Journey's 1 Year Adoptiversary! | Betta Backstory

Today's video is dedicated to Journey, who celebrated her one year adoptiversary on Monday, August 22nd, 2016. These videos are made not to educate, but to have as memorabilia when the inevitable comes. Hopefully, you found the story entertaining or even slightly amusing. If you dislike this style, I can promise you next week's video, the majority of you won't want to miss. Hint: It's been suggested over a dozen times, but it is not a new betta. Guess below (but.. I won't tell you if you're right or wrong!) Featured Videos: How to Sex Your Veiltail Betta: How to Clean a Fishbowl Safely and Quick: All other videos are in appropriate playlists on my channel. Thank you for 660 subscribers! That number would still be 0 if it wasn't for any of you! New Video Every Thursday. Find Me on Instagram: officialbetterbetta Intro Music by All remaining music by YouTube Audio Library.

Journey's 1 Year Adoptiversary! | Betta Backstory sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Betta 8 years ago 2,756 views

Today's video is dedicated to Journey, who celebrated her one year adoptiversary on Monday, August 22nd, 2016. These videos are made not to educate, but to have as memorabilia when the inevitable comes. Hopefully, you found the story entertaining or even slightly amusing. If you dislike this style, I can promise you next week's video, the majority of you won't want to miss. Hint: It's been suggested over a dozen times, but it is not a new betta. Guess below (but.. I won't tell you if you're right or wrong!) Featured Videos: How to Sex Your Veiltail Betta: How to Clean a Fishbowl Safely and Quick: All other videos are in appropriate playlists on my channel. Thank you for 660 subscribers! That number would still be 0 if it wasn't for any of you! New Video Every Thursday. Find Me on Instagram: officialbetterbetta Intro Music by All remaining music by YouTube Audio Library.

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Most popular comments
for Journey's 1 Year Adoptiversary! | Betta Backstory

iggy the iguana
iggy the iguana - 7 years ago
I had a betta named Walter, he had the growing white spot of scales too,
he turned from light pink to platinum white, and he just behaved normal.
FabulousFish Facts
FabulousFish Facts - 7 years ago
Elyse Lu
Elyse Lu - 8 years ago
Elyse Lu
Elyse Lu - 8 years ago
Because she died of dropsy
Champion Pets
Champion Pets - 8 years ago
Wow she is beautiful! Your betta is definitely very different for a female, but that's what makes her special! I love her, nice video!
Jayden Cool
Jayden Cool - 8 years ago
Looks like ick
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Jayden Cool I don't think it was ick, ick is more of a salty appearance. Like little tiny white grains of salt all over the body. But it certainly could have been something similar to ick.
Claws and Paws
Claws and Paws - 8 years ago
hello I am a Betta breeder and her condition is likely due to inbreeding where Bettas that are to closely related are bred. it should not affect her but it will cause some scale loss. I hope this helped!
Robert Kowalke
Robert Kowalke - 8 years ago
Have seen this a few times and no one really has any good answers, though I have been told Diet is one cause. I feed my Betta's the exact same food you do Omega Mini Color but only 3 times a week. The rest of the time I offer live healthy foods, Brine shrimp and White Worms work wonders for all tropical fish but really bring out colors in Betta's. White worms are silly easy to breed and 1 culture would feed yours with no problems for months, a second culture started before the 1st sours insures you always have a supply. Blood worms <Mosquito Larvae> are the Betta's natural and favorite food, easy to collect in the spring thru fall just make sure they eat all of them or you may end up growing skeeters ;)

Live foods are cheaper but do require a bit more labor but you'll notice the difference in their Energy and Color.
Night Wolf
Night Wolf - 8 years ago
congrats journey! she is so cute :D and your tank is just amazing! ^^
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+boo pie Thank you so much!
Auzzie - 8 years ago
You can also tell if it's a female by that white spot behind its anal fin :)
Auzzie - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta Lol
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
Yep! That's how I know for sure she's a girl. I spend waaaay too many hours researching how to sex your betta to ensure she was actually a girl haha

10. comment for Journey's 1 Year Adoptiversary! | Betta Backstory

Dragon Sin
Dragon Sin - 8 years ago
Yay one year congrats
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Israel Mendoza Thanks!
MyView 10.75.69
MyView 10.75.69 - 8 years ago
Happy Adoptiversary Journey :) I think that color change looks pretty cool. have you ever considered trying to breed her with one of your males?
MyView 10.75.69
MyView 10.75.69 - 8 years ago
I would sure luv to see that on your channel. you seem to REALLY care about your babies so i know you would do it right. I look forward to your videos, thanks for posting em :)
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+MyView 10.75.69 I don't have the tank space to breed them and rumour is that breeding store-bought bettas can yield bad results- if I had the space and a little more confidence on it, I may try one day with 'quality' bettas :)
Thai Bettas
Thai Bettas - 8 years ago
Congrats she is so cute
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Thai Bettas thank you so much! :)
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
heartboy will be 1 year on march 26 my birthday. I can't wait
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta ok thanks and every one loves scarlet she is really pretty to be honest.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Marisa's Betta Fish I have an Instagram for my bettas/other pets, which is officialbetterbetta. I don't specifically decorate my bettas tanks for their birthdays, but I do often give them Christmas presents :p I love decorating their tanks for other holidays though! This year they got their best adoptiversary present ever, which was their new tanks. They got just got them really far in advance :) My favourite betta of yours is probably Scarlet.. As for my own, I can't choose a favourite as they are all so different :)
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
lol that is so cute and the girls adoptiversery is a mounth after ,y birthday. do u have any socal medias cuz if so and u would like u can give them a present like plants and substrate and decor or a background. or even a birthday letter. only if u want. my favrite bettas of yours are campbell and jorney i love then and the other to are adorable too what is favrite betta of mine.\
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Marisa's Betta Fish Love how you and your betta have the same birthday! (Well, adoptiversary for Heartboy). My newest betta Campbell almost shares my birthday- I got him June 11 but my birthday is June 12 :)
Thai Bettas
Thai Bettas - 8 years ago
hey Marisa
angelfacemoma - 8 years ago
It's probably stress from water current. I had a crown tail in a half gallon tank for temporary until I moved him into my 29 gallon community, I acclimated him by putting his bowl in there and adding aquarium water every 5 minutes, I done this for 2 hours so he could see the other fish to prevent any aggression. I noticed after about a day his tail had a discolored streak going up but I thought maybe I just hadn't noticed is before. Then the next day it had moved up, same area as your betta but on both sides. Looked like scales missing or losing color. I immediately took him out and began treating him but it was too late. I don't know if it was too much room overwhelming him or if it could have been the bubblers I have in there causing too much current. I'm guessing it was the bubbles or a little of both.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+angelfacemoma It's so hard to tell with her because it started before I bought her and she lived in only a one gallon for about 7 months before switching to a proper-sized tank with current. It's so strange, some people say color change but that's new to me too because none of my bettas (past or present) have changed color :) But, I'll definitely keep this in mind and turn her air stone down a bit (oddly enough, she loves the thing).
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 8 years ago
Congrats on 1 Year! So awesome to hear!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Dolphincutie World Thanks!
anfarlamb - 8 years ago
Woohoo! Congratulations! I'm super happy for you, as one year is a lot of time! Awesome editing too!
anfarlamb - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta December isn't that far away, haha. (;
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+BettaCare137 Thank you so much! I'm very happy I've now had 2 of my current bettas reach 1 year :) Draco is next, but not until December 5 :)
LRB Aquatics
LRB Aquatics - 8 years ago
Congrats. I have something sad to say. I was looking up betta videos. And I found people FIGHTING THEM! This is crazy. I reported this page. I can't believe people do this. If you are interested, look up Daily Indian Logs to report him please
Robert Kowalke
Robert Kowalke - 8 years ago
Betta Splendens are natural fighters and the far east areas where they come from were known for their fighting fish...kinda like chicken fighting and dog fighting. It disgusts me that people would do this but they have for centuries. The Betta is known as the Siamese Fighting Fish for this reason, as well as it's aggressiveness towards other males and even females in close quarters.
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+LRB Aquatics It's absolutely awful, can't believe someone would do that - even someone who doesn't love fish as much as we do. And to film it and post it to YouTube after? What -.-
Emily 264
Emily 264 - 8 years ago
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Emily 264 Thanks :)
Betta With Bettas
Betta With Bettas - 8 years ago
She is developing dragon scales/ marbling white
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Betta With Bettas That's what the majority tell me, it's interesting yet weird because I've never had a marbling betta before :)

20. comment for Journey's 1 Year Adoptiversary! | Betta Backstory

Gilmar Oliveira
Gilmar Oliveira - 8 years ago
congrats journey
Fluff,Fins And Feathers
Fluff,Fins And Feathers - 8 years ago
I'm the 2nd comment and congrats on 1 year Journey!
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+Fluff,Fins And Feathers Silver medalist! :) Thanks!
JacobChunioo Jacob chunis
JacobChunioo Jacob chunis - 8 years ago
yay I'm first
JacobChunioo Jacob chunis
JacobChunioo Jacob chunis - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta yes , we do 100% every 5 days or so , an the plants seem to provide oxygen and eat good amounts of ammonia and nitrites !
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+JacobChunioo I'm glad I inspired someone to get a betta! They are great pets. Live plants can certainly be gorgeous, and in a smaller sized tank like that it would help filter the water too. Ammonia does sure build up fast, the detoxification will definitely help but frequent water changes is the most important thing :) Have fun!
JacobChunioo Jacob chunis
JacobChunioo Jacob chunis - 8 years ago
+BetterBetta my grandpa GT a betta after watching your videos . he got a red male , he has a 1 gallon bowl with live plants . the ammonia builds up. pretty quick , we use ammonia detoxifier
BetterBetta - 8 years ago
+JacobChunioo Good job :)

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