JEFF'S IN THE HOSPITAL! - Betta Fish Fin Rot Cure / Treatment
Betta 7 years ago 171,893 views
Buy Betta Fish Online ► Use Code "AQUA10" For 10% Off! Betta Tank Setup: COOL Monterey Bay Aquarium Pics: Products Used To Cure/Treat Fin Rot: Aquarium Salt ► BettaFIX ► AND WATER CHANGES :) Like This Video? Give It A THUMBS UP! 👍 Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE! Get Our FREE 15 Aquarium Tips ➨ Daily Pics and Vids on Social Media! Instagram ► Facebook ► Twitter ► Check Out Some Playlists: DIY ............► Fish ..........► Science ....► Plants ......► Reviews ...► Popular Videos You Might Like: DIY Project .......► Aqua Science ...► Plant Profile .....► Fish Profile .......► Review ..............► Some Of My Favorite Stuff Fish Food .........► Project Pump....► Heater ...............► LED Light ..........► MUSIC: In This Video: Today we talk about how to cure and treat betta fin rot. Its a common problem for betta fish but luckily its pretty easy to get rid of. Its even easier to prevent :) Thanks For Watching Guys!!! Don't Forget To 👍 The Video!
10. comment for JEFF'S IN THE HOSPITAL! - Betta Fish Fin Rot Cure / Treatment
20. comment for JEFF'S IN THE HOSPITAL! - Betta Fish Fin Rot Cure / Treatment
Fins out “eeeerr” parks
Fins out “eeeerr” stops
Fins out “eeerr” stops
30. comment for JEFF'S IN THE HOSPITAL! - Betta Fish Fin Rot Cure / Treatment
My betta fish finns have same problem ;i want to send its picture to you ;can you plz help
No ammonia or anything in the water. He seems to be getting worse every day. ): What do I do?
Has anyone else experienced their betta hitting themselves on the tank wall? What does this mean/what did you do to prevent it from happening again?
50. comment for JEFF'S IN THE HOSPITAL! - Betta Fish Fin Rot Cure / Treatment
He has, Swim Disorder, Velvet, and Popeye (maybe tuberculosis)
What you say is very true, but the misinformation out there for good betta care seems to loudly outweigh what's best for just about any fish. Most people still think the rules don't apply to an honestly fascinating fish with a big personality when treated right. It's laughed off as "excessive."
100. comment for JEFF'S IN THE HOSPITAL! - Betta Fish Fin Rot Cure / Treatment
Thanks. Your video is very helpful as well.
If you want, you can feed him less at meal time so when you do go visit or get near you can pop in one or two pellets just to treat him during the day :)
he is a blue Betta fish I think he is a he
Another thing to put in your tank to avoid fin rot is Indian almond leaves those leaves a miracle for betta fish.
It's be-ta
Most common mistake is calling it "beita"
I hope the fish survive the tank maturation process (30-45 days). During this time all opportunistic bacteria will easily kill a fish. Adding solutions to a small volume of water is really not helping. It disrupts the water cycle's maturation.
Really the easiest way to successful betta keeping is properly maturing a tank.
depends on room temperature
*immediately runs to tank
Its kind of a natural thing for them (but also they might like jumping from time to time since there are some that seem to be.. playful.. in their personality)
But I agree with you and beyond.. Cover all your aquariums that has fish that can be jumpers ( if you read about the fish you have.. you will find who is jumper or not. No need to experience it.. just read about or hear about if you watch YT related fish videos haha :D )
XαиXIf he's a betta from a local pet store, its better not to bc the fry will probably end up with deformitiesmy bettas have owes had a long life span in a filtered tank.
Regarding adding new plants to an aquarium, I have subsequently learned (mostly from YouTube vids) that new plants can introduce all kinds of unwelcome nasties. That's because you have no way of knowing what was in the tank it came from. What concerns me is that I also put it in my other betta tank, but then quickly removed it, because my Mystery Snail started chomping on it.
Also, regarding the pH dropping from the leaf tannins, isn't that unavoidable? I'll be doing water testing, but I don't see how I'll be able to keep the pH at 7.0 with those leaves. Argh!! Keeping fish as pets is turning out to be more trouble than it's worth! I rescued these critters, thinking I was their best shot at not dying a slow death in the pet store, and now I'm afraid that I may be the reason why they don't make it. It's really upsetting me.
As for my betta, he is actually healing up pretty nicely after I removed the plants and moved him to a smaller tank with added tannins, stress coat+, and seachem prime. The rot looks like it has stopped and I am seeing fin regrowth. I've been doing daily 50% water changes in my 2.5g with water that has been left out for 24 hours in a bucket with a mopani log and 3 small Indian almond leaves soaking inside of it (log from Petco and leaves from Amazon). In the actual tank, I've also added 2 small Indian almond leaves, although I would be wary of adding too much, since I don't think you'd want your pH to drop below 7.0 .
Wishing the best for your betta! He might not need meds or salt, since my guy didn't. If you caught the rot early, the water changes + tannins method could work for you. I was like you only a week ago, frantic and wondering if I should use salt, hydrogen peroxide, meds, etc! So happy I don't have to. But I do have some kanaplex on hand just in case. Someone on Instagram who is great at healing bettas suggested I get that if the rot worsens.
again a bit of salt shouldn't harm a freshwater fish and fresh water fish aren't that fragile.
also almond leaf isn't going to help with ich.almond leaf is great for healing wounds and bacterial infections but ich is a tiny parasite and needs to be treated with salt.
Using Indian Almond leaves work really well for a sick betta fish and it has no ill effects on them, I go to pet stores and buy sick betta fish off them then I bring them home and put them in my hospital tanks with Indian almond leaves and in every case it has brought them back from near death to happy super active fish, then I sell them to people I know that will look after them.
also those ich strains are very rare only really ouccring in florida.
a super bug is a bacteria strain that has become resistant due to repeated exposure to by using paraguard for minor things like fin rot instead of salt you run the risk of creating a bacteria strain that can kill your fish that you won't be able to treat cause you made them resistant to meds.
also the reason why bacteria doesn't become resistant to salt is because unlike meds which kill bacteria chemically.salt kills the bacteria by physically bursting them and by helping the fish fight off the disease
itself by replenishing it with minerals.
seacheme paraguard isn't going to help replenish the weakened fish after a battle with disease and you need to be careful with meds so you don't create a super bug.
I'm glad I found this channel at least you can produce a nice scape.
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Betta Tank Setup:
COOL Monterey Bay Aquarium Pics:
Products Used To Cure/Treat Fin Rot:
Aquarium Salt ►
BettaFIX ►