Male Betta Fish Fin Recovery | Cured Fin Rot

In this video I show you guys the update on the fin regrowth on my 4 male bettas as well as the recovery of one of my males that had fin rot. FISH PLAYLIST: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ❤My Pets: Banana - Female Border Collie mix Muki - White male cat LittleFoot - Black and white female cat Mochi - Female Dwarf/Lionhead bunny Betta Fish, Guppies, and African Cichlids. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: INSTAGRAM: Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt

Male Betta Fish Fin Recovery | Cured Fin Rot sentiment_very_dissatisfied 21

Betta 8 years ago 28,182 views

In this video I show you guys the update on the fin regrowth on my 4 male bettas as well as the recovery of one of my males that had fin rot. FISH PLAYLIST: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ❤My Pets: Banana - Female Border Collie mix Muki - White male cat LittleFoot - Black and white female cat Mochi - Female Dwarf/Lionhead bunny Betta Fish, Guppies, and African Cichlids. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★Follow me on my Social Media ★★ Become a part of the #CreativeCritters Click HERE to SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE): ★CREATIVE PET KEEPING INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: PERISCOPE: @CreativePetKeeping SNAPCHAT: CreativePet Facebook FAN GROUP: ★CREATIVE PET VLOGS YOUTUBE: INSTAGRAM: Feel free to TAG me in fanart YOU make! I love to see your work! #CreativePetFanArt

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Most popular comments
for Male Betta Fish Fin Recovery | Cured Fin Rot

Will E Smith
Will E Smith - 6 years ago
Glad i found you on here from google and i subscribed. You got some videos on bettas i noticed.
Love your cats too.. Cats are just brilliant pets... Yeah i got gourami and fighter fish so the female is with is with them now and they get on well.. She and the dwarf are pretty close some days
Will E Smith
Will E Smith - 6 years ago
Thats what i got a metallic colour betta male... "PRANG" and Mai my female has bullied him because he is a little fish and just hangs at the top of the tank on his side mostly. Yeah i been out for couple of days so my family just put bit of food in while I'm gone and i noticed today getting in that most of his fins are gone. I moved him to a bowl and just hope he will recover as he is still very active and has had no problem swimming to eat food. Feel sorry for him.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
To prevent infections, I would change the water in the bowl at least every other day. He can grow back his fins over time
Priscilla Watson
Priscilla Watson - 6 years ago
any pics of the damaged fish? what treatment worked? how long did the treatment last? how did you know the fish was cured? how long will it take fr the fin to regrow? thanks
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 6 years ago
Keeping the fish in clean water with indian almond leaf extract seems to work best. Their fins regrew in a few weeks. I dont have photos but you can see the changes in videos after this one.
Tee Love L
Tee Love L - 6 years ago
Where is the video showing what you did to cure the fin rot..the video before this one
Sofia N
Sofia N - 7 years ago
how did u cure the fin rot
Cayla Graham
Cayla Graham - 7 years ago
I have a Betta with a white patch between his eyes starting to form and it’s looking slightly flaky, what do I do?
carter Cummings
carter Cummings - 7 years ago
How about both?
Haley Hernandez
Haley Hernandez - 7 years ago
+creative pet keeping do you have any opinions on the medicine product betta revive? My betta is currently sick. His fins are a little broken and he has the "Popeye" disease (bulging eyes of course) if you have used betta revive can you tell me if it is actually good or not?
Kerry Mccarthy
Kerry Mccarthy - 7 years ago
Cute Kitty

10. comment for Male Betta Fish Fin Recovery | Cured Fin Rot

Rightful Ruler
Rightful Ruler - 7 years ago
So my betta fish didn’t have fin rot (he had no other symptoms of fin rot) and started loosing his back fin. I noticed it when I was changing his water

Do they lose there fin while stressed and if so do they gain it back?
G Fi
G Fi - 7 years ago
What did you use for treatment?
Shawnlyq - 7 years ago
Or you can build a mock up bonsai tree like I did :3
ItsKarma - 7 years ago
My betta does the same thing with the dragon he swims in and out but he started to tear his find on the teeth so we had to take it out.
Angie Camacho
Angie Camacho - 7 years ago
Hi just wanted to ask what I should do to my betta he's a half moon double talk and he's biting his fins he doesn't have infection but his fins look messed up and they look like they tear where he bites them what should I do
Hillary for President
Hillary for President - 7 years ago
The best way to avoid torn or rot fins is put the betta in a bare bottom round tank without decorations like the professional betta fish farmers in Thailand. Their long fins are constantly rubbing the gravel and decorations that is why their fins are torn.
Torn fins will promote fin rot.
Shawnlyq - 7 years ago
Waoh insane! Long finned betta or short finned?
raspberrypixel - 7 years ago
I have the same dragon decoration and my betta does the same thing! too cute!
Adenture kid
Adenture kid - 7 years ago
That dragon may rip there fins
bee lie
bee lie - 7 years ago
how did you cure the fin rot?

20. comment for Male Betta Fish Fin Recovery | Cured Fin Rot

Caitlin Langohr
Caitlin Langohr - 7 years ago
Moss balls..Marino..aren't moss..they r algae actually
K - 7 years ago
what did you use to recover tail?
Yuh - 8 years ago
What do I do if the betta fish I have was breeding and got it
Yuh - 8 years ago
What do I do if the betta fish I have was breeding and got it
Amanda Galindo
Amanda Galindo - 8 years ago
How do you help a betta grow their fins back? I'd like to know in detail how to do so. I have a betta who nipped at his fins a lot and I don't exactly know how to help him grow them back.
D r . S p u d
D r . S p u d - 8 years ago
The betta on the left side of the tank looks almost just like mine!
Inked Out
Inked Out - 8 years ago
What kind of water is the beta in with the other little fish?
Cassandra's Zoo
Cassandra's Zoo - 8 years ago
Did us use any medications for the fin rot? I have a ten gallon with a betta fish I got from a friend who wasn't caring for him. He has fin rot. I have been using aquarium salt and doing a 15%  every 4 days. I have been doing this for almost three weeks and it is still progressing.  Is there anything else I can do?
D r . S p u d
D r . S p u d - 7 years ago
Jen Ocean Probably, but I don't remember any more because Gary finished recovering from the fin damage when I bought him a long time ago.
Jen Ocean
Jen Ocean - 7 years ago
Do you mean teaspoon?
D r . S p u d
D r . S p u d - 8 years ago
Keep the water clean and add one table spoon of aquarium salt per gallon :)
hanna berg
hanna berg - 8 years ago
more betta vids pls!!!! :D
Steven Van
Steven Van - 8 years ago
The number 1 cause of fin rot is filthy water. If you neglect 10% to
20% water changes weekly and routine filter maintenance , fin rot is
your reward.

30. comment for Male Betta Fish Fin Recovery | Cured Fin Rot

Mr Foxii
Mr Foxii - 8 years ago
how you flare them? or they flare everytime? because of that mesh they can see each other?
Ann Holms
Ann Holms - 8 years ago
I have a used to be beautiful blue and white half moon betta, when we finstalled got him he was put in a tank with other small guppies. It wasn't a problem until the guppies got bigger. Then I noticed the fin nipping. O good portion of the white ringold around his back find is now gone. I now have him in his very own secluded tank where I change the water everyday and treat it, he also has a soft soft lily pad to rest on towards the top where he likes it. He is on a diet of blood worms, brine shrimp, and once in a while if I'm out the dry people betta food. Now almost 4 months later I'm seeing no improvement in the fins , any idea what I can do to help him out? He's not sick he still has plenty of personality, he just looks really bad now.
Peg Sesztak
Peg Sesztak - 8 years ago
Creative pet keeping, please try to reply to everyone who is asking you questions about their pets issues as they're really looking for some assistance, if you don't bother to reply you might loose subscribers. Just a suggestion as I have seen this happening before.
Oscar Hernandez
Oscar Hernandez - 8 years ago
I need help guys, I have a betta thats going thru fin rot. I have a sponge filter with it because he cant swim good. He's in a divided 25 gallon tank and gets a little more then 5 gallons. I do water changes 2 times a week and was wondering if there are any tips or products to speed up the recovering process.
D r . S p u d
D r . S p u d - 8 years ago
Add aquarium salt! it both helps recover illnesses/injuries and prevent them.
BIGBROWN138 - 8 years ago
nope just keep the water clean and "fresh" do lots of water changes.
Shaye Evans
Shaye Evans - 8 years ago
Have you ever had one with fins that appear glued together?
BIGBROWN138 - 8 years ago
"glued" if your fish's fins seem "glued" together then the fish is stressed. whether it be water quality or bullying from other fish.
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
Subscribed. Can you make tutorial how to quarantine Betta or fresh water fish like guppies. I am new in the hobby. I have saltwater only in the pass 3 years. Ty
Badas Dark
Badas Dark - 8 years ago
Do fish videos and also your other cute pets so its balance.
SaS MaKaveLi
SaS MaKaveLi - 8 years ago
Your beta fish are beautiful I have a question, my male beta fish got trapped behind my filter and his fins are all torn and they looked clamped do you have any advice on what I can do to help him any advice I would really appreciate it thank you
BIGBROWN138 - 8 years ago
don't know if you fixed the problem but one good water to help heal bettas or any fish for the matter is good water quality. and having a heater as well as some good food. do that and your fish should spring back to life.
leilani truso
leilani truso - 8 years ago
How'd you treat it
sarcastic.hybrid - 8 years ago
can u give me an ideea for my betta fish name....idk what name to put him
Nazanin Naz
Nazanin Naz - 8 years ago
I had those fish with black stripes kinda round (forgot their name), they are bullies and bite other fishes fins, got them out and no more problems, they stressed out like 4 fish to death even! And 3 with fin-'rot' are recovering!! I promise and guarantee that they are the main reason!
Corbin Wallen
Corbin Wallen - 8 years ago
I have a male veilfin betta but trying to find a female
Amanda Donaghy
Amanda Donaghy - 8 years ago
I did it I found the perfect Betta, He is so cute and nice I love him! He's in my 20 gallon tank with 3 Platties, and 6 guppies, His name is Majestic! I do have a 5.5 gallon tank on stand bye just in case.
a rose
a rose - 8 years ago
I love all your videos, fish cat bunny or dog' ❤️
Tracy Welch
Tracy Welch - 8 years ago
My little sister's make betta has white tips on the bottom of his fins. It looks like it's part of the fin, but do you think it's fungal?
BIGBROWN138 - 8 years ago
nope that's the fishes fins my veiltail has them.
Jake Johnson
Jake Johnson - 8 years ago
Your beta fish look beautiful
Aine Davis
Aine Davis - 8 years ago
How long does it take for fins to grow back?
Shamu SW
Shamu SW - 8 years ago
I love your channel!!❤❤❤❤ and you!! but you should start keeping goldfish. if you do maybe i can help get started!!!
SoftGlitch SongFanmadeVocaloid
SoftGlitch SongFanmadeVocaloid - 8 years ago
Make more fish videos please!
Schutte Steyn
Schutte Steyn - 8 years ago
hi I like to watch your videos really helps me allot I'm new in this hobby and bought my betta 5 weeks ago started to watch your videos then and the glass bottel filtration works like a bom
Amanda Donaghy
Amanda Donaghy - 8 years ago
I made one too!

50. comment for Male Betta Fish Fin Recovery | Cured Fin Rot

Dont bota Me
Dont bota Me - 8 years ago
aww your cat is so sweet-kristi
Bunny Basics
Bunny Basics - 8 years ago
More rabbit and cat videos :D But also more fish videos too. I like seeing videos about all of your pets. :)
Willow Tree
Willow Tree - 8 years ago
Hello, I am new and love your channel! ^^ I was also wondering, I have a male (viel beta, I believe) beta with ripped fins. I had done some research on the subject and many viedos said to gently apply peroxide with a Q-tip. But when I did this I didn't see any bubbles foaming up so I didn't really evidence of an infection. I was wondering if there could be causes of ripped fins other than fin rot and what I can do about it. He spends almost all of his time near the surface or hiding, but every now and then he'll come out and see whats up with world; he seems to be able to swim fine when he does.
Willow Tree
Willow Tree - 8 years ago
+BIGBROWN138 i see, thank you for your input! i think it might be the other fish but i got a divider now.
BIGBROWN138 - 8 years ago
if he's in a community tank it's cause the fish are bullying him. if he's not, plastic plants that have sharp edges can tear fins easily. lastly poor water quality causes betta fins to disintegrate rapidly especially if he's in a bowl and not a tank.
ASaintBernardExperience With Chuck!
ASaintBernardExperience With Chuck! - 8 years ago
They are gorgeous! We may have to invest into a tank!
Brooke Tauscher
Brooke Tauscher - 8 years ago
i have a similar looking fish to the one on the left of the one with the white divider. i also have the same plants in my fish tank but without duck weed but i want duck weed. also i like all your vids not just fish ones
Eric - 8 years ago
Guys so I have a filter but the water seems to be getting dirty again after 4 days is this a problem or should I just get another filter
Bluir - 8 years ago
I have actually watched this 3 times. I really like your set ups! They are very pretty and look very well maintained and cared for. And your bettas are gorgeous! :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Thank you! I'm glad that you like my tanks and fish :D
Kinda Blake
Kinda Blake - 8 years ago
Can a African dwarf frog stay in a tank with a betta. And how do I tell how agressive my betta is?
Kinda Blake
Kinda Blake - 8 years ago
I dont have any other fish in there with him. So I think I will put the frog in the water (In the bag) And see how he acts. If he flares alot and chases him after I release the frog, I will move him into a 5 gallon tank I have in my garage! Thanks for the help! :)
Kinda Blake
Kinda Blake - 8 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I have never owner an African Dwarf frog so I don't but with regards to aggression maybe this video will help:
iPodFayne - 8 years ago
What causes fin rot? Both my male betta and one of my three females were sinking a little while back and their fins looked off, especially the color. They're both not quite back to normal but doing better than before (I reduced food a bit because I suspected that the autofeeder I used while on a week vacation caused this).
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
This website explains fin rot really well:
Pabu - 8 years ago
more fish plz!!!! :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
hehe will do!
Pabu - 8 years ago
more fish!!! ;)
Flameheart FL
Flameheart FL - 8 years ago
0:02 Scared the heck out of me! How did it even fit in there!?!? Anyways, nice video! :)
Flameheart FL
Flameheart FL - 8 years ago
+Creative Pet Keeping Awww! He is so cute, too! Absolutely beautiful Betta. :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
He always goes in there :P He is such a weird betta.
Cooper & Danielle
Cooper & Danielle - 8 years ago
What a gorgeous betta! I just recently got one myself
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Nice! What kind did you get?
Krista_and_BooBoo - 8 years ago
please give us more Banana videos! Thank you. ☺
Pawz 301
Pawz 301 - 8 years ago
Can you make more cat Videos
Artsy Animal Lover
Artsy Animal Lover - 8 years ago
Where does your accent come from?
Gold Chemical
Gold Chemical - 8 years ago
SirenSea_Reviews_Aquariums - 8 years ago
their adorable I thought about getting a betta. I'd love to all your videos. but fish videos are my favorite. what type of plants you have
SirenSea_Reviews_Aquariums - 8 years ago
+Creative Pet Keeping wish I could get some of those here I live. I had a bad experience with someone shipping me some so I'm skittish now about buying over the net
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I have simple low light plants. Duckweed, anubis, jungle val, moss balls. Thats all the names I can remember atm.
kingdomriver1 - 8 years ago
I came to your channel for the fish videos originally, but I do enjoy most of what you put out. So make whatever makes YOU happy!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I'm glad! While I like making fish videos... covering a variety of topics keeps me from burning out. :D
Poorstargazer23 - 8 years ago
Also all videos are good!
Poorstargazer23 - 8 years ago
How do you best deal with algae?
Poorstargazer23 - 8 years ago
+Creative Pet Keeping Ah, I usually have the light on for 10-12 hours. I will cut it back a bit. Thanks.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
For starters controlling how much light ur tank gets helps. I have a timer on my light for 8 hours and it turns my light on and off for me on its own. Regularly cleaning the filter and doing water changes also helps. If too much nutrient gather in the tank it can cause an algae bloom.
Duddles B
Duddles B - 8 years ago
So happy, that your Bettas are all on the mend. <3
I enjoy watching all of your videos, none of them more than any other, because each of them has their own charm. Banana is cute and funny, Mochi is fluffy and cute, Littlefoot and Mucki are both adorable and fun to watch, and your fishies are amazing. :) I really love them all.
Duddles B
Duddles B - 8 years ago
That's what I love about them too. :) Each of them is unique and has a different personality to show. <3
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I'm so glad! I like sharing all of my pets as I think they are each equally special in their own ways ^_^
Veve Priezviskova
Veve Priezviskova - 8 years ago
Hi, please what's the name of the silver-black fish with stripes that appear after 2:55? My store sells them and I'd like to get them but I don't know their name to check their requirements. Want to make sure they are compatible with my tank. Thank you.
Veve Priezviskova
Veve Priezviskova - 8 years ago
thank you for response :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Those are tiger barbs. They are schooling fish (keep more then 3) and are a bit aggressive fin nippers. They are really fast and fun though...full of personality.
Hanne_the_golden - 8 years ago
I like all of your video's! :) Banana was the original reason I subscribed and how I found you :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Really? yay! Banana says hi!
Erin Garza
Erin Garza - 8 years ago
Would you mind telling us how you cure your fish from fin rot? What do you use for the bettas? Thanks
Erin Garza
Erin Garza - 8 years ago
+Creative Pet Keeping thank you so much :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Adding small amount of aquarium salt will help kill the bacteria that cause fin rot and frequent water changes. This site should help you better understand it:
small dog
small dog - 8 years ago
Make guppy, platy @nd angelfish videos :):)
T L - 8 years ago
Stick with a variety
Smit Rome
Smit Rome - 8 years ago
Dogs/Cats are more my thang but I'm still down with fish too !
cheesefriday - 8 years ago
Well, I don't watch all your dog videos because I don't have a dog but if you make cat videos, I would watch!!! LITTLE FOOT WAS SO CUTE!!! (Was that his/her name?)

I'm wondering how big is your tank with the demon betta?

Do you let your guppy fry grow? What will you do if your tank becomes overstocked? I know demon eats some of the fry, like you mentioned.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I will try to make some kitty related videos :) I have a few older ones that star Littlefoot and Muki such as:
When I have too many guppies then I give them away to friends who have tanks. The Demon betta tank is 20 gallons :)
Maris Kay
Maris Kay - 8 years ago
I really love the fish vids
Tiara Mcinnes
Tiara Mcinnes - 8 years ago
I prefer the dog- cat related videos, but these fish videos are cool too. ^.^
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I have a lot of dog and cat clips on my vlog channel :D
Beth Solangaarachchi
Beth Solangaarachchi - 8 years ago
Annisa Karim
Annisa Karim - 8 years ago
Make more fish videos with information where you got your fish products and plants from. It would be kool.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
At the moment I get most of my fish stuff from a local fish store. I have a video of it here:
Cesar .O
Cesar .O - 8 years ago
how to cure fin rot
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I'll make a video in the future BUT here is a great website that helps explain it:
Susan Goetz
Susan Goetz - 8 years ago
i love all of your videos, but especially the ones with Banana in them. :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I have a lot of Banana videos on my vlog channel as well :D
Lifewithpets - 8 years ago
I have the same dragon in one of my tanks and my Betta does the same thing! Does it not stress the males out them being in the same tank? Your kitty is adorable. I have the same thing on my channel. The fish videos do way better than my puppy videos. I enjoy all your videos:)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
My males seem to get bored of each other. They flare for about a week or two and they realize they cannot get to each other so they give up. I'll try to make some more videos with my kitties ...there seems to be a lack of kitty videos :P
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Have you watched all of my fish videos yet?
Check out the FISH PLAYLIST:
If you want to see more BANANA or the cats, follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK at CreativePetKeeping
Spikey the Mutt
Spikey the Mutt - 8 years ago
I was just reading about fin rot!
Patrick Ang
Patrick Ang - 8 years ago
keep make fish making videos. Watching banana be such a good dog makes me jealous... :P
Patrick Ang
Patrick Ang - 8 years ago
;) i like your fish videos though, do you dirt your tanks?
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Banana is naughty sometimes as well. I just show her good side so she looks extra good sometimes hehe
Fluff,Fins, And Feathers
Fluff,Fins, And Feathers - 8 years ago
yes please do more fish videos ☺
Fluff,Fins, And Feathers
Fluff,Fins, And Feathers - 8 years ago
is the duck weed store bought or do you collect it from outside just wondering, cuz I got some from the river and I'm wondering if I should put it in my goldfish tank or not cuz I'm scared of parasites coming from it,
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I got it from the fish store. I would be pretty careful about outside parasites.
Disney Gamer
Disney Gamer - 8 years ago
Cat version of Shelby.... Her name might be little foot but she's big on sass!:p
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
It was unplanned BUT Littlefoot demanded to be in the video haha :P she is so sassy
Madi Fisher
Madi Fisher - 8 years ago
I do love fish videos but your other pets are really cute too!
Bailey Paige
Bailey Paige - 8 years ago
Hey!! I luv all of your creative videos! Can you make a video on betta fin rots? THANK YOU!!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I think I should now that I have some experience with it.
the lazy fish keeper
the lazy fish keeper - 8 years ago
i hear if you use alot of almound leaves and hevey tannins that it will help bettas heal faster?
since we lost are husky not so much into dog videos but will give all your videos a look see.
stay well
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Thank you. I will look into getting some of those leaves.. Ive heard a bit about that :)
Aleshia Parham
Aleshia Parham - 8 years ago
I like all your fur babies and fin babies.
hamster's, Betta's and piggys
hamster's, Betta's and piggys - 8 years ago
he looks great!
Inti Amaterasu
Inti Amaterasu - 8 years ago
i do prefer fish videos since thats my hobby, but i don't mind the other content as well.
Blue Ice
Blue Ice - 8 years ago
+Inti Amaterasu I didn't even notice this was from 3 weeks ago. So did they get along well?
Inti Amaterasu
Inti Amaterasu - 8 years ago
i'll post an update on my betta community tank. its a 55gal. completely planted, with 1 male betta, 1 female, 6 angels, 2 glow light tetras, a handful of oto cats. thinking of adding some more tetras.
Blue Ice
Blue Ice - 8 years ago
+Amanda Donaghy I suggest you use that 5 gallon as a plan B in case the betta was aggressive. Some people even buy 2 bettas and keep the calm one in a community and the aggressive one in extra tank. You can also keep your fish in a container and see how he reacts with them. He will most likely flare in the first few minutes, but you should check him after 15 or 30 minutes. Then you can add him in the tank. I would suggest you add the other fish first so he doesn't take any territory first. Think about more possibilities if possible. As mentioned above, I also suggest a well planted tank for hide spots.
Inti Amaterasu
Inti Amaterasu - 8 years ago
20 gals might not be enough for all that. you will have to have it heavily planted (lots of hiding spaces) depending on the aggressive level of the betta
Amanda Donaghy
Amanda Donaghy - 8 years ago
Yes please make more fish videos! I love your girly touch. I'm new to this fish stuff, My sister got my girls a 5 gallon tank, I took over and am in the process of cycling a 20 gallon to try and have a community tank with guppies, A BETTA, and I was given 3 palatties(babies)! Did I mention a BETTA so can't wait!
Inti Amaterasu
Inti Amaterasu - 8 years ago
or dogs. i train them :)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I'll try to make more fishy videos then :) I still enjoy making video about other pets as well... so hopefully I find a good balance.
MissRandomlols - 8 years ago
i would love to see a video talking about what kinda plants to get for bettas and how to care for the plants, I'm going home from school soon and i intend to get a new betta and i want a more natural planted tank but i have never had live plants ahhh and i need advice lol
Chloe Smith
Chloe Smith - 8 years ago
I'd love to see more fish videos from you! I've always adored fish and I've recently started out keeping my very first tank (BiOrb) with my male betta Miso and I learn so much from your videos! So helpful and amazing seeing someone as passionate about fish as I am, I still have a lot to learn but you're videos really help me!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I'm so glad that you find my videos helpful. That is the main purpose of my help people and their pets. :D

100. comment for Male Betta Fish Fin Recovery | Cured Fin Rot

Angela Moore
Angela Moore - 8 years ago
I love all your videos, fish, kitties, and Banana!
Stars Dreaming
Stars Dreaming - 8 years ago
hows your male with the Molly's? beautiful boys by the way.
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
Thank you :D I don't own any Molly's just tiger barbs, bettas, and guppies...although my guppies are orange so they do look like Mollys.
Ren Espada Number 15
Ren Espada Number 15 - 8 years ago
Yes I would love to see more of everything I watch every video and love them all
and I hate fin rot my 4 year old beta just died after his tale finally grew back <3 have a great day
Mark's Fish Keeping UK
Mark's Fish Keeping UK - 8 years ago
nice video
Jack smith
Jack smith - 8 years ago
That intro is great where your fish pokes out the dragon aha x)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
He does it all the time and I FINALLY got it on camera haha
ItzOllie14 - 8 years ago
Do more fish related videos! :)
Alexa - 8 years ago
I like all:)
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I'm glad!

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The "Male Betta Fish Fin Recovery | Cured Fin Rot" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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