ADDING Live Plants & New Ghost Shrimp + MORE to both of my BETTA fish AQUARIUMS!!! PC MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: Clothing Instagram: Fish Unboxing Video: Follow me on Instagram: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE HERE: Camera Gear: Canon G7x Mark ii Thanks for Watching! Like, Share, and SUBSCRIBE for more videos!

MAJOR BETTA FISH TANK REMODEL!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 150

Betta 6 years ago 168,330 views

ADDING Live Plants & New Ghost Shrimp + MORE to both of my BETTA fish AQUARIUMS!!! PC MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: Clothing Instagram: Fish Unboxing Video: Follow me on Instagram: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE HERE: Camera Gear: Canon G7x Mark ii Thanks for Watching! Like, Share, and SUBSCRIBE for more videos!

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Most popular comments

Hunter does Tech
Hunter does Tech - 6 years ago
I just got a albino pleco yesterday
Olivia’s Journey
Olivia’s Journey - 6 years ago
The water dog is called an axolotl
Savage Charles
Savage Charles - 6 years ago
There called marimo moss balls my guy pretty much a ball of moss
Paws for Protection Breeding and Rescuing
Paws for Protection Breeding and Rescuing - 6 years ago
I think it is axolotl that got changed into a salamander
Laila Perry
Laila Perry - 6 years ago
It's an axolotl kind of like a neut.
blasphemygalaxy - 6 years ago
it's an axolotl
DotaTok - 6 years ago
What thats fish name in 5:39 exotic fish
Jishnu Sengupta
Jishnu Sengupta - 6 years ago
Very cute bettas .. I have also 2
Get Off Your Bass And Lets Fish
Get Off Your Bass And Lets Fish - 6 years ago
My Betta is a ghost shrimp assassin, he’s silver blue with a white streak. His name is Silver Bullet and he hunts werewolves “ghost shrimps”.


CHRISTIAN NUNEZ - 6 years ago
Jordyn Estrada
Jordyn Estrada - 6 years ago
Its an axoloto
awesome sauce39 feel the spice
awesome sauce39 feel the spice - 6 years ago
I have the exact same tank Luna has
pro gamer
pro gamer - 6 years ago
Why do you keep shrimp in your betta tank
pro gamer
pro gamer - 6 years ago
I have a beautiful purple coloured crowntail betta
Revaca - 6 years ago
one of the shrimp are holding eggs
Naveen bhuvanesh
Naveen bhuvanesh - 6 years ago
Your beta is ready to breed
The Bird Master
The Bird Master - 6 years ago
Hi Paul the water dog is actually a axolotl and they're not a fish they're actually a type of and phibian
Ethan Durp
Ethan Durp - 6 years ago
Your videos always brighten up my day
Cool Kid
Cool Kid - 6 years ago
If I got that axolotl I’d call it rat


Cool Kid
Cool Kid - 6 years ago
Eric Martinez
Eric Martinez - 6 years ago
I’m here for the Betta fish police comments.
Nenori Shimada
Nenori Shimada - 6 years ago
The Marimo moss ball ( your betta fish buddies) are fake ones as they dont float when you put them into water. So I'm 120% sure they dont live, but are actually just rolled moss made to sell for aquarium. Thus they dont clean the water like an actual one would do by just living there and eating fish poop as food.(phosphor = marimo food) they'd float when you put them into an aquarium afte rhaving squeeshed because bubbles would be kept inside of them.( but they sink after some hours or days)
alladrianaallthetime - 6 years ago
I got the betta leaf bed for my betta fish Ollie and he never sleeped on it
Joaquin Isabel
Joaquin Isabel - 6 years ago
that water dog is a axolotl
adrian chua
adrian chua - 6 years ago
I am pretty sure the buddy plant is a marimo moss ball I think that’s the name it’s a moss ball
Tobit Aboyme
Tobit Aboyme - 6 years ago
I really love your videos...damn you have so many decorations for your tanks love your videos
Animal girls
Animal girls - 6 years ago
You. Need a bigger t
DASHERBOYXP MJ - 6 years ago
That was not a water dog that was an axolotl
Kelly Stapley
Kelly Stapley - 6 years ago
The fatty babies are a must fall


DinosaurGirl135M - 6 years ago
That water dog is better known as an axolotl. It’s also called the Mexican walking fish. I never knew they are also called water dogs.
Jennifer Kveum
Jennifer Kveum - 6 years ago
I need to know what to do
Jafar Khan
Jafar Khan - 6 years ago
Jesus is our god
Husein Alamsyah
Husein Alamsyah - 6 years ago
WTF your betta so cool
Jade Velazquez
Jade Velazquez - 6 years ago
I didn't know Petco sells all that. I've never actually been there. I live close to a Petsmart so that's where I always go.
Alexa Garcia
Alexa Garcia - 6 years ago
My grandma is in the hospital and u just brighten my day thx
Cassidy and Connelly
Cassidy and Connelly - 6 years ago
I bought a betta from Petco and he is healthy and happy
Anna Kato
Anna Kato - 6 years ago
I’ve tried keeping female Bettas a few times but every time they die the first day I get them but my male bettas are fine
screamingfangirl - 6 years ago
You aren’t actually saving any fish by buying them from Petsmart or Petco it just means that you’re contributing to the company. Please start buying fish from another place if you really are against it. No hate!! I love your videos!!
Chelsey and jolie432 21
Chelsey and jolie432 21 - 6 years ago
The water dog is actually a axolotl
Tasty Cactus
Tasty Cactus - 6 years ago
I love your videos and I got a pet betta because of your vids
Tasty Cactus
Tasty Cactus - 6 years ago
Do you have two betta fish in one tank
William Ma
William Ma - 6 years ago
You should breed Luna and Thomas
smooth x ghost
smooth x ghost - 6 years ago
Name your next betta fish max
Andres - 6 years ago
What size was that Betta Fish tank ? The one for your female Betta
ADRIAN is cool
ADRIAN is cool - 6 years ago
best videos in world my frends love your videos
Foxsperfect27 - 6 years ago
I love the beta fish videos!
R apier
R apier - 6 years ago
Omg you need a 10 gallon tank for 4 shrimp thats like a 2 gallon its a shrimp prison the bettas are going to eat the shrimp
Rain johnson
Rain johnson - 6 years ago
Ur so Dope i love how u care for ur beta fish. I will be setting up my 3 gallon tank up soon and shopping for a new beta fish & shrimp thank u..❤
Landy pants
Landy pants - 6 years ago
That "water dog" is actually an axolotl and they're endangered


Nikki Lewis
Nikki Lewis - 6 years ago
What's happened to all your other shrimp?
Kylie Cross
Kylie Cross - 6 years ago
Bettas suck though. All they do is just sit there and look into nothingness.
Darian Pinkerton
Darian Pinkerton - 6 years ago
The waterdog
Darian Pinkerton
Darian Pinkerton - 6 years ago
It is an axle
Asnavy Sari
Asnavy Sari - 6 years ago
Did your original ghost shrimp die because the water is too cold or were they eaten?
KMT Films
KMT Films - 6 years ago
I just recently got back into the hobby and am thinking about making more videos of my fish tank too.

Come check it out and let me know what you think ☺
Pinettle - 6 years ago
That water dog is extremely unhealthy
Marlon Sy
Marlon Sy - 6 years ago
is it ok not to change water on your beta tank?
umer manzoor
umer manzoor - 6 years ago
Betta Fish Habitat: Bring Your from Boring to Roaring Today!
Create a more attention grabbing design from your Betta fish habitat today!
baha ali
baha ali - 6 years ago
I feel bad for my Betta he is in a one gallon tank but I can afford to buy a bigger tank. Go in my channel if u wanna see how he looks.
Logan Denton
Logan Denton - 6 years ago
That salamander was an axolotol I totally recommend them for your channel I have two and they are very interesting
TI creations BIG E
TI creations BIG E - 6 years ago
due you are cool bro
Kuro Geisha arts va
Kuro Geisha arts va - 6 years ago
That's an axolotl
Audrey Anne
Audrey Anne - 6 years ago
I have a sleeping leaf and mine never sleeps on it
Woken Matt
Woken Matt - 6 years ago
The plants in the pod will die!
wet trout
wet trout - 6 years ago
that poor axolotl.... it’s way too skinny and shouldn’t be kept on gravel like that
Nicole Asi
Nicole Asi - 6 years ago
Thank you for making me happy my mom and dad buy me my fish tank because of you I hope you make more god videos I love you
Maddie Sig.
Maddie Sig. - 6 years ago
You should have a heater. Bettas are tropical fish and enjoy waters at 78-82 degrees
Tom Hebblethwaite
Tom Hebblethwaite - 6 years ago
Thomas tank is lit
dont eat me please
dont eat me please - 6 years ago
. . .
Monkey Nut
Monkey Nut - 6 years ago
That rock wool rots the plants.. and shrimp need to drip acclimatise
Wyatt Madsen
Wyatt Madsen - 6 years ago
So I have two garamis and they always fight. What should I do
wild wolf
wild wolf - 6 years ago
I recommend getting fluvial stratum it will help make the plants stronger and I meant no offense when I said they are miserable
wild wolf
wild wolf - 6 years ago
Who agrees
wild wolf
wild wolf - 6 years ago
Your plants are miserable
llConstantinosll - 6 years ago
What a major Betta tank remodel! You went from 1 gallon to 2.5 gallons? Kudos to you, you ignorant deep shit. You bought live plants which need a proper substrate or at least root tabs, but guess what, they will never grow out properly due to that stupid colored pebbles you chose from the very beginning. BTW Anubias don't need planting. Did you even cycle the new tank? Did you test the parameters? Did you disinfect the plants? Who the hell told you that Bettas need buddies? What happened to your other shrimps "bro"? Did they die? Did the Betta ate them? Or maybe you didn't have enough biofilm for them to eat so eventually they starved to death? It was epic placing the plants with the pot inside your Betta cup, oops sorry I meant to say tank. You really give a bad example for young people who want to own a fish, you're a disgrace, you have no knowledge of what fish keeping is. You can't distinguish which plants you got, which fish are tropical and which are not. Which decorations are toxic or even dangerous for a fish. People get a grip and UNSUBSCIBE from this channel. DO NOT follow any of his actions which are cruel and utterly wrong. There are far better channels than this shit hole he has the audacity to call a "Fishkeeping channel". If you really want to get into the hobby follow others who know what they are doing or if you really wanna spend sometime while taking a shit go ahead and support his videos cause that's all they're for.
Ruben Marais
Ruben Marais - 6 years ago
Love your vids and you made my day . Lovely day and keep up the good work.
Cole Plays
Cole Plays - 6 years ago
Idiot, he put the anubias UNDER the substrate! If you know so little on
These fish and plants and that you can’t even plant them or care for them so as to not kill or make them sick like your poor little Betta who has swim bladder disease likely because of not even having a heater then why are you keeping them?
Anahy Roman
Anahy Roman - 6 years ago
The betta budys are toys for theme
Zaeven Coon
Zaeven Coon - 6 years ago
stop braging
Glacier Blaze
Glacier Blaze - 6 years ago
Its axotolckrckskcs idk what its spell hehe
Rick - 6 years ago
A sponge!!! lol
Sarath Liv
Sarath Liv - 6 years ago
Betta buddy is good for shrimp
FlipaClip Master
FlipaClip Master - 6 years ago
Samaryan - 6 years ago
Those "water dogs"are actually Axolotls and are considered exotic fish.
Tyler’s Fish room
Tyler’s Fish room - 6 years ago
Take them out of the pot
The_Taylor_Bird - 6 years ago
bobfal - 6 years ago
Might be worth adding somewhere for those shrimp to hide. The Betta may stress them. Keep up the good work.
cat lover
cat lover - 6 years ago
Pont your batta fish in they same tank for about 1 1/2 minutes
Khaleesi Mish
Khaleesi Mish - 6 years ago
That “Water Dog” is an Axolotl and they are magical.
Savage Fisherman
Savage Fisherman - 6 years ago
Thx for posting such awesome vids, you have inspired me to start my own fish tanks and have to love for marine life (btw, what type of Betta is Luna)
Jlonz Gaming
Jlonz Gaming - 6 years ago
The lizard looking fish is an axolotl
Tanky Boy
Tanky Boy - 6 years ago
so did he get rid of the small and the big pond
Dana F
Dana F - 6 years ago
They're called marimo balls. They're native to Japan where the currents form them into balls so just roll them around a bit
Gabrielle Brown
Gabrielle Brown - 6 years ago
I’m looking into getting a betta should they have a heater?
Cheyenne Crawford
Cheyenne Crawford - 6 years ago
Ive been thinking about getting a beta fish I might just name it Paul
33statefishing - 6 years ago
the water dog thing is native to where I'm from
Shine On Carly
Shine On Carly - 6 years ago
How do you clean your tank with the plants? You should make a video so I can watch it when I get plants!
David Pimentel
David Pimentel - 6 years ago
I got a betta fish yesterday and I’m getting another one and a tank.
Mikay Regala
Mikay Regala - 6 years ago
Get the Axolotl.


Lily Brooks
Lily Brooks - 6 years ago
That "fish dog" is a UNDERFED AXOLOTAL
Patrick fishing
Patrick fishing - 6 years ago
You should get ghost shrimp in both of your ponds
Harry Capon
Harry Capon - 6 years ago
Hulk fishing they wouldn't survive
Talisha Jones
Talisha Jones - 6 years ago
Lovely beta fishes and aquarium
Robin Klop
Robin Klop - 6 years ago
Yo paul, you need to take the rock wool of the plant, because its toxic for the fish, keep up the good work love to see your vids.
Dathen Acevedo
Dathen Acevedo - 6 years ago
That black "water lizerd" is an exolotle.☺
Mattie Ditro
Mattie Ditro - 6 years ago
Are the ghost shrimp food for the beta's or are they friends?
gourinath sm
gourinath sm - 6 years ago
What did you Name the fish you bought for smallest aquarium part 2
Evan Karst
Evan Karst - 6 years ago
Because of your video's it has made me take care of my turtle more
FloridaClan Adventures!
FloridaClan Adventures! - 6 years ago
Greyson Graham
Greyson Graham - 6 years ago
The beta buddy's are actually Marimo moss balls which help with water quality and clarity... btw love ur vids
Nicholas Atkinson
Nicholas Atkinson - 6 years ago
Get a water dog
Dyllpickle360 - 6 years ago
that dog fish is an axolottel
Gatortrax Aquatics
Gatortrax Aquatics - 6 years ago
Is that ferret ok ?
Domz JB
Domz JB - 6 years ago
Assuming the old shrimp died
Rebecca Holcomb
Rebecca Holcomb - 6 years ago
I have a male betta fish named canyon
Ethan Chapman
Ethan Chapman - 6 years ago
if tomas and luna are opposite genders try bredding them in a I don't know 5 gallan tank or 10
Really Reli
Really Reli - 6 years ago
How often do you do water and filter changes?
xXyoutube_goofed_upXx - 6 years ago
You shouldn’t keep them in the pots and you should remove that yellow sponge stuff otherwise it will rot and make lots of mess
lizette gonzalez
lizette gonzalez - 6 years ago
Should've rinsed and squeezed the moss balls before putting them in
Joey Bryant
Joey Bryant - 6 years ago
I love how he still keeps us updated on other stuff while hes making a video on a differnt vid thank you paul. I am actully trying to learn from your vids about your pound to build my turtles a pound
The Legend 27
The Legend 27 - 6 years ago
the tiny fish you got is a schooling fish they hate to be alone
Elizabeth Ann
Elizabeth Ann - 6 years ago
3:54 That is a marimo moss ball, not a sponge or any kind of filter. It's just a plant (actually a type of algae), it puts a little bit of oxygen into the water, and its hard to kill.
4:44 This is an Axolotl, aka a water dog or mud puppy, and that one is extremely emaciated, skin and bones. It is not healthy at all. I'd be surprised if it lived out the week.
King Rage
King Rage - 6 years ago
Why don’t you do a giver way of the fake plants
Amy Reaves
Amy Reaves - 6 years ago
Congrats on 200k
Brian Zavala
Brian Zavala - 6 years ago
That filter is horrible for your betta in10:50
Andraya Hahn
Andraya Hahn - 6 years ago
You inspired me to get my own fish tank! I love your videos so much!! Keep up the great work and good luck on your backyard!
Colby Cobia
Colby Cobia - 6 years ago
my betta fish LOVES the his leaf hammock!
John Pettyjohn
John Pettyjohn - 6 years ago
Congratulations on 200K subs! Dang, you're growing fast!
Kaylee Hayes
Kaylee Hayes - 6 years ago
FYI about the hammock I had one and the wire got rusty and it broke. Definitely don’t not recommend
Nathan Yonker
Nathan Yonker - 6 years ago
Congrats on 200k
Legendary Ballerz
Legendary Ballerz - 6 years ago
Wow! You’re great. I’ve watched all of your videos. I showed them to my Parents. You helped me get my pond/beta tank. I also like that you post everyday. I’m always excited for your next video. Keep it up.
Tazzy boy
Tazzy boy - 6 years ago
Tazzy boy
Tazzy boy - 6 years ago
I am a huge fan of yours and watch all your videos
Anthony Algarin
Anthony Algarin - 6 years ago
Hey Paul, how come you put shrimp in the betta fish tank
lil sail77
lil sail77 - 6 years ago
Thanks so much because of you I built my own pond
Khang Pham
Khang Pham - 6 years ago
Yo should breed your bettas
Skyler Devan
Skyler Devan - 6 years ago
U should get the water dog
Dirtbike_Kody - 6 years ago
Paul I need your help my Molly's just had baby's in my 10 gallon I have 1 male and two females Bute the girls keep eating the baby's what do I do I don't have a way to s3perate them what do I do I'm freaking out please help
pranav koonambat
pranav koonambat - 6 years ago
Hi Paul I'm from India and I see your all videos and I'm waiting for April 12 and I try so many times to comment and I cannot comment but at last I start a channel and I start commenting I wish you you could make more videos
Ashraf Mokashi
Ashraf Mokashi - 6 years ago
Hey Paul, What do you feed the shrimps ?
DrawWith Madde
DrawWith Madde - 6 years ago
The “water dog” Is actually an axolotl and is a salamander that never undergoes metamorphosis but I love you you such an inspiration
Thanh-Nha Nguyen
Thanh-Nha Nguyen - 6 years ago
never seen an axolotl before?
gillian kelley
gillian kelley - 6 years ago
What happened with the other shrimp?
My Hobby House
My Hobby House - 6 years ago
Hey you are awesome, your videos are so inspiring, and I always am very happy when you upload! So keep on putting smiles on all of your fan's faces!
King Ruggiero
King Ruggiero - 6 years ago
I am a big fan and you inspired me to get my own fish tank and build my own pond. love your videos.
My Hobby House
My Hobby House - 6 years ago
Hey I am not criticizing u, but the water dog u saw at the petstore is an axolotl. Also, you shouldn't keep the plants in the pots
Freds Aqua Pets
Freds Aqua Pets - 6 years ago
Congrats on the 200k!
Farmboy 10011
Farmboy 10011 - 6 years ago
You made me fall in love with beta fish now I am getting one
Melissa Mercer
Melissa Mercer - 6 years ago
Paul!! Can you get your pond fish out of your hundred and 60 gallon you should get a few bichirs super cool fish and some species get pretty large. Google them and check them out if you don't know what they are.
Landon Turner
Landon Turner - 6 years ago
Love your betta fish
Dj king jeff
Dj king jeff - 6 years ago
hey Paul loves your fish gold and solo my fish too
Kali Alexis
Kali Alexis - 6 years ago
I have a white opal!!!! He’s so gorgeous
LazyPokemon Champ
LazyPokemon Champ - 6 years ago
You have inspired me to get betta fish. Love your vids
NIGHT PROFESSIONAL GAMING cs 1.6 - 6 years ago
My fish 2 shubunkin goldfish and 2 koi
Quentin Santistevan
Quentin Santistevan - 6 years ago
My birthday is in a couple weeks can you name one of you koi skipper I love your videos
theodd1istheout - 6 years ago
Congrats on 200k:)
Gabe Gilfilian
Gabe Gilfilian - 6 years ago
I love ur vids and me and my friends have been watching u for a while. U are starting the pond building on the 12 which is my bday
Crazy Gamer X Anime
Crazy Gamer X Anime - 6 years ago
I love your videos and because of you I have my own pound and an aquarium thank you very much
what is life without a pet
what is life without a pet - 6 years ago
Paul you make my everyday best
The Lomeli
The Lomeli - 6 years ago
Paul I'm a big fan of u I'm always checking my notifications to watch your videos, I even got my own tank like your 160 gallon or how many gallons it is, thank u for inspiring me all the time.-Raul
Mr.eevee22 - 6 years ago
Gavin GG
Gavin GG - 6 years ago
Make a saltwater tank #nemo if you agree
Mr.eevee22 - 6 years ago
I want to be like you wen I grow up. Keep up the good work. You make my days awesome
PEPAI - 6 years ago
bruh that was the absolute wrongest thing ive ever heard abt moss balls like what
missinfishinoutdoors Dakota redig
missinfishinoutdoors Dakota redig - 6 years ago
Them are nano moss balls
Kyle Hart
Kyle Hart - 6 years ago
You should put the plants in the big tank. Great video
thegamingwolf !!!
thegamingwolf !!! - 6 years ago
I love your video you make my dad better when it is bad and I even go my on fish tank because is you
deep sea siren
deep sea siren - 6 years ago
And the betta buddies are marimo and there just moss balls, they don't act like a sponge really they just sit there
deep sea siren
deep sea siren - 6 years ago
I love his ponds and how he aqua scaped them and I am not saying his tanks are ugly because there are so many tanks that are so much worse I just think of he aqua scaped well and put as much effort into it like his pond, they would be so much better
Pro ice
Pro ice - 6 years ago
I like your video
BDgaming2 - 6 years ago
your shrimp are pregnant... idk if you noticed that
Acres4 Homes4
Acres4 Homes4 - 6 years ago
moss balls bruh
YouTube with MY
YouTube with MY - 6 years ago
Do you make new video because you have 200 000 sub. ?????
JC Rodriguez
JC Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Congratulations on 200,000 subscribers! I'm excited to see your future videos. Next thing you know, you will be at 1,000,000 subscribers!
rakend aj
rakend aj - 6 years ago
Hi paul luna has a fat stomach try breeding it
lukbua and friend
lukbua and friend - 6 years ago
You should not squeeze the beta budy
dark wolf
dark wolf - 6 years ago
Cody Howell
Cody Howell - 6 years ago
That water dog is a axolotle
fish Boy
fish Boy - 6 years ago
Those betas are going to live a very happy life
I JUST PLAYS - 6 years ago
awesome bro
IIChrisStylesII - 6 years ago
4:50 is a axolotl (mexican salamander)
Cat - 6 years ago
So I have a better I though you couldn't any thing to them
All Things Ray
All Things Ray - 6 years ago
That Anubis plant on the left, i hope you didn't bury the rhizome!
Frnimals - 6 years ago
paul is bae
Lance 210 Fan page
Lance 210 Fan page - 6 years ago
You make my day put a smile my face and I had I got a fish tank because of you
TheAJPate - 6 years ago
Lol the moss balls don’t actually filter the water
Roberta Steutermann
Roberta Steutermann - 6 years ago
I watch your videos every day and you make my day every time stay awesome
MingTheHamster A
MingTheHamster A - 6 years ago
Thank you so much Paul! I tell my Grandma all the tips you give us on fish because she has three fish tanks! You have inspired me to get my own fish tank and also my Grandma. I can’t thank you enough!
Wade Higgins
Wade Higgins - 6 years ago
200k, great work!
DylanParis - 6 years ago
what kind of fish was that @ 5:39
Jaan Bhatia
Jaan Bhatia - 6 years ago
Paul you rule
all about fish
all about fish - 6 years ago
you make my day happy always watch your videos before going to school waiting for 12th april
hi bro
hi bro - 6 years ago
Congrats on 200 k subs
Leandro Molina
Leandro Molina - 6 years ago
Thanks for bringing happiness to my day even in my hardest days you bright up my day
song with tanjil
song with tanjil - 6 years ago
luna is over feeded
swethan kumar
swethan kumar - 6 years ago
I’m sure you will hit a million subscribers at the end of 2018
Tristan Smith
Tristan Smith - 6 years ago
You can also put cardinal tetras or other small bottom dwelling fish but I prefer cardinals
James Friel
James Friel - 6 years ago
You inspire me so much I started own you tube (life of saoirse and Eoaghan)
fish fantasy
fish fantasy - 6 years ago
Pet supermarket have some nice ass bettas
DochertysUnicorns - 6 years ago
it’s a moss ball not a beta buddy :)
Elvin Molina
Elvin Molina - 6 years ago
yo i like your videos then you expired me then i got a 5 Gallón tank
Teagan Edema
Teagan Edema - 6 years ago
You inspired me to get a tank and now my fish are having babes but my tank is too small, please give suggestions on what to do.
Graysie Cunningham
Graysie Cunningham - 6 years ago
I love watching your videos can't wait to see the pond when its done love you.
Shawn And Danny Productions
Shawn And Danny Productions - 6 years ago
They have to breed in the wild. If you don’t believe me, ask the scientists
Irena Wolfrom
Irena Wolfrom - 6 years ago
for the plants you'll want to get something like fluval stratum:) it provides the nutrients for them
Raymond Flannery
Raymond Flannery - 6 years ago
It’s an axolotyl that pet store should have it with no gravel and the water should be cold shouldn’t be in with tropical fish
Ranusha Samaranayake
Ranusha Samaranayake - 6 years ago
Hi Paul I’m such a big fan of ur videos and pretty sure I’ve watched all of ur videos so thanks for inspiring me to actually get into fish
Ranusha Samaranayake
Ranusha Samaranayake - 6 years ago
Why don’t you put Luna and Thomas together
aidenK - 6 years ago
I’m so glad you switched to live plants! Your bettas will be so much healthier!
Fahad Al Hashemi
Fahad Al Hashemi - 6 years ago
I was watching you since 11,000 subs isware
Fish and cat Lover 28
Fish and cat Lover 28 - 6 years ago
Hi paul im really obsessed to your videos and i really love them keep up the good work and i know your pond is gonna be ao dope and hope that you will have more subsceiber love ya bro.
Fahad Al Hashemi
Fahad Al Hashemi - 6 years ago
Your video puts a smile on my face
Owen Sims
Owen Sims - 6 years ago
what kind of betta fish is luna.
peacefulbeaner S
peacefulbeaner S - 6 years ago
Hey man where is that pet supermarket you inhabit located?
Aggressiv Noob
Aggressiv Noob - 6 years ago
Love your videos ❤️
CaoAquatics - 6 years ago
Paul please I've commented this nearly everyday since you have talked about getting plants. Those plants are going to die they need a nutrient rich base layer just like garden plants or your pond plants also the Anubias which u buried needs to be attached to decor it's rhizome will rot if u leave it planted. The marimo moss balls will be fine though also u can take the plants out the pots and split them into portions and you can fill the tank. But trust me man they won't grow once they turn to there submerged growth as there is no nutrient in substrate for them to feed from I would highly recommend you research buying a substrate of some kind and please attach Anubias to driftwood or rocks or else that was such a waste of money
Max Viselli
Max Viselli - 6 years ago
love you paul,i comment and comment but nothing happens
Rajon Ayan
Rajon Ayan - 6 years ago
see your grandpa fish tank
carle!gh - 6 years ago
I love your channel SOOO MUCH and I look forward to your daily videos! You’ve inspired me to create my own pond which I am going to do this summer!!! Also I think you should really consider getting the dog fish! That would be sooooo cool
bosler 05
bosler 05 - 6 years ago
Love your vids when I'm bored I bench watch your vids.
bosler 05
bosler 05 - 6 years ago
I get zoo med is that good?
Ant Slayer
Ant Slayer - 6 years ago
A water dog is an amphibian
Nicholas Theos
Nicholas Theos - 6 years ago
Im one of your biggest fan congrats now u have 200k subscriber wish you all the best
thomas offenberg
thomas offenberg - 6 years ago
Beta fish some times they will eat the live plants so u should just whact out
J Buck Outdoors
J Buck Outdoors - 6 years ago
Thank you so much for all you awesome videos. They are really good and congrats on the 200k.
Blank Blank
Blank Blank - 6 years ago
What happened to the other shrimps you got
J Buck Outdoors
J Buck Outdoors - 6 years ago
Luna is getting a little overweight. You may want to feed her a little less.
Uchiha Giorgos
Uchiha Giorgos - 6 years ago
You need to get the plants out of the pots and also aqlimate the shrimps
Crushing it 12
Crushing it 12 - 6 years ago
You are awesome
Uchiha Giorgos
Uchiha Giorgos - 6 years ago
At 4.50 its not a fish omg...its an axolotl...u didnt quite search about aquarrium pets right? XD
Lucy Ngo
Lucy Ngo - 6 years ago
Haley Moo
Haley Moo - 6 years ago
I love watching your videos so much. I cant have my own pond ir tank right now but as soon as i can i wanna start with a tank. I love fish so much and its so fun to relax and watch your videos!
Gtr Ramirez
Gtr Ramirez - 6 years ago
Congratulations on 200K!!!!!
Advaith and Surya Adventures
Advaith and Surya Adventures - 6 years ago
simple words: u rock
Ryan Bull
Ryan Bull - 6 years ago
What sizes are your betta tanks
Rebecca Hood
Rebecca Hood - 6 years ago
One of those plants is an anubias, if you bury the rhizome it will rot and die, it’s best attached to driftwood or left free floating in your tank
Kenai LPS
Kenai LPS - 6 years ago
You must take the plant out of the basket, rinse it, pull it out of cotton and put it in the ground, best regards. Do it in Luna's aquarium. I really like your movies Paul
I buy my own tank and put arrowna koi,ocar and large mouth bass
Music Therapy
Music Therapy - 6 years ago
i like
your videos paul
Mia Simpson
Mia Simpson - 6 years ago
I am just wondering what breed of betta Thomas was do u remember?? Xxxxxxxxxxxilyssssssm
Mia Simpson
Mia Simpson - 6 years ago
Harry Capon I know I'm getting my friend to build me a tank for some betta fish not to put in a pond
Harry Capon
Harry Capon - 6 years ago
Mia Simpson you can't put bettas in a pond
christian mclaughlin
christian mclaughlin - 6 years ago
You don’t know what a moss ball is it’s not a sponge lmao
GenomeVenom - 6 years ago
u make me day awesome and inspire me to build my own fish pond in my backyard
Fishgamer - 6 years ago
Put Launa in the 160 gallon tank
Bendi Pósfai
Bendi Pósfai - 6 years ago
The live plants is going to die in that foam! Please research for this things!
TG_ Gaming
TG_ Gaming - 6 years ago
I always am exited to look at your vids :)
TG_ Gaming
TG_ Gaming - 6 years ago
Your channel is growing fast man
Snenejshhsjejgdnsyubba b2hbebRaju
Snenejshhsjejgdnsyubba b2hbebRaju - 6 years ago
Hey Paul bro you inspired me to build a small pond for cichleds and stuff keep on making videos I love your channel I am the 1st subscribet
Bianca Hayes
Bianca Hayes - 6 years ago
You should put live plants in your 160gallon
Ravenclaw Student
Ravenclaw Student - 6 years ago
The betta hammock should be roughly 1 1/2 inches from the waterline
A.R aquatics and hacks
A.R aquatics and hacks - 6 years ago
I m from india and i luv your videos u r the best youtubere ever i wish ur channel be no.1 one day waiting for the pond
Park Hyuni
Park Hyuni - 6 years ago
Love your videos Paul, I used to watch pond building videos on YouTube all the time, then I discovered your channel and it’s so amazing. I can’t wait for the new backyard build.
Sahir Khan
Sahir Khan - 6 years ago
Love your videos keep it up
Crazy Carno Lady
Crazy Carno Lady - 6 years ago
Happy Easter
The Rider
The Rider - 6 years ago
Now they will go supper
Colton Worley
Colton Worley - 6 years ago
That” salamander thing” was a axolotl.
Rachel Tojio
Rachel Tojio - 6 years ago
AJ#1 j&j
I think a water dog is a tiger salamander larva/tadpole thing, I'm pretty sure it's an axolotl though, selling a water dog is kind weird to me but idk maybe it's normal.
DASHERBOYXP MJ - 6 years ago
I like all of your posts
DASHERBOYXP MJ - 6 years ago
I posted that same comment I hate when I look at a fish tank then look at the name of the fish then it's just a made-up name that that does not even look like it Water Dog is that even a thing like if you agree
Rachel Tojio
Rachel Tojio - 6 years ago
Keira Curow

I saw a baby one at a pet store recently and a couple on some YouTube videos and I can conclude that is either not an axolotl or a very sad looking on.
Keira Curow
Keira Curow - 6 years ago
Rachel Tojio I think yes for babies not adults
Rachel Tojio
Rachel Tojio - 6 years ago
At first I didn't even recognize the axolotl because it was so thin. Are they supposed to look like that?
clo clo Chloe
clo clo Chloe - 6 years ago
You are the reason I wack up in the morning and the first thing l do in the morning is watch your videos.loving your videos stay amazing.
Armaan Sharieff
Armaan Sharieff - 6 years ago
I'm a big fan of u Paul , u inspire me to build my own pond tysm....
Vanessa Hale
Vanessa Hale - 6 years ago
Armaan Sharieff ikzkkzkxsjxjsdjssjk
Kah Ching Ho
Kah Ching Ho - 6 years ago
I am ur 200,004th subscriber.
Congrats 200k subscribers
Luv ur video
Paul Cuffaro
Paul Cuffaro - 6 years ago
Thank you!
Santosh Karalkar
Santosh Karalkar - 6 years ago
You should try to breed Luna and thomus
The Rider
The Rider - 6 years ago
You may not be the biggest youtuber but for me you are because you are helping me planing my boaring summer vacations .
Mj Lit
Mj Lit - 6 years ago
I love your vids man I have been saving money for a year to buy a 300 dollar fish tank with fish and there items keep up the good work
billy bounce Squad
billy bounce Squad - 6 years ago
Paul try to get your betta fish big then you will have all the companiy that want you but some people you can't trust so watch huh your dealing with have a good day and try to get all of your fish big so all the famous people can do a little tour
Taylon Geisel
Taylon Geisel - 6 years ago
Were those moss balls?
Mario Pachecano
Mario Pachecano - 6 years ago
You inspired me to buy a betta even tho my family thinks its childish
Ahmet Emre KIZILCA
Ahmet Emre KIZILCA - 6 years ago
Videoların Gerçekten çok güzel ve seni gerçekten seviyorum başarılar dilerim
Jasmine Carter
Jasmine Carter - 6 years ago
you always manage to brighten my day and i now have a fish tank and although my parents dont want me to keep it i love it too much to let it go i named my sword tail after you because he always swims up to the edge of the tank when i watch your videos
Robert G
Robert G - 6 years ago
Paul u should get a water dog
Temp Grace
Temp Grace - 6 years ago
I’m getting a Batta fish next week I’m so happy and I still want to build a pond I asked my dad he said maybe you make me happy all the time stay cool and keep on doing videos
Sakshi Ingale
Sakshi Ingale - 6 years ago
Hi how to bread betta make a video
peanut pie
peanut pie - 6 years ago
Hi paul you make inspire to be like you .and you make my day.another tip for you .female bettas wjich is luna can mix with another female betta fish
Dxc3 B2a2
Dxc3 B2a2 - 6 years ago
That is the ugliest aquarium i've ever seen
Jay I_
Jay I_ - 6 years ago
What happened to the shrimp last time?
nycks adventurers and more
nycks adventurers and more - 6 years ago
You should put the new small fish the net with the baby molly
Finlay Gibson
Finlay Gibson - 6 years ago
That woman bagging the plants had a weed leaf tattoo. She loves all types of plant! LoL
GravitY MadneSS
GravitY MadneSS - 6 years ago
Yo Paul!! Huge love from India ma !! thanks for inspiring me to build a pond even tho i live one the 2nd floor of my building.. your doing a great job keep it up, and i'm really looking forward for the new ponds to be complete as well!!! Good luck!!
beetle breeder
beetle breeder - 6 years ago
Hi paul i love your videos i m from india . Your videos inspired me to build my own pond at home.☺☺☺.thx.
Dj Pravesh
Dj Pravesh - 6 years ago
You say that you have plants that you don't use
Splash KingYT
Splash KingYT - 6 years ago
bettas will eat each other if they are kept together
GAMING REVIEW - 6 years ago
I build my pond taking ideas from your mini pond and my fishes are doing good thanks bro for giving such an idea.
Jacob Bartnik
Jacob Bartnik - 6 years ago
Almost at 200,000
Jaden Willings
Jaden Willings - 6 years ago
Hey Paul, amazing video,once again. Keep up the good work. You've also inspired me to get a fish tank!
Vitas 101
Vitas 101 - 6 years ago
Hey Paul nice channel hope your channel became the trend on youtube. I have a suggesition why don't you try breeding your betta fish it's a nice experience.
Brad Cochrane
Brad Cochrane - 6 years ago
They are moss balls your channel is amazing
clash hmhs 712233
clash hmhs 712233 - 6 years ago
man you make my day . every episodes inspired me to make my own pond and tank. i am an Indian follower dude. thank u
Julian - 6 years ago
hi paul, i just finished watching all your videos. by the way, that water dog is actually called an axolotl
J. Arredondo
J. Arredondo - 6 years ago
nice vid and almost at 200k good job for that
josue Rodriguez
josue Rodriguez - 6 years ago
You Make my day
josue Rodriguez
josue Rodriguez - 6 years ago
The shrimps eat the beta Buddies
Stelloxic - 6 years ago
That “weird looking fish” was an axolotl and are fed worms they’re also known as Mexican water lizards
sayan podder
sayan podder - 6 years ago
Downfall - 6 years ago
thats so pathetic
TheNewMC 2016
TheNewMC 2016 - 6 years ago
What size are the aquariums?
Fishy Business
Fishy Business - 6 years ago
The “ betta buddy’s” are marimo moss balls they are live as well
Maria Rvaldez
Maria Rvaldez - 6 years ago
Can you put thomas with luna
Charles Ivan Aceveda
Charles Ivan Aceveda - 6 years ago
Happy 200k subscriber my fellow farro's
Stef Styl
Stef Styl - 6 years ago
the ''sponges'' are marimo moss balls :)
Jaciel Valdez
Jaciel Valdez - 6 years ago
Hi Paul every time I am sad or depressed I always come to your channel and It always brings me a smile
the god
the god - 6 years ago
7:58 blue rocks blue towel and blue bowl what else
Danae Lilavois
Danae Lilavois - 6 years ago
I think that you should make some new merch saying that’s dope or that’s sick‼️
Jbug - 6 years ago
Love your videos Paul❤️ im more into reptiles myself, but you got me interested in fish with all the awesome work you do, and the creativity of your channel. Almost at 200k!! I know you can do itt!
Andrew Woodburn
Andrew Woodburn - 6 years ago
Hey there! Great channel! Love following and watching all your projects! A few tips! I would definitely take the plants out of the containers and plant them in the substrate. Microsword is a carpeting plant and will need to be split up. They Will need some fertilizer and root tabs to help the plants grow. Check out api branded stuff they work great for beginners with plants that’s what I started with! The leaf also needs to move up towards the surface at about an inch under the water line imo it’s a little deep. I even curl mine and make it shaped more like a hammock. My Bettas love them! Good luck Paul!
Chase Zieman
Chase Zieman - 6 years ago
You should get a dirty orange colored fish and call in rust
Swaliha Kazi
Swaliha Kazi - 6 years ago
Your vds are awesome and inspired to build my own pond
DEAD. STREAK IN COC - 6 years ago
i love you bro. you inspired me to farm fishes
Madison Delta
Madison Delta - 6 years ago
If you name the shrimp you could name one of them Niro
maniatikoleal - 6 years ago
Thank you Paul for giving a better life to those bettas, finally live plants, just missing: GET THEM BIGGER TANKS!
elianis bosch
elianis bosch - 6 years ago
With the other fish or u can put them in ur tank
elianis bosch
elianis bosch - 6 years ago
Paul get the water dog and put it in the mini pond it would be nice to have it
Ross LaGrange
Ross LaGrange - 6 years ago
You are killing it with the daily uploads! Keep it up man.
MAXXL - 6 years ago
Finally LIVE plants.... Been waiting for this
Ariana Diaz
Ariana Diaz - 6 years ago
there is a 16 year old girl and she loves your channel. you are the only vlog channel she watches . she loves you and she is like 16. her youtube channel is MusicGirl Pro and she mentioned you in one of her videos called: how to: be annoying i recommend you watching it and comment for her to make her happy if you want :) thank you.
JurZelk - 6 years ago
congrats on 200k
Carson 132
Carson 132 - 6 years ago
Paul right now you need 200 subs !!!!!!!! to get to 200,000 I know you can do it in 30 min if you want to because your amazing keep up the good work . I can't wait to see the backYard done .
james jones
james jones - 6 years ago
Hey Paul I just recently bought two blue gromie and the male has been chasing the female around the tank for several days now and I just discovered that the female is now dead do you know why the male would do that
slickpaw07 AJ
slickpaw07 AJ - 6 years ago
Yay you did get an anubias like I suggested you too
Katelin Ussery
Katelin Ussery - 6 years ago
so close to 200,000! You should do something to celebrate
Rmx Rifat
Rmx Rifat - 6 years ago
Congratulations for 200k
Steven - 6 years ago
What are the Shrimp for? Is it food for Betta? I have 2 Betta and the same exact 2.5 tank set up. But I'm at a loss as to what my Betta fish want. I know they love frozen blood worms. But what are the Shrimp for?
Leonard44 Baximen
Leonard44 Baximen - 6 years ago
Why don't you try to breed thomas and luna
Joseph LaBranch
Joseph LaBranch - 6 years ago
He ain't gotta a leaf.
Joseph LaBranch
Joseph LaBranch - 6 years ago
Thomas can't sleep yet.
Shreyas Swaminathan
Shreyas Swaminathan - 6 years ago
Hi this is shreyas thanks your videos bring me a smile on my face everyday because of watching your videos I got interested in making a pond myself
Dangler Dank
Dangler Dank - 6 years ago
leaf needs to be higher. the betta is supposed to sit on it to breath from the surface while its sleeping/sick
Ice Phoenix Rules
Ice Phoenix Rules - 6 years ago
The salamander is called a axolotl
Haris khokhar Vlogs
Haris khokhar Vlogs - 6 years ago
Bro you seriously make my day and you inspired me to build my own pound thanks I really appreciate it
Sum Fins Fishy
Sum Fins Fishy - 6 years ago
The positive comment is the best idea! That's all I've seen in the comments lately! Way to go Paul.
Emy Dani
Emy Dani - 6 years ago
that weird thing is a oxolotl
Gaming Frag
Gaming Frag - 6 years ago
Hey Paul love your vids and you inspired to start a fish tank with fish from the wild
Miickhail - 6 years ago
I totally commented an said take out those crappy fake plants and add live ones
Harrish Muttamil Chelvan
Harrish Muttamil Chelvan - 6 years ago
Love ur vids.......u inspire me to build a pond........a big one
Ajmal Ansar
Ajmal Ansar - 6 years ago
Your Videos Makes My day .. Always Waiting for You Videos..
Gaming14 Arpen
Gaming14 Arpen - 6 years ago
Hi paul i like your videos
Kevin Ross
Kevin Ross - 6 years ago
The water dog is a type a salamander
Fishing Tv
Fishing Tv - 6 years ago
I have a question I’m thinking about putting live plants in my 6 Gallon can I just put them in there and let them be or do I have to like add stuff for them to grow or food or anything
GOLD Lumley
GOLD Lumley - 6 years ago
with the betta bed you have to train your betta to use it but all you have to do is only feed them above the bed. with mine it took about a week of feeding it over the bed
Eric Gant
Eric Gant - 6 years ago
I got my own betta tank because of you and I look forward to watching your videos everyday. Your doing what you love and and I love watching it just keep doing what you are doing.
Expo Gaming
Expo Gaming - 6 years ago
Paul I just want to say a huge congratulations you haven't hut it yet but you are going to tonight great job you hit 100 000 a month maybe 2 ago that is super fast I have been with you dice 20k just wanna say a huge congrats keep up the amazing wrk
Katherine van epps
Katherine van epps - 6 years ago
The betta buddies are Mirimo moss balls. They can help with water quality just like any other live plant. With the anubius in Thomas's tank, make sure you don't bury the rhizome. You can bury the roots but if you bury the horizontal part where the leaves come out (rhizome) it will mold and die.
Chirstina DeMatteo
Chirstina DeMatteo - 6 years ago
My betta loves his hammock .....but eBay sells them for alot cheaper deff check it out your videos! Keep doing what you're doing!
TEW BATTATHILAND - 6 years ago
MR. DHAL - 6 years ago
Love you videos you put a smile on my face and because of you i brought a fishtank and I am always happy to watch you videos.
Shashi Pargaonkar
Shashi Pargaonkar - 6 years ago
Dude i love ur videos but i dont understand the difference b'tween ordinary fish and beta fish??
Dylan Fuehne
Dylan Fuehne - 6 years ago
You can get mini clay pots from dollar tree to put the plants in plastic fits as well
wonder world
wonder world - 6 years ago
Paul you can breed Luna and tomus so that u can get betta babies .
Pipen Salta
Pipen Salta - 6 years ago
thank u sooo much for brightening my day i love you videos an i got my own fish tank because of u stay amesome!!!
Intapass Asher I love cooking
Intapass Asher I love cooking - 6 years ago
Can u breed Luna and Thomas.........
Intapass Asher I love cooking
Intapass Asher I love cooking - 6 years ago
Luna has changed so much...
BJLG - 6 years ago
Lunas fat so cute
Matty Grant
Matty Grant - 6 years ago
Hey Paul u have inspired me to get two tanks. Also I love to watch your videos.
Esum K
Esum K - 6 years ago
Hey Paul your live plants will have better success with a 1-2 inch layer of organic potting soil and some powder nutrients under the rocks. The the pet store usually sells a pre mixed aquatic soil that works great, but kind of expensive.
joe ayers
joe ayers - 6 years ago
Yo i thought u were about to club drew thith the shovel
BJLG - 6 years ago
Fake ass water dog
Sai Vishnu Karthick Svk
Sai Vishnu Karthick Svk - 6 years ago
Dude why can't you breed Luna and thomas
Jaivri Shuler
Jaivri Shuler - 6 years ago
Watch you
Jaivri Shuler
Jaivri Shuler - 6 years ago
In love every thing about your channel and your fish I have 2 bettas and you inspired me to get them I want you every single day of my life
Augustina Ong Wei Tao
Augustina Ong Wei Tao - 6 years ago
Do your plants have carbon?
Sam T
Sam T - 6 years ago
When I’m older I always tell my parents I want to live in California and build my old pond. :)
PamperedPets - 6 years ago
Those sponges are called Marimo moss balls :) they are technically a live plant too and great for your tank especially shrimp. And that weird “fish” was an endangered species called and axolotl. I could totally see you getting one if you ever choose to learn more about them
Tejas zone
Tejas zone - 6 years ago
hi pual cuffro
Malu Rosolen
Malu Rosolen - 6 years ago
Do more vids like this! Pls
Sebastian Lizarraga
Sebastian Lizarraga - 6 years ago
Keep it up you improve every day as you upload more videos and become a better person
priyanka upadhayay
priyanka upadhayay - 6 years ago
hey paul
i m watching u from india.
i love your videos ....<3
Lizards'n Spiders
Lizards'n Spiders - 6 years ago
The betta buddies are moss balls, they filter the betta’s poop and turn it into i think nitrate for the water. The shrimps will love those things because they are filled with algae. And the water dog or the salamander is an axolotl idk how to spell it but they are not fishes but amphibians. I just wanted to let you know. :)
Btw dont squeeze the moss balls! They are alive! Lol
YizTheGreat - 6 years ago
Not really major... but nice!!
Keiko - 6 years ago
Paul you inspired me to get a betta fish
Pedro Valenzuela
Pedro Valenzuela - 6 years ago
I never want ur videos to end your the best
Mario Pachecano
Mario Pachecano - 6 years ago
I got my new fish tank because uf you and your videos iven though my parents think thats childish to have a fish tank at my age of 14
Hayden's Life
Hayden's Life - 6 years ago
Hi Paul you are so cool to watch I have been watching from the very first pond build I watch you every day you have inspired me to get in to fish again and someday build my own pond thank you for the amazing content you make and can't wait to see your ponds grow.
Bobby Kamler
Bobby Kamler - 6 years ago
You have inspird me to build my pond in the future and I love your videos and get fish
Nicole Medina
Nicole Medina - 6 years ago
The water dog is called a exolotis
Challenge Ashly
Challenge Ashly - 6 years ago
You inspired me now I have a 100 gallon fish tank thank you for inspiring thank you
Peyton Martin
Peyton Martin - 6 years ago
do a tank update for your pet snake
That One Girl Who Just Really Likes Fish
That One Girl Who Just Really Likes Fish - 6 years ago
The betta bed is supposed to be three quarters of and inch below the surface instead so the bettas can access the surface for air easily in their sleep
HomeWrecker 1010
HomeWrecker 1010 - 6 years ago
Can you do a live feeding to your snake please
Piarry’s Planet
Piarry’s Planet - 6 years ago
I might sound dumb but I never knew fish sleep
Joel millard
Joel millard - 6 years ago
What happened to the rest of the shrimp that u originally put in
sarthaak pal
sarthaak pal - 6 years ago
I love ur vedio
Blessen Jinu
Blessen Jinu - 6 years ago
Hi Paul love your videos you made me bye my first fish and build a pond love you
Jen DragonLover
Jen DragonLover - 6 years ago
"Beta buddies" are Marimo moss balls, which despite the name implying that they are balls of moss, they are simply balls of a unique algae. The ball shape comes from being tumbled around by weight shifts as the algae grows towards light. Since there is no current and I assume you will not manually tumble the moss balls, they will flatten slowly over time and look more like fuzzy green rocks or pillows. They are not sponges per say, but yes they will hold water and expel it as pressure is applied. Shrimps LOVE these balls and it is a great thing to add with the shrimps as the balls tend to trap debris and the shrimp clean off and eat this debris. This relationship between the moss balls and the shrimp is beneficial to both parties and your betas. While these help with filtration, it is ill advised to use these as your only source of filtration. I am very happy to see that you've changed those plastic plants to live plants as SOMETIMES, not all the time, plastic plants CAN be hazardous to most fish.
SUDHIL SHAJI - 6 years ago
Your episodes are superb. I watch it all day when my mom schold me then only i will stop.
javan Berry
javan Berry - 6 years ago
Thanks Paul ive have now got an aquarium from watching you this past week and now building a pond cause u inspired me
Roger Smith
Roger Smith - 6 years ago
I dont know why but I didnt get a notification for this vid... Know im mad because I almost missed my paul cuffaro video streak
TheGamingBichir - 6 years ago
here's what you did wrong/need:
1. Anubias family CAN NOT be planted in the substrate,they will rot eventualy,they need to be tied to rocks or driftwood. seem to have blyxa japonica on luna's tank,they need a better light than that,both of the tanks need light upgrades. need a nutrient rich substrate if you want that amazon sword to live long or it will melt and die.
4.even plants need research,so do it
Tristan Lobo
Tristan Lobo - 6 years ago
Try breeding them
Ears Tv
Ears Tv - 6 years ago
I Absolutely Love Your Videos And I Was One Of Your First Subscribers !! #CuffaroSquad
Anthony Gaming
Anthony Gaming - 6 years ago
Tomorrow’s my birthday it would mean the world to me if you see this
HG Largemouth
HG Largemouth - 6 years ago
We’re are the other shrimp
HG Largemouth
HG Largemouth - 6 years ago
Sorry but I don’t like the new tank you ruined them
Brendy Vlogs
Brendy Vlogs - 6 years ago
Hi Paul your so inspiring I got my own pond because of you thank you for the good vids.
Horses And other animals
Horses And other animals - 6 years ago
You can put the plants in the gravel your supposed to
Joseph Price
Joseph Price - 6 years ago
And check out koi beta if you want fire colors
zaine sanchez
zaine sanchez - 6 years ago
you inspired me to make my own pond thanks for the great vids keep it up
Joseph Price
Joseph Price - 6 years ago
You're in Florida. You can get alot those plants outside,get some proform C and treat them, for ponds
Aquarium King
Aquarium King - 6 years ago
Hi Paul you are awesome I love the videos you inspired me to start a fish room and I called one of my mollys Paul because you love mollys so much
Emily lopez
Emily lopez - 6 years ago
Can u put two betta fish together
Lacie Pratt
Lacie Pratt - 6 years ago
The water dog is an axolotyl, they're Mexican salamanders.
Rebecca Gage
Rebecca Gage - 6 years ago
You need pet chickens, for eggs
Ryan Tay
Ryan Tay - 6 years ago
That ain't no water dog, it's an axolotl. The fact it's being called water dog probably means the shop doesnt even know how to take care of it. Hopefully he saves it
Catherine Blackstone
Catherine Blackstone - 6 years ago
Paul the hat makes you look good! Have a good day everyone!
Danny Fuette
Danny Fuette - 6 years ago
Love you videos you've inspired me to make my own mini pond in my backyard keep up the good work
Joshua T
Joshua T - 6 years ago
00:04 try to go to asian fish markets u will be amazed of how much more selection is availaible and how cheap they are
FieryFusion697 - 6 years ago
I love your vids man keep it up I got a fish tank cause you inspired me to get one the fish that I have are comets
Bluegill & Bass Slayer
Bluegill & Bass Slayer - 6 years ago
Love your vids looking forward to see how everything goes in your adventures! Never miss a vid everyday!
Callie McGee
Callie McGee - 6 years ago
You’re my favorite YouTuber. I watch your videos everyday and they always make my day so much better!!!
gracin aldridge
gracin aldridge - 6 years ago
Your videos brieten my day when I feel down
Bluegill & Bass Slayer
Bluegill & Bass Slayer - 6 years ago
Paul good thinking! I have real live leaves like that betta leaf but bigger and my bettas use to love them
Bluedanger64 - 6 years ago
You should do a betta sorority tank
Don Derrick Ramos
Don Derrick Ramos - 6 years ago
I know they have wild water dogs in a lake somewhere in the US
Cody Sprecher
Cody Sprecher - 6 years ago
What happened to you other shrimp
Ben wants Views
Ben wants Views - 6 years ago
400 left to get
Ben wants Views
Ben wants Views - 6 years ago
199 sub
Don Derrick Ramos
Don Derrick Ramos - 6 years ago
You should see the betta fish selection in our petco here in norcal. They have two 8x8 walls
super nightcore
super nightcore - 6 years ago
So,I had a very crappy day and as soon as I saw this video my day turned out to be the best day of my life
Cooper Spencer
Cooper Spencer - 6 years ago
Your vids are amazing! Built my own pond with a wicked waterfall, thanks for the inspiration you're awesome!
Gregory Moreira
Gregory Moreira - 6 years ago
You should make videos about your snake too, it would be interesting.
Backyard Sportsman
Backyard Sportsman - 6 years ago
Love you vids. Youve inspired me to get my own fish tank. And who else sits on their phones at 4:00 just waiting for the upload because I do.
James Games
James Games - 6 years ago
If you can aclimate the betta to the shrimp luna could be a community beta
John Zambito
John Zambito - 6 years ago
So happy to watch your video after working.
harlan alder
harlan alder - 6 years ago
You get get the mud puppy for your tank
Tommy Kane
Tommy Kane - 6 years ago
I love your videos there's more better than School
Yollow Feet
Yollow Feet - 6 years ago
what happened to the old shrimp?
Deer Middy
Deer Middy - 6 years ago
Pls answer can betta fish have sink water??ima get one tomorow
thallh - 6 years ago
After my initial outrage against over 4 Betta treatment/environment I realize this is just a kid. He’s not even 18 yet he just doesn’t know better. There are so many myths and misinformation surrounding these fish that I’m not surprised that a first time betta owner would get these things wrong. Honestly even in this video he does get a few things wrong but something to remember is that he’s not intentionally hurting his fish. He’s learning and he’s upgrading his fishes tank.
Jordan Bacon
Jordan Bacon - 6 years ago
Great video i love watching your videos i will be getting a pond this summer becuase you inspired me. The betta buddies are also called marimo moss balls they are a ball of algae formed naturally in streams and lakes.
Trey Dwyer
Trey Dwyer - 6 years ago
you brighten my day all the time!!
TheTwistedintent - 6 years ago
The betta buddie is moss balls
Cole Tullius
Cole Tullius - 6 years ago
I'm building my oun pond
Cole Tullius
Cole Tullius - 6 years ago
He went from 1mil to 199k
Chase Fishing Productions
Chase Fishing Productions - 6 years ago
Bro ur vids are the best u made me build a pond and u helped me teach me some techniques to help make my pond better
steven petro
steven petro - 6 years ago
saltwater vids?
Petra Fraga
Petra Fraga - 6 years ago
Wath you think I should name my betta fish
Yaretzy Cervantes
Yaretzy Cervantes - 6 years ago
live plant cant grow in rocks
Flamingdogz twopoint0
Flamingdogz twopoint0 - 6 years ago
The water dog they live in ohio every we're and get 3ft long
Spirlas bacon
Spirlas bacon - 6 years ago
I don’t think your lights are bright or intense enough to sustain your plants.. you need 5,500 k or more
TerraMerc 73
TerraMerc 73 - 6 years ago
Is that anubias in thomas's tank? Oh no! U cant plant those on the substrate
Kaylan Kiser
Kaylan Kiser - 6 years ago
Love your vids you always put a smile on my face have a great day
team yak
team yak - 6 years ago
I need a fish tank to
MarissaVlogs - 6 years ago
The water dog is actually called an axolotl they’re not fully evolved salamanders
GamingBeastOfficial - 6 years ago
awesome videos I will surely recommend it to all my friends
Tiffany Hickey
Tiffany Hickey - 6 years ago
What happend to the other shrimp that was in there first?
Evie Puv
Evie Puv - 6 years ago
Tiffany Hickey probably eaten as the tank is way to small for just the betta never mind for shrimp to be in it too.
Sig R
Sig R - 6 years ago
Lol the water dog looks like an Axolate
Seth Marsh
Seth Marsh - 6 years ago
Looking forward to a new vid everyday keep up the amazing work , pond in near future all thanks to you , keep it up man
Kettlewell05 - 6 years ago
Thanks for making my day everyday by posting a video u bring a smile to my face all the time and I enjoy watching ur vids!!:) (if you ever get a gar name it garry or Braeden)
EthanHayashi02 - 6 years ago
Man U are such an amazing dude and I wish I could make many fish tanks and ponds like u do!!
ercevn eee
ercevn eee - 6 years ago
Daddy Paul
alyssa chiascione
alyssa chiascione - 6 years ago
hi paul! they are called marimba moss balls and betters love them
alyssa chiascione
alyssa chiascione - 6 years ago
TerraMerc 73
TerraMerc 73 - 6 years ago
@paulcuffaro that green round stuff is actually called marimo moss ball
U can look it up on google those things r sick
Demetrius Barnes
Demetrius Barnes - 6 years ago
Get another betta fish
TerraMerc 73
TerraMerc 73 - 6 years ago
William Wheatley
William Wheatley - 6 years ago
It's called an axolotl
ALAN WALKER - 6 years ago
luna ready for breeding
Michelle Perez
Michelle Perez - 6 years ago
You should breed your betas
Austin Wheatthins
Austin Wheatthins - 6 years ago
Get a water dog ferda mini pond!
anthony cohan
anthony cohan - 6 years ago
Does anyone know a good place to buy bettas online?
MidRoseMika - 6 years ago
aqua bid
Sarah Higbee
Sarah Higbee - 6 years ago
Why do you upgrad soooo much but thank you soooooooo much for love you bro
Jacob Cici
Jacob Cici - 6 years ago
These videos just make me want to make my own pond so bad, keep up the hard work
Coachb 06
Coachb 06 - 6 years ago
Thomas + luna =lumas you sould breed them like if you agree.
Tee Gat Gaming
Tee Gat Gaming - 6 years ago
paul you are amazing i love your videos i am working on my koi pond with goldfish and your videos inspired that its about time i find somebody that likes fish just as much as me
James Games
James Games - 6 years ago
Love your videos bro
hemant malvi
hemant malvi - 6 years ago
thanks for making my day :)
Pedro Marquez
Pedro Marquez - 6 years ago
Hey Paul I have some constructive feedback I think you should show less in the beginning or just make an intro. Thank you if you acknowledge
Pedro Marquez
Pedro Marquez - 6 years ago
Also I think you are over stocking the fish tanks
Yvette Hunley
Yvette Hunley - 6 years ago
Stay sweet I love you so much you have inspired me to get 3 ponds 3 tanks and a gecko I love you
Editor Pictboy
Editor Pictboy - 6 years ago
Road to 200k!
Bradenb21 - 6 years ago
Your videos inspired me to get my own fish tank! Keep up the good work man.
Dons Subs
Dons Subs - 6 years ago
Brooooo you inspired me to build my own tank broooo and ima get 4 Betta to bc of ur vids brooo wish u luck on ur big pond
Ryo Watanabe Tanks
Ryo Watanabe Tanks - 6 years ago
Hey Paul, you’ve got to take the plants out of the pot and take the rock wool off. Then plant it in the gravel. Love your vids Paul :)
Ryo Watanabe Tanks
Ryo Watanabe Tanks - 6 years ago
XxGamer_ _GraciexX it won’t die if he plants them under the gravel. The roots will be able to spread out in the gravel more :)
XxGamer_ _GraciexX
XxGamer_ _GraciexX - 6 years ago
Ryo Watanabe Tanks
U can’t take it out or it will die quick
Ryo Watanabe Tanks
Ryo Watanabe Tanks - 6 years ago
Also the betta buddy is a moss ball :) Happy Fish keeping!
Kylie Anderson
Kylie Anderson - 6 years ago
Get the water dog
Christopher Did Rife
Christopher Did Rife - 6 years ago
I love your videos please keep it up
Chalmer Mempin
Chalmer Mempin - 6 years ago
Love the fish tank for your beta fish and love your vids keep it up
Daniel Choi
Daniel Choi - 6 years ago
Also at 4:56 that was an Axolotl
Paul Dang
Paul Dang - 6 years ago
Paul Can you tell me the names of the live plants you bought ?
MirkikoChan - 6 years ago
Hey dude, what you have are marimo moss balls, not sponges. They're super cool but prefer cooler temperatures so you'll notice they will start to yellow after a while in a heated betta tank. Betta keepers that use them will periodically take them out and place them in some tank water in the fridge when they start to look a little sad. There are loads of resources online if you want to learn more about marimo moss balls
Daniel Choi
Daniel Choi - 6 years ago
The OCD, don’t we all have it.
Owen Comeau
Owen Comeau - 6 years ago
Breed Luna and Thomas
Ivy Rose
Ivy Rose - 6 years ago
Gonna be getting a betta fish to put on my desk next month because of you. Love your videos!
Chesca Vicencio
Chesca Vicencio - 6 years ago
I love that you care about you pet not one is felt alone
Frog Guice
Frog Guice - 6 years ago
Love your videos. Just subscribed last night
Brett Cabangbang
Brett Cabangbang - 6 years ago
Paul caffaro your da best youtuber ever i watch yo vids everyday lol
Betta Boy
Betta Boy - 6 years ago
I think the drift wood would look good with the live plants. Loved the video!
Liam Plautz
Liam Plautz - 6 years ago
Love your vids they always brighten my day and btw you should do a live stream sometime soon.
Anna Nguyn
Anna Nguyn - 6 years ago
I'm looking forward for you to get another betta please...❤️❤️❤️
The hick TV jeffery_dean56
The hick TV jeffery_dean56 - 6 years ago
Love your vids you in spier me in to pond building and fishing my goal is to meet you and help you with the pond bc I live in Florida to even though I'm 11 I was raised to work hard and finish what I start but keep it up live your vids
daniel moller
daniel moller - 6 years ago
I always love your videos
daniel moller
daniel moller - 6 years ago
Love your video it was the best
Olivia Potter
Olivia Potter - 6 years ago
I absolutely love your videos. Thank you for posting the best videos ever. You are so creative with every video. Can't wait until the next one! ♡
Dane Loppnow
Dane Loppnow - 6 years ago
I can't qait to see your yard finished! Keep on putting a smile on my face everyday!
Ivan Luis Ordoñez
Ivan Luis Ordoñez - 6 years ago
you are sooo sick paul keep it up ive i think youre the best fish channel here in youtube
Jonix Vinco Villanueva
Jonix Vinco Villanueva - 6 years ago
Paul try to breed thomas and luna
José Cruz
José Cruz - 6 years ago
200K so sick bro! Make the Cuffaro family bigger
Colby Warren
Colby Warren - 6 years ago
Sooo close to 200k!!!!!!! congrats!
Cameron Troxell
Cameron Troxell - 6 years ago
I got a bata fish and named it Thomas because of you you have inspired me to do this my mom didn't like it at first but know she likes it.
Cooolchick647 - 6 years ago
Liked before I see it lol because I know it's always gonna be a good one!
Marvin Herrera
Marvin Herrera - 6 years ago
I love your videos you inspired me to get a beta fish he is a blue crow tail male and named King and me and my dad are building a mini pond in my backyard. Keep up the amazing videos
Budgies' Lovers
Budgies' Lovers - 6 years ago
Can U send me bag of black sand for tank??
Cooolchick647 - 6 years ago
what happened to the other shrimp?
D.J Dopere
D.J Dopere - 6 years ago
I made everyone to sub to you. Always stay lit like you always are
You just make my day when I’m bored
Mc Millionare
Mc Millionare - 6 years ago
dont mined the haters your vids is so cool you make a smile on my face and you make my day thank you so much
Brad3n_ boss912
Brad3n_ boss912 - 6 years ago
I would be careful about to much ghost shrimp cause too many males will start fighting and being territorial and some "ghost shrimp" arent actually ghost shrimp but some kind of shrimp that is aggresive and can kill the betta
Yollow Feet
Yollow Feet - 6 years ago
you should get some cherry shrimp
Yollow Feet
Yollow Feet - 6 years ago
the marimo moss balls (betta buddy) are algie plant things, shrimp love them. They are not just sponges.
C&D Outdoors
C&D Outdoors - 6 years ago
Like your videos and it inspired me and my friend to start a channel C&D Outdoors

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