Jumping Betta fish - ZooBotanica 2013

SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV LIKE: http://www.facebook.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV BOOKMARK: http://definiteaquascape.tv There was a single male siamese fighting fish Betta splendes in the ricefield aquarium made by members of Association of Fishkeepers from Wrocław (http://www.wta.org.pl) at ZooBotanica 2013 fair. Betta was supposed to swim in the upper terrace, where glass was installed in the wall to allow the viewers to see the fish. However, our Betta had diffferent plans, and each time we put him into the upper terrace - sooner or later he jumped out, all the way down to the main compartment of the aquarium. It's very interesting to observe the behaviour of the fish - he is clearly examining the wall of the terrace, to find the best spot (even though during the secong jump he mis-identified the spot, and chose to go over dry land instead of going through the small "waterfall" - but he succeeded anyway). A very intelligent fish, which deserves to be kept in a well furnished aquarium, not in a fishbowl with kitsch-colorful gravel and plastic plant! And remember - ALWAYS cover tight your Betta tank, because this fish can jump out and escape through even smallest crevices in the aquarium hood !!

Jumping Betta fish - ZooBotanica 2013 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 73

Betta 11 years ago 183,939 views

SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV LIKE: http://www.facebook.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV BOOKMARK: http://definiteaquascape.tv There was a single male siamese fighting fish Betta splendes in the ricefield aquarium made by members of Association of Fishkeepers from Wrocław (http://www.wta.org.pl) at ZooBotanica 2013 fair. Betta was supposed to swim in the upper terrace, where glass was installed in the wall to allow the viewers to see the fish. However, our Betta had diffferent plans, and each time we put him into the upper terrace - sooner or later he jumped out, all the way down to the main compartment of the aquarium. It's very interesting to observe the behaviour of the fish - he is clearly examining the wall of the terrace, to find the best spot (even though during the secong jump he mis-identified the spot, and chose to go over dry land instead of going through the small "waterfall" - but he succeeded anyway). A very intelligent fish, which deserves to be kept in a well furnished aquarium, not in a fishbowl with kitsch-colorful gravel and plastic plant! And remember - ALWAYS cover tight your Betta tank, because this fish can jump out and escape through even smallest crevices in the aquarium hood !!

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Most popular comments
for Jumping Betta fish - ZooBotanica 2013

chrishasaclue - 7 years ago
Where do you get this aquarium and does he ever get back up?
AyanTheMaster 101
AyanTheMaster 101 - 7 years ago
George Pappas
George Pappas - 7 years ago
SUBIE4estr XT - 7 years ago
Thats one amazing tank!!! Did you build it yourself or buy it?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 7 years ago
SUBIE4estr XT Sure :) We were using fishnet to bring him back up :)
SUBIE4estr XT - 7 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV can he get back to the top somehow once hes at the bottom?
SUBIE4estr XT - 7 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV nice looks great
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 7 years ago
SUBIE4estr XT We build it ourselves :)
SUBIE4estr XT - 7 years ago
Whaaaaat bettas can do that?!? I didn’t know. Im covering every crack in the hood of the tank
Jaxxon the Healer
Jaxxon the Healer - 7 years ago
Awesome video thanks!!!!
Menma XP
Menma XP - 7 years ago
Betta fish didn't live in moving water. That why betta fish followed the water to get away from moving water. If u take another fish in this tank, like guppy maybe they will jump go to the top... Bc they leave in moving water.
CTFishing 4579
CTFishing 4579 - 7 years ago
Menma XP you're half right. They live in water that moves very slowly. That is why people who own bettas have the filter turned on very slowly. This is also why they do not swim very fast.
Etrip - 7 years ago
ta daaam!!!
Jennie Sutton
Jennie Sutton - 7 years ago
I have a betta fish

10. comment for Jumping Betta fish - ZooBotanica 2013

Joshua Fuhrman
Joshua Fuhrman - 7 years ago
how do they get back up
Forever and ever I swear!
Forever and ever I swear! - 7 years ago
Think he figured out if there is a flow of water there must be a pool down there..
Theresia Wennerberg
Theresia Wennerberg - 7 years ago
My betta has starting to jump in the aquarium to, but no where to jump likte this amazing aquarium. And the funny part is that my betta looks very very simular to yourse :D apologies for my english gramar :P
IT'S JUST A PRANK, BRO! CHILL! CHILL!!! - 7 years ago
How dare you keep him in such a tiny tank! That's animal cruelty.
CTFishing 4579
CTFishing 4579 - 7 years ago
IT'S JUST A PRANK, BRO! CHILL! CHILL!!! That tank is bigger than most bettas "owners" would put them in. Bowls are like hell compared to this habitat
s_ r
s_ r - 7 years ago
that took some time to build didnt it
Dagh - 7 years ago
Is the best betta habitat I've ever seen!!!!
Forever and ever I swear!
Forever and ever I swear! - 7 years ago
So cute. Wonder how it knew there is a pond below..
Rosi Galinova
Rosi Galinova - 7 years ago
that was awesome:D
Joel Weidenfeld
Joel Weidenfeld - 7 years ago
looks like that last jump knocked him out for a minute or he was resting and taking stock,,,definitely should have a way for him to get back to the top , mostly make it a easy up hill swim, if he swims up hill that will mean he wants to go and make the areas contains different things of interest, see what a mate, another male and WHAT HAPPENS with babies, out in a area perfectly planted with surface floating leaves for nest building and make it so the jumps can't hurt them, also lose the gravel or put it over a planting medium,, it's really good because you have the whole top to view not just a side so maybe lower it s bit
Joel Weidenfeld
Joel Weidenfeld - 7 years ago
I wonder if 2 males would move to isolate themselves and steak out and defend areas?

20. comment for Jumping Betta fish - ZooBotanica 2013

Joel Weidenfeld
Joel Weidenfeld - 7 years ago
it's like he purposely avoided the break in the wall even as he could clearly tell it was a water outlet, looks like he wanted to get on the top of the wall to use that height to make the big jump, if he did it differently it would have been more a swim through shallow sharp rocks,, that was quite a leap, be like a PERSON jumping 20 to 30 feet from a stand still
Joel Weidenfeld
Joel Weidenfeld - 7 years ago
does he KNOW his way around?? did you think of that or copy it?? does he have a mate, you should put a female in that he has to find them follow them,,, I hope it's a closed loop so he won't get stuck and so he can map the whole area and avoid incorrect paths,,, he really flings himself, it looked like he knew where he was going as he didn't take the little water call and flung himself way down to where he needed to be.
Da Frontyardigans
Da Frontyardigans - 7 years ago
Nice tank setup
Black Shark
Black Shark - 7 years ago
you could have 3 betta fishes if you block the jumping spot
SolidGoldShows - 7 years ago
Remote controlled Betta fish! Lol
Potato Durp
Potato Durp - 7 years ago
Very cool! Such a nice and natural looking setup!
GearzMC - 7 years ago
I think you just took a huge rock and placed it in that room.
Rizky Ananta
Rizky Ananta - 8 years ago
So thats why my betta missing..hahahaha..oh my god..
niraj d
niraj d - 8 years ago
alien_invation :3
alien_invation :3 - 8 years ago

30. comment for Jumping Betta fish - ZooBotanica 2013

Riky Aji
Riky Aji - 8 years ago
awesome jumping fish
Tyler aka turkey D
Tyler aka turkey D - 8 years ago
U did a great job on this tank
cathunkadunk - 8 years ago
Omg this is the best tank ever
Luculencia - 8 years ago
My betta never jumped and the lid on her tank was always off.I did accidentally suck her up in the siphon once though... she got stuck in there alive and I had to cut the siphon tube to get her out (luckily it was transparent so I could see where she was). She got a bit squished and what looked like eggs were squeezed out of her while in the tube. She survived a further year after that so I guess it didn't do her any lasting harm?
cWeeks1992 - 8 years ago
anyone else getting anxious by the guy with the camera and the red light?
peace smile love
peace smile love - 8 years ago
the tank looks great it replecates their natrual habitat
The Rex life
The Rex life - 8 years ago
Gtfo does he jump back to the top too??
Luculencia - 8 years ago
nope he's put there by the humans that own him and the tank.
Lauren Mcintyre
Lauren Mcintyre - 8 years ago
Well done in your tank again! By the way, where do you fit the heaters?
Luculencia - 8 years ago
Probably in the sump tank if it has one.
Lauren Mcintyre
Lauren Mcintyre - 8 years ago
That 'little' environment you've built for him is incredible! It's so nice to see someone that really cares about their life quality and making their tank so like their natural environment!)
Angela Pro
Angela Pro - 8 years ago
How did you make such an elaborate tank? Or did you buy it?
Katie Medland
Katie Medland - 8 years ago
Wow this tank is absolutely amazing!! It's so similar to what he would actually live in in the wild! Great job!
Jackson Stewart
Jackson Stewart - 8 years ago
i had a jumping betta fish but it died ;-;
I'm Tired
I'm Tired - 8 years ago
What color pattern is this fish? I think my fish may be a related to my fish, because I can't find any description for an "albino" betta with a more vivid color on their fins. There are pictures here: https://sites.google.com/site/knowyourbetta/home/meet-the-fish
dragoninnight - 8 years ago
The fish in video is a cambodian.
I'm Tired
I'm Tired - 8 years ago
Also, I am inspired by the level of devotion you show to your fish :)
M Arriaza
M Arriaza - 8 years ago
That tank set up is AMAZING. I <3 you
Ang Pearlyn
Ang Pearlyn - 8 years ago
wtf dont shine the light onto its EYEEZZZZZ
kenneth lim
kenneth lim - 8 years ago
amazing!!! thanks for that video
Indra Yudha Kusuma
Indra Yudha Kusuma - 8 years ago
omg im screaming
Jerry hughes69fdg
Jerry hughes69fdg - 8 years ago
That tank is fliping amazing
Jerry hughes69fdg
Jerry hughes69fdg - 8 years ago
That tanks to small for only one fish
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
:Facepalm: You are stupid... It is not a tank AND he does have a natural set pond along oth enough room for it to play. Did you not see the size of it's fountain?
raniku rai
raniku rai - 8 years ago
hey ur tank is so cool can u make a video of " how u made it"

50. comment for Jumping Betta fish - ZooBotanica 2013

Erwin Belleza
Erwin Belleza - 8 years ago
but could that betta go up?
GDeathGod TDFL
GDeathGod TDFL - 8 years ago
how does it get back up?
PunkSkaful - 8 years ago
Ivan Ramos
Ivan Ramos - 8 years ago
This is one of the sickest tanks I have ever seen. Air betta.
Varalidaine - 8 years ago
Do you document the construction of this setup anywhere or does anyone know anything about setups like this, like what they might be called or forums that do similar things? This is incredible!
BLACK CAT - 8 years ago
WinterSoulz Aj-Vlogs
WinterSoulz Aj-Vlogs - 8 years ago
all Betta fish do that unless they are stupid like not stupid but unable. when there a baby you teach them
Roghib Asfahani
Roghib Asfahani - 8 years ago
even betta captive-breed still have the ancient instinct
brax likes
brax likes - 8 years ago
That's too small he needs at least 10 gallons
CTFishing 4579
CTFishing 4579 - 7 years ago
It could be 10 gallons, but the minium should be 2.5 gallons
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
You are now the number one dumbass of the day
Jae_ DN
Jae_ DN - 8 years ago
are you serious...do you not see how big that damn tank is...second of all a minimum size tank for a betta is 2.5 gallons that's way bigger than that
Cedric Quesada
Cedric Quesada - 8 years ago
plz do you research lol
brax likes
brax likes - 8 years ago
+Susie Valdez what's so funny asshole
Susie Valdez
Susie Valdez - 8 years ago
Feather Fanatics
Feather Fanatics - 8 years ago
At dams, they have salmon ladders so salmon can jump up to get past the dams. You should put one in the betta tank.
Feather Fanatics
Feather Fanatics - 8 years ago
At dams, they have salmon ladders so salmon can jump up to get past the dams. You should put one in the betta tank.
Blue Flame Wolf
Blue Flame Wolf - 8 years ago
I want that fish ;)
Blue Hawk
Blue Hawk - 8 years ago
This is crule. In the wild when this happens it is the most stressful and overall worst time of they're life. They are scared of how low the water level is and how they think they will run out of food.please don't keep them in this.
CTFishing 4579
CTFishing 4579 - 7 years ago
Blue Hawk because it's to MUCH like the wild? The internet shouldn't be accesed to people like this. You sound like an idiot!
CTFishing 4579
CTFishing 4579 - 7 years ago
are you an idiot??? Before you go out and accuse someone of animal abuse, actually reasearch. In the wild, the water is like 5 to 9 inches.
star and fox
star and fox - 8 years ago
actually it won't.bettas get stressed in deep tanks cause they aren't strong swimmers and can drown cause they need to breath air.also they naturally fear deeper waters cause that's where the animals that eats small fish like them live.plus most bugs and fry in the wild live in shallow pools not deep pools which is what bettas eat.

it's not stressful at all.
Jason Guan
Jason Guan - 8 years ago
Fire Panda What the hell? That is really stupid...... Its too shallow? Well bettas live in shallow water and they aren't stressed at all! They could find food easily because many bugs would come to rice paddies to eat and then some times the betta eats the bugs instead. Espically mosquito larvae, the mosquitos lay their eggs in shallow water, once they eggs hatch, there a baby mosquitos, then the betta has a feast! Stop saying stupid things!
Blue Hawk
Blue Hawk - 8 years ago
+Jason Guan Yeah but he would be stressed because it's too much like the wild, the shallowness makes him stressed that he will not find food
Jason Guan
Jason Guan - 8 years ago
Fire Panda Are you retarded? Well you are.... This is cruel? That betta has the whole tank to himself and also betta fish live in shallow water in the wild. They live in rice paddies where the water is shallow but extends for miles and miles. You are so fucking stupid.
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
Plus it looked shallow because of the camera angle... :I
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
.... :Sigh:.... I can't even... That tank is very natural looking and seems way better then a tank or bowl. The water wasn't that shallow, it was deep in the most part... It is also very big and he is lucky to have it all to himself. The owner said if it wasnt good for him he would never even put him in that in the first place :I
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 8 years ago
I want that
Kim Den
Kim Den - 8 years ago
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
did you setup the tank? omg I am sitting with my mouth open that tank is beautiful
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
This is awesome
Romain Renault
Romain Renault - 8 years ago
perfect biotope !!
Alisa Rain
Alisa Rain - 8 years ago
Wow it is true that they live in rice fields and likes to jump water whenever their water territory is going down
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
Yup! People also think rice patties are very small but they actually are many miles long!
Annie Stein
Annie Stein - 8 years ago
Well this morning I get to the tank and he's jumped into a glass of water next to the tank. Lol.
Luculencia - 8 years ago
Yuck >_<
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
What if someone drank it and didn't notice the fish O.O
40345 Aj
40345 Aj - 8 years ago
Did anyone find the red flashing annoying... I did...
Sixtwozero Seveneightsixfive
Sixtwozero Seveneightsixfive - 8 years ago
That fish is a total jerk. Who or what does he think he is?
CTFishing 4579
CTFishing 4579 - 7 years ago
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
Stupid... :Facepalm:
Jae_ DN
Jae_ DN - 8 years ago
Jae_ DN
Jae_ DN - 8 years ago
jeanineflynn - 8 years ago
What an awesome home for this lucky betta !
Michal Wubs
Michal Wubs - 8 years ago
Thumbnail looks edited
Just sayin
shim - 8 years ago
i feed dried anchovy to my betta. and some day the tank was empty and i found dried anchovy under my desk. ㅠㅅㅠ
Luculencia - 8 years ago
lol sorry for your loss but the way you wrote that was funny xD
Amy Curtis
Amy Curtis - 8 years ago
do you use the laser pointer to make him jump?
Sky Watcher
Sky Watcher - 8 years ago
+Angelina C
See the guy with the camera @ 0:40? It's the camera light.
ziouxpioux - 8 years ago
Fantastic set up and letting us see. Please ignore some of the ignorant comments. But, then there are people who think meat comes from a plastic container at the super market not originally from a live animal. So sad! And they are so ignorant. You did a beautiful job. My hat is off to you!!!!!
betta boy
betta boy - 9 years ago
dat was really cool freakin boss tank
Kaitlyn Maddux
Kaitlyn Maddux - 9 years ago
how did u get such a big tank or whatever it is it's amazing he must be very happy
Imee Fajardo
Imee Fajardo - 9 years ago
guys bettas are air breathers they can breath air in only 1min
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
+Luculencia I was 10 :I I was scared XD I DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO DO X3
Luculencia - 8 years ago
You could have scooped him up with a card and put him back without touching him >_>
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
I had a Betta when I was 10 and he jumped out and I was to scared to pick him up. About 5 hours later my mom came home and I told her, so we my him back into his tank to bury him the next day, but when we put him in his tank 30 seconds later he started swimming around!
Patrick Olar
Patrick Olar - 9 years ago
my betta fish is scared to jump your is talented
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
It is usually in their nature to jump
OfficialRomeo - 9 years ago
That betta is crazy AF!!
DeveenaPlays - 9 years ago
How many gallons is that? Lucky fish
Anthony Mojica
Anthony Mojica - 9 years ago
Matthew S Fassett
Matthew S Fassett - 9 years ago
Betta's; natures perfect little fish. :)
Toast AJ
Toast AJ - 9 years ago
Wow that is a rich fish lol
????????????? - 9 years ago
lebron james fish
kroakie4 - 9 years ago
Lol that's too cute! Now how does he get back to the top level? I'd love to see the little jumping bean leap up there! Jk. Super nice aquarium btw!! How did you build it?
Kristian Juarez
Kristian Juarez - 9 years ago
This is how Betta Fish live as the 0,0001%
Magid Zaafran
Magid Zaafran - 9 years ago
Phone gaming
Phone gaming - 9 years ago
John lintag
John lintag - 9 years ago
Have he ever jumped and did not make it to the water??? Please tell me?
Heather Gentry
Heather Gentry - 9 years ago
pretty cool.
Muhammad Hanzhalah
Muhammad Hanzhalah - 9 years ago
a happy betta!!
Mariah Gajadhar
Mariah Gajadhar - 9 years ago
Does he ever get injured
CTFishing 4579
CTFishing 4579 - 7 years ago
you could make a outdoor pond, but only if you live in a warm place like florida.
Andy Suryantoro van Ruzzette
Andy Suryantoro van Ruzzette - 8 years ago
I would suggest a paludarium if you would like a natural environment for your bettas
Mariah Gajadhar
Mariah Gajadhar - 9 years ago
so do you think its possible to give me an idea on how to make this because I have two beautiful betas I would like to have in a natural enviorment
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 9 years ago
+Mariah Gajadhar Of course not :) If he would we would never place him in a setup like this :)
janet Alingod
janet Alingod - 9 years ago
Nice how to get my fish jump too? My fish tank is small I only want my fish jump up only
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
You actually don't need to train them, it is in their nature to do it. But they can't in a small tank
ahmed - 9 years ago
is He still alive?
Andrew LeForce
Andrew LeForce - 9 years ago
lol when u wake up and find it suffocated on a rock
Luculencia - 8 years ago
They can't live out of water forever, they need to excrete ammonia from their gills or they'll die from blood toxicity. They can probably get enough oxygen from their labyrinth organ but they still need water flow over their gills for ammonia excretion.
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
If a Betta jumped out it would be alive for at least 10 hours (unless the sun or any light hits it)
Manny Jackson
Manny Jackson - 9 years ago
Not quite sure, I shall turn to the wisdom of google
Andrew LeForce
Andrew LeForce - 9 years ago
Oh really? That's cool.. How long tho
Manny Jackson
Manny Jackson - 9 years ago
Betta fish can actually breathe out of water you know :)
Andrew LeForce
Andrew LeForce - 9 years ago
thats a cool tank xD
Ayesha J
Ayesha J - 9 years ago
Awesome! Thank you for sharing.

100. comment for Jumping Betta fish - ZooBotanica 2013

Edwin Jz
Edwin Jz - 9 years ago
how those he get to the top
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
The owners use a fishnet to get back up
KirstyVengeance - 9 years ago
What a beautiful set up! I didn't realise they could do this until I found my boy out of his breeding box the other day!
Claire Rosa Pets
Claire Rosa Pets - 9 years ago
Awesome habitat!! That's so cool!! How did you make it?
nicki u.
nicki u. - 9 years ago
Farzad JM
Farzad JM - 9 years ago
How does he get to the top?
CrestFallenMoon - 9 years ago
This is super cool nice work man
kittykuipo - 9 years ago
Wow. Simply amazing! The enclosure is astounding and of course your little Betta is the Evel Knievel of the fish world!
Puking on NY street
Puking on NY street - 9 years ago
No one can bullshit about his tank. Damn! that's a one big ass tank.
Arex Productions
Arex Productions - 7 years ago
Puking on NY street FOR ONE FUCKING BETA
Melissa Parker
Melissa Parker - 8 years ago
I know right?!!
Mary Tuyetnhi Tran
Mary Tuyetnhi Tran - 8 years ago
+Melissa Parker As a human I'm also jealous
Melissa Parker
Melissa Parker - 8 years ago
I know Most bettas would be jealous!
KARA - 9 years ago
Clever little Betta
Sophie Furness
Sophie Furness - 9 years ago
Wow... What a beautiful tank to go with a beautiful fish! You're very lucky :)
iFrosty 拍有可源
iFrosty 拍有可源 - 9 years ago
wow that's very amazing
suzanna - 9 years ago
adrian gonzalez
adrian gonzalez - 9 years ago
Maybe he do that cause you scare him with that red light hmm also because the depth of the water is very low he try to find the more depth water
TashaBasha - 7 years ago
Crazy fish but the streams do run for miles and miles, keep that it mind.
Crazy fish
Crazy fish - 9 years ago
Remember bettas live in the rice patties of Thailand (not puddles) but the water is only like 8-9 inches deep
Priti Khetan
Priti Khetan - 9 years ago
I too have and had 2 bettas and one day (I only kept one at that time) it jumped out of its fish bowl and was found dead next day. So I bought a new one. I love
Olivia M
Olivia M - 9 years ago
That's cool
AQUAPASS - 9 years ago
Very good :)
T-Zay - 9 years ago
I love how betta turn their heads and look around.  Very perceptive fish.
SilkySounds - 9 years ago
What other types of fish or animals could go in a tank like that with the betta?
Pedro Ramos
Pedro Ramos - 9 years ago
Its wet soil ..its like a huge sponge to him (:
Eshaan Solshe
Eshaan Solshe - 10 years ago
einstein of betta
Karey Smith
Karey Smith - 10 years ago
thats crazy
Kitsukoh - 10 years ago
Im sure since the fish seems to be doing it on his own it doesn't harm or hurt him. but seeing him crawl/flop on the edges made me cringe a little. :c hoping that the material is softer than it looks.
YellowRz - 9 years ago
Dw this is bettas natural habitat in the rice fields
Olive aka Olivia the lupus girl!
Olive aka Olivia the lupus girl! - 10 years ago
HE needs a FB page! =D
Justins Fish Tanks
Justins Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
Very skilled, on the fish's part and your setup. I subscribed, I have a new channel please when you get a chance like my rock scaped betta tank and subscribe back. Awesome betta!!
justme - 10 years ago
How does he get back to the top ?
jaradipra - 8 years ago

haha ... I thought it will jump back to the top platform. And your fish tank ... Damn! It looks like a disney world for the fish ...
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
By means of net-scalator ;)
Gymnastics4eva - 10 years ago
That's a cool tank and I'm sure your Betta loves it
EthanRDoesMC - 10 years ago
r - 10 years ago
Its not supposed to jump..
r - 10 years ago
+TheCrazyturtle01 I'm saying captive ones aren't supposed to be encouraged to jump. I have 4 bettas, 1 female, 3 males. Al halfmoons and crowntails. They jump, but I put a thin lid so they don't try to jump OUT of the tank.
Unrated Account
Unrated Account - 10 years ago
Wow this is the closest betta enclosure to their actual habitat. That is one lucky betta!!
fluffy butter
fluffy butter - 10 years ago
2:18 was my fav part
Tony Collova
Tony Collova - 9 years ago
fluffy butter
fluffy butter - 10 years ago
thats a really cool habitat.
GamerGirlMia - 10 years ago
He's so cool!
Patti Ready
Patti Ready - 10 years ago
Hi lol
ryantrench - 10 years ago
That is so cool and cute at the same time, haha!
Dave Cruz
Dave Cruz - 10 years ago
Dude I think that's ganna hurt his fins
IMUNNORMALXD - 10 years ago
Is that tank just for one betta
Hamish - 10 years ago
can they jump back up the other way? :P
Electric Water
Electric Water - 10 years ago
Holly shit haha that's crazy haha did u teach it or do they all jump like that I know ther3 native water is about 8" but this is amazing
Raysway._ - 10 years ago
It seemed a bit shallow,at the two tops! ;) hehe!
Raysway._ - 10 years ago
It seemed a bit too shallow,But I'm not trying to judge,you are by means much smarter than me with aqua scaling,but it looked a bit shallow from cameras point of view.I have a betta myself,and he loves to swim to the top and go back down,just saying,he loves deep water! ;) But this is great!I read in some other comments as when you said it was too cold for them,You could add a heater at every level.(Quite expensive for large tanks)Hehe!But anyways,this was amazing,you always seem to have the most amazing tanks!They are great!Thank you so much!But great tank!
Raysway._ - 9 years ago
+Tah Chee Chiam I have already said that. 
Tah Chee Chiam
Tah Chee Chiam - 9 years ago
It's the camera angle
Samuel Juegos
Samuel Juegos - 10 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV It's awesome! How did you train your Fish?
Witty Cruise
Witty Cruise - 10 years ago
Wow very cool set up! My betta jumps too for food lol
B Taylor
B Taylor - 10 years ago
First off congratulations on the amazing set up. Wow. And what a great video. My only distraction was the continuous red light. Do u think u may have been able to shoot the video separate from the photo shoot? Cool set up!
kayleigh an justice
kayleigh an justice - 10 years ago
mine dont jump well i dont know bout one cause hes a baby hes bout a year old 
kayleigh an justice
kayleigh an justice - 9 years ago
They live up to 5 or 10 years depends on how you take care of
sebastian salazar
sebastian salazar - 9 years ago
+Animals! ......I can't believe you actually said they live only a year.... Sup ravioli
kayleigh an justice
kayleigh an justice - 10 years ago
They live 5 years
Raysway._ - 10 years ago
He's actually quite old for a betta,they don't live long.
RightWingReefer - 10 years ago
Where did u buy tht from?? Plz answer.
Ilyas Farhan
Ilyas Farhan - 10 years ago
TheGoldenDilophosaurus TGD
TheGoldenDilophosaurus TGD - 10 years ago
Lol cute
Andy Western
Andy Western - 10 years ago
Yes, my friend!
Gloria M
Gloria M - 10 years ago
Would the rocky cliffs that she jumps on scrape off the outer layer of slimy protection stuff?
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
They used styrofoam for the waterfall parts
aye_påpi. - 10 years ago
long flowing tails are male bettas this one is too
Qi Zhang
Qi Zhang - 10 years ago
wow!!! One BIG question: how does he get back to the top level again??
Raysway._ - 10 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Hitchhiking ;) Using fishnet ;)
liseetsa mann
liseetsa mann - 10 years ago
What a happy little guy!  Wish we had your tank set up.  I would need two--one for each betta.  Wonder how you clean the tank and what kind of plants you use.  You should do another video on diy betta tank design and maintenance.  THANKS!!!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
This tank doesn't exist anymore - we disassembled it after the exhibition, so it was not cleaned at all. Too short of a lifespan ;) Besides, actually it was not a perfect tank fo Bettas - the air in the exhibition hall was probably slightly too cold for Bettas, and it wasn't possible to put a glass cover over the tank.
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
OMG!! this must be the most PERFECT and most suitable habitat-tank for a betta fish! i wish i could have it :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
That's right :)
AlexandrasPets - 10 years ago
well, except for that, it must look more like the risefields in the wild than a ordinary aquarium- dont you think?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
This tank was not a perfect tank for bettas - as long as you're not living in the tropics, so the air above the tank has proper temperature and humidity.
Alyce Yang
Alyce Yang - 10 years ago
This is freaking awesome!
Lillysworld - 10 years ago
He is so cute! where did you get your aquatic set up? please let me know
Lillysworld - 10 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV one question do you make these setups and sell them? Let me know! 
Lillysworld - 10 years ago
Oh right ok 
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
+Liliana Hassiotis
One day, maybe... :) This tank doesn't exist anymore, and I don't know if we would ever do sth similar...
Lillysworld - 10 years ago
ITS AMAZING! I love it!! would you be able to do some kind of video maybe a D.I.Y? thanks! 
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
We made this setupe ourselves :) Took three persons, a week of work, and lots of styrofoam :)
RightWingReefer - 10 years ago
Where did u get the rice field tanks from
Jonathan G.
Jonathan G. - 10 years ago
Nice land/aquascaping! might try ths technique. though, I find it hard just by watching the footage.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
It was not very hard, just a bit time-consuming :)
Blenny Boy
Blenny Boy - 10 years ago
This guy should be sponsored by redbull
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
+Betta Gamer
Hehe, I can only hope that one day some large company would like to sponsor my trips... :) But, who knows?
Blenny Boy
Blenny Boy - 10 years ago
You can too.. :P
Blenny Boy
Blenny Boy - 10 years ago
Haha that's what I meant..
Gehirn Tot
Gehirn Tot - 10 years ago
no the fish must be sponsered by RedBull !!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
I wouldn't mind if I would be sponsered by RedBull... ;)
Blenny Boy
Blenny Boy - 10 years ago
This shows that fish are smart, of course in the way of jumping of a waterfall.. :3 haha
RANDOMFIFAGAMER - 10 years ago
I was cleaning out my betas nano tank once and I had to take the lid off the tank and my beta jumped out and landed in my drawer luckily he landed on a baseball card so I just picked that up and put him back in:)
Dave Pitt
Dave Pitt - 10 years ago
wow lucky betta to have such a lovely set up, when there are so many sat in jars on coffee tables! one question how does he get back up again?
RightWingReefer - 10 years ago
How dose he get back up to the top
Enso LLC
Enso LLC - 10 years ago
Betta and scartlet badis fish are just like puppies in water. 
tealizard - 10 years ago
I love the setup, but I wish the pools were deeper for the fish! Bettas live in deeper pools than that in the wild! But all in all he looks healthy and happy, so it's more of a preference thing! what a cutie! 
Mandar Loke
Mandar Loke - 10 years ago
Lovefish - 10 years ago
That tank thing is amazing
Илья Шереметов
Илья Шереметов - 10 years ago
Dzień dobry! Bardzo ciekawy budynek! Powiedz mi, to ryby mogą pokonać pripyatstviya back - up?
Kailey Francis
Kailey Francis - 10 years ago
Thats freakin awesome!!!!
Elfie De Souza
Elfie De Souza - 11 years ago
How much does it cost to own this awesome betta splendens tank?
bboyxx17 - 11 years ago
what is that red light
Harry creasian
Harry creasian - 11 years ago
focusing assist light from a camera
amused09 - 11 years ago
Wow amazing.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks :)
Jeremy Nguyen
Jeremy Nguyen - 11 years ago
SZYMCIO BERBEĆ - 11 years ago
cool fishy in beta phase, and what happens then? xD
SZYMCIO BERBEĆ - 11 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
+SZYMCIO BERBEĆ Hehe, "w fazie beta"? Dobre :)
SZYMCIO BERBEĆ - 11 years ago
fajna ryba w fazie beta ! ciekawe co będzie później  :}
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, pisz lepiej po polsku, bo nie bardzo kumam o co chodzi... :)
Mary-Beth Sirry
Mary-Beth Sirry - 11 years ago
That's what I love about Betta's. You can see their little brains working.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
True, they are clever fish for sure! :)
Nicole Perez
Nicole Perez - 11 years ago
wow how do I teach my betta how to do that it incredible
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
You don't teach it at all, they can do it by themselves. But don't try it at home - this is actually stressful for the fish.
Za Orange Frog
Za Orange Frog - 11 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
True :)
hammu rabi
hammu rabi - 11 years ago
betta long jump athlete hahahaha
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, maybe someone could think about Betta olympics... ;)
Shubham Mondal
Shubham Mondal - 11 years ago
bravo! but watch out your fish might get hurt in this. so please take care of him. he is really a very special ^_^
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
He's is already sold, I think... :)
Tina Rowland
Tina Rowland - 11 years ago
And still idiots put them in tiny jars, look how miuch space they can cover!!
Tina Rowland
Tina Rowland - 11 years ago
I agree totally :(
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
+Tina Rowland
Well, not only people do not read - lotsof clerks in shops also don't know what they are selling, unfortunately... :/
Tina Rowland
Tina Rowland - 11 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV  I agree sadly fish shops do not fully inform people what fish need and also people do not read up on fish before the purchase, great video clip by the way :-)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
That's true... :// It's because people don't think about getting some informations about an animal which they want to keep at home... :/
Kit Wood
Kit Wood - 11 years ago
Wow this is great! Good to see someone who really loves their Betta fish! Subscribing for sure! :)
79mrecuador - 11 years ago
Kapitalny filmik :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Dzięki :) Fajna sprytna ryba, to dlatego :)
tqn1972 - 11 years ago
He's a mastabetta.   haha
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, true! :)
David Cohen
David Cohen - 11 years ago
Very nice, I have 4 Bettas
Razor FX
Razor FX - 9 years ago
+David Cohen good (Y)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Great! :) All males, or a harem? Where do you keep them?
Orlando Andino
Orlando Andino - 11 years ago
I love the setup
Nowie H.
Nowie H. - 11 years ago
I love you tank!
Darren Chew
Darren Chew - 11 years ago
Bettas are very smart fish and this video clearly illustrates that.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
That't true, I didn't realize they are so smart :)
Laura Moser
Laura Moser - 11 years ago
cool fish "tank"
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Easy - pet shop owner is a member of our fishkeepers association :)
Laura Moser
Laura Moser - 11 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV how do you borrow a betta from a pet shop? :/ and awe :(
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
It's not my betta, it was borrowed from a pet shop. After the show it returned to the shop, and was bought by a client soon after the show. And this tank was constructed by members of Association of Fishkeepers from Wrocław - you can't buy such tanks on the market, it was original, one and only, and hand-made :)
Laura Moser
Laura Moser - 11 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV do you still have your betta? how is he? and where did you find such a cool tank
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, indeed :)
Bryce Hayes
Bryce Hayes - 11 years ago
that's so funny and cool
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :)
Leah Klingelheber
Leah Klingelheber - 11 years ago
thats pretty awesome! and a very cool set up too :)
thekernowranger - 11 years ago
what a lovely little video of an awesome little fish, they are such a clever species.
that tank would grace any front room,very nice. :-)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
It could be also used as a decoration of a pet shop :) Would attract lots of clients, I guess :)
Gothic Romance
Gothic Romance - 11 years ago
Skubany! :D
Gothic Romance
Gothic Romance - 11 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV Ja mojego smyrałem po brzuchu ;) 
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, no nie? :)
omgharajuku - 11 years ago
What I'm wondering is how did you guys make this? Is there an instruction video? Or at least what materials did you guys use? I would love to make an adaption of this to house some of my bettas :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
This setup is not suitable for keeping bettas for longer time - bettas need warm air over the water surface, so their tank must be covered (as long as you don't live in a tropical country, or in a greenhouse ;) ). Anyways, we used styrofoam plates, thickness 10 and 15 cm, glued with silicone and carved to a decired shape. Then we smeared brown silicone all over the carved styrofoam, and glued lots of dry peat to it, and also some sand.
Charles Dennison
Charles Dennison - 11 years ago
Do you have any links for "how -to" build a similar exhibit at home (granting a scaled down version)?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
+Charles Dennison Good luck with your project. It's actually very easy to build such terraces - it looks more difficult than it was ;)
Charles Dennison
Charles Dennison - 11 years ago
thanks, will do. I've been doing reef aquariums for 13+ years, and my kids have bettas. Thought I might try building a scaled down version of this with the spare tanks I have.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Unfortunately not... :( Read my answer to "omgharajuku" comment - I describe what materials were used in the construction :)
lorelome - 11 years ago
This is a gorgeous tank! My betta lives alone in a live-planted 10g - covered, of course!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Yeah, I also like low and long and wide tanks :)
lorelome - 11 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV Possibly, but on the other hand, they do love shallow water and big footprints, which this tank has. What I'd really like is a breeder, with a huge footprint and not a ton of depth. But they're not as easy to aquascape and display attractively, so...
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I think 10g planted is better for bettas than this "ricefield" setup. It looks original, but bettas feel better having lots of plants around them, and warm and humid air over the water surface.
mookiespunk - 11 years ago
Dat water clarity.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Well, there was nothing special in the filtration system... In fact, there was filtration media whatsoever :) Only a pump which pumped the water up, to the outflow on the top terrace :)
mookiespunk - 11 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV looks like hes swimming through air.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
What about the water clarity?
Dem0nz890 - 11 years ago
all you betta owners out there....ALWAYS put a cover on the container your betta is in......I had one jump out through the small hole in a petco CUP...yes that TINY one youre thinking about....it was a good size female too....didnt like finding her under my closet door hours later
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Sorry for your betta :/
GamingMom2004 - 11 years ago
Great video! 
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :)
TheVeganWolf - 11 years ago
Now how does he get back up?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
We were constantly netting him up :)
Team Herbie
Team Herbie - 11 years ago
they can tell by the water depth and flow that it will dry up (they don't know about pumps).  He would rather move down stream to deeper waters because it's safer from preds and he can find more food at the end of the line.  
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
You're rigth, land predators are also dangerous :) Thanks for you input! :)
Team Herbie
Team Herbie - 11 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV true as to aquatic predators, but a flashy fish in a landlocked pool is a quick meal for a whole myriad of potential predators from land or air. I'd imagine they'd rather take their chances on fair footing (as it were) than pinned in a drying pool by instinct. BTW, i love the set-up.  Reminds me of courses i used to build for crawfish as a kid.  They do the same thing.   
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Well, it seems reasonable to instinctically follow the current to reach deeper waters, to avoid drying up... But as for predators, there is more of them in deeper water, not in the shallow water. For example, this is one of the reasons why amphibians in Europe breed in very shallow water, and avoid depths - to avoid predators preying on larvae / tadpoles.
Piotr C
Piotr C - 11 years ago
This is great. I am sharing it on Radom forum. Remember? You have been invited. akwarium.radomskie
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Właśnie się zarejestrowałem :) Dzięki za przypomnienie, i sorrki że to tak długo trwało, miałem urwanie głowy ostatnio... :)
Beverly Fincannon
Beverly Fincannon - 11 years ago
I love this! Yes wild betta splendens do have shorter fins. Do you have a build on this? Would be interested in doing similiar for a set of imbellis. 
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Unfortunately, no build video... :/ We used styrofoam plates, thickness 10 and 15 cm, glued with silicone and carved to a decired shape. Then we smeared brown silicone all over the carved styrofoam, and glued lots of dry peat to it, and also some sand. But generally, this setup wouldn't be good for keeping bettas for a longer time. First, you can't cover such setup, second, bettas need warm humid air overthe water surface (so, two reasons for covering the tank).
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Magma master, I can't answer your comment because of this ridiculous new "user friendly" Google+ comments system. So how would you call it? I'm not a native English speaker, so "jumping" seemed all right to me...
Joseph 123
Joseph 123 - 7 years ago
Where Can I get this tank
Lightning Breyers
Lightning Breyers - 8 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV lol that comment is ancient I have 2 now
emdoesit :p
emdoesit :p - 8 years ago
Troll MC just buy yourself one, that's what I did
Lightning Breyers
Lightning Breyers - 8 years ago
+Maggie moo I'm trying to get my parents to get me one, my mom isn't sure about it since I used to be a LOT less responsible T_T I love betas
Maggie moo
Maggie moo - 9 years ago
so cool i have a Betta fish and he can not do anything
Chloe da creeper
Chloe da creeper - 9 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV wow did you build that tank it is amazing thanks for sharing if you did not build it where did you get it?
DMAN D - 9 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV What are the plants and how does he ''climb''
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
+Haha Nala
OK, thanks for all explanations! :)
Haha Nala
Haha Nala - 11 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV then its because jumping is usually refers to when something physically pushes itself against gravity. So if the fish was jumping with that definition he would leap from the water through the air directly above him, but this is techniquely jumping. People just dont understand anything other than what they see and hear. Falling purposefully, is also referred to as "jumping" which is why this counts.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
+Haha Nala No, I was really interested why he thinks it shouldn't be called "jumping" :) It's always good to learn something new :)
Haha Nala
Haha Nala - 11 years ago
ignore him, this IS jumping his poor understanding of his own language and fish capabilities is the problem.
magma master
magma master - 11 years ago
That is not called jumping
Andy Nguyen
Andy Nguyen - 11 years ago
omg I love this!! They made is just like the betta's natural habitat!
Andy Nguyen
Andy Nguyen - 11 years ago
well whatever it is, I love it :) Reminds me of the rice patty fields in Vietnam 
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Well, not entirely... ;) But we tried to imitate it as close as possible :)
akwabiotop - 11 years ago
test comment
Darktoad Darktoad
Darktoad Darktoad - 11 years ago
Cool.  All it needs is a water filled elevator to take it back up to the top level.  :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, exactly :)
Andrei Popescu
Andrei Popescu - 11 years ago
To be honest, it's the first time I see this kind of behaviour from a Betta fish. I''ve heard of it before but I have never seen it with my Bettas. I keep mine in a 12 liters tanks and the water level is quite high, about 1 cm maximum from the top of the aquarium.He is very calm and never jumped since i bought it (6months). Anyway, great aquarium and lovely fish! Thanks for uploading:)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
What is surprising for me is that he started to look the way out in the same time when we released him into the terrace for the first time. He didn't know that there is any deeper water down there. He just looked for some current, and was very consequent in following it. This is clearly some sort of adaptative behaviour, and I wonder how does it help Bettas in the wild... :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
We were constantly netting him up :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Exactly :)
Alex Lyon
Alex Lyon - 11 years ago
with human help ;)
Alex Lyon
Alex Lyon - 11 years ago
I totally agree :) i have a 60 litres tank for my betta, he looks so happy :)
almcloud - 11 years ago
It looks like he didn't like the shallow waters and was finding his way to deeper water :) Very cool vid !
carterafishera - 11 years ago
How does he get back up?
Er Dong Chuah
Er Dong Chuah - 11 years ago
What a brilliant idea!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Yeah, they are cool - if provided with the right conditions. Betta in a fishbowl would never behave like that.
Alex Lyon
Alex Lyon - 11 years ago
Love Betta <3
KacpiSH - 11 years ago
Świetne heh :D
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :) And the setup was made by the team of members of Wroclawskie Towarzystwo Akwarystyczne :) I'm one of them :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
So it probably has shorter fins...?
Craig Smart
Craig Smart - 11 years ago
Oh ok, was just wondering :) Very cool video mate, love this setup it's so unique.
hetaliafanserviceplz - 11 years ago
That's the same color of my betta, except mines a female
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
The link is provided both in the description below the video, and at the end of the video. Didn't you notice it?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Well, I'm affraid it returned to the shop after the exhibition...
Whathe Fuqge
Whathe Fuqge - 11 years ago
That betta must be happy to have a great owner
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Yeah, an open top tank is not a good idea in case of Bettas... We chose the long fin ornamental variety because we thought that it won't be able to jump - but obviously we were terribly wrong :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Byt he means of "human-elevator" ;) We were constantly netting him up, back to the terrace where he was supposed to stay :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Get yourself a good cover over the tank ;)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
I think they can jump equally well... (but I don't know for sure :) )
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Exactly :) And cover it tight. During the exhibition we've lost female of Betta coccina (or was it B. strohi...?) who find her way throgug a small crevice in the otherwise wery tightly fitting hood - crevice used for passing filter hoses to and from the aquarium. The female was able to pinpoing this crevice, jumped out of the water, cravled through this crevice, and... we have found her on the floor of the exhibition hall, about 5 meters from the tank... Unfortunately, it was already too late :(
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
In fact, I had a lot of problems with finding informations about fish species which live in rice paddies. The species you mentioned live rather in black water habitat, not in rice paddies themselves (but I might be wrong). If you know any website with some more detailed infos about Bettas (except IBC) please let me know. And we chose the "designer strain" for a reason - we thought that long fins will prevent the male to jump. Apparently, we were wrong :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
He would be very glad to stay, but we were netting him back up :) (and after severl minutes, he was down again :) :) )
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Exactly! :) He was like Ginger from "Chicken Run" ;)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
"Always cover tight your Betta tank" :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :) It was a lot of fun to create it, together with other team members :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hehe, I can imagine :) I was astonished myself :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
This layout was made by members of Association of Fishkeepers from Wrocław - it was a teamwork. We had a lot of brainstorming, and I doubt anyone of us (I'm a member, too :) ) could "invent" something like this just by himself.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! This setup is work of a team, not of one single brain :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Well, he doesn't... :) At least not without the help of humans :) We were just watching him, and when ended his journey down in the lowest aquarium compartment - we were just taking the net and netting him back to the terrace where he was supposed to stay :) Didn't last for long, anyway... ;)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Definitely yes! Probably their environment is more "demanding" - I mean, Bettas probably have to be "creative" to survive...
k9feces - 11 years ago
Bettas seem smarter than Tetras
Craig Smart
Craig Smart - 11 years ago
how does he get back up to the top?
kolob ibiri
kolob ibiri - 11 years ago
What a nice set up!!! Well done!
danturbo316 - 11 years ago
this blew me away...the jumping part that is.
PaNdeM0niuM - 11 years ago
LOVE the setup!
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 11 years ago
I lost a lot of bettas because of there jumping skills
Play4Fun187 - 11 years ago
never give up :D
pleure retroish
pleure retroish - 11 years ago
so how would the betta go back up? or does it just stay there on the bottom?
Максим Смирнов
Максим Смирнов - 11 years ago
SimonNgoable - 11 years ago
The design is quite creative, but it's not actually accurate to where bettas come from haha. The betta shown in the the vid is a designer strain, if they used a wild splendens strain ie: imbellis, mahachai or smaragdina it would look more authentic. Wild species bettas can jump really high. Nonetheless, great vid, shows how bettas migrate from their black water ponds/rivers to rice patties during dry seasons.
Emmanuel Thommy
Emmanuel Thommy - 11 years ago
this is the reason why u should always cover ur betta tank
leann lewis
leann lewis - 11 years ago
That is the perfect Beta tank. I love that idea. I also wonder if females jump like that? Great video.
Ritesh Bhagea
Ritesh Bhagea - 11 years ago
This Betta is awesome!! Nice video and editing!!
simplyalive - 11 years ago
He's soo cute! Now I wanna get a betta fish =)
TheRick2325 - 11 years ago
very cool

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5 Things You've Heard about Betta Fish That...

17,930 likes 1,130,924 views 8 years ago

I recorded this a few days ago but finally got around to editing it! 5 common things you will hear or may have...


NoClean Aquariums - Betta Fish Tank

3,342 likes 1,081,361 views 12 years ago

http://www.thegrommet.com/noclean-aquariums The Grommet team discovers the self-cleaning aquarium from NoClean...

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Aquatic expert Tom Sarac introduces different varieties of betta fish and offers helpful tips on caring for this...


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I recorded this a few days ago but finally got around to editing it! 5 common things you will hear or may have...


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About Jumping Betta fish - ZooBotanica 2013

The "Jumping Betta fish - ZooBotanica 2013" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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