 females in a community 55 gallon and they never fought. You need to make sure there are enough plants and aqua scaping to break up the line of sights as much as possible.
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
I tried to do it without a lot of plants once.... Did NOT work at all!
Faly Guillaume
Faly Guillaume - 7 years ago
I’ve also done this and it worked for me for a very long time almost about a year until they both males dies. But I did mate one of the male with a female and I have all the babies living in the same tank with 0 problems. So this is achievable. I have a 60 gallon tank so there is plenty of room for them.
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
Like you said. It CAN be done. But I would not recommend it to anybody.
Omar Mohammad Al Janaideh
Omar Mohammad Al Janaideh - 7 years ago
How many fish can you put in a 5.5 gallon l have 4 fish ?
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
Omar Mohammad Al Janaideh It depends on how much, water changes, filtration, food and plants. To hard to answer.
david wilinski
david wilinski - 7 years ago
Love the tank. I keep 17 bettas in an 80 gallon tank. I think accumulating the fish slowly and having lots of plants is key. I think they make gorgeous community fish.
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
Absolutely! Betta tanks are awesome. :-)
King JMJ25
King JMJ25 - 7 years ago
I have a community tank and in my community tank most of it is livebearer and also 2 cory and 2 male betta and 1 female and they're doing fine you can watch my video in my channel
King JMJ25
King JMJ25 - 7 years ago
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy yeah but mine is not that heavy planted tank but they're still good because one of the male betta is trying to avoid the other male that's why they don't fight. Btw thanks if you watch my video
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
It can work, with a lot of plants and hiding places. I will checkout your channel!
Adlerauge Wissenschaft
Adlerauge Wissenschaft - 7 years ago
Not enough plants. Use fertilizer. Two males and not enough plants. The white one is hiding all the time an stressed.
The Budget Aquarist
The Budget Aquarist - 7 years ago
checkout my video on 4 bettas...2 males and 2 females... living happily in a 15 gallon tank.
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
I will! :-)
T. Bui
T. Bui - 7 years ago
I love coming across videos like this! Most people think that bettas (especially males) will always kill each other when they are placed in the same tank. It all boils down to their unique personalities. I currently have 1 plakat male with 6 females in a 54 gallon with 6 corydoras, 5 platys, and cardinal tetras. Everybody is getting along even after almost 3 months!
The Budget Aquarist
The Budget Aquarist - 7 years ago
T. Bui. checkout my video on 4 bettas...2 males and 2 females... living happily in a 15 gallon tank.
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
It is awesome with a Betta Community tank! They look so beautiful together! Sound like a nice setup you have. :-) Thanks for watching!

20. comment for It works! 2 Male, 8 Female Betta Splendens together in a 17 Gallon Aquarium

Debbie Clayton
Debbie Clayton - 7 years ago
I have only seen this done successfully in a very heavily planted 40 gallon breeder. I think that you are playing with fire but I hope that it works out; just monitor closely. I do think that you are crazy btw! lol
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
And I liked the white one more! :-D So what fun is that? If he always stay hidden.
Plus, after a few months when he would have gotten bigger, they may as well have killed each other during the night, all of a sudden. But the Betta Sorority and 1 male worked for a long time. :-)
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
It worked perfectly in that 17 Gallon. But it only worked because the smaller male were to scared to fight. So he would just stay hidden all the time. So I moved the blue one after 14 days...
TheAilaS - 7 years ago
Nice tank. The Bettas look peaceful. You did really good job. Nice fishes. I have only one dumbo betta in 5 g planted tank.
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
Thank you! Dumbos are really nice. :-) Bettas are beautiful! Thanks for watching.
Raikiri Furude Tachibana
Raikiri Furude Tachibana - 7 years ago
You going to have a crap load of baby fries if you leave them there.
Radoslav Rabajda
Radoslav Rabajda - 7 years ago
Great tank, good job. It looks nice
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
Thanks man! I am not sure what you mean about the T-Shirts? But thanks for watching Jan. :-)
Jasmin Hanemann
Jasmin Hanemann - 7 years ago
the other fish are female betta?
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
Yes! :-)
Andrew Lion
Andrew Lion - 7 years ago
eh my friend if you need help with Bettas.i can help you. i know a lot and love breeding them. But I was wondering if you could help me.
Andrew Lion
Andrew Lion - 7 years ago
4 more and one new tank I still thinking on
Andrew Lion
Andrew Lion - 7 years ago
One of them
Andrew Lion
Andrew Lion
Andrew Lion - 7 years ago
Same here... like my red tail sharks with my Bettas and barbs and no one gets hurt. But if you get some I would love to know more. But for breeding Bettas I have two have tanks
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
Okay, these fishes are awesome. I have been thinking about getting them myself. :-) But they need really hard water. So tetras in the same tank is going to be hard.
But you can always try? I often try things that people say can not be done.
Andrew Lion
Andrew Lion
Andrew Lion - 7 years ago
Lamprologus ocellatus
Andrew Lion
Andrew Lion - 7 years ago
1 min looking in my book for the name then
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
Always give me the Latin names of the fish. Otherwise it is to hard to know which one. Every country has different names. :-)
Andrew Lion
Andrew Lion - 7 years ago
i wanted to get gold cellars but I never had them before but how will are they with other fish like bards and tetras
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
Ask away! I will try my best to answer if I know the answer. :-)
Jack smith
Jack smith - 8 years ago
Do they still get along now?
Jack smith
Jack smith - 8 years ago
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy Yeah that sounds like a good idea. :)
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 8 years ago
Jack smith Yeah, because one of them is afraid and always hiding.
But I think I am going to move one of them.
No point of having a beautiful fish, if he always hide.
Electric Water
Electric Water - 8 years ago
beautiful man it's great to see them have soooooo much space to play around in and I think that plays a big factor for them all getting along and the plants help block there view great job
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 8 years ago
electric water Thanks Bro!
I could not have been saying it better myself. Totally agree.
Donna - 8 years ago
I'd say great, job well done IF a couple of those females didn't have stress stripes.
Donna - 8 years ago
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy No problem ;)
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 8 years ago
Donna It is okay! But I appreciate you saying that.
Donna - 8 years ago
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy Btw my other comments didn't mean to sound like I'm a bitch, I'm not at all.
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 8 years ago
Donna Thanks!
Donna - 8 years ago
+Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy That's good news, glad it's working out for you :)
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 8 years ago
Donna Well I can not se any stripes at all now.
Of course fish can be stressed when you are adding new fish.
Watch my latest video. No stripes today.
Donna - 8 years ago
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy Yes, vertical stripes are breeding stripes, these are horizontal stress stripes.
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 8 years ago
Donna They also show stripes when they are in spawning mode.
Mark's Ark Aquarium's
Mark's Ark Aquarium's - 8 years ago
Great looking tank.the Betta's look so peaceful.They really enjoy your aquascaping.I hate seeing Betta's in a cup at the fish store's,it makes me sick and the little Betta tank's they sell are so small.Good to see You and other Betta keeper's give the fish room to demonstrate natural behavier.Fish On
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 8 years ago
Mark's Ark Thank you Bro!
But in Sweden they do not keep Bettas like that. In the stores I mean.
And we have rules about legal tank size for each tropical fish.

30. comment for It works! 2 Male, 8 Female Betta Splendens together in a 17 Gallon Aquarium

Reggie's H&P Cichlids
Reggie's H&P Cichlids - 8 years ago
Very nice
AqualifeTv - 8 years ago
looking good :P they didnt even flare
Andrew Lion
Andrew Lion - 7 years ago
your blue look like a half moon
Andrew Lion
Andrew Lion - 7 years ago
my bettas male and female love picking on my sharks and make then think the barbs are doing it
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 8 years ago
AqualifeTv Thanks bro. Yeah, I think that everyone has a great mind of there own.
But the people in the Petstores and pages/forums feels the need to say "NO" ...
AqualifeTv - 8 years ago
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy yeah i ve bred and kept many bettas, everyone has his own personality, i had females that killed everything
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 8 years ago
AqualifeTv Yeah, I am confused.
Isometric Aquariums
Isometric Aquariums - 8 years ago
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 8 years ago
Isometric Aquariums Yeah, hope it will work!

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