Jumping Betta fish - ZooBotanica 2013
Betta 11 years ago 183,939 views
SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV LIKE: http://www.facebook.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV BOOKMARK: http://definiteaquascape.tv There was a single male siamese fighting fish Betta splendes in the ricefield aquarium made by members of Association of Fishkeepers from Wrocław (http://www.wta.org.pl) at ZooBotanica 2013 fair. Betta was supposed to swim in the upper terrace, where glass was installed in the wall to allow the viewers to see the fish. However, our Betta had diffferent plans, and each time we put him into the upper terrace - sooner or later he jumped out, all the way down to the main compartment of the aquarium. It's very interesting to observe the behaviour of the fish - he is clearly examining the wall of the terrace, to find the best spot (even though during the secong jump he mis-identified the spot, and chose to go over dry land instead of going through the small "waterfall" - but he succeeded anyway). A very intelligent fish, which deserves to be kept in a well furnished aquarium, not in a fishbowl with kitsch-colorful gravel and plastic plant! And remember - ALWAYS cover tight your Betta tank, because this fish can jump out and escape through even smallest crevices in the aquarium hood !!
10. comment for Jumping Betta fish - ZooBotanica 2013
20. comment for Jumping Betta fish - ZooBotanica 2013
30. comment for Jumping Betta fish - ZooBotanica 2013
50. comment for Jumping Betta fish - ZooBotanica 2013
it's not stressful at all.
Just sayin
See the guy with the camera @ 0:40? It's the camera light.
100. comment for Jumping Betta fish - ZooBotanica 2013
haha ... I thought it will jump back to the top platform. And your fish tank ... Damn! It looks like a disney world for the fish ...
That's right :)
One day, maybe... :) This tank doesn't exist anymore, and I don't know if we would ever do sth similar...
Hehe, I can only hope that one day some large company would like to sponsor my trips... :) But, who knows?
no the fish must be sponsered by RedBull !!
Well, not only people do not read - lotsof clerks in shops also don't know what they are selling, unfortunately... :/
that tank would grace any front room,very nice. :-)
This is great. I am sharing it on Radom forum. Remember? You have been invited. akwarium.radomskie
OK, thanks for all explanations! :)