Keeping Betta Fish Q and A
Betta 8 years ago 16,816 views
Live on a Sunday baby - talking about keeping betta fish, the history of the betta fish, how to feed betta fish. Betta fish are actually a type of gourami, and can be kept with a lot of types of community aquarium fish. Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Here is where I got my favorite fish Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram: Cali Aquascaping Contest Video, I am doing a lot of 30 second videos on Instagram and Facebook - Instagram:, Facebook:
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he Makes Aquariums Great Again (MAGA).
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You CAN mix many females together, just make sure to keep to the gallon/per fish ratios. It's not as taboo as with males. Also, if you were to mix a male and female, you're pretty much certain to have babies, but soon the male will eat the babies, and eventually the female. Not in all cases, but it happens.
Rule of thumb, like Dustin says, 1 per tank, male or female. But if you want several Betta's in one tank, make sure to go ALL females, and keep on them.
Betta's have very different attitudes. I have four tanks set up currently, each with a Betta. They all act differently. One is very shy. One is always flared up and angry. One of them, the rescue, is not doubt the most friendly, and of course my wife's Betta is the most chilled fish of them all. He just rest on his plants most of the day.
I myself am not a fish guy...I'm a plant guy. But a swimming fish does complete the look for me.
My only problem in the future..I'm gonna set up a 55-60gal. And I'm still thinking Betta. So one lucky Betta is prob gonna have a HUUUGE home to play in. Reason for the one, I still prefer the males, the females are just not pretty, sorry fems. :)
just love em at the first sight
they love moving through stuffs like through some holes and stuff
But the one fish I helped get back into shape, yeah I used the posted up above food.
This one,
I use most times.
But sometimes I have to get,
if they are out of my first choice.
I'm not sure why the price of that 2nd one is so high, I just bought some yesterday and it was around $2.50, not $7.
Mine looked real bad when he first got him, but seemingly got much better after a few weeks.
How long have you been giving him the Stress Coat?
We "rescued" I guess you can say a Betta from Wally World. And I noticed it had some fin rot, and little specs, just overall didn't look good at all. Seem healthy, but looked bad. Used that Stress Coat stuff, with every water change...which I do two a week for a 10gallon. And within a month, he looked fantastic again.
It's been 6 months and still looks great. I still add a bit for all my fish like once a month just for the LoLs.
But yeah, try that stuff out.
There ya go.