Learn Betta Fish Breeding or Mating

Complete BETTA FISH CARE here http://betta-fishcare.info/

Learn Betta Fish Breeding or Mating sentiment_very_dissatisfied 150

Betta 15 years ago 361,267 views

Complete BETTA FISH CARE here http://betta-fishcare.info/

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Most popular comments
for Learn Betta Fish Breeding or Mating

Ambily Anil
Ambily Anil - 6 years ago
We can breed 2 months female betta
Ambily Anil
Ambily Anil - 6 years ago
How to know my female betta is ready for spawning
Prasanna Pahari p
Prasanna Pahari p - 6 years ago
How to know the male is radey or not
Silver - 6 years ago
How do i know if male betta is done making bubble nest
Rutik Bebale
Rutik Bebale - 6 years ago
How many times they breed in year
Smnicky Ponting
Smnicky Ponting - 7 years ago
Hi how many years fighter can live
YouElm - 7 years ago
Your "video" sucks. I didn't come to watch a series of photographs morphed and twirled. Most of the info provided was correct but it absolutely was not a video.
Christmas songs Ray
Christmas songs Ray - 7 years ago
but I leave the female after the male was there to 3 days the male build bubble nest so after I bought female
Christmas songs Ray
Christmas songs Ray - 7 years ago
y they are fighting after the nest is build the female is paired and going behind the male after some time they started fighting what shall I do
Roger wilson
Roger wilson - 7 years ago
It should be mentioned that the bettas will mate more than once. My pair spawned for several hours and produced over 600 eggs. When the female stops returning to the nest after waking up it's time to remove her. Then the male stays with the eggs until they've hatched and the fry can swim on their own.

10. comment for Learn Betta Fish Breeding or Mating

Shashank Bhagwat
Shashank Bhagwat - 7 years ago
If we keep the famales inside the inverted jar..how do they breathe ?
M Kishore
M Kishore - 7 years ago
Thnx dude very nice
Twin cat Lovers
Twin cat Lovers - 7 years ago
Thanks for the information love it! My betta is a crown tail betta. And then I have a female betta. My female betta is in a tank with 6 neon tetras and 2 baby mystery snails. My male betta is in a 10 gallon with 2 danios and a full grown mystery snail. My male betta name: amarican daydream . Female betta name: Russian blue.
PaperTop - 7 years ago
This is a question that i been wondering,Why the fuge should you remove the damm female.Are't they married and have pease.So they can live togeter now.
Sekar Thilaga
Sekar Thilaga - 7 years ago
male betta
Sekar Thilaga
Sekar Thilaga - 7 years ago
bro plz answer me can we feed the Betta while it with fries
Reggie yang
Reggie yang - 8 years ago
my female gonna die male attack to much
BUNNEX - 8 years ago
can I give fry blood worms freezed
Kevin Micallef
Kevin Micallef - 8 years ago
wtf is with this video. your trying to get us to look at things yet you wobble the picture..then say here's the bubble wall the males created yet spin it around..wtf man?? sort it out
Ansari Shanawaz
Ansari Shanawaz - 8 years ago
can I keep parents and Fry's together
Sean Pyles
Sean Pyles - 8 years ago
No, you should remove the female right after mating and the male after the eggs hatch. He is kept in there as they are still eggs because he will protect them from other predators.
If kept in there after they've hatched, he will eat and kill them.

20. comment for Learn Betta Fish Breeding or Mating

Edn Vines
Edn Vines - 8 years ago
why my betta dont have build an bubble nest please help me
Edn Vines
Edn Vines - 8 years ago
Sean Pyles thanks it working
Edn Vines
Edn Vines - 8 years ago
Sean Pyles thanks it working
Sean Pyles
Sean Pyles - 8 years ago
Or they aren't ready yet. Feed them well another week and then try again.
Sean Pyles
Sean Pyles - 8 years ago
They're probably not a good pair. You should choose a different female or male.
Aien Disconnect
Aien Disconnect - 8 years ago
how long time I have to put the female betta at the jar...pls answer
PaperTop - 7 years ago
Dude i think you shold just see if they are chill and if they are fighting and going face to face.I think you should just remove one of them.
Sean Pyles
Sean Pyles - 7 years ago
That should happen when he's trying to mate but if he gets too aggressive it's safer to restart the whole process or get a different female/male. They need to be compatible for it to work. And if they are not even a little compatible it will not work.
ely dwayne salazar
ely dwayne salazar - 7 years ago
Sean Pyles... what if the male always chase the female and his hurting the female?
Sean Pyles
Sean Pyles - 8 years ago
Until the male starts and finishes building a bubble nest. If he doesn't build the nest. Take her out and try again or choose a new female/male.
Clavelyn Garcia
Clavelyn Garcia - 8 years ago
What if its the female that keeps fighting with the male and she's pregnant will they get along eventually and have there eggs
Imran Hossain
Imran Hossain - 8 years ago
excellent information
reemobooks - 8 years ago
When the eggs hatch do I remove them from the tank into a separate tank? Or remove the male fish?
Luckeh Plays
Luckeh Plays - 8 years ago
when the eggs was hatched, remove the male carefully
Jim AoE Daligdig
Jim AoE Daligdig - 8 years ago
what if they dont dance my female betta keeps avoiding the male and I already pair them and the male has built he's nest PLEASE HELP
Jim AoE Daligdig
Jim AoE Daligdig - 8 years ago
thanks sir
Luckeh Plays
Luckeh Plays - 8 years ago
they will most probaly fight.But don't worry they are tough fish. but the male and female come from nowhere and start dancing.After dancing, they will squeeze each other. the breeding has begun...
The Brothers Plays
The Brothers Plays - 8 years ago
Why this video is lag
The Brothers Plays
The Brothers Plays - 8 years ago
The Victorious and Glorious
The Victorious and Glorious - 8 years ago
PaintedSavages - 9 years ago
some of my females are white...no bars...

30. comment for Learn Betta Fish Breeding or Mating

Jax Vue
Jax Vue - 9 years ago
hey so i breed my betta but i was at school how do u know when the betta breed with out u seeing the egg cuse my betta nest is on the other side and cant see so idk
Bella Shark Art
Bella Shark Art - 8 years ago
Grammar please
Jax Vue
Jax Vue - 9 years ago
hey so i breed my betta but i was at school how do u know when the betta breed with out u seeing the egg cuse my betta nest is on the other side and cant see so idk
Kwin Lis
Kwin Lis - 9 years ago
So I have a male and he makes his bubble nest but the female goes to the corner and looks up and stay still ?what does that mean?
Luckeh Plays
Luckeh Plays - 8 years ago
the female blushing.
Amelina D
Amelina D - 9 years ago
I have a male betta fish only and he is making bubbles.. Do you know what's going to happen if there is no female betta fish
Solomon Franklin
Solomon Franklin - 7 years ago
How iam find female betta fish ready to bread any one say
ToshExoKeeper 23
ToshExoKeeper 23 - 8 years ago
it means that hes ready to breed
Amelina D
Amelina D - 9 years ago
+gcab1000 ok thx
gcab1000 - 9 years ago
Nothing...nothing will happen
Harley Allen
Harley Allen - 9 years ago
0.31 looks just like mine does that mean she is not ready to breed cuz my male made a bubble nest. does the stripes mean that she is ready to breed or stress I heard it means stress
Pamela Vallada
Pamela Vallada - 8 years ago
Depends, vertical bars mean that they are ready to breed while horizontal bars mean that they are stressed
Mansueto Aparre
Mansueto Aparre - 9 years ago
What if all of the bubbles popped out and the male betta didnt do anything about it? But the eggs are still floating, are those eggs are now in bad condition? its been my 3rd day now. My eggs dont have that tail thing please help me about it
Junmar Bringino
Junmar Bringino - 9 years ago
Does anyone here knows the background music of this video?
Jasmine Garcia
Jasmine Garcia - 9 years ago
isn't it titanic
Matthew Sim
Matthew Sim - 9 years ago
Is it normal breeding behavior ?
Matthew Sim
Matthew Sim - 9 years ago
What do I do if i do not see any progress in the breeding? 
I used a female and male crowntail bettas but did not success as the female had bruises after mating.
Jim AoE Daligdig
Jim AoE Daligdig - 8 years ago
+The Inflatable Sea Lion Ey I need help from you, my female betta keeps avoiding the male and the male has already made its nest the problem is they don't do the dance.
Jose - 9 years ago
+The Inflatable Sea Lion Your All Over The Place hahaha :) Btw I Got a New Betta And I don't know how to breed Really want to though :)
The Inflatable Sea Lion
The Inflatable Sea Lion - 9 years ago
You might need to try again with a new pair... And make sure the conditions are PERFECT.
Pradeep Daby
Pradeep Daby - 9 years ago
I have one female and male . I don't know if they are mating and I don't understand of the verticle lines on the fish
firdoes shaik
firdoes shaik - 9 years ago
Hello! But betta fish is not frindlier than other fishes y? I want answer any body tell me
Mariel Abella
Mariel Abella - 7 years ago
firdoes shaik bc its a bettafish, you moron
Luckeh Plays
Luckeh Plays - 8 years ago
maybe your fish stress.
John94098 - 9 years ago
Thank you for the video, beautiful music and fish, very relaxing, soothing and informative.
Christopher Gouveia
Christopher Gouveia - 9 years ago
Hi mate, do u know how to see if a white female Betta are ready? I can't see any stripes
evolee82 - 9 years ago
This information was accurate but I fell asleep it was so boring.
dublinboy32 - 9 years ago
l bought a beautlful blue female betta and she was qulte shy at flrst but then she got to relax and got more braver around my other flsh,anyways lv had a rd male betta who was the boss ln the tank.....anyways l notlced my female actually flarlng back at hlm so l taught well thats good he wont bully her............but the nextday when l woke up she had torn hlm to pelces.........l was really plssed of about lt but then agaln lt cudda been my fault...........but ld never of taught a female wudda done that 2 a male expeclally mlne as he was qulte blg and took no crap of anyone
The Inflatable Sea Lion
The Inflatable Sea Lion - 9 years ago
You had them LIVING together??? Or breeding?
Madasi - 9 years ago
+dublinboy32 what if the female was actually a male plakat betta
dublinboy32 - 9 years ago
+yash k haha she was female iv had bettas a long time I tink I no the dhitload of difference between a male and female I bought another male lastweek same thing happened she waits untill its dark cause during the day shes terrified of the males anyways I got rid of her im not putting up with that shit no longer
Madasi - 9 years ago
That female must have been a male then. I have never heard of something like that.
James King
James King - 10 years ago
Incredible accurat video.     Well done. You have done well.
Ahmad Mahmud
Ahmad Mahmud - 10 years ago
That spinning picture stuff made me want to throw up lol. Never again!
Ritvik Sukrit
Ritvik Sukrit - 6 years ago
Ahmad Mahmud
thc weedhead
thc weedhead - 10 years ago
Hey how long did u put them in the tank.....did u put it together at the same time? Please pm me please lilsukass45@gmail.com
TheOhmyfuck23 - 10 years ago
what if you female is about to have her babies but the male that got that way is dead. so we got a new male not knowing she was ready to pop. can they continue the breeding behavior or will he just kill her? Because he has been nipping at her tail
William Keiller
William Keiller - 10 years ago
Yeah he will fuck her up

50. comment for Learn Betta Fish Breeding or Mating

Rebecca Avalos
Rebecca Avalos - 10 years ago
can't real plants work
Hacker iOS8
Hacker iOS8 - 11 years ago
hey man do they need to have in aquarium pop for water filtering,or only light ???
Jessica Talley
Jessica Talley - 11 years ago
I did all that with my two. She was ready and everything and he had made the nest, but then he was too dumb to do anything XD
Viri Gastelum
Viri Gastelum - 11 years ago
its ok um my female betta fish is like light pink
Zonbi - 11 years ago
what color is your female? If it is a darker color it is easy to tell when it's ready but if it's a lighter color it is little difficult to tell if it has the vertical stripes or not.(sorry for the late answer)
Viri Gastelum
Viri Gastelum - 11 years ago
my female fish doesn't have the lines but the male already had done the bubble nest
Zonbi - 11 years ago
Yes, the female should have vertical lines when it is ready to breed.
zaki jamal
zaki jamal - 11 years ago
How often i can bread the same female
Viri Gastelum
Viri Gastelum - 11 years ago
ok thanks doesn't the female need to have the lines on her stomach?
Veeraj Shenoy
Veeraj Shenoy - 11 years ago
mostly when the male starts creating bubblenest
Viri Gastelum
Viri Gastelum - 11 years ago
when is breeding time?
Violet violet
Violet violet - 11 years ago
What does a white betta look like if she's got eggs in her?
Amirul Razeen
Amirul Razeen - 11 years ago
can i use 6 litres tank to breed bettas
chanie - 12 years ago
My female keeps threatening my male betta what is going on????
Kimmie Martinez
Kimmie Martinez - 12 years ago
Im breeding bettas right now but my male is not blowing bobbles yet help me!
Kimmie Martinez
Kimmie Martinez - 12 years ago
jason jay
jason jay - 12 years ago
Great video
Oli - 12 years ago
WOW i love the this fish
Chew Kian Hao
Chew Kian Hao - 12 years ago
I tried many times but the male alway try to kill the female betta
thecomingofchrisit0 - 12 years ago
i tried breeding them and my female betta was eating my male bettas tail, i had to separate them quickly
For uR Entertainment
For uR Entertainment - 7 years ago
Watch my video,that "MALE BETTA AND FEMALE BETTA" ,the same thing happened in mine too,and I just wanted to change the male.and the one in the video is what I replaced.
For uR Entertainment
For uR Entertainment - 7 years ago
Try changing the male Betta fish.and get a bigger and better male. Also check out that female is matured or not.
DiamondwolfArt - 12 years ago
Please help!My betta male is making the bubble nest about half on it and then he stop and leth the bubbles from the nest to desapiar.Please help what to do!!!???
imran jethwa
imran jethwa - 12 years ago
my betta male has alrdy made bubble nest and female she stil dosnt hav that vertical makes on her.so nw i dnt kwn when to realis the female from jar
maddestruction1 - 12 years ago
wow thanks i just bred my betta fish and it gave a really good result male:crowntail female: halfmoon thanks a lot lot lot i subscribed and liked
maddestruction1 - 12 years ago
the male has a long tale whereas the female doesn't have a tail
Im - 12 years ago
its it easy to doing that but u must has large tank
Dylanlovestacos - 12 years ago
alot of false info hear im a profesional betta breeder but i dont yet have any videos i have 4 rooms in my house breeding bettas
Eric P
Eric P - 12 years ago
my female and male breed 20 times in a row then the male ate all the eggs with none left over
BettaFishRUs - 12 years ago
If you don't, then she'll destroy the nest and try to eat the eggs. If she doesn't do that, the male will kill her before she gets a chance.
Hanamura Lyu
Hanamura Lyu - 12 years ago
Why should you take out the female?
VIG Ghlorq
VIG Ghlorq - 12 years ago
Hi,Hope You Answer My Question,My Questions Is can i don put the waxed paper ?
omar rezika
omar rezika - 12 years ago
you should buy a female if you are ready to breed him
HollieGirl5 - 12 years ago
ok i have just one betta fish and its a male and it made one of those nests in his little boal and he did that dance but there is no female. is that bad?
Robyn Merrill
Robyn Merrill - 12 years ago
Do u take the male out?
payam haidary
payam haidary - 12 years ago
1 question after all eggs hatch can u put male betta and female betta together again or wil they breed again
CHEVYedsf - 12 years ago
So... instead of having that sickening spiral effect crap why dont you just use regular pics with no effect...? That way you can actually SEE the fish without getting sick.
Capt. Zach Truong
Capt. Zach Truong - 12 years ago
Capt. Zach Truong
Capt. Zach Truong - 12 years ago
i got dizzy watching this
raymond chew
raymond chew - 12 years ago
My bettas breed without cuddling each other ok heres what happened it's funny my male made it's bubble nest and I released the female the female was so scared when the male chased her and she just pooped the eggs all over the tank lol is this a problem I should worry about
BettaFishRUs - 12 years ago
In the wild, male bettas build bubble nests under floating objects to protect it from wind, rain, birds, etc. It is instinct, so most bettas prefer to build their nest the same way. :)
GLORIBEL DE JESUS - 12 years ago
RICK BURCHILL - 12 years ago
my female is fat with eggs and has stripes going up her and their both crown tails and the male has a bubble nest but the female has no intrest in him but he does
Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris - 12 years ago
i was wondering if you can feed 1 or two week old betta fry chopped up dried blood worms or very well chopped up boiled egg yolk and can you use this food as conditioning food for male and female betta fish can i get a answer asap thank you
TheHARO801 - 12 years ago
feed the fry baby brine shrimp
Ajacks 118
Ajacks 118 - 12 years ago
No or he will eat a d not c the eggs
Taylor Carey
Taylor Carey - 12 years ago
hey, i am breeding bettas, i got the boy and the girl to embrace, they have been embracing for about 2 hours, i took her out because his bubble nest dissapeared/dissolved. Every egg she had, he didnt catch or see, and if he did, then he would knock it out of the nest with his fins, or the bubble would pop and it would fall. idk if he is blind or somthing. i hope not. i want it to be successful, she has about 7 stripes, and i am not putting her in untill he blows a full bubble nest
bennerix - 12 years ago
Breeding bettas can be tought and exspensive if too inexperienced, Practice and get experience with cheap bettas as if you spend alot on some rather beautifull bettas not available in lfs then you could end up loosing the male or female during spawning, they are violent towards each other in some cases, some spawn instantly when released from the jar, And spawning can take hours to days in some cases especially when its there first time, be patient and keep an eye on your bettas during this time
JETSTA916 - 12 years ago
female+female= no babies...ever. ur going to need a male and female that are both ready, just look up u tube videos on how to get them ready.
Ricky Cortes
Ricky Cortes - 12 years ago
my female is bloated and i dont know what to do i have her with another female and their squishing each other but i dont see any eggs falling down but there is a bubble nest in the tank that came out of nowhere when both fish are girls and the eggs are hanging out of their stomachs really want the babies but dont know what to do and the two males i have are snaring at the girls but i dont know if i should put them in
jbe678910 - 13 years ago
Matt Sorensen
Matt Sorensen - 13 years ago
that music is hard shit son - did you hear that beat line! could head bang to that all day

100. comment for Learn Betta Fish Breeding or Mating

mega23man - 13 years ago
what do you feed the fry?
Jacob Petit
Jacob Petit - 13 years ago
@lovebluemonkeys1 the female has to be 'eggy' it will look like shes bloated. And yes they will fight a bit at first.
Kempanna Kenchappa
Kempanna Kenchappa - 13 years ago
@togos2000 Use a mirror to confuse your female betta, keep a mirror in front of it so that its attention is diverted and then use a slight larger net. What type of tank do you have? The says that it has more information in w ww.bettafish-care.info . In deed it has a lot of information in there.
babyjoe979 - 13 years ago
@missrocknrolljazz : i asked the same thing today at the pet store and they said at least 12 minimum.
rockerofrustrao - 13 years ago
@rockerofrustrao sorry, i made the reply long before i finished the video xD the male can be left until the frys are swimming horizontally
rockerofrustrao - 13 years ago
@cherrycupcakezlover the babies will hatch in 48 hours, and think you can leave the male like for another day. and right now, im trying to breed my bettas too, and the female doesnt have those vertical bars, but it seems she wants the male
Jacob Petit
Jacob Petit - 13 years ago
@saixion. Do u have something for him to make it under? My male didnt make a bubble nest for a while when i put the female on the other side of the divider. (im no breeding, though i hope to at some stage)
sai xiong
sai xiong - 13 years ago
What should i do if the male isnt making the bubble nest?
Caleb Johnson
Caleb Johnson - 13 years ago
I tried this but my female attacked my male what should I do?
Ricardo Gonzalez
Ricardo Gonzalez - 13 years ago
@llNuwall have they spawned yet? did you condition them prior to spawning?
Wilson Tan
Wilson Tan - 13 years ago
what is the song could love it cuz
marvidrunzthis - 13 years ago
@llNuwall You remove the female right after spawning this may take 1-10 hours. I remove my male after the first week sometimes sooner if he start to eat the fry.
Asianleful - 13 years ago
@juliew6611 Once the fry are free-swimming then you remove the male. You should feed the fry baby brine shrimp, rotifers, or vinegar worms. You should really research this stuff before you go out and do it, beginner's impulse fail.
Asianleful - 13 years ago
@emlogan427 He's most likely too old to old to build one or he's just not interested. I think he's to old.
Richard Simmons
Richard Simmons - 13 years ago
mine wont make a bubblenest? what did i do wrong? :-( i have kept a female in a jar in the tank for 24 hours and he wont do anything!!! :-( please help!!
Sassy gaming
Sassy gaming - 13 years ago
@animallover151999 it's ok i got them to breed and i now have two week old betta fry
Diana Vasquez
Diana Vasquez - 13 years ago
Cool video
Sassy gaming
Sassy gaming - 13 years ago
i got my male betta today and put him in the breeding tank but the female (who is in the jar keeps flaring at the male but he takes no intrest.i was wondering should i keep them together or take them out and try a new pair.
Lightning12R - 13 years ago
In petsmart, someone said 2 betta fish can't be in one tank no matter what gender.
Helms97 - 13 years ago
PLEASE REPLY! i want to breed bettas and my local pet store says they'll take them once there fully grown. the only problem is i need betta cups. does anyone know where i can get about 200?
alexa - 13 years ago
@ex42011 the black thing is a water heater
Stacey Wong
Stacey Wong - 13 years ago
that was wonderful. i wish i was a betta fish, id be an excellent father ;)
Ogofire Lee
Ogofire Lee - 13 years ago
also can u make hybrid bettas? for an example a crowntail breed a plakat betta will they make baby? reply ASAP
Ogofire Lee
Ogofire Lee - 13 years ago
this weird cuz i can't i remeber this son form some where ish :P
Ashley Brookes
Ashley Brookes - 13 years ago
Hau- that is the first second step of breeding
Leylah Johnston
Leylah Johnston - 13 years ago
I have a Question, Can you leave the jar inside and let the female stay in the jar?
Nate_ Santana
Nate_ Santana - 13 years ago
Hello are u going to annswer
Nate_ Santana
Nate_ Santana - 13 years ago
My females keep on chasing the male wat does that mean
Tsutarja Snivy
Tsutarja Snivy - 13 years ago
@sapanbehura The vertical bars appear on female Betta fish when they are ready to breed. You can make sure they are ready to breed by also looking under them and there is a white thing sticking out. Do not think a horizontal bar means they are ready to breed - the horizontal bar represents fear.
Sapan Behura
Sapan Behura - 13 years ago
but wat do mean by vertical bars please answer
Sapan Behura
Sapan Behura - 13 years ago
Helms97 - 13 years ago
what do u do with i all the babies? i heard there should be about 200 of them.
hafiz arif
hafiz arif - 13 years ago
@forthymai Then he's a douchebag!
Road For Victory
Road For Victory - 13 years ago
Does it matter what kinda of -Betta it is?
s - 13 years ago
my male made bubble nests and they underwent spanning rituals and 24 hours left i am expecting the baby fish to be arrived******************
s - 13 years ago
my male made bubble nests and they underwent spanning rituals and 24 hours left i am expecting the baby fish to be arrived
Dara Lim
Dara Lim - 13 years ago
My male betta fish died two days ago... :(
stephanie - 13 years ago
hi rag!
forthymai - 13 years ago
the guy at the petstore said the eggs hatch after 2 weeks..
HAPPITYFUL - 13 years ago
hey i got a question why does my male betta keep on hitting my female betta.my female betta runs away from my male betta and my male betta keeps on following my female betta then hits her but why
HAPPITYFUL - 13 years ago
kevinthao123 - 13 years ago
@ysabelcruz11 the frys doesn't show aggression until the start showing color and maturing,you will have to supply all your males with bowls until you sell them or give them away.the females can stay together unless they are very aggressive against each other.start feeding the frys whenever you see that they can swim horizontally without needing the dad's help.At this point take the dad out.
kevinthao123 - 13 years ago
@juniorklk23 you start feeding the frys whenever they start swimming horizontally and freely.
ysabelcruz - 13 years ago
Will the frys fighht ? Andd where would u put the frys after ? Whenn do u feed them too ?
IX- -XI - 13 years ago
How you now went to feed the frys...??
Mason Dee
Mason Dee - 13 years ago
@madmax92gsx They both died yesterday. :( they are quite the fiesty ones so when we tried to move them into the tank they kept swimming away. I guess all the stress made them go.. I wish i had them back. :(
madmax92gsx - 13 years ago
@MimitchiTamaTalk theres a lot more after but just youtube it on how to breed them.
madmax92gsx - 13 years ago
@MimitchiTamaTalk that means there i can into each other. you can try to breed them if you want, but fill up you tank about 4 inches high and dont put any rocks in. then place a styrafome cut in half with bottem cut out on top of the water like a water tunnle. also floating plants are good. then place them in the same tank but build a barrier between them. wait until the male finishes his bubble nest then release the female so they can mate.
Mason Dee
Mason Dee - 13 years ago
Umm.... I need some help. I just bought two crowntail betta one male one female. they are in seperate containers, but the guy is showing off and the girl wont stop looking at him! what do I do? P.S. = we havent got the tank ready yet, we still have to decorate and clean it out. HELPP MEEE!!
Boby Bobby
Boby Bobby - 13 years ago
i did it with 5 gallons
noli metangere
noli metangere - 13 years ago
thanks for the idea, thanks for sharing.
Margo m
Margo m - 13 years ago
@Dinosaurchickmeg They should have them at Petsmart... that's where I got mine. Walmart isn't the best place to go. At Petsmart, they have tanks made just for bettas, with a divider (so there's no fighting), and it's pretty cheap. I got mine with the divider for just $9. The tubs the bettas come in are labelled, so you know what gender and species they are. It was pretty simple and easy to do :D
hmoob xyooj
hmoob xyooj - 13 years ago
how do you know the female betta are ready or not ready...my female betta alwasie scare of the male betta...
Link Vincent
Link Vincent - 13 years ago
That is a beutiful male and female you have there! My bettas are pretty cool too.so they should have cute babies!
Haloglitcher100 - 13 years ago
bettas go hard
Scotty M
Scotty M - 13 years ago
What would happen if my male and female shows aggression to each other off and on ad the male gets scared and runs from the female
nazmul hussain
nazmul hussain - 13 years ago
hey i have this crowntail female betta she has embrace with my delta betta but she wont lay any eggs they embrace so many time but no eggs than decided to wait for two weeks and i do feed them pellets and bloodworms and tried again with the both and again she wont lay any eggs the male doing best he can he also a good bubble nest maker so can u help me what happen to her or is she have no eggs at all or something post me back please also she shows a good eggs sign i need helpppppppppppp
Alyssa Bachmeier
Alyssa Bachmeier - 13 years ago
how many babies (fry) do they usually have??
2cool4u3773 - 13 years ago
@ragsthename same thing happened to me! i was trying to breed my betta fish and she had eggs when she was still separated and the male hasnt made a bubble nest yet :( wat should i do? should i try another couple? should i remove the eggs out of wat shes in? PLZ reply
Chanda Hay
Chanda Hay - 13 years ago
I learn how to breed beta from your video, Ur video help me out. How ever I need to ask you how long do I leave the male with the fry. Thank you
hassancordero - 14 years ago
@denisesfeathers HELP!! hello i set up my tank and put female in separated glass, but she escape ( jump and got out) in first day they did not fight. thats why i leave them together. Now my male betta has build the bubble nest and female has the vertical bars on her tummy. the only problem is that they are together in the same water tank! its been 10 days will this affect the mating ritual?? or its all ok
Raghunandan Kempanna
Raghunandan Kempanna - 14 years ago
@mileywolfcub97 If there was no male and female laid eggs be heself, then the eggs are not fertilized. They will not hatch. The mistake is that you dint allow the male to mingle with female in the right time. wait for a couple of days and clear them. Good luck next time. :(
witchy Denise
witchy Denise - 14 years ago
@Windows7Fan1 wax paper you can buy at any grossery store. it will be in with the plastic rap and the aluminum paper. you can also use a Styrofoam cup. you need to feed them live foods like blood worms, brine shrimp and black worms. Live foods work better to get them healthy but frozen or freeze dried will work well.
witchy Denise
witchy Denise - 14 years ago
Thanks so much my bettas were not spawning but the female has bars and a egg spot. I had a light over the tank I turned it off and put books on eat side so its nice and dim for them. hope I have eggs soon the male has been working hard on his nest.
Jovon - 14 years ago
do the fish have to be a certain size ? or they can mate at any size? basically how do you know when they are an adult
kate. O.
kate. O. - 14 years ago
Then what do you do with the betta fry? When do you have to separate the female fry and the male fry?
nazmul hussain
nazmul hussain - 14 years ago
when the eggs r inthe nest what temp should be on
mewmaster151 - 14 years ago
@ragsthename the male makes the nest and takes care of the eggs but he will eat the hatchlings
deepseventeen - 14 years ago
hey, wanna i ask somethng, i have male and female betta fish in one aquarium and I put the female one in a jar ,my male betta fish just build the bubble nest but when I tried to mix both of them, the female betta fish tried to run from male fish and she even show her horizontal line at her body. :S so how can I make them to spawn?
The Vintage Baker
The Vintage Baker - 14 years ago
I have a female crowntail and she looks a bit small...how do i know how old she is? I want to breed her with my male vieltail
hitori kuro
hitori kuro - 14 years ago
@mywhitespring or cups...i think cups are alot easier ... that'd be alot of tanks..
XxLittleCherryxX - 14 years ago
wha plant u got in the tank??? it looks realy cool looking :D
Moses Lyons
Moses Lyons - 14 years ago
my betta made a bubble nest but i dont have a girl plzzz help me
Chao Xiong
Chao Xiong - 14 years ago
naw i left him in there for 3 days....yea then i came bak frm work and i was like wth where all the baby and i see him ate one and didnt spit it bak out so i was like damn he ate them...yea
Fuji mama
Fuji mama - 14 years ago
@choj5508 Well this is how i always do it. as soon as i see him start eating the fry i take him out.
Chao Xiong
Chao Xiong - 14 years ago
is it common for the male to eat the fry???? how long do u leave the male in with the fry????
Rayson isBored
Rayson isBored - 14 years ago
erm good video.. but can i know how long does it takes for the female to show stripes? comment on my channel THANKS..
Chao Xiong
Chao Xiong - 14 years ago
after my male and female mated, she's started to eat the bubble and eggs but it seem like her stomach was still big and i didn't know so i took her out but the male started to make the nest for the eggs and was it the right time for me to take her out?????
Brendan Wu
Brendan Wu - 14 years ago
well i can heko anyone who needs help. i got some sucessful spawns.
yersi gonzalez
yersi gonzalez - 14 years ago
@untitledude no it doenst matter wat kind of betta it is..
hitori kuro
hitori kuro - 14 years ago
you forgot to say you have to take the father out immidiatly or hell eat them and then soon separat all the little ones they will fight
98Shuriken - 14 years ago
My eggs were completely white like a grain of salt does that mean that they are dead
LOLO TRAN - 14 years ago
hey do the betta know how to fight
TheAssassinsDen - 14 years ago
let her out when you see that at the base of her head it will have a big bump, as is she is pregnant, it will also have a white spot then let her join the male- good luck! ;)
brendenxayavongsa - 14 years ago
the nest looks like a tidal wave
Raghunandan Kempanna
Raghunandan Kempanna - 14 years ago
@mileywolfcub97 So thats called wrong timing!. The female and Male were not allowed to mate when female was ready...Its already late..but you can try to put male and female together atleast now and cross your fingers..Good Luck....All the best..more question...visit ww w.total-care-guide. com
Raghunandan Kempanna
Raghunandan Kempanna - 14 years ago
@iceman31578 Till they flare at each other ... more questions...visit wwwtotal-care-guide com
Raghunandan Kempanna
Raghunandan Kempanna - 14 years ago
@jetmea when mating is complete and no more eggs are popping out...however wait for like 15 mins after mating is done...Male will not hurt female as he will be busy putting eggs into bubbles....more questions...visit wwwtotal-care-guide com
Raghunandan Kempanna
Raghunandan Kempanna - 14 years ago
@devonmeloan yes some males dont go well with some females...use a different male if you are using Betta fish.. more questions...visit wwwtotal-care-guide com
Raghunandan Kempanna
Raghunandan Kempanna - 14 years ago
@Kikyo361 Sometimes this happens...just give it some more time..some fish deliver less eggs..but not as less as 2 ! more questions...visit wwwtotal-care-guide com
Raghunandan Kempanna
Raghunandan Kempanna - 14 years ago
@Claimjumpers No dont do that...allow female to deliver all the eggs..
Raghunandan Kempanna
Raghunandan Kempanna - 14 years ago
@husky2008 Yes 6 months old betta is mature enough to mate..Breeding should work..try it out.. All the best....more questions ??...visit ww w total-care-guide com
Raghunandan Kempanna
Raghunandan Kempanna - 14 years ago
@archrom1 if the nest is ready, go ahead and put the female..she is ready to go..more questions...visit ww w total-care-guide com
Raghunandan Kempanna
Raghunandan Kempanna - 14 years ago
@mileywolfcub97 Yes Tank divider works..use a transperent tank divider. All the best..more question...visit total-care-guide com
Claimjumpers - 14 years ago
i have a question. i read that you have to kill some babies. i dont want to do that so can i just take out the female after she lays like 50 eggs or so? or will it stress her out too much? i only want what i can care for.
devonmeloan - 14 years ago
@ragsthename i went to some place and they told me that you have to let the female grow up cuz its ONLY 7 MONTHS OLD so i know that now and i will feed them blood worms
Raghunandan Kempanna
Raghunandan Kempanna - 14 years ago
@marjoryjosselyn there is a seperate food for Betta fry...see total-care-guide . com
Raghunandan Kempanna
Raghunandan Kempanna - 14 years ago
@devonmeloan Its very common that when 2 bettas (either male or female) are in the same tank, they fight. Some males are more aggressive. try the experiment with another male which is a little grown up and old. Young ones are more aggressive.
devonmeloan - 14 years ago
i also have a quiston? i have done the whole procces and now that the bubble nest is built and the female has vertical lines i put them together and the male tared up the females fins and i seperated them do u think i need diffrent fish i dont no what kind i have or whut i shud have please help me i need it
Jason Khang
Jason Khang - 14 years ago
but wat if she doesnt get lines but her belly is all white n is very big??
Jason Khang
Jason Khang - 14 years ago
thx alot it really helps to no a lot
Raghunandan Kempanna
Raghunandan Kempanna - 14 years ago
@Jadenstar4 Getting lines is hard to day...it varies. In most cases, I would wait until 2-3 days, Spawning takes 1-2 days.
Raghunandan Kempanna
Raghunandan Kempanna - 14 years ago
@zink3434 I should say 4-7 days, they can be together.
Raghunandan Kempanna
Raghunandan Kempanna - 14 years ago
For all your questions. visit Total-care-guide com
soaddictedzz - 14 years ago
thanx man i really like your vid
Jason Khang
Jason Khang - 14 years ago
acouple questions.... how long does it take for the female to get the vertical lines on it?, how long does it take for them to spawn? i need to no ASAP im in the middle of mating them.... i habe the female in a polastic cup rite now
Raghunandan Kempanna
Raghunandan Kempanna - 14 years ago
Bubble next should be resonably big as Female fish releases a lot of eggs and male puts each egg goes into a bubble. 100-300 bubbles is a good size.
mrxiongs1000 - 14 years ago
how big do the bubble nest have to be before letting the female betta out?

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