Jenna Marbles Got Fish! Advice for New Hobbyists

New hobbyists have it rough! So much bad information, and we all start somewhere! I was inspired by Jenna Marbles getting fish for the first time to make this video, and discuss some of the things its important to know when we get our first tank.

Jenna Marbles Got Fish! Advice for New Hobbyists sentiment_very_dissatisfied 47

Betta 7 years ago 40,030 views

New hobbyists have it rough! So much bad information, and we all start somewhere! I was inspired by Jenna Marbles getting fish for the first time to make this video, and discuss some of the things its important to know when we get our first tank.

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for Jenna Marbles Got Fish! Advice for New Hobbyists

Ecartts - 7 years ago
We all did mistakes when we started this (I started at the age 16 and I still have fish at 28)

But I did some mistakes at start.. HeII.. I do some even now (not big mistakes or often.. but I m not perfect.. These are delicate creatures.. its hard to be fIawless. Some fish will still die even when you try your best)

But now I say to all the people that wants fish.. Do your research FIRST.. even if the internet its not always right.. still try.. read 3-5 different articles on 3-5 different sites (or go on YT too) about the fish you have interest in buying

See their needs.. see their compatibility with other fish..

Prepare all the things that your next fish want.. make a to check list and after that.. Go at the fish store and BUY IT (while using the common sense.. you see a fish that is energic / interacts with you / wants to eat ? Well.. that fish is probably healthy.. Except the money aspect since you gotta have them with you.. Well my dear beginner.. now you can do shopping and smile while doing it.. cuz this hobby can be exciting or hype / hyped about it.. haha)
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Thing is.. some dont really listen to your good advice

We talk Cali and famous people on the internet ? How about Kat Gunn (Twitch Stramer.. female gamer that made 100k from gaming in the past)

She got Tiger Barbs in a fckin BOWL.. I told her (on Twitter) to get the biggest tank she can get and she took a normal tank but small. I face palmed and moved on.. since some dont frickin listen or dont care enough.

Its sad!.. and hard for you to behave nice when you see this type of sh!t.. Lol

Dunno.. maybe in time she was hit by an pineapple on the head and she finally got a bigger one.. but back then I quit trying..
Ecartts - 7 years ago
..cuz I was also annoyed by what type of gravel she put or some lack of natural plant
Allison Barry
Allison Barry - 7 years ago
that is wonderful advise
Emilia Cann-Sagoe
Emilia Cann-Sagoe - 7 years ago
First tanks can be mind boggling with information overload. A lot of stores I've visited & bought fish from have given me the impression they just want to make money. I learnt the hard way but began to look more at nature & understand the fish world this way. YouTube has been invaluable, people like yourself who really love this hobby, have given honest & easy to understand information to us newbies. Thank Q for your videos & reminding us all to be humble & kind. x
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Emilia Cann-Sagoe thanks emilia
John Bear's Fish Room
John Bear's Fish Room - 7 years ago
No one at the pet store tells you bigger is easier! Rachel, maybe you could chat with her and give her some help?
Desiree McKeever
Desiree McKeever - 7 years ago
Hi Rachel I’m new to the hobby and I’m having a lot on fun, I started with a 10 gallon tank and have some guppies so far. My goal is to get a tank for two Kribensis Cichlids and do live plants. I don’t have a lot of space in my town house so I’m considering a 20 long. I wanted to ask you if you could do a video on Kribensis Cichlids and talk about all things Kribensis I’m in love with them and really want to do this tank any advice would be amazing! Thank you so much! - Desiree
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
20 long will be great! I have a few videos on mine on the channel as I have a 75g Krib community tank :) They are fantastic, and so underrated!
sandie cane
sandie cane - 7 years ago
can you do a video on the show tanked?????????????????????????????????????????????
i rly think theyre not treating their animals correctly

especially the shaq episode
and the tracy morgans episodes
Ben Jay
Ben Jay - 7 years ago
they don't treat their animals well. their business is creating display tanks, not animal care. that's from what I've seen anyways
sandie cane
sandie cane - 7 years ago
i dont either, but i saw A couple clips on animal planets youtube.....
it seems terrible treatment of some bigger amazing aquatic creatures
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
I have never seen it. I don't really watch TV, sorry!
HighPriestessIce - 7 years ago
I had no idea fish were this complex. I've learned so much. I only had fish once as a child (late 80's), most people consider it a starter pet for children that you just shove in a bowl of water. I did have a large tank that I changed water weekly in, but I had no idea that you had to prepare water like that.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
I don't really think they are that much more complex that keeping any other pet well. Most folks think you can also get a puppy or kitten (or a reptile) and just throw some food and water at it, provide it a place to go to the bathroom and that is it. The reality is any pet takes a bit of understanding and commitment to keep well for it to thrive. Fish needs are just way less well understood by the masses, but are a super rewarding pet to keep.
Bailee Sherven
Bailee Sherven - 7 years ago
I hope you've seen her follow up video. Yes she took down her original but she posted a 40 or so minute explanation as to why which I see the reason was stated by someone else below, that she didn't want to leave posted up and widely viewed poor information up. She is checking out the fishkeeping community here on YouTube and hopefully elsewhere.

She took her fish back to the shop because she felt that she would be harming them by doing a fish in cycle. I really hope that she studies up and learns what she needs to know so that she can dive back in!

I was really hoping that one of her fans or maybe another YouTuber would offer her some seeded media so that she could continue with the fish that she bought but that wasn't the case. I hope she hasn't totally given up!

Thanks for this video and the information included within. Your content and attitude toward new hobbyists is greatly appreciated. <3<3<3
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
I linked to it :) I was hoping she would reach out to an experienced fishkeeper as well. Seeded media, a larger tank, or even polyfilter would have greatly reduced any stress to the fish and made her experience ok.

10. comment for Jenna Marbles Got Fish! Advice for New Hobbyists

Sarahi Cooney
Sarahi Cooney - 7 years ago
I have a fantail goldfish and I don't take nearly half of the care people suggest you with the aquarium care.. and That lil buddy is going on 4 years of life now and still going strong! I must be doing something right. Oh man.. I'm going to miss Mr. Squishy when he passes ):
Ecartts - 7 years ago
In this hobby there are 2 things: Fish that survives / Fish that (also) THRIVES!

By doing what some people say.. it might make your fish thrive too

(dont know your fish or where in what tank lives but I m saying this for other people too.. if they will read this comment)
Esmeralda Perez
Esmeralda Perez - 7 years ago
jenna did make a vid update and apologized for her mistakes, but we are all human and make mistakes
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
yep, i linked to it :)
Lyndee Ortega
Lyndee Ortega - 7 years ago
What type of filter do you recommend for a ten to twenty gallon tank? I'm worried about not having enough carbon or beneficial bacteria. I've heard good things about sponge filters but what about the chemical part? Is there something extra I have to do?
rebecca durbin
rebecca durbin - 7 years ago
your videos do help, im still new to this professional care (yay i dont like calling it a hobby ) . i have a molly that contacted ich, so i quarantined the whole tank. well i threw out all decor and gravel. consistent treating the tank, changing the water(35 percent) each day, applying meds. i treated all fish as having ich (2 tetras,1 zebra molly, and african dwarf frog). The ich been going on for a whole month. Tetras are doing excellent, Bully is alot better (he has 1 dot left) and the frog (lighting mcqueen) is getting scrawny . i am taking him out i think bully is eating his blood worms. My question is how is ich usually contacted? I monitor the quality of the water with test strips each week. I would like to do this new tank that they are going into different so i can try to avoid ich.
Greywind92 - 7 years ago
Rachel what would you recommend feeding large tiger Oscars and how often?
They’re as big/bigger than my foot and I’m a size 8 women’s.
They seem to get extremely aggressive if they don’t get live worms or live feeder fish, they get upset if I try to feed them nothing but store bought fish food they don’t much care for it I’ve seen them starve themselves and ignore fish food in hopes I give them live food. I think they’re cannibals too, they ate my sailfin pleco:(
Also do you know much about their breeding? They keep laying eggs on the One rock and then eating them within a few days later:/ also I’m guessing not since they tear apart the fake plants, I’m assuming I can’t have live plants in their tank? They RIP EVERYTHING APART! :/
lukas zaganski
lukas zaganski - 7 years ago
also, I studied for almost 8 months before getting into the hobby, watched a lot of Joey's ( King of DIY) videos.
lukas zaganski
lukas zaganski - 7 years ago
I'm new to the hobby, my tank have been cycling for almost 2 months and then I got my first fish, after 2 week of that I added 2 snais, and I'm happy with it, although, my plans for next year is to have a bigger tank, I'm looking into getting a pleco, and heard they can get big.
Kara Carpenter
Kara Carpenter - 7 years ago
Fantastic video...thank you for all of your incredible in-site!
Mark Copley
Mark Copley - 7 years ago
What does adsorbs mean?
Robyn S
Robyn S - 7 years ago
I came here from a comment on Jenna's update video... I have no intention of getting fishies any time soon but I love hearing someone so passionate and informed talk about what they love!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Robyn S thanks Robyn

20. comment for Jenna Marbles Got Fish! Advice for New Hobbyists

MrBonners - 7 years ago
Hi. Canadian here. Do you stock sea horses/pipe fish? Many are protected so not available.
Kieran Foulkes
Kieran Foulkes - 7 years ago
I love your positive and lovely words, it is so easy for people to start shouting at beginners instead of helping and encouraging! Positive vibes = positive lives :) <3
Auchtahelweit - 7 years ago
Aw, poor Jenna. It's really nice to see how you took a positive approach to help people in this kind of scenario. It'd be great if more people focused on educating and being supportive! Caring for fish does seem very complicated and it's a shame that pet stores keep encouraging bad choices for easy sales. :(
Phoebe J
Phoebe J - 7 years ago
I hope she sees this video! I was so grateful to find help in online forums when my mistake killed 7 snails lol! I felt so rotten, and I can only imagine how horrible she feels at the responses she got and the knowledge that she was given wrong information and she definitely knows she didn't do everything right either so I just hope she doesn't give up on the idea of having fish.
Unknown User
Unknown User - 7 years ago
Fish stores don't offen check there bags for leaks once it's tide they always leak in the corner plus sometimes not tide good enough using rubber bands make sure you check it before buying and most fish store don't use powered that gives oxengen for long distance travel but ask for it if they have it
Fancy Tail Aquatics
Fancy Tail Aquatics - 7 years ago
I learned a lot from this video. I was recently demoted as a Mod from my favorite site. It appears I was too knowable for others. Yes, my fault and not understanding the audience.
KillYourHero92 - 7 years ago
I've been watching your channel for a while you are very informative and a great roll model in the hobby. I have even more respect for your response to Jenna's video. I've been in the hobby for a while and I saw a lot of mistakes in her video but the worst part was the response from some people. I watch people like you and Joey and I feel inspired and excited to be in the hobby, so I was surprised by how she was attacked for her video. I expected, with a hobby like this, there would be more understanding, welcoming and educating. You have a valid point, we all start somewhere. My first tank was sold to me with the fish. They had to wait in the bag for set up and I was sold a bottle of something for an "instant cycle". I am far from that now, I've gotten into live plants and breeding but I started off not much different from Jenna and I know many others have too.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+KillYourHero92 I think the majority of us started of nearly identical to her
colin pennycook
colin pennycook - 7 years ago
Another informative video Rachel, what type of apisto was the non caucatoides ? as it looks just like the one I was given when I got my first pair of apisto caucatoides and they never ever paired up, but now have a different breeding pair that have given me fry, just trying to identify what type of fish it is, thanks
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+colin pennycook it was a female panduro
JoAnna Cramer
JoAnna Cramer - 7 years ago
This video is a great response to Jenna's video. This is what new fishkeepers need and they need to know that there is an amazing community out here of fishkeepers to help.
Joanna Hatcher
Joanna Hatcher - 7 years ago
I've had trouble in the past with diatoms. I've read so much about different ways to get rid of it but I wondered what your advice is because I think you are the bomb and supersmart and I trust your wisdom
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
I think of it as a new tank syndrom, and it generally resolves. If you want to help counteract them, you could add a nerite snail. THey love diatoms. No more than 1 per 5g though in a young tank :)

30. comment for Jenna Marbles Got Fish! Advice for New Hobbyists

Hollie Miller
Hollie Miller - 7 years ago
Great video! I'm watching every video I can and I don't even have a tank yet. I just want to be prepared. I had a tank about 12 years ago and so much has changed in the fish world. I'm thankful I found you, Cory from aquarium coop and Dustin's fish tanks. I'm looking at getting a 65 gal and I want to plant it and have community fish. I had cichlids before and want to try something different. Thank you so much for all your info.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
That sounds super fun! Don't rule out cichlids- there are SO MANY types, many of which are awesome in a planted community
John Doe
John Doe - 7 years ago
tHe FiSh CoMmUnItY
MsEmmaloserface - 7 years ago
I just found your video after seeing Jennas response and wanting to watch her original video.
Very thankful to have found your channel :)

My boyfriend and I have just started getting ready to house fishies. Hes really interested in Aquascaping while I really just want to watch fishes and have that tranquil sound in the house. (plus I want shrimp, I could watch them preen all day!)
Hes just bought me a 70L (18.5Gal or 24" x 12" x 15") for my own little set up.
And we bought a 216L (57Gal or 40" x 18" x 19") for his aquascaping.
It seems to be a really beautiful and fulfilling (omg pun) hobby and I cant wait to start cycling, planting then adding our fish as we pick out the ones wed like / that will suit our tank.
Hes done the research so we know about the cycles, we will be having plants which will help balance the immonia/nitrite/nitrate. plus which fish we want, that will suit the conditions (salt, fresh, cold, tropical etc)

If you have any advice or any videos you think would help us, please comment them :)
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+MsEmmaloserface sounds like you guys are going to have a ton of fun. If there is a fish club near you, they can be a really great outlet. Sounds like you guys are planning things put which is an excellent first step!
Josh Hibbs
Josh Hibbs - 7 years ago
Rachel, do you buy the backgrounds that you apply to the back of the aquarium or do you paint your background on?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Josh Hibbs I paint them on
Psybur - 7 years ago
I thank you very much for your insight and advice. I'm a Pet Care Lead at PetSmart and have been for the last 16.5 years and am ALWAYS looking at different ways people care for fish so as to best inform my customers, the majority of which are beginners. My number one source is ALWAYS books and magazines, but I keep an open mind and supplement with the internet, particularly when it coincidences WITH said reading material, and yours DEFINITELY does. I, too, agree that there is an enormous problem with misinformation in the hobby for beginners with chain pet stores as well as LFS. I've made it my life's goal to educate beginners to the hobby and break-down the often confusing world of fish-keeping. I constantly look for feedback, good or bad, from the people I help and use what I learn to refine how I teach and speak. Again, thank you for a wonderful video.
Psybur - 7 years ago
Oh, I have that as an eBook; it was really well written, thank you for your contribution to the hobby. Sadly, PetSmart lost its damn mind and decided to discontinue the selling of books and magazines on the care of pets (I FOR REAL went home and cried about it; that's how much books MEAN to me.) Luckily, I've amassed a private library of sorts behind the fish wall at work that I refer to frequently and manically encourage customers to read.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Psybur you guys generally sell the book that I co-authored, 101 best freshwater nano species. :)
MassCrusade - 7 years ago
First video I have ever seen of yours, and I am impressed with your attitude and knowledge. You seem like a really cool and kind person.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+MassCrusade thanks and welcome!
Kerry Mason
Kerry Mason - 7 years ago
I've been keeping fish for some time now and have been using a bucket and syphon for water changes. I have 3 tanks so it's getting very tedious hauling the water back and forth from room to room. My question is about the Python auto water changer that you mentioned. How do you treat the water before it going into the tank if it's hooked up to the faucet? Is it safe to treat the water after it goes in? Thanks so much!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
I would imagine because it would be diluted in the existing water and have less efficacy. It cannot tell which water its supposed to treat
Kerry Mason
Kerry Mason - 7 years ago
Ok, so what I was doing wasn't bad then? I guess I'm just not understanding why the dosing would be different and haven't found any clear answers. What is the purpose of re-treating the water that is already in the tank when doing a partial water change?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Kerry Mason ifnyou pretreat the water itself before adding then you just treat for that but when doing direct fill with the python you dose for total volume
Kerry Mason
Kerry Mason - 7 years ago
Really? Then I've been doing it wrong this whole time! I feel lucky that I haven't lost any fish! When I do a water change, I clean the tank and take out whatever percentage of water at that time, then treat the new water before it goes in...and I only treat the amount of new water going in. So, I'm supposed to take out the old water, treat for the whole volume of the tank, and then add new water? I always thought that the chemicals in that little amount of water would be too concentrated for the fish. I'm so glad I asked! Thank you :)
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Kerry Mason you treat the tank first for the total volume of the aquarium rather then justvfor what you replace
GoodNewsNobody3 - 7 years ago
We need more people with attitudes like yours Rachel.
Teach Better
Teach Better - 7 years ago
I hope Jenna saw this video, especially based off what you said around the 7 minute mark.

You're such an awesome person and inviting to us newbies to the hobby, this is why I enjoy watching all of your vids
Rae's Aquaria
Rae's Aquaria - 7 years ago
I saw Jenna's video before she took it down and was absolutely appalled by the way people were attacking her in the comments over her mishap. She was victim to bad information and misplaced trust. While she did re-home the fish, I'm sad to hear that she won't be keeping any fish in the immediate future
Kirby3585 - 7 years ago
Ah, I didn’t get to watch it. But cheers for the advice, I love that you are very knowledgeable on the subject.
Indaliah - 7 years ago
Great advice! I love your videos. And you're right, it's always a good idea to be nice to the newbies. You definitely walk the walk. You were so nice to me when we met at GWAPA. You have such a good heart and really care about your fish and shrimp. Keep up the good work!
michael moncur
michael moncur - 7 years ago
Good advice as always Rachel!
The aquarium hobby is really unique in that you can walk into a big-box pet store, or even a local hobbyist store run by a dedicated hobbyist, and get absolutely TERRIBLE advice. Almost every time. There are good fish stores, and even good PetSmart employees, but you're lucky if you find one.

The whole thing is just set up for failure for new fish keepers. Look at any store's inventory -- the one thing you'll see in almost every store is goldfish and common plecos. Neither one works for beginners at all. The store's inventory of tanks will be almost all tiny tanks (because they're easier to ship and cheaper) and the inventory of fish will be almost all larger fish that won't live in a tiny tank (because they show better and sell better.) You could walk into 9 stores out of 10 and buy a 3-gallon tank, a goldfish, and a Pleco, and they'll let you do it with a smile on their face.

 So... because of this, if I hear about someone as a beginner wildly mistreating fish, I try to give them a break every time. I'll try to educate them rather than calling them a monster.

I was never a fan of Jenna (or even aware she existed) but I think her new video will help educate a ton of people about how to deal with fish as beginners... or how NOT to. And I'm glad most of the fish people gave her good advice instead of criticizing.
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 7 years ago
How'd toy make out in the aquascaping competition at the aquarium experience?
Alyssa Jewell
Alyssa Jewell - 7 years ago
Im going through the same shit. I thought that when I bought a betta fish I could put him in a bowl and clean his water once a week and feed him daily and he would be fine. Fucking WRONG! He got sick, I fought fin rot and ich for a month and a half. And it’s now been a month since I got rid of the diseases and he’s STILL not 100%. I feel like absolute shit and I’m trying my best. I’m a complete beginner too. I learn more and more every day. I wish I would have spent hours on google before I got my fish rather than after he got sick. Because instead of googling how to prevent, I’ve been googling how to cure. Sorry for my rant. But just believe me when I say, we’re all in this together. New and experienced fish keepers alike, we all have a lot of learning to do.
Alyssa Jewell
Alyssa Jewell - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary oh! Thank you! I wasn’t at all trying to come off as complaining or anything. Just wanted to put it out there that there are PLENTY of us still learning. Thankful for your videos!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Sorry to hear you had the harder part of the learning curve.
Oh Hol
Oh Hol - 7 years ago
Seeing your video makes me glad there are people out there who are willing to help and educate new fish owners in an encouraging and positive manner. It may feel redundant to say these things over and over again, but you are doing a great service for people!
Dirk James
Dirk James - 7 years ago
what is that yellow apistogramma ? pleese some one let me know i would love a few
Dirk James
Dirk James - 7 years ago
thanks for the info i need a few Apistogramma to finish my black water tank off these are perfect
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
it was a female Apistogramma panduro. A lot of female apistos fire up bright yellow in breeding dress.
The Lazy Pasture
The Lazy Pasture - 7 years ago
Such a positive video! I'm definitely subscribing!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Jennifer Ouellette welcome!
Samantha Lewis
Samantha Lewis - 7 years ago
Thank you for making this video, and thinking of Jenna. You are very positive and informative, I️ don’t have any fish currently but I️ enjoyed listening to the information you shared about new fish and about people with similar interests supporting each other
Susan Everett
Susan Everett - 7 years ago
Thank you, Rachel! Promoting good info & education & encouragement! I taught newbies daily for 10 years, and grew fellow Fish-heads, and many friends! Fish-Guru Sue

50. comment for Jenna Marbles Got Fish! Advice for New Hobbyists

Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Jenna's new video:
Franz von Köller
Franz von Köller - 7 years ago
I think she left the door open to try again in the future, but by the sound of it she was overwhelmed by the negative and exaggerated comments. I still think she took the best decision for the fish, but hope to see some fishies back in her channel again soon
. At least she did recognise that the fish keeping community is pretty supportive and tried to reassure her, it's quite the compliment for the community
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
I think it was honest and true to form for her, but I am bummed that she is not getting into fish. I think she could be a really great advocate in a lot of ways for the industry.
Raven Project
Raven Project - 7 years ago
What are your thoughts on her response?
Alec Du Lac
Alec Du Lac - 7 years ago
Really awesome information, makes me want to learn more and become a fish keeper! I especially appreciate the fact you aren't trying to shame anyone/Jenna and instead are being proactive with good knowledge. <3
Wolf Mann
Wolf Mann - 7 years ago
Awesome video Fantastic advice & accurate helpful tips, I luv how down to earth you are!! Stay cool Rachel, Wolf
dat boii
dat boii - 7 years ago
now I feel horrible becase she deleted the vid ;-; I only told her that I heard that circular tanks are bad for fish
Kat Newman Obsessive Aquarist
Kat Newman Obsessive Aquarist - 7 years ago
Lovely sentiments, wish there were more like you out there! (Obs many lovely hobbyists but can't ever have too much love and support eh!)
NiX aKi
NiX aKi - 7 years ago
Well said, Rachel
Anya Schmidt
Anya Schmidt - 7 years ago
Did Jenna take down the video? I can’t find it:(
Oh Hol
Oh Hol - 7 years ago
She took it down, but she has uploaded an explanation/follow up video on it
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
yes, on her twitter she said she didn't want to set a bad example so took it down
Jessica Cloud
Jessica Cloud - 7 years ago
Great, informative video Rachel! I wish I coulda seen this before I bought my 10 gallon! snails I got from you are doing great and I can't believe how much I love those little guys! Actually I found out the really pretty yellow and red tiger snail is a girl! She's laying eggs everywhere which is great coz that means she's happy right? Much love!
growmyown1 - 7 years ago
I was told by my LFS that fish are not affected by high nitrates. My tap water comes out as over 40ppm nitrate. I this a true statement ? I'm in UK.
GreenThumb Scapers
GreenThumb Scapers - 7 years ago
Your lfs is mistaken. Even in heavily planted aquaria over 20-30+ppm Kno3 is high and calls for a water change. For planted tanks being dosed with nutrients or tanks with a heavy fish load consider 50% weekly water changes as Mrs. O'Leary suggests. Test your source water to make sure you arent adding nitrate with your clean water and step up water changes to get that kno3 down! Always test KH and GH, remember fish have different needs. Rummynose tetras for example become sterile if calcium ions are too concentrated in their water.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
it is not a true statement, though 40ppm is not desperately bad for most fish. I try and keep mine under 20ppm
thecrystalwitch AJS
thecrystalwitch AJS - 7 years ago
Hi Rachel, my nano tank is now about 8 months old, its heavily planted, has snails, guppies, shrimps. Of late i am seeing some bubbles popping out of my gravel on and off...what are they and are they harmful? Is that the gas build up in my substrate? If yes, how do i deal with it?
rachel - 7 years ago
this chicks a bad ass im so glad i found her video. i didnt see jennas video on time but she really has the best interest so i bet shes going to implement these things :)
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Thanks Rachel!
Hunter Ross
Hunter Ross - 7 years ago
I hope Jenna sticks with the fish
Logic Goddess
Logic Goddess - 7 years ago
As a Jenna Marbles fan, I greatly appreciate your response. I had been busy the last couple of days so I just sat down to watch her video and was alarmed to see it removed. Then I remembered what happened with her hamster and how zealous the fish community can be about care (and rightly so) and assumed the worst. This video was the first to pop up when I searched "jenna marbles we got fishies," and I expected it to be an information smackdown. I was delighted to be proved wrong. Thank you so much for your kind and informative words! Hopefully the community will take your words to heart and live by a favorite saying of mine: "Don't berate, educate!"
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Love that saying!
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 7 years ago
The big piece of advice I give new hobbiests is "have patience." Rushing with aquaria is the quickest way to make mistakes.
XnFM - 7 years ago
One thing that I wish I had been told when I started out is, "once you think you've done your research, do it again a week later. Chances are you missed something."
Chelsey Joy | Music
Chelsey Joy | Music - 7 years ago
I was wondering where Jenna's video went. I saw it on my subscription feed but didn't have time to watch it, and when I went back later it was gone. :(
Chuck T
Chuck T - 7 years ago
What a treat! When the video started and I saw the box divider and then the orange stripe towel I was blown away... holy crap. Thank you so much for the kind words and the treat of seeing my little buddies again.
Cory Summers
Cory Summers - 7 years ago
Do u use ip test kits?
GinaBo Beena
GinaBo Beena - 7 years ago
so happy and grateful you made this! Thank you for all your hard work!
phillymanpete - 7 years ago
Hey Mrs. Jenkinz....First let me say that I really, really like your videos. Joey and you are the reason why I am getting back into the hobby after a long 15 year hiatus. Thank you! That said, my personal skill as an an aquarist is pretty deep and broad. Give me a challenge...what fish is very difficult to keep in the home aquarium based on your experience and view. Maybe talk about Pterophyllum dumerilli or give me a beautiful and exotic cory that I can marinate on keeping. Thanks again. Phillyman ~
crazy shrimp lady
crazy shrimp lady - 7 years ago
I agree. 20 long or a standard 2 foot, 60cm tank here in Australia is the perfect size to start and the smallest size for a new person to the hobby. Smaller is so hard, even for someone who is use to keeping fish. Fluctuations are so sudden in those small tanks and people also over stock these tanks, which causes a sudden increase of ammonia and I'm sure many fish or shrimp have been lost unnecessarily. I learn something new all the time. I am certain that there is no one out there that know everything. I use poly-filter, wonderful product, but very expensive here.
crazy shrimp lady
crazy shrimp lady - 7 years ago
I have it everywhere. In my canisters and my large sump. I used it also a lot in my mother's tank, as she is unable to do regular maintenance because of her disability. It really stretched out the need for a water changes and gives me time to get back over there to do it. She also has a tenancy to over feed as well, like everyone new has done including myself. But I think if anyone is starting off they should get themselves some and use it as a safety back up. That is why I use it and I have had it in the sump now for over 3 months and it has only turned a very pale tan colour. Which indicates to me that there hasn't been anything major go on in there and stability is the key, especially with shrimp as you know. I think everyone needs to know that we all have accidentally killed fish, by not having enough good information to follow and explanation on why we have to cycle our tanks properly. When I started out, I was a teen with some goldfish in my room. I didn't even know what water conditioner was. This was the early 80's and we also did not have the wonderful tool called the internet to research what we were doing and often going to the library would result in no more help as all the books relevant were already checked out. I kept loosing fish until a creepy looking old dude at a fish shop clearly explained it all to me. I thought he was creepy looking, but he gave me the best information and I really learned so much that day. The worst thing is I was so creeped out I never thanked him. So where ever you are creepy guy. Thank you so very much.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
i am sure its way more expensive there than here, but a little bit can go such a long way and be so helpful- especially when you are new.
Baileigh Tolar
Baileigh Tolar - 7 years ago
I don't even have fish but I just subbed because you seem so kind and knowledgeable and I just love listening to what you have to say!! Haha :)
XxXMidnightblackXxX - 7 years ago
Baileigh Tolar By doing that I'm sure you'll soon be thinking about the possibility of fish in your future. Here you see so many amazing fish and other aquatic life and also hear great advice.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
I appreciate it! And welcome :)
Matthew Zito
Matthew Zito - 7 years ago
I've noticed that some fish tanks have stocking recommendations on the side of the box that are horrendously bad. For example, one 5 gallon tank recommended up to two goldfish or two common plecos.
Roely Batista
Roely Batista - 7 years ago
i like that you didnt bash her. i like you :)
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Thanks! I am a Jenna fan. I was pretty irritated that everyone was coming at her, when she was just following advice from her local store.
Hannah G
Hannah G - 7 years ago
I was looking for Jenna's video and I found this. I don't have any fish but I watched the whole thing because you are very informative and fun to watch, lol. I bet Jenna will love this if she sees it.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Thanks Hannah!
dont - 7 years ago
I love your videos so much, i just upgraded to a 45 gallon from having a 3 & a 10 gallon and am starting the cycle in a few days. My question is how many fish should i add at a time to a newly cycled tank to prevent an ammonia spike??
dont - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary i always go fishless! Thanks so much
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
I guess it depends on how you cycled it. With a fishless cycle dosing ammonia, you could theoretically stock to capacity. That being said, I generally add fish in "groups"/all of a single type to my personal aquariums.
Floyd Morey
Floyd Morey - 7 years ago
good job
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Very much so.. I have a well, but feel like I always need to mention water conditioner, especially to new folks, as it is one thing you really don't want to skip if you require it!
Martin Welters
Martin Welters - 7 years ago
Good info, as always
Lelani Dixon
Lelani Dixon - 7 years ago
Great advice. People new to the hobby deserve the best info we can give them - without the attitude!
Michael Cocayne
Michael Cocayne - 7 years ago
Completely agree with your suggestion to start with a 20 gal long, as a 10 gal you can over populate too easily. I would recommend starting a tank with black skirt tetras, by far the hardest fish I have found for starter fish. I have never heard of someone having issues with establishing a tank with them. I also believe most people won't have the patience to have an empty tank while a bacteria colony establishes from the store bought cultures, I know I never did. My black shirts are +7 yrs and 2-3 inches in size...they just grew on me and never could bring myself to get rid of them. Love the videos.
Anne L
Anne L - 7 years ago
Love your advice and positivity! There's no need to be condescending to a beginner. We need to be supportive of other hobbyists! Aquagirls Rock!
mrbxv - 7 years ago
You're an excellent teacher, Rachel. Thanks for doing what you do. It would be a great series of you started a series of videos on starting a brand new tank for noobies. Step by step.
Bob Caylor
Bob Caylor - 7 years ago
One of my favorite vids to date. Conversational, educational, supportive throughout, and packed with easy and helpful information. Hear the cold in your sinuses, but your energy is great, so hoping it is almost over. No coffee, but thought I saw a coke hiding back there. One hour to the live stream with Bob. I'll be there. Thanks!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
stupid me thought it was 5 MY time hahaha. I may have to brew a pot of coffee or have some tea during hte stream. This cold/flu is kicking my butt! I was really inspired to talk this morning, I felt really bad for this famous youtuber that I will never meet that she was getting such harsh criticism by people who probably made the exact SAME mistakes when they started out. See ya in the live stream!
Tiffany Hawley
Tiffany Hawley - 7 years ago
Does anyone know what type of shelving she is using for her racks? Im trying to find a good multi tank rack and want to be sure that it will hold.
Tiffany Hawley
Tiffany Hawley - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary I didnt even think about the big box hardware stoors. I know where Im headed tomorrow! Thanks!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
the biggest issue I had with most of the prefabricated was that if you went over 2 rows high, they were a bit wobbly. I would imagine most that are rated for the weight would be fine, but you may want to consider anchoring them to the wall or only putting small aquariums on the top row. There were some industrial shelves I used from Grainger, and I have some seen that have potential at the box hardware stores
Tiffany Hawley
Tiffany Hawley - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary thanks for the reply! Unfortunately I dont know anyone that does fab. Oh well too keep looking! Lol
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Hey Tiffany! My husband fabricated them out of steel for me from a design I made.
Kayla Centaure
Kayla Centaure - 7 years ago
She deleted it and I'm pretty shocked O.O I was happy to see that she got fish too and gave some nice pointers and invited her to join the FB group I'm a moderator on about Bettas. I didnt see any more hateful comments than usual though so I'm wondering why she removed it
krissys fishies
krissys fishies - 7 years ago
Kayla Centaure LMFAO even on you tube you're a know it all
Victoria Smith
Victoria Smith - 7 years ago
Rachel, you mention that little fish should be fed smaller amounts a couple times a day. Do little nano fish need to have a day of fasting or is it detrimental to fast little fish? So do little fish need to be fed smaller amounts more often than bigger fish? Also I like to soak my flakes before feeding because I keep little fish and its easier for them to eat it soaked? Does doing that leach vitamins out of the flakes? Thanks for your time.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
I routinely fast nano fish (and don't have them fed when I am on vacation). I do think little fish need "little and often" rather than larger "meals". I don't see any issue with soaking flakes as long as they get eaten. Some of the probiotics that are being touted are often water soluble, but that wouldn't really matter if it was during presoaking or in the aquarium.
Jessica Cook
Jessica Cook - 7 years ago
My parents have gotten me a 2 foot aquarium set up for Christmas. I have a 55L aquarium which I love and I’ve been talking about getting a large tank for several months. Very excited to set it up. Not looking forward to cycling the filter though
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Jessica Cook you could move decor or some if the media from your existing tank to help seed things. Even some of the gravel will help jump start your nitrogen cycle
Olivia Fink
Olivia Fink - 7 years ago
Love this video! Wish I would've known so many of those things when I was younger and my father got my brother and me some fish. Sadly we didn't manage so well with our fish. But this video inspires me to maybe one day get fish again and do better. I also really hope that Jenna sees this video since I have the feeling that she's genuinely super interested in taking good care of her animals and I think this would probably help her a lot :)
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
I get that feeling from her as well! And you are not alone with how your first experience with fish went- its one of the things that motivated me to start, and keep doing YouTube. I will never have 17million subs, but I feel good about the information I try and share!
graphite - 7 years ago
I have no idea who Jenna marbles is but i think this is an awesome video Rachel made.
That speech at the end summed up the hobby so well and really struck a chord.
My first tropical tank was a ten gallon, i cycled it, all was well and then i screwed it up by adding angel fish, cories, coolies, gouramis, tetras, barbs, and platys all at once. The tiny tank couldn't handle the sudden influx and half the fish died overnight. This made me research and learn , ammonia cycles, filters, fish compatibility, water chemistry ... Three months later i had a lovely 40gal tank with keyhole cichlid, glowlight tetra, corys, pencil fish and ancistrus (yes it was a Demerara river biotope) then the fish started to spawn and i got multiple tank syndrome! Over the years the number and type of tanks i have has waxed and waned - from giant 600 gal to tiny pico; from planted tanks to marine. Now days its mainly blackwater Asian biotope (so many plants and nano fish types, you can make beautiful bioscapes)
and azooxanthellic coral. (Challenging!)
[However i still have a soft spot for 4 species i lost in that first 10 gal- angel fish ( altums now days) Cherry barbs, chocolate gourami and the only fish that survived that catastrophic first week- wag tail platy.]
Greggerman - 7 years ago
Always spot on with excellent and practical advice. I am consistently impressed with your generous nature and willingness to help other hobbyists when it is obvious how much you have on your plate every day. Good on you!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Greggerman thanks Gregg!
MEG HETHERINGTON - 7 years ago
Awe.. I hope Jenna sees this video Rachel. By the time I could watch Jenna's video she already removed it but I could tell that she was probably going to receive a slew of comments based on the tiny looking tank in her thumbnail. I seriously hope that most of the comments she received from the fish community were kind and informative. We all know Jenna loves her pets and treats them extremely well. I'm sure that she probably was misinformed about all things fishy by no fault of her own. In a way I am glad she removed her video because I'd be seriously upset had I of read non helpful comments from the few uppity know it all types that exist in our community. As you said, we all were beginner's at one point and most importantly as with any community we all learn best by being helpful and uplifting to each other regardless of experience. (The learning never stops.) I've been in the hobby for over 37 years and am still learning. I think it's very easy for people with years of experience to think of themselves as know it alls hence loosing humility. I rarely leave comments on any channels videos but wanted to genuinely commend you for making this video. (Plus I adore you and your channel. I am also in mad LOVE with your collection of carnivorous plants!
Sondra - 7 years ago
Thank you for this.  I started "researching" last August (2016), knowing I had plenty of time as I was moving in December (No use in setting up a tank only to have to tear it down a few month later). My xmas present to myself was my 20 gallon long, (after starting out thinking I only needed a 2 gallon or so size). 1/1/17 the day I started my fishless cycle and first week in March it was ready.  I love your videos and you have helped me a lot over the months as I continue on this "journey".  I hope your friend will post I was looking forward to seeing her videos.  I just wanted to say thank you.
Alan Loosley
Alan Loosley - 7 years ago
Hi Rachel unusual hobby watched your video good advicedoes does it matter what gravel you use Alan uk
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Alan Loosley no. But most fish prefer a more natural color and smooth texture.
H20 Fish's
H20 Fish's - 7 years ago
Good info miss
Thomas Hynes
Thomas Hynes - 7 years ago
GUILTY ... my perspective on the 24 hour wait before adding fish. As a 15/16 year old starting off in 1978 with my first job at a Mom and Pop pet shop, the common rule was to wait 24/48hrs. This was and is still told to consumers at the BIG BOX retailers, and not one person ever had the right answer. The reason for the 24 to 48 hour wait was not so much for the nitrogen cycle, heck I didn't even find out about that till my first Marine tank in 2001, but the wait was for the chlorine in the city water to evaporate out of the water. Chlorine will do this naturally...its a substance that does not like to be in a liquid form it was to be in a GAS form, so with natural sunlight it will readily evaporate out of pools, spas, and this is why people does this chemical daily into those systems.

I LOVE your rule...get the LARGEST aquarium you can afford for the space you have. -- My favorites are 20L, 75, 40 Breeder
Lacie Lu
Lacie Lu - 7 years ago
My dad has kept huge, gorgeous fish tanks my whole life and I know how difficult it is to do! Thanks for making such a great, informative video!!
jane doe
jane doe - 7 years ago
it would be really nice if starting and maintaining a tank weren't so hard to learn at the very beginning. i mean, i obsess over this hobby and i kind of think that's necessary. it would be nice if the key foundations of fish-keeping were really simple at the beginning and got harder and harder the more you advanced, but getting things to balance and stabilize they way they have to seems to be the hardest, most important, and, at the same time, the first lesson. i really hope jenna gets into researching how to keep fish because they are just so fun to obsess over. i would never discourage anyone who's willing to learn and research from starting out and making all the rookie mistakes. i really hope she posts more about her fish in the future.
Bevon Baptiste
Bevon Baptiste - 7 years ago
Nice info good job all the time and we didn't for get you on the tattoo lol
The Shadows
The Shadows - 7 years ago
She took down the video..
McKenna Barnette
McKenna Barnette - 7 years ago
Jenna took down her video. I saw a TON of hateful know it all comments. I'm sure some of them discouraged her and I wouldn't be surprised if she took it down because of all that. People don't give advice anymore, they lecture and berate you for doing things wrong out of ignorance..
Ecartts - 7 years ago
My dear.. sometimes in this internet worId there are some sad moments..

I am a gamer / I ve done some YT in the past / I follow some YT-bers.. and I can easily say: Online there are lots of trolls and haters or people who enjoy being mean to others. (I strongly disagree with this behaviour but I ve seen it enough to know that it is a real THING)

Being anonymous turns many people into bad peopIe / bad behaviour (or who knows.. maybe that is their real behaviour from inside and they pretend to be nice IRL or they are nice mostly with those they know in person)

Good thing on the internet is that many sites started to have blocks / ignores / mute / ban / report. So I started to not respond to haters.. I just do one or 2 of the things I ve said and bye bye hater / troll / mean people.

Overall I can agree with her deleting a video.. If the comment section is full of non constructive comments why keep it ?!..
McKenna Barnette
McKenna Barnette - 7 years ago
The Shadows EVERYONE makes mistakes when starting something new. And having successful tanks is HARD. But instead of helping her they berated her and I even saw people saying she was abusing the fish and just saying awful things. I lost a LOT of fish starting out and I have a 40 gallon..
The Shadows
The Shadows - 7 years ago
McKenna Barnette I saw that too I feel bad for Jenna..

100. comment for Jenna Marbles Got Fish! Advice for New Hobbyists

Evelyn Lopez
Evelyn Lopez - 7 years ago
She deleted her vid! :((
Evelyn Lopez
Evelyn Lopez - 7 years ago
XxXMidnightblackXxX I know this was posted before she posted the explaining video
XxXMidnightblackXxX - 7 years ago
Evelyn Lopes She has also upload a video explaining why she has deleted it.
Arya Filnet
Arya Filnet - 7 years ago
I commented on Jenna's video that the tank was too small, and that a fishless cycle is better because those barbs were pretty much doomed :-( I don't think my comments were rude, condescending, or hurtful, but if they were, I am sorry. I saw the fish, felt great concern for them, and her, because if they die, she'll feel horrible. I would feel horrible if I hurt her feelings.
Arya Filnet
Arya Filnet - 7 years ago
FemmeInspiration Of course I apologized on Jenna's video as well :-) But because it was mentioned in this video, I apologized here too, and, this video was up a few days before Jenna's explanation video. It's all good :-)
FemmeInspiration - 7 years ago
Apologise on jennas video, not this one
XxXMidnightblackXxX - 7 years ago
Arya Filnet She has uploaded an explanation in response to all the comments she received.
Deanne Sherriff
Deanne Sherriff - 7 years ago
Wise words.
lies4theliars58975 - 7 years ago
"We all start somewhere...Try to be helpful instead of showing how smart you are." THANK YOU! I work in a pet store that also has a joint clinic. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen coworkers and clinic workers talk down to new pet owners. It is so insulting and off putting. Yes, these workers do know more it is THEIR profession NOT the people who want to get new pets. Getting started with the right information and items are so essential to being a great pet parent! However, they don't need to be treated like children with nasty and condescending comments when they are simply asking questions or trying to figure out how to get started. I firmly believe in steering people in the right direction by addressing any issues with a positive/helpful tones to change that and give them the correct information. I mean really, would you rather take advice from someone who is borderline implying you are an idiot or someone who is providing you with information in a much more approachable way?
Vanessa Olson
Vanessa Olson - 7 years ago
You are Awesome!!! Thank you for being a great fishkeeper and all around great person!
GBRAquatics - 7 years ago
UPSATE NY!!! I LIVE THERE!!! Is the seller private or someone you know cause i would love to be able to get a some what local source of apisto's!!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+GBRAquatics he is a hobbyist near buffalo
GBRAquatics - 7 years ago
OHH lmao, guess i over reacted when i heard Upstate NY, cause you clarified my question later on. I still would like to know is he private or does he do any public sales?
Tanny B
Tanny B - 7 years ago
I would be really really awesome if you could do a basics 10 gallon video ! With supplies you should get and decor and fish you could keep together.
kim maurizio
kim maurizio - 7 years ago
I did a ton of research when a fish tank was basically pushed on me but I have never had luck keeping fish alive for more then a year. Except my dwarf frogs who are around 5 now
David Knauss
David Knauss - 7 years ago
how do you feel about using malaysian trumpet snails to cycle a new tank?
J/S Aquariums
J/S Aquariums - 7 years ago
Rachel your videos are the best.
Anyone else think she has beautiful eyes!?!.
ian - 7 years ago
Great advice not talking down to people that is one thing I find to be pretty common in the hobby. That and people who always know a better method than what you're doing, also gets annoying.
Kat Coghill
Kat Coghill - 7 years ago
I got my tank in April and got a 110litre tank. Didn't have a clue about nitrogen cycles etc. Thank god for YouTube fish keeper as it saved me from starting out bad. Now have a thriving planted aquarium with gouramis
Yves Daigle
Yves Daigle - 7 years ago
Great video Rachel, always make my day when you release a video.
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 7 years ago
I think another great tip would be to have multiple nets! Always use a clean net for each tank or when working with new fish, I must have a dozen of them. I also am a big fan of cleaning all used equipment with bleach, rinsing with dechlorinated water and letting it air dry before using again. Things like nets, cups, pipettes and when moving a heater or thermometer from one tank to another. It's a great way to keep diseases and illnesses isolated and prevent massive wipeouts.
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
I wonder why she took her video down?
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
Alex Saravia I'm just glad J&J and the fishies are all good. And yeah the bowl made me sad too. I managed to read the description though. And now she knows that 24hr cycling is not a thing and it needs a month or more. The fish-in cycle won't be easy on her or the fish but I know she'll do it right. And I'm glad that she simply knew about the nitrogen cycle at all tbh. We all know she'll remedy it now and get a tank and good filter etc.
Even Jennie from Solid Gold was commenting encouragement. I can't wait to see Jenna's next fishie video. And I know that she'll make sure to give out the proper care info for the wellbeing of others and their fish, because fish deserve as much love and care as a cat or dog (or hamster lel).

This is why I love Jenna, she's so responsible and caring. And like I said maybe with her influence the pet industry can finally begin to treat fish better in general (especially goldies and bettas...)
Alex Saravia
Alex Saravia - 7 years ago
I didn't get a chance to watch the video but I saw the thumbnail and the title pop up in my notifications. I cringed at the round tank but I knew that once the feedback rolled in she would try to make it right. It's what happened with her hamster - she posted the video and once people started telling her what she was doing wrong or what was dangerous for Ad she almost immediately fixed it all.

Jenna's core fanbase is pretty sweet and caring overrall so I don't think the hate got so horrible. Yeah some people just like being right and feeling as if they're better than someone rather than educating but those people are a minority there. Everyone is sweet and always want the best for Jenna and whatever pet she gets. It's pretty sweet.

But to be fair, I didn't get a chance to go through those comments. Jenna doesn't seem like the type of person to take offense from someone telling her she isn't being a good fishie parent
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
I was just worried that people were being cunty or that the fishies died. The fishkeeping community can get very...passionate...and it often intimidates and scares off new keepers.
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
Alex Saravia Yeah I just read it. I love her so much and am so proud. I'm so glad that she's being so responsible and making sure her audience recieve proper info through her. Who knows, with her influence maybe fish can be treated better in future!
Alex Saravia
Alex Saravia - 7 years ago
she just didnt wanna accidentally spread more misinformation. she posted a better explanation on her Twitter
bebebutterfield1 - 7 years ago
One thing that I would tell a new hobbyist is to get the largest tank you can afford and maintain it for several months before you buy another tank...says she who has 6 nano tanks to clean today.
AmyCummingsIrishDanceMom - 7 years ago
So, I came to my phone to text my husband and saw that Rachel and Joey both posted new videos. Started watching the videos and completely forgot about texting my husband lol. ❤
Renee Suppe
Renee Suppe - 7 years ago
Will those apisto's be available for sale? Just subscribed to your channel not too long ago and I'm loving your videos. Would love to buy a pair from you in the near future.
karen peppe
karen peppe - 7 years ago
Another. Great. Video! Rachel, you are an amazing educator. Keep up the great work. I’m always waiting for your videos! You are doing the hobby a great service. Thank you so much for always sharing your knowledge.
AmyCummingsIrishDanceMom - 7 years ago
Oh man little tanks, my 5 gallon gave me soooooooo many problems at first, the 55 and 40 gallon never a problem. ❤
Dæmon Græyson
Dæmon Græyson - 7 years ago
YASSSSS!! I was eating for this video!
Aviss Abyss
Aviss Abyss - 7 years ago
As soon as I saw the notification of a Jenna video saying she got fish, I knew it was gonna be like when she randomly got a hamster without any research. She really listened to people's concerns about Ad and how they homed him, and fixed it super fast. But fish are so different. And they're a lot more difficult than people think. And it makes me sad when fish die because someone couldn't wait a month or two to cycle a proper tank (ugh, fish bowls...) and do some research on some species they may want. I saw you'd commented on it this morning and I'm really hoping she sees that and maybe watches this, Jennie's, or Joey's videos about new hobbyists and setting up brand new tanks. All of you offer great advice and I'd just like to thank you for making this. You're awesome.
Ne Ne Zilla
Ne Ne Zilla - 7 years ago
I commented on her video....tried to help but im sure ill have haters.
Josh Jobe
Josh Jobe - 7 years ago
Not sure if u saw but Jenna took down her video just now :/
Polly W
Polly W - 7 years ago
I subscribed, thank you for the informative video. Jenna seems to have taken her video down now though :s hopefully she didn't get too much hate
Shaden0040 - 7 years ago
Fish food makers promote over feeding to make you buy more food faster. Plus many of them also make ammonia absorb inserts for filters.
Shaden0040 - 7 years ago
Overly reddened gills and gill covers was my first clue to high ammonia when I first started out.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Seems as though Jenna took her video down :( I hope the haters didnt get to her!
jennifer young
jennifer young - 7 years ago
She took the video down, then posted a video called "What happened to my fishes video". It seems that she got a mix of gentle reminders and haters. She seemed more concerned that she had made a mistake and it was affecting their quality of life. It wasn't so much about potential backlash that she took them back. She said the clerk who'd sold her the fish, tank, etc. didn't even own up to his mistake, blaming the internet, and saying that people didn't know everything and saying he was right.
Greywind92 - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary that’s exactly what happened. The fish nazis attacked her so bad she had to take them back to the store
Kelly Nicole
Kelly Nicole - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary fish police got to her real quick ...
MsEmmaloserface - 7 years ago
she made an explanation video :) go check it out
Ashlee Finch
Ashlee Finch - 7 years ago
she just uploaded talking about why she took it down
Gaina - 7 years ago
That's a shame, she was getting a good amount of supportive comments and advice too. Trolls suck.
Sorry Notsorry
Sorry Notsorry - 7 years ago
I'm so bummed! I fell asleep to it last night and was looking so forward to watching it tonight. Fish + Jenna!? I was so excited! I would love to see her reupload it and use it as a "where I went wrong" funny teaching experience. She gets all the hate as a public figure, but in reality so many people make the same mistakes every day!
carolyn jordan
carolyn jordan - 7 years ago
I love Jenna and Julien....and although I look foreword to her videos every week, I admire her even more for taking it down so as not to spread more misinformation.
Tyanna McNally
Tyanna McNally - 7 years ago
I referred her to this video in her tweet, I hope she does check out your videos :D when I recommend videos made by hobbyist you and kingofDIY are my top two choices
Alex x
Alex x - 7 years ago
Dæmon Græyson aw that’s really sad.. it’s horrible that some ‘experts’ don’t even know what their talking about, especially a lot (but not all) pet store staff have no clue. that’s why it’s so important to do a lot of your own research online before buying any pet. look around, find youtubers like this lady who really do know what their talking about. i feel bad for Jenna as she is so willing to learn from mistakes and she is so loving to her animals and wants the best for them. hopefully this will help her in the future and she will know to do more research
Dylan Eagles
Dylan Eagles - 7 years ago
Just Breathe
Just Breathe - 7 years ago
(Edit: Oops! I didn't see that Ender Flight had already said this! :) GGs. )

Her Twitter says she took it down to avoid spreading misinformation. I hope she sees your video because you presented some really quality info in an encouraging way! It's so much more helpful when people take this approach, imo. Browbeating people into feeling ashamed for not double-checking the care instructions they were given by folks they should be able to trust only alienates them and makes it less likely they'll continue in the hobby.

Sorry to see you're still under the weather. Hope you feel better soon, Rachel!
Jay Workman
Jay Workman - 7 years ago
I hope she doesn't get discouraged. I left her a comment letting her know that a 24 hour cycle wasn't a thing. I don't think it came off as negative. I hope it wasn't received that way. Maybe a Jenna-Rachel connection can be made.
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary She's such a responsible petmum. So glad that she's doing what she can to make sure people are properly informed. Maybe with her influence the pet industry can begin to treat fish better.
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
Ender Flight Yeah I just read it. I love her so much and am so proud. I'm so glad that she's being so responsible and making sure her audience recieve proper info through her. Who knows, with her influence maybe fish can be treated better in future! I was worried that criticism and hate got to her or that the fishies died.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Grimalkin Felidae I think she didn't want to be setting a poor example. Kudos to her
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
Ender Flight Okay! That sounds like her. That's why I love her! I also literally just came to the conclusion, "maybe she knew she didn't do it right and didn't want to set a bad example for 16mil+ people" before you commented haha
Ender Flight
Ender Flight - 7 years ago
She put a thing on her Twitter, if you want to go read it-it's about how she realized that she was misinformed and didn't want to let misinformation stay up there so she took it down. Quite responsible to do, in my opinion! She said that she's going to make sure her fishies are okay, since she wants to give them the best life. She took most of the blame and talked a bit about how she should have done research. I wish I could have seen it now!
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
I didn't even get to watch more than a few seconds of it :(
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
I wonder why she removed it. I hope it wasn't people being arseholes. Or that the fishies died or something.
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
Yeah I was really surprised! She never takes videos down. I hope she, Julien and the fishies are okay.
Dæmon Græyson
Dæmon Græyson - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary Same, she’s amazing with her animals and is very good at taking criticism and learning. Maybe they’re doing an updated video later? Hopefully they keep making videos updating us on their fish!
UPDATE: She made a tweet about it all.
jmacd98 - 7 years ago
Great advice! Some good tips there, particularly adding a drop of prime to the water in fish bags to neutralise the ammonia
Dodo Bird
Dodo Bird - 7 years ago
Have you ever tried the walstad method Rachel? And if so, would you recommend it for beginners?
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Dodo Bird no and no. I think there is a lot t9 that method for it to be done correctly
Thirsty Rabbit
Thirsty Rabbit - 7 years ago
One love.
Candyfornian - 7 years ago
She took the video down!
Vivianna Sanchez
Vivianna Sanchez - 7 years ago
I hope Jenna finds this video and gets into the fish keeping hobby :)
Daniel Dulu
Daniel Dulu - 7 years ago
I have killed fish because I rushed. That was years ago and now I have an almost 6 year old tetra. I think I am getting better at this but I do not breed so I am not at that level.
Steve Story
Steve Story - 7 years ago
Great Video!! Rachel, what main staple food would you recommend for a community tank with 12 guppies a Dwarf Gourami and 3 Corydoras Habrosus. Thanks
Kayleigh Lowe
Kayleigh Lowe - 7 years ago
Loved this video!!!! Feel better Rachel!
Cortez Loera
Cortez Loera - 7 years ago
Just plain and simple educational advice. Appreciate the knowledge. My aquarium has really thrived since I've watched your channel and learned so much. My planted freshwater community tank has had zero issues and my fishes enjoy it. Thanks again!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Super glad to hear that!
Jenn Howe
Jenn Howe - 7 years ago
I love when my youtube favorites cross over. Thanks for this Rachel!
carolyn jordan
carolyn jordan - 7 years ago
Me too...I may have squealed a little when I saw this video title!
Jenn Howe
Jenn Howe - 7 years ago
That is really cool. I hope she watches your video. I also hope all the people who are trying to "prove how smart they are" watch this too. Great message Rachel!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
I was geeked when I learned that she and I have the same birthday. It is the little things in life, hahaha
Bronwyn Lines
Bronwyn Lines - 7 years ago
Yes a thought - fish room tours of women who rock!!! I would watch that!!!
Bronwyn Lines
Bronwyn Lines - 7 years ago
Great video. Your so right! Keeping people in the hobby is hard, so go gentle with advice. They will learn and if your lucky you will make a new fish buddie to share your fish experiences and worries with. We all want fish to be happy and healthy - so this is a greasy my start. Thanks again for sharing. Your so down to earth and real. Plus a woman!!! I love seeing woman who rock the hobby.
Sarina Hyena
Sarina Hyena - 7 years ago
yes I wrote her a comment too, I did the exact same thing as her, bought a biorb and wanted a fish asap, so to criticise her would not be fair! I tried to point her in the right direction because wouldnt you love jenna to really get into it and make a ratchet salon aquascape? I Would die to see that hahaha.
Honestly though.. I still have my biorb today and I hate it! Its a real challenge to make look nice and the acrylic scratches, so theres no way I can remove green spot algae from it. And the lighting isnt good enough for most plants. I paid £300 for it and my favorite tank in my house is one that I bought all the components for and a plain glass hand me down tank, whole set up only cost £55, and I have the fluval Co2 20 small kit running in it but changed the bulky diffuser for a better one and added a bubble counter. I recommend it for your living room tank since you can buy the threaded cartidges for dirt cheap on amazon (although fluval insist you use their extremely overpriced ones).
Wyvern Mom Cherche
Wyvern Mom Cherche - 7 years ago
Also a huge Jenna fan but as soon as I saw the title and a bowl in the thumbnail, I cringed. I hate lecturing people about fish keeping because it tends to discourage new fish keepers (which I never want to do), but a lot of people are under the impression that fish keeping is as easy as just putting fish and water in a bowl :(
Brooke Olsen
Brooke Olsen - 7 years ago
Wyvern Mom Cherche she brought the fish back because she wanted them to have a better life which is something I really appreciate.
Wyvern Mom Cherche
Wyvern Mom Cherche - 7 years ago
Grimalkin Felidae This exactly. There’s so much misinformation about fish keeping going around that I don’t think criticizing any beginner for making mistakes is fair. Jenna’s a good and well-meaning person, I know she’ll do her best to care for her fish.
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
hi mom What an astute and eloquent reply...
A Cheeky Motherfucker
A Cheeky Motherfucker - 7 years ago
Grimalkin Felidae Ight bro
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
hi mom I think this is more of a general comment than a criticism of Jenna.
A Cheeky Motherfucker
A Cheeky Motherfucker - 7 years ago
She added a bubble thing to add oxygen to the tank. You obviously didn’t watch the video LOL
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
Yeah at least it was a biorb. I made sure to read the des. and she said she cycled for one night. I mean, at least she knows about the cycle I guess. I didn't get to watch more than a few seconds before it was removed though :(
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Wyvern Mom Cherche it was a biorb tank, filtered at least
Franz von Köller
Franz von Köller - 7 years ago
I really hope Jenna watches this video, Rachel is one of the most knowledgeable and practical fishkeepers I've heard. Great tips on this video for anyone, and pretty good hobby philosophy included in it. Thanks for the video, even when you've kept an aquarium for years and years you always benefit form a refreshment course ;)
Andrea The Loser
Andrea The Loser - 7 years ago
Franz von Köller yeah I’ve had mine for a couple of years now, I just feel for Jenny but the irony of it all made me laugh
Franz von Köller
Franz von Köller - 7 years ago
I think she decided what was best for the fish, but I feel the negativity overwhelmed her. I just hope she doesn't give up fish keeping because of it, it seems she's in contact with knowledgeable fishkeepers now.
Andrea The Loser
Andrea The Loser - 7 years ago
Franz von Köller too late lmao
Streamlines - 7 years ago
Thanks for making this video, unfortunately I think that many people will not see this, especially most of the 17 million subscribers of JM...I am quite sure that she's convinced many people in her video to try out keeping fish and they'll probably do the same as she did and get fish and a tank at the same time and do fish-in cycling.
Erin Garcia
Erin Garcia - 7 years ago
Streamlines , watch her recent video.
TheNellehFox - 7 years ago
I have a black piece of fabric hanging on the side of one of my tanks that's a bit in sunlight. It's semi-opaque, so I can still see them through it, and it's a lot less permanent than a background stuck to the glass. Without the curtain, the tank just turns green!
The Fishy Life !
The Fishy Life ! - 7 years ago
Patience!!!! Best advice I can give to new fishkeepers, this video is a very good informative video for new fishkeepers, I've found myself telling some people in PetSmart that I overheard that what the employee just told them was wrong and explained the nitrogen cycle and hopefully helped them...why is it so hard to have educated people in the big pet stores? Sry for the rant. ✌️
Joe Berger
Joe Berger - 7 years ago
My Tank has been running for about 2 years now. Still haven`t fully stocked it yet, enjoy taking my time with it. Once its full its full. Really appreciated this recap of starter tipps. Oh and is the Rhinelocaria fallax video on it`s way? ;)
Also do you run any "BlackWater" tanks?
Joe Berger
Joe Berger - 7 years ago
No worries, just really looking forward to it! :) get well soon
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Joe Berger I run a few Blackwater tanks. And I will do the rhino video at some point, was a little catfish heavy there for a bit.
V. Stag
V. Stag - 7 years ago
Awesome video Thanks for sharing
Anya Gustafson
Anya Gustafson - 7 years ago
If you see her doing something wrong and reach out to her she is very good at fixing things with the animals. She changed a bunch of stuff about her hamster when people told her. She would love the professional feed back.
Caitlyn Jones
Caitlyn Jones - 7 years ago
She removed it because she didn't want to spread misinformation about her fish or have her viewers model their tanks after hers, since she knows now she made some mistakes :)
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
Yep! I'm wondering why she removed the video. I didn't even get to watch it :(
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
I shared this video to her facebook page, best i can do!
K Batt
K Batt - 7 years ago
Jenna seems really down to earth. Sometimes people get constructive criticism and shut down....throw the trolls into the mix and it's hard to help the new person. I hope she sees this and gains a passion for fishkeeping.
Monkey Nut
Monkey Nut - 7 years ago
Fluval cycle . And get a small cheap 10 gallon and some guppies. I always say the small the tank the bigger the sponge filter needed
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Pardon my sniffles, I am still quite sick! Regardless, I was inspired this morning when I saw Jenna Marbles got fish to shoot a quick video on some things to think about when getting your first tank. Remember, we were ALL new once and its important to foster each other within this hobby.
Jenna took her video down, full explanation at her twitter: @jenna_marbles
Instagram @msjinkzd
Website and stocklist:
Buy me a coffee:
LauraCur - 7 years ago
YOu're Awesome - hope Jenna sees this video!!!!!!!
Tetra Aquariums
Tetra Aquariums - 7 years ago
I myself left a comment for Jenna and I hope she sees this as well.
Bill Elsdon
Bill Elsdon - 7 years ago
Seems she took down the video :/
Natalie Jeanette
Natalie Jeanette - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary thank you so much!
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
+Natalie Jeanette they are called Lee's specimen containers for googling purposes
Dodo Bird
Dodo Bird - 7 years ago
Get well soon and thanks for the video
Natalie Jeanette
Natalie Jeanette - 7 years ago
Rachel O'leary Heya Rachael where did you buy your plastic containers that hang on the aquarium? Thanks x
Reyna Glover
Reyna Glover - 7 years ago
Yay! One more hobbyist! Hope you're well! <3

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