Jenna Marbles Got Fish! Advice for New Hobbyists
Betta 7 years ago 40,030 views
New hobbyists have it rough! So much bad information, and we all start somewhere! I was inspired by Jenna Marbles getting fish for the first time to make this video, and discuss some of the things its important to know when we get our first tank.
But I did some mistakes at start.. HeII.. I do some even now (not big mistakes or often.. but I m not perfect.. These are delicate creatures.. its hard to be fIawless. Some fish will still die even when you try your best)
But now I say to all the people that wants fish.. Do your research FIRST.. even if the internet its not always right.. still try.. read 3-5 different articles on 3-5 different sites (or go on YT too) about the fish you have interest in buying
See their needs.. see their compatibility with other fish..
Prepare all the things that your next fish want.. make a to check list and after that.. Go at the fish store and BUY IT (while using the common sense.. you see a fish that is energic / interacts with you / wants to eat ? Well.. that fish is probably healthy.. Except the money aspect since you gotta have them with you.. Well my dear beginner.. now you can do shopping and smile while doing it.. cuz this hobby can be exciting or hype / hyped about it.. haha)
We talk Cali and famous people on the internet ? How about Kat Gunn (Twitch Stramer.. female gamer that made 100k from gaming in the past)
She got Tiger Barbs in a fckin BOWL.. I told her (on Twitter) to get the biggest tank she can get and she took a normal tank but small. I face palmed and moved on.. since some dont frickin listen or dont care enough.
Its sad!.. and hard for you to behave nice when you see this type of sh!t.. Lol
Dunno.. maybe in time she was hit by an pineapple on the head and she finally got a bigger one.. but back then I quit trying..
i rly think theyre not treating their animals correctly
especially the shaq episode
and the tracy morgans episodes
it seems terrible treatment of some bigger amazing aquatic creatures
She took her fish back to the shop because she felt that she would be harming them by doing a fish in cycle. I really hope that she studies up and learns what she needs to know so that she can dive back in!
I was really hoping that one of her fans or maybe another YouTuber would offer her some seeded media so that she could continue with the fish that she bought but that wasn't the case. I hope she hasn't totally given up!
Thanks for this video and the information included within. Your content and attitude toward new hobbyists is greatly appreciated. <3<3<3
10. comment for Jenna Marbles Got Fish! Advice for New Hobbyists
By doing what some people say.. it might make your fish thrive too
(dont know your fish or where in what tank lives but I m saying this for other people too.. if they will read this comment)
They’re as big/bigger than my foot and I’m a size 8 women’s.
They seem to get extremely aggressive if they don’t get live worms or live feeder fish, they get upset if I try to feed them nothing but store bought fish food they don’t much care for it I’ve seen them starve themselves and ignore fish food in hopes I give them live food. I think they’re cannibals too, they ate my sailfin pleco:(
Also do you know much about their breeding? They keep laying eggs on the One rock and then eating them within a few days later:/ also I’m guessing not since they tear apart the fake plants, I’m assuming I can’t have live plants in their tank? They RIP EVERYTHING APART! :/
20. comment for Jenna Marbles Got Fish! Advice for New Hobbyists
30. comment for Jenna Marbles Got Fish! Advice for New Hobbyists
Very thankful to have found your channel :)
My boyfriend and I have just started getting ready to house fishies. Hes really interested in Aquascaping while I really just want to watch fishes and have that tranquil sound in the house. (plus I want shrimp, I could watch them preen all day!)
Hes just bought me a 70L (18.5Gal or 24" x 12" x 15") for my own little set up.
And we bought a 216L (57Gal or 40" x 18" x 19") for his aquascaping.
It seems to be a really beautiful and fulfilling (omg pun) hobby and I cant wait to start cycling, planting then adding our fish as we pick out the ones wed like / that will suit our tank.
Hes done the research so we know about the cycles, we will be having plants which will help balance the immonia/nitrite/nitrate. plus which fish we want, that will suit the conditions (salt, fresh, cold, tropical etc)
If you have any advice or any videos you think would help us, please comment them :)
You're such an awesome person and inviting to us newbies to the hobby, this is why I enjoy watching all of your vids
The aquarium hobby is really unique in that you can walk into a big-box pet store, or even a local hobbyist store run by a dedicated hobbyist, and get absolutely TERRIBLE advice. Almost every time. There are good fish stores, and even good PetSmart employees, but you're lucky if you find one.
The whole thing is just set up for failure for new fish keepers. Look at any store's inventory -- the one thing you'll see in almost every store is goldfish and common plecos. Neither one works for beginners at all. The store's inventory of tanks will be almost all tiny tanks (because they're easier to ship and cheaper) and the inventory of fish will be almost all larger fish that won't live in a tiny tank (because they show better and sell better.) You could walk into 9 stores out of 10 and buy a 3-gallon tank, a goldfish, and a Pleco, and they'll let you do it with a smile on their face.
So... because of this, if I hear about someone as a beginner wildly mistreating fish, I try to give them a break every time. I'll try to educate them rather than calling them a monster.
I was never a fan of Jenna (or even aware she existed) but I think her new video will help educate a ton of people about how to deal with fish as beginners... or how NOT to. And I'm glad most of the fish people gave her good advice instead of criticizing.
50. comment for Jenna Marbles Got Fish! Advice for New Hobbyists
. At least she did recognise that the fish keeping community is pretty supportive and tried to reassure her, it's quite the compliment for the community
That speech at the end summed up the hobby so well and really struck a chord.
My first tropical tank was a ten gallon, i cycled it, all was well and then i screwed it up by adding angel fish, cories, coolies, gouramis, tetras, barbs, and platys all at once. The tiny tank couldn't handle the sudden influx and half the fish died overnight. This made me research and learn , ammonia cycles, filters, fish compatibility, water chemistry ... Three months later i had a lovely 40gal tank with keyhole cichlid, glowlight tetra, corys, pencil fish and ancistrus (yes it was a Demerara river biotope) then the fish started to spawn and i got multiple tank syndrome! Over the years the number and type of tanks i have has waxed and waned - from giant 600 gal to tiny pico; from planted tanks to marine. Now days its mainly blackwater Asian biotope (so many plants and nano fish types, you can make beautiful bioscapes)
and azooxanthellic coral. (Challenging!)
[However i still have a soft spot for 4 species i lost in that first 10 gal- angel fish ( altums now days) Cherry barbs, chocolate gourami and the only fish that survived that catastrophic first week- wag tail platy.]
I LOVE your rule...get the LARGEST aquarium you can afford for the space you have. -- My favorites are 20L, 75, 40 Breeder
I am a gamer / I ve done some YT in the past / I follow some YT-bers.. and I can easily say: Online there are lots of trolls and haters or people who enjoy being mean to others. (I strongly disagree with this behaviour but I ve seen it enough to know that it is a real THING)
Being anonymous turns many people into bad peopIe / bad behaviour (or who knows.. maybe that is their real behaviour from inside and they pretend to be nice IRL or they are nice mostly with those they know in person)
Good thing on the internet is that many sites started to have blocks / ignores / mute / ban / report. So I started to not respond to haters.. I just do one or 2 of the things I ve said and bye bye hater / troll / mean people.
Overall I can agree with her deleting a video.. If the comment section is full of non constructive comments why keep it ?!..
100. comment for Jenna Marbles Got Fish! Advice for New Hobbyists
Anyone else think she has beautiful eyes!?!.
Even Jennie from Solid Gold was commenting encouragement. I can't wait to see Jenna's next fishie video. And I know that she'll make sure to give out the proper care info for the wellbeing of others and their fish, because fish deserve as much love and care as a cat or dog (or hamster lel).
This is why I love Jenna, she's so responsible and caring. And like I said maybe with her influence the pet industry can finally begin to treat fish better in general (especially goldies and bettas...)
Jenna's core fanbase is pretty sweet and caring overrall so I don't think the hate got so horrible. Yeah some people just like being right and feeling as if they're better than someone rather than educating but those people are a minority there. Everyone is sweet and always want the best for Jenna and whatever pet she gets. It's pretty sweet.
But to be fair, I didn't get a chance to go through those comments. Jenna doesn't seem like the type of person to take offense from someone telling her she isn't being a good fishie parent
Her Twitter says she took it down to avoid spreading misinformation. I hope she sees your video because you presented some really quality info in an encouraging way! It's so much more helpful when people take this approach, imo. Browbeating people into feeling ashamed for not double-checking the care instructions they were given by folks they should be able to trust only alienates them and makes it less likely they'll continue in the hobby.
Sorry to see you're still under the weather. Hope you feel better soon, Rachel!
UPDATE: She made a tweet about it all.
Honestly though.. I still have my biorb today and I hate it! Its a real challenge to make look nice and the acrylic scratches, so theres no way I can remove green spot algae from it. And the lighting isnt good enough for most plants. I paid £300 for it and my favorite tank in my house is one that I bought all the components for and a plain glass hand me down tank, whole set up only cost £55, and I have the fluval Co2 20 small kit running in it but changed the bulky diffuser for a better one and added a bubble counter. I recommend it for your living room tank since you can buy the threaded cartidges for dirt cheap on amazon (although fluval insist you use their extremely overpriced ones).
Also do you run any "BlackWater" tanks?
Jenna took her video down, full explanation at her twitter: @jenna_marbles
Instagram @msjinkzd
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