Male Betta Fish Tank Mates? Other Fish? - This is my favorite Betta food. It’s made by Omega One brand and it’s specifically for Betta fish. Omega One Betta Buffet: Question Submission: What fish can I put with my betta fish as far as roommates? I want my male to not be as lonely and he could use a new friend. Please help me here. Betta Fish Won't Eat, Overfeeding KillsI Need to use: Let's talk about something : " Rescuing sick, injured or deformed fish "... Years and years ago I used to rescue those types of fish with great enthusiasm. I was determined to save them all. I saved some and lost wayyyyyyyyyyy more than I saved. I hated to see them suffering in those tanks UNTIL I rescued a group of severums whom I thought I cured but the fish ended up exposing my entire system to a disease I knew nothing about ( the most aggressive version of columnaris, it literally kills in hours). I lost thousands of dollars in fish 😢😢😢😢😢 Now mind you, I was not very versed in disease and didn't realize the amount of diseases that mimick one another but require different treatments. I also didn't understand how easily you can contaminate other tanks ( literally by the amount of water that can fit on a pinhead can spread disease and wipe out your tank). I am no ichthiologist nor am I am expert on fish disease. I am knowledgeable enough to diagnose my own and most common disease but there are soooooooooooo many that are so intricate to treat that I completely STOPPED rescuing or taking sick fish in once I went through that disaster and started to research. I began to think of the health of the fish I was already responsible for and they were farrrrrrrrrrr more important. I see so many that take on this same effort and I would sternly recommend taking the time to do some serious research about disease in fish BEFORE taking on another. It's very difficult for me to walk by fish in bad condition but now, I walk right on by. If I see an employee I will tell them exactly what the problem is, how to possibly treat and I make sure to be loud enough so all of the other customers hear me. Until customers make a stand and NO LONGER take pity on ill fish, they will continue to be in stores. Next time, instead of buying the fish, take a video, tell the manager that you intend to send the video to corporate and post on social media with the location attached. Let them know how powerful social media is. Please think of the fish you already have before taking on a Potential OUTBREAK situation. Please understand that I am not telling anyone they are WRONG but I am only trying to educate people as to the inherit risks this act contains... The power of your voice can move mountains and potentially stop such on goings. Stores are required BY LAW to uphold certain care and concern for every live animal in their possession. Speak up if you see something not right....follow up and see if they corrected the problem. If not speak up again. Let the managerial staff know HOW SERIOUS YOU ARE.... I am but a message away to guide you in what to do. Let's try to make an effort to force stores to offer healthy fish. If they don't, STOP SUPPORTING THEM....It's all supply and demand. No demand = no supply...... What are your thoughts??? Let's keep this discussion like that of adults please....thank you. I am about a month- month and a half away from having neolamprologus multifasciatus babies ready for sale. I am new to fish breeding and have a few questions: -how much should I sell them for? - how large should they be before I sell them? -is anyone interested in buying some in the future?

Male Betta Fish Tank Mates? Other Fish? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 76

Betta 11 years ago 21,731 views - This is my favorite Betta food. It’s made by Omega One brand and it’s specifically for Betta fish. Omega One Betta Buffet: Question Submission: What fish can I put with my betta fish as far as roommates? I want my male to not be as lonely and he could use a new friend. Please help me here. Betta Fish Won't Eat, Overfeeding KillsI Need to use: Let's talk about something : " Rescuing sick, injured or deformed fish "... Years and years ago I used to rescue those types of fish with great enthusiasm. I was determined to save them all. I saved some and lost wayyyyyyyyyyy more than I saved. I hated to see them suffering in those tanks UNTIL I rescued a group of severums whom I thought I cured but the fish ended up exposing my entire system to a disease I knew nothing about ( the most aggressive version of columnaris, it literally kills in hours). I lost thousands of dollars in fish 😢😢😢😢😢 Now mind you, I was not very versed in disease and didn't realize the amount of diseases that mimick one another but require different treatments. I also didn't understand how easily you can contaminate other tanks ( literally by the amount of water that can fit on a pinhead can spread disease and wipe out your tank). I am no ichthiologist nor am I am expert on fish disease. I am knowledgeable enough to diagnose my own and most common disease but there are soooooooooooo many that are so intricate to treat that I completely STOPPED rescuing or taking sick fish in once I went through that disaster and started to research. I began to think of the health of the fish I was already responsible for and they were farrrrrrrrrrr more important. I see so many that take on this same effort and I would sternly recommend taking the time to do some serious research about disease in fish BEFORE taking on another. It's very difficult for me to walk by fish in bad condition but now, I walk right on by. If I see an employee I will tell them exactly what the problem is, how to possibly treat and I make sure to be loud enough so all of the other customers hear me. Until customers make a stand and NO LONGER take pity on ill fish, they will continue to be in stores. Next time, instead of buying the fish, take a video, tell the manager that you intend to send the video to corporate and post on social media with the location attached. Let them know how powerful social media is. Please think of the fish you already have before taking on a Potential OUTBREAK situation. Please understand that I am not telling anyone they are WRONG but I am only trying to educate people as to the inherit risks this act contains... The power of your voice can move mountains and potentially stop such on goings. Stores are required BY LAW to uphold certain care and concern for every live animal in their possession. Speak up if you see something not right....follow up and see if they corrected the problem. If not speak up again. Let the managerial staff know HOW SERIOUS YOU ARE.... I am but a message away to guide you in what to do. Let's try to make an effort to force stores to offer healthy fish. If they don't, STOP SUPPORTING THEM....It's all supply and demand. No demand = no supply...... What are your thoughts??? Let's keep this discussion like that of adults please....thank you. I am about a month- month and a half away from having neolamprologus multifasciatus babies ready for sale. I am new to fish breeding and have a few questions: -how much should I sell them for? - how large should they be before I sell them? -is anyone interested in buying some in the future?

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Most popular comments
for Male Betta Fish Tank Mates? Other Fish?

Troopz - 7 years ago
My betta is in with sharks and tetras and albino catfish........
Emily Foley
Emily Foley - 8 years ago
this guy is dumb, i have a betta in a tank with neons, harlequin rasboras, albino cories, red cherry shrimp, bristlenose plecos, and a mystery snail and they all get a long fine. All of his statistics are wrong and he cant even get the name of the fish right.
Brittany Underwood
Brittany Underwood - 8 years ago
They get along with all types of fish. Like all types.. they don't get along with other MALE Betas.
Trina Portner
Trina Portner - 8 years ago
can I put my female beta fish with a male beta fish in with a nerd each other
Jaemi Gi
Jaemi Gi - 8 years ago
they actually get along with many species of tetras and guppies. they are fine with snails and shrimp, but you need a 20+ tank. bettas aren't even from Japan. they are only territorial with other bettas so, then name is very misleading.
hanzifaction - 8 years ago
This guy is an asshole, but actually knows what he is talking about.
Kayla - 7 years ago
hanzifaction actually, he knows nothing about what he's talking about
NICOLE'S VLOG - 9 years ago
my male betta live for 3 years with hundreds of guppy tamsdown
Recklessly Arrogant
Recklessly Arrogant - 9 years ago
I have three tanks and my male bettas get along with my other fish so I have to dislike this video. You are wrong.
mocha the hybrid
mocha the hybrid - 9 years ago
1:27 he said he promised me that it won't work out but it did work out for my male.WERE DID THIS GUY GET HIS INFORMATION AT????????? Betta fish both genders can get along with other fish but a male betta with another male betta=disaster

10. comment for Male Betta Fish Tank Mates? Other Fish?

PumpkinPoem - 9 years ago
i bought some red cherries shrimp to be a clean up crew for my betta tank...yeah that whas a realy expensive snack for the betta :P
IHYDGM - 9 years ago
What were yo keeping the bettas in .5 gallon bowls
dana bicks
dana bicks - 9 years ago
I have a male betta with guppies, tetras, and hillstream loaches. My betta is the calmest of all the fish!
I disagree with you.
My Betta fish lived with a sucker fish, and they got along completely fine!
They both loved each other so much! They were like best buds.
They both lived together for about a year and a half before they (the sucker fish died first) both died. I noticed when my Sucker fish died, that my Betta fish became less active and seemed sad? And he wouldn't eat so that's how he died. :C
Laughing jack
Laughing jack - 9 years ago
I agreed with you
Elex Stoner
Elex Stoner - 9 years ago
I have to say I 100% disagree with you, as I'm listening to your video, my male is in a tank with many different types of fish, all my males(37) all live in 10 gallons with a devider between the males but I have other fish with then and the attack or flare, they are getting bullied by the other fish, and that's why they say they can't be with other fish, because the other fish beat them up and the males are only defending themselves
Mari Dass
Mari Dass - 9 years ago
Gunzang - 9 years ago
A snail
turpintine26 - 9 years ago
His fish didn't die because of tank mates they died from the ammonia build up from all the bullshit he spits out on a daily basis.
Erica Bigras
Erica Bigras - 9 years ago
my male beta is in a 25 gallon with 4 goldfish and a female beta. he is fine. and they have been together for months.
JH A RI EL - 9 years ago
bettas and goldfishes are not very compatible.. goldies are coldwater and bettas are tropical so its a huge NO!!

20. comment for Male Betta Fish Tank Mates? Other Fish?

Austin Ruiz-Castaneda
Austin Ruiz-Castaneda - 9 years ago
My male rose tail has been living with a 2 inch female Pleco
Prime Trickshots
Prime Trickshots - 9 years ago
This guy thinks he knows everything about bettas. But he clearly doesnt.
Austin Ruiz-Castaneda
Austin Ruiz-Castaneda - 9 years ago
I know right
riley Remington
riley Remington - 9 years ago
dude you are wrong I have a beta fish  with a lot of tank mates
Katie Mac Arts
Katie Mac Arts - 9 years ago
To those people who think they're correcting him on the Japanese/Siamese thing..... Niether of them are WRONG they're both slang names for bettas, whichever one is used, mostly depends on where you're from. So stop correcting someone who wasn't incorrect in the first place.
Gabe Varns
Gabe Varns - 9 years ago
It's not JAPANESE fighter fish it's SIAMESE fighter fish, but great video, I'm not hating.
LadyAnneBoleyn1536 - 10 years ago
Cute and smart!  I am a very happy new subscriber.  :-)
Squirrel Attackspidy
Squirrel Attackspidy - 10 years ago
Dude I loved your intro.  Who do they get along with?  Nobody! :)
I found your video trying to find out why my betta is trying to push his way through the tank wall.  He's constantly looking for a way to escape.  He hasn't tried to jump out of the tank.

Water chemistry levels are all good.   I clean it every week. Use my water treatment and up until recently, aquarium salt (I read it was bad to use regularly).    I was thinking he was just bored and was going to get him a playmate.
Love Goldens
Love Goldens - 10 years ago
I have to disagree with first male betta lived with male and female guppies, neon tetras,a sailfin pleco, mollies and yoyo loaches in a 55 gallon. He never tried to attack any of the fish. I only had him 6 months because he got a really bad fungal infection and died before I could treat him.

The betta I own now lives with other fish and he never fights with them. He never attempts to attack them.
Vicky Li
Vicky Li - 9 years ago
Agreed. I had my beautiful halfmoon black melano in a ten gallon with five white clouds. They did fine- the white clouds were to fast when the occasional chasing happened, and otherwise, it was great
Madi Saul
Madi Saul - 10 years ago
1. It's SIAMESE fighting fish, not Japanese.

2. Every fish is different. Some male betta fish are more aggressive than others, and cannot be kept with other fish. But there are still individuals who get along just fine with other fish. It's all about the individual fish, and that's the big issue. Everyone thinks that there has to be an answer that covers ALL individuals of a species, and that's just not possible. It is up to the owner of the fish to decide if their fish will get along with other fish. The idea that ALL male betta fish are aggressive towards ALL other species, is nothing but a stereotype.
PumpkinPoem - 9 years ago
+GreatBlueSkye he did say 1% works
Noal Chaffin
Noal Chaffin - 10 years ago
How often should you change the water for 1 male beta fish

30. comment for Male Betta Fish Tank Mates? Other Fish?

Deanna Cousart
Deanna Cousart - 10 years ago
Actually thre are a variety of fish that male bettas can live with I cant place all the names but if you have read some betta books you would know that 
Fiona Marshall
Fiona Marshall - 10 years ago
My Mom just put my Beta fish with my sisters Beta fish
I bet their not gonna make it through the night
Azlyn Sharp
Azlyn Sharp - 10 years ago
There is many fish that you can put with males! It is Siamese Fighting Fish not Japanese! Here's an online article that talks about this!
Cherry and Ghost Shrimp: These small, scavenging invertebrates are good tank mates for bettas in that they produce minimal waste, do not mind stagnant water, and can be kept in the same temperature range of bettas (though it will mean faster development and thus a shorter lifespan). Unfortunately, some bettas think ghost shrimp are a large, overpriced snack; if you see your betta harassing a shrimp, remove it promptly. You must also never use additives or medications containing copper to a betta tank containing shrimp, as it is highly toxic to these animals - as well as all other aquatic invertebrates.

Apple Snails: These colorful snails are an active, attractive addition to a betta tank. They are capable of surviving in lower oxygen environments, and tolerate tropical temperatures - with some reduction in overall lifespan due to the increased speed of development. They also adapt quickly to nipping and are generally too large for most bettas to kill or consume. However, the ideal conditions of both species is compromised to keep both in the same tank; apple snails do prefer oxygenated, filtered water and slightly lower temperatures. What's more, they demand for survival hard, slightly base water - the opposite of the betta's soft, acidic preferences.

African Dwarf Frogs: These tiny aquatic frogs are considered one of the best candidates for a betta's tank mate. The share the same preference for stagnant, warm, soft water, and are not as likely as other fish to attract a betta's aggression. However, it is essential to keep water conditions pristine, as they are very prone to bacterial infections with even moderate declines in water quality. What's more, as with invertebrates, African Dwarf Frogs have no tolerance for copper. Finally, be sure your ADF is getting sufficient nutrition; because both bettas and ADFs are carnivores, they will be at odds with each other for food competition. It may be wise to feed the betta or frog in another container, as food competition can illicit aggressive behavior.

Otoclinus Catfish: Many betta keepers house otoclinus catfish with their bettas. These small, low-waste fish are fantastic additions to planted tanks and greatly reduce algae. They are fast without being distracting, dully colored, and do not share the same water space as bettas - thus, they seldom encourage aggressive responses from bettas. However, they require an extremely stable environment, and thus require a matured, cycled tank - preferably planted. When stressed by fluctuations in water temperature and parameters, their digestive systems may shut down. It is also important that harassment from the betta be monitored, as this form of stress can be equally serious. Finally, remember that otos are a social species that prefer living in larger groups.

White Cloud Mountain Minnows For a tank mate more dynamic than bottom feeders, the white cloud mountain minnow is often an acceptable choice. This small, peaceful fish does not tend to nip fins, and can usually escape a betta's aggression with ease. They are very hardy, and inexpensive to purchase. However, they also prefer cooler water, so your betta's tank will need to be kept at the lower end of the preferred range. Also, a tank of at least 10g is preferred to 5g in this instance, as WCMMs are very active; your betta will need plenty of hides and plants to avoid feeling stressed.

Neon Tetras: In many ways compatible with bettas, neon tetras share a similar preference for pH, temperature, planting and light conditions. However, they may nip fins, and a minimum of six fish is essential - meaning no tanks under 10g

So be sure you actually know what you are talking about before you give people false information

Isaac Rodriguez
Isaac Rodriguez - 10 years ago
Do male betta fish get along with female bettas?
Isaac Rodriguez
Isaac Rodriguez - 10 years ago
xsarabearx1 - 10 years ago
No. The only time they can be put together is when they are breeding and immediately after the female deposits her eggs she needs to be removed because the male will instantly become protective of his nest and kill her.
Mario  Santos
Mario Santos - 10 years ago
I had my male betta and ghost shrimp and some neon tetras for like a year and a half now and they seem in perfect condition but i guessed you just had bad luck.
CL0WN FAC3 - 10 years ago
I thought they were siamese fighting fish
Stfu Fag
Stfu Fag - 10 years ago
Do a whale get along with betta fish
virlene lawrence
virlene lawrence - 11 years ago
In  my personal opinion,  the male betta is the pit bull of fish.  Having both experience with cuddly playful pitbull mix's and beautiful betta fish I thought I would offer my two cents.

I have been keeping fish for years and I have never had a problem with male bettas in a community tank.  Unless you are inexperienced, over stocked, or have a tank that is smaller then 10 gallons you should not have a problem. 

I am currently keeping one crown tail male betta, 8 rasboras harqlequin, 8 neon tetra, 1 female German blue ram cichlid, 1 male Bolivian ram cichlid, and 6 ghost shrimp in a 40 gallon high aquarium. All of the fish get along peacefully and I have not had any issues.  I would not recommend a ram + betta combo in anything smaller then 20 gallons + lots of hiding spaces and plants for the sake of the ram.

When you are keeping male bettas in a community tank you must make sure there are no other territorial fish in the tank and you must cater to his specific needs.  Of course, keep to the rule of no more then one male betta per tank unless it is split. 

In a large tank your fish seem to have their own territory.  Each fish require more space and different water perimeters.   My current female ram seems to like the upper levels in the tank.  That is why I am able to accommodate a male bolivian ram in the lower levels of my aquarium. 

Also keep in mind that a your betta will keep tabs at EVERY part of his territory...Unlike a jar where they just stay at the top...your little male will be at ever corner of his aquarium just as he should.

Some bettas are the exception and are extremely aggressive.  Just make sure you have a back up plan for those extremely aggressive males or females.

Bad tank mates 
Angelfish (your betta will be attacked or killed)
Blackskirt tetra  (your betta will always be hiding since black skirts are always on patrol)
Guppies (I've had nipped fins by female bettas)
Tiger barbs (or any other kind or territory fish)
any type of gourami

Good Tank Mates
Ram Cichlids (20 gallons + depending on your fish)
Neon Tetra
Rummy nose tetra
Ghost shrimp (39 cents at most stores and they are fun to watch)
Rasbora harlequin or any other small peaceful fish.

Your betta should be your main fish! For a 10 gallon I would recommend 1 betta, 1 mystery snail, and a group of ghost shrimp.   If you would like to keep anything more you would have to upgrade to a larger tank. 

I honestly have had more issues with females bettas then males in community tanks as large at 55 gallons.  Nipped fins, chasing, etc... This is just my opinion  and experience and I thought I'd share.  
dylan williss
dylan williss - 11 years ago
hey chris male fighting fish get with tetras but thats about it and females dont like mollies because i have atleast ten mollies and my female just kept nipping at there fins
Flaash Wii
Flaash Wii - 11 years ago
Try snails or ghost shrimp ;)
Michelle Aldridge
Michelle Aldridge - 11 years ago
20g tanks work very well and a limit to eight guppies and 1 make so he has enough room to swim around and not get stressed from territorial instincts
Michelle Aldridge
Michelle Aldridge - 11 years ago
If u have enough plants and places to hide u could put guppies in with him I'm very successful at doing that.
Anna McDermott
Anna McDermott - 11 years ago
Leopard plecos would get on fine with Siamese fighting fish.
Robin Morrisen
Robin Morrisen - 11 years ago
You can mix them with a lot of fish you don't no what u r on about
Wisnu Wiradana
Wisnu Wiradana - 11 years ago
I think it isn't japanese fighting fish, but siamese, betta are from south east asia, thailand, cambodia, indonesia, etc
Palmer Fish Q&A
Palmer Fish Q&A - 11 years ago
something else occurred, it couldn't have changed genders. What happens at times is walmart and such stores will mix up different breeds of males with females. There are some males that look super close to females and you have to watch it. I wouldn't sweat it too much. Some females will fight as much as males so its just a numbers game sometimes. Keep at it and don't take it too personal. Bigger tanks will usually solve aggresion
Randa Farag
Randa Farag - 11 years ago
ran out of characters :/ did my fish change gender ?
Randa Farag
Randa Farag - 11 years ago
hey, i had 5 betta fish, three were female and two are males. i have a tank thats divided into 3 and i have two of the males separate but i had three of the females together and one died then the following week the second female didn't look well i then noticed the other female fish was attacking it and the next morning the fish that didnt look well had a piece of its head ripped off and it was in a real bad condition so the following day it died :( just wondering, apparently fish change gender

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